The benefits and harms of different types of beans. Beans - useful properties and wonderful taste of the most delicate dishes

Mankind discovered beans a very long time ago - the history of the use of the grains of this leguminous plant has more than seven thousand years. Initially, it grew only in India, Central and South America, and later spread throughout the world. Most likely, in those distant times, people did not really think about whether beans were healthy, but appreciated it because it was possible to cook delicious hearty dishes from its beans. There are many varieties of beans, each of which has excellent taste and nutritional qualities, and it is consumed not only boiled, but also canned.

Useful properties of beans

The nutritional value of beans is that they contain a large number of amino acids that allow the proteins contained in it to be quickly absorbed. By their composition, bean proteins are close to animals, and this is the great benefit of this product.


Useful substances contained in beans:

  • Vitamins B, C, E;
  • Potassium;
  • Zinc;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Sodium;
  • Iron;
  • Calcium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Amino acids arginine and lysine;
  • Cellulose;
  • vegetable proteins.

This nutritional product, which does not contain cholesterol, interrupts the feeling of hunger for a long time due to its complex carbohydrates.

Are canned beans healthy?

Canned beans are convenient in the preparation of salads, first and second courses, because they are already fully prepared and do not require boiling. Whether it is useful to eat canned beans can be judged by the fact that almost all vitamins and minerals are preserved in it. Before using it, it is necessary to drain the marinade containing salt, acetic acid and sugar, enriching the taste of beans.

Are string beans healthy?

In summer, they eat green bean pods - they are no less useful than its grains. Pod, or black Eyed Peas- a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals and is one of the ten most useful products. It contains a lot of fiber, and by this fact one can judge whether beans are useful for weight loss. Fiber improves bowel function, and the low calorie content of green beans is a reason to eat it for people on a diet. In addition, the legume contains arginine, an amino acid similar to insulin, which makes it indispensable in the diet of people who are ill. diabetes because it helps lower blood sugar levels.

Are red beans healthy?

Red beans, depending on the variety, can be small or large. It is in the beans of small red beans that contains a record amount of antioxidants, exceeding the content of these useful substances in wild currant. O positive influence antioxidants on the activity of the body has long been known - they reduce harmful effect free radicals that destroy cells. This variety is especially rich in calcium, potassium, omega-3 acids and fiber. All this is another confirmation of the positive answer to the question is it useful to eat beans that red beans are useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis and heart disease. Eating red beans helps stabilize blood pressure and saturates the body with folic acid.

When is it bad to eat beans?

  1. At hyperacidity stomach;
  2. peptic ulcer;
  3. Gout;
  4. pancreatitis.

How many beans can you eat per day

We have already received a positive answer to the question of whether beans are healthy, but not all people can eat them in unlimited quantities. The fact is that this product for some can cause heaviness in the stomach, flatulence and colic. The most safe dose beans - about three hundred grams per day.

How to choose and store beans

When buying beans, make sure the beans are dry, whole, not shriveled or infested with pests. The choice of size and color does not really matter, as it does not affect whether the beans are healthy to eat and how nutritionally valuable and tasty they turn out. ready meal- it all depends on personal tastes and preferences. Beans should be stored in a dark, dry and preferably cool place.

healthy bean recipes

Red Bean Pate

You will need 1 cup red beans, 1 cup walnuts, 50 g of butter, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of suneli hops, 0.5 teaspoon of cumin and salt to taste.

After the beans have stood in water for 6-8 hours, they are boiled, salted at the very end of cooking. Then the beans are punched with a blender or passed through a meat grinder, crushed garlic, suneli hops and cumin are added, softened butter, half crushed walnuts. Everything is thoroughly mixed and laid out on a dish. You can make balls from the pate and roll them in walnuts.

Syrian green beans

Wash the bean pods, cut off the ends and cut into pieces of 4-5 cm. Fry the beans in a saucepan with large quantity olive oil for 5 minutes over high heat, and then simmer for another 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. At the end, add salt, pepper and crushed garlic to taste.

Beans are a very healthy, tasty and popular member of the legume family in many countries. Residents of Brazil and Mexico cannot imagine their feasts without bean dishes at all, in Asian countries they simply adore it, and Georgia is famous for its favorite “lobio”. Moreover, they prepare both bean grains and its pods (asparagus), which are used fresh, frozen and canned.

Beans are high protein product and in combination with great content amino acids, it can completely replace meat. Therefore, it is widely used by believers during the fasting period and vegetarians who do not consume meat products. In addition, the bean product contains potassium, calcium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium, so beans are considered very beneficial for human health and correct use does no harm.

String beans are no less useful than grain beans, for which nutritionists included them in the list of the ten most useful foods. It is rich in vitamins B, C and E, carotene, folic acid, calcium, potassium, zinc, iron, contains a lot of fiber, protein and sugar. Green bean very useful and does not cause any harm to human health.

There are many varieties of beans, it is different colors and different size, cooks cook a huge amount of it delicious dishes, but to extract from the bean product maximum benefit you need to cook the beans until fully cooked, and before cooking, soak them in cold water for a couple of hours.

Benefits of Beans - 11 Health Benefits

  1. Useful for diabetes

    The composition of beans contains a unique amino acid - arginine, which in its characteristics is similar to insulin, which helps to lower blood sugar levels. Beans are low-calorie, highly valued in diet food in many diseases, including diabetes.

  2. Improves the functioning of the digestive system

    Beans are good source fiber. It includes two types of fibers: insoluble and water-soluble. Soluble fiber reduces the amount of cholesterol you take in from food, while insoluble fiber provides the bulk of your food, which helps good digestion and intestinal peristalsis. After eating beans or any other legumes, nutritionists recommend drinking more fluids, this helps digestive system correctly use additional fibers.

  3. Positive effect on the cardiovascular system

    Beans are rich in fiber, which significantly lowers cholesterol levels. The content of such fibers in beans helps to reduce the level of homocysteine, which significantly reduces the likelihood of heart attacks, vascular and heart diseases. In addition, the magnesium found in legumes helps support healthy functioning. of cardio-vascular system generally.

  4. Heals the skin

    Beans contain a sufficient amount of zinc, which plays important role in maintaining healthy skin. Zinc helps normal functioning sebaceous glands which promotes sweat production. In addition, the folic acid found in beans helps in the formation of new skin cells. Regular cell renewal unclogs pores and reduces acne. Therefore, the consumption of beans is beneficial for improving skin health.

  5. Relieves fatigue

    Fatigue, lethargy, physical and mental exhaustion, a state of fatigue and weakness - all these unpleasant symptoms can be removed with the magnesium found in legumes. The magnesium content of beans can provide significant relief from fatigue. It also relaxes nervous system, blood vessels and muscles. Regular consumption of beans, helps to reduce muscle soreness, successfully relieves headache, migraine and various symptoms asthma.

  6. Relieves symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

    Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious, long-term, progressive disease that results in joint inflammation and throbbing deformity and immobility, especially in the ankles, feet, fingers, and wrists. Frequent use beans are effective remedy to reduce such inflammatory diseases, since beans contain the optimal amount of copper, which in turn has importance to stimulate certain enzymatic activity, as well as to maintain the elasticity of the joints, blood vessels and ligaments.

  7. Treats a cold

    The cold is viral infection top respiratory tract, which affects mainly the ENT organs. Consumption of beans improves the immune system of our body, which protects against colds and coughs. The product ensures the absorption of iron and therefore enhances the body's resistance to infection and stimulates the fight against viruses.

  8. Prevention of Alzheimer's disease

    Alzheimer's disease is actually a mental debilitation that occurs in middle or old age due to general deterioration brain function, which is also main reason premature marasmus. Vitamin B is a nutrient required for normal functioning brain, which is found in significant amounts in beans. It nourishes the nerves, brain and cells and helps to avoid age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's.

  9. Strengthens bones

    Calcium and manganese present in beans strengthen bone tissue, thereby preventing osteoporosis (a disease in which bones become brittle and brittle). Various studies proved that low maintenance in organism folic acid significantly increases the risk of osteoporosis-related bone fractures, mainly hip fracture in women and men. Beans also contain vitamin K, which is essential for bone health.

Beans are seeds of the legume family that grow in pods. Bean seeds come in a variety of colors: white, cream, black, red, purple, and spotted. The most common are white and red.

Beans are sold in canned and dried form. It is added to salads, soups, stews, pasta, side dishes and sauces. Beans are mashed and used as a substitute for fat in baked goods.

Beans need to be cooked over low heat - this way they absorb the aromas of seasonings and other products with which they are cooked, and keep their shape well.

The composition and calorie content of beans

Beans contain many nutrients, vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber.

Composition 100 gr. beans as a percentage of daily allowance presented below.


  • B9 - 98%;
  • B2 - 35%;
  • K - 24%;
  • B6 - 20%;
  • C - 8%;
  • E - 1%.


  • manganese - 51%;
  • copper - 48%;
  • iron - 46%;
  • phosphorus - 41%;
  • potassium - 40%;
  • magnesium - 35%;
  • calcium - 14%.

Calorie beans - 333 kcal per 100 gr.

Useful properties of beans

Benefits of beans help to normalize blood sugar levels, improve heart health, reduce iron deficiency and get rid of depression.

For bones, muscles and joints

Beans are rich in vitamin K, low levels of which lead to the development of osteoarthritis in the knees and hands. It contains everything essential amino acids which are essential for proper muscle building.

The calcium and magnesium in beans help strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis, while the B vitamins support joint health by reducing the risk of osteomalacia.

For the heart and blood vessels

Beans stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes due to their fiber and low glycemic index.

The use of beans reduces the level of cholesterol in the body, which causes inflammation of blood vessels and settles on their walls. This leads to the formation cholesterol plaques and impair circulation.

The folic acid in beans is important in reducing the concentration of homocysteine, which is harmful to the heart and blood vessels. In addition, beans contain a lot of potassium, calcium and magnesium. They minimize the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.

Iron deficiency is the main cause of anemia. It can be obtained from beans. Vitamin C in its composition will accelerate the absorption of iron and reduce the likelihood of stroke, heart attacks and coronary disease hearts.

For eyes

Beans are rich in zinc and bioflavonoids. Zinc supports eye health and converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, which is important for vision. Bioflavonoids improve eye health by neutralizing free radicals that damage eye cells, often leading to vision loss and cataracts.

For the gastrointestinal tract

The fiber and healthy starches in beans reduce food cravings and prolong the feeling of fullness. It protects against overeating and helps to lose weight.

Beans contain soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber binds to bile and removes it from the body. Insoluble fiber helps bulk up stools, prevent constipation, and relieve digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulosis.

For the reproductive system

Thanks to high content folic acid, beans are recommended during pregnancy. It can prevent neural tube defects in the fetus.

Eating beans helps control and reduce PMS symptoms- Mood swings and seizures. Dried beans contain twice as much folate as canned beans.

For skin and hair

Beans contain copper, which is involved in the creation of connective tissues. Vitamin B6 in beans protects against hair loss.

The age of the beans is very respectable - about 7 thousand years. In countries like Ancient Egypt and China, beans have always been popular. And beans came to Russia from South America. Several millennia ago, the leguminous plant was used not only for food, but also included in the composition of raw materials in the production of powder and white. Historians claim that Queen Cleopatra had her own recipe for a rejuvenating bean-based mask, which she did not disclose to anyone.

In Russia, for the first time, a legume plant appeared at the end of the 18th century, and before that, beans were considered more like ornamental plant and was not used for cooking. Somewhat later, white and red beans were added to many dishes and used as an independent dish.

To get a good harvest of beans, a warm climate is necessary, therefore, in the Crimea, South America and China, this crop is grown massively. In Russia, it is customary to plant cold-resistant varieties that have a lot of useful properties. It's a common bean white color. It grows in almost any soil in cool climates. Legumes ripen much earlier than thermophilic varieties of beans.


A fourth of all the nutrients found in beans is protein. If we compare two ingredients in terms of the amount of this useful substance: beans and meat, then the legume will take the second step, and meat remains in the first place in terms of the amount of protein. This suggests that you can replenish the daily supply of protein not only with meat dishes, but also with beans by preparing a variety of dishes.

Beans contain a large amount of pectin, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. In addition, beans are also rich in trace elements such as iron, iodine, copper, zinc and fluorine; and macronutrients - calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium.

V legume contains a large amount of vitamin C, as well as vitamins of group B and PP. The calorie content of beans (seeds) differs from nutritional properties beans in pods. So, 100 grams of bean kernels contain almost 300 kilocalories, and in the same amount of green beans - only 30 kilocalories.

Medicinal properties of beans

Since the beans contain a large amount of sulfur, with the help of this plant you can cure skin diseases, inflammation of the bronchi, and even overcome intestinal infection. The iron contained in the bean kernels helps the body cope with infections during the season. In addition, the legume has long been considered a good diuretic. natural medicine and can also cleanse the body of toxins. Since beans are diet meals, then it can be found in the composition of various therapeutic diets- to improve the patient's condition with heart failure, kidney disease, Bladder and liver. Bean dishes help to improve, since the plant has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. If you have Bad mood, you feel a breakdown, MirSovetov suggests remembering the beans and making a salad with beans and vegetables.

What is the use

Beans are considered very useful and are used to treat many diseases. MirSovetov recommends paying attention to the beneficial qualities of beans:

  1. Since arginine is present in the composition of the beans, it helps to reduce, which is very important for. To improve performance, it is necessary to use both bean kernels and sashes.
  2. Renders beneficial effect on the .
  3. Beans help with heart disease.
  4. Since there is a lot of fiber in beans, you can easily say goodbye to being overweight.
  5. Beans are often included in diets to restore the balance of salt metabolism.
  6. The leguminous plant has a good diuretic effect.
  7. Calms the nervous system.
  8. Prevents the formation of tartar and plaque in the mouth.
  9. Helps dissolve kidney stones.
  10. It is a good wound healing agent.
  11. Removes inflammatory processes in the liver and kidneys, helps dissolve stones.
  12. Bean dishes help raise.
  13. It is used in cosmetology as a wound healing, nourishing and rejuvenating agent. Try making an anti-wrinkle mask from boiled beans, vegetable oil and lemon juice. Beans need to be boiled, rubbed through a sieve and mixed with the above ingredients. Apply the mask to cleansed skin once a week. Instead of oil and lemon juice, you can add liquid honey and sea ​​buckthorn juice. Already after the first application, the skin will be smooth, and small wrinkles will disappear. Such masks should be made for women who have reached the age of 40.

According to nutritionists, beans are a valuable healthy product for human health and are among the top ten healthy foods. It is important to know that even if heat treatment useful properties are preserved in the product, so beans can be frozen and canned. Eat beans no more than 2 times a week.

Remember! It is strictly forbidden to eat raw beans, as they contain poisonous components. When cooked, they are destroyed and do not pose a threat to human life.

How to choose a quality product

Since several varieties of beans can be found on sale, which differ in size and color, pay attention to appearance product. The beans should be undamaged, smooth to the touch and shiny.

If you decide to stock up on green beans, then choose green pods without spots. Break one - you should hear a characteristic crunch, this will indicate the quality of the product. If you come across frozen beans in the supermarket, then look at the expiration date and the presence of ice. Its presence indicates repeated freezing. It is better not to take such a product.

At the time of buying canned beans It is worth paying attention to what components it consists of. If it is water, salt, sugar and beans - such canned product considered the most useful. Preservatives, cloudy sauce and broken grains are not allowed.

Who is contraindicated for beans?

Beans are the product that causes the formation of gases in the intestines. This is due to the fact that when the digested product falls down to lower departments intestines, not fully digested polysaccharides "get" the bacteria that feed on them, forming large cluster gases. To reduce the amount of polysaccharides, when cooking beans, you can add a few mint or thyme leaves to the water. In addition, to get rid of such side effect, beans must be subjected to long-term processing. First, the grains are soaked for 5-8 hours in water with the addition of soda (depending on the variety). Nutritionists recommend eating cooked beans with foods that suppress, for example, with dill. You can try several varieties of beans, but only white beans will cause less gas compared to other varieties.

  • jade;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach;
  • with increased acidity.

V Ancient Greece beans were used to make a nutritious stew - this was the main food of the poor. Now beans are revered in many countries and put in first place along with other healthy products.

In Japan, China and Korea, small varieties of legumes are popular. They are ground into flour, cakes are baked and sweets are made, and in Japan they produce powder and shampoo from beans.

And a valuable source of vegetable protein, which is well absorbed in the human body. Due to the beneficial properties, this representative of legumes has found its application both in cooking and in medicine and cosmetology. Let's see what useful properties characterize red beans.

Composition of red beans

The product contains an easily digestible protein that can be compared to protein obtained from meat products. Legumes contain a lot of fiber, which provides the body with energy for long time, a complex carbohydrates, which are part of the plant, allow you to quickly get enough. Legumes are a rich source of vitamins and mineral complexes. Beans contains vitamins B, C, E and PP, as well as in large quantities vitamin B6, which normalizes the operation of and . The culture is rich in magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron and other substances, and also includes necessary for a person amino acids- for example, argin, tyrosine, histidine,.

Calorie content and nutritional value

calories 100 g raw red beans - 337 kcal. It is most often consumed boiled, and the calorie content in this case is 94 kcal per 100 g.

Nutritional value shows the useful properties of the product. It includes not only the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, but also the content of vitamins and minerals.
The nutritional value of 100 g of red beans is:

  • - 0.5 mg;
  • - 0.18 mg;
  • - 1.2 mg;
  • - 0.9 mg;
  • - 90 mcg;
  • - 4.5 mg;
  • - 0.6 mg;
  • - 2.1 mg;
  • RR (NE) - 6.4 mg;
  • - 640 mcg;
  • - 490 mcg;
  • - 190 mcg;
  • - 5.9 mg;
  • - 12.1 mcg;
  • - 1100 mg;
  • - 150 mg;
  • - 18.7 mcg;
  • - 92 mcg;
  • - 1.34 mg;
  • - 580 mcg;
  • - 39.4 mcg;
  • - 40 mg;
  • - 173.2 mcg;
  • - 24.9 mcg;
  • - 159 mg;
  • titanium - 150 mcg;
  • - 480 mg;
  • - 44 mcg;
  • - 58 mg;
  • - 10 mcg;
  • - 3.21 mg.

Did you know?In England, beans are called Dutch beans.

About the benefits of the product

Red beans have a large number of useful substances that allow you to provide the human body with all essential vitamins and minerals. This product is very popular among people who monitor their health, as it has a low calorie content, and easily digestible protein gives strength and energy for athletes.

Legume cleanses the body, helps to remove stones and sand from the kidneys. The red variety daily use allows to normalize the work of the nervous, circulatory and immune systems. The plant of this culture reduces the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, and also increases the level of hemoglobin.

Fiber, which is found in beans, contributes to the formation erythrocytes and ensures their transportation to the cells, which allows the use of this plant for. Regular consumption of legumes reduces the risk of neoplasms, including malignant ones, accelerates wound healing, helps improve potency.

Important!To preserve the beneficial properties, the beans must be kept in a closed container, away from heat, sun rays and moisture.

Red beans help maintain the health of the body as a whole. Useful qualities of this plant allowed it to be widely used in cosmetology: so, masks made on the basis of this representative of legumes provide the skin nutrients and minerals.
Thermally processed beans retain their beneficial properties:

  • boiled product helps to eliminate toxins, as well as the body;
  • frozen by the system of partial dehydration contains 2 times more protein than a fresh product;
  • canned preserves more than 70% of useful substances, including vegetable fiber, protein, magnesium and potassium, helps to reduce excess weight, because it does not contain fat, increases secretion gastric juice and stabilizes the intestinal microflora.

About application

Beneficial features plants allow it to be used not only in cooking and cosmetology, but also in medicine as a means of non-traditional (folk) treatment.


Red beans have long been used for therapy. Medicines are made not only from beans, but also from flowers and stems plants. For example, a tincture of flowers helps to remove stones and sand from the kidneys.

In the treatment, freshly squeezed juice of young bean fruits will help, and tincture from the valves is a good diuretic. For the rapid healing of wounds, dry fruit flour is used, which has antimicrobial properties and accelerates the healing of damaged tissues.
Although red beans are a heavy food and are not recommended for people with illnesses. gastrointestinal tract, but an infusion from this plant can be used as a remedy.

People with diabetes it is advisable to use this type of bean, which can lower blood sugar levels, and a large amount of folic acid contained in the plant helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.


Red beans - dietary product, which has a large amount of nutrients and fiber, low level fats and highly digestible protein, and cleansing properties help to normalize weight.

Exists special diets, such as the bean and diet rich in fiber. As a diet drink, you can also use a decoction of red beans. By consuming a decoction with the addition of fruit every evening instead of dinner, you can get rid of a few kilograms. But no diet will help if you do not change your habits and lifestyle: to get more best results you need to add physical activity.

Did you know?The inhabitants of Foggy Albion eat the largest amount of beans in the world, and their traditional emotional restraint may be due to the calming properties of this plant.

Red beans are recommended for people diagnosed with various forms anemia. Regular use of this product allows not only to lose weight, but also to strengthen the immune system, improve hair and skin.


Beans are unique product, from which you can cook first courses, side dishes, as well as a wide variety of salads. This legume has pleasant taste, and the dense structure allows it to be used as an independent garnish.

Important!It must be remembered that raw beans- very toxic product, especially the red one. Before cooking, the beans are soaked, which helps remove harmful toxins and makes the beans softer, as well as speeding up their cooking time.

by the most a simple dish is an boiled red beans. After pre-soaking, the beans are boiled for only 15-20 minutes. You can serve on the table with roasted from.
Another easy dish to prepare is vegetable stew . After soaking, the beans must be placed in a slow cooker and set to the “Extinguishing” mode. While the legumes are cooking, you need to fry the onion in oil and. In ready-made beans, you need to add fried vegetables, tomato paste, spices and garlic.

It goes well even with meat dishes, and lovers of spicy food can choose dishes from Mexican cuisine.

Can beans

red beans - unique and most importantly useful product. And then the question arises of whether they can be eaten by children, pregnant and lactating. Let's take a closer look.


The product can be started to be given to children from the age of 2, but only if the child does not have problems with the intestines. Moreover, no more than once a week, because beans are a hard to digest product, because children's body hard to digest it. At first, whole beans should not be given to the child, it is better to introduce legumes in the form of soups or multi-ingredient dishes. You can prepare individual bean dishes for a child only after 3 years, limiting the serving to 100 g.
After the baby has started eating legumes, you should follow some rules: for example, you should not give the baby beans on an empty stomach or in the afternoon. When allergic reaction it is necessary to exclude the product for several weeks.

Did you know?Akito and Ad Rem are bean varieties that smell like mushrooms.


Beans are of great benefit to women who are carrying a child. Firstly, the product stimulates the intestines, which is powerful prevention constipation during pregnancy.

  • fiber will help to cleanse the body faster, and nausea will eventually become much less disturbing;
  • B vitamins will strengthen the nervous system of the expectant mother, as well as facilitate the manifestation of seizures in the third trimester;
  • eating beans will provide the mother's body with sufficient iron levels and support high level hemoglobin;
  • beans of this variety will help get rid of edema on later dates due to mild diuretic effect;
  • a legume representative is a source of folic acid, which is so necessary for expectant mothers in the first trimester.


For young mothers, red beans should not be introduced into the diet before the baby is 4 months old.

Important!The product may increase gas formation in the intestines of the child.

Eat it no more than once a week. Keep a close eye on changes in health conditions and exclude the product for several weeks in case of allergies or "gas" in a child.

Harm and contraindications

Red beans are not recommended for certain diseases. For example, when flatulence as a representative of legumes she calls increased gas formation. However, adding to the water where the product will be cooked will help reduce the manifestations of this effect.
It is not recommended to eat beans for people suffering from gout because they contain purines. The decomposition product of purine compounds is uric acid, which the kidneys cannot process, which leads to its accumulation in the body and exacerbation of the disease.

Red beans are difficult to digest, which limits their consumption to people with gastrointestinal problems. In diseases (gastritis, stomach ulcers), it is recommended to exclude the use of legumes.

Did you know?On the last Sunday of November, Bulgaria celebrates Bean Day.

Red beans - richest source vitamins, proteins. This is an important dietary product that allows you to provide the body with everything you need, strengthen the immune system, and avoid a number of problems during pregnancy. However, it requires adherence to clear rules for preparation and use, so as not to harm the body.