The best remedy for migraines and headaches. What pills effectively help against migraines? Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory tablets

Bulgakov's Pontius Pilate, exhausted by attacks of hemicrania, was sure that there was no salvation from a headache that spread to half his head. Fortunately, a lot has changed since then, and relief from migraines has finally appeared. What drugs belong to anti-migraine analgesics and how to select them - this will be discussed in the last article of the series dedicated to.

Not just a headache

Headache can have different origins, and, in fact, the selection of the drug depends on it. Experts are still arguing about the mechanism of development of migraine headaches.

It is known for sure that during an attack, the blood vessels of the brain dilate, as a result of which the blood flow to it increases.

That is why sufferers who try to stop a migraine attack with the help of popular antispasmodics, such as Spazmalgon, end up with even more severe pain. After all, antispasmodics contribute to the dilation of blood vessels, including the brain, which means they act together with migraine, and not against it!

There is no need to try to get rid of migraines with the help of combined products containing papaverine (Andipal), drotaverine (No-shpalgin or No-shpa) and other antispasmodics. They are unlikely to help, and if they do provide relief, it will not be for long. Those who periodically experience migraine attacks should pay attention to triptans and drugs containing ergotamine. They are among the targeted anti-migraine drugs.

Triptans: the “correct” effect on blood vessels

The subgroup of antimigraine analgesics called triptans is still very young: its first representative, sumatriptan, saw the world in 1991. And yet, over a quarter of a century, he managed to become famous and become the gold standard for migraine treatment.

The mechanism of action of triptans is aimed directly at the process that triggers pain. Drugs in this group interact with special receptors located in the blood vessels of the brain, which leads to their narrowing.

Thus, triptans do not exhibit the direct analgesic activity characteristic of traditional analgesics, and yet they still work. This fact once again proves that migraine is not an ordinary headache that can be easily calmed with paracetamol or aspirin.

In addition to sumatriptan, other drugs from the triptan group are registered in Russia. They are easy to “calculate” among the medicinal variety - the international names of these drugs always end with -triptan: naratriptan, frovatriptan, eletriptan.

All triptans work in the same way, but the effects may vary depending on the individual's sensitivity. I will add that triptans are most effective if taken in the early stages of a migraine, at the very beginning of the attack. 2 hours after the first dose, the dose can be repeated to “fix” the result.

Ergot alkaloids

A pest fungus, ergot, likes to live on some cereal crops, such as wheat or rye. It produces a large amount of toxic substances - alkaloids, which in low doses can have a wide variety of effects on the human body.

Ergotamine has found widespread use in medicine. It, like triptans, interacts with receptors that constrict blood vessels in the brain, and also exhibits a direct vasoconstrictor effect on vascular smooth muscles. In this regard, ergotamine preparations are widely used as anti-migraine analgesics.

However, if you start looking for a medicine called “ergotamine” in pharmacies, you will be disappointed. Ergotamine belongs to the so-called list A, which includes drugs and poisons, and is sold exclusively with special doctor’s prescriptions, equipped with many seals and signatures.

Combination preparations containing ergot alkaloids, such as Nomigren, are much more accessible. It contains a complex of ergotamine (0.75 mg), an analgesic, antispasmodic, antiemetic and caffeine. However, Nomigren has a solid list of contraindications and side effects.

Russian industry produces another anti-migraine analgesic with ergotamine - Cafergot. In addition to 1 mg of ergot alkaloid, it contains caffeine, which enhances the effect of the main component.

There is one important aspect to remember regarding medications that contain ergot alkaloids. Ergotamine and its salts (in particular, ergotamine tartrate) stimulate uterine contractions, so they are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy.

So what should you choose?

As you can see, there are not so few drugs for treating a migraine attack. Which one should you choose? The answer to this question depends on the severity of the headache - there is even a so-called stratification of anti-migraine drugs according to the strength of the analgesic effect.

For moderate attacks, it is recommended to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (eg paracetamol, ibuprofen, ketoprofen) or any of the triptans. If migraines cause severe headaches, it is better to use triptans or products containing ergotamine.

If the situation can be called very severe, the choice is narrowed to ergotamine or opioid analgesics. I note that the last option, given the strictness of domestic healthcare in the field of opioid trafficking, is practically impossible in Russian reality.

And yet, despite the clear division of anti-migraine drugs according to effectiveness, each case is individual. This means that each patient, together with his doctor, must select his own personal regimen for relieving migraine pain.

Marina Pozdeeva


Migraine is a neurological disease that causes intense headaches. In general, they are accompanied by such symptoms as attacks of nausea, vomiting, intolerance to sounds, and fear of bright light. No symptoms were detected in the interval between attacks.

Directions for treating migraine attacks

Medicine distinguishes three methods in treating the disease:

  • preventing seizures. The patient is taught to distinguish the warning signs of the disease and respond to them in a timely manner. The triggers of the disease are individual, but have similar features. These could be:
    • intense strong odors, such as perfume or cigarette smoke;
    • bright light;
    • loads on the vestibular apparatus;
    • overwork;
    • range of products.
  • Direct treatment of attacks. It involves both psychological work to reduce the level of anxiety during attacks, and the use of various medications.
  • Migraine prevention. Frequent attacks of the disease require the introduction of measures to prevent migraine.

Relieving pain during an attack

Eliminating pain is a key point in treating the disease.

Painkillers should be taken at the first signs of illness. An exclusively similar approach allows not only to remove the pain of half of the head, but also to completely relieve the remaining symptoms.

Prescribed as medications to relieve pain

  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs.

Symptomatic treatment

To get rid of associated unpleasant sensations, such as

  • feeling weak and overwhelmed;
  • nausea;
  • frequent bouts of vomiting

antiemetics are indicated. Along with medications that relieve pain, the doctor may prescribe

  • prochlorperazine;
  • domperidone;
  • cerucal.

Caffeine is used to relieve feelings of weakness.

Prevention of a new attack

Both psychological and medications are used as a way to prevent subsequent attacks of the disease. Among them:

  • identifying provoking factors and avoiding them;
  • the use of a variety of devices to help reduce the intensity of environmental impact. It could be
    • lamp shades;
    • earplugs;
    • special masks that cover the eyes from light;
  • the ability to use special techniques to relax during an attack.

Review of some drugs and their prices

The fundamental principle in the treatment of migraines is the timely administration of medications.

Often, to relieve pain, it is enough to take analgesics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Among the most modern drugs, they are especially highlighted. This is a medicine that relieves the patient of headaches by interacting with brain receptors.

Here is a short list of migraine medications:


A drug of the triptan group. Presumably, migraines with severe pain are the result of an imbalance of serotonin in the body.

Sumamigren eliminates the imbalance and thereby stops an attack of the disease. The drug begins to act half an hour after administration.

It is especially effective for the initial signs of migraine, but has also shown good results when taken in later stages. The individual dose is from 50 to 100 mg, the dose per day should not be more than 200 mg. Well tolerated, side effects are very rare.

The approximate price of Sumamigren is 400 rubles.


A medicine of the triptan group, an analogue of Sumamigren. When taking it, drowsiness and slower reactions are possible. Caution is required when driving.

International name - Sumatriptan.

The approximate price of Amigrenin is 300 rubles.


A triptan drug. International name - Eletriptan. A fairly well-known drug, but among patients the incorrect name “Relax tablets for migraines” has stuck.

The drug should not be prescribed to patients with cardiovascular disorders.

The approximate price of Relpax is 350 rubles.


A triptan drug.

International name - Sumatriptan.

Relieves migraine attacks. However, if the drug is taken during an aura, even before other signs of migraine appear, there may be no analgesic effect.

The approximate price of Sumatriptan is 175 rubles.


A triptan drug. Quite a good effect both at the initial stage of migraine and at a later stage. It is not recommended to take a repeat dose earlier than after 2 hours.

May cause increased blood pressure and pain in the heart area. Careful monitoring is required during the first doses. At the same time, zomig did not cause drowsiness or impairment of psychomotor functions during testing.

International name - Zolmitriptan.

The approximate price of Zomig is 930 rubles.


Available in the form of tablets, rectal suppositories, syrup and chewable tablets. Has an analgesic effect. Helps with pain of mild to moderate intensity. The instructions indicate that it is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, but the modern view of medicine allows the use of paracetamol even without giving up breastfeeding.

Adults take a single dosage of 500 mg.

The cost of a package of 10 pieces is from 2 rubles for a dosage of 200 mg, from 5 rubles for a dosage of 500 mg. Candles from 38 rub. Syrup from 52 rub. Chewable tablets from 63 rub.


The analgesic effect is due to the presence of paracetamol in the composition. The effect on migraine headaches is the same as paracetamol itself.

Citramon P, Citramon M and Citramon Ectra contain caffeine in addition to paracetamol and are more suitable for the treatment of headaches. Greater results can be achieved with their help at lower pressure.

Citramon P from 8 rubles, Citramon M and Citramon Extra are sold mainly in Ukraine at a price from 11 UAH.


It has a pronounced analgesic effect for mild to moderate pain intensity. Available in the form of tablets and solution for injection. There are also painkillers for migraines in the form of Analgin derivatives with a similar composition: Analgin-Zdorovye, Analgin-Darnitsa, Analgin-quinine, Analgin-Ultra. The latter can be taken either orally or as rectal suppositories.

The price ranges from 14 rubles and from 63 more expensive analogues. Solution for injections from 107 rub.

Analogs: Pentalgin, Sedalgin, etc.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Tablets are considered one of the safest to use. The action occurs quite quickly - within 10 minutes and lasts about 8 hours. An analogue of Ibuprofen is Nurofen.

It is also worth paying attention to the anti-inflammatory drug Diclofenac, Amitriptyline, Anaprilin, Evrysam, Caffetamine.

Malysheva’s opinion on migraine pills

The host of the popular “Health” program, Elena Malysheva, recommends, when signs of a characteristic headache occur, medications that help restore vascular tone in the brain. In her opinion, antispasmodics that relieve vasospasm are not able to help in case of pain.

This is explained by the fact that during a migraine the blood vessels do not narrow, but, on the contrary, expand.

What then can help? What to change in your life so that attacks do not recur These are the questions asked by the creators of the program.

We offer a video recording of the “Health” program, in which Elena Malysheva explains the choice of migraine pills:

Which pills are best for relieving migraine attacks with and without aura?

An aura is a specific process that occurs in the brain as a reflection of the course of an attack. As a rule, the aura is visual. It is expressed in visual impairment:

  • color spots;
  • flashes of light;
  • zigzags of different colors.

At the very first attacks of headache, analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are quite effective. Later, triptans must be added to treat migraines.

Medicines of the triptan group are equally effective in relieving the disease with and without aura. Considering patient reviews of triptan group migraine tablets, we can conclude that Sumamigren and its analogue Amigrenin are most effective at the first appearance of signs of migraine. Sumatriptan or Zomig, on the other hand, may not produce the desired results if taken early.

It is worth noting that the price of triptans is several times higher than the cost of analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

And from the article you will find out what medications are used for narrowing of blood vessels in the brain.

Over the counter

At the first sign of illness, symptom relief can be achieved with over-the-counter medications such as

  • citramon;
  • ibuprofen;
  • aspirin.

Almost any course of the disease requires a mandatory examination by a doctor. However, citramon, aspirin or ibuprofen can relieve pain by dilating the blood vessels in the brain and improving blood supply.

Tablets for migraines during pregnancy

Almost all drugs indicated for migraines are prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. The doctor may prescribe paracetamol as the most neutral drug for the body of the expectant mother and fetus.

  • relaxation;
  • caffeine intake;
  • cold compresses.

Birth control pills for migraines

It is impossible to completely recover from migraines. But you can reduce the number of attacks and their duration. Correct selection of medications and timely administration are the key to success in getting rid of migraines.

A neurological disease in which headaches (regular or episodic) are a common manifestation is called migraine. Excruciating attacks of pain cover one part of the head or the whole, but this is a rare case.

Migraine is a hereditary disease, it is not associated with injuries, the consequences of a stroke, or tumors.

It is important that the disease greatly disrupts a person’s social adaptation and limits his communication with others. The performance of such a person decreases, and sometimes reaches such a level that they are assigned to the disabled group.

The amount of money spent on treatment is equal to that spent on cardiovascular diseases. The accuracy of a medical diagnosis is the differentiation of foci of pain during attacks from headaches, as well as the optimal selection of tablets - analgesics, beta blockers, triptans (we talked in detail about fast-acting migraine medications in this material, and from this article you will learn about the drugs to prevent this disease).

Medical supervision helps to adhere to a plan for stopping the next attack for each individual case. The severity of the disease depends on the frequency and intensity of attacks. For example, a mild form is several times a year, a severe form is daily (2-8 times a month).

Rating of effective tablets for migraines


Weak and rare attacks are the beginning of the development of the disease. Here you can limit yourself to the method of disposal with conventional analgesics:

Combined products

Combination tablets, caffeine, codeine or phenobarbital, help with frequent attacks. These are medications that reduce the excitability of the cerebral cortex.

  1. Imigran– 100 mg. active substance sumatriptan, migraine, stimulates blood vessels and constricts them, price from 240 rubles;
  2. Rapidmed– also 100 mg., does not affect smooth muscle receptors, relieves spasms from them, constricts blood vessels, cost within 280 rubles;
  3. Sumamigren– 100 mg product, stimulates blood vessels, anti-migraine, cost from 290 rubles;
  4. Zomig– 2.5 mg. active substance, relieves pain, relieves nausea, price from 600 rubles;
  5. Rulpaks– 40 mg, constricts blood vessels in the brain, cost from 350 rubles.

It is important that some tablets are not sold in our pharmacies. They are issued to order and strictly according to the recipe. There are also contraindications for this line of drugs, Triptans should not be taken in the following cases:

  • with high blood pressure;
  • with reverse migraine (when the blood vessels first narrow and then dilate);
  • if there is incompatibility with other medications (this is indicated in the instructions).

Attention! During severe attacks, you should absolutely not take different triptans.

Now you know about the most effective headache pills.

More detailed lists of migraine remedies and their prices can be found, and you can see a list of the best vasoconstrictors and homeopathic medications for headaches.

Returning to the topic of migraine, I would like to systematize medications that relieve attacks of pain, so that it is easier for you to decide which medication is best to choose.
Since migraine remains a disease that medicine is not yet able to completely cure, but attacks must be relieved, in today’s article I will talk about migraine pills, a list of which I will give from the weakest to the strongest.
“Migraine is a neurological disease, the most common and characteristic symptom of which is episodic or regular severe and painful attacks of headache in one (rarely in both) half of the head. There are no serious head injuries, strokes or brain tumors.” Taken from Wikipedia, where you can read more about this disease.
Before you start taking migraine medications, you should be sure that you have migraine.
What I would like to remind you about is that you should try to take any pill during an attack as early as possible, preferably within the first two hours from the onset.

1. For mild, rare migraine attacks, which usually occur when a migraine is just beginning to develop, you can take analgesics:
- Aspirin
- Analgin
- Paracetamol
- Ibuprofen
- Diclofenac
- Naproxen
- Ketrolac.
Important points to consider when taking certain analgesics.
- Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) will help only in a large dosage - two tablets of 500 mg, which should be washed down with a caffeine-containing drink, for example, strong tea.

We remember that such consumption is possible only with a healthy stomach. And if you have “stomach” problems, then take it only after meals, with jelly or milk.
- Very often in women, migraines are an invariable companion of menstrual periods - in this case, it is better not to take aspirin, as it can increase blood loss.
- When, many years ago, migraines just began to bother me, any analgesic drugs helped me. Since the choice of tablets was small back then, I took analgin very often, but I don’t recommend taking it.
Analgin (metamizole sodium) is a very unsafe drug - it can cause side effects from the liver, kidneys and hematopoietic system, it is even banned in Europe, and it does not relieve migraine attacks in the best way, so it is better to replace it with another medicine from this list.

2. The pain is frequent and quite intense, and also if the analgesic has not helped you three times.
We choose combination drugs containing either caffeine (tonic), or codeine or phenobarbital - they reduce the excitability of the cerebral cortex. Such drugs include:
- CitramonP
- Askofen
- Pentalgin
- Migrenol
- Kaffetin
- Solpadeine
- Sedalgin-neo
- Tetralgin
And these are combination drugs that contain anti-spasm components:
- Spasmalgon
- Took
- Spazgan
Of all this diversity, during not too severe migraines, I took CitramonP, Askofen, Sedalgin-Neo, Spazmalgon and Spazgan. I will say that all the drugs with anti-spasm additives did not help me well, the pain dulled, but my head was very heavy.
But Askofen and, especially, Citramon relieved the pain completely. Unfortunately, this magical effect faded over time, and I switched to more complex drugs, fortunately by that time they had appeared in pharmacies.
Recently, most combination medications can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription.
This, of course, is just my perception of the medicines; they may affect you completely differently, so try it.

3. If migraine pain is very severe.
And they deprive you of the opportunity to eat, sleep and breathe and lead a normal life. Don’t waste time on experiments, start taking drugs from a group of relatively new drugs - triptans.

They have a completely different principle of action - they are not “painkillers” in the same sense as other drugs, that is, they do not directly affect pain, but they eliminate what causes an attack.
In the case of migraines, trpitans selectively narrow the dilated vessels in the lining of the brain during an attack.
What drugs are triptans?
Keep in mind - triptans do not work on any other pain, including headaches, except migraines.
- Sumatriptan - we have to look for it under the “name” Imigran.
Since Imigran is not always available in pharmacies, pay attention to its copies, the so-called generics:
- Amigrenin (manufacturer Russia)
- Sumamigren (producer Poland)
- Rapided (manufacturer Iceland)
And also triptans, which have an active substance other than sumatriptan:
- Zomig
- Relpax
- Naramig
- Rapimig
It must be said that not all of these drugs are available in pharmacies; for quite a long time, only Sumamigren was available (at least in our country), later Amigrenin appeared, and not so long ago Imigran and Rapimig began to be sold in pharmacies. Therefore, I personally have only tried Sumamigren and, many, many times, Amigrenin - they definitely help with migraines, you take a pill, wait about half an hour - and you’re alive again
(I like Amigrenin more than Summigren, but this is my personal preference).
Most recently I purchased Rapimig, if it has any magical effect, or vice versa, I will make an addition to the article.

Update on Rapimig.
I tried it on two severe attacks. My personal impression is that I will not buy again. There are two reasons.
1. It relieves pain, but not as well as Amigrenin. After taking Rapimiga, the acute migraine went away, but the head remained heavy. And if, after a while after taking Amigrenin, I most often forget about the migraine completely and, in principle, I can dig potatoes)) then with Rapimig this feeling did not arise. Although this may be for the best, because if the attack is removed, this does not mean that the patient is completely healthy, but I have to dig...
2. The second attack was stronger than the first, the pain relief sensations were the same, but this time the migraine was accompanied by nausea. And here I discovered the main disadvantage of Rapimiga: the tablets must be dissolved, they are very soft and dissolve quickly, but, alas, they have an unpleasantly sweet taste, their taste remains for a while, and if you feel nauseous during an attack, then there is a high chance that the medicine “won’t take root.” And this means that:
- there must be another medicine in stock;
- you will have to go for this medicine again, get it, drink it... those suffering from migraines know that it is very difficult.
What we should definitely know when taking triptans.
- Triptans should not be taken by those who have high blood pressure or are subject to sudden changes in blood pressure, or have had a stroke or vascular atherosclerosis.
- Take with caution for migraine with aura, since during an aura the blood vessels narrow and only then expand.
- They cannot be taken with some other medications - read the instructions.
And please note:
During the same attack, you should not take different triptans!

4. There is another group of drugs that affect migraines - anti-migraine analgesics derived from ergotamine.
They cause side effects more often than others, so it is better to take a medicine with a small content of ergotamine. What specific medications are classified as anti-migraine analgesics:
- Nomigren
- Syncapton
- Caffeamine.

Contraindications for taking these drugs are vascular disease, hypertension, angina and glaucoma.
But the main thing:
Drugs containing ergotamine should not be taken together with triptans, as this leads to vasospasm.
It is interesting that I did not find any of these medicines on sale throughout Belarus. Although previously Syncapton was sold everywhere, Nomigren was popular among migraine sufferers and was ordered by those who traveled to Poland or Ukraine. But now I would definitely refuse to take these drugs in favor of triptans.
That's all, I hope you will definitely choose migraine pills from this list that can help you.
The list of tablets for migraines is compiled on the basis of articles written by A.B., Doctor of Medical Sciences, head of the Headache Center at the Moscow Central Clinical Hospital No. 2. Danilov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant at the Institute of Postgraduate Education of the Voronezh State Medical Academy named after. Burdenko T.E. Kotelnikova. And also with the help of information from the book “How to tame a migraine,” which was written by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases E.G. Filatova and Candidate of Medical Sciences N.V. Latysheva.


Migraine is a chronic neurological disease, the main symptom of which is headache of varying duration and intensity. Regular manifestations of the disease can significantly reduce a person’s quality of life. Every patient with this diagnosis should know how to quickly relieve migraine pain, what first aid methods can be used during the development of an attack, and how to reduce the frequency of exacerbations. Modern pharmacology offers several groups of medications that can alleviate the patient’s condition. Migraine tablets are prescribed by a doctor based on the patient’s age and the specifics of the case.

Causes and symptoms of migraine

The mechanism of development of headaches, which are defined as migraine, is not fully understood. Scientists only highlight a number of theories according to which the cause of attacks may be: narrowing of cerebral vessels, disturbances in blood composition, chemical changes in organ tissues against the background of depression, or disruption of the relationship between the trigeminal nerve and blood vessels. With chronic headaches, there is a high probability of the influence of a genetic factor. The risk of developing migraine in children of women with the disease is 70%, in men – 20%.

Migraine pills can bring relief in a short time or shorten the duration of an attack.

In order to prevent the development of migraine altogether, it is necessary to exclude exposure to triggers on the body - provocateurs of the appearance of symptoms of the disease. They are individual for each person, but experts identify 3 main risk groups.

Migraine headache triggers:

  • food products – finished products or semi-finished products with flavor enhancers and sweeteners, preservatives, tea and coffee, citrus fruits, chocolate, seafood and smoked meats;
  • environmental influences - changes in atmospheric pressure, bright light, strong odors, detergents, tobacco smoke;
  • lifestyle - chronic fatigue, stress, lack of sleep or long sleep, jet lag, smoking and drinking alcohol, excessive physical activity without habit.

Migraine symptoms and treatment are closely related. Tablets for preventing or relieving headaches are selected taking into account the characteristics of the clinical picture. The appearance of an aura of visual, speech, motor or mixed type may indicate the approach of an attack. Some patients experience tearfulness, drowsiness, and irritability. Some feel very thirsty, others want to eat something unusual.

If at the initial stage you do not use what helps a particular person against migraine, a headache will appear. It can be weak and annoying or painful and unbearable. Usually the sensations are localized on one side and last from 2-3 hours to 3 days. They can radiate to the eye socket, temple, forehead or back of the head. The pain gradually increases and can affect the neck and shoulders. Sometimes patients experience nausea, followed by vomiting that brings temporary relief.

Migraine tablets

When choosing medications for migraines, you need to remember that:

  • you may have to try not just one product, but several until you find the right one - even the best headache pills may be useless in a particular case;
  • sometimes painkillers for migraines cease to cope with their tasks after a few months of therapy, then they will have to be changed;
  • In some patients, the disease can proceed according to different scenarios - for each case, an effective remedy must be selected.

Despite the fact that the list of effective tablets for migraines is impressive, not every patient is able to find something suitable. In difficult cases, only injections will help cope with the attack. Taking into account the increased aggressiveness of such drugs, they must be used carefully, strictly according to the regimen selected by the doctor.

Antispasmodics and analgesics

This group includes the means of the fastest impact. They are recommended to be taken when the first signs of an attack appear. They help relieve or relieve headaches. If there is no effect after 1-2 doses of the medication, carried out according to the instructions, it is better to switch to stronger or specialized drugs.

List of popular fast-acting migraine medications:

  • Citramon - helps against the first signs of an attack. Take 1 tablet after meals, up to 3-4 times a day. It is forbidden to drink for more than 3 days, there is a high risk of side effects;
  • Aspirin - take 1 tablet up to 3 times a day. The maximum duration of therapy is 14 days;
  • Ibuprofen - you are allowed to take 1 tablet up to 4 times a day, with breaks between doses of at least 6 hours;
  • Naproxen is a powerful analgesic that is taken once in the amount of 2 tablets;
  • Diclofenac - acts as quickly as possible; it is forbidden to take more than 200 mg of the active substance per day;
  • Spasmalgon is an effective antispasmodic that is taken symptomatically, but not more than 6 tablets per day;
  • No-Shpa can be taken once or taken symptomatically, but the long-term effect of the medicine is not guaranteed. The maximum daily dose is 6 tablets.

It is not recommended to combine these medications on your own. In the absence of a pronounced positive effect, increasing therapeutic doses is prohibited. This approach will not improve the condition, but will increase the risk of adverse reactions.


A group of not very popular due to the high price, but effective drugs for the treatment of migraine. They
are able to simultaneously cause vasoconstriction, block the occurrence of pain, and relieve other manifestations of the disease. If there is no effect on the background of the first use of the product, you should not abandon it. Doctors recommend taking the medicine at least three times according to the instructions or medical regimen and only after that making a decision about the advisability of their further use.

The list of drugs effective for migraines includes: Noramig, Relpax, Zomig, Sumatriptan and their analogues. Medicines are available without a prescription and can be used both to relieve attacks and to prevent them. In the latter case, the tablets must be taken within the minimum dose for several weeks. The drugs are contraindicated for people under 18 and over 65 years of age, with high blood pressure, severe pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

Ergotamines for migraine aura relief

The vasodilating properties of the drugs allow you to quickly relieve discomfort. When taken for a long time, they are addictive, so they can only be used with the permission of a doctor within the recommended doses and treatment regimens. The most popular are: Ergomar, Ginofort, Akliman, Sekabrevin. When choosing a medicine for migraines, you should pay attention to products with added caffeine. Cafergot, Nomigren and Caffetamine act faster, the positive results last longer.

These are effective tablets for migraine attacks, but will not give the desired results for headaches of other etiologies. Today they are used not only to treat attacks, but also to prevent their recurrence. Products are prohibited for use in cases of ischemia, angina, hypertension, and renal failure. They are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

Combination drugs for migraine

These are modern drugs, the effectiveness of which is based on the simultaneous action of a number of medicinal components. Positive changes in the patient’s condition are observed 15-20 minutes after taking the tablet. The disadvantage of the products is that in severe forms of status migraine they are practically useless.

Popular combination drugs against migraine:

  • Askofen-P - the substances in the drug reinforce each other. Single dose – 1-2 tablets. The number of doses per day and duration of therapy are determined by the doctor;
  • Solpadeine - tablets can be regular or water-soluble. Strong analgesic. To reduce the severity of symptoms, 1 tablet is enough;
  • Sedalgin-Neo is a powerful multi-component product. During an attack, it is recommended to limit yourself to 1 tablet;
  • Pentalgin - relieves pain, relaxes and calms. Take 1 tablet during an attack. Repeated use is agreed with the doctor;
  • Excedrin - relieves pain, eliminates drowsiness, increases physical activity, reduces the risk of blood clots. Take 1 tablet after meals no more than once every 4 hours. Drink with plenty of water.

If the listed drugs for migraines do not produce an effect after the time specified in the instructions, taking them again is useless. You should try another pain management option or consult a doctor.

Tablets for menstrual migraine

To relieve headaches during menstruation, it is recommended to use triptans, ergotamines, and NSAIDs. In this case, you should adhere to the basic single and daily dosages. If there is no positive dynamics, you need to wait 4-6 hours and try another drug. The combination of triptans and anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs is most effective, but such combinations must be selected by a doctor.

During therapy, it must be remembered that NSAIDs and analgesics should not be taken for more than 10 days. Excedrin is not used for menstrual migraines. In order not to provoke the development of abusive pain, it is better to avoid taking products containing caffeine, opioids and barbiturates.

How to get rid of migraines without pills

Non-drug treatment of migraine helps only at the beginning of an attack and in cases where the pain is not severe and does not lead to disruption of the patient’s life. If possible, you should lie down in a quiet, darkened room and try to sleep. At a minimum, you should drink black tea with sugar and lemon and rest a little.

To defeat migraines at an early stage, you can:

  • arrange a contrast shower for your head, but temperature changes should not be sudden;
  • hold your head in a bowl of very warm water for a while;
  • put on a shirt soaked in cold or warm water on the upper part of the body (the water temperature depends on the situation and is selected experimentally);
  • Massage of the head or feet can be used as a cure for migraines;
  • Menthol ointment will help you relax - rub it into your temples and wrap your head tightly with a towel.

It is important to remember that self-medication can aggravate the condition, accelerating the development of an attack. It should be used with the permission of the attending physician, using already proven methods.

Head massage

Carrying out the manipulation on your own will not give the desired effect; it is better to use the services of an assistant. The work begins with stroking the head, neck and shoulders. Then a finger massage of the entire scalp is performed from the forehead to the back of the head. In this case, the pressure should be insignificant, the head should be fixed with the other hand. Next, the side areas are treated - from the temple to the back of the head. Be sure to massage the tubercles behind the ears. The session ends with stroking.

Therapeutic baths for migraines

Physiotherapy will not help overcome migraines, but they will quickly alleviate the patient’s condition. From time to time they are recommended to be used for preventive purposes, but you should not get carried away. Using the product too often can trigger attacks.

Options for combating migraines with baths:

  • with mustard flour - dilute a heaping tablespoon of the mixture with very warm, but not hot water to form a porridge. Add it to water at a temperature of 39-40°C. Session time – 5-10 minutes or until the skin turns red;
  • with mustard seeds and sage – take the ingredients in equal quantities and mix. Dilute 60 g of the composition in 2 glasses of cold water and leave for half an hour. Strain, add to bath;
  • with mustard oil – add 10 drops of oil to a glass of water, shake the mixture. Pour the preparation into the bath.

The listed baths do not have to be taken completely. Hand and foot baths help just as quickly. At the same time, they cause less discomfort and require less hassle. The method will have to be abandoned if there is a fever, skin rashes, or intolerance to the components.

Migraine prevention

Suitable tablets are selected based on the specific clinical manifestations of attacks and taking into account the body’s reaction to drugs from different groups. Such therapy is resorted to when attacks recur at least 2 times a month, when neurological disorders and epileptic seizures appear, against the background of the lack of proper effect from conventional analgesics.

Migraine prevention is carried out with the following drugs:

  • NSAIDs – Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Aspirin;
  • serotonin antagonists – Vasobral, Cafetamine;
  • beta blockers – Anaprilin;
  • hormones – Dexamethasone;
  • antidepressants – Amitriptyline;
  • triptans – Zomig, Naramig;
  • combined agents – Trigan, Pentalgin;
  • antiemetics - Domperidone.

Before using these medications to prevent migraine attacks, you should consult your doctor. Profile therapy is often complemented by massage, acupuncture, reflexology, diet and consultations with a psychologist.

Prevention of migraine status in women

This diagnosis means severe attacks of the disease or their prolonged course (more than 3 days). In this case, regular migraine prevention pills may not have the desired effect. The doctor may recommend taking: Verapamil, Amitriptyline, magnesium drugs, Propranolol and Topiramate. In some cases, hormonal therapy based on oral contraceptives is indicated. The result of prevention will be more pronounced if it is supported by massage, psychotherapy, therapeutic exercises and relaxation.

Doctors have not yet learned how to completely cure migraines with the help of tablets, but the listed drugs can make life easier for patients and improve their quality. If you initially contact a qualified doctor with your problem and strictly follow his recommendations, you can avoid a lot of unpleasant minutes.