How a broken bone heals. What happens during fusion? what foods promote rapid bone healing

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This serious trouble can happen to anyone

Especially in winter, when the streets are often slippery. How to properly treat a fracture so that there are no complications later? What kind of nutrition should be provided so that the victim quickly returns to normal life? Are there any effective folk recipes to strengthen bones? We offer answers to these questions.

Any disruption of the integrity of a bone is called a fracture. The main task is the need to achieve rapid and correct fusion of parts in the area of ​​​​fractures.
All traumatic fractures are divided into closed, in which the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes is not damaged, and open, accompanied by damage to them. The main difference between open and closed fractures is the connection between the area of ​​the bone fracture and external environment. As a result, all open fractures become contaminated with bacteria.

Fractures also include damage to the bone when its integrity is disrupted such as a break, crack or cracking.

Frightening symptoms

If other diseases can be “looked through”, then the fracture, alas, is difficult not to notice.

Clinical signs of a bone fracture are severe pain, tissue swelling, pathological mobility of bone fragments, limb deformation.

For open fractures, along with clinical signs fracture with displacement of fragments, the presence of a skin wound, arterial or venous bleeding. The broken bone may be exposed. For multiple or open fractures, general serious condition victims are often caused by traumatic shock.

In case of a fracture with displacement of fragments, a forced, vicious position of the limb, swelling and bruising are noted. When pressing with your fingers, sharp local pain is detected.

The most valuable information for diagnosis is provided by X-ray examination, sometimes used radionuclide diagnostics. In some cases, the diagnosis is confirmed using a biopsy. Treatment for any fracture includes the whole complex mandatory measures and procedures.

Recovery period

This time is important stage on returning to normal life after this trouble. Recovery stage should include a whole range of measures, including therapeutic exercises. Also during this period, massage and physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed.

Therapeutic gymnastics classes are usually conducted individually. The exercise plan is drawn up by a specialist for each patient. Therapeutic exercises help prevent muscle tissue atrophy and help normalize the emotional background of the injured person.

Separate direction physical therapy- hygienic gymnastics. It is this type of gymnastics that helps the patient learn self-care skills, and this is very important for the first time after an injury. The complex consists of several exercises, about ten, which are aimed at increasing the muscle tone of parts of the body that were not damaged during the injury.

With the removal of the cast, the tasks of physical therapy change. From this moment on, gymnastics is designed to restore muscle tone and joint mobility on a broken limb. The patient has to re-learn to coordinate movements, especially the most necessary ones in everyday life. This is how medical and social rehabilitation happens.

In addition to physical therapy, the recovery period is also accompanied by physiotherapeutic procedures. Immediately after hospitalization, warming is carried out using ultrasound to relieve pain, relieve swelling and normalize blood circulation in the injured limb. After removing the plaster, electrophoresis and phonophoresis procedures are sometimes prescribed, and in parallel, the patient may be recommended baths with the addition of sea ​​salt, iodine and pine needles.

So the choice among classical restoration procedures today is quite wide. This means that a person can return to normal in the shortest possible time.

Proper nutrition

Healing of a bone fracture sometimes takes several months. Although it depends on the type of fracture and the patient's overall health, nutrition also plays an important role in the healing process. To ensure the growth of healthy bone tissue, the body will need energy and various nutrients - amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Amino acids important for fracture healing are arginine, proline, glycine and glutamine. They are important components of proteins that form bone mass. Therefore, the patient needs to increase his protein intake by 10-20 mg per day in order to receive enough of these amino acids.

Antioxidants have the ability to reduce inflammation without slowing down the tissue healing process. Vitamin C is one of the most important and powerful antioxidants. It, as well as vitamins D, K and B6, act as catalysts chemical reactions occurring during the healing of fractures. Minerals such as zinc, copper, calcium, phosphorus and silicon are also essential for normal bone tissue restoration.

To get all the nutrients you need after a fracture, you should eat rich in proteins(simple proteins built only from a-amino acids connected by a peptide bond) food containing a minimum amount of fat. It could be beans fatty fish, poultry meat. Every day your diet should include dairy products - milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir and yogurt. Rich in calcium, they will increase mineralization and accelerate regeneration in areas of bone tissue fracture. For fractures, dishes containing natural gelatin are also useful - marmalade, fruit jellies, aspic, jelly, and cartilage from jelly is also useful.

Rich sources of antioxidants include fruits, vegetables and nuts. It is known that the most colorful vegetables and fruits contain the highest amount of antioxidants.

There are also products that can greatly slow down the healing process of fractures. For example, red meat, sugar, carbonated drinks, caffeine and alcohol. Therefore, it is better to exclude them from the diet for the entire recovery period.

Aluminum included in the composition onions, improves the body's absorption of calcium, which will also help restore bones. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to eat an onion a day.

Folk recovery remedies

Different nationalities have their own old recipes, helping to recover after a fracture. So, Moldovans eat corn porridge when they break, and Tibetans eat millet porridge. By consuming these dishes, you can significantly speed up post-traumatic rehabilitation.

Rapid fusion of bones and recovery after a fracture occurs with the help of next line-up- an onion crushed in a wooden mortar, twenty grams of pine resin ( pine resin), fifty grams of vegetable or olive oil, fifteen grams copper sulfate in powder. All this must be thoroughly mixed and heated over low heat for half an hour, without bringing to a boil. The composition is applied to the fracture site - it speeds up the healing process and relieves pain.

A rubbed compress is very good for eliminating pain. raw potatoes without peel, which must be applied to the fracture site.

There are others healthy recipes recovery from fractures, which will help bone tissue heal faster:

* Dry the shell of a hard-boiled egg (cook for at least ten minutes), removing the film. Crush into powder and fill lemon juice, put in the refrigerator until the shells are completely dissolved (in this case, you need to take the juice of one lemon for the shells of three eggs). Take the composition one teaspoon orally, twice a day, for a month.

* Fir oil is good for fractures. Make small balls from the bread and moisten each ball with five drops of fir oil. By taking one ball three times a day, you can notice a noticeable reduction in pain and an acceleration of the healing process. It is useful to rub fir oil into the fracture area itself. After removing the plaster, it is good to make baths with fir branches and bark, and then rub fir oil into the skin.

* A tablespoon of ground rose hips should be poured with boiling water and left for six hours. Strain the broth and drink in a glass. It will not only speed up recovery processes and bone regeneration, but also increase the body's immunity.

Orthopedic traumatologist of the first category, specialist in foot surgery, RUDN University, 2008.

All people face various injuries from time to time and everyone wants to quickly restore their health and continue full life. After serious injuries, the most interesting question is usually how to speed up the healing of bones during a fracture.

Before answering this question, you need to study the process of bone fusion, determine the time of fusion, and then follow the recommendations to speed up recovery from damage.

The fusion process occurs in several stages, at each of which the body adapts to the changes and restores the damaged part of the body.

  1. Inflammation. When this occurs, bone tissue residues may enter the bloodstream, which the body must get rid of. To eliminate the problem, white blood cells rush to the site of damage and when foreign substances are removed from the blood, inflammation is caused, at the same time the production of new blood cells is stimulated.
  2. Soft callus. A callus of fibrous (connective) tissue forms around the fracture site. Thanks to its properties, the broken bone begins to heal and can remain in the desired position. The edges of the broken bone are aligned and smoothed.
  3. Tough callus. After the soft callus has completed its functions, it turns into a hard callus that holds the bone fragments in the position in which they should be. A hard callus is not yet a full-fledged bone, it is fragile and can be damaged, so complete immobility and limitation is important at this stage. motor activity.
  4. Remodeling ( structural change). At this stage, the callus is replaced with a full piece of bone, which connects the broken bone, making it whole. The blood supply to the bone tissue around the damaged bone is restored and functions can be fully performed again. Immediately after restoration, the new fragment is not as strong as a regular bone, so it is recommended to monitor your health and not immediately put a large load on the newly healed part of the body. And before the final recovery and the moment of full rehabilitation, it can take from several weeks to a year.

Duration of bone healing after a fracture

Those who are interested in how quickly bones heal after a fracture need to know that the healing process depends on many factors. It can occur differently in all people, and even an experienced doctor cannot always say exactly how long it will take for bone function to be fully restored.

Here are a few important factors, affecting the fusion time:

  • Age. In young people, regeneration occurs much faster than in older people. In childhood full recovery may take even less time and undesirable consequences at a young age it is usually not observed.
  • Type of injury. At closed fracture the bones will heal faster than with an open one. During an open fracture, an infection often enters the human body, which will slow down the recovery process or complicate it with additional problems. If ligaments and muscles were damaged during an open fracture, regeneration will take a long time.
  • Structure and size of bones. Spongy bones (for example, carpal bones) grow together much faster than tubular and flat bones. Smaller bones will heal faster than larger ones.
  • The presence of inflammatory processes or multiple injuries. With extensive damage, the body quickly uses up energy and cannot quickly cope with a heavy load. If several fractures occur at the same time, each bone will heal more slowly than in the case of a single injury.
  • Providing first aid. If a person consults a specialist some time after the injury, additional damage is possible, and therefore healing will take longer. If care is provided incorrectly, hemorrhages and injuries are possible, which negatively affects the fusion process and disrupts blood circulation in the damaged bone.
  • Poor metabolism and weight problems. Exhaustion of the body or overweight body has a negative effect on bone fusion. Impaired metabolism also slows down regeneration.

All these factors must be taken into account, and in order for the fracture to heal faster, you can take simple actions that have positive influence for the splicing process.

What to do to make the fracture heal faster

Despite the presence of factors that cannot be influenced, there are ways to alleviate the condition and greatly speed up the healing of bones during fractures. It depends on medical appointments, and from the patient himself.

Medical assistance for fast healing of bones


The doctor’s very first order after x-rays and diagnosis is to immobilize the bone. If necessary, the bone is placed in the desired position before this, or surgery is performed. Complex displaced or comminuted fractures almost always require this urgently. During the operation, crushed bone fragments, fragments and damaged tissue are removed.

Sometimes fixation plates, medical nails or screws are used. After the bone is fixed in the proper position, a plaster cast is applied, if impossible, complete rest is ensured.


Since the bone will remain immobilized for a long time, the joint may lose its ability to function fully and the muscles may weaken. To such unpleasant consequences did not happen, a set of rehabilitation measures is recommended, which includes:

  1. Bromine electrophoresis;
  2. Interference currents;
  3. Therapeutic baths with iodine or sea salt;
  4. Use of UV rays;
  5. Magnetotherapy;

After removing the plaster cast and the onset of the recovery period, therapeutic exercises are aimed at restoring muscle tone and active work joints. The patient needs to re-learn how to coordinate movements, restore previous abilities and skills.

For complete recovery with medical care you need to make independent efforts to restore the body.

How to speed up the healing of a fracture at home

Besides medical procedures It is necessary to take care of the health of the damaged part of the body yourself. In order for bones to heal faster during a fracture, you can follow simple recommendations and rules. Such advice also applies to those who decide to lead healthy image life, but after injury they are especially relevant.

Proper nutrition. It is important to eat foods rich in calcium, vitamins, and minerals. To heal bones and build up bone material, you must eat enough fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries, dairy products, fish, and meat.

Promotes faster growth of jellied meat, jelly, buckwheat porridge, beans, natural marmalade, sesame seeds. You should avoid foods that contain large amounts of salt, such as salted or smoked fish, cheese, sausage, canned food. Mayonnaise, margarine, sweets, carbonated water, coffee, and alcohol will also not be very beneficial for the body.

Vitamins. If you do not get enough vitamins from food, you can take vitamin complexes. Especially in winter period the body suffers from a lack essential microelements, and in the spring may experience vitamin deficiency, which, in combination with a recent injury, can have a bad effect on the healing process of the fracture.

Refusal bad habits. Smoking, alcohol in large quantities, overeating will not contribute to rapid recovery. IN rehabilitation period It is necessary, if possible, to eradicate all bad habits.

You should not prescribe additional medications on your own or do exercises recommended by friends, acting out of good intentions.

If pain occurs, poor bone healing and other problems, only a specialist can prescribe adequate treatment. Self-administration of anti-inflammatory drugs can cause the bone to heal very slowly.

Rest. For bone fractures, healing accelerates due to good rest, sufficient sleep and limiting exercise. The damaged bone should be especially protected from excessive stress, otherwise you can accidentally displace it or damage the weak callus.

Traditional methods for accelerating bone healing

In addition to traditional medicine and recovery at home, you can use people's councils, which were successfully used by our ancestors:

Accelerating healing of bone fractures is possible. Every effort should be made to ensure that it happens as quickly as possible.

Within a few days after applying the recommendations, you can feel much better, and after a few weeks or months the consequences of the fracture will be forgotten, and the body will begin to function fully.

Orthopedic traumatologist of the first category, specialist in foot surgery, RUDN University, 2008.

Represent various damages their integrity, which occurs due to trauma. Also, this condition occurs from the development of osteoporosis, tuberculosis, and other pathologies accompanied by destruction bone structure. How long does it take for a fracture to heal? Bone tissue is restored over a long period of time – it all depends on additional parameters.

The healing of bone fractures also depends on the severity of the damage. If the patient has minor injuries small bones, then the process of bone healing after a fracture will take approximately 1.5–2 months. If there is a fracture of a large bone, healing after the fracture may take up to 5 months. Fractures that require surgery take much longer to heal.

Let’s look at how bones heal after a fracture in more detail. This process is complex process, which depends on the stage of fusion. The period of fracture consolidation is the fusion of the damaged mass until the formation callus. He can borrow different times and this period depends not only on the severity traumatic injury, but also on the age of the victim, the speed of initiation of treatment.

Factors influencing the splicing process

The healing of bones after a fracture depends on the following main factors:

All such reasons can aggravate the course recovery period. A fracture in the consolidation stage goes through 4 stages:

Features of the consolidation process

A week after the damage, segments of osteoid tissue - small vessels, fibroblasts and osteoblast cell tissue fill the space between two bone fragments. It takes 4–5 weeks for a primary callus to form. secondary callus lasts 5–6 weeks. But the architectural restructuring of this growth takes several years. During this period, the ends of the fragments, their parts, and fragments undergo resorption, which is provided by osteoblasts. Also, at the same time, the excessive increase in callus is leveled out.

If you comply necessary conditions for proper fusion of fragments, then it will be restored within a period that is appropriate for a particular type of injury.

The process usually lasts several weeks (several months). The bones of the lower leg grow together in 3 months; bone regeneration takes the same amount of time in case of compression injury to the spine. A femoral neck fracture takes 6 months to heal.

In case of such a problem as a fracture, orthopedists take certain measures to speedy recovery damaged tissues:

First aid

There is a direct relationship between the rate of healing of a bone fracture and the right method performing first aid. The scrupulous accuracy of organizing emergency measures while observing the prescriptions recommended by the doctor ensures quick recovery injured person.

When significant soft tissue damage is diagnosed and an open fracture is present, it is necessary to organize measures to ensure wound disinfection. To do this, without waiting for the arrival of a team of specialists, completely immobilize the patient, sterile wipe cover the open wound.

To transport the victim to a medical facility, it is necessary to organize immobilization of the limb. To complete the task, they use available means - plywood, flat boards, tree branches, which are secured to the injured limb with a cloth or bandage. If it is necessary to transport a patient with a spinal injury, it is necessary to ensure that he is laid on boards, flat stretchers, or plywood. It is on this surface that the injured person should be carefully laid.

Acceleration of the fusion process

In order for the bone restoration process to occur faster, you should receive adequate treatment, provide the patient with proper nutrition, and vitamin complexes, enriched with calcium and vitamin D. The source of the latter component is chicken yolk and sun rays.

Vitamin C is found in the following foods:

  1. Bell pepper;
  2. Citrus fruit;
  3. Currant.

Ascorbic acid helps accelerate bone healing after fractures. Her healing property lies in the ability to produce collagen, which has a beneficial effect on the healing process. It is beneficial to eat foods with gelatin. The substance is found in the cartilage and bones of pork and beef. Mumiyo and rose oil also activate the regeneration process.

Traditional medicine

To accelerate the healing of fractures, traditional healers offer the following recipes:

  • Fir oil. You need to use 3 drops of it on the bread crumb.
  • Eggshell. Crush the product, take 1 tsp. 2 times a day. Another option involves using the shells of 3 hard-boiled chicken eggs. They must be placed in a bowl filled with lemon juice. When the shell dissolves, drink the liquid 1 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach in the morning, and also before bed.

To speed up bone regeneration, you can use the following recipe:

  1. 20 g of spruce or pine resin;
  2. 1 crushed onion;
  3. 50 g sunflower oil;
  4. 15 g of copper sulfate powder.

Mix the ingredients, heat for 25–30 minutes, but do not boil. Lubricate the fracture site with the resulting mixture.

Pain from fractures can be relieved with raw chopped potatoes. Apply a compress with this vegetable to the sore spot. After removing the plaster from the damaged area, perform baths with an infusion of fir branches. The procedure lasts 15 minutes, then additionally rub the injury site with fir oil.

In the old days, copper coins or copper wire powder were used to treat fractures. Mix crushed shavings in an amount of 0.1 g in sour cream or milk ( egg yolk) consume internally. Take the product 2 times a week.


To improve the natural movement of the bone, regardless of the fracture, the following procedures are used in traditional treatment:

  • Ultrasound;
  • Massage;
  • Laser therapy;
  • Paraffin.

During rehabilitation, a set of exercises is selected individually for each patient. With the help of exercise therapy, they restore the tone of tissues and muscles, improve motor function damaged bone. Physiological procedures help normalize metabolic processes. Massage helps restore blood transport to the damaged area and improves the overall tone of the body.


In addition to exercise therapy, if necessary, the following medications are prescribed:

  1. During the formation of soft callus, medications are prescribed that ensure the formation of cartilage tissue - Chondroitin, Teraflex, combinations of chondroitin with glucosamine;
  2. During the process of converting soft tissue into callus and until the formation of bone tissue is completed, phosphorus and calcium preparations are taken;
  3. IN for preventive purposes for osteomyelitis, people with open fractures are prescribed immunomodulators - Levamisole, sodium nucleinate, Timalin, T-Activin;
  4. To regulate cellular immunity and phagocytosis, lipopolysaccharides are used - Prodigiosan, Pyrotenal;
  5. In severe cases, anabolic steroids are used.

Now, in the first stages of healing, regardless of the gender and age of the patient (excluding small children), doctors prescribe Osteogenon. This drug consists of a combination of trace elements with ossein and hydroxyapatite. Osteogenon stimulates growth factors and osteoblasts, while the drug inhibits the development of osteoclasts and prevents the process of calcification of the resulting soft callus. The bioavailability of the drug is good due to the optimal ratio of vitamin P and calcium.

Excellent reputation
orthopedists have earned a combination of synthetic components of natural flavonoids and collagens - Ipriflavone. The drug “harmonizes” the processes of bone tissue formation and resorption, while simultaneously helping to properly arrange callus growth.

After the bone has fused, the plaster is immediately removed. The patient is referred for physiotherapy procedures. There he is given the following treatment options:

  • Ultra-high-frequency irradiation of the damaged area is performed;
  • Organize electrophoresis with impregnation of compresses with calcium salts.

At the same time, to increase blood supply to damaged tissues and reduce swelling, all kinds of external agents are used: ointments, gels or creams.


Are complications possible due to fractures? Yes, sometimes the victim develops prolonged compression syndrome, when the soft tissues of the extremities long time are in plaster cast. In a situation with open fractures, the wound can fester, osteomyelitis develops, the fragments heal incorrectly, and false joint. Sometimes the natural length of the limb even changes.

When diagnosing complications, doctors come to the aid of X-ray examination. Thanks to this procedure, the specialist observes how well the fracture is healing. There is now a trend towards an increase in the number various options fractures. At the same time, the time for bone fusion is prolonged due to a lack of calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus in the human body. Most often, able-bodied individuals are injured, which is why the problem becomes a social one.

To prevent bone damage and ensure their rapid healing in case of fractures, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. Give up bad habits (drinking alcohol and smoking);
  2. Eliminate caffeine from your diet along with products containing this substance (strong tea, chocolate, carbonated drinks);
  3. Limit the consumption of sweet foods in your diet as much as possible;
  4. Stop eating spicy foods and fatty foods.

Human bones are quite strong formations, but even they can break. When some pressure is applied to the bone, it begins to bend, exhibiting elastic properties. If the pressure is too great and occurs in a short period of time, then it may break. How bones heal after a fracture is discussed in the article.

Osteogenesis and reabsorption

Before considering the question of how bones heal after a fracture, we should talk about such phenomena that occur in the body of every person, such as osteogenesis or the generation of new bone, and reabsorption or destruction old bone.

The processes of generation and destruction of bone tissue occur constantly in the human body throughout his life. According to rough estimates, about 5-15% of the bone tissue of the human skeleton is renewed every year, and in 10 years all the bones of the skeleton undergo complete renewal. The rate of osteogenesis and reabsorption depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, but also on its age. During the aging process, both processes slow down and their effectiveness decreases, so when a person is in old age, he appears various pathologies associated with bones.

The process of osteogenesis occurs with the help of special cells that are responsible for creating, repairing and maintaining bone in healthy condition, these cells are called osteoblasts. As mentioned above, osteoblasts perform bone renewal constantly, regardless of whether it is damaged or not.

Since any process of regeneration and creation of new bone requires the destruction of old tissues that have lost their functions, osteogenesis is always accompanied by reabsorption of old bone. This process is also carried out by corresponding cells called osteoclasts.

It is important to understand that the constantly occurring processes of destruction and formation of bones do not mean that at some point in time a person’s skeleton is weakened and the bones are fragile, the body always maintains the musculoskeletal system in optimal condition, while gradually replacing old bone fabrics for new ones.

What is a bone fracture?

Before moving on to the question of how bones heal after a fracture, it is necessary to define the fracture itself. In humans, bone is a very strong and durable connective tissue, but with minor deformations it can break. A bone fracture is a violation of its integrity.

Fracture is a mechanical process that activates certain biological reactions, such as bone resorption and the formation of edema, depending on the presence blood vessels at the fracture site. We note right away that if there is little muscle tissue and a small number of blood vessels, then the bone after is bad and slow.

A fracture may have different character. If we draw an analogy with the breaking of wooden rods, then we can say that a green twig and a dry stick have different types of fractures. Currently there are following types fracture:

  • A complete fracture, which means the bone breaks into two separate pieces.
  • A partial fracture or a “green twig” fracture, in which the bone does not experience a loss of integrity along its entire cross-section.
  • Individual fracture, that is, the fracture occurs in only one place.
  • the bone breaks in several places and the fracture sites remain sharp.
  • An arcuate fracture is a situation that only occurs in children in which the bone is bent in half but does not break.
  • - part of the bone breaks the soft connective tissues of the body (muscles, skin) and protrudes to the surface.

Recovery phases

How do bones heal after a fracture? This process is quite lengthy and complex. After a violation of the integral structure of any bone has occurred, the body launches a series of reactions that strive to restore the injury in the shortest possible period of time. The process of restoring a broken bone is usually divided into three phases:

  • inflammatory and proliferative phase;
  • formation of primary connective tissue callus in the fracture area;
  • restoration or reconstruction of bone.

These phases occur sequentially one after another. Below is a detailed description of what happens in the body and in the bone itself during each of these recovery phases.

Inflammatory and proliferative phase

The answer to the question of how bones heal after a fracture should begin with the fracture process itself. If the amount of mechanical energy transferred to the bone does not exceed a certain limit value, then all this energy is absorbed by the bone and surrounding soft tissues, and the integrity of the bone is not compromised. If the mechanical energy is high, then it is not completely absorbed by the bone and leads to its destruction, which entails local bleeding and necrosis of bone cells and soft tissues in the destruction zone. At the moment of fracture, the following processes occur:

  • Migration of cells to the fracture site due to a series of chemical processes that are initiated at the moment of fracture.
  • Acceleration of cell division at the fracture site.
  • Accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space and increased permeability of blood vessels, which leads to edema in the area of ​​bone damage.
  • The launch of inflammatory processes, the signs of which are redness, pain, increased volume, increased temperature, failure to perform functions and deformation in the area of ​​the fracture. The goal of all inflammatory processes is to free the fracture zone from dead cells and tissue to facilitate the subsequent restoration of bone integrity. In the period from 4 to 21 days, in the fracture zone there is a constant increase in the number of blood vessels, which are responsible for feeding the damaged area and removing decay products and dead cells. After 3 weeks after the fracture, the process of increasing the number of vessels in the indicated area slows down.

If you move a broken bone during the inflammatory and proliferative phase, you can hear the sounds of creaking and friction between the broken areas.

Phase of formation of primary connective tissue

We continue to explore the question of how long it takes for bones to heal after a fracture. After the first phase, the phase of formation of primary callus in the fracture zone begins. This happens between the 2nd and 3rd week after the accident. This phase is characterized by accelerated cell proliferation outer shell bone and surrounding soft tissue and blood vessels. During this phase, the activity of the following groups of cells is activated:

  • Osteoblasts, which form new bone tissue.
  • Osteoclasts are responsible for breaking down dead bone tissue.
  • Chondroblasts are cells that create cartilage tissue.

At the beginning of the phase, the callus is soft. The cells of the outer layers of the bone begin to quickly divide and grow together in such a way that they completely envelop the callus. As a result of this process, the fragments of the broken bone become rigidly connected to each other and can no longer move independently of each other.

After this, the process of callus mineralization begins, which is carried out due to the deposition of calcium hydroxyapatite crystals in it and the formation of osteoid tissue. At this time, the formation of primitive bone tissue occurs, which has a fiber-lamellar structure. This structure is capable of completely stabilizing the fracture zone, however, it is not able to withstand external loads. As the mineralization process progresses, the hardness and strength of young bone tissue increases. As soon as all the above-mentioned signs of inflammatory processes disappear in the fracture zone, we can assume that mineralization has completed completely, and the young bone can already withstand some small loads.

Bone restoration phase

How long does it take for bones to heal after a fracture? The answer to this question lies in the duration last phase bone restoration. Full recovery the integrity of bone tissue can last for several months and even years.

What factors influence the speed of the bone restoration phase? There are several of these factors, the main ones are listed below:

  • cellular factor;
  • formation of a blood vessel system;
  • biochemical properties of the body (hormones, vitamins);
  • local biochemical factors (ability to grow bone tissue);
  • mechanical factors.

So, if there are no blood vessels in the area of ​​bone damage, then it will never recover, since recovery is impossible without oxygen and nutrients, for the transport of which blood vessels are responsible. If the bone does not heal after a fracture, what to do? One of the solutions would be to graft a part of the bone into the fracture zone that has sufficient blood vessels.

We should not forget about the positive effects of certain hormones (parathyroid hormone, growth hormone, estrogens and others), which accelerate the healing process. Vitamins C and D have a similar function.

The information above concerns the restoration of bone parts when they are positioned correctly relative to each other. With fractures, displacement of one part of the damaged bone relative to another is often observed. How does a bone heal after a displaced fracture? The recovery process is similar to the phases described above, only before this fusion begins, doctors try to bring the broken parts of the bone into the correct relative position.

How long does it take for bones to heal after a displaced fracture? Typically, this time is longer than the recovery period for a non-displaced fracture because displacement involves more tissue damage.

Pseudoarthrosis in the process of bone restoration

Once the integrity of the bone has been damaged, the body immediately gets involved in the work of restoring it. However, for one reason or another, this process can be slowed down; parts of the bone remain mobile for a long time, and each microdisplacement in them is accompanied by a strong and acute pain. At this time, the patient wonders why the bone does not heal after a fracture. Most often this is associated with the appearance of pseudarthrosis.

The essence of pseudarthrosis is as follows: after a fracture, after 1-2 weeks, the cells outer surface The halves of the bone begin to connect to each other and should surround the callus located in the center of the fracture. But this callus does not form, since the ends of the bone parts are covered with a membrane, which prevents their connection over the entire cross-sectional area. The result is a structure that is similar to a joint, and which is also mobile because the outer fused layers of bone cannot fully stabilize the fracture area.

The causes of pseudarthrosis during bone restoration are the following:

  • Increased mobility in the fracture zone. This occurs when the patient is careless or when the cast is not applied correctly and does not completely stabilize the injured area. In this case, the bone also does not heal properly after a fracture.
  • Insufficient quantity blood vessels in the fracture zone. This leads to a significant slowdown in the formation of callus.
  • Genetic and biological factors. Individual feature the body of a particular person does not allow him to quickly restore damaged bone tissue.

Pseudoarthrosis is a very serious problem, which explains why the bone does not heal after a fracture. What to do? It can only be solved surgically, when you have to expose the fracture zone again, clear the ends of the bone parts from the resulting membrane, join them and create conditions for a new restoration process.

Factors that slow down the bone healing process

How long does it take for a bone to heal after a fracture? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous, since there are a number of factors that slow down the recovery process:

  • High doses And long-term use some medicines eg corticosteroids.
  • Systemic factors: calcium deficiency or malfunction hormonal levels in the body, old age patient.
  • The size and location of the bone fracture. There are places where fractures heal very slowly, especially if they are open.
  • Amount of dead tissue. How long does it take for bones to heal after a fracture if sufficiently severe damage is sustained in its area? Several months, subject to compliance with all procedures aimed at accelerating this recovery. The point is that when severe fractures in their area the amount of dead bone tissue is significant, which leads to a decrease recovery ability bones.
  • Mobility and displacement in the broken bone, which not only slows down the process of restoration of bone integrity, but also increases the risk of incomplete recovery.
  • Infections in the fracture area. They can appear during open fractures or during careless surgical procedures. An infected fracture will never heal.
  • Weakened bone, for example due to bone metastasis or osteoporosis.

As can be seen from the list presented, the process of bone fusion entails many difficulties. If the patient observes all precautions and does not have any of the above-mentioned factors slowing down bone healing, then answering the question of how quickly bones heal after a fracture, we can give figures of 1-2 months in young people and up to six months or more in the elderly person.

How to speed up the recovery process?

When, for one reason or another, there is a slowdown in the rate of bone healing, it is necessary to find out all the factors that cause this slowdown and eliminate them. One more thing good rule For quick recovery: increasing the length of time the fracture remains immobile. In some cases, you can resort to the help of mechanical and electrical stimulators.

The essence of mechanical stimulators lies in the application in various ways additional external pressure to the fracture zone in order to increase the density of contact between parts of the broken bone. Regarding electrical stimulators, some studies have shown that passing pulses of electrical current through a fracture stimulates bone cell division, thereby speeding up the healing process. Also, the effect of an electromagnetic field on a fracture modifies the bioelectric field of the soft tissue surrounding the damaged area, which favors the process of restoring bone integrity.

The answer to the question of how many days does it take for bones to heal after a fracture has already been given above, from which it is clear that this process takes several months. However, it is possible to shorten the recovery period for a patient wearing a cast if you follow basic rules. The following actions are the recommendations of doctors:

  • Perform movements inside the cast. These movements should be performed smoothly, without applying significant effort. Note that this should be done only when they disappear painful sensations, which occurs approximately 2 weeks after the fracture.
  • Load the limb with a cast with light weights. This must be done carefully, controlling the amount of load.
  • If the patient has a crack in the bone and they put a splint on him to immobilize him injured limb. Then from time to time it is recommended to remove this splint, take contrast shower for that limb, make smooth movements, then put the splint back in place.

A bone fracture or, in other words, damage to hard tissues is a serious disorder for the body, requiring long-term rehabilitation and qualified treatment. All health activities are aimed at preventing the development inflammatory process and muscle tone returned. In order to figure out how long a fracture heals and how to speed up healing, you need to know how many stages healing takes place. In addition, it all depends on which bone was damaged; the severity and area of ​​injury are important.

The complete recovery period, that is, how long it takes for the fracture to heal, directly depends on the speed at which each of the following stages passes:

  • The first is the formation of a condensed mass of blood cells, which are then transformed into bone tissue. On average, this period takes from 4 to 10 days.
  • The second is that the formed clot is filled with special bodies that carry out regeneration (osteoblasts and osteoclasts). Representation microelements build a kind of bridge connection that prevents the broken parts from moving relative to each other.
  • The third is the appearance of callus, which begins 14-17 days after the injury (if the bone is completely broken, the period increases; when it is just broken, it decreases).
  • The fourth - takes from 4 to 12 weeks, complete regeneration and fusion of bones occurs. The blood flow is complete, the tissues are enriched with oxygen, and physical fitness returns.

How quickly hard bone tissue grows depends on immune system person and many other factors, so it is impossible to accurately determine the period. Even qualified specialists make only rough calculations based on general condition patient. Having decided how the fracture heals, it is necessary to clarify how to speed up this process and what is needed for this.

Belt upper limbs(without complications) is completely restored in 3-4 weeks, the talus and tibia - 4-5 weeks, the tibia and adjacent bones - 2-3 months, and the femur - up to 5 months.

Influencing factors

The healing of bones during a fracture depends on several features of the injury itself and the body in general:

  • regeneration slows down in old age, the formation of cellular compounds is less productive;
  • the more complex the shape of the bone and the larger its size, the longer the fusion will take;
  • an open fracture redefines the risk of inflammation, which in turn will prolong the recovery period;
  • independent unqualified treatment can lead to complications and a number of pathologies;
  • adjacent injuries, ruptures and sprains do not allow tissues to quickly grow together;
  • much depends on how correctly and quickly first aid was provided;
  • a healed fracture will take much longer to heal if it is re-injured;
  • weakened immunity, large number injuries, other diseases - all this slows down the regenerative functionality of the body;
  • problems with metabolic processes affect recovery.

Acceleration of the healing period

  • Follow all the doctor’s recommendations, including those about your daily routine, nutrition, timing of wearing the cast, and medicines and the like.
  • Do not put stress on the fracture site, avoid physical activity and sudden movements.
  • Consume more calcium-containing foods (milk, fish, sesame seeds) and medications (Kalcemin).
  • Provide your body with vitamin D (fish oil) and C (citrus fruits, sauerkraut).

Alternative medicine

During the period of bone fusion, according to traditional healers, it is advisable to use the following recipes:

  • grind eggshells into powder and add 20 grams to food;
  • drink mumiyo prepared according to the recipe indicated on the package insert;
  • baths with sea ​​soda and iodine;
  • compresses with mashed potatoes, cabbage and other vegetables.

The fused area requires constant medical supervision and care; take this into account when choosing a treatment method.


Having figured out how bones heal after fractures, you should clarify possible ways prevent injury. In order not to damage hard tissues, try not to overload them physically. Watch your diet; it should include vegetables, fruits, milk, meat and fish. Get rid of bad habits (alcohol, nicotine) and drink less coffee (leaches calcium). Spend more time in the fresh air and don’t forget about physical therapy.