What to do if your baby has an umbilical hernia. What is an umbilical hernia and for what reasons does it occur in children? Applications from oak bark decoction

After birth, the umbilical cord that connected mother and baby is cut off by medical workers. There is a gradual closure of its vessels, contraction skin in place of the umbilical ring and the formation of the navel itself. Sometimes disturbances in the development of a child can provoke the formation of minor defects, which result in the appearance umbilical hernia. The presence of this pathology in children under 1 year of age is very common. Its main manifestation is protrusion of the viscera in the navel area. The occurrence of the defect often occurs in newborn babies. Premature babies are at risk.

Causes of pathology

The umbilical ring is formed from the muscles and tissues that surround the umbilical cord. Normally, its closure occurs before the baby is born. If this does not happen, then there is a possibility of tissue protrusion through the uncovered area of ​​the umbilical opening. Medicine has not identified factors that prevent the ring from closing.

Often an umbilical hernia appears as a result of structural features of the body one year old child. Many children have poorly developed connective tissue. In premature babies, the umbilical opening is not completely closed at the time of birth. This causes weakness of the umbilical ring muscle and defects in the anterior abdominal wall. Long-term internal pressure in combination with constipation, severe coughing or prolonged crying can trigger the occurrence of an umbilical hernia. It may also appear when the child begins to walk. At this age, the development of pathology may be a consequence of the infant’s early adoption of a vertical position.

Hernia symptoms

In most cases, the appearance of a hernia occurs either immediately after birth or after some time. Sometimes the defect is so small and inconspicuous that it is discovered only during a medical examination. Parents manage to identify it closer to the child’s first year of age. The main symptoms of a hernia are:

  • expansion in the area of ​​the umbilical ring;
  • protrusion of the navel.

The protrusion may be completely invisible in calm state when the baby is lying on his back. It is possible to decrease in size in this position. Screaming and crying, on the contrary, contribute to the visual enlargement of the umbilical hernia. With light pressure on the defect site, the bulge flows into the abdominal cavity. Sometimes this process may be accompanied by a sound that resembles gurgling. Availability pain in infants it is possible in some cases that are associated with the structure of the hernia.

How to treat a navel hernia?

The treatment of a child’s umbilical hernia is described in the video:

It is possible to independently close an umbilical hernia in a baby without surgical intervention. For the age when the pathology self-liquidates, the size of the umbilical ring defect is very important. If it has a diameter of up to one and a half centimeters, then spontaneous closure can occur between the ages of 3 and 5 years. If after this period the hernia persists, then surgical intervention is required. If the diameter of the defect is large, independent closure of the umbilical ring is impossible. In this case, you will have to resort to the help of a pediatric surgeon a little earlier. In any case, with this diagnosis, you will have to register with a doctor who will examine the baby, conduct constant monitoring and give you his recommendations on how to treat an umbilical hernia in a one-year-old child.

Conservative methods of therapy that promote closure of the umbilical ring include:

  1. Carrying out general massage bodies.
  2. Front wall massage abdominal cavity.
  3. Placing the baby on his stomach.
  4. Applying an adhesive plaster bandage.
  5. Therapeutic gymnastics.

Full body massage and therapeutic physical culture are held in medical institution specialists. Parents can massage the abdominal wall at home. To perform this procedure, you need to stroke your baby's belly in a clockwise circular motion before each meal. After this, it is advisable to place the little one on his stomach for 10 to 15 minutes. These methods are suitable if you are planning to treat a small umbilical hernia. If the diameter of the defect is large, such methods of therapy will not bring the desired results.

One of the most effective conservative methods of treating umbilical hernia is laying out infant on the stomach. This action must be repeated several times a day 10 minutes before feeding. The baby is placed on a hard, uneven surface. For this purpose, you can adapt a changing table or regular table. The main rule that parents must follow is that the child should not be left alone. This way you will eliminate the possibility of your child falling and injuring himself. When laying out, it is recommended to carry out light massage back and limbs of the baby. You can simply stroke his body.

Abdominal massage is carried out as a treatment measure, but it can also be one of the ways to prevent this defect. It is prescribed by the local pediatrician and carried out within the walls of the clinic. Besides, pediatrician or the surgeon may recommend applying an adhesive bandage. There are several ways to use it. A patch for the treatment of hernia can be purchased at any pharmacy or specialized children's store. The doctor places a bandage around the baby's abdomen for up to 10 days. It is recommended that its width reach 4 cm. Medical worker the protrusion is reduced and the abdominal muscles are connected above the umbilical ring. If everything is done correctly, the folds on the stomach should not straighten. If removal of the bandage shows that the umbilical ring has not closed, then the procedure must be repeated. Repeating the course three times is enough to complete cure. Sometimes doctors apply the patch directly to the umbilical ring, because the formation of folds can damage the baby’s delicate skin.

Removing the defect surgically

The surgical method of treating a hernia is used by suturing the defect of the umbilical ring. The incision is made above the navel. It is small and will leave behind an inconspicuous scar if performed cosmetic stitch. Surgical treatment is used for girls after they reach 5 years of age if conservative methods do not bring the desired result. In future pregnancy, they are likely to have an enlarged hernia and strangulation. For boys, things are a little different. For them, an umbilical hernia is more likely cosmetic defect. Surgery for the stronger sex it is carried out only when there is a threat of infringement.

The operation takes from 15 to 20 minutes. It takes place using general anesthesia. After surgery, a rehabilitation period begins, which takes 1-2 weeks. All physical activity for a child are strictly prohibited for a month. The baby, who is 1 year old, is in the ward with his mother. For children over 3 years old, independent stay in the hospital is provided.

How to treat a hernia with folk remedies?

One of the methods used traditional healers, is a “conspiracy” of hernia. Most of them know that a hernia tends to close on its own up to 3 years. This gives them the opportunity to get some material benefits and pretend that they treated the child. “Conspiracy” of the hernia is accompanied by biting and pinching of the navel area. This achieves an effect that is similar to acupuncture.

Traditional medicine also recommends gluing a coin to the umbilical ring when treating a hernia. It must be copper and of a certain diameter. When bathing the baby, the coin is removed, and the defect site is treated with iodine directly in the water. Proven effectiveness this method at large sizes pathology when the diameter exceeds 1 cm.

Very often, with an umbilical hernia, gauze is applied to the site of the protrusion, which is previously soaked in juice. sauerkraut. Then a potato circle is placed on top. Its diameter should be approximately 2 cm. There is a lot of evidence that with this treatment, a child’s umbilical hernia can go away in 4 weeks.

An umbilical hernia in an infant is a problem that occurs quite often, and therefore often becomes the subject of misconceptions and controversy. In addition to traditional measures recommended by a pediatric surgeon, such as massage or gymnastics, parents often resort to conspiracies.

Symptoms of an umbilical hernia

An umbilical hernia is a hole in the muscle ring in the center of the abdomen, in the area of ​​the navel, which is caused by weakness of the umbilical muscles. It usually occurs in newborns, usually in the first days of a child’s life.

Symptoms of an umbilical hernia in infants are easy to notice even for inexperienced parents. After the baby's umbilical cord falls off, parents may notice a slight protrusion of the belly button that appears when the baby cries or strains. This protrusion can be easily reduced; this procedure does not cause concern to the child. Over time, the hernia may become larger. If the muscles of the umbilical ring have large size(the hernia also has a significant size), you can notice that the baby’s tummy in the navel area becomes slightly swollen when the baby cries.

Most often, an umbilical hernia is diagnosed pediatric surgeon or a pediatrician during an examination, which is carried out when the child is one month old. When pressing on the navel area, the finger enters the abdominal cavity (with normally developed abdominal muscles this is impossible).

Causes of umbilical hernia formation

The main reason for its occurrence is heredity. In other words, if the baby's parents have early childhood had an umbilical hernia, there is a high chance that their son or daughter will also encounter it. Sometimes you can come across the opinion that the cause of a hernia is improper cutting of the umbilical cord in the maternity hospital, which, of course, is not true, since the method of cutting the umbilical cord has nothing to do with the development of the abdominal muscles.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Treatment of umbilical hernia

Before each feeding, you need to place the baby on the stomach on short time. The child should lie on a flat and hard surface, on a table or on a changing table on which the diaper was placed. You need to start laying out the baby after complete healing, and, of course, under no circumstances should you leave the baby unattended, even if the parents are absolutely sure that the baby will not roll over, because he does not know how to do this, which means he will not go anywhere.

Massage of the tummy gives a good effect in the prevention and treatment of umbilical hernia in infants. To do this, you need to contact a professional massage therapist (of course, after consultation with a pediatrician). In addition, it is very useful to massage yourself.

Video: Massage for umbilical hernia

Massage begins from the second week of the baby’s life, provided that the umbilical wound has healed and does not bother the baby. It is recommended to carry out stroking movements (strictly clockwise, since this is how the body passes large intestine), so-called counter stroking and stroking the oblique abdominal muscles. In order to perform counter strokes, you need to move your left hand along right side tummy up, and right - along the left side of the tummy - down (movements are performed synchronously). Stroking the oblique muscles of the abdomen is performed as follows: one hand should be placed on the navel area, the other one should perform light stroking movements. All movements should be easy and bring pleasure to the baby. The baby should not cry during the massage. ()

In this article:

The displacement of some internal organs in the abdominal cavity beyond the navel ring leads to the diagnosis of an umbilical hernia in a newborn. This pathology occurs in every fifth baby born as a result of a normal pregnancy and childbirth, and in every third baby who was born prematurely.

Umbilical hernia diagnosed in infants is the most common surgical disease at 1 year of a child’s life. It is worth noting that minor defects umbilical ring are observed in almost all newborns.

The structure of the umbilical hernia

It is important for parents to understand what an umbilical hernia is if it is found in an infant. In the central part of the abdomen there is an umbilical ring consisting of ligaments. It was thanks to him that during pregnancy the child received nutrition and oxygen through the mother’s umbilical cord. After childbirth, the umbilical cord is ligated, its vessels should normally tighten, and the ring itself should close and heal with connective tissue.

If this doesn't happen, internal organs(usually the omentum and intestinal loops) begin to protrude through it from the inside. A similar situation can occur in a mother: if the umbilical ring stretches and weakens during pregnancy, a hernia after or usual is guaranteed.

After birth, all children have a weak and not completely overgrown umbilical ring, so minor visual signs of an umbilical hernia in a newborn will be noticeable. But in most children, this condition quickly and independently goes away within 1 month, while others are diagnosed and prescribed the necessary treatment to prevent strangulation of the umbilical hernia in newborns.


The main reasons that result in an umbilical hernia in a baby are associated with anatomically weak tissues in the navel area. But if there are predisposing factors, the disease develops more often.

These include:

  • infant deficiency at birth;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • frequent conditions during which intra-abdominal pressure increases (crying, etc.);
  • weak muscle tone, characteristic of rickets;
  • gender: umbilical hernia in newborn boys is diagnosed less often than among girls .

Many parents believe that the disease is preceded by improper ligation of the child's umbilical cord immediately after birth. This is just a myth because this action cannot in any way affect muscle weakness and expansion of the umbilical ring.

Anatomical features

There are two types of hernia in infants - congenital and acquired.

Congenital pathology develops as a result of the anatomical features of the child’s body. Some babies are born with dysplasia connective tissue. The muscles and tissues of the umbilical ring and abdominal wall in such children are also weak. Therefore, newborns develop an umbilical hernia, which requires treatment.

An acquired hernia is formed against the background of frequent tension in the abdominal wall, when the internal organs are affected by increased intra-abdominal pressure. In this case, compliance preventive measures will help get rid of the expected development of an umbilical hernia in newborns.

Reasons for prolonged non-closure of the umbilical ring

If a child cries for a long time and often, suffers from constipation and bloating, his tummy is in constant voltage. The same condition often occurs in infants when it is summer outside and the baby reacts to the heat with severe anxiety. Increased intra-abdominal pressure prevents the normal contraction of the umbilical ring, which means that loops of intestine or omentum may end up in it. In this case, young parents can see what an umbilical hernia looks like in newborns with the naked eye.

To prevent this, it is necessary to pay more attention to the child and prevent prolonged crying. At the first signs of protrusion, treatment should not be carried out at home, especially using a spell that does not have therapeutic effects. If you have signs of the disease, you should inform your doctor, who will give appropriate recommendations.


An umbilical hernia in infants is detected as early as 1 month of life. A navel that sticks out forward is visible to the naked eye, however, in some babies it is just anatomical feature, which is called the “cutaneous navel”. In order not to confuse this condition with a true disease, parents should be aware of umbilical hernia in infants.

So, the symptoms of a navel hernia in a child will be as follows:

  • a rounded protrusion in the area of ​​the umbilical ring, easily retractable, its diameter varies between 1-10 cm;
  • when the baby is relaxed, the pathology is most often invisible, but as soon as the abdominal wall is strained, the disease returns again;
  • the child is restless, weather sensitive;
  • The hernia itself does not cause pain in a child, but is often accompanied by flatulence, which leads to unnecessary anxiety in the baby.

If in the background of this disease severe abdominal bloating, pain, general weakness, nausea and vomiting are likely we're talking about about complications of umbilical hernia in infants - coprostasis. In this case, there is an accumulation feces in the intestines, which cause serious discomfort to the child. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

How to determine the presence of an umbilical hernia?

Externally, the navel looks enlarged, and when the baby cries, it becomes even larger. When pressed, it goes inside the abdominal cavity, and a specific gurgling sound appears. Based on these signs, the mother herself can determine the presence of a hernia in the baby.

The final diagnosis is made by a pediatrician or surgeon during an examination of the child. If the situation is advanced, they are assigned additional methods diagnostics - radiography, ultrasound, herniography, which are necessary before surgical treatment.


An umbilical hernia in a newborn requires compulsory treatment under the supervision of a doctor. When choosing a tactic, the specialist takes the size and symptoms of an umbilical hernia in infants as a basis. If the protrusion is more than 2 cm, surgery is necessary. The doctor may also suggest massage, wearing a bandage and an umbilical hernia patch for newborns. How to treat an umbilical hernia?


If the pathology is mild, the specialist will offer observation and will not rush into surgical treatment. A simple procedure for umbilical hernia in newborns, performed by a professional, gives good results.

Movements during the procedure should be light, without physical effort or pressure in the following directions:

  • clockwise;
  • counter;
  • along the oblique muscles.

These movements must be supplemented by rubbing the abdomen and gentle pinching around the umbilical ring. Also during the massage you should perform light soothing strokes.

Laying on the tummy

Prevention and treatment of umbilical hernia in newborns can be practiced in this simple way. Pediatricians recommend placing the baby on a hard surface on his stomach a quarter of an hour before feeding. Once in this position, the baby will be active, moving all parts of the body. At the same time, intra-abdominal pressure is noticeably reduced due to the removal of gases. Systematic placement on the tummy strengthens the muscles of the abdominal wall.


Surgery for umbilical hernia in newborns is performed for the following indications:

  • increase in size of protrusion (in children from 1 year);
  • strangulated hernia;
  • Diagnosis persistence for up to 5 years.

The main goal of the operation is to remove the defect of the umbilical ring. The method is called hernioplasty. The doctor excises the hernial sac, sutures and strengthens the hernial orifice, returning the internal organs to the abdominal cavity. The operation lasts no more than half an hour. On the same day, if there are no complications, the child can return home.

Traditional methods

Among the popular traditional methods Treatment of umbilical hernia in infants is a conspiracy. Our ancestors believed that this pathology appears in children due to the influence of evil forces. The technique is as follows: after the child wakes up, the mother needs to lightly bite the protrusion on her stomach and say the following spell: “Hernia, I’m gnawing on you, you have one tooth, and I have all seven, I’ll eat you.” Read the plot three times, each time spitting over your left shoulder.

Whether or not to believe that treatment of an umbilical hernia in newborns using this method will work is up to everyone. But it is better to entrust the child’s health to professionals.

An umbilical hernia bandage for newborns is also used. This is a belt made of natural elastic fabric. The product strengthens the abdominal muscles, promoting the healing of the umbilical ring. It is put on in the morning, after first setting the hernial sac into the abdominal cavity, and worn throughout the day.

You can also purchase an umbilical hernia patch for newborns, which is sold at the pharmacy. A wide band of plaster fixes the abdominal wall, allowing the protrusion to be reduced. The patch is changed every 10 days. It is better to entrust the procedure of gluing the patch to a doctor.


If the umbilical hernia of a newborn is pinched, it is necessary to urgently go to the hospital. This condition is a complication of this disease - the internal organs trapped in the umbilical ring are blocked in it as a result of spasm. Blood vessels the intestines are under pressure, no blood flows into them, and the child’s condition deteriorates sharply.

Apart from surgery, nothing can help with a pinched hernia. Fortunately, this complication is very rare.


Proper care of the baby and implementation preventive measures make it possible to prevent the development of an umbilical hernia in a child under 1 year of age, even if there is a predisposition to this disease.

So, what should be the prevention:

  • keeping it with the mother allows children to avoid digestive problems in the 1st year of life, namely constipation, flatulence,;
  • a nursing mother must observe, avoiding foods that cause flatulence in the child (grapes, beans, cabbage, etc.);
  • You should not allow your child to cry for a long time and often; you need to protect him from colds, since crying and coughing increase intra-abdominal pressure, and, therefore, can aggravate the symptoms of an umbilical hernia in newborns.

Despite the fact that this disease is in fact easily curable, the lack of preventive measures and basic ignorance of parents about what an umbilical hernia looks like in newborns, what to do and how to treat this condition can cause serious consequences. The most dangerous of them is pinching of the hernial sac and the organs that were in it at that time. In the absence necessary treatment this state may result in necrosis and peritonitis, which is life-threatening for the child.

Useful video about umbilical hernia

An umbilical hernia in newborns, infants, and children is a protrusion of internal organs ( big oil seal and/or intestinal loops) beyond the abdominal wall through the hole resulting from a patent umbilical ring.

It is more common in children under one year of age, but can also occur at 11-12 years of age. They can be congenital or acquired.

Causes of umbilical hernia in newborns, children, infants

In the occurrence of congenital umbilical hernia in newborns, a significant role is played by:

  1. genetic predisposition to weakness of the abdominal muscles,
  2. complicated pregnancy,
  3. prematurity, low birth weight,
  4. various congenital anomalies connective tissue,
  5. rickets,
  6. increased intra-abdominal pressure (frequent prolonged crying, flatulence, constipation).

The opinion that the midwife incorrectly cut off the umbilical cord during childbirth, which led to a hernia, is fundamentally incorrect: the technique of applying the staple does not affect this pathology in any way.

Noteworthy are acquired umbilical hernias that appear for the first time after 2-4 years of a child’s life. Their occurrence is associated with a lag in the growth of the connective tissue layer of the abdominal wall in the peri-umbilical region. Self-healing of such hernias is not possible; they are not treated conservatively, therefore they are operated on as planned upon diagnosis.

Symptoms of umbilical hernia in newborns, infants and children (signs)

Already at birth (usually at 1-2 months), an umbilical hernia manifests itself as a small bulge in the navel area, which increases when crying, sneezing or coughing. More often than not it doesn't call discomfort in the child and only worries his parents.

The main signs of an umbilical hernia in newborns:

  • looks like a bulge in the umbilical area, ranging in size from 0.5 millimeters to 1.5-2 centimeters;
  • easily adjusted when pressed with a finger into the abdominal cavity;
  • it is invisible in a lying position and appears only when straining;
  • sometimes it can be painful (with a narrow hernial orifice, reduction is more difficult, resulting in partial strangulation of the hernia); which causes discomfort to the baby, he behaves restlessly and cries more often.

Consequences of an umbilical hernia in a child

The most serious complication of an umbilical hernia in infants is strangulation. When pinched (muscle spasm around the umbilical ring), the hernial protrusion hardens, becomes irreducible and can lead to intestinal obstruction(why a hernia is life-threatening).

Signs of infringement:

  1. the child is being disturbed severe pain, which is manifested by prolonged, loud crying, he becomes irritable, refuses to eat, and vomiting may occur;
  2. the protrusion cannot be reduced into the abdominal cavity;
  3. temperature rise is possible.

Every parent of a child with an umbilical hernia should know what to do in this situation.

An umbilical hernia in newborns, the symptoms of which are aggravated by the appearance of a strangulation clinic, must be urgently operated on.

Treatment of umbilical hernia in newborns, infants, children

An umbilical hernia in newborns does not always require surgical treatment. Unlike adults, in whom in any case only surgical intervention for an umbilical hernia is possible, in children surgery is performed more often after 5-6 years (sometimes after 7 years) if the hernial protrusion does not go away over time and increases in size.

In more early age the operation is performed only in the presence of large hernial orifices (more than two centimeters), as well as in case of strangulation or other complications. In a planned manner, hernia removal is carried out no earlier than 1-3 years. The question of whether surgery is needed is decided by the doctor.

Under general anesthesia(in children over 8-9 years old, under local anesthesia) an incision is made on the underside of the hernia along skin fold, along a curved line. The surgeon opens the hernial sac, examines its contents, which is then inserted into the abdominal cavity and excises the sac itself. After this, the edges of the hernial orifice are sutured and a cosmetic intradermal suture is applied with absorbable threads. The duration of the operation is no more than 20 minutes. You can find out how much the operation costs in any surgical department of a children's hospital.

Postoperative period

This surgical intervention is not dangerous and is well tolerated by the child. If there are no complications such as seroma, hematoma or wound infection, discharge occurs on the same day.

Recurrences of the hernia are rare (usually 2 years after surgery) and occur only when large defects are sutured with tension or when there is an undetected concomitant periumbilical hernia.

Conservative treatment of umbilical hernia in newborns, infants and children

Placing the baby on his stomach is enough effective way strengthening the muscles of the abdominal wall.

This procedure is also good because it helps to avoid bloating, eliminates constipation, normalizes stool, and promotes the release of gases.

Massage for umbilical hernia

No manipulations can be performed in the umbilical ring itself. All techniques are performed around the navel. Massage before feeding the baby, 2-3 times a day. Duration - about 5 minutes, gradually increasing the time as the child grows up. You can massage your child yourself, or you can invite a professional massage therapist.

Some tricks:

  • stroking around the navel with the edge of the palm or warm fingers in a clockwise direction, 5-10 circular movements,
  • collective movements towards the navel from the lateral surfaces of the tummy (make a “slide”), 10-15 times,
  • pinching the area around the navel, 20-30 seconds,
  • tapping with fingertips (like “rain”), 20-30 seconds,
  • movements of the palms towards each other with moderate pressure along the rectus abdominis muscles (one hand goes from below, the other from above), 5-10 times.

Therapeutic gymnastics is recommended from 2.5-3 weeks of a baby’s life; in children under 1 year of age, it is best performed with a specialist. Exercise therapy helps strengthen the muscle corset and has an effect on the body restorative effect, normalizes neuromuscular excitability.

Applying an adhesive plaster is another method conservative therapy umbilical hernia in a baby, it is recommended only after the umbilical wound has healed. The doctor decides how to apply the patch. It is important to first correct the hernia so that the umbilical ring can close, because while the internal organ is emerging into the hernial sac, this is impossible.

The adhesive plaster is applied for 10 days, then the surgeon removes it and examines the baby again. If after three sessions the umbilical hernia in newborns, treated with this method, is not cured, then attempts are stopped.

It is recommended that children wear a bandage for an umbilical hernia to prevent strangulation. A bandage with a pelot promotes recovery, since as the child grows, the muscles of the abdominal wall strengthen and the diameter of the umbilical ring decreases, which leads to irreversible closure of the hernial orifice.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of an umbilical hernia by gluing a coin, a bean, or using “spells” is used by people quite often, although it does not help get rid of the disease. These methods have become widespread only because umbilical hernia in infants often goes away on its own.

Using a copper coin attached with a patch can cause skin irritation with infection and an allergic reaction.

Whey compress, fern treatment, clay cakes, infusion oak bark and similar procedures do not have a scientific evidence base.


The following areas of preventive measures can be distinguished:

  1. Preventing conditions that increase intra-abdominal pressure: avoid increased gas formation and constipation (diet for a breastfeeding mother), do not let the baby scream and cry for a long time.
  2. Strengthening the anterior abdominal wall: preventive massage, laying on the stomach, infant swimming.

The most common ailment in infants is an umbilical hernia. The disease is diagnosed in every fifth baby, and among premature babies - in every third. Protrusion of the skin in the area of ​​the umbilical ring in a newborn causes discomfort to the baby and worries parents very much, but fortunately it is very treatable.

What causes an umbilical hernia and why is it dangerous?

Ensuring vital functions in the womb of the fetus occurs through the umbilical cord, which is cut off and tied immediately after birth. Within a week, the remaining umbilical cord should fall off and the umbilical ring should close. In the navel area there are no strong muscles that can hold the internal organs as a frame , and if the ring does not close, protrusion of the peritoneum occurs. This pathology is diagnosed as an umbilical hernia.

The causes are very varied. And they can be conditionally divided into intrauterine and provoking illness after birth.

Causes of congenital umbilical hernia formation

  • Genetic predisposition . In 70% of cases, the pathology is inherited. A hernia that bothered one of the parents in childhood increases the risk of congenital connective tissue failure in the infant.
  • Underdevelopment of connective tissue . Those born ahead of schedule or with low weight children connecting function tissues do not have time to develop to normal.
  • Muscle weakness . It is an anatomical feature.
  • External factors . Addictions, stress and poor nutrition mother. Unfavorable environment.

If the baby has a predisposition to the disease, after birth the situation may be aggravated by certain factors...

  • Concomitant diseases. Pathologies of the abdominal wall, rickets.
  • Digestive problems. Constipation and colic increase intra-abdominal pressure.
  • Coughing, sneezing, severe crying.

The baby’s navel is outward and sticks out - what could it be?

The protrusion may appear immediately after birth due to congenital causes, and also after some time (from 1 to 3 months), provoked external factors with weakness of the abdominal muscles.

During the healing period of the wound and after the remnants of the umbilical cord fall off, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the baby’s abdomen. A swelling in the navel area may indicate a disease.

But a protruding navel is not always diagnosed as a navel hernia; it may also be an anatomical feature of the navel structure.

With a real hernia, an open ring can be felt and it can be easily pushed inward. The bulge can be barely noticeable, or it can reach the size of a small pear - this directly depends on the size of the unclosed umbilical ring.

Signs of the disease largely depend on the size of the hernia itself.

  • Small bulge It can be barely noticeable in a calm state of the baby, and shows itself in moments of tension in the baby’s abdomen. Crying, sneezing, and grunting cause increased intra-abdominal pressure and the skin bulges outward. The process does not cause discomfort or pain to the baby.
  • Large visible all the time, and in moments of tension it increases even more. The child shows some anxiety, but not because of pain, but frequent bloating that provoke this condition.
  • Pinching happens quite rarely. Consolidation of the protrusion, change in color, temperature and anxiety of the baby should alert parents and become a reason for urgent emergency care. It is impossible to hesitate and hope for an independent solution to the problem in this situation, because strangulation is fraught with the death of part of the intestine and peritonitis.

How to determine a navel hernia in a baby - is it normal or a disease?

A hernia in a newborn has visual symptoms, so it can often be detected independently

  1. Bulging above the navel measuring 0.5-5 centimeters.
  2. Appearance and an increase in the size of the navel with abdominal tension.
  3. When bloated Intestinal contractions may occur.
  4. You can do it yourself insert the ring into the abdominal cavity.
  5. Reduction accompanied by gurgling sounds.
  6. In most cases this process is painless.

But only a pediatrician should make a final diagnosis, which is why periodic examinations at the clinic are so important.

The doctor will be able to determine the size of the boundaries of the protrusion, select treatment methods and, if necessary, especially difficult cases, will refer you for consultation to a surgeon.

Complications of the disease are rare, but very dangerous for the baby’s health.

Therefore, parents should urgently seek help if a number of symptoms of infringement appear.

  • The protrusion becomes dense and changes color.
  • It is impossible and strictly prohibited to reduce the swelling.
  • The baby cries a lot, is nervous, and is in a painful state.
  • Possible fever and vomiting.

The strangulated hernia is urgently operated on.

How to quickly cure an umbilical hernia in a child?

In most cases, the disease goes away on its own by three and sometimes by five years. Timely and correct treatment at first, significantly reduces the time frame, increasing the chances of quick recovery. Treatment is most often carried out conservative methods, V in rare cases resort to the help of a surgeon.

It is necessary to combat the disease comprehensively. Parents carry out all prescribed treatment independently, periodically observing a pediatrician; hospitalization is not required. But a number of conditions must be observed.

  1. It is important to exclude factors that provoke bloating : improve bowel function by choosing suitable drugs from bloating, colic and constipation. It is necessary to prevent colds, which can lead to severe cough and sneezing.
  2. Strengthen your abdominal muscles . To do this, it is necessary to constantly do gymnastic exercises and massage for the child, and place it on the tummy.
  3. Artificially holding the navel to prevent bloating. To do this, you need to use a bandage, bandages and plasters.

Traditional medicine against disease

Traditional treatment for childhood hernia is based on its spontaneous closure and has no scientific basis.

Conspiracies will not help close the umbilical ring or strengthen the muscles. The only thing that can help with this is stroking and pinching. But you can do this yourself, without the intervention of some unknown forces. It is even more important to ask your doctor’s permission for this procedure.

Gluing a copper nickel, has no beans therapeutic effect, but forcibly retains the bloating. But in this procedure there is also a danger of infection and the possibility of allergic reactions.

Compresses made from cabbage, whey, fern, oak bark infusion, and clay cakes have a calming effect on parents, but do not help get rid of the problem.

Is surgery necessary?

Protrusions various sizes lend themselves perfectly conservative treatment, but there are times when the help of a surgeon is necessary.

Indications for surgical intervention there are certain situations

  • Strangulation or predisposition to strangulation of a hernia.
  • Complications such as infections or rupture of the protrusion.
  • Growth of the bulge after six months.
  • Maintaining dimensions greater than 1.5 cm at the age of two years.
  • The baby's umbilical ring did not close until he was five years old.

The operation to remove a hernia is simple and carried out as planned. TO emergency surgery They resort only to ruptures and infringements. The procedure does not involve opening the abdominal cavity, it is performed under local or general anesthesia - depending on the age and condition of the child, and involves suturing the navel defect.

Massage and gymnastics

Strengthening the abdominal muscles plays an important role in the treatment of the disease. Exercise therapy and massages effectively help with this.

It is useful to place the baby on his stomach before feeding . A child in this position actively moves and trains his muscles. The procedure can be performed regardless of the baby’s age.

The massage is carried out after the navel has healed. Before the procedure begins, the swelling is reduced and fixed. If this cannot be done, the protrusion is pressed and held with one hand, and massage procedures are performed with the other.

During the massage, techniques aimed at strengthening muscles are alternated with soothing ones. Circular, counter, and oblique muscle stroking, pinching and rubbing are allowed. Also applies acupressure by pressing around the navel.

As the baby grows, gymnastics becomes more complicated and more exercises are added. , corresponding to the child’s age capabilities: squats, crawling, turning over, bending, raising legs, arching the spine.

Prevention of disease

The problem with the navel usually appears in the first month of a baby’s life. There is also a high risk of developing pathology with weakened muscles during the subsequent months of the child’s life.

Therefore, it is necessary to carry out preventive procedures

  • To do this, you need to eliminate irritants , which can provoke illness and strengthen the baby’s muscles.
  • Issues related to the normalization of intestinal function are resolved proper diet . This applies to both feeding the baby and feeding the mother. It is necessary to exclude products causing bloating, colic. Constipation is common in formula-fed children.
  • The right mixture will help solve this problem too. . It is also necessary to use medicines as prescribed by a pediatrician, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system.
  • The problem of strengthening the abdominal muscles can be solved with preventive massage and age-related gymnastics. Swimming is very effective.

Timely detected disease and complex treatment will help quickly get rid of an umbilical hernia and guarantee peace of mind for parents.