Natural gift for beauty: how sesame is useful for women. How to take sesame seeds - benefits or harm to the body, tips and recipes

Since ancient times, such a plant as sesame has come to us. Its beneficial properties and contraindications were known to our ancestors, who have preserved this knowledge to this day. Sesame has a second name - sesame and is an annual plant. The seeds used for food are found in capsule-like fruits. Their color can range from black to snow-white. They taste tender with a characteristic crunch.

The beneficial properties of sesame have found their application in cooking, medicine, and cosmetology. Of particular importance is the oil from these seeds, which is mainly used in medicinal and for preventive purposes. In our country, the seeds are often used to make topping for baked goods, however, sesame has found wider use abroad. Why it has gained such popularity, whether there is any harm from it, and how to use sesame with maximum benefit, you will learn further.

Composition and benefits of sesame

As a rule, the seeds of all plants have a fairly high nutritional value and contain more than 50% fat, sesame is no exception. Its calorie content per 100 grams is 580 kcal. The percentage of oil content in seeds reaches 55.

In order to extract all the beneficial properties of sesame, it is better to consume it in a heated or soaked state. This will make the seeds easier to chew, and the product will be better absorbed. The value of the seeds is their oil composition, which contains saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, triglycerides and glycerol esters.

Sesame contains many beneficial substances:

  1. Sesame contains a powerful antioxidant called sesamin. It can relieve many disorders of all organs and systems and prevent the appearance of cancerous tumors.
  2. And beta-sitosterol helps reduce bad cholesterol in human blood.
  3. Phytin restores mineral balance in the body.
  4. Thiamine improves the functioning of the nervous system and normalizes metabolism.
  5. Phytosterol reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and removes cholesterol, helping to fight obesity.

The composition of sesame is filled with carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins and calcium. It contains a lot useful vitamins A, E, B, C, PP mineral compounds: potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, dietary fiber and lecithin. Few people know how much calcium is in sesame. But it contains a larger amount of this microelement than the famous cottage cheese, cheese or milk, which were previously considered its irreplaceable source. Therefore, the seeds are healing for joints and bones and prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis. With their regular use, the body becomes stronger and muscle mass increases more intensively.

Sesame is able to stimulate human growth, thanks to a special substance - riboflavin. In addition, it strengthens hair and nails, improves appearance skin. Renders positive influence on the composition of human blood. Sesame is extremely beneficial for digestive system. Provides great benefit in conjunction with medicines in the treatment of asthma, liver and gallbladder diseases, hypertension, kidney inflammation.

Sesame has beneficial properties for women, which are manifested in the content of female sex hormones - phytoestrogens. It is especially recommended for ladies over 45 years old. But for girls this product will also provide therapeutic effect: enhances the reproductive system, strengthens hair, skin and nails.

When carrying a baby, it is able to rejuvenate the placenta, which ages with the development of the fetus. In order to understand whether it is possible to eat sesame while breastfeeding, you need to know that it belongs to dietary products. Even despite its calorie content, it does not provoke the appearance of extra pounds, but is able to restore strength and immunity after pregnancy. Don’t forget about the high calcium content in sesame, which is also important for development. skeletal system newborn, and for the appearance of the mother. It should be introduced into the diet little by little, monitoring the child’s reaction. When breastfeeding, sesame should be eaten one teaspoon per day.

It also has the following valuable qualities:

Not only sesame seeds are used very actively. The beneficial properties and contraindications of the oil obtained from it are better known to nutritionists, cosmetologists and doctors. In medicine, it is used to make ointments, plasters, and various emulsions due to its ability to increase blood clotting. Often used as a laxative, especially for hemorrhagic diathesis.

In the cosmetics industry sesame oil indispensable for massages, softening and moisturizing the skin. In its pure form, it can even remove makeup and be applied to hair and skin. It is often added to anti-aging creams, largely due to its antioxidant properties.

Sesame contraindications

Before use, be sure to familiarize yourself with the contraindications of sesame. Due to the fact that it has the characteristic of increasing blood clotting, it is not recommended for people suffering from thrombosis, increased blood clotting, or thrombus formation. You should not use it if you have urolithiasis or kidney disease.

As with any product, it is worth remembering how to take sesame. The optimal amount per day should not exceed three teaspoons, so as not to provoke negative consequences. Pregnant women should use it especially with caution and not exceed the recommended dose, as hypocalcemia may develop in the fetus or a miscarriage may occur.

Despite possible contraindications sesame can be used in different ways. In cooking, to give it a brighter taste, it is heated in a frying pan or sesame oil is used, which can be used to fry meat or vegetables. It is much healthier than sunflower and removes toxins from the body. When used in medicinal purposes It is better to soak or slightly warm the sesame seeds. You can grind the seeds in a coffee grinder and soak them in water, and then take them as prescribed by your doctor.

Traditionally, the seeds are sprinkled on buns, desserts, cookies and other baked goods. It is useful to add it to various vegetable salads. In oriental cuisine, they are used to prepare a delicious paste with a nutty flavor. A dry seasoning based on seeds and salt is used when cooking rice.

As you know, the daily requirement of calcium can be covered by sesame seeds. Few people know how to take seeds if they have a calcium deficiency. One hundred grams of the product will help compensate for the lack of this microelement, but for prevention you should use two to three teaspoons.

How to select and store seeds

It is best to buy sesame seeds by weight or in a transparent bag to evaluate their appearance. They must certainly be dry and crumbly, and not taste bitter. It is better to purchase an unrefined product, it has much more benefits, and it can be stored longer.

Store unhulled seeds in a cool, dark place in a tightly closed container, but peeled ones will need to be placed in the refrigerator. They are stored from three months to a year. However, sesame seed oil has a much longer shelf life and can last for years even in hot climates.

Sesame medicinal properties and contraindications, which we have considered, is a fairly valuable food product. The amount of calcium it contains is many times greater than that of dairy products and is a source of valuable vitamins and other substances. Has few contraindications and will be an excellent addition proper diet nutrition.

Watch the sesame milk recipe video:

The well-known sesame (sesame), which is used in cooking and baking, has not only taste, but also beneficial properties. Regular use of the product allows you to strengthen immune cells, cleanse blood vessels and improve the health of the body as a whole.

Regular consumption of sesame seeds will help get rid of many health problems.

Composition and calorie content of sesame seeds

Most of the composition of sesame belongs to oils - 45-50%, the rest is:

  • proteins;
  • sesamin, phytosterol;
  • lecithin, phytin;
  • iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc;
  • vitamins - tocopherol, retinol, ascorbic acid, B12, B1, B2, B3.

Ratio useful elements, which are contained in sesame seeds and the daily norm

The product is very nutritious: 100 g of sesame contains up to 570 kcal.

Beneficial properties of sesame seeds

Thanks to the unique healing composition sesame seeds have a beneficial effect on the entire human body, giving strength and health, especially with a lack of calcium and with a lack of potassium.

General medicinal properties of sesame seeds:

  1. Reduces blood cholesterol levels and helps thin atherosclerotic plaques.
  2. Strengthens the heart muscle and stimulates brain function.
  3. Restores mineral balance in the body, normalizes metabolic processes.
  4. Prevents the appearance cancer cells, slows down the growth of existing ones.
  5. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  6. It has a laxative effect, removes toxins and toxic substances from the body.

Regular consumption of sesame seeds helps improve stamina immune system before colds and viral infections. And the calcium content in the product makes it possible to strengthen bones and avoid the development of osteoporosis.

How is it beneficial for women's bodies?

Sesame seeds also have medicinal properties in gynecology. The product has a positive effect on the genitourinary system:

Eating sesame seeds improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs in women

During breastfeeding, consuming sesame seeds helps increase milk supply and maintain the health of the mammary glands, preventing the formation of clots and further mastopathy.

The product is also useful for women during the decline of reproductive function. During menopause, a hormonal imbalance occurs, and consuming sesame allows you to replenish hormone deficiency and smooth out the course of menopause, reducing unpleasant symptoms.

Women use sesame oil in cosmetology. It helps smooth out wrinkles, strengthen hair and nails, cleanse the skin and restore its elasticity.

Benefits for men

  • improves blood circulation in the pelvis;
  • increases potency and prolongs erection;
  • stimulates sperm production, improves the quality and quantity of seminal fluid;
  • supports health prostate gland, prevents the development of cancer cells in the reproductive system.

Sesame helps prevent prostate disease in men

Systematic consumption of sesame seeds saturates a man’s body with argenine, which increases testosterone - improves mood, normalizes blood pressure, reduces risk erectile dysfunction and depressive conditions.

How to take sesame

Proper consumption of sesame can eliminate and prevent many diseases - arrhythmia, tachycardia, atherosclerosis, inflammation genitourinary system, malfunctions digestive tract. A variety of folk recipes using sesame seeds makes it possible to choose the most optimal method for a specific pathology or its prevention.

Honey with sesame

Consume sesame seeds with honey to normalize the digestive system.

Grind 50 g of sesame seeds in a mortar and pour in 20 ml of liquid honey. Take 1 tsp. every morning on an empty stomach for 10 days. The healing properties of the drug include antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects - the functioning of the stomach and intestines is normalized, flatulence and dysbacteriosis are eliminated, and ulcerative processes in organs are reduced.

Sesame oil for gastritis, ulcers

For 10–12 days, consume sesame oil 3 times a day in the amount of 1–2 tbsp. l. To achieve maximum therapeutic effect It is better to take the medicine 30 minutes before meals. The product has a regenerating effect, helps damaged tissues of the mucous membrane recover faster, neutralizes increased acidity gastric juice.

Sesame cleansing

You can cleanse your body of toxins by eating ground sesame seeds.

Using a coffee grinder, grind 1 cup sesame seeds. You need to eat 2 tbsp per day. l. ground drug. The daily dose can be divided into 4 doses. It is recommended to consume the powdered mass before meals, washing down each time with 100 ml of warm water. Compliance with the proportions of the recipe allows you to remove toxins and waste from the body and cope with extra pounds.

Sesame against diarrhea

Boil 2 tbsp. l. seeds and grind them in a mortar until mushy, add 1 tbsp. l. honey, mix. Divide the prepared drug into 2 doses and eat with an interval of 2 hours.

Therapeutic mass helps stop severe diarrhea and has a mild enveloping effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Sesame oil for constipation

Sesame oil effectively helps relieve constipation

The herbal product from sesame seeds should be taken 1 tbsp during the day. every 2 hours. After emptying, reduce the dose to 1 hour. l. three times a day for 3 days.

Treatment allows you not only to get rid of constipation, but also to restore the natural contractility of the intestines.

Recipe for a lingering cold

Heat sesame oil (2 tbsp) in a water bath to 36–37 degrees. Grind vigorously with a warm substance chest the patient and wrap him in a scarf. The procedure should be done before bedtime.

The folk method helps to separate mucus from the respiratory tract, lower the temperature and alleviate the patient’s general condition.

Sesame seed to boost immunity

Wash down sesame with ginger tea to strengthen your immune system

Grind dried sesame seeds (1 cup) to a powder. The mass should be eaten 2-3 times during the day, 1 tsp each. and wash it down with tea with ginger (1/3 cup). The duration of treatment is 14 days.

In addition to the immune-strengthening effect, the prepared product reduces pain in joints and muscles, gives strength and energy.

Sesame infusion for hemorrhoids

Brew 2 tsp in 100 ml of boiling water. seeds, close the lid tightly and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse the anus with warm liquid or apply lotions 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1–2 weeks.

The product stimulates blood circulation in injured tissues, eliminates inflammation, reduces itching and burning in anus, promotes the resorption of hemorrhoids.

An effective recipe for mastitis

Apply sesame compresses to your breasts to quickly treat mastitis.

Dry for 3-5 minutes 3 tbsp. l. sesame seeds in an oven preheated to 40 degrees, grind in a coffee grinder. Mix ground sesame with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Moisten small pieces of cloth in the prepared liquid and apply to the inflamed areas of the chest for 5–10 minutes. Apply compresses 3-4 times a day. Treat until redness and swelling disappear completely.

Sesame oil against otitis media

Heat sesame oil to 35-37 degrees and drop 1-2 drops into the ear canals at intervals of 2 hours. Therapy lasts 3–5 days. This recipe can be used not only to treat otitis media, but also to combat insomnia - rub the oil on your heels, temples, or drip into your ears.

Sesame oil with milk for sore throat

Milk with sesame effectively relieves irritation of the throat mucosa

In a glass warm milk dilute 5 drops of plant extract. Healing drink consume 4 times a day for 3 days.

The medicine increases local immunity, disinfects sore throat, gently soothes irritated mucous membranes.


Sesame oil for dental pathologies

Rinse your mouth with sesame seeds to treat dental diseases

Place the oil in your mouth and rinse the cavity for 3-5 minutes. Inflamed gums can be lubricated with oil. Carry out these actions up to 5 times a day.

Sesame oil for external use

Soak a cotton swab in the plant extract and treat non-healing wounds, rashes due to eczema, dermatitis, anal fissures due to hemorrhoids. The number of procedures per day is 3–5 times. The duration of treatment is until the affected areas are completely healed.

Using sesame oil can eliminate pain, burning, itching, and speed up regeneration processes.

Recipe for men and women

A mixture of sesame, flaxseed and poppy seeds is a powerful aphrodisiac.

Combine poppy seeds in equal quantities, flax-seed and sesame seeds (2 tbsp each). Take the mixture 2-3 times a day, 1 tsp, with 0.5 glasses of water.

The folk remedy is a powerful aphrodesiac; it increases erectile dysfunction in women, and increases erection in men and improves potency. If you regularly use the combined drug, it improves the general condition of the genitourinary system, normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, mental activity and functioning of the nervous system.

Sesame for osteoporosis

Grind the dried grains (3 tbsp) into powder and take 1 tsp. in the morning on an empty stomach and 2-3 times during the day. Ground sesame seeds can be combined with milk - 2 tbsp. l. seeds per 20 ml of milk. The regimen is similar.

Recipe for weight loss

Drink sesame infusion every morning to lose weight and cleanse the body.

For a month, every morning you need to drink 1 tbsp. l. sesame oil. You need to consume the beneficial substance on an empty stomach 10–15 minutes before meals. The plant extract can be replaced with sesame grains. Soak 0.5 cups of seed in a glass of water and leave overnight. Drink the infusion in the morning and eat the seed during the day.

Sesame not only cleanses the intestines, but also burns fat deposits.

For oncology

In the evening, soak a glass of sesame seeds and leave overnight. In the morning, eat 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. l., consume the rest of the mass during the day. The duration of treatment is at least 2 months.

The resulting product helps with malignant neoplasms in the organs of the digestive tract. Sesame slows down blood circulation in tumor cells, which inhibits their growth.

You should not use sesame (oil and seeds) if you have kidney cancer. Inflammation in the organ increases even more due to the nutrition of tissues with calcium, which is abundant in sesame.

Sesame oil for face

Add a few drops of sesame oil to your favorite cream for a rejuvenating effect.

Add 3-5 drops of sesame oil to day and night cream. Do not rub in with massage movements large number prepared ointment 2 times a day regularly.

The folk method of using sesame helps smooth out wrinkles, increase skin elasticity and restore its healthy tone.

Hair strengthener

Combine sesame oil and aloe juice in equal quantities (3 tablespoons each). Rub the prepared substance into the scalp and leave for 10–20 minutes. Wash your hair and lubricate the ends of your hair with the remaining product (prevents breakage).

The beneficial substances in sesame oil and grains are preserved when slightly dried or heated. Do not fry the seed or boil the plant extract, otherwise the healing properties of the product will disappear.

In addition to treatment, sesame is widely used in cooking. It is added to sauces, salads, sprinkled on baked goods, halva, and is an integral part of urbech (oriental sweet).

Sesame is widely used not only for medicinal purposes, but also in cooking.

Harm of sesame

Sesame can bring not only benefits, but also harm if the product is abused. In large quantities, sesame oil and seed produce an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, adversely affect the functioning of the kidneys and bile ducts, and increase blood clotting. During pregnancy, frequent use may cause miscarriage or premature birth.

Pledge successful treatment sesame – use the medicinal product correctly and in dosage for the purpose of treating and preventing diseases.

Contraindications for sesame seeds

Along with its beneficial properties, sesame has contraindications for people who suffer from:

  • increased blood clotting and tendency to form blood clots;
  • blockage of blood vessels;
  • urolithiasis;
  • oncological pathologies of the kidneys;
  • allergy to sesame.

Avoid eating sesame seeds if you have urolithiasis

Do not consume more than 2 tsp. sesame per day during pregnancy and children under 12 years of age.

For health purposes, sesame can be given to children with early age, but not earlier than a year. Up to 12 months there is a risk of allergic reactions.

Proper storage and shelf life of seeds

Unpeeled sesame should be kept in a tightly sealed container. The storage area should be cool, dark and dry. The shelf life of unpeeled grains is 3 months.

The best container for storing sesame seeds is a tightly closed jar.

Peeled seeds deteriorate faster - after 2-4 weeks a bitter taste appears and the product loses all its healing properties. To extend the shelf life, it is better to store sesame in the refrigerator - up to 6 months. Sesame can be stored in the freezer without losing its taste and medicinal qualities for 1 year.

The difference between black sesame and white

Black sesame is not peeled, unlike white sesame, and therefore has more useful substances.

Table “Difference between black and white sesame”

Black and white sesame differ in their composition and scope of application

Black sesame is most often used to produce high-quality oil, and the white variety is used in folk medicine and cooking as a tasty addition to dishes and a source easily digestible vitamins, minerals.

Sesame is an oilseed plant and has several names: sesame, sim-sim. The most widely used is Indian sesame, the fruits of which are famous for their delicate taste and unusual spicy aroma. In addition to the usual white shade, sesame seeds can be light brown, deep yellow and even black.

Calorie content of sesame

Sesame seeds are highly nutritious - one hundred grams of the product contains about 600 calories. Sesame contains a lot of useful microelements, necessary for a person to promote health and well-being. In order to find out how sesame is useful, you need to see the entire spectrum of natural antioxidants and valuable acids that make up it:

  • Unsaturated acids
  • Organic fats, proteins, carbohydrates
  • Disaccharides
  • Monosaccharides
  • Dietary fiber
  • Vitamins of groups PP, B1, E, B2
  • Iron, phosphorus, calcium
  • Potassium, sodium, magnesium
  • Starch

Sesame contains phytin, a unique substance that regulates the balance of minerals in the body, as well as phytosterol, which tends to strengthen the immune system and fight obesity. No less valuable is sesamin, a rare antioxidant. It is used to prevent many serious illnesses, lowers cholesterol and is a good prophylactic agent in the fight against cancer.


Sesame contraindications

This natural product does not pose a danger to the body. However, there are contraindications for sesame, and they mainly apply to people who have been diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • Urolithiasis
  • Bleeding disorder
  • Varicose veins
  • Individual intolerance to some components of sesame or allergic manifestations

Sesame is contraindicated for people whose bodies are oversaturated with calcium, since the content of this element in the seeds is very high. The seeds of the plant should not be consumed on an empty stomach - attacks of thirst, nausea, and vomiting may result.

Sesame and sesame-based oil are strictly contraindicated for patients who are on drug treatment and use aspirin, oxalic acid or any estrogens. Combining these drugs with sesame seeds can cause kidney stones.

Sesame – high-calorie product! If you adhere to any diet or individual weight loss program, it is better to avoid using it!


What are the benefits of sesame?

The miniature seeds of this plant are useful even in minimal quantities. It’s not for nothing that they are generously strewn with buns and various confectionery. At simultaneous use sesame and not particularly healthy products, the body is not clogged with toxins, and harmful compounds are quickly removed from the digestive tract. This is due to the high content of dietary fiber in sesame, which helps us cope with “attacks” harmful substances and not allow them to accumulate in the body.

How to find out the benefits of sesame? It’s very simple: if there are no contraindications, do not refuse to use it. By introducing it into the diet sesame seeds, you can not only enrich the body with valuable substances, but also significantly improve your health.

The beneficial properties of sesame are multifaceted, and such a valuable product should not be neglected at any age:

  • Sesame contains a huge amount of calcium. Eating 30 grams of seeds per day provides an adult daily dose of this substance.
  • Sesame is useful for the digestive and nervous systems, and thanks to high content rare oils, its seeds are recommended for use for heart ailments and vascular diseases.
  • The seeds of the plant help strengthen the immune system, improve blood formation, and coordinate metabolism.
  • Systematic use of sesame has a beneficial effect on a person’s overall well-being; his body is filled with energy and strength. Sesame is especially useful for athletes during strength loads, when building muscle mass.
  • Sesame seeds regulate the content of glucose and bad cholesterol in the blood, therefore they are an indispensable tool for the prevention of diabetes and atherosclerosis.
  • Regular consumption of sesame seeds prevents the formation of cancerous tumors.
  • Due to its high oil content (about 50% of the total mass), sesame seeds prevent aging and are widely used in cosmetology.
  • The oil of the plant can be seen in patches, injections, wound healing dressings. Since sesame has a mild laxative effect, it is used to treat gastrointestinal disorders and gastritis.

It should be remembered that the beneficial properties of sesame are manifested only in its natural, raw form. For any heat treatment lion's share valuable substances disappears without a trace.

Despite the beneficial properties of sesame, one should not forget about its contraindications or consume the seeds in large quantities! Maximum dose raw seeds per day for an adult - within three teaspoons.

Black sesame

This type of plant grows in Thailand and China. Its seeds have a rich black color not only on the outside, but also on the inside. Black sesame tastes a little bitter, but it produces very high quality oil. This type of sesame has an intoxicating aroma and a surprisingly harmonious taste, so it is often used as a seasoning for marinades and spicy oriental dishes.

Black sesame is famous for its colossal calcium content. Its seeds contain 60% more of this substance than Indian sesame fruits. Black seeds also lead in the content of vitamins B, A, antioxidants and valuable organic substances. Remember: sesame husks contain minerals and calcium, so it is better to consume the seeds unshelled and without heat treatment!

The benefits of sesame for women

Thanks to the rich composition and huge content valuable oils, sesame seeds have a unique healing effect on the woman’s body, enriching it with the rarest vitamins and unsaturated acids.

The beneficial properties of sesame have proven themselves in the treatment of mastitis in women who are breastfeeding. Since the use of any medications during this period is undesirable, you can successfully get rid of congestion in the chest with the help of a medicinal sesame compress. To prepare it, you need to grind the seeds with peel in a coffee grinder, add a drop of vegetable or sesame oil and apply to the seals.

Sesame has been proven to have a positive effect on hormonal background women and is an excellent aphrodisiac that builds sexual desire. It increases blood circulation in the pelvic area, which eliminates the occurrence of congestion and inflammatory diseases female genital area.

You should absolutely not consume large amounts of sesame seeds and sesame-based oils in the first trimester of pregnancy. Excessive use seeds can provoke premature birth, miscarriage and cause allergic manifestations in a child.

Since sesame is a source of iron and calcium, it can be taken in small dosages in the second and third trimesters of the gestational period. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system, strengthens the pregnant woman’s immunity and fills her body with a lot of useful vitamins.

Sesame oil

The most valuable product for humans is sesame oil. It is used in cosmetology, medicine, cooking, and in recipes. traditional medicine. It is produced by cold pressing, and a unique “bouquet” of valuable vitamins is concentrated in this “magic remedy”.

In cosmetology, sesame oil is used as prophylactic from premature aging, with its help, peeling and minor skin defects are eliminated. Adding sesame oil to nourishing masks, you can return your face healthy and fresh look, get rid of redness and achieve skin elasticity.

Daily consumption of sesame oil helps improve heart function, strengthen blood vessels, and remove waste and toxins from the body. This natural remedy is recommended for attention and memory disorders, mental stress, insomnia and frequent stress. The beneficial properties of sesame have been identified during the treatment and prevention of anemia, pulmonary diseases, arthrosis, and genital diseases in men and women.

Sesame or sesame is a herbaceous oil plant that belongs to the category of annuals. Its fruits are small seeds of different shades: from deep black to chocolate. There is no such thing as snow-white sesame - the white seeds we are accustomed to are grains that have been peeled.

A large number of components also allows the seeds to be used for medicinal and preventive purposes.

Black and white sesame: what's the difference?

There are two main types of sesame available for sale: white and black. They are distinguished not only by color, but also by taste and beneficial properties.

Black sesame, unlike white sesame, is not peeled, which contains a huge amount of vitamins and nutritional components. Therefore, it is much healthier than white. It mainly grows in southeast Asia, Japan and China.

Black sesame produces high-quality oil with a rich taste and aroma. At the same time, it does not take all the attention to itself, but only highlights the other ingredients in the dish. Therefore, it is most often used for seasoning side dishes, sauces and marinades.

In the East, it is black sesame that is used for medicinal purposes, since all the main components that make it possible to improve a person’s condition are found precisely in outer shell seed.

White sesame also contains unique oils and has a pleasant neutral taste with a subtle nutty note. This is a peeled seed, which in 90% of cases acts in cooking as an external decoration for desserts, sushi or side dishes. The main importing countries of shelled sesame are El Salvador and Mexico.

Calorie content of sesame

Almost all plant seeds have high energy value, since they contain predominantly fats. This is especially true for flax and sunflower seeds - their fat percentage can exceed 50-60% per 100 grams. Sesame is also considered a high-calorie product - 50 grams have 280-300 kcal, and the fat content reaches 55%.

In addition to the high concentration of fats, its composition is dominated by saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are responsible for nutrition and cell restoration.

A unique feature of sesame is the presence of a unique substance called sesamin, which is considered a natural antioxidant. It prevents early skin aging and fights free radicals, which are the root cause of oxidative stress.

When choosing sesame, pay attention to the condition of the seeds, whether they are intact and not glued to each other. To do this, it is better to buy it in a sealed bag. The seeds should not taste bitter and should not have any strange aftertaste.

As for storage rules, black sesame is more unpretentious in this matter. It lasts longer even if it remains in the manufacturer's packaging. But it is better to pour it into a glass or enamel container with a lid. Sesame does not like moisture and sun.

The shelf life of white (hulled) seeds usually does not exceed several months, because it quickly loses its natural taste and begins to become very bitter. To prevent this, store it in the refrigerator. In this case, he will not lose his taste properties and benefits for six months.

Useful properties of sesame

  1. Sesame contains thiamine, which is necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes in the body and the proper functioning of the nervous system.
  2. Beta-sitosterol present in sesame is responsible for lowering cholesterol. It prevents blockage of blood vessels and is useful for the prevention of many diseases.
  3. The composition of this unique seed includes amino acids, which are building materials for organs and systems.
  4. Sesame is also rich in vitamin E, which promotes youthful skin. It is an essential vitamin responsible for maintaining optimal functioning of the body. It normalizes the work of women and men reproductive system, affects the endocrine and nervous system. Being powerful antioxidant, it protects cells from destruction by free radicals.
  5. Sesame is an excellent remedy for the prevention of osteoporosis. It has a record concentration of calcium - 100 grams of the product contains 750-1150 mg of the mineral. For comparison: 100 grams of cottage cheese contains only 125 mg of calcium. The body needs it for pregnant women, children, and the elderly, since it is the main building material and participates in the processes of restoring the structure of bones, hair, and teeth. For pregnant women, its daily dosage should not exceed 30 grams.
  6. Black sesame is enriched with phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, iron and other minerals involved in blood formation and immunobiological processes.
  7. Phytoestrogens contained in sesame are especially useful for women over 50 years of age. It is considered a natural alternative female hormones, therefore indispensable during the onset of menopause.
  8. One of the benefits of sesame is high concentration vitamins A, C, B. Retinol is involved in the regulation of protein synthesis and is necessary for normal height new cells. Without it, the normal functioning of the immune system is impossible. B vitamins improve skin condition and intestinal function, strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to viral and bacterial infections.

To get the maximum benefit from a product, you need to eat it correctly. Regardless of the variety, you need to buy only live sesame that has not been subjected to special treatment. Checking this is quite simple - living grains can germinate.

To do this, it is not necessary to use professional germination equipment. Place slightly damp gauze folded in several layers on a regular plate. Pour 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds on top of it and cover it with the same slightly damp gauze.

Place the plate with sesame seeds in a dark place that is not exposed to sunlight (in a kitchen cabinet or oven) for several days. If within 2-3 days the first sprouts begin to appear from the seeds, then it is natural, safe for consumption sesame.

Sesame seeds are best absorbed when slightly heated and soaked. The roasted seed is already deprived of any beneficial properties, and is more likely to simply enhance the taste of the dish than to replenish the vitamin or mineral deficiency body.

Sesame should be chewed slowly and try not to subject it to strong heat treatment unnecessarily. Based on these considerations, nutritionists recommend pre-soaking the seeds in water - this will make them much easier to survive. For these purposes, you do not need to take too much liquid - for 1 full teaspoon of sesame, take 100 ml of water.

The optimal amount of sesame for an adult is up to 3 teaspoons per day. Do not use the product in the morning or on an empty stomach. This can trigger an attack of nausea and excessive thirst.

Sesame serves as an excellent dressing for salads and meat; it is used to decorate baked goods and added to dough. In oriental cuisine it can be found as part of special desserts, such as kozinaki or halva.

Unique features of sesame oil

The oil obtained from sesame seeds is also considered incredibly beneficial for the body. It is used for medical purposes, cosmetology and as an alternative to traditional edible oils.

It has been clinically proven to be effective as a detoxifier and laxative. It moisturizes the intestinal mucosa, indirectly improving its peristalsis.

Sesame-based oil is an affordable product for any woman to care for aging facial skin. It copes well with fine wrinkles, restores tone, moisturizes and nourishes the epithelium. The unique substances included in its composition relieve redness and even out the complexion.

Of course, it, like any other oil, will have the effect of dirty hair. To get rid of it, you need to select the optimal amount and wash your hair with shampoo after the procedures.

Many manufacturers use organic sesame oil to enrich tanning products because it is not UV resistant.

Sesame is a widespread product that will be a good addition to any dish. You can sprinkle it boiled rice, meat and salads - it will enrich their taste. Due to its nutritional value, sesame can become a staple ingredient in vegetarian cuisine.

Sesame seeds are very beneficial for the reproductive system, especially the female one.

If you combine sesame, flax and poppy seeds, you can get a powerful aphrodisiac, which, by the way, works great for both women and men.

In the Middle Ages, sesame seeds were in great demand among the fair half of humanity - many women who cared about their health chewed a teaspoon of sesame every day in the morning.

In those days, it was believed that sesame was very beneficial for the female reproductive system. However, sesame seeds can increase blood flow during menstruation, so pregnant women should eat sesame or any of its derivatives very carefully.

The high concentration of calcium contained in sesame contributes to the formation of the skeleton of the unborn child, however, excessive use of this product can lead to miscarriage.

Use of semen for medicinal purposes

Sesame is used in traditional and folk medicine

Sesame is widely used as a traditional medicine, externally and internally. It can be used on its own or as a component of a recipe.

Products based on sesame seeds are useful for strengthening protective properties body. In their pure form, they are recommended to be taken for diseases of the heart and blood vessels (ischemia, arrhythmia, hypertension, anemia).

The seeds have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract in cases of intestinal obstruction, stomach ulcers, gastritis, and helminthiasis.

Sesame is also indicated for the treatment of asthma, colds and respiratory diseases (including acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections). Oil from the grains is used externally to heal wounds and eliminate peeling and irritation.

Folk recipes

From diseases of the cardiovascular system

  1. If you have a blood clotting disorder, it is recommended to take 1 tbsp of sesame oil three times a day. l. before eating.
  2. To strengthen the heart, sesame seeds are added to your daily diet.

For the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

  1. A simple recipe will help with an upset stomach. Dissolve 1 tsp. honey in 200 ml boiled water room temperature. Add 1-2 tsp there. sesame seeds, crushed in a blender or coffee grinder. Drink in small portions until diarrhea stops.
  2. For stomach pain, intestinal colic and spasms, take 1 tbsp. l. seeds on an empty stomach 1-3 times a day.

For problems with the musculoskeletal system

  1. For rheumatism and joint pain, warm up the sesame oil a little (to human body temperature). Rub the product in with massage movements.
  2. For neuralgia, the seeds are fried in a frying pan and ground into powder in a mortar or coffee grinder. Take 1 tbsp. l. in small portions, washed down with clean water.

For women's health

  1. For mastitis, compresses are used in complex treatment. Gauze or bandage folded several times is soaked in sesame oil and applied to the chest.
  2. After 45 years, the use of sesame in any form is recommended for women's health. The phytoestrogens they contain improve well-being, minimize the appearance of hot flashes and strengthen the nervous system.

For calcium deficiency

You can compensate for calcium deficiency not only with vitamins. Sesame seed oil, which should be taken 1 tbsp, will cope with this task perfectly. l. once a day (preferably in the morning).

As a prophylactic

To strengthen the immune system, it is useful to take 1 tsp. on an empty stomach in the morning every day.

For the purpose of prevention and maintenance of general health, it is introduced into the diet sesame flour. Add 1-2 tbsp. l. product when preparing porridges and side dishes.

A seasoning is prepared based on sesame seeds - gomasio. . It effectively cleanses the body and has pleasant smell and taste. Gomasio is both a medicine and an aromatic spice for dishes. It is prepared like this:

  1. For one teaspoon of salt (preferably sea salt) take 18 tsp. sesame seeds.
  2. Separately, heat the salt in within three minutes and grains - over low heat for 2 minutes.
  3. Mash the salt in a mortar, then add sesame seeds to it. Grind everything until the seeds open.
  4. The finished seasoning can be stored for no more than two weeks.

Despite the high calorie content (565 kcal per 100 g), sesame seeds are used for weight loss. They normalize digestion, help eliminate toxins and reduce cholesterol. How to extract maximum benefit from this product for weight loss?

Remember that during heat treatment, the seeds lose most of their beneficial substances. Therefore, fried sesame should be avoided when losing weight. Nutritionists recommend steaming it. Just pour the beans warm water and let them brew. Once they swell, they can be consumed in small quantities to reduce appetite.

Sprouted sesame seeds will help restore strength during dieting and active training. It is very easy to germinate it at home:

  • Take unpeeled black sesame seeds, rinse them under water and place them in a shallow container.
  • Fill them with water so that it is 1–2 mm above the level of the grains. Cover with clean gauze and place on the windowsill.
  • Change the water once a day until the first shoots appear.
  • Store sprouted seeds in the refrigerator. Take 1 teaspoon of them daily for a week.

During the diet, replace olive and sunflower oil with sesame oil. Additionally, you can drink “kefir” made from sesame seeds. One glass of grains is soaked overnight in a small amount of water. The next day they are mixed with clean water (preferably boiled) in proportions 1:2. Then the resulting consistency is filtered through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.

The composition is poured into a glass container and covered with clean gauze. Kefir should steep for 12 hours in a warm place. It should be taken half a glass 15 minutes before meals. You can add a little honey and lemon juice.

Do not forget that the oil is also used as an external remedy. In progress fast weight loss the formation of stretch marks and sagging of soft tissues is possible. To prevent their occurrence, massage problem areas of the body daily with sesame oil in combination with others (for example, peach or almond).

Sesame oil has gained great popularity in cosmetology. It softens the skin well and, thanks to its antibacterial properties, eliminates inflammation and irritation. The oil is used to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and prevents photoaging under the influence of UV radiation.

Some tips on how to use sesame for skin benefits:

  1. To heal cracks in the skin, use a mixture of sesame oil and crushed licorice root in equal proportions. The mixture is infused in a dark place for 24 hours. It should be strained and lubricated on damaged areas of the skin.
  2. Use sesame oil as a base for your face mask.
  3. The oil can be used as an alternative to makeup remover.
  4. To maintain the tone of aging skin, heated oil is applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Massage a little, leave for 30 minutes and remove with a soft cloth.

Sesame seed oil - excellent remedy for healthy hair. It is not as heavy as burdock and has good penetrating ability. Use it to restore hair after coloring and for regular care.

It is enough to rub sesame oil into the scalp once a week and apply it along the entire length of the hair. Cover your head with plastic wrap or a towel. After half an hour, rinse off the product with warm water. For severe hair loss, dandruff and other diseases, repeat the method 3-4 times a week.


When choosing sesame grains, take a close look at them. They should all be the same color, crumbly and dry. The grains should not taste bitter. The unrefined product can be stored for up to a year in a dark, dry place. Purified - no more three months under the same conditions. You can extend the period by placing the product in the freezer.

It is worth remembering the high calorie content of sesame. In combination with sugar in large quantities, it will provoke rapid weight gain. The daily intake should not exceed three teaspoons of grains or 100 g of oil. It is recommended to take it in the first half of the day, since at this time calcium, which the product is so rich in, is absorbed better.

Possible harm and contraindications

  • Sesame seeds are not beneficial in all cases. Since they help improve blood clotting, they should not be used by patients with thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, varicose veins of 3 and 4 degrees.
  • It is not recommended to consume sesame if you have urolithiasis, as well as an active peptide ulcer.
  • Sesame is incompatible with oxalic and ascorbic acid. This combination provokes the formation of insoluble compounds, which cause the formation of stones. Read more:
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding, take the product with caution. It is better to consult your doctor.
  • The product is excluded if you have allergies or individual intolerances. The same limitation applies to external use of oil. To test the reaction, apply a little oil to your skin. If after 15 minutes there is no itching or redness, you can use it without fear.

Sesame seeds are useful in any form. One teaspoon is enough to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins, micro- and macroelements that are essential for health.

They can be used as seasonings and dressings for ready meals. For the treatment of diseases - as part of recipes. The external use of sesame products is almost unlimited.

“Sim-sim, open up!” - such a simple spell is pronounced by the hero of the Arab fairy tale “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” in order to open the entrance to a cave with untold riches. In Western translations, this phrase is better known as “Open Sesame.” But did you know that sesame - Sesamun indicum - scientific name sesame seeds? It is believed that the use of the name of these particular seeds is no coincidence: their peculiarity lies in the fact that during ripening, sesame seeds burst, making a cracking noise, very similar to the sound of a door opening to a cave.

In general, sesame has been used by humans as a dietary supplement for many thousands of years. And this is not surprising! Sesame seeds are record holders: the calcium content in sesame is higher than in cheese. But this important trace element, without which the functioning of the human body is impossible. Let's find out what the benefits and harms of sesame seeds are, how to take them in order to get the maximum benefit from consumption.

Let's start by defining what this unique plant actually is.

What is sesame?

It is an annual or perennial tropical plant, o healing properties the seeds of which have been known to people for more than 3,500 years. By cultivating sesame and studying its properties, our distant ancestors managed to obtain not only a source healthy oil, but also a healing remedy for a number of diseases.

Despite the fact that sesame is a herbaceous plant, outwardly it looks like a small bush with pod fruits. These fruits, when ripe, burst, making a characteristic crack and throwing out flat seeds. The seeds themselves, despite their small size (100 g contains at least 500 pieces), are valued due to their high nutritional properties.

Depending on the variety, sesame seeds are found in different colors: black, white, yellow and even red. It is worth noting that each type has its own unique taste and contains different amounts of useful microelements. For this reason, it is very difficult to give a definite answer to the question of which variety is most useful. Let us only note that the most valuable are black seeds that have not undergone the process of peeling.

Homeland of sesame seed

Sesame seeds have been grown in tropical regions around the world since prehistoric times, but some cultures still have myths that the plant's origins go back even further. According to one of the Assyrian legends, when the ancient gods met and decided to create our world, they drank wine from sesame seeds.

The first mentions of the use of sesame seeds by humans are found in early Hindu legends, so India is traditionally considered the birthplace of this miraculous plant. From India, sesame gradually spread throughout the countries of the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Today it has become an indispensable component for making oil and all kinds of seasonings. Metaphorically, he is called “the emperor of grains of the East and the king of oils of the West.”

The largest sesame producers today are India, China and Mexico.

What are the benefits of sesame seeds?

Sesame seeds are half fat. The remainder is about 30% from vegetable protein. Despite the fact that this combination carries obvious benefit, it is very high in calories - 100 g of sesame contains 560 kcal. Therefore, you should not abuse it - it is enough to eat 1.5 tbsp per day. l. to get maximum health benefits. In this case, the seeds should be taken in the morning or afternoon. Those who have problems with excess weight should pay special attention to this fact.

Sesame is a real storehouse of vitamins. It contains 10 nutrients, which must be present in the diet for the healthy functioning of the body and feeling great. The table shows how many percent of these substances from the average daily norm are contained in a serving (35 g) of sesame seeds. The effect of some of them on the body is also described below.

In addition to these substances, sesame contains sesamin and sesamolin. These two absolutely unique antioxidants are the most famous lignans and perform a number of functions in the body. They have anti-inflammatory and fat-burning properties, trigger metabolic processes and participate in the absorption of vitamin E.


This vital trace element, which is involved in the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells, ensures the metabolism of iron in the body, increases the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates, and also has anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, copper can significantly improve the condition of a person suffering from an autoimmune disease (in particular, rheumatoid arthritis).


Magnesium is necessary for the proper functioning of the heart and the transmission of nerve impulses. It ensures the exchange of protein and nucleic acids and is involved in the process of extracting energy from food. In addition, it helps normalize sleep and restore the nervous system.


Zinc is necessary for the organization of normal development processes bone tissue, regeneration and cell reproduction. He supports reproductive function body, participates in the process of hair and nail growth, and also reduces harmful effects toxic substances.

Calcium. How much calcium is in sesame?

Numerous studies have confirmed positive properties, which calcium has on human body. Since ancient times, people have known about them and used sesame as a source of calcium. What properties are we talking about?

  • Protecting the walls of the colon from harmful chemicals, causing cancer.
  • Normalization of blood acidity levels due to the alkali-forming effect.
  • Strengthens bone tissue and prevents brittle bones that can occur as a result of menopause and arthritis.
  • Prevention of the development of diseases caused by a lack of calcium in the body such as osteoporosis.
  • Preventing headaches and relieving migraines in people who are susceptible to them.
  • Decrease PMS symptoms during the menstrual cycle, especially the luteal phase.

Sesame contains sufficient calcium. Unfortunately, this fact itself does not guarantee that all of it will be fully received by the body during consumption. The question arises, in what form would it be more correct to eat sesame seeds so that the calcium contained in it is absorbed?

As a rule, various grocery chains offer to purchase peeled white sesame seeds. But it is known that, compared to whole seeds, such sesame contains 10-12 times less calcium. This position causes some controversy among nutritionists. However, when answering the question of which sesame has more calcium, you should give preference to dry crumbly seeds, which contain this useful mineral contained in maximum volume.

You can also select a series simple rules By proper storage and seed consumption. Try to follow them to preserve calcium in sesame:

  • Sesame shelf life - no more than 6 months;
  • The product should be kept in a closed container, protected from direct exposure sun rays;
  • during cooking, do not subject the seeds to prolonged heat treatment;
  • if the seeds are planned to be used for cooking, then it is very important to comply with everything necessary recommendations and maintain the soaking period.

Remember that in order to absorb calcium, the body must receive a sufficient amount of vitamin D. It is impossible to ensure this through diet alone, so you should leave the house more often in clear weather and go for walks.

What is harmful about using sesame seeds?

Even the most healthy products must be consumed in strict accordance with the characteristics of your body. Sesame is not recommended for asthmatics and people with individual intolerance sesame Like many other nuts, the seeds can cause allergy symptoms, ranging from a runny nose and mild eye redness to angioedema and anaphylactic shock.

If you regularly abuse the product, such problems may develop. dangerous diseases like colitis, chronic diarrhea, bowel cancer. A single excess of consumption leads to stool disorders and can cause appendicitis.

Black and white sesame: what's the difference?

The choice of a particular variety of sesame depends on the purpose for which it will be used. White sesame seeds are commonly used to prepare various baked goods. After removing the husks, they acquire a softer structure and a sweetish taste. Black sesame, on the contrary, crunches on the teeth and has a bright nutty aroma. Nutritional value both varieties are approximately the same, but black seeds contain more calcium, zinc, vitamin B and others minerals.

Thus, you have found out the benefits, harms and how to take sesame seeds and now you know how to use them correctly so as not to harm your health.