Leg swelling after a leg fracture: causes, treatment. Regenerative medicine. How much does a leg hurt after a fracture?

Many people are interested in the question: what to do after a broken leg? How to develop a leg after a broken leg? What if my leg hurts or my leg is swollen? What should rehabilitation be like after a broken leg? Recovery, development, massage and much more can be found below in the article.

After a broken leg

Muscles take an active part in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, so they need constant training. When muscle tissue works, the flow of new blood to it increases, accordingly the amount of oxygen and nutrients is also increasing. While wearing a cast, the load either decreases or stops altogether, so muscle cells atrophy. Restoring normal functionality after a broken leg is very important point during treatment. This task is very difficult, but if you follow all the tips and recommendations, the mobility of the leg is completely restored.

The main tasks that are a priority during the rehabilitation of an injured leg:

it is necessary to eliminate muscle atrophy and vascular changes;

it is necessary to increase the tone and elasticity of the leg muscles;

improve joint mobility;

eliminate congestion;

it is also necessary to increase motor activity, that is, development of the leg after a fracture;

All recovery period After removing the plaster, it can be divided into three stages:

1.With the help of massage, physiotherapy, rubbing;

2. Performing special physical exercises;

3.change in diet;

After first aid for broken bones was provided, and the treatment was successful, we move on to the next step.

Rehabilitation after a broken leg

First stage. As already mentioned, prolonged exposure to a cast on the leg disrupts the normal flow of lymph and blood flow. This explains the fact that after a fracture the leg swells. In order for the swelling of the leg after a fracture to be less pronounced and the process of restoring blood circulation and cartilage integrity to be successful, it is necessary to bring the previous muscle activity as close as possible, strengthen the tone of weakened blood vessels, and eliminate congestion. To do this, rubbing the limb using cedar oil, And various types massage. Touching, kneading and stroking movements increase muscle tone and speed up the recovery process by improving their nutrition. This is why it is very important to use leg massage after a fracture.

Taking baths with the addition of sea salt and decoctions has a beneficial effect on recovery medicinal herbs. To prepare such a bath you need to dissolve 100 grams. salt in 1 liter of water. Also contribute speedy recovery warming procedures using wax or ozokerite. Magnetotherapy sessions will not be amiss.

The second stage of rehabilitation aimed at restoring leg function

How to develop a leg after a fracture in the usual home conditions? After taking thermal procedures (baths) and massage, physical exercise provide best action in solving the problem of muscle atrophy. All exercises can be done at home, and no special knowledge is required. It is very important to correctly calculate the loads, since the patient may typically complain that his leg hurts after a fracture. It is not necessary to perform all the exercises that will be listed shortly on one day. You can do one half of the exercises on one day and the other half the next day to broken leg didn't bother.

Here are exercises that will help you effectively develop your lower limb after removing the cast:

1st exercise – you need to walk as much as possible, with full support on the injured limb.

2nd exercise – while standing or sitting, perform rotational movements with your foot, but this should be done 7 days after removing the cast.

3rd exercise – leg swings. Stand next to a chair, holding onto its back. Raise the injured limb forward and hold it in the air. This exercise is repeated 10 times, for the healthy leg inclusive. Another option: the leg is not moved forward, but to the side. It is important to remember that performing these exercises should not lead to pain.

4th exercise - in the same position, holding the back of the chair, slowly rise onto your toes and again proceed to resting on your heels. If you feel this is easy enough for you, try doing it on one leg.

5th exercise – lie on the floor and swing your legs in cross movements. After a month, you can add exercise machines to the basic exercises. You can try a training bike and pedal for no more than 10 minutes with a light load. In the future, the patient chooses the number of classes himself, based on his state of health.

Third stage of rehabilitation

In order for rehabilitation after a broken leg to be more successful, you need to think about proper and nutritious nutrition, and you should not neglect this. Everyone knows that for normal restoration of injured bones, muscles and other body systems, they need an increased supply of nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

A patient who is recovering from a broken leg needs to consume foods that contain large amounts of silicon and calcium. To fully satisfy the increased need for calcium in a weakened body, you should include the following products in your diet: cow's milk, fish, cottage cheese (preferably homemade), hazelnuts, soy, bran bread, sesame. This item also found in green vegetables, green beans, the well-known persimmon, and cauliflower. An element such as silicon promotes good absorption of calcium from consumed foods. Silicon is found in the following foods: raspberries, pears, turnips, radishes, currants, and cauliflower.

When choosing vitamins for yourself, preference should be given to group E, C, D. Vitamin D is especially useful in our case, since it promotes a better process of restoration of injured tissues, thanks to its unique ability to influence the proper metabolism of calcium in the body.

Video: lower leg and foot massage

Treatment of a tibia fracture

Tibia fracture | Statistics

Tibia fractures are divided into 3 types, based on statistics they can be arranged according to frequency from top to bottom:

  • transverse and transverse-toothed;
  • transverse splintered;
  • oblique-transverse.

Tibia fracture | Mechanism

According to statistics, the majority of shin fractures occur as a result of road traffic accidents; cases of fractures during sports activities are also not uncommon; the percentage of such fractures, although lower than as a result of road accidents, also accounts for a significant percentage.

Leg fracture – treatment with drugs from the “Collagen Ultra” series

After a fracture, bones need additional resources to recover. To ensure proper and rapid fusion, it is necessary that the body has reserves for the regeneration of damaged tissue. And here you "Collagen Ultra" will help. Main building material For bone tissue is a special protein - collagen. However, in the form in which a person eats it, collagen is poorly absorbed by the body. "Collagen Ultra" contains a set of amino acids that, when entering the body directly, participate in the synthesis of collagen, thereby allowing damaged bone to heal faster, and various "Collagen Ultra" additives can become additional source calcium and vitamins.

In case of a fracture, treatment of the bone is prescribed by a doctor and depends on the complexity of the injury. During the rehabilitation period, to relieve pain when developing a leg after a cast and relieve residual inflammation, it is recommended local application Collagen Ultra cream. The most pronounced result for the restoration of a damaged lower leg can be achieved by combining both drugs.

Also, in addition to drug treatment, there are many traditional medicine tips designed to help in the treatment and recovery after a tibia fracture.

Fractures of the lower leg bones are classified as follows:

  • closed fracture of the tibia;
  • open fracture of the tibia;
  • fracture of the tibia with displacement;
  • comminuted fracture of the tibia.

Treatment of shin bone fractures using traditional methods

Even after the specialist confirmed the presence of a tibia fracture, a certain time has passed and the plaster has been removed, the recovery is not complete. Recovery after a fracture is a long process, therefore you need to approach it seriously. What recipes can be found in folk medicine for recovery after shin bone fractures ?

Means that help prevent fractures are divided into internal and external effect. Knee joint treatment

Recovery after fractures of the lower leg bones using external means

Magnetic therapy

Magnets - often, for the rapid fusion and restoration of lower leg bones, the magnetic field of ring magnets is often used, and the magnetic induction of such a magnet should not exceed 100 mlT. Such magnets can be easily removed from old loudspeakers, and also from devices used for water treatment of the CO-2 and CO-3 series. We recommend fixing the magnet in the holder, using, for example, a jar of shoe polish, and attaching a handle to it. After this is completed, you can begin the procedures - it is worth carrying out 2-3 sessions every day for 15-20 minutes, and it is important to move the magnet clockwise over the fracture site. Moreover, 1/2 of the time of the entire procedure it is more correct to act on the fracture with one plane of the magnet, the remaining half of the time - with the second.

Mumiyo in the form of an ointment - mixing 0.5 grams of mumiyo with rose oil, it is necessary to rub such a composition into the fracture area with smooth, careful movements.

Raw potatoes

Raw potatoes, although they do not speed up the process rehabilitation after a broken leg bone. but it reduces it very remarkably painful sensations.

Spruce resin ointment and copper sulfate

An ointment made from spruce resin and copper sulfate, it turns out to be very hot, however, it is precisely this property that allows you to significantly speed up the process of bone tissue rehabilitation. You can prepare it in the following way: mix 15 grams of copper sulfate, 50 grams olive oil, finely grated onion, 20 grams of spruce resin, and the resulting mixture should be held over the fire and removed without bringing to a boil.

Medicinal comfrey

Ointment from medicinal comfrey, the method of its preparation is as follows: a mixture of a glass of comfrey leaves and a glass of vegetable oil will need to be boiled over low heat for thirty minutes, then the resulting composition is filtered and vitamin E in the form of a solution and a quarter glass of beeswax are added to it. After the prepared ointment has cooled, it can be easily used: apply to sore spot for thirty to sixty minutes, dressing with a bandage so as not to stain things with comfrey. Ankle joint - treatment

Decoction of ivy budra

Budra ivy (during the flowering period) - one tablespoon of this herb is poured with a glass of boiling water and after 5 minutes of boiling over low heat, it is kept for 30 minutes, after which it is allowed to cool and filtered; this mixture is used for compresses with a bandage or baths.

Geranium herb - used for both baths and compresses. The base for the baths is prepared in this way: put two tablespoons of herbs per liter of water, boil for five minutes, then filter. For compresses, the manufacturing technology is the same, but one tablespoon of this herb is used per glass of boiling water.

Golden rod compresses

Golden rod (herb) – used for lotions and compresses for fractures, neutralizes pain and swelling. To prepare the decoction, you will need to mix a glass of water with a tablespoon of herbs and leave the mixture for about 2 hours. After the resulting composition has cooled, it is filtered and applied to the fracture area with a compress.

Rehabilitation after fractures of the lower leg bones using internal means

Copper powder

Followers of traditional medicine say that by taking this kind of metal internally, you can significantly reduce the period of treatment for damaged bones. Using a fine file from copper coin copper powder was obtained, which was subsequently mixed with milk, sour cream or egg yolk(approximately 1 in 10) and was given to the patient to take in small quantities twice a week.

Mumiyo is used not only in the form of an ointment, but also internally, such a preparation is diluted in boiling water. For children, the dose is 0.1 gram per 50 ml of boiling water twice a day, for adults 0.2 grams of mumiyo per 50 ml of boiling water twice a day an hour or two before meals.

Dietary supplements

IN lately number of different non-drug drugs that can have a positive effect on natural functions human body, is constantly increasing. Popular everywhere "Calcium d3 Nycomed", "Vitofors". all kinds of nettle and hawthorn concentrates, "Collagen Ultra". herbal infusions combined with blackberries and lingonberries. All this is available without a prescription and makes it possible to cope with the consequences of fractures at a lower cost.

Powder eggshells

In everyday life they use it completely simple remedies after a broken leg. The treatment that our grandmothers recommended may not be to everyone’s taste. However, this method is passed down from generation to generation and has firmly proven itself. This is a banal eggshell. It is dried and then ground to a powder, after which it is used as an additive to any food in small quantities, because eggshells are a natural source of calcium.

Products containing calcium - to heal a fracture, it makes sense to increase the proportion of foods in your diet such as nuts, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, rose hips, milk, legumes, and so on; you can also get some calcium from herbs, green vegetables, bran bread , persimmon, and fish. For any leg fracture, treatment will be lengthy and will require high-quality building material!

Vitamin mixture

Tasty and useful in treating bone fractures vitamin mixture prepared from honey walnuts, 2 lemons, 1 cup dried apricots and raisins. Raisins and dried apricots are soaked in cold boiled water. The juice and seeds are removed from the lemons, after which all components are passed through a meat grinder and mixed with honey. Use the vitamin mixture 1 teaspoon 3 times a day after meals.

Products containing silicon

Along with taking calcium when recovering from a fracture, silicon should also be used, since it improves the absorption of calcium by the body. You can find silicon in the following products: coltsfoot grass, radishes, olives, yarrow, cauliflower, turnip, currant, lungwort.

Of course, all of the above methods treatment of bone fractures have been verified by thousands of years of human experience, but we still must not forget that traditional medicine is only an addition to the official one, therefore, if a leg is broken, treatment should be planned from various components, such as medical purposes, and available in everyday life.

Leg hurts after a fracture

June 10th, 2013 |

Many victims are interested in what to do after suffering a broken leg? How to develop a limb? What to do if your leg is swollen or painful? How to organize rehabilitation?

Muscles take an active part in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, so they need constant training. When muscle tissue works, the flow of new blood to it increases, so the amount of nutrients and oxygen also increases. When wearing a cast, the load either stops altogether or is significantly reduced, and the muscle cells begin to atrophy.

Restoring normal functionality after a broken leg during treatment is very important. This task is very difficult, but if you carefully follow all the recommendations and advice of a specialist, you will quickly restore limb mobility.

Tasks that need to be given priority when rehabilitating an injured leg:

Increased tone and elasticity of leg muscles;

Improving joint mobility;

Elimination of stagnation;

Increased motor activity, development of the limb after a fracture;

All rehabilitation period After the plaster is removed, it can be divided into three stages:

1. Massage, rubbing, physiotherapy;

2. Special physical exercises;

3. Changed diet;


As we have already said, keeping a cast on the leg for a long time causes a disruption in the normal flow of lymph and blood flow. This explains the symptom of leg swelling after a fracture. In order for the swelling of the leg to be less pronounced after a fracture and the restoration of blood circulation and cartilage integrity to be more successful, it is necessary to bring muscle activity as close as possible to the previous, pre-traumatic one, eliminate congestion, and strengthen the tone of weak blood vessels.

For this, rubbing the limb with oils and various types of massage is effective. Stroking movements and kneading touches will increase muscle tone and speed up the recovery process, improving their nutrition. This is why using limb massage after a fracture is very important.

Baths with herbal decoctions and sea salt. Warming procedures using wax or ozokerite contribute to speedy rehabilitation. Magnetic therapy will not be superfluous.

How to develop a limb after a fracture in the usual conditions at home? After taking massage and thermal procedures, physical exercise has the best effect, this solves the problem muscle atrophy. No special knowledge is needed; all exercises can be performed at home. The most important thing is to calculate the load correctly, since the patient may often complain of pain in the leg after a fracture. It is not necessary to do all the exercises listed below at once.

Exercises for effective development lower limb after removing the plaster:

– Walk as much as possible with full weight on the injured limb.

– While sitting or standing, make rotational movements with your foot, but only stand a week after removing the cast.

– Standing next to a chair, holding onto its back, lift the injured limb forward and hold it in the air. Repeat this exercise 10 times, including for the healthy leg.

– Holding the back of the chair, slowly rise up onto your toes and move back to resting on your heels. If this is easy enough for you, try doing the exercise on one leg.

– Lie on the floor and swing your legs in cross motions. After a month, add exercise machines to your basic exercises. You can try an exercise bike and pedal with a light load for no longer than 10 minutes.

In order for recovery after a broken leg to be a great success, it is necessary not to neglect the correct and nutritious food. As you know, for normal restoration of damaged muscles, bones, and other body systems, they need an increased supply of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.

A patient undergoing rehabilitation after a broken leg needs to eat foods that contain large amounts of calcium and silicon. To fully satisfy the increased need for calcium in a weakened body, you need to include foods such as cow’s milk, fish, homemade cottage cheese, hazelnuts, sesame, soy, bran bread. Green vegetables also contain this element. green beans, persimmon, cauliflower. Silicon helps in the good processing of calcium from consumed foods. Silicon is found in radishes, cauliflower, raspberries, turnips, pears, and currants.

Of the numerous vitamins, choose mainly E, C, D. The latter is especially useful in case of a fracture, since it helps the recovery process in injured tissues, thanks to its wonderful ability to act on calcium metabolism in the body.

Fracture. Treatment after a fracture with folk remedies.

A fracture is a bone injury that is characterized by a violation of its integrity. The main goal of treating bone fractures is the fusion of disconnected parts and the normalization of lost functions. It is necessary to include exercises to restore lost functions. To help bones heal quickly, foods rich in silicon help: earthen pear(Jerusalem artichoke), turnip, radish, radish, cauliflower, lungwort (infusion of dry herb - 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, pour 1/4 cup 2-3 times a day.) Food should have enough calcium. Dishes containing cartilage (pork foot jelly) or gelatin (fruit jelly made with gelatin) are beneficial.

Rehabilitation after a fracture.

The fracture will heal quickly.

To speed up the healing process for a bone fracture, the following composition is: 20 g of pine or spruce resin, 1 onion (crushed with a wooden masher), 50 g of vegetable (ideally olive) oil, 15 g of copper sulfate powder. Mix everything and heat over low heat for 25-30 minutes, without bringing to a boil. Lubricate the fracture sites with this mixture. Pain from fractures is relieved by raw potatoes, grated and applied to the sore spot as a compress. And another piece of advice - for fractures, eat foods containing gelatin (marmalade, jelly, jelly).

So that the bones grow together quickly.

1. Dry the shell of a hard-boiled egg (20 minutes), removing the film. Grind the shells into powder, pour in lemon juice and place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator until the shells dissolve. Take 1 teaspoon 1-2 times a day for 1 month. Apply the juice of 1 lemon to the shells of three eggs.

2. Take 5-10 drops orally 3 times a day fir oil, burying it in bread balls. Fir oil relieves pain, accelerates the healing process, mobilizes protective forces body.

3. Bones will grow together much faster if you simultaneously rub fir oil (no more than 10 ml per day) near the sore spot 1-2 times a day.

4. After removing the plaster, make baths from a decoction of fir branches for 15 minutes. After completing each procedure, rub the fracture site with fir oil.

5. 1.5 tbsp. spoons of calendula flowers pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into a thermos, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 1/3 glass 4 times a day. This infusion reduces pain, soothes, and enhances the regeneration process.

6. 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of crushed rose hips into a thermos with 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 6 hours. Take 1 glass 3-4 times a day. The infusion stimulates tissue regeneration, bone fusion, and increases resistance to infections.

In your diet, consume a lot of milk, vegetable juices, cottage cheese, and low-fat cheese.

Shilajit for fractures.

0.5 g mummy is mixed with rose oil (Red rose petals are moistened with water, poured on top vegetable oil, mix everything and boil. The water evaporates and oil remains, which is filtered through gauze.) and given to drink, and also lubricated the fracture. Bones grow together very quickly. Proportions: 0.5 g mixed with oil in parts of 1:20 2 times a day in the morning and before bed for 25 days.

Porridge, egg shells and onions for fractures.

When suffering from fractures, Tibetans eat porridge made from millet and rice. And Moldovans eat corn porridge when they have fractures. That's why:

  1. If you have fractures, eat corn and millet porridge.
  2. Grind eggshells in a coffee grinder and take 1 tsp after meals. of this powder mixed with 1 tsp. lemon juice.
  3. Eat onions(adults – 1 large onion per day). It contains natural aluminum, which promotes the absorption of calcium in bone tissue.

If you follow these rules, the fracture will heal very quickly.

Copper for fractures.

In the old days, healers, when treating fractures, practiced the following method: they used a small file (file) to plan copper powder from an old copper coin. A little of this powder (1/10 gram) was stirred in milk or sour cream, or rubbed with egg yolk and given to the patient orally, 2 times a week. This contributed to the rapid healing of fractures. Before using the coin, it must be washed and then calcined in the oven. The fracture will heal without consequences.

Herbal treatment after a fracture to quickly heal a broken bone.

To speed up the healing of a broken bone, relieve pain and suppress inflammatory processes during dislocations, the poisonous herbs comfrey and larkspur (delphinium) can be used. Try the following recipes:

1 tbsp. herbs (without rough stems) larkspur pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave in a warm place for two hours. Apply externally in the form of compresses and lotions. Comfrey is good because it is applicable for any bone pathology. Grind fresh comfrey root and mix with lard 1:1. Lubricate fractures. You can prepare an infusion of dry roots. For compresses 2 tbsp. for 1 tbsp. boiling water, brew overnight in a thermos (do not boil), or put in a hot, cooling oven. Strain in the morning. Prepare the infusion for drinking in the same way, just take 1 tbsp. dry roots per 1 tbsp. Drink a small sip every 2-3 hours.

Beef tendon is an excellent remedy for accelerated healing of bones during fractures!

To speed up the healing of a broken bone, you need to separate the beef leg tendon from the bone, pass it through a meat grinder, dry it, and grind it into powder in a coffee grinder. In the morning on an empty stomach, take 1 tsp. powder filled with water. After 20-30 minutes, have breakfast.

Silver with eggshells for fractures

For fractures rapid fusion bones on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals, take silver powder on the tip of a knife and 1 tsp. ground eggshells. Wash it all down with sweet, strong brewed tea. Silver can be taken from antique silver coins by rubbing them with a file. This method perfectly heals complex fractures, such as fractures of the femoral neck and spine.

Treatment course for fracture or osteoporosis

There is a wonderful remedy for strengthening the skeletal system. To prepare a portion for a course of treatment of a fracture or osteoporosis, one person needs shells from 10 chicken eggs, juice of five pomegranates, 10 medium heads of garlic, 1 liter of honey and 250 ml of olive oil. To prevent osteoporosis, this composition is enough for two people. Instead of pomegranates, you can take 10 lemons, and instead of olive oil, flaxseed oil. Wash the eggs thoroughly with laundry soap, if there is an ink stamp, wash it off with a cotton swab dipped in table vinegar. Wipe them dry, use them for food, and peel the shells from the inner film, grind them in a coffee grinder and pour in lemon (pomegranate) juice. When the shells are completely dissolved, add garlic pulp, honey and mix thoroughly. Leave the mixture at room temperature for a day, then put it in the refrigerator for three days and mix again. Strain part of the mixture into a small glass jar and place it on the kitchen counter; store the rest (unstrained) in the refrigerator. Take the medicine 1 tsp. three times a day 10-15 minutes before meals, mixed with 1 tsp. linseed (olive) oil. The course of treatment is until the mixture runs out. It not only strengthens skeletal system, but also boosts immunity and gently cleanses the liver. You can also use 1/3-1/2 tsp. powder from egg shells, add a couple of drops of lemon juice, stir, drink and wash down with any fermented milk product, or eat cottage cheese or cottage cheese.

Ointment that will help after a hip fracture

After a hip fracture, for a quick recovery, prepare the following ointment: place juniper branches with needles in a suitable container butter(1:1). Simmer in the oven or stove for several hours, strain, and cool. Rub the ointment on your leg and massage for 30 minutes. Do this daily until recovery.

Recovery after a fracture or injury to the knee joint

To restore the leg after any injury to the knee joint, it is necessary to repeatedly lift the leg in a plaster cast or straight leg when the plaster is removed, up to 200-250 times a day. This is necessary to prevent atrophy of the extensor muscle of the leg. In a normal (not injured) state, this muscle, when tense, stabilizes the joint, performing the same functions as ligaments. Raising your legs should be done while lying down, at a slow pace, 15-20 times. Then a break for 45-60 minutes. and repeat the exercise. If it is very easy for you to lift your leg, then you need to hang a small load on your shin, but no more than 3 kg. Also excellent means are physical exercises performed in a physical therapy room or swimming pool, training ligaments while walking and various types of massage. If you do not have a traumatologist at your clinic, contact a physiotherapist to prescribe rehabilitation procedures.

If you have verified folk recipes so that the bone heals quickly after a fracture, write. Thanks in advance.

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With the intensity of pain of fractures main role It is not the age of the person that plays a role, but the duration of the fracture - the longer it is, the higher the sensitivity of the nerve fibers.

Speed ​​up recovery nerve pathways and the discomfort associated with this can be alleviated with the help of massage procedures that use special gels and ointments. They quite effectively improve the condition of tissues after fractures and have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. From folk remedies Nettle has proven itself well - you need to grind it through a meat grinder and put it on the site of the aching fracture, covering the pulp and carefully bandaging it to the body.

Causes of pain from old fractures

Very often old fractures begin to ache after physical activity, since bone tissue loses a large amount of nutrients, and metabolic processes it is violated. This is also what senile people lead to. degenerative changes– become thinner, and old injuries begin to ache even more. Leads to a similar problem overweight bodies - if fat man If you ever break your leg, then the place of the fracture will subsequently be subject to increased stress associated with greater weight. This will also lead to pain.

To prevent old fractures from causing complications in the form of periodic aching pain, it is imperative to strengthen the bones with the help of calcium supplements and dosed physical activity.

Also, old injuries in the form of fractures can hurt if there are disorders of collagen synthesis, disease circulatory system(with leukemia or lymphogranulomatosis), bone tumors, autoimmune and infectious diseases, osteomyelitis, allergic reactions, hormonal and disruption of collagen synthesis in the body.

Called a violation of the integrity of the bone, which occurs as a result of injury or pathological process. Fractures can be open or closed. After first aid, which includes fixation of bone fragments, a period of callus formation and rehabilitation of damaged tissue begins. The beginning of this period is usually accompanied by very severe pain. Traditional medicine A number of remedies are offered to relieve pain.

You will need

  • - fir oil;
  • - mumiyo;
  • - horse fat;
  • - comfrey;
  • - interior lard;
  • - swamp cudweed;
  • - copper plate;
  • - egg yolk.


It is a very effective remedy. Take 100 grams of comfrey root, grind it into powder and pour 200 grams of melted visceral fat. Place the dishes in the oven on low heat (60-80 degrees) for 3 hours. Leave for another 12 hours, then heat slightly and strain. Apply this ointment 3-4 times a day around the fracture. Course – 4-5 weeks.

An infusion of marsh cudweed also significantly enhances regenerative processes in tissues, relieves pain, relieves

An ankle fracture is not a rare injury, but it is complex. And pain with such damage is the main symptom. Moreover, the leg can hurt not only immediately after the fracture, but also during treatment and rehabilitation. When patients feel the first relief under medical anesthesia, they immediately begin to wonder how long the leg hurts after an ankle fracture. And this is not idle curiosity or fear of pain, but the hope that after removing the cast, all problems will go away and the ability to walk will appear immediately. Let's try to find out how long the recovery may take, and what to do if they don't go away.

Pain after a fracture

The nature and intensity of pain immediately after injury will depend on the type of injury:

  1. When a limb breaks on the inside, painful sensations provokes any movement in the joint. But patients continue to walk, stepping on the edge of the foot or on the heel. On palpation, unpleasant sensations radiate to the outside.
  2. Non-displaced ankle fracture outside gives sharp pain when turning the ankle to the side. At the site of the fracture, radiating pain appears when pressing on the ankle itself. Patients often confuse such an injury with a bruise and continue to stand on their foot for several more days through painful sensations.
  3. When damaged with displacement, painful signs have acute manifestation, and the patient cannot stand on his leg. Often movements cause unbearable pain, as fragmented parts of the bone dig into the tissue. The pain can be so severe that it causes loss of consciousness.
  4. An open fracture is always accompanied by acute unbearable pain, as well as severe bleeding. The patient may experience not only pain, but also psychological shock.

In any case, a person who has received such an injury needs first aid, including pain relief measures.

First aid: how to relieve pain

Before contacting a doctor you should:
  • calm the victim;
  • immobilize the limb without trying to straighten or rotate it;
  • stop bleeding in an open fracture without touching the wound itself;
  • apply a transport immobilization splint.

If the pain is unbearable, the person is given a painkiller. If the victim is conscious, he is given a non-narcotic analgesic or drug non-steroidal group. You can use Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Paracetamol.

When a limb is compressed or a person is unconscious, similar drugs are administered by injection. If available, it can be used narcotic analgesics such as Morphine, Promedol.

Correctly provided first aid can avoid many complications.

Treatment options for ankle fractures

To decide on treatment tactics, a traumatologist or surgeon conducts a visual examination of the leg and a mandatory x-ray examination, without which a diagnosis can be made. accurate diagnosis It's simply not possible.

Treatment can be carried out either conservatively or surgically. But quite often fractures in this place are complex and require surgery.

Conservative therapy is allowed for:

  • closed fracture without displacement;
  • concomitant minor ligament damage;
  • the presence of a displacement that can be corrected simultaneously;
  • contraindications to surgical intervention.

In all other cases, surgical intervention is required.

How is conservative treatment carried out?

To perform manual resection, the fracture site must be numbed. The procedure is quite painful, and the patient simply may not be able to withstand the severe pain and simply will not allow the doctor to carry out all the manipulations properly. Therefore, displacement reduction is almost always carried out using local anesthesia, less common.

Sharp pain can also bother a person with a non-displaced injury, if the ligaments are damaged. In this case, so that it doesn’t hurt so much, they give you an analgesic to drink or give you an injection.

In any case, a plaster cast is applied to the ankle, covering the entire foot and back shins. After applying the plaster, repeated x-rays must be taken to ensure the correct location of the fragments.

Of course, special bandages can be used to immobilize joints. But doctors refuse this practice, since it is impossible to control how often the patient removes such an orthosis. You can hear from a person that already on the third to fifth day after the fracture, I can walk a little. But this practice does not lead to anything good, since there is a high risk of repeated displacements and improper fusion of bones.

Why does my leg hurt after applying a cast?

For 3–5 days, the patient may still experience discomfort. There are quite logical explanations for this.

Preserved at the site of damage inflammatory process which is accompanied by swelling. Definitely, until these symptoms go away, your leg will hurt.

  • put less stress on the injured limb;
  • keep your leg elevated to ensure lymph drainage;
  • take NSAIDs in tablets for severe pain.

If the pain becomes unnatural, the leg goes numb, sensitivity is lost, or the fingers become blue, you should immediately consult a traumatologist. Since such signs indicate incorrect application of plaster.

How long to wear a cast

The time period for bone fusion is individual for each patient. Therefore, the length of time you need to wear a cast or bandage is determined by your doctor:

  • For a child, a fixative is applied for a period of one month;
  • an adult will usually be in a plaster cast for 1.5 months;
  • in an elderly patient it will take more than 2 months for complete fusion.

Typically, the patient rarely experiences pain before the cast is removed. Heaviness and swelling in the leg may appear. Due to improper distribution of the load, unpleasant sensations arise in the back and in the healthy leg.

Often patients who wear a cast for a long time complain that when walking on crutches there is pain in the lumbar or thoracic spine, the heel or knee of the healthy leg hurts.

As a preventive measure for such pain, exercise therapy is recommended for a person, aimed at strengthening muscles and improving blood flow specifically in a healthy limb and back.

For older people, it is recommended to use walkers rather than crutches to walk and reduce the load on their arms and back.

Why does my leg hurt after the cast is removed?

The plaster is removed only after a control x-ray is taken, which confirms that the bone has fused.

The appearance of pain immediately after removing the cast is a natural process. Since the ankle joint has been immobilized for a long time, the volume in the cavity decreases synovial fluid. Accordingly, cartilage loses its elasticity, which leads to loss of mobility. Therefore, any movement is difficult for the patient, often through severe pain.

In addition, after removing the plaster, there is a rapid flow of blood and lymphatic fluid to the pathological area, which causes swelling. The swelling puts pressure on the nerve endings, which causes pain.

In the background long-term immobilization Ligaments lose elasticity and muscle tissue tone. Therefore, any load that requires involvement in physiological process ligamentous apparatus and muscles, will cause pain.

As for the recovery time after removing the cast and the duration of pain, everything will depend on:

  • time of leg immobility;
  • internal reserves and human age;
  • compliance with rehabilitation recommendations.
To the complex rehabilitation activities after removing the plaster includes:
  • the use of external anti-inflammatory, distracting agents in the form of ointments, compresses;
  • therapeutic exercises;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • massage and self-massage.

Typically, pain associated with swelling goes away within 2 to 7 days. Regarding full recovery and painless walking, the period can vary from one month to three.

If the pain does not go away, there is a possibility that the bone has not healed properly and pain appears as a manifestation of complications.

Even after full recovery, patients may complain of periodic pain associated with increased loads on the leg, as well as aching bones due to the weather.

Features of surgical treatment

For complex, open, old fractures, as well as in case of damage to both limbs, surgery is performed. The method of anesthesia is selected depending on the complexity of the injury and the general health of the patient.

After the operation, a cast is applied to the leg with open access to the wound. Be sure to take a control x-ray.

Ways to relieve pain after surgery

To relieve severe pain, especially immediately after surgery and removal of the plaster cast, the patient is recommended to take non-steroidal drugs such as Diclofenac, Naiza. Nurofen, Ibuprofen.

Ketarol and Sedalgin have a good analgesic effect for fractures, but such drugs are addictive and require an increase in dosage.

The use of narcotic analgesics is possible only in a hospital setting. They are used immediately after surgery, as well as for multiple injuries.

Recovery time after surgery

During the first three weeks the patient is recommended bed rest with complete exclusion of the load on the limb. Moving on crutches is allowed 3–4 weeks after the intervention.

The plaster cast is removed after 2–3 months, after which it is necessary to apply an elastic bandage to the site of injury for another couple of weeks.

If fastening structures in the form of bolts, pins, screws, nails were used, they are removed after 4–6 months, which requires repeated surgery. Titanium retainers are not removed.

The patient is allowed to move without crutches 3 to 4 months after the injury. The time frame for complete restoration of ankle functionality after removal of the cast can vary from 3 months to 2 years.

Accordingly, until mobility is completely restored, the patient may experience constant or periodic pain.


Video - Gymnastics after a fracture

Activities during rehabilitation

Regardless of the method of treatment and recovery time, the patient, after removing the plaster cast, is recommended to begin rehabilitation therapy, which usually includes gymnastics, massage and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Therapeutic gymnastics

Exercise therapy helps eliminate stiffness and is prescribed a week after the cast is removed. Exercises are selected individually by the instructor. It is better to develop the joint in the first stages in warm water. You can add a little salt to the bath, which will help remove swelling faster.

The main thing is to increase the load gradually, without trying to speed up the process through pain.

A set of exercises to develop the ankle may include:

Flexion, extension of the foot;

  • Rotational movements in the ankle;
  • Walking on toes or heels;
  • Rolling a ball with your feet;
  • Grasping movements of the toes.

At later stages, you can only include training on simulators, cycling, and walking.

Must be used for walking orthopedic insoles. During walking and training, the joint is fixed with an elastic bandage or a special bandage is worn.


Massage procedures begin immediately after removing the plaster cast. The first time it is necessary to use anesthetic ointments, since any touch will cause pain. As the ligaments develop and muscle tissue becomes toned, the painful sensations will go away.

Definitely necessary professional approach to solving the problem. But the patient can do self-massage in the morning, in the evening, as well as before and after gymnastics. To do this, the sore spot is rubbed, stroked, kneaded, shaken without strong pressure.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Physical therapy at the site of injury is prescribed on days 3–10 immediately after applying a plaster cast.

The following procedures are usually prescribed:

  • electrophoresis with calcium;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • infrared laser therapy;
  • extracorporeal shock wave treatment.

The duration of exposure, the duration of therapy and the type of procedure are selected by the doctor, depending on the complexity of the fracture, the speed of healing, and the presence of metal fasteners.

Typically, a complex of rehabilitation measures includes several methods, and if the patient follows the recommendations, the pain goes away as the mobility of the limb is restored.

But a person must be prepared for the fact that periodically the fracture site will make itself felt even after complete recovery, since no damage goes away without a trace.

Fracture of the lower limb bone is common. It occurs when there is excessive mechanical stress on supporting skeleton. Any falls, traffic accidents, accidents or fights can lead to a fracture in one place or another. Pain at the fracture site occurs in everyone, but pain can occur not only immediately after a fracture, but also while wearing a cast, after its removal, and for a very long time.

Photo 1. The fracture site may hurt, even if the bones have long grown together. Source: Flickr (kenga86)

Why does pain occur at the fracture site?

A bone fracture is a violation of its structure with the separation of one part of the bone from another. The parts formed as a result of a fracture are called fragments.

There is a myth that bones cannot hurt. In fact, this is a common misconception. Bone structures have good innervation And rich receptive field.

Bone is not a solid structure. Tubular bones consist of compact and spongy substance, a medullary canal covered with endosteum, and bone marrow.

Flat bones do not have a medullary canal; the bone marrow in them is located between the trabeculae of the spongy substance. All bones are covered on top with periosteum.

Bone pain receptors are unevenly distributed. Most of them are in the periosteum area. Injuring it is accompanied by severe pain. The bone substance itself has much fewer nerve endings.

The next receptor field is located in the endosteum and bone marrow. Deep fractures with bone marrow canal injury increase pain intensity.

Pain syndrome after a fracture

Pain is defensive reaction body. It is a signal that there is a pathological focus somewhere in the body. When a fracture occurs, intense pain signals that the integrity of the bone is compromised.

This is important! It is pain that forces the victim to stop mechanical impact on the injured area. Pain in this sense is a blessing, since excess stress can only aggravate the situation.

While wearing a cast

A plaster splint is necessary to ensure the immobility of the fragments. This, in addition to accelerating their fusion, should reduce pain. However, often, a few hours after applying the splint, the pain intensifies. This is not due to the receptors in the bone itself, but to the tissues around the fracture.

In this case. The swollen tissues increase in size and put pressure on the nerve endings, causing pain. Edema occurs as a consequence of two processes:

  • Inflammation. Any injury leads to cell damage and inflammation. This, in turn, is always accompanied by swelling. It can be expressed quite strongly if a lot of exudate accumulates in the tissues.
  • Venous stagnation. Blood flow is active process, and outflow is passive. Blood flows out due to the work of muscles. When the fracture is immobilized, the muscles are unable to move, which reduces venous outflow. In this case, fluid from the veins enters the surrounding tissues and causes swelling.

After removing the plaster

The plaster is removed if the fracture has almost healed. However, in this case, pain may also occur. It has several reasons:

  • Bone pain. After removing the splint, the fourth stage of bone tissue restoration—remodeling—starts. In this process, special cells called osteoclasts break down certain areas of the bone to give it the desired shape. Then other cells - osteoblasts - restore normal structure bone substance. The process of physiological bone breakdown can be painful.
  • Muscle pain. Due to immobilization, the muscles are deprived of movement and adequate blood supply for several weeks. This leads to atrophy. The process of restoring atrophied tissue is always quite painful.
  • Mechanical pain. While wearing the splint, there was no mechanical impact on the fracture site. Now, the resumption of the load again causes irritation of the muscles at the fracture site, which is accompanied by short-term pain.

Why does an old fracture hurt?

With complete fusion of bone fragments, old fracture shouldn't hurt. However, for some people, the pain returns after several months or even years. Most often, unpleasant sensations arise when the weather changes. The mechanism of their appearance is not precisely known.

The only explanation is the change in atmospheric pressure when the weather changes, which affects the state of body fluids. In this case, the blood plasma and intracellular fluid change their configuration. This does not affect normally functioning tissues, but causes changes in fracture sites, sutures and scars. The cells in these places are already changed, and when the weather changes, they may become subject to inflammation and degeneration.

This explains why sometimes aching pain of varying intensity occurs at the site of an old fracture. In addition, sometimes such pain is caused by improperly fused nerve endings at the fracture site.

How to relieve pain syndrome

Immediately after the fracture pain syndrome remove non-narcotic analgesics. If they are not effective, they resort to the use of narcotic morphine-like substances.

This is interesting! Sometimes after a fracture the victim does not feel pain at all. Unpleasant sensations appear only after a few hours. This is due to the fact that after an injury, a large amount of adrenaline is released into the blood, which is able to mask pain impulses. This explains why, even after multiple compound leg fractures, some people are still able to walk independently for some time.

If pain occurs due to swelling, you must take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and diuretics. If pain occurs after removing the cast or at the site of an old fracture, you should stop any impact on the fracture area and drink non-narcotic analgesic.

Photo 2. There is no need to endure pain; it is recommended to take an analgesic immediately after the fracture.

Muscle tissue plays an essential role in normal functioning legs, so it should always be in good shape, in daily training.

In this case, the flow of blood increases, and with it oxygen and nutrients. If this does not happen for one reason or another, including as a result of damage followed by the application of plaster, problems begin.

Types of rehabilitation after a fracture and removal of plaster

Depending on the degree of complexity of the fracture, the rehabilitation period can last from 7 to 21 days, medicine suggests following conditions rehabilitation for speedy recovery patient after an ankle fracture:

  • massages;
  • electromagnetic therapy (heating, electrophoresis, ultraviolet exposure);
  • hydrotherapy;

Treatment of an ankle fracture

Treatment of a non-displaced fracture involves standard immobilization. In this case, the risk of complications is negligible, but nevertheless possible.

The treatment of a displaced ankle fracture is based on repositioning the bone fragments and putting them in the right order.

After surgery, the lower limb is fixed with a plaster cast for 2-3 weeks. After this time, a control photograph is taken.

If the callus is clearly visualized, the plaster is removed.

Often this procedure does not cause complications, but in some cases they do occur. The main signs of complications are:

  1. Swelling of the leg.
  2. Aching pain in the foot.
  3. Change in skin color.

If after removing the plaster there remains a slight swelling, it means that blood circulation is slowly being restored. Because of this, the leg can not only swell significantly in the evening, but also hurt at night.

Have a good analgesic effect alcohol lotions, which are done once every 2-3 days for a long time (5-6 months).

Effective therapeutic effect against swelling of the ankle there is a lotion with dexamethasone, analgin and dimexide. To relieve inflammation and pain, diclofenac must be added to such a compress. Such lotions can be done an unlimited number of times.

If swelling occurs after a limb fracture, treatment includes medications, physiotherapeutic and traditional methods.

Ankle rehabilitation at home

Gap ankle joint

To fully restore the ankle after breaking the integrity of the bone, it is necessary to perform rehabilitation not only in the hospital, but also at home. Most often they resort to physical therapy, massage, and nutrition correction.

You must first consult with your doctor about how to conduct self-therapy.


Physical education will help develop joints and muscles and restore them to motor activity. Thanks to it, the consequences of plaster are eliminated - swelling, impaired blood and lymph circulation, and the limb is strengthened, after which it will be easier for the patient to learn to walk.

Proper use of the leg after a broken ankle should be performed immediately after the cast. It is also recommended to start doing exercises at this time.

The duration of gymnastics on the first day should be 5-10 minutes, the load is minimal. As time increases, you should gradually increase your movements and try to stand on your leg with almost your full weight.

You can do the following exercises at home:

  1. Standing on your healthy leg and holding onto a chair or other support, you need to swing forward, backward, right, left. Movements should be carried out carefully, without rushing.
  2. Lying on the bed or sofa, we pull our socks towards ourselves, away from ourselves and move our toes.
  3. It is necessary to walk longer - on your heels, toes, walking barefoot on stones is useful.
  4. Sitting or standing with your bare foot, you need to roll the ball - to the side, forward, left, right, pressing on it with your foot.
  5. It is recommended to walk more fresh air. To begin with, train your step at home, under the supervision of family and friends.
  6. Starting position standing, back straight. Holding onto a chair, you need to slowly lift your sore leg up. After doing 5-10 repetitions, you can rest.
  7. Lying on a hard surface, we raise our legs, stretch out our socks and begin to pull them towards ourselves - away from ourselves. During the exercise, we monitor our own well-being; if it becomes painful, we stop.

Complications after applying a plaster cast

Any immobilization of a limb causes changes in blood circulation, lymphostasis and changes in muscle tone. All this leads to complications that can be divided into several groups.

Complications caused by decreased muscle tone

To this kind pathological conditions This may include swelling of the limb, changes in muscle volume and weakness of the foot when you want to step on it.

This complication has a bad effect on the course of the fracture, as it entails a decrease in the intensity of blood circulation and blood stasis due to dilation of the veins of the limb.

This condition must be corrected as soon as the first symptoms appear that can lead to this.

Signs of decreased muscle tone under a cast:

  1. Numbness of the limb.
  2. Itchy skin.
  3. Periodic muscle pain.
  4. Oncoming joint pain.

It is necessary to distinguish muscle pain from bone pain. When you move your leg, the muscle hurts. At rest, when the muscles are relaxed, the bones often hurt. If there is a tendency to pain of this nature, you need to urgently seek help. medical care. Delay may have a negative impact on the future functioning of the limb.

The plaster may have been applied incorrectly and its position needs to be corrected. If the cast was removed after an ankle fracture for several days ahead of schedule, then it is necessary to apply a tight bandage with an elastic bandage and try to limit the ankle and knee joint in motion.

During the rehabilitation period, muscle tone should be restored by 50% within a few days, and by 100% over the next 10-20 days.

Complication caused by impaired circulation and lymphatic drainage

Very often plaster cast placed very close to the skin of the leg. This leads to compression of the superficial veins of the limb. Gradually, the blood that enters the leg through the arteries does not return to the heart through the veins.

This leads to blood stasis and oxygen starvation soft tissues, and the skin and nails on the feet gradually begin to turn pale and blue.

Signs of circulatory failure in a leg under a cast:

  1. Numbness of the limb.
  2. Change in skin color on visible areas of the leg.
  3. Goosebumps crawling under the cast.

If there are 2 of the above signs, you must immediately contact a traumatologist at your place of residence, since poor circulation can lead to the formation of blood clots.

Sometimes complications have multi-layered causes, the treatment of which takes an integrated approach.

Sometimes, even after timely removal of the cast for an ankle fracture, the swelling persists for a very long time. The cause of such prolonged edema may be a violation of the blood supply in a separate artery or blockage of a superficial vein.

To identify the condition, an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the lower limb is performed. With this study, you can determine the cause of circulatory problems within a few minutes.

It is also necessary to check the correct healing of the fracture, because breaking an unformed callus Sometimes it can be almost painless.

If your leg hurts at the site of the ankle fracture after removing the cast, you should urgently take several x-rays in different projections. Using this study, you can easily determine the integrity of the bone.

Sometimes, even before the cast is removed, the affected leg hurts, the ankle visibly swells and changes color skin legs. The cause of this condition may be infection of the wound.

Patients are often diagnosed with erysipelas, which is caused by group A hemolytic streptococcus. This condition can be treated exclusively with antibiotic therapy.

Prevention of re-edema

To prevent the appearance of swelling in the leg after removal of the cast and full recovery, it is necessary to avoid sudden and significant stress, beware of repeated injury, even minimal, eat foods rich in calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus, and also drink less fluid for some time.


You say, “What does nutrition have to do with it?” But the fact is that there are products that accelerate the healing of bone and cartilage tissue. These include foods rich in calcium - everyone knows that this is cottage cheese, sour cream, and all dairy products.

But not everyone knows that during and after fractures it is very useful to eat strong broths and jellied meat.

It is advisable to take vitamins containing calcium and vitamin D.