Winter nutrition: how to eat tasty and healthy in winter (vitamins and minerals). Sample menu for winter meals. Tasty and healthy: proper nutrition in winter

In winter, our body is in "energy-saving" mode and works a little differently than in the warmer months. AT winter time a person is characterized by drowsiness and cravings for sweets. This is due to the shortening of daylight hours, which leads to a slowdown in metabolism and a reduction in the production of serotonin, which is responsible for a good mood.

Proper nutrition in winter should be chosen taking into account these nuances. If you provide your body with the right “fuel”, you will get through the winter much easier.

Proper nutrition in winter: simple rules
1. Restructuring the diet

If the residents southern countries can do with very light food, then we, the inhabitants middle lane, in winter you need more high-calorie food. First of all, calorie content increases due to protein - meat, fish, poultry. The lack of a sufficient amount of protein can destroy the immune system, which already suffers in winter.

But you can not lose sight of the "seasonal" vegetables - white cabbage, pumpkin, beets, carrots, onions, broccoli, etc. At this time of the year, it is they who are able to give the body priceless vitamins.

Unlike daylight saving time, when relevant protein breakfasts, in winter it is better to have breakfast with complex carbohydrates. They will give you energy for the whole day.

In order not to gain excess weight in winter, it is better to have dinner with protein foods with vegetables and herbs.

2. Vitamins

In winter, one should not forget about vitamins, which are especially lacking at this time. It is not for nothing that citrus fruits appear on our tables at this time - excellent sources of vitamin C. It is this vitamin that helps the body fight threatening infections.

Another good source vitamins - frozen berries. Do not forget also about salads and greens, which, in addition to vitamins, contain phytoncides - antimicrobial substances. And if there are not enough vitamins at all - buy a multivitamin complex, you can even find a special one, designed specifically for winter period.

3. Drinking mode

In summer, a person needs more liquid than in winter, but this does not mean at all that in winter you need to limit yourself to drinking. You need to drink at least one and a half liters of fluid per day, and this.

4. Hot meals

More precisely, not hot, but warm, because too heat food is dangerous for the esophagus. But in winter, it is important to give up ice-cold drinks and, if possible, cold snacks. Winter is the time for warm soups and tea. If you eat out, it's time to get yourself a handy thermos.

5. Variety

Try to eat varied. Of course, this rule also works in other seasons, but do not forget about it in winter.

Change types of bread, cook different cereals, drink different juices, eat different types vegetables and fruits, arrange fish days. So the body will get the maximum useful substances and it will be easier for you to fight diseases, cold and winter blues.

What kind helpful tips about winter nutrition would you add? Share in the comments!

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Top ten healthiest fruits and vegetables.

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What foods do you need to eat in winter to get vitamins?


Winter is a period of cold weather, snow and beriberi. Laziness, apathy, lethargy, bad skin and hair - all this from a lack of vitamins.

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For most people, the word "vitamins" is immediately associated with a pharmacy. Because at the slightest ailment, people run to the pharmacists. But what if the necessary complex of vitamins can be obtained simply by eating certain products? It's much easier and more pleasant than swallowing drugs. After all, when the body lacks something, first of all, the appearance of a person suffers: hair grows dull, nails break, complexion worsens, teeth crumble and much more. If you do not make up for the deficiency of vitamins in time, then this will not lead to anything good.



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The orange color of its flesh speaks of in large numbers beta carotene. This substance, a derivative of vitamin A, strengthens vision, stimulates the renewal of lung and bronchial cells.


A milkshake with persimmons will help alleviate a cough (whisk half a liter of milk with two peeled ripe fruits in a blender).


Also in persimmon a lot nicotinic acid(Vitamin PP), which helps fight fatigue and is involved in the production of the hormone serotonin, our natural antidepressant.


But the main “trick” of persimmon is vegetable sugars, which are good for the heart and do not harm the figure. Scientists from the University of Munich found: persimmon helps with initial stage hypertension to normalize the pressure without the use of drugs.

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On a cold morning, the body wakes up faster if you drink tea infused with Antonovka slices. In the baked form, apples improve the functioning of the stomach. Apple juice stimulates metabolism.


Green apples of sweet and sour varieties contain a lot of iron. This trace element is very important for blood, fights fatigue and anemia.


The seeds of “winter” apples, for example, Antonovka, have a lot of iodine: 5-6 apple seeds cover daily requirement. Iodine helps overcome hypersensitivity to the cold.


Antonovka has long been used as a remedy for winter beriberi: by spring, it retains up to 90% of vitamin C, while in other fruits its content drops to 40-30%!


On the day you need to eat 2 large apples or 3-4 smaller ones.

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Eat one pomegranate or drink a glass of pomegranate juice a day - great way“cleanse” the blood after colds and flu. It contains enzymes that help the production of erythrocytes - red blood cells.


Pomegranate contains four essential vitamins: C - strengthens the immune system, P - blood vessels, B6 - the nervous system, and B12 improves the blood count.


Pomegranate astringents help to get rid of painful cough with bronchitis, and also stimulate the pancreas. But with increased acidity of the stomach pomegranate juice in pure form contraindicated - it is better to dilute it with carrots.


But the cores in a concentrated form should not drink this juice - it increases blood clotting and can damage if prone to thrombosis.


On the day you can eat one ripe pomegranate or drink a glass of pomegranate juice.

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Grapefruit juice helps to gently reduce arterial pressure. For hypertension, it is recommended to take 1/4 cup grapefruit juice 20-30 minutes before meals. Also, this fruit contains the substance bromelain, which enhances lipid metabolism, in other words, helps to “burn” fats.


Orange juice lowers cholesterol levels in the body.


Out of breath on the subway? Buy a bottle from the pharmacy essential oil grapefruit - it relieves attacks of lightheadedness and dizziness.


Oranges, tangerines and grapefruits contain: beta-carotene or vitamin A, which is important for the skin and digestion, B6, which fights derpessia, ascorbic acid, and also many folic acid important for hormonal metabolism.


Immunologists advise eating half a grapefruit a day or two oranges a day in winter to prevent colds.

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Scholars call it " snow queen» among the berries. Still: if it is hit with frost, there is only more vitamin C in the marsh berry!


So when frozen, it does not lose any useful properties.


Cranberries contain acids that act like real antibiotics. Cranberry juice helps fight inflammation of the kidneys, recover faster after the flu and SARS.


Cranberry juice is useful for preventing the formation of kidney stones. And soaked cranberries relieve fever, quickly relieve fever. So be sure to keep a bag of frozen cranberries in the fridge in case of winter colds.


In addition to ascorbic acid, it contains a lot of potassium, which is important for the heart, vitamin H, which is necessary for immunity, and phosphorus, which gives muscle tone and strength to bones and teeth.


It is advisable to drink half a liter a day cranberry juice prepared from


a couple of glasses of fresh or frozen cranberries.

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Cabbage 2-3 day salting, which is most often sold in stores, is not very useful. But real sauerkraut has the most vitamin C and antioxidants among winter preparations. It is better to eat sauerkraut not earlier than 10 days after pickling (during this time, harmful compounds - nitrites - break down in it). There is more vitamin C in sauerkraut than in fresh!


And scientists also call white cabbage a “minus-calorie” product. This means that the body spends more energy on its processing than it receives calories from it!


Also in cabbage (and in ordinary white cabbage and broccoli) there is a lot of unique vitamin K, which helps our immunity to defend against cancer. But this vitamin is fat-soluble, that is, it is absorbed by the body only with fats. So cabbage salad is best seasoned with vegetable oil.


To get your daily requirement of vitamin K, you need to eat about 250 grams of fresh or sauerkraut per day.

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Its freshly squeezed juice is good for metabolic disorders, diabetes. A glass of juice drunk on an empty stomach will help get rid of cardiac or renal edema. There are a lot of zinc salts in pumpkin, and they increase male potency(so treat the faithful with pumpkin pancakes more often). Vitamin E smoothes and moisturizes the skin.


Pumpkin seeds - recognized cholagogue. Helps the liver if you overeat or drink too much. In addition, the pumpkin pulp contains a lot of vitamin D, which is especially valuable in a short daylight hours. It is needed for the strength of bones and teeth and is produced by the body only under the influence of sunlight.


Eat up to 250 grams of pumpkin pulp per day or drink 2 glasses of pumpkin juice.

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Tomatoes and tomato juice


The best source of the antioxidant lycopene. Moreover, it is better absorbed not from fresh fruits, but from stewed, baked, and also from tomato paste. Daily prophylactic dose lycopene - 10-15 mg. It can be obtained from a choice of: 200 g of tomatoes in own juice, 2 glasses tomato juice, or 3-4 tablespoons of natural tomato sauce.


Tomatoes in all forms are very rich in potassium, and this is good for the cores ( daily rate Potassium is found in a glass of tomato juice).


Tomato juice gently lowers blood pressure and intracranial pressure, it is useful to drink with hypertension and glaucoma.


But tomatoes are high in fiber and acids. Therefore, you should not eat a lot of tomato dishes with gastritis with hyperacidity and inflammation of the gallbladder.


Drink a glass of tomato juice a day or eat two or three tomatoes in their own juice.

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Our natural "antibiotic" - it is rich in antimicrobial substances. The bitterness contained in it has an anti-sclerotic effect, that is, they are involved in the breakdown of “bad” cholesterol. The radish is well stored and holds the title of champion among vegetables in terms of preservation of vitamin C over the winter. It also has diuretic properties, which is useful for vascular edema and high blood pressure.


Grated radish with honey - one of best recipes From cough. Green radish (daikon) salad with sunflower oil and carrots.


But because of bitterness, radish is contraindicated in inflammation of the stomach, pancreas and kidney stones.


To support immunity during the beriberi season, it is enough to eat 150 grams of radish salad per day or take two tablespoons of radish juice with honey.

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Green pea


In addition to magnesium, zinc, proteins (there are more of them, by the way, than in potatoes), nicotinic acid PP, which is important for heart function, there are a lot of two in green peas. important vitamins group B.


B1 (thiamine) strengthens the nervous system, is involved in the production of the stress hormone - adrenaline.


B2 (riboflavin) provides cells with energy. This is important for maintaining normal thermoregulation, including our response to cold. Its lack causes chilliness, a feeling of lack of air.


These vitamins are lost when long-term storage, but are preserved during conservation. So if you are frozen and come home from work on your nerves, open a jar of your favorite peas from Soviet times, but under a glass. This is where it gets warmer.

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10 foods you shouldn't eat in winter

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During the winter holidays, we all allow ourselves to finally relax and eat for our own pleasure, and that is why after they end we want to cleanse our body, including in the diet products that, in our opinion, are just right for the winter period. But, according to experts, many of these products are not only a waste of money, but also complete absence benefits and even harm - after all, many off-season products can cause a decrease in immunity and colds.



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Milk, cottage cheese and yogurt the best option for winter food. Firstly, in winter it enters the shelves large quantity so-called reconstituted milk, which contains a minimum amount of necessary for the body useful substances. And secondly, according to oriental medicine, many dairy products have a cooling effect, which means they can exacerbate a number of classic winter diseases: angina, bronchitis, inflammation of internal organs.

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Oddly enough, but it is better to forget about salmon until the end of winter. Its catch is allowed from February to August, which means that all the fish that is sold under the guise of wild salmon the rest of the time is smuggled into the market stalls and is caught no one knows where. Of course, this does not apply to farmed salmon - you can buy it all year round.

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In January, bright and resilient tomatoes, although they seem appetizing and juicy on the outside, are unlikely to taste the same. In addition, vitamins in winter tomatoes are negligible. So save your money, and as an alternative, use homemade tomato juice or canned tomatoes - you can eat them just like that or make sauces and gravies based on them.



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The temptation is great to buy a couple of peaches to treat yourself or loved ones. But do not rush to do this: since winter is not the season for these fruits, they may well turn out to be tasteless and loose. So it's better to wait until the summer, but for now, buy winter apples - they are affordable, tasty and very healthy.

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If in the winter you saw strawberries in the market or in the store, then with almost one hundred percent probability they came to us from afar, for example, from Israel. However, soft berries deteriorate very quickly and can be wrinkled during transportation, so there is a risk that under beautiful and outwardly whole strawberries you will find pretty rumpled and stale ones. So either be extremely careful when buying, or wait for the summer when local strawberries appear on the shelves.

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In cold weather, you want to warm up with sweet hot tea or a cup of cocoa. And of course, we do not regret sugar for these drinks. However, doctors say that increased consumption of sugar reduces immunity, which is why sugary people get sick more often. Try replacing the usual refined sugar with honey - it's both tastier and healthier.



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Now buying a watermelon in winter, as well as other fruits and berries, is no longer a problem. But is it necessary? The striped berries brought from hot countries have a different taste and a different aroma, and they cost almost like an airplane. But hunting is worse than bondage, and if you still decide to buy a watermelon, then take note: the best watermelons are brought to us from Costa Rica in winter.

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string beans


String beans have a very delicate taste and a lot of useful properties. However, when frozen, in which it is sold in winter, it is quite tough and fibrous. In addition, according to oriental medicine, beans, like other legumes, belong to the category of cooling products, so it is better to refrain from eating them in winter.

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Cayenne pepper


It will help you clear a stuffy nose, but it will make your stomach churn. Avoid cayenne pepper if you have a cold or flu - it irritates inflamed mucous membranes respiratory tract and increases their swelling. As an alternative to cayenne pepper in winter, ginger is suitable: it relieves nausea and soothes the stomach, and warm ginger tea warms in January frosts.



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In winter, fresh corn is extremely difficult to find. But if you still met it, most likely, these are the thawed remains of the last season - such corn is tough, tasteless and there are practically no useful substances left in it. Try replacing the corn with Brussels sprouts, which can be fried or baked in the oven.

Proper nutrition is the key to health and beauty. In winter, it is important to pay special attention to the choice of products and the preparation of a personal menu.

In the cold season, our body experiences serious stress: lack of vitamins, weakened immunity, exposure to viruses, hypothermia - all this is not in the best way affects well-being and appearance. However, proper nutrition during this period will help improve health and avoid many diseases.

Onions and garlic are natural antiviral agents, which
With regular use, they protect our body from many diseases.

10 principles of proper winter nutrition

Balanced diet
In winter, our body especially needs nutrients, so nutrition must be balanced and varied, containing proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Regular meals
Meals should be regular - every 3-4 hours. It not only promotes proper digestion without a set excess weight, but also gives the body the necessary energy to work and keep warm.

carbohydrates for energy
In the cold season, you can not do without complex carbohydrates, which are rich in cereals, whole grain bread, cereals, legumes, wholemeal pasta. These products are ideal for breakfast, as they charge the body with energy for several hours, improve health, and do not contribute to weight gain. Complex carbohydrates digested for a long time and are an excellent source of energy that nourishes, warms and gives strength for a long time. With a lack of these products, immunity decreases, chills are constantly felt and the body becomes more susceptible to colds.

Healthy proteins
In the cold season, you should increase the calorie content of food, but it is better to do this not at the expense of bakery products and sweets, but at the expense beneficial proteins: poultry meat and fish, seafood, liver. Do not forget about dairy and sour-milk products. They protect the intestinal flora, on which human immunity directly depends. This will not affect the figure, but it will give the body everything it needs to stay in good shape in winter.

Hot food and drinks
Hot food and drinks are always necessary for our body, and especially in winter. Primary attention should be given to soups: they are quickly digested, help replenish the body's water balance, promote digestion and warm the body. In addition, when cooking products, a large amount of vitamins and nutrients are preserved. In winter, it is best to cook first courses on chicken broth: It is light and nourishing, and also has anti-inflammatory properties, making it especially recommended for colds.

Vitamin blanks
It’s not for nothing that homemade preparations are made just for the winter, because summer and autumn vegetables and fruits are useful even in canned and frozen form, especially pickles and tomatoes, pureed berries, green vegetables and quick-frozen mushrooms, as they retain their beneficial features which are so necessary for our body in winter. And loved by many sauerkraut and soaked apples are the record holders for the content of vitamin C and antioxidants. However, it is worth remembering that the most useful products are home-made, and not factory-made.

Preference for seasonal fruits and vegetables
It is better to buy seasonal vegetables and fruits: cabbage of various varieties, carrots, pumpkins, beets, turnips, persimmons, feijoa, citrus fruits. They contain maximum amount useful substances, unlike non-seasonal products, which even in winter are abundant in supermarkets and markets.

Sufficient liquid
In winter, our body needs less fluid than in summer. However, even in the cold season, it is recommended to consume at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day. For this, water, warm tea, compotes, decoctions of berries, as well as freshly squeezed juices from carrots and citrus fruits are best suited.

Adding spices
Various spices added to dishes help not only diversify and improve the taste of food, but also affect protective functions organism. Especially useful are greens, onions, garlic, as well as spices: pepper, ginger, coriander and many others.

Benefits for immunity
One of better ways save immune system strong and protect yourself from colds and infections is the inclusion in the diet of foods rich in antioxidants. The most famous of them are: vitamin A or beta-carotene, vitamin C and E. They are the richest in fruits and vegetables that are purple, red, orange and yellow. To obtain the greatest benefit It is best to eat these foods raw or steam them.

The healthiest winter foods

Vitamins A and E are very useful for the skin, which is exposed to adverse effects in winter. environment. They are especially rich in asparagus, beets, broccoli, carrots, bell peppers, cabbage, mangoes, turnips, greens, nuts, pumpkin, zucchini, spinach, potatoes, tangerines, tomatoes and sunflower seeds.

Vitamin C is one of the most important antioxidants that affect the immune system, found in large quantities in berries, broccoli, cabbage, grapefruit, kiwi, mango, oranges, bell peppers and green peas.

In winter, the body especially needs such trace elements as iron, copper, magnesium, calcium, zinc, selenium. They are found in seafood, red meat, poultry, beans, nuts, whole grains, dairy products and apples.

Expert: Galina Filippova, general practitioner, candidate of medical sciences
Katerina Kapustina

The material uses photographs owned by

Nutrition in the winter is worth giving Special attention. In the frosty season, the body is more prone to colds and it needs required diet replenishing the deficiencies of vitamins and minerals.

How many times a day should you eat in winter

The number of meals does not differ from the flight schedule - 4 or 5 times a day. Portions should not be large, you should not overeat. The winter period menu should contain a group fermented milk products, fruits vegetables. Meat should not be eaten more than twice a week. On other days, it is better to replace it with fish, eggs, nuts, cottage cheese, cheese.
In addition to cereals, soups should be on the table, with vegetables and legumes. Food should not be above 40 degrees. Otherwise, the body will need more energy to process it.

How much water to drink in the cold season.

Water is an essential source for proper digestion. In winter, the skin is prone to dryness. For its nutrition, the volume of water consumption is 15.-2 liters per day. Also, in the cold, when breathing, a lot of moisture evaporates from the body.
Nutritionists warn against reducing fluids in the winter. For blood circulation, for normal digestion, it is worth drinking water. This invaluable liquid for the body cannot be replaced by anything.
It is worth noting that the use of coffee, it is better to limit at this time. It can be replaced with berry juice, herbal tea, dried fruit compote.

What is healthier to eat in winter?

The body needs all the elements: vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, fats. It is necessary to use not only proteins of animal origin (fish, meat), but also products plant origin. (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, other cereals).
One of the meals in the middle of the day should be devoted to porridge. In moderation, this dish will not spoil the figure. Oatmeal - promotes normalization digestive system. Rice increases the protective functions of the intestines, buckwheat - supplies the body with the necessary iron and minerals. Storehouse of all vitamins - barley porridge. It takes a long time to prepare, but the effect " slim figure” will come from it after the first week of its use.
Nutritionists also advise to increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits in the winter. You can make salads from them or just eat them ready-made. For example, tangerines, apples, bananas, various fruits.

Vitamins in winter

Source winter vitamins for the organism frozen berries. Sea buckthorn, currant, cranberry, raspberry - great option for making fruit drinks and compotes. AT summer time they can be prepared for freezing by sprinkling with sugar. And in winter, enjoy a sweet dessert with tea.
In order for vitamins to be properly absorbed, they must be consumed in properly prepared foods. There are more vitamins in baked fish than in fried fish. In carrots, vitamin A is absorbed when cooked with sour cream, vegetable oil or cream. By following these simple rules, you can achieve benefits for your body. With the right approach, you will be provided with energy and health.

Featured News

Have you ever noticed that in cold weather we want to eat more, because our body extracts energy from food. Therefore, in winter it is not recommended to go on diets.

It can be advised in no way to limit the intake of carbohydrates - the main energy providers. That is, the diet should be a lot of vegetables, grains, fruits. You can also get energy from proteins (dairy products, meat, fish). But we need them more, as plastic material- for renewal and construction of cells. One more thing important rule, which should be observed both in winter and in summer - do not eat later than 4 hours before bedtime. Even one innocent apple you eat at night can not best service. The metabolism in a dream slows down, all the calories received by the body immediately go into fats, and not into energy.

Vitamin deficiency

It is not at all surprising that in cold and dark time we want to eat more days. In the human body during the cold season, the amount of minerals and vitamins that stimulate metabolism decreases (vitamins of group E, vitamin B, D, A, iodine and iron). Moreover, our biorhythms slow down. For this reason, losing weight, as well as doing intensive sports, is not recommended now. But in any situation - no one has yet canceled small loads (at least a ten-minute charge). Otherwise, just because of the lack of movement, depression threatens you.

By the way, if pressure allows, so as not to seize fatigue, in the morning you can cheer up a little with drops of ginseng (10-15 drops will be enough), Chinese magnolia vine, Eleutherococcus. Most importantly, do not drink stimulants after dinner - you may not fall asleep at all.

Freshly brewed green or black tea will serve well. But those who prefer coffee should be careful. After all, exhaustion in winter nervous system caffeine is the first step to Right way to depression.

best food in frost

- Porridge in the morning. The advice, although rather boring, but still try it - it is in morning time Cereals are able to charge for the whole day with energy. In addition, cereals with milk, especially oatmeal (hercules), stimulate digestion. Add a spoonful of honey to the porridge - two carbohydrates useful for us in one - that's the recipe for happiness!

- After dinner (but in no case before going to bed!) persimmon or banana is perfect for a snack. Both of them contain useful substances that contribute to the production of serotonin - the hormone of happiness, which we really lack in winter.

- 3 colorful vegetables - make it a rule to eat them for dinner or lunch. Cucumber salad, tomato, and yellow bell pepper- The option is truly perfect.

- Bitter chocolate. 30 grams a day has never harmed anyone in this world. And useful substances, including antioxidants, will help both the whole body and the brain to survive the dark and cold time of the day.

In winter, for some reason, food harmful to the body is absorbed in huge quantities. Summer pickles open: pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, which go great with fried potatoes, sausages, sausages. And instead of fruits and fresh vegetables are on the table apricot jam and squash caviar. For female body in winter, even dairy products fall into the category of unhealthy foods, because they contain fats. And when there is no such opportunity to lead a mobile lifestyle, in cold weather, it is worth limiting the use of sour cream, cheeses, cottage cheese, and even more so butter. It is much easier to maintain a constant weight in the summer, as thin summer dresses reveal all the imperfections of the figure. Another thing is in winter, when you can wear a thick sweater and nothing superfluous will be visible.

Perfect food for winter

When it's cold outside, absolutely no unhealthy food- these are root crops, for example, radish, carrots, turnips, beets. Vegetables are perfectly digested by the body and do not fall in the stomach like an extra load. Except better digestion salads with these vegetables will give the whole body energy. Regulate in the body metabolic processes will help raw carrot containing potassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium. Bring out the salt heavy metals from the body, and simply awaken the appetite will help radish, which is also a valuable source of B vitamins. To replenish vitamin C, be sure to eat leafy vegetables. Salads from beets, cabbage, spinach are vitamin, very tasty and healthy, they stimulate the work of blood cells in the body.

Cooking wisely

Even if misused useful products food may produce junk food. When cooking, it is important to consider in which foods vitamins are stored after cooking or frying. There are vitamins that are not resistant to heating, mainly vitamins C and B. When frying and cooking, vegetables in which vitamins A and E are present retain their beneficial substances. beneficial vitamins more is found in the peel than in the pulp, for example, in apples and cucumbers. But with potatoes, the situation is somewhat different. There are no nutrients in the skin of a potato. Limit the use of potatoes in any form in winter. So, the correction and the appearance of extra kilos without much difficulty contributes mashed potatoes. If you can't do without potatoes, replace it with mashed cauliflower. Only a frantic gourmet can distinguish it from ordinary mashed potatoes.

Good Habits

Harmful food can be considered any food consumed at night. It is important for women to remember that night trips to the refrigerator will not help in maintaining a slender figure. If there is an acute feeling of hunger, then before going to bed you can drink a glass of kefir or tomato juice, and as food you can eat a little mayonnaise without seasoning vegetable salad. Then digestion will not suffer, and sleep will be much stronger, and for breakfast you can eat apple puree or oatmeal with raisins and nuts. You should forget about coffee in general, but healthy food you need to drink herbal tea with milk or honey. In winter, it is extremely important to drink more liquid, so for lunch and dinner, always have mineral water, mint tea or plain boiled water with lemon. It is better to exclude juices in packages, since they do not contain anything other than sucrose, the rest are preservatives.

Snack on the go

Dry food not only gradually and imperceptibly pours into an ulcer, but also spoils the stomach and, moreover, the complexion worsens from it. If possible, it's always best to take the time to have a healthy, normal lunch with soup. At the same time, the soup should not at all be on meat broth, rich, on the contrary vegetable soups much more beneficial. But this does not mean that all women who want to become slimmer and not have problems with cellulite should give up meat broths. You can resort to one trick, it will help you enjoy the meat soup and not gain weight. Before eating, it is worth freezing the soup, and then all the fat will be on the surface, and only useful substances will remain in the liquid.