Egg shell how to cook. Eggshell as a source of calcium benefits and harms how to take

If people knew exactly what they lack, then calcium would take one of the leading positions in this anti-hit parade. Calcium deficiency can be compensated by taking pharmaceutical preparations, but this is not always possible. First, calcium is not absorbed in all forms. Secondly, the prices of quality calcium preparations bite so much that instead of one jar of tablets, it is better to buy food for a week. And it really is better! For example, combine useful with useful and take eggshells as a source of calcium.

Calcium in eggshells is found in natural state which is best absorbed by the human body. You can take calcium gluconate, combine calcium intake with vitamins and other minerals, diet - but it is much easier to take calcium from eggshell like our grandparents did. Even today, doctors advise taking eggshells for osteoporosis, pregnancy, and simply increased stress.

Why take eggshells? The composition and benefits of egg shells
The shell of an egg is its "armor", protecting the precious contents from external threats. The infinite wisdom of nature has made the shell strong on the outside and fragile on the inside, so that in right time The chick hatched from the egg without any problems. This apparent fragility and genuine resilience was noticed even by our distant ancestors, who endowed eggs with a sacred meaning and tried to borrow its power by taking eggshells with food, adding it to drinks and drugs. Today, thanks to the achievements of science, one could easily do without this "obscurantism" and accept pharmaceuticals calcium. Nevertheless, modern people continue to take eggshells. Why?
How to take calcium from eggshell? Egg shell preparation
No one wants to chew on an eggshell - and if they suddenly tried, it would do their teeth more harm than good. In order for calcium to be absorbed and benefited from the inside, it must be taken in a prepared form. Therefore, the eggshell is crushed and powder is prepared from it, which does not change chemical properties, but makes it edible if the shell powder is prepared correctly:
From the shell of one chicken egg grade 1-2, about 1 teaspoon of powder is obtained containing at least 700 mg of calcium. From larger duck and goose eggs, the yield of powder is, of course, different, not to mention the giant ostrich egg. But it is better to limit yourself to chicken and / or quail eggs, because salmonella is much more common on all others.

How to take eggshell with food?
The dosage and rules for taking eggshells are simple, but slightly different depending on the destination. The average adult needs about 400 mg of calcium per day, provided that they have other sources of calcium besides egg shells (dairy products, fish, broths, etc.). For children from 1 year old to school, half of this dose, that is, 200 mg of calcium per day, is sufficient. Eating disorders and / or malfunctions in the body require individual approach. Here are the most common indications and instructions for using eggshell calcium powder:
Pregnant women are prescribed eggshells by a doctor - it is better not to experiment and follow his instructions exactly. Moreover, among the recommendations for taking eggshells, you can find not only rational, but also very exotic recipes. For example, the authors of old medical books strongly advise using the shell of the same egg from which the chicken has just hatched.

Although there are bright thoughts in these books. For example, information that it is desirable to take eggshells in the morning, if there are no other specific instructions, and combine it in the diet with butter, cod liver, coconut and / or other vegetable fats. Newest laboratory research confirmed and explained these rules: it's all about vitamins D and A, which improve calcium metabolism in the body. All this once again proves how closely the methods of traditional medicine are intertwined with modern science, and that eggshells as a source of calcium are valued for good reason. Take eggshells correctly and be healthy!

An ideal source of calcium is the egg shell, which contains trace elements that make it possible to compensate for the lack of calcium and relieve many diseases associated with its deficiency in the body.

The composition of the egg shell

In order for the shell to be beneficial, it must first be processed. First, you need to wash everything well, dry and chop. Secondly, place in a hot oven for ten minutes, and after complete cooling, pour into a glass jar and put in a cool place.

Not everyone knows the composition of the eggshell, but it contains not only calcium, as everyone knows, but also magnesium, silicon, fluorine, sulfur, aluminum, copper and iron. These trace elements are also necessary for our body.

The radioactive substances in environment accumulate in the human body. In order for them not to harm him, it is necessary to carry out preventive cleaning twice a year. For this, doctors recommend taking ¼ teaspoon of ground shells every day for a month. It is also recommended to give this powder to pregnant women. Elderly people and children.

The harm and benefits of eggshells

Calcium is involved in the formation of bones, teeth and nail plates. If it is not enough in the body, the teeth fall out, the hair splits, and the bones become brittle. If this trace element is not enough for a child, he may develop rickets.

A person with a lack of calcium often suffers from depression and muscle spasms, he often develops diseases such as osteochondrosis and osteoporosis.

The harm and benefits of eggshells are not known to many. Or rather, everyone knows about the benefits, but only a few know about the dangers. Eggshells can only be harmful if they are not properly prepared, stored and consumed. Everyone knows that an overabundance of trace elements and vitamins is as harmful as a deficiency. That is why in order for calcium to be properly absorbed, you must first study everything well, and only then use it. Folk remedies only seem harmless, in fact they are the same drugs as those produced by the pharmaceutical industry. Only a person does not get poisoned immediately, but only after a while.

What is the benefit of egg shells?

When it is discovered that the patient has a lack of calcium in the body, the doctor prescribes expensive drugs that not everyone can afford. Supporters of traditional medicine advise not to spend money, but to take advantage of what nature gives us.

What is the benefit of egg shells? Even a child can answer this question. It consists of 90% calcium. In addition, it contains a large number of trace elements that are beneficial to the body. The lack of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc affects the work internal organs. A person thinks that from a lack of calcium, only his nails exfoliate, and his hair splits. Actually it's only external manifestations deficit. The whole body suffers, from the heart to the skin. And this is a serious matter, leading to serious consequences. To be treated for these consequences will be long, tedious and expensive. Everyone knows that it is better to carry out prevention than to spend energy, money and health on treatment later.

Eggshell: contraindications

Traditional medicine has practically no contraindications. The only thing to remember is that not every shell is suitable. A person needs to know where the eggs came from. If they were brought from areas with high radiation, then they are not subject to use, as, indeed, all products brought from these places. Today, many families have special devices measuring the level of radiation in products. You can measure directly in the store. Eggshell contraindications can be read on the Internet or checked with your doctor.

How to cook eggshell?

In order to prepare eggshell powder, you do not need to have special education or possess secret knowledge. Anyone with a coffee grinder can do this. How to cook eggshell? First you need to wash and dry the material, then heat it in the oven, and after it cools down, grind it in a coffee grinder. There are no other ways. Nothing else can make the powder, and if you just rub it with a mortar, you will get fragments that can cut digestive tract. Everything must be done correctly and there will be no harm.

Ground eggshell

Just chewing on an eggshell will not work. First, it's not tasty. Secondly, it is not only not useful, but also harmful and even dangerous. Only ground eggshells, crushed in a coffee grinder, are suitable for use. You can, of course, try to make the powder in a special cook or pharmaceutical mortar. But it takes a long time and is not always effective. It is much easier to use the modern appliances available in the kitchen. The powder is well absorbed and does not cause gag reflexes, moreover, it is easy to swallow.

Eggshell how to take?

Whatever people do for the sake of health, especially when they start to lose it. And baths are taken with medicinal herbs they eat salt and roots, and they agree with God that if the disease passes, they will never drink, smoke and lie on the couch all day. When the disease goes away, they immediately forget about their promises and lead their usual way of life, formed since childhood. The medicines that nature generously gives us cost nothing, they are at our fingertips. However, for some reason we ignore them and want one pill to save us from all diseases. There is such a pill, but it will save us not only from diseases, but also from life. No life, no disease. Everything is simple. We forget that diseases are given to us for an inattentive attitude towards the body, which constantly signals that it does not like something. It is necessary not to ignore the symptoms, but to listen to yourself. When alarms go to the doctor and carry out preventive and other measures.

How to take eggshell? This must be done twice a year. The duration of the course is one month. Take ¼ teaspoon once a day. However, this is not a universal dosage. One amount is recommended for children, another for the elderly, a third for pregnant women, and a fourth for people without any problems who simply want to take calcium for prevention.

How to drink eggshell?

In order for the medicine to be beneficial, it must be taken correctly. When we buy a drug in a pharmacy, we always read the instructions. It is right. If you do not have a prescription from a doctor with an individual dosage on hand, you should read what is recommended for everyone.

How to drink eggshell? There is no single answer to this question. Here everything is strictly individual. Each person has his own calcium deficiency, if everything is completely bad - one dosage, if everything is more or less normal - then another. Most often, it is advised to take ¼ teaspoon per day for a month.

Eggshell during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's body concentrates on carrying and giving birth to a child. All trace elements that are needed for the development of the baby are supplied through the umbilical cord. If future mom eat foods rich essential vitamins and microelements, then the child grows and develops correctly, and female body while not exhausted and does not suffer. If something is missing in the diet, then the fetus draws everything it needs from what has been accumulating for years. As a result, many women complain that during pregnancy and after childbirth their hair fell out, their nails became brittle, and their skin was discolored and dull. All this because of what? Yes, due to the fact that it was necessary to take more calcium, eat foods rich in this trace element.

Some women don't want to take chemicals during childbearing. Because what the pharmaceutical industry produces is not credible. What to do in this case? You need to eat fruits, vegetables, consume dairy products, meat and eggshells during pregnancy.

Eggshell treatment

Eggshell contains trace elements that are beneficial to the body, especially if there is a lack of calcium. Eggshell treatment is known to many people. It helps to get rid of pain in muscles and joints, makes bones stronger. If you want to take some time to replenish calcium in the body, you can make a powder from the shell.

Egg shells for allergies

If the child has allergic rash, mothers run to the pharmacy and buy expensive allergy drugs, which are often advertised on television. In fact, this is not necessary at all. You can simply take liquid calcium in ampoules, which removes the allergen from the body. And, of course, do not forget to exclude from the diet what provoked this reaction. If there is no liquid calcium on hand, you can give eggshells for allergies. The main thing is not to forget to grind it into powder.

Eggshell for allergies in children

Children are much more likely to suffer from allergies than adults. Children's body adapts to everything that surrounds him and gradually gets used to new products and everything that is nearby. However, a lot of time will pass before complete addiction, and it is unacceptable to allow a child to suffer. Doctors advise using eggshells for allergies in children. In addition to the fact that the powder helps to quickly remove the allergen, it also allows you to make up for the lack of calcium that a child may have. And most children do not have enough calcium, because the body is growing. Bones and muscles have to be built from something.

Eggshell fractures

Everything happens in life. Both good and, unfortunately, bad. Often people fall and get injured. If it's just a bruise, then it's enough to rub sore spot by hand and everything will be fine. When a bruise appears, treat the place with Badyaga cream. But if the fall was completely unsuccessful and the person broke a limb, then you have to long time walk in a cast and sit at home on sick leave. In order to recover as much as possible short time, it is necessary to take eggshells for fractures. It is also recommended to consume a lot of dairy products.

Eggshell for osteoporosis

Osteoporo is extremely unpleasant disease which is most common in the elderly. Although there are cases of the disease in young people and even in children. Eggshells for osteoporosis are also recommended. It contains a large amount of calcium, which is so necessary for this disease.

Eggshell colitis treatment

Colitis is a disease digestive system in which a person experiences severe pain in a stomach. There is also a violation of the stool, and diarrhea is replaced by constipation, worries severe swelling belly.

Treatment of colitis with eggshells is carried out by all adherents of traditional medicine. After all, this powder is an excellent remedy for a large number of diseases.

Heartburn treatment with eggshells

If a person does not have heartburn often, then you should not worry about this. If the burning sensation does not allow you to sleep, work, sit and do your favorite things, and the attacks differ in intensity and duration, you need to go to the doctor and be examined. Until then, to make it easier, treat heartburn with eggshells. If heartburn bothers a pregnant woman, and this happens often with expectant mothers, then eggshell powder will kill two birds with one stone. And it will relieve heartburn and replenish calcium.

eggshell for face

In order for the skin to be beautiful and radiant, it must be properly cared for. Make masks, cleansing, apply creams and, at least, visit a beautician from time to time. In addition to external cosmetic procedures it is important to eat right. Regular use fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and dairy products will make the skin clean and healthy. Unless, of course, there are some hormonal disorders and problems with the blood and internal organs.

Eggshell is extremely useful for the face, because it contains a large number of trace elements, the main of which is calcium.

Egg shell for teeth

Someone's teeth are naturally beautiful, even, white and fall out only in old age. There are few such people, but they exist. And someone even has fillings on their milk teeth, and crowns appear at the age of thirty. Most of these people. In addition to heredity, the condition of the teeth is determined by nutrition and high-quality hygiene. Eggshell for teeth is recommended not only traditional healers but also dentists. A large amount of calcium allows you to make strong teeth and bones, so don't ignore this most useful product available in every home.

eggshell for hair

Hair as well as nails suffer from a lack of calcium in the body. Hair split and fall out, nails exfoliate and break. What to do if this happens to the body? Cosmetologists recommend eggshells for hair. When taking the powder inside, the hair becomes stronger and stronger, they do not fall out, and this becomes noticeable after a month.

Many modern people face the disadvantage nutrients in organism. Such a deficiency can be caused by the most different factors: poor diet, impaired absorption of minerals and vitamins, certain features of the rhythm of life, etc.

This shortage has a negative impact on general well-being and on the state of health, causes various ailments and even diseases. Quite often, doctors are faced with a lack of calcium in their patients. And to make up for such a deficit, the most different means, including assistants. Let's talk about whether eggshell with lemon will help with calcium deficiency, and answer the question of how to take such a medicine.

Traditional medicine experts say that egg shells are extremely valuable. biological product. This value is explained by the presence of calcium carbonate in its composition, and it is quite well absorbed by the human body, which cannot be said about many other non-drug and medicinal products.

Calcium, as you know, is extremely important for the full functioning of the whole organism. It is needed not only for health and strengthening of bones and teeth. This substance provides normal work heart, blood vessels, muscles and nervous system. Calcium deficiency may well provoke allergies, herpes, anemia, depressive states And . Also, such a shortage is fraught with a violation metabolic processes, fluctuations blood pressure and a significant decrease in the resistance of the body's immunity to various aggressive influences.

If it enters the body an insufficient amount calcium, he is forced to extract it from skeletal system. This is how osteoporosis develops...

And for recovery normal volumes of this substance in tissues and cells, eggshells can be used.

What shell can be used to saturate the body with calcium?

Traditional medicine experts strongly recommend choosing for such therapy chicken eggs, and the egg shells of ducks, geese, quails, turkeys and ostriches should not be used. Chicken eggs are cheap and sanitary, in addition, their shell is characterized by a balanced ratio of calcium to protein. In addition, such a product is a source of a significant amount of other useful substances represented by iron, silicon, manganese, copper, molybdenum, sulfur, phosphorus, fluorine and zinc.

How to prepare the shell for use?

Raw chicken eggs should be thoroughly washed with soap, then their contents should be poured out and the inner film should be carefully removed. If you are going to give medicine to children, dip the prepared shells in boiling water for about five minutes. Such training will make her less active, however, safer.

Dry the shell and carefully grind in a mortar to a powder state. You can carry out this manipulation in a coffee grinder, but its effect will be less. Experts say that eggshells must be ground exclusively in a porcelain or wooden mortar so that it does not come into contact with metal.

If you doubt the sterility of the shell, place the powder for a couple of minutes in a hot oven, but do not bring it to darkening. Store such a product in a glass vial, corking it with a cotton swab (you do not need to use a cork).

How to take eggshell for strengthening bones with lemon juice?

It is necessary to prepare the mixture for internal consumption immediately before use. Three or four drops should be added to one serving of the powder and, preferably, one drop of a solution (from a pharmacy). Take this remedy twice or thrice a day with food.

The dosage of the powder depends solely on the age of the patient, as well as on his illness. Most often, it is advised to take 1.5-3 grams per day.

You can also combine half a teaspoon of eggshell powder with freshly squeezed lemon juice from half a fruit. Leave this mixture at room temperature for six to twelve hours and take half to one teaspoon with water.

How else can eggshell with lemon be used?

There is another recipe for using eggshells to saturate the body with calcium. To prepare such a remedy, you need to prepare twenty chicken eggs. Wash them well with laundry soap, rinse clean water, carefully fold into a three-liter jar. Pour such raw materials with freshly squeezed lemon juice so that it completely covers the eggs. To prepare such a volume of juice, you need to use about twenty lemons. Tie the neck of the jar with gauze, folding it in several layers, and leave it in a rather dark and cool place (the "warm shelf" of the refrigerator, for example) for twenty days. The jar can be wrapped in dark paper.

After twenty days, strain the contents of the jar through a sieve or gauze. Stir the resulting liquid and add half a liter of five-star cognac to it. Let it be " ". Send the finished medicine to the refrigerator for storage.

It is worth taking such a remedy for a dessert spoon three to four times a day shortly after a meal. The duration of treatment is until the end of the lemon-egg mixture.

A similar recipe is great for taking fractures and calcium deficiency, in addition, this medicine can be used in preventive purposes. In the latter case, the egg-lemon mixture should be taken once a year.

Why do you need a lemon?

I think you have had this question for a long time. You think eggshells for lack of calcium are good on their own. Yes, it is, but ... Lemon juice ensures optimal absorption of calcium from the eggshell. It should be used if you have normal or reduced acidity digestive juice. However, it is worth noting that with increased acidity, the use of lemon juice does not make much sense. Your body will take the calcium it needs on its own.

Hen egg shell treatment

Eggshells are used by healers to correct many ailments. There is evidence that its use helps to correct exudative-catarrhal diathesis in children, the treatment of which is carried out according to special recipe. To achieve sustainable therapeutic effect you need to give the baby a quarter teaspoon of powder (0.5 g) twice a day. The therapy gives a noticeable result only after three to four weeks, and sometimes after two to three months.

eggshell for skin. The shell perfectly treats hives, prickly heat and various skin irritations in children. In this case, it is worth boiling twenty eggs Brown color. Remove the shell from them, brew it with boiling water and leave for a day. Use for washing, washing and bathing children. Also, this infusion can be used for cooking.

Disease bronchial asthma : shell powder treatment. In this case, it should be consumed twice or thrice a day. Start with one gram, gradually reduce the dose to 0.1 g, and then increase to the original amount of 1 g. The course of treatment is thirty days. You can repeat it only after a month.

Eggshell: the stomach says thank you! Healers claim that the eggshell contributes to the treatment of pain and. For cooking medicinal product you need to fry it in a pan until yellow and grind it to a powder state. Take half a teaspoon shortly before a meal for a week and a half.

And when ulcerative lesions stomach and intestines, it is worth filling a three-liter jar with fresh milk and dipping six fresh eggs into it. Cover the container with gauze and send it to the windowsill. Insist until the shell dissolves. Next, very carefully remove the eggs from the jar, and shake the milk solution. Take half a glass of this mixture three times a day. Drink the entire contents of the jar, then take a break for a week and repeat the course of therapy.

Does eggshell have contraindications?

Yes, it has. It is worth noting that egg shells should not be used if you suffer from cancer. In addition, there is evidence that excessive intake of calcium in the body increases the likelihood of development.


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As you know, such an essential mineral as calcium plays in human body quite a few important role. First of all, this substance is involved in the construction bone tissue, as well as teeth and in the formation of nail plates.

In general, it affects the development of the whole organism, and also regulates the functions of many organs. The first signs of the appearance of osteoporosis, rickets, osteochondrosis, can signal calcium deficiency. muscle spasm as well as depression.

When a doctor detects calcium deficiency in a patient, he recommends that he purchase rather expensive medicines containing calcium, but you can also use ordinary chicken egg shells. This method is absolutely not new, it has been used for quite a long time in traditional medicine.

Egg shells are a source of calcium

Consider the composition of the eggshell. According to A.L. Stele, it contains not only easily digestible calcium, but also other important mineral elements for humans, such as magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sodium, potassium, iron, sulfur, aluminum and other components.

In total, approximately fourteen important chemical elements, without which the normal functioning of the body is impossible. The protein contains essential amino acids e.g. methionine, cystine, lysine, isoleucine.

Therefore, eggshell can be used for medicinal purposes, and it is considered the most balanced and at the same time natural remedy, compared to a conventional calcium preparation, which sometimes also contains vitamin D3.

What is the correct way to use egg shells?

It's pretty simple technique, and the use of the shell will not cause any difficulties for a person. You will need fresh chicken eggs, and their color does not matter, so they can be white or orange.

They must be gently washed in warm running water with soap, then placed in a bowl for five minutes, large quantity time to cook them is not recommended, since in this case, the shell will lose many useful substances.

When they have completely cooled, it is necessary to carefully remove the shell, and it must be freed from thin film shell because it's of no use. After the product is cleaned, use the protein and yolk for culinary purposes, for cooking any dishes, for example, add them to a salad, or just eat them with salt.

A carefully removed shell must be ground into powder. To do this, you can use an ordinary mortar and pestle, but it is not recommended to use a coffee grinder, since in it, during the grinding process, many useful substances will be lost.

Of course, grinding the shell in a mortar is quite a long time, but this will help to save as much as possible. healing substances. After the powder has been sufficiently crushed, it is recommended to add a couple of drops of fresh lemon juice to it.

The daily dosage is half a teaspoon of the shell, which can be mixed with a small amount of low-fat cottage cheese. It is recommended to take such a mixture immediately after waking up in the morning, for about two or three weeks, it all depends on the state of health.

Within one year, it is desirable to conduct no more than two such courses, it is best if you use it in the first month of spring, as well as at the end of autumn, since at this time the body needs calcium the most.

It is recommended to store the finished crushed eggshell in a dry paper bag or in a glass jar in a dark place, for example, in an ordinary closet.

It's better not to cook it in in large numbers for future use, since the powder, over time, will lose its beneficial features, therefore, will not have the desired positive effect on the human body.

It is worth knowing that the eggshell of domestic chickens is not recommended if the birds were in an area contaminated with radionuclides, or such harmful substances present in the diet of chickens.

So, the introduction of this crushed product into food showed a high therapeutic activity and the absence of bacterial contamination, which cannot be said about the shell of duck eggs, since it is quite often infected, and therefore unsuitable for use.

About the effect of eggshell on the children's body

Especially useful chicken shell young children, already starting from a year, you can introduce it into their diet. Since the processes of bone tissue formation are intensive, which require the uninterrupted supply of this mineral substance

It is often included in children food, as it has a beneficial effect on the body of a child with rickets and anemia. A child from 6 months to one year is given such powder on the tip of a knife, and then up to three years of age - twice as much. Of course, it is better to consult with a pediatrician first.


Of course, this product is useful for the body, but it is better if you consult a doctor before taking it.

Everyone has heard about the importance of calcium for the body. It not only makes bones and teeth strong, but hair is beautiful. It is also required for normal functioning nervous system, muscles, heart and blood vessels.

However, getting enough calcium from regular foods is not always possible. For example, for some problems with the gastrointestinal tract and hormonal diseases its absorption is difficult, so calcium coming from food becomes insufficient. And taking certain medications or excessive consumption of coffee and salt contribute to its increased leaching from the body, resulting in an increased need for it. In some situations (during pregnancy, fractures, and simply with age), the need for calcium also increases significantly.

That is why even when balanced diet it is often necessary to take additional calcium.

Benefits of egg shells

Calcium, sold in tablets, is in the form of different chemical compounds(it can be calcium gluconate, calcium carbonate, etc.). And not all of these compounds are useful and safe. Some forms of calcium are very poorly absorbed by the body, and some can even contribute to kidney stones.

But we have at hand a 100% natural, healthy and, moreover, free source of this element - eggshell. In its composition, it is very close to the composition of bones and teeth. In addition, it contains 26 other important elements. At proper preparation and using shell calcium is easy to digest and absolutely safe. So we can say that eggshells are the best calcium.

Preparing egg shells

Step 1. First, wash the eggs well. brush and laundry soap. After that, use the eggs themselves for their intended purpose, and rinse the shell from protein residues.

Step 2. Then you need to remove the inner film from the shell. It also has some useful material, but if the film is not removed, then it will subsequently be difficult to grind the shell into a fine powder. In addition, with a film, the shell dries longer.

Step 3. After that, the shell is boiled for ten minutes. Raw is easier for the body to digest, but there is a risk of getting sick with salmonellosis. Only in the case of using domestic eggs, when you know for sure that the chickens were healthy and not infectious, you can do without boiling. Some to disinfect the shells calcinate them in the oven or in a frying pan.

Step 4. If you have not calcined the shell, then you will have to wait until it dries. To do this, put it on a towel, napkin or plate and wait a day. During heating season it dries very quickly at the radiator.

Step 5. After the shells have dried, they must be ground. You can do this in a mortar (preferably not metal), using a hand grinder, or using a coffee grinder. It is believed that contact with metal has a bad effect on calcium, but in a coffee grinder this effect is quite short-lived.

The finer the shells are ground, the better they will digest.

Step 6. Pour the resulting powder into a glass container and place in a dark place. So it will keep for several months.

Correct reception of shells

Calcium in the shell is in the form of calcium carbonate. By itself, in this form, it is not absorbed. However, interacting with the hydrochloric acid of the stomach, calcium carbonate turns into calcium chloride, which is already easily processed by the body:


Therefore people with hyperacidity stomach can consume the shell in pure form. At the same time, too high acidity of the stomach will decrease. But, as in everything, here it is necessary to observe the measure.

If there is not enough gastric juice, then excess calcium will not be absorbed, and with a regular excess, it will begin to accumulate in the form of stones. People with low acidity calcium in the form of carbonate is generally better not to use.

That's why The best way to take the shell is to turn it into calcium citrate. To do this, you just need to add lemon juice to the powder from the shells or citric acid, then the reaction of the conversion of calcium carbonate to calcium citrate will occur:


In this form, calcium is perfectly absorbed by the body, and the risk of kidney stones from it is minimal. There is even an opinion that calcium citrate prevents the formation of stones, because it alkalizes the urine.

That's why before taking the powder from the shells, pour lemon juice into it. As soon as the reaction is over (that is, the mixture will no longer sizzle and bubble), drink the resulting liquid. If you want, drink it with water.

When taking such a mixture without food, you can not wait for the end of the reaction - it will end already in the stomach, especially if there is enough of hydrochloric acid. When adding the mixture to food, it is better to wait a couple of hours for the reaction to end.

Keep in mind that large pieces of the shell will not be affected. chemical process and remain at the bottom like sediment. Since this sediment is calcium carbonate, it is better not to use it if there is a lack of gastric juice.

It is recommended to take calcium after noon. This is explained by the fact that in the evening and at night it is very actively excreted, so the body needs it more, and its absorption is much better. But there is an opinion that it should be taken in the morning, since the acidity in the stomach at this time is increased. So the best option will be taking calcium several times a day.

Instead of lemon juice, you can use citric acid, making it a solution similar in acid to lemon juice. About 1 gram of citric acid is required per eggshell from one egg.

You can also dilute the powder with kefir. In this case, calcium lactate will be obtained, which will be absorbed as well as calcium citrate.

daily calcium intake

An adult needs about 1 gram of calcium per day.

Now we consider: the shell of one medium egg weighs about 6 grams and almost all consists of calcium carbonate, and pure calcium in it is 36%.

Thus, pure calcium in the shell of 1 egg is 6 * 0.36 = 2.16 grams.

So, to get 1000 mg of calcium, you need to take about half of the shell from one. This is about half a teaspoon of powder.

But the body receives some amount of calcium from food, so it is recommended to take from a quarter to a half teaspoon of powder per day.

Also keep in mind that the body cannot take more than 500 mg of calcium at a time. An excess amount of calcium citrate will be useless and will be excreted from the body.

A small amount of calcium is absorbed much better, so it is preferable to take calcium several times a day in small portions. For example, half in the early evening and half before.

Finally, it should be noted that in order for calcium to perform its functions in the body, it needs vitamins D and A, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin C. Vitamin D is especially important. Therefore, do not forget to regularly eat foods containing these substances.