Therapeutic massage. Therapeutic massage: technique for restoring the body General therapeutic massage

Massage at the clinic Restorative Medicine, Northern Administrative Okrug.

Therapeutic medical massage is carried out more intensively than classic or relaxing; the actions of the massage therapist are aimed at removing blocks and clamps, special attention is given to problem areas where there are deviations and pathologies. During a therapeutic massage, the patient experiences quite intense sensations.

In principle, any professional massage can be called medicinal- he mobilizes protective forces body, increases immunity, has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular, nervous, digestive, respiratory systems, blood circulation, relieves congestion, improves joint mobility, is effective for radiculitis, osteochondrosis.

Therapeutic massage in Moscow - VosstMed clinic

The Restorative Medicine Medical Center practices massage as one of the main procedures for treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system, joints, muscles and ligaments.

Segmental and acupressure massage

Segmental medical massage involves influencing the segments in which changes have occurred (muscles, skin, bone). Reflex changes are corrected with special massage techniques. The affected areas are found by palpation; when painful areas and increased excitability of a particular segment are identified, work begins to eliminate the source of pathology.

Segmental massage includes acupressure, which is considered a species.

Each type of medical massage has its own advantages; in each individual case, the doctor will be able to advise one or another type of mechanical action depending on the treatment objectives.

General therapeutic body massage

Professional body massage at the VostMed clinic, photo

General medical body massage is a special type of massage in which the entire body is massaged, rather than individual areas. This type of procedure helps to relax and get rid of many diseases; it helps to achieve an effect on all systems of the body - muscular, digestive, lymphatic, endocrine, nervous, and the circulatory system. General therapeutic massage affects all areas of the body, helps get rid of insomnia, fatigue, stress, improves skin condition, improves metabolic processes and digestion of food, reduces the patient’s weight, calms the nervous system.

Features of classic massage

The most popular is classic therapeutic massage, on the basis of which all other massage techniques are built. Stroking, kneading, rubbing are present in different types of massage, but in the classic one they are used longer, repeated more often, and have a certain repetition order.

First, the collar area is massaged, then the hands move along the location of the lymphatic pathways. Stimulating movements give the body strength, relieve stress, and increase overall tone. After a session of classic therapeutic massage, a person experiences a surge of strength, they leave painful sensations, sleep and appetite improves. Massage is good not only for improving well-being, but also for lifting your mood.

Massage (from the French massage - to rub) - a scientific complex sound practices mechanical dosed impact on the surface of the human body, produced by the hands of a massage therapist, a device or a stream of water.

The mechanism of action of massage is similar to physical exercise.

Massage can be called passive gymnastics.

Massage classification

Distinguish the following types massage.
I. By purpose:
1. Medicinal (used for many diseases).
2. Hygienic (used to promote health, improve functional state, prevention of complications).
3. Sports:
a) preliminary (used by athletes to prepare for training or competition);
b) restorative (used after sports training or competition);
c) training (used in addition to training).
4. Cosmetic (facial massage):
a) hygienic (used for hygienic purposes and to prevent skin aging);
b) medicinal (used for diseases of the maxillofacial area).
5. Gynecological - therapeutic bimanual massage (used in gynecology).

II. According to the method:

- Classical (based on layer-by-layer effects on tissue using four basic classical techniques).
- Segmental-reflex (based on the impact on reflexogenic zones, areas with increased sensitivity).
- Point (impact on biological active points).
- Other types: periosteal, connective tissue, intestinal, oriental, Swedish, Finnish. These types of massages are rarely used here.

III. By technique:
1. Manual.
2. Instrumental (brush, cup, massagers).
3. Hardware.
4. Hydromassage.

The action of massage is based on complex interdependent reflex, neurohumoral and local processes caused by dosed mechanical action.

Mechanical irritations applied to tissues by special techniques cause excitation of mechanoreceptors designed to convert the energy of mechanical action into the energy of nervous excitation ( initial link in the chain of neuroreflex reactions). Excitation of receptors in the form of centripetal (afferent) impulses is transmitted along sensitive pathways to the central nervous system (spinal cord, cerebellum, functional formations of the brain stem and cortex cerebral hemispheres brain), where it is formed into a general complex reaction and causes various functional changes in the body.

When conducting massage techniques heat is generated in the tissues. Therefore, massage acts as a thermal stimulus and excites the thermal receptor system. The resulting excitation is transmitted to the regulating vasomotor center located in the medulla oblongata, and then, moving to the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, causes a reflex change in the lumen of the blood vessels.

Massage promotes formation in the skin chemicals, histamine and acetylcholine, which dilate arterioles, mobilize the body's defenses, stimulate muscle activity, increase the rate of transmission of nerve excitation from one nerve cell to another and from a nerve cell to a muscle cell (neurohumoral mechanism of massage).

In addition to neuroreflex and neurohumoral, massage has a mechanical effect on muscle capillaries, which can contract due to Rouget cells located in their walls. However, the lumen of the capillaries is also affected by chemical irritants: adrenaline, norepinephrine, lactic acid, ATP.

At the most various diseases massage has a beneficial effect on the normalization of gas exchange, mineral and protein metabolism, promotes the removal of metabolic products from the body, stimulates protective and adaptive mechanisms, as well as specific and nonspecific immunity(N.A. Belaya, 1983).

The most physiological massage is considered to be performed by the hands of a qualified specialist. The duration and intensity of the procedure depend on the nature and activity of the pathological process, the clinical form of the disease, the localization of the massaged area, age and concomitant diseases. Based on this, there are indications and contraindications for therapeutic massage.

General indications

General indications for massage with acute diseases are: satisfactory condition sick; completion of the acute phase of the disease; periods of early and late convalescence; absence of signs of exacerbation and relapse of the disease, as well as exacerbation of concomitant diseases; patient consent to the procedure.

General indications for massage for chronic diseases: completion of the exacerbation phase, satisfactory condition of the patient; absence of febrile temperature, signs of decompensation of the underlying and concomitant diseases.

In each specific case, the indications are determined by the characteristics of the course of the disease, the predominant lesion of a particular system, organ, area, etc. In this regard, with predominant lesion cardiovascular system indications for massage are (N.A. Belaya, 1987): ischemic disease heart disease, myocardial infarction, cardiosclerosis, hypertension, hypotension, myocardial dystrophy, heart defects, diseases of the arteries and veins.

Indications for massage for diseases of the respiratory system: chronic nonspecific lung diseases - chronic pneumonia, bronchitis, emphysema, pneumosclerosis, bronchial asthma.

Indications for massage in pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, along with chronic diseases of this system without exacerbation, are syndromes reflecting damage to individual digestive organs: esophagitis, gastritis, duodenitis, enteritis, colitis, their combination (gastroenterocolitis, etc.), cholecystitis , cholangitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, Crohn's disease, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, allergies and autoimmune diseases, other pathological conditions. The above syndromes often develop with foodborne diseases, acute and chronic intestinal infections, acute and chronic viral hepatitis, cholangitis, amebiasis and other diseases.

Diseases of the central nervous system, predominantly of traumatic origin, are often found in general somatic hospitals. Massage is prescribed for injuries, consequences of cerebrovascular accidents, cerebral atherosclerosis, children's cerebral palsy, neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis, consequences of poliomyelitis, etc.

Indications for injuries of the musculoskeletal system are soft tissue bruises, sprains of ligaments and tendons, fractures and their consequences. Massage is used for rheumatoid arthritis, with Bekhterev-Strumpel-Marie disease, with deforming osteoarthritis, with scoliotic disease, flat feet.

General contraindications

General contraindications for massage are: the acute phase of the disease, the presence of febrile temperature, hypotonic (collaptoid) conditions, dizziness, severe weakness, bleeding and tendency to it, vascular thrombosis, severe violations heart rhythm, circulatory failure III degree, blood diseases, purulent processes of any localization, excessive mental or physical fatigue, benign and malignant tumors, general severe condition, Quincke's edema and other severe manifestations of allergies.

Contraindications for cardiovascular diseases are: acute myocardial ischemia that occurs suddenly, hypertensive or hypotensive crisis, thrombus-obliterating arterial diseases lower limbs in the stage of decompensation, vascular aneurysm, aorta, heart, acute inflammation, thrombosis, significant varicose veins veins with trophic disorders, inflammation lymph nodes, blood vessels, pulmonary-heart failure of the III degree.

Contraindications for massage in case of respiratory pathology: acute febrile conditions, exudative pleurisy in the acute phase, bronchiectasis in the acute stage (with decay), pulmonary heart failure of the III degree, active form tuberculosis, neoplasms, acute injury and respiratory burns.

During development infectious diseases contraindications are: hemoptysis, acute bronchospasm, croup of II-III degrees, indomitable cough with sputum production, artificial ventilation lungs, inflammatory processes on the skin chest(pyoderma, bedsores), etc.

Contraindications for prescribing massage for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract: pain on palpation of the abdomen, nausea, vomiting and signs of exacerbation of the inflammatory process, a tendency to bleeding, as well as acute inflammatory processes in the pelvic cavity in women, pregnancy, early postpartum and post-abortion period, tuberculosis peritoneum and intestines, tumors of the abdominal organs.

Therapeutic massage is not used for acute (subacute) liver disease, renal failure, toxic hepatic encephalopathy, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, severe diarrhea (colitic) syndrome, ascites, diseases of the skin of the abdomen and related areas.

For diseases of central and peripheral nervous system Contraindications for massage are: sharp pains various localizations, including causalgia, acute radiculoneuritis with ganglionitis, acute radicular syndrome due to osteochondrosis or another genesis, encephalitis, myelitis with trophic disorders in the acute phase, tumors of various locations, diencephalic crisis, vasomotor disorders associated with the disorder endocrine system, neuroses with affective outbursts, obsessive state, seizures, sexual neuroses, impotence due to irritable weakness, excessive mental or physical fatigue. Massage is also not performed if symptoms of intoxication (temperature) persist, the process worsens (appearance of meningeal, focal and pathological symptoms), with an unknown diagnosis, complications associated with the underlying disease, and in some other situations.

Contraindications for massage for various diseases are: the presence of a rash of any origin on the skin, hemorrhagic exanthems, “bruises”, staphylo-, strepto- and other dermatitis, bedsores, wounds, aseptic dressings. Massage is not performed for tuberculosis and skin tumors, eczema, fungal diseases of the nails, scalp and skin, and some other diseases.

Types of therapeutic massage

As already noted, in clinical practice, classical, segmental reflex and acupressure manual massage are predominantly used.

Classic massage

The main techniques of classical massage are stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration.


With this technique, the massaging hand glides over the skin, pressing on it and not collecting it into folds. There are planar (superficial, deep), grasping (continuous, intermittent), as well as forceps, rake, comb-shaped stroking, cross-shaped stroking and ironing. These techniques begin the massage, they are included between other main techniques and they complete the procedure. As a result of stroking, lymph and blood flow accelerates, the function of the sweat glands improves, and a hemostimulating effect occurs (V.N. Moshkov, 1954). The effect of this technique is aimed at the superficial layers of the skin (epidermis and dermis).


This is a movement of the hand along the surface of the body with deep pressure and displacement of the underlying tissues. As a result, a shift occurs and formation occurs in front of the moving hand. skin fold. Rubbing is performed with the fingers, the edge of the elbow or the base of the palm in a straight line or spiral. Auxiliary techniques are also used: pliers and comb-like rubbing, sawing, hatching, planing. This technique precedes kneading and affects all layers of the skin, including subcutaneous fat and fascia.


Designed to target muscles. The essence of this technique is that the massaged muscle is grabbed by the hands, lifted and pulled, and then squeezed and, as it were, squeezed out. There are longitudinal and transverse kneading. TO auxiliary techniques include: felting, rolling, shifting, stretching, compression, pressing, twitching.


The most profound technique with a pronounced reflex effect. A distinction is made between continuous and intermittent vibration. Continuous vibration consists of imparting to the body a series of continuous oscillatory movements. When performing this technique, the massage therapist's hand, pressing on the tissue, does not leave the massaged area and produces trembling movements with a frequency of 100 to 300 vibrations per minute. Auxiliary techniques for continuous vibration include stable and labile vibration, shaking, shaking and nudging. Intermittent vibration techniques: puncturing, tapping, patting, chopping and quilting. They cause vasodilation, hyperemia, decreased sensitivity of nerve endings, increased oxygen flow and nutrients and other beneficial effects.

The general requirement when performing a massage is to achieve average physiological state due to optimal position body or its area at which maximum muscle relaxation occurs.

It must be remembered that different areas of the skin have different thresholds of tactile sensitivity. The least sensitivity of the skin to pressure is observed in the back area along the midline - it is conventionally taken as 1, the midline of the abdomen has a sensitivity of 1.06, the midline on the chest - 1.39, the flexor surface of the shoulders - 3.01, back surface feet - 3.38, wrist joint- 3.80, forehead - 7.54 (L.A. Kunichev, 1979).

Segmental reflex massage

In 1889, Russian clinician G.A. Zakharyin gave a description of the zones hypersensitivity(hyperesthesia) that occurs on the skin due to diseases of the internal organs. More detailed description these zones were made by Ged in 1898. These zones, called the Zakharyin-Ged zones, are often used for massage. Their existence is closely related to the segmental innervation of internal organs.

Functional relationships between internal organs and segments of spinal innervation are the basis for the use of segmental reflex massage.

The type of massage under consideration is based on the use of features of the segmental structure of the body: irritation of receptors in certain zones (Zakharyin - Ged) has an effect on the corresponding organs and systems innervated by the same segments of the spinal cord.

The most widely used are segmental reflex massage techniques proposed by A.E. Shcherbak and his staff - collar and lumbar massage. Collar massage used for hypertension, migraine, sleep disorders, trophic disorders in the upper extremities, lumbar - for vascular diseases of the lower extremities, for stimulation hormonal function gonads and other conditions.

With the segmental-reflex method, all the techniques of classical massage and its variants are used, taking into account the stage, activity, localization of the pathological process and the patient’s condition.


It is a type of Zhen Ju therapy ( traditional medicine China). Acupressure involves influencing biologically active points (BAP) using pressure, rubbing or stable continuous vibration until a feeling of fullness, heaviness, numbness, aching, and the passage of electric current appears.

There are three types acupressure:

1) strong - inhibitory option, which has an analgesic and relaxing effect (time of influence on BAP - 5 minutes);
2) medium - inhibitory option, which has a relaxing effect (time of influence on BAP - 2-3 minutes);
3) weak - stimulating option, which has a stimulating and tonic effect (time of influence on BAP - 11.5 minutes).

For massage, various corporal and auricular points can be used.

The figure shows biologically active points of the foot. By massaging them, you can relieve pain and have a healing effect on certain organs.

Massage should only be performed by a specialist.

Before starting the procedure, he must perform a number of exercises to prepare his hands (A.F. Akhabadze, V.Ya. Arutyunov, 1986):
1. Rise on your toes, arms to the sides - up (inhale), lower, arms down (exhale).
2. Bend your arms in elbow joints, hands to shoulders, make circular movements in the shoulder joints.
3. Raising your hands up, at the same time forcefully clench and unclench your fingers in your fists.
4. Relax your hands, raising and lowering your arms up and to the sides, shake your hands.
5. Connect your palms in front of your chest, pressing with tension on the ends of your fingers, tilt your hands to the right and left.
6. Bring your hands together and, with tension, focusing on the ends of your fingers, move your hands to the sides without moving the ends of your fingers.
7. Stretch your arms forward and make circular movements with your hands.
8. Hands in front of the chest, flex and extend the fingers at the inter- and metacarpophalangeal joints.
9. Interlace your fingers and make sideways movements at the wrist joints.
10. Clench your fingers into fists and make rotational movements in the wrist joints.

Massage is a means of preventing and treating diseases, restoring impaired body functions, working capacity (in case of physical and mental fatigue), and one of the ways of physical improvement.

Knowledge of the basics of general, segmental-reflex, acupressure massage, their adequate purpose, combination with other methods rehabilitation treatment, correct execution massage procedures (in accordance with the methodology) significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment and MR, and can reduce the percentage of disability in various pathological conditions.

Top drawing (according to Konig, Wancura): 1 - headache, dizziness, prolonged labor; 2 - orchitis; 3 - epilepsy, pain in the fingers; 4 - hypertension, palpitations, pain and cramps in the legs; 5 - Yongguan point; 6 - headache, menorrhagia, convulsions calf muscles; 7 - insomnia, pain in the sole.
Bottom figure (according to Bergson, Tiejak): 1 - brain reflexes, 2 - eye; 3 - outer ear; 4 - shoulder; 5 - liver; 6 — gallbladder; 7 - appendix; 8 - thigh and knee; 9 - skeletal system; 10 - sacrum; 11 — sciatic nerve; 12 — small intestine; 13 — bladder; 14 - intestines; 15 - adrenal gland; 16 - pancreas; 17 - stomach; 18 - pair thyroid gland; 19 - thyroid gland; 20 - lungs; 21 - trachea; 22— pituitary gland; 23 - cervical spine; 24 - heart; 25 — thymus; 26 - spleen; 27 - kidney; 28 - ureter; 29 - genital area.

Pirogova L.A., Ulashchik V.S.

The popularity of therapeutic massage sessions is due to the fact that, with minor restrictions, this procedure is indicated for health problems and for the treatment of many diseases. In addition, therapeutic and prophylactic massage, when used correctly, does not cause side effects. It is part of a range of wellness treatments aimed at restoring people who have suffered serious injuries.

What is therapeutic massage

A description of the technique of performing therapeutic massage was discovered in papyri Ancient Egypt. This procedure then it was adopted by the Greeks, who began to use it for treatment various diseases. Today this is one of the main directions manual therapy, which has wide range applications. Therapeutic massage is a procedure used to accelerate the recovery of organs and body parts in case of injuries and diseases. It is used in medical institutions And sports schools.

Massage treatment helps reduce the patient’s rehabilitation period for injuries to varying degrees. Under the influence of the procedure, pain is reduced faster, and the formation of callus, swelling resolves, elasticity improves muscle fibers, the metabolic process is normalized, a person gains energy and vigor. Medical massage affects receptors located on the surface of the body. The procedure actively affects blood vessels, muscles, and internal organs.


Massage as a rehabilitation and therapeutic agent must be prescribed by a specialist after a thorough examination of the patient. This procedure can be used in cosmetology to eliminate lymphatic edema and to combat cellulite. It is carried out when skin tone increases, fluid retention, when overweight. In addition, the procedure is prescribed for the following problems:

Massaging can be used for:

  • reducing physical and psychological fatigue;
  • stimulation of the musculoskeletal system;
  • improvements general well-being;
  • pain relief, sedation, relaxation of tissues of the musculoskeletal system;
  • vasodilatation skin;
  • improve blood circulation, activate metabolism in the body.


Therapeutic professional back massage is a common type of classical procedure. Regular implementation of such therapy helps to increase the body’s defenses and the appearance of positive emotions. Experts recommend that their patients undergo a course of manual therapy at least 2 times a year. Thanks to this, the immune system will be strengthened, and the patient will be healthy and vigorous throughout the year.

To the features health treatment includes clear planning of the number of techniques used and session time. If for one ailment you need to devote an hour to kneading, then for another you need to focus on rubbing. Only a doctor can determine these subtleties. The first sessions must be introductory and gentle - the procedure is carried out slightly above the injured area. Then, after 3 sessions, you can move on to the main part.

Children's therapeutic massage

Massaging has a comprehensive effect on the child’s body. It stimulates the development and relaxation of soft tissues, helping to quickly identify tense areas where the baby feels discomfort. A therapeutic session of manual therapy for children is considered a constructive and effective tool that fully satisfies the baby’s need for physical contact. Regular procedures create excellent conditions For full development child.

Massage is beneficial for babies whose age is more than three months and older. Parents can do the procedure themselves or invite a specialist home. All manipulations should be applied an hour after eating; they cannot be performed before bedtime. However, doctors do not recommend using the cream. A children's session is performed while monitoring the baby's reaction; he should not cry. The main techniques for performing manipulations are rubbing, stroking, kneading, and vibration.


Therapeutic massage can be divided into general and local. In general, the specialist massages the entire body (except the head) with impact on the affected areas of the body. Before the procedure, the doctor must conduct a diagnostic and visual examination and review the patient’s medical history. Only after this can he give an opinion on the effectiveness of the chosen therapy. Carry out manipulations better in the morning, after breakfast, but not every day. The session time must be increased gradually - from 20 to 60 minutes.

Local therapeutic massage is a procedure in which only one part of the body is massaged. All movements should be performed along the flow of lymph - towards the lymph nodes. The effectiveness of the local procedure will be higher if combined with medicinal drugs, ointments. It is good when the treatment process includes exercise therapy and physiotherapy. As a rule, a session, depending on the disease, lasts from 15 to 40 minutes and is carried out every day. There is also a non-medical massage, which includes preventive and relaxing massage.

Therapeutic massage technique

A therapeutic massage course usually consists of 10 or 20 procedures. The procedure is prescribed daily, after which it is recommended to rest for 30 minutes. Breaks between main doses can last several months. The massage consists of an introductory, main, and final stage. Often, to achieve maximum effect, a specialist can use them all in combination:

  1. Introductory period (1-3 procedures). Involves gentle techniques (rubbing, stroking) that prepare a person.
  2. Main section (3-16). Includes differentiated massage, which is carried out according to the clinical characteristics of the disease and the patient’s condition.
  3. In the final section, for 3 minutes, the specialist reduces the intensity of the techniques, ending the therapy by stroking the massaged area. If necessary, at this stage the patient can be taught self-massage using a massager.


The therapeutic procedure of facial massage is carried out according to medical indications: skin diseases, seborrhea, acne. All these diseases have a common etiology, they are caused by poor work sebaceous glands, which often provokes rashes on the head and face. Indications for massage may include scars, comedones, and skin pigmentation. This type manual therapy does not have a tightening effect. Although, thanks to this procedure, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the skin is cleansed, and inflammation is reduced.

Facial massage requires the presence classical techniques: kneading, stroking, rubbing, although little attention is paid to them. The main ones are pinches. They are carried out by the pads of the large and index finger. The pinch procedure technique improves metabolic processes and blood circulation, takes an active part in the restoration of skin cells. The movements do not allow for tenderness and smoothness; everything is performed intensively. At the same time, stretching of the skin and excessive shifting should not be allowed. The procedure is painful.

For osteochondrosis

Complex of joint disorders or osteochondrosis cervical region diagnose people of different ages. The main cause of the disease is deformation of the intervertebral discs. Massage for osteochondrosis can help with the first symptoms of the disease. It involves the use of techniques such as squeezing, stroking, rubbing, shaking, kneading, active movements with resistance, striking and shaking. A back massage course should consist of at least 10 procedures.

When observing an exacerbation of the disease, the effect on the diseased area may change. At the beginning of the course, less active movements are used. Further, the degree of their strength increases. In this case, the massage therapist focuses on the patient’s condition. During the treatment procedure, the specialist acts on special areas. These are points that have a reflex connection with blood vessels, nerves, muscles. Such manipulations relax them and restore the natural position of the spine.


The technique, duration and number of sessions for each patient are selected individually. Massage therapy should not be used for in serious condition sick, inflammatory processes, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Massage of muscles, thighs, abdomen, lower back should not be done during pregnancy, menstruation, or hernia. In addition, the procedure is contraindicated.

Therapeutic massage is one of the most effective means, used to get rid of various pathological processes and damage. He provides effective assistance in restoring the normal functioning of all body systems. Therapeutic massage is part of a set of therapeutic courses prescribed to patients in hospitals and clinics. It is prescribed to vacationers in sanatoriums and dispensaries.

Therapeutic massage has a certain classification. The principle of differentiation depends on the nature of the disease. A certain one is prescribed when a patient is recovering from injuries, as well as in the presence of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. There are purposes for this treatment procedure for diseases of the respiratory system. A special type of massage is performed for pathologies of organs related to the digestive system. In addition, the method of treatment procedure can be changed depending on the nature of a particular disease, as well as on the causes of its occurrence and the clinical form of its manifestation. In this regard, in the presence of scoliosis, it differs from similar prescriptions for vertebral osteochondrosis. In addition, the technique therapeutic effects changes on the body taking into account various stages any disease. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each patient.

Methodological and technique therapeutic massage is similar to hygienic massage. They include stroking and kneading the skin, as well as rubbing and vibration. The treatment process can be more effective if the classic massage procedure is supplemented with acupressure or segmental massage.

Manipulations should be accompanied by pleasant sensations of warmth in the patient’s body, an improvement in his overall well-being, as well as an increase in vitality massaged. After spending this medical procedure, you can change the patient’s nervous excitability, improve the activity of almost all internal organs, as well as tissue trophism. Under the influence of therapeutic massage, almost completely lost reflexes can come into action. This type of treatment helps improve the functioning of the pathways, strengthening the reflex connections of muscles, blood vessels and internal organs with the brain.

Therapeutic massage has a positive effect on peripheral nerve endings. When performing this procedure, pain weakens or stops altogether, and the conductivity of tissue fibers improves. Massage significantly accelerates the process of nerve recovery when it is damaged, preventing the formation of secondary pathological processes in the muscles and joints located in the area of ​​pathology.

The effect on the body of this type of procedure is inextricably linked with individual factors environment. The effectiveness of the treatment is significantly reduced if the patient experiences any discomfort after or during the session. In this regard, it is advisable to carry out therapeutic massage at home.

If desired, everyone can master the technique of relaxing and preventive procedures. The treatment and collar zone will bring relief from headaches and fatigue, stress and sleep disorders, and will also relieve irritability. Mechanical effects on the back area normalize blood circulation and stimulate immune system and strengthen the muscular skeleton, which will help keep the spine in the correct position.

Therapeutic massage is a massage that is used to accelerate the restoration of the functions of organs and systems of the body in case of their diseases and injuries. Currently, this type of massage is widely used in all medical institutions and in the practice of sports massage therapists. Therapeutic massage significantly contributes to reducing the time required for restoration of functions in case of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Under the influence of massage, swelling, effusions in joints, hemorrhages in tissues are quickly resolved, pain is reduced, tissue nutrition, joint and muscle function are improved, metabolic processes are normalized, callus formation is accelerated, and the development of connective tissue adhesions that lead to muscle contractures and joint stiffness is prevented.

Clinical experience and observations indicate that there is no need to use a general massage session. It is more appropriate and effective to use massage of individual parts of the body, taking into account clinical forms lesions and in combination with other therapeutic methods.

A local massage session lasts on average from 10 to 30 minutes. It is recommended to follow the same sequence by area of ​​the body as in a classic massage.

Procedure therapeutic massage consists of introductory, main and final sections.

In introductory section for 1-3 minutes using gentle techniques (stroking, rubbing) prepare the person being massaged for the main part of the procedure. IN mostly section, differentiated massage is performed according to the patient’s condition and the clinical characteristics of the disease. IN final section, reduce the intensity of massage techniques for 1-3 minutes, ending the procedure by stroking the entire massaged area.

Well therapeutic massage consists of 10-20 procedures. Breaks between courses can be from 10 days to 2-3 months. It is advisable to divide the massage course into introductory, main and final periods.

In introductory period (1-3 procedures), the massage therapist studies the characteristics of the massaged area, the body’s reaction, and the tolerance of individual techniques. IN mostly(3-16 procedures) apply a strictly differentiated massage technique, taking into account the functional state of the patient and, accordingly clinical features diseases. The intensity of the effects of the techniques is constantly increasing. IN final period, if necessary, teach the patient self-massage and continue the technique of the main period.

Effectiveness General and mainly local massage can be improved by doing the following:

1) prescribe a massage in early dates depending on the clinical forms of the disease and general condition sick;

2) massage areas of the body using a suction method;

3) start any massage session by massaging the back area;

4) carefully massage the corresponding reflexogenic zones of the back area, for example: for injuries upper limbs- collar zone (back surface of the neck, interscapular region, shoulder girdle), for injuries of the lower extremities - lumbosacral region;

5) combine massage with physiotherapeutic procedures (diadynamic currents, paraffin applications, local baths with warm water etc.), which, depending on the indications, can be used before or after the massage;

6) combine massage with a set of therapeutic physical exercises necessary for rehabilitation after a particular disease (and some of them can be used directly during the session);

7) combine massage with rubbing (special ointments, creams, liquids, gels), for example: immediately after an injury, in order to resolve hemorrhage, reduce swelling and pain, efkamon, hirudoid, lazonil, troxevasin, etc. should be used; a few days after the injury - rubbing with a pronounced warming effect (finalgon, nicoflex, apizartron, vipratox, etc.).