What size is the bladder? Normal bladder volume at different ages Determination of bladder volume

Bladder volume is an important indicator by which one can judge the health of the genitourinary system. Of course, there are certain standards regarding its volume.

The volume of the bladder can be called the amount of urine in it at which the urge to go to the toilet begins. An unfilled bubble is shapeless; when filled, it can have a volume of about 0.75 liters. At the same time, the urge to go to the toilet begins in a small way at a volume of 200 ml. At the same time, a healthy organ is filled by 50 ml per hour. Normal organ volumes depend most on gender and age:

  • for a woman, the normal volume can be considered from 250 to 550 ml;
  • for men - from 350 to 700 ml;
  • for a child under one year old, normal numbers can be considered from thirty-five to fifty;
  • for babies from one year to 3: from 50 - 70 ml;
  • at 3 - 8 years: from 100 to 200 ml;
  • from 8 to 10: from 200 to 300;
  • By the age of 11-13 years, the bladder reaches fully adult volumes.

You can more accurately determine the volume of the bladder in a particular person using several formulas. So, sometimes age is multiplied by 32 and 73 is added to this figure. In addition, with the help of catheterization, you can find out the height of the bladder, width and length, after which all these numbers are multiplied and multiplied by 0.75.

In principle, the bladder can increase in volume up to a whole liter. But you shouldn’t take it to such extreme volumes. To avoid ailments of the genitourinary organs, empty the bladder of fluid on time.

Causes of bladder shrinkage and enlargement

With various diseases, the organ can shrink or enlarge. First, let's talk about bladder shrinkage and shrinkage. Fibrosis of organ tissue is to blame for this phenomenon. It occurs either when there are problems with the tissues (especially the structure of the wall) of the organ, or when there are problems with its functioning. The second case may include, for example, an overactive bladder. With this problem, the supply of nerves to the bladder is disrupted or their activity is impaired.

Reasons for the decrease:

  • interstitial. A non-bacterial disease that causes urine in the blood and prolonged pain.
  • Radiation cystitis. As the name suggests, it occurs after radiation therapy.
  • Bladder tuberculosis. Often develops with pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • Urogenital schistosomiasis. Helminthiasis can also provoke fibrosis. Strengthen your immune system, drink only clean water, wash all fruits and vegetables.
  • Catheters in the bladder. If they are used for more than a couple of months, the bladder may become smaller.

But the volume of the bladder increases for completely different reasons:

  • Ishuria. With this disease, the bladder becomes full, but cannot empty itself.
  • Stones. They can form both in the bladder itself and in the ureters. The latter option is even more dangerous, since their lumen is clogged and the outflow of urine becomes more difficult.
  • A tumor in the ducts of the bladder or in ourselves. Not only malignant tumors interfere with the functioning of the bladder, but also benign ones, called polyps. They can grow quickly and turn into malignant tumors.
  • Prostate problems. This includes prostatitis, in which the size of the bladder quickly changes, and tumors of the organ, and its benign hypertrophy.

Ailments that have little to do with the genitourinary system can also provoke an increase in bladder volume. These include brain tumors, in which urinary control is impaired, and cholecystitis, and disorders in the endocrine system that affect the autonomic nervous system (for example, diabetes), and multiple sclerosis (also leads to organ atony), and inflammation of the appendages in women, and problems with the prostate in adult men, and incorrect installation of the catheter in the organ, and pregnancy.

In addition, certain medications may be to blame for increased bladder capacity:

  1. anesthetics (only some types);
  2. ganglion blockers;
  3. opiates;
  4. sedatives;
  5. parasympatholytics.


Of course, a change in the volume of the excretory organ necessarily makes itself felt:

  • First of all, in the form of a strong urge to urinate.
  • Going to the toilet is becoming more and more frequent, at least 7-8 times a day, including at night.
  • At the same time, very little urine comes out, and the process of getting rid of it can be painful.

If the organ is reduced, it fills with urine faster, and the desire to get rid of it will arise even more often than with an increase in volume.


An enlarged bladder can be palpated quite easily. But it is no less easy to mistake this problem for a volvulus, a cyst of this organ, or a tumor in the abdominal cavity. This is why diagnosis is needed. First of all, the size of the bladder can be determined by examining its posterior wall and catheterization. To determine the reasons for the change in volume, the following examinations will be needed:

  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • chromocystoscopy;
  • excretory urography;
  • cystoscopy.


When the volume of the bladder increases or decreases, it is necessary not only to correct these indicators, but also to eliminate the ailments that provoked such changes. It is also worth considering that the reduction of the organ may be irreversible, and only surgery can correct the situation. The most commonly performed surgical interventions are:

  • Myomectomy. During this operation, a section of muscle tissue of the contractile muscle of the organ, that is, the detrusor, is excised.
  • Transurethral detrusorotomy. This is where the nerves in the wall of the bladder are crossed. The operation is performed using a microsurgical instrument inserted into the cavity of the bladder through the urethra.
  • Augmentation cystoplasty. Part of the bladder is removed and during surgery it is replaced with intestinal or stomach muscles.
  • Cystectomy. Needed if malignant tumors are detected. The organ is completely removed and replaced with intestinal muscles.

Besides, when an organ decreases You may need procedures such as hydrodilation (injecting fluid into the bladder and gradually increasing its volume) and injections of neurotoxins to reduce the frequency of urination and improve its storage function.

With an enlarged bladder First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the disease that contributed to this. To normalize urine drainage, you will most likely need a catheter. In addition, the following therapeutic procedures may be prescribed:

  • warming up;
  • physical therapy to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles;
  • electrophoresis;
  • ultrasound.

In addition, medications will be needed to improve bladder tone. Here are the popular means:

  • doxazosin;
  • gentos;
  • omnic;
  • oxybutin.

The bladder is a muscle, which means it is quite possible to reduce and increase its volume. That is why changes in bladder size can be corrected. The main thing is to start therapy on time.

You can also see this video about bladder capacity.

The bladder is an organ of the urinary (in women) or genitourinary (in men) system located in the pelvic cavity. Its main purpose: accumulation and removal of urine. The organ is elastic: it can shrink if the amount of excrement is small, and stretch if a lot of urine has accumulated. A normal bladder volume in men and women indicates healthy functioning of the excretory system. Under the influence of certain factors, the size of the organ can change, which negatively affects overall health.

What is the function of the urinary organ

The organ acts as a reservoir of urine, from which it is subsequently removed under the action of contraction of the detrusor (smooth muscle).

Due to excretion and reabsorption, secretion and filtration, the kidneys form urine, which accumulates in the bladder. The human body can produce up to 1.5 liters of liquid excrement per day. Some medications can affect urine production.

The organ that accumulates urine cannot hold so much. The normal volume of the bladder in men is 350-750 ml. For women, the capacity is slightly less - 250-550 ml. When 200 ml of excretory fluid accumulates in the organ, a person feels the urge to deurinate.

The process of urination is carried out using the innervation of the organ.

Why do you need to know your bladder volume?

Information about the volume of the organ of the urinary system is very significant for establishing the recognition of diseases and making a medical opinion. Such information is obtained using non-invasive studies (ultrasound, sonography). These types of diagnostics not only allow you to find out what volume of the bladder a man or woman has, but also determine the indicators of residual urine.

Calculate the capacity of the organ using formulas. Ultrasound machines use various techniques to automatically calculate volume. In order to make sure that the device accurately carries out calculations, they are first done manually.

Normal volume of a hollow organ in adults

The size of the organ depends on the gender and age of the person. The normal minimum bladder volume for an adult male is 350 ml. Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure, the smallest capacity of the female hollow organ is 250 ml. The maximum volume for men and women is 750 and 550 ml, respectively.

This difference is due to the localization of the bubble. In representatives of the fairer sex, the posterior wall of the organ borders the organ in which the fetus is gestated. The indicators vary slightly, they are influenced by age, lifestyle, number of pregnancies and births. In men, the bladder is located next to the urethra and can be stretched so easily due to the smooth muscles that form the wall of the organ. If the volume of the excretory organ is lower or higher than normal, an analysis of its walls must be carried out.

In the absence of pathologies, the configuration of the organ should be ellipsoidal or cylindrical. The shape of the female bladder has characteristic distinctive features in comparison with the male one and resembles a cylinder: compressed from above and most expanded on the sides.

A healthy bladder has clear and even outlines. When filled, the wall thickness is 2-3 mm, and after emptying it is no more than 15 mm. After the act of deurination, urine always remains in the organ; it is called residual. Normally it should be 50 ml.

What are the normal sizes of the excretory organ in children?

Bladder volume in men and women differs significantly from that in children. The rate of the indicator directly depends on the age of the child. The organ begins to form before birth in the womb, and ends when a person reaches 13-14 years of age. Normally, men's bladder capacity is almost the same as that of healthy young adolescents.

At puberty, reproductive organs are finally formed. Before this period, the volume of the hollow organ of the urinary system in boys and girls is the same and depends only on how old the child is.

  • up to a year, the capacity of the bladder is 35-50 ml;
  • 1-3 years - 50-70 ml;
  • 3-8 years - 100-200 ml;
  • at the age of 8-10 years, the volume of the urinary system organ is 200-300 ml;
  • 10-14 years - 300-450 ml.

Girls reach puberty a little earlier. This affects the size of the organ, which will remain unchanged over time.

How is organ capacity calculated?

The more a person knows about his body, the better he will be able to withstand the effects of various negative factors. In order to calculate the volume of the bladder in an adult man or woman, you can use certain formulas:

  • Automatic calculations. The simplest, accurate and affordable method of counting is using an ultrasonic device. During the study, bladder parameters are measured: width (W), length (L), height (H). The data is substituted into the formula V (volume) = 0.75 x W x L x H.
  • Determination by weight. The person is weighed, the data obtained is inserted into a simple formula: V (volume) = m (body weight) x 10. Such calculations are used if the man or woman does not suffer from underweight or excess weight.
  • Cylinder formula. The calculation can be made by knowing the parameters of a hollow organ obtained during an ultrasound examination. V = 3.14 x r (radius) 2 x H (height).

What influences the increase in size

Bladder capacity varies slightly between men and women throughout life. Factors influencing organ modification are very diverse and are not always associated with diseases. The capacity of the bladder may decrease or increase due to age characteristics. In women, the main cause of volume changes is pregnancy and childbirth. Prerequisites for transformation:

  • neurological disorders;
  • surgical operations;
  • chronic inflammatory processes;
  • presence of tumors;
  • formation of polyps;
  • course of drug therapy.

During normal functioning of the body, a person needs to pee 8 times during the day. If the desire occurs much less frequently or more often, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. The main reasons influencing organ enlargement:

  • Cystostomy.
  • Difficult process of deurination even with a full bladder.
  • Stones in the ureter.
  • Pathologies that affect the prostate.
  • Inflammation of the gallbladder.
  • Bladder hyporeflexivity.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Salpingo-oophoritis is inflammation of the ovaries and uterine appendages.

Exceeding the maximum bladder volume in men and women is not always a consequence of any pathologies. The cause of the increase may be overwork and lack of sleep. The body is under tension for a long time, and this affects all systems and organs, including the bladder.

Incorrect installation or prolonged use of the catheter can contribute to organ enlargement.

Reasons for the decrease

As the volume decreases, the bladder fills quickly. There is a frequent urge to paruria, which brings significant discomfort to a person’s life. If such symptoms occur, you need to make the necessary diagnostics.

The main factors influencing a decrease in bladder volume in men and women are impaired innervation and infectious and inflammatory diseases. Among the many pathologies, the most common are the following:

  • Diabetic angiopathy.
  • Lesions of the Koch bacillus (tuberculosis) of the excretory system.
  • Inflammation leading to dysfunction of the urinary mucosa.
  • Non-infectious damage to the inner lining of the excretory organ
  • Bilharzia.
  • Overactive bladder.

The above diseases are difficult to treat. It is extremely difficult to restore the full functionality of an organ.

Ways to increase bubble size

After all the necessary research has been carried out, the cause is determined. If the volume has decreased due to infectious diseases, a course of therapy is prescribed. After the patient gets rid of the root cause, the doctor re-diagnoses and, depending on the results, prescribes a conservative or surgical treatment method.

Non-surgical options include:

  • medications that block the urge to deurinate;
  • hydrodistension is a method in which a saline or glycine solution is injected into the bladder under high pressure in order to enlarge it.

If these procedures are ineffective or there are contraindications to them, surgical methods of therapy are used:

  • Removal of part of the detrusor of the excretory organ.
  • Excision of part of the internal sphincter.
  • An increase in urea due to the tissue of another hollow muscular organ (stomach or intestines).
  • Cystectomy.

What needs to be done to reduce the excretory system organ

To reduce the volume of the bladder in men and women, they resort to conservative therapy, as it is considered the most effective.

If the enlargement of the organ is not very strong, the patient is recommended to change his lifestyle (get rid of bad habits, lose excess weight, review his diet). If this is not enough, the specialist may suggest other treatment methods:

  • A course of special medications.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures.
  • Therapeutic exercises.

Modifications to the bladder often indicate the presence of disturbances in the functioning of the body. A timely visit to a doctor will help you avoid chronic pathologies.

A normal bladder volume indicates that the organs of the urinary system are functioning without any disturbances. The formation and excretion of urine occurs according to the body’s natural program, which is controlled by nerve impulses. However, under the influence of certain factors, the size of this organ can change, resulting in negative health consequences.


This organ is located in the pelvic area and consists of muscle tissue. The fluid that is filtered from the blood in the kidneys is collected, stored and eliminated from the body by the bladder.

The natural process of urination occurs due to a reflex urge, which promotes contraction of the muscular system and relaxation of the sphincter.

The combined interaction of all processes and actions of the body contributes to the complete emptying of the bladder.

In order to consciously control urination during severe urges, a person uses the centers of the nervous system responsible for sending impulses to this organ. In a newborn baby, the control center of the urinary system has not yet been fully formed, which leads to an uncontrolled outflow of urine at the first urge. In addition, the presence of the external sphincter, the circular muscle of the urinary canal, also helps a person control and retain urine output.

Why do you need to know the volume?

Information about the capacity of this organ of the urinary system is very important in diagnosis, which shows its condition and the presence of diseases. For this purpose, ultrasound is successfully used, with which you can find out the volume, as well as determine the indicators of residual urine and its retention in the body. In the absence of any abnormalities, the diagnosis shows the natural volume of the bladder in men, the norm of which is 350 - 700 ml.

In addition to volume, the individual structural features of this organ and the elasticity of its walls are also taken into account. The age of the patient plays an important role, since exceeding the age of fifty increases the risk of problems in the functioning of the urinary organs. In a normal state, in a healthy person, the accumulation of urinary fluid and its retention immediately before urination occurs for 3-5 hours.

The main signs of a possible bladder disease:

  • frequent night urination;
  • increased urges that become very pronounced;
  • Frequent visits to the toilet, during which a small amount of urine is released.

When the size of this urinary organ decreases or increases, its natural emptying is disrupted, which indicates the possible presence of diseases: inflammation, tumors, stones or sand, as well as congenital internal defects. At the slightest symptoms, a medical examination is necessary, which allows appropriate treatment to be started as early as possible.

The capacity of this organ may change as a result of surgical operations on other internal organs of the small pelvis, long-term use of medications, the formation of tumors, as well as the occurrence of pathological processes. In addition, the size of the urinary organ may deviate from normal values ​​due to neurological disorders and age-related changes.

Some of these factors are temporary, and after the negative impact stops, all processes of the urinary system, including the volume of urine in the bladder, return to normal. In other cases, appropriate therapy or even surgery is required to restore natural volume.

An increase in the size of the urinary organ occurs due to the following diseases: diabetes mellitus, sclerosis, various tumor formations, long-term use of sleeping pills and painkillers. Bladder distension also leads to a significant increase in its volume, which most often manifests itself in mature men with prostate diseases and is accompanied by.

A reduction in bladder capacity can occur due to functional disorders of the urinary system, as well as changes in the thickness of the walls of this organ. Also in medicine, there is the phenomenon of an overactive bladder, accompanied by frequent visits to the toilet. The cause of this disease is the impaired functioning of the nervous system in the area of ​​the genitourinary organs, which leads to a decrease in the capacity of the urinary organ.

Long-term inflammatory processes provoke changes in the tissues of the walls, which lead to increased development of connective tissues. This process can occur due to interstitial or radiation cystitis, schistosomiasis, tuberculosis of the urinary organ, as well as prolonged artificial diversion of urine. In most cases, treatment involves restoring normal volume through surgery.

Other reasons for changes in the size and volume of the urinary system organ:

  • presence of stones in the bladder;
  • blockage of the urinary tract with stones;
  • formation of tumors in the urine outflow channels;
  • development of ischuria - pathological retention of urinary fluid;
  • growth of polyps in the urinary system;
  • prostatitis;
  • a tumor in the brain that blocks urinary control;
  • incorrect;
  • endocrine system disorders accompanying diabetes mellitus.

The treatment process begins with detailed examinations and diagnostics, including cystoscopy and urography. When the organ is enlarged, catheterization is used to drain urinary fluid, and medications and therapeutic exercises are also prescribed. Timely medical care can prevent complications such as pyelonephritis or other chronic diseases.

The size of an organ can decrease for two reasons:

  • functional (impairment in work);
  • organic (change in structure and its wall).

Malfunctions are caused by nerve endings or their insufficient activity. In medical practice, this change is called “hyperactivity.” A patient with this diagnosis experiences frequent urge to urinate. The cause of hyperactivity may be infection, gynecological diseases or prostate diseases.

Organic factors include long-term inflammatory processes. The tissues of the organ are replaced with connective tissue, which leads to a decrease in the size of the bladder. Long-term inflammatory processes are observed with interstitial or radiation cystitis, organ tuberculosis, and schistosomiasis.

Interstitial cystitis is an inflammatory process of a non-bacterial nature. This pathology can be recognized by blood in the urine and abdominal pain.

Radiation cystitis usually develops after radiation therapy. He is also characterized by blood impurities and frequent urination.

The causative agent of tuberculosis is the bacterium tuberculosis bacillus. The disease manifests itself in the form of dull and constant pain in the lumbar region, fever.

Schistosomiasis is a helminthic disease that can be recognized by the presence of urticaria, skin swelling, pain, fever, and sweating. Without treatment, there is a high probability of developing complications such as epididymitis and prostatitis.

With disorders and diseases in the body, the volume of the bladder changes.

Various pathologies can also lead to changes in bladder capacity.

The development of certain pathologies leads to a decrease in the volume of the bladder. As a result, the expansion process becomes much more complicated.

Very often, such changes are caused by interstitial cystitis, which is characterized by chronic inflammatory processes in the urinary system. Interstitial cystitis is dangerous due to scarring and decreased bladder capacity.

Also, people suffering from dysfunction experience a reduction in the amount of urine retained. This is caused by a rapid increase in pressure in the organ, resulting in the opening of the bladder sphincter.

If a problem of this kind is suspected, the doctor prescribes a series of tests to the patient, which involve determining the amount of urine content using a contrast agent. Contrast is injected directly into the organ through a catheter.

In some cases, therapy has a positive effect. Treatment allows you to increase the amount of urine content.

Otherwise, the patient must adhere to and observe precautions in order to avoid incontinence. In particularly difficult situations, or in an adult who does not have the opportunity (he simply cannot) to urinate on his own, catheters are used that are designed to remove urine.

What is the bladder capacity in adults and children?

The bladder is located in the pelvis, it is a hollow muscular organ in which urine flowing from the kidneys accumulates.

When the bladder fills, a person feels the urge to urinate, and thus urine periodically leaves the body through the urethra.

There are a number of formulas that can be used to calculate the volume of urination.

Bladder capacity in adults

A very accurate relationship is considered to be ten milliliters per kilogram of mass. However, if you are overweight, this formula begins to fail.

There is a formula that takes age into account.

Volume V (in milliliters) = 32 x n 73. where n is age (years).

Recent studies suggest that the volume of the bladder does not change, but regulation, in particular, the sensitivity of acetylcholine receptors, which is one of the biologically active substances, is disrupted. In this regard, in some cases, with increased contractility of the bladder, an acetylcholine receptor blocker is indicated.

Bladder capacity in children

  • from one to ten years, the daily volume is calculated using the formula
  • for older children the formula changes noticeably

1500 x (S: 1.73), here S is the surface of the body, the average values ​​of which, depending on weight and height, are taken from the table.

Below is a table with a ready-made calculation of the body surface depending on the height and weight of a person.

S (body surface area) taking into account weight and height

The organ of the urinary system in children is located higher than in a mature person. As the baby grows, it imperceptibly descends into the pelvic area. At this age, the mucous membrane of the organ is well developed, but the development of elastic and muscle tissue is insufficient. The normal bladder capacity for a newborn baby is no more than 50 ml.

The physiological amount of organ capacity depends on age:

  • A year old child feels the urge to urinate at 40 ml.
  • At the age of 2 to 5 years – at 50 ml.
  • Children over five years old experience the need to go to the toilet when urine accumulates in a volume of 100 ml.
  • Over the age of ten years, the child feels the urge to urinate, ranging from 100 to 200 ml.

Bladder volume in men: normal

The structure of the bladder is the same in representatives of different sexes. In men, the prostate is adjacent to the lower outer part of the bladder, and the seminal ducts are located on its sides. In women, the bladder borders the uterus and vagina from the back. A significant difference is observed in the length of the urethra. So, in men it is 15 centimeters or more long, and in women it is only 3 centimeters.

The bladder capacity of an adult healthy man is on average about 500 ml -100 ml. Due to the fact that the structure of the walls is elastic, it can stretch and hold much more liquid. Therefore, it is capable of holding a liter. But this feature is individual for each man.

Comparison with the volume of the female organ

In the course of numerous studies, scientists have come to the conclusion that the size of the bladder in men is slightly higher than that of the female organ. This is explained by the strong body structure of men and the differences in the location of organs. The average value for women is 350 – 400 ml.

During pregnancy, the uterus does not allow the organ to stretch, so its volume temporarily decreases. But after childbirth it returns to its original state.

The minimum bladder volume in men is 350 ml. This value is based on the physiological characteristics of the structure of the human body.

The shape of an unpaired organ changes depending on its fullness and the position of neighboring organs.

With regular fluid intake in small quantities and timely trips to the toilet. The capacity is 300 - 350 ml.

The maximum size of the bladder in men varies from 650 to 700 ml. This volume assumes a constant indicator at any time of the day.

Comparison with women's minimum and maximum volume

The volume of the female and male organs does not have critical distinctive features and, on average, the female organ is smaller than the male one. The minimum bladder capacity for women is 250 ml. The maximum volume of the female organ is 500 ml.

Main symptoms of volume changes

Changes in the volume of this organ cannot go unnoticed for men and women, since this problem significantly impairs their quality of life. Patients typically experience the following symptoms:

  • frequent urination at night;
  • frequent urination if the number of trips to the toilet is more than 5 times in one day;
  • the volume of urine output is less than always, but the urge appears more often;
  • the presence of an imperative (imperative, strong) urge to empty the bladder.

When this organ becomes smaller, it fills with urine faster and therefore needs to be emptied much more often. If the bladder enlarges, then the volume of residual urine in it also becomes larger, and problems with emptying manifest themselves as a frequent urge to go to the toilet.

How to determine bladder volume?

To determine the capacity of an organ, they resort to proven and reliable research methods, namely: ultrasound diagnostics. The organ is mistaken for a cylinder, and with the help of a special apparatus, the doctor determines not only the volume of residual urine, but also the presence of pathologies of the urinary system.

If we compare these data with the organ catheterization data, there will be a complete coincidence. Ultrasound may have a slight error.

It has been proven that measurement results are distorted when the bladder is loaded as a result of muscle strain. Residual urine levels are also false.

EMP = 73 32 x N, where N is the person’s age.

EMP = 10 x M, where M is the person’s weight.

EMP = 1500 x (S/1.73), where S is the average surface of the baby’s body. This coefficient depends on the height and weight of the baby. Below is a table for determining the S indicator.

To determine the capacity and pressure inside the organ, cystometry is performed. This type of study also allows you to determine the presence of problems with the nerves and muscles of the organ.

The principle of diagnosis is that a special catheter is inserted into the patient’s urinary organs. The measurement is carried out using a uroflowmeter apparatus.

Residual urine is removed through the catheter. Then a sterile liquid at room temperature is injected into the organ.

In some cases gas is used. A cystometer is attached to the catheter, which measures the volume and pressure in the bladder.

The modern and most accurate method for determining bladder capacity is an ultrasound examination.

Volume (V); Width (B); Length (L); Height (H).

V = 0.75 × B × L × H

These data have the highest correlation result.

The capacity of the bladder determines the amount of urine that is expelled when you go to the toilet.

The organ is taken to be an ellipse or cylinder. The device calculates the volume automatically.

Formulas for determining volume:

  1. By age

The capacity of the organ is taken as EMP, age is taken as N.

For example, a man is 25 years old. This means that the volume of the bladder is 73 32 × 25. This gives 873 ml.

  1. By weight

An important condition of this formula is the absence of excess weight and underweight. That is, average weight for height.

M is the mass of a person.

The volume of an adult's bladder is calculated as follows: for every kilogram of body weight, 10 milliliters are taken. For a man weighing 80 kg, the bladder volume is 800 ml. But this calculation has its own nuances.

Using the above methods, you can easily calculate the approximate volume of the bladder in men (the norm is described above).

The most accurate and modern method is ultrasound of this organ, when it is conventionally taken as an ellipse or cylinder, and the equipment automatically calculates the size. This information is required to assess the condition, determine diseases of the urinary system, to identify the volume of residual urine or the reason for its retention.

Formulas that make it possible to find out bladder capacity (BUC) in mature women and men:

  • EMP (ml) = 0.75xHxLxA, where H is height, L is length, A is the width of the organ, which are determined using the catheterization method.
  • EMF = 10xM, where M is the weight of a person who is not overweight.
  • EMP = 73 32xN, where N is age.

For children, a different formula is used:

  • EMP = 1500x(S/1.73), where S is the average surface area of ​​the body. Experts find this indicator in ready-made tables; the accuracy of these calculations is close to 100 percent.

Studies conducted by scientists have proven that the size of the bladder does not change since the full development of the urinary system, unless there was a provoking factor (surgery, disease, etc.).

In order to indicate the range of the bladder, they resort to predominantly modern and reliable research methods - ultrasound diagnostics. During such an examination, the organ is conventionally compared to a cylinder, and its volume is determined using special equipment. The data obtained make it possible to assess the condition of the organ and determine the presence of pathologies of the urinary system.

Ultrasound is also used to determine how much urine remains in the system. Scientists have found that the capacity of the organ described above remains unchanged from the moment the formation of the genitourinary system is completed. Changes can be caused by diseases, surgery, and so on.

Features of treatment

If unpleasant symptoms appear and you are worried about frequent urination, you should consult a doctor. Treatment is prescribed based on the root cause and type of disease. In order to make the correct diagnosis, the doctor performs chromocystoscopy, ultrasound and excretory urography.

A small bladder is treated conservatively. The patient is indicated for injections of neurotoxins. The medicine is injected into the organ through the urinary tract. Hyperactivity decreases and thus the frequency of urges decreases. Hydrodilation is also performed. The principle of the procedure is to introduce a special liquid into the organ, which will stretch the volume.

When treating a large bladder, surgical treatment is effective. Depending on the type of disease, myomectomy, cystectomy, transurethral detrusorotomy and augmentation cystoplasty can be performed. During the rehabilitation period, medications are prescribed that increase the tone of the organ. Physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises are also effective.

Many patients do not go to the doctor with this problem, considering it frivolous or shameful. Some believe that “missing out” and even “writing” at an advanced age is practically the norm. Such misconceptions lead to the fact that incontinence progresses, the bladder muscles weaken, and urine constantly leaks. The patient is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, which he and the people around him feel.

Treatment of the disease depends on its type and the causes of incontinence.

The volume of an organ such as the bladder tends to change due to the possibility of stretching its walls. As you know, it is located in the pelvis and is a reservoir for urine, which enters it in small portions almost every 3-4 minutes.

What is the capacity of the bladder in an adult?

According to the anatomical features of this organ, it can hold about 200-400 ml. However, it is worth noting that in some people, due to the individual structure of the genitourinary organs, the bladder can accumulate up to 1 liter of urine.

It must be said that the volume of the bladder in children, in particular in a newborn, is 50-80 ml. As the body grows, this organ also increases.

How is bladder volume determined?

When calculating such a parameter, data obtained as a result of ultrasound, as well as special mathematical formulas, can be used.

In the latter case, the bladder is taken as a cylinder and its volume is calculated based on this. Such calculations are approximate. The data obtained is used to determine urinary retention or, in other words, its residual volume. Normally, it should not exceed 50 ml.

In order to calculate this parameter, you can use the following formula: 0.75 multiplied by the length, height and width of the organ, which are determined by ultrasound. When calculating, the correlation coefficient is also taken into account, which allows you to get a more accurate result. It is worth noting that this type of calculation is used quite rarely, because Modern ultrasound diagnostic devices allow you to set the volume of the bubble automatically.

What size should a normal bladder be?

As already mentioned, this organ has the property of stretchability, which ultimately makes it possible to increase both its size and its volume. That is why, as such, there is no norm for bladder volume, both in men and women. In literary sources you can only find information that this anatomical formation has a volume of 200-400 ml.

When conducting research, you can discover an obvious pattern: men have a slightly larger bladder than women. This is due to stronger physical development, as well as the immediate development of the organ itself.