Greek goddess of harmony. The meaning of the word harmony in the dictionary-reference book myths of ancient Greece. Myths of Ancient Greece. Cadmus

Mother of Autonoe, Agave, Ino, Semele and Polydor, sister of Iasion.

In ancient Roman mythology, Harmonia corresponds to Concordia.

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  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Myths of the peoples of the world. Moscow, 1991-92, volume 1, p.266.

Excerpt characterizing Harmony (mythology)

Clinging to the reins with their sabers, rattling their spurs and hurrying, the hussars dismounted, not knowing what they would do. The hussars were baptized. Rostov no longer looked at the regimental commander - he had no time. He was afraid, with a sinking heart he was afraid that he might fall behind the hussars. His hand trembled as he handed the horse to the handler, and he felt the blood rushing to his heart. Denisov, falling back and shouting something, drove past him. Rostov saw nothing except the hussars running around him, clinging to their spurs and clanking their sabers.
- Stretcher! – someone’s voice shouted from behind.
Rostov did not think about what the demand for a stretcher meant: he ran, trying only to be ahead of everyone; but at the bridge itself, without looking at his feet, he fell into viscous, trampled mud and, stumbling, fell on his hands. Others ran around him.
“On both sides, captain,” he heard the voice of the regimental commander, who, riding forward, stood on horseback not far from the bridge with a triumphant and cheerful face.
Rostov, wiping his dirty hands on his leggings, looked back at his enemy and wanted to run further, believing that the further he went forward, the better it would be. But Bogdanich, although he did not look and did not recognize Rostov, shouted at him:
- Who is running along the middle of the bridge? On the right side! Juncker, go back! - he shouted angrily and turned to Denisov, who, flaunting his courage, rode on horseback onto the planks of the bridge.
- Why take risks, captain! “You should get down,” said the colonel.
- Eh! he will find the culprit,” answered Vaska Denisov, turning in the saddle.

Meanwhile, Nesvitsky, Zherkov and the retinue officer stood together outside the shots and looked either at this small group of people in yellow shakos, dark green jackets embroidered with strings, and blue leggings, swarming near the bridge, then at the other side, at the blue hoods and groups approaching in the distance with horses, which could easily be recognized as tools.
“Will the bridge be lit or not? Who came first? Will they run and set fire to the bridge, or will the French drive up to the grapeshot and kill them? These questions, with a sinking heart, were involuntarily asked by each of the large number of troops who stood over the bridge and, in the bright evening light, looked at the bridge and the hussars and on the other side, at the moving blue hoods with bayonets and guns.
- Oh! will go to the hussars! - said Nesvitsky, - no further than a grape shot now.
“It was in vain that he led so many people,” said the retinue officer.
“Indeed,” said Nesvitsky. “If only we had sent two young men here, it would have been all the same.”
“Oh, your Excellency,” Zherkov intervened, without taking his eyes off the hussars, but all with his naive manner, due to which it was impossible to guess whether what he was saying was serious or not. - Oh, your Excellency! How do you judge! Send two people, but who will give us Vladimir with a bow? Otherwise, even if they beat you up, you can represent the squadron and receive a bow yourself. Our Bogdanich knows the rules.
“Well,” said the retinue officer, “this is buckshot!”
He pointed to the French guns, which were being removed from their limbers and hastily driving away.
On the French side, in those groups where there were guns, smoke appeared, another, a third, almost at the same time, and at the very minute the sound of the first shot reached, a fourth appeared. Two sounds, one after the other, and a third.

The Cosmic Being God of Harmony is also known as the Great Tenor.

He personifies the cosmic consciousness of divine harmony, as well as the law of God-harmony in its manifestation in music, science, art, in society and in the 4 lower bodies of man. The God of Harmony serves on the sixth line of the cosmic clock (line of God-harmony) together with Serapis Bey. This is the line of the Divine Mother.

Before his ascension thousands of years ago, the God of Harmony incarnated as a blacksmith, craftsman and astronomer. In many incarnations, he devoted himself to serving the Mother's flame - the flame of her harmonious love for her children. He achieved cosmic consciousness - the divine consciousness of harmony and therefore became known as the God of Harmony. After the victory - ascension, he continued his service on the internal levels and developed a great momentum of the quality of God-harmony - a crystal flame displaying seven rays in harmonious interaction.

The God of Harmony says: “I AM the living flame of harmony, all people on Earth need my help.” "I AM the harmonious beginning of the cycles in your being, I carry the vibration of the absolute harmony of the cosmos. Without this harmony, beloved, the entire cosmos would collapse."

The God of Harmony explains that harmony is the key to our progress along the Path. And no matter how much the saints ask for an increase in the descent of light, “what can be given agrees (by cosmic law) with what you would call the carrying capacity.” He wants us to understand how "Ascended Masters generate karma when they give an unascended chela more light than he can hold in balance...

The highest magnet - harmonious love attracts all good and repels all evil. Therefore, those who want to survive in a time when the Earth is in a state of chaos, decay and dying must clearly understand that the antidote to all this is purity and harmony.

Harmony is a science, just as music is a science... Harmony is the balance of light, solar centers, electronic force fields. Only where there is balance can harmony be found. And only where there is balance and harmony is acceleration possible.

You may have amazing virtuous qualities, but often over the course of a lifetime, or even many lifetimes, the individual lifestream is unable to exceed a certain level of professional achievement or a certain level of its virtues, because, having reached a certain point, it becomes unbalanced and is no longer able to perform at this level. acceleration is a virtue that may well be embodied at a lower level of vibration.

Take, for example, a spinning top: in order to spin, it must have a certain acceleration and a certain balance. Likewise, when your acceleration falls below a certain level, then, according to law, harmony in you can no longer be maintained. It is then that discord and decay comes into your world, which ultimately leads to self-destruction. Thus, to hold the key to harmony, you must have the key that gives acceleration to love...

Wherever energy is associated with such manifestations as self-deception, irritation, selfishness, hatred and anxiety, inhibition of God-harmony occurs within the fiery core of the three-petalled flame itself. As a result, when the momentum of discord becomes too great, the tip of the three-leaf flame cannot rotate. When the three petals of the flame are of different heights, that is, they are in a state of imbalance, the flame cannot rotate, and therefore the fires of resurrection do not burn."

Saint Germain taught us in his Course in Alchemy that "Light is the alchemical key." The God of Harmony says: “May you receive from the God of Harmony the key to light, which itself is an alchemical key. Therefore, harmony is the key to the key.

Ponder these words and ask yourself: “How many doors must I pass through, how many keys must I find, to finally enter the Holy of Holies of my own divine being?

In the flame of God-harmony, I reveal to your heart the answer to this question. I send you ahead with the task of maintaining harmony within yourself. This, beloved, is the key to the crucifixion."

And, of course, without the crucifixion there can be neither resurrection nor ascension. Without the cross there can be no crown.

The God of Harmony gives a simple definition of harmony: it is “unity with God, attunement with God, eternal contemplation of the face of the Father, as angels do... This is happiness in simple manifestations of nature, joy from the opportunity to share love, create beauty.”

You can win any war and any battle using the science of absolute God-harmony. Harmony is the true source of eternal life, the main quality on the Tree of Life. Think about this, beloved: when you are in complete harmony with God, then you are immortal, for God is immortal... So harmony is the price you must pay for your ascension."

Explaining the high level of disharmony on Earth, the God of Harmony said in 1995: “What is the reason for disharmony? I will give you one, the most important: this is the absence of the Divine Mother Omega on the planet. People on Earth, like small children, all as one, call on the Divine Mother from Heaven, asking to be cared for and protected.

But she still doesn’t come and doesn’t come, and they start to get angry. However, they were the ones who banished her from Earth many, many years ago. According to the Kabbalah, when the Mother is expelled from Earth, she is also expelled in Heaven, for the general lack of harmony in her children does not allow her to enter there.

This disharmony is so great that right during this dictation, when the God of Harmony placed harmony from his Causal Body on the Earth, he experienced enormous pain. He said: "I do this, beloved, for the salvation of the light-bearers - past, present and future...

Your very life and health depend on the harmony within you. The joy and singing of the atoms, molecules, cells and organs in your body, the joy of God in all His creation - this is the harmony you should find.

Call her Peace if you like. But whatever you call it, beloved, establish that inner sense of your own wholeness, an inner happiness that does not require you to receive happiness from others [people], but only from God's source that wells up within you."

The God of Harmony says that the Community of the Holy Spirit rests on the harmony of each of the seven rays: “I pray that you will understand that no work, or plan, or task, or group activity, or individual work can be accomplished unless there is harmony. is constantly being violated."

The God of Harmony advises us, when we strive to master the flame of harmony on the seven rays, to begin with the First Ray, with the will of God: “Imagine that my angels unexpectedly pour into you from the vessels of Aquarius the elixir of Morian worship of the will of God.

You can visualize yourself being filled with an intense fiery blue flow of cosmic energy. Our task is to find out: how does the increase in volume and intensification of the vibration of the will of God inside the temple affect the harmony of the life flow? At what point does the power of God's holy will cause a reaction instead of an interaction with the flame of life? This is the question that the angels of El Morya must answer before he comes, in order to endow the soul with even an erg of the priceless essence of their thousand-year worship of the will of God.

So, each Ascended Master, starting with the Chohans of the seven rays, must estimate, based on the state of the soul, the four lower bodies and the subconscious, how much light an individual can contain while maintaining an acceptable balance of God-harmony."

We often generate the greatest amount of karma through our emotions in the solar plexus and speech in the throat chakra. Since the golden age requires harmony with God and with oneself, only a few people on Earth today could be accepted into the great etheric cities of light in the higher octaves where the golden age reigns. Disciples of the Lords must strive to maintain harmony in their being and the world, not lose their temper and not succumb to situations that provoke the manifestation of any discord.

The God of Harmony explains that true Divine mastery is characterized by God-harmony. Harmony comes with the decision to embody the qualities of God on the twelve lines of the cosmic clock. And although the quality of God-harmony is on the sixth line, the God of Harmony says that as long as we have karma on any of the twelve lines of the hour, we will not have complete harmony. By calling on the light of God, Christ and Buddha to seal non-transmuted karma on each of the twelve lines of the cosmic clock, you increase the momentum of God-harmony.

The God of Harmony also warns that God-harmony is not inherent in those who cry “Peace, peace”, wanting to smooth over the war and strife in their members that rages beneath the surface. He warns us against being fooled by those who may speak in a soft voice, with a soft smile on their face, but do not have an inner source of harmony and love. “You will know more if you look into their eyes and see that they may be deeply concerned, or angry, or caught up in something that is occupying their temple.”

He asks us to judge with righteous judgment and not let appearances deceive us.

The God of Harmony offers us his help in learning the art of maintaining true harmony. We can connect with him and his legions through meditation on the emerald and crystal rays. His presence is attracted by meditation on the key note - "Gypsy Chorus" ("Anvil Chorus") from the opera "Il Trovatore", Giuseppe Verdi.

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updated 03/10/2012

God Almighty

Concept musical harmony is in close connection with other, general cultural aspects of the meaning of this term. Among the most important aspects of meaning, first of all, it should be highlighted general philosophical And general aesthetic.

The development of the philosophical concept of harmony was preceded by some mythological ideas. The most important of them are the myth of Chaos and the myth of Harmony.

The ancient Greek poet Hesiod (VIII-VII centuries BC) in his poem “Theogony” describes the origin of the gods and the universe. Chaos(“gaping”) is the original, disordered, formless state

In the pair “melody and harmony”, harmony means either “accompaniment”, “accompaniment” (that is, it would be correct to say: “melody and accompaniment”), or “chord”, “accordica”, “harmonic vertical” (accordingly, it is more correct: “ melody and chords"). In specialized scientific literature, such word usage would be erroneous. Similarly, in the harmony-polyphony pair, “harmony” is often understood to mean homophony.

* Cm.: Dvoretsky I. X. Ancient Greek-Russian dictionary. T. 1. M., 1958.

world substance, a yawning black abyss, personified into a mythological creature, a kind of world monster of non-existence.* The opposite of chaos as lack of quality, uncertainty, incoherence, dispersion was space. The term “cosmos” (so popular in our time as a designation of extraterrestrial space) as an antonym to chaos had a complex of meanings close to harmony: orderliness, order; device; measure; system; legal order; world order, universe; firmament, as well as: decoration, outfit and - in a figurative sense - decoration, beauty. The difference between chaos and space is the presence or absence of order, coherence, harmony. In other words, the cosmos is “harmonized” chaos, and Hesiod’s theogony is the process of introducing harmony into the universe. The aesthetic essence of such a transition from chaos to space, captured in the word “kosmetos” (κοσμητός), is significant: 1) put in order, 2) beautifully arranged. Ordering acts as the introduction of beauty, identical to harmony.**

The myths about Harmony are also full of deep meaning (the Greeks know three cycles of legends). The Boeotian myth tells about the goddess Harmony - the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite. Zeus gave her Cadmus as her husband. Harmony's wedding necklace, passing from hand to hand, brought misfortune everywhere. The main symbolism of the myth lies in the explanation of the nature of harmony as the unity of opposites. The unification of opposites is the original quality of Harmony, whose mother is the goddess of beauty and love, and whose father is the god of war and discord. In the symbolism of the myth one can see the core of the future dialectic of the concept of harmony.

The ancient myth of harmony is related to the tales of other peoples about the marriage of earth and sky, which also emphasize that everything that exists - the world - was formed from the union of opposite principles.


The most beautiful daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, wife of Cadmus, mother of Ino, Agave, Semele, Autonoe and Polydorus, the future king of Thebes. In his wanderings, Cadmus once killed a serpent and entered the cave where the serpent had previously lived, and saw there a girl of indescribable beauty, a prisoner of the serpent. When Cadmus and Harmony were leaving the cave, Cadmus saw something golden, sparkling brightly, at the mouth of the dead snake, but did not come closer. Soon they saw a staircase descending from the sky, along which Zeus and Hera, Poseidon and Amphitrite, and Ares and Aphrodite were walking. Instantly tables with food appeared, and Zeus announced that, as a reward for the feat, he was giving Cadmus Harmony as his wife. They lived happily, but one day Cadmus remembered the gold of the serpent. Harmony immediately wanted to have him and sent her husband to fetch him. Athena sat near the cave under the guise of a nymph and warned Cadmus not to take the gold, but he was afraid of his wife’s anger and found a golden necklace of unprecedented beauty under the bones of a serpent. (Option: the necklace made by Hephaestus was presented to Harmony on her wedding day). When Cadmus brought the necklace to Harmony, she decided to give it to Semele. Soon Semele died, burned in the flames of her beloved Zeus. Then the necklace was owned in turn by Agave and Autonoia, but they too soon died. In their old age, Cadmus and Harmony, having lost their daughters, left Thebes. “The gods are punishing me for killing a snake, it would be better for me to become a snake,” Cadmus said one day and turned into a snake. Harmony rushed to him, wrapped her arms around his body and also became a snake. Subsequently, the gods transferred them to the islands of the blessed.

Myths of Ancient Greece, dictionary-reference book. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what HARMONY is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • HARMONY in Wiki Quotebook:
    Data: 2009-02-19 Time: 10:08:10 Harmony - * What is a poet? A person who writes poetry? Of course not. He is not called a poet...
  • HARMONY in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
    (Greek armonia - connectedness and proportionality of parts) - a cultural attitude that focuses on understanding the universe (both as a whole and its ...
  • HARMONY in the Dictionary of Musical Terms:
    (Greek - connection, harmony, proportionality) - the area of ​​expressive means of music, based on the natural combination of tones into consonances and connections ...
  • HARMONY in the Dictionary of Fine Arts Terms:
    - (from the Greek harmonia - connection, consonance, proportionality) - harmonious coordination of parts of a work of art. In architecture, harmony presupposes large-scale correspondence...
  • HARMONY in the Yoga Dictionary:
    (Harmony) One of the three Divine Powers (the other two being Unity and Diversity). The best example of harmony is the human body...
  • HARMONY in the Concise Dictionary of Mythology and Antiquities:
    (Harmonia, "?????????). Daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, wife of Cadmus. On her wedding day, she received from Cadmus a necklace that brought misfortune to everyone, ...
    In Greek mythology, daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, wife of Cadmus. The gods who attended Harmony's wedding gave her peplos and...
  • HARMONY in the Directory of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    (?????????) in Greek mythology, the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, the wife of Cadmus. The gods who were present at G.’s wedding gave her peplos and...
  • HARMONY in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Greek harmonia - connection of harmony, proportionality), proportionality of parts, merging of various components of an object into a single organic whole. In ancient Greek philosophy -...
  • HARMONY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Harmony (Greek, from harmozo - to put in order) - musical agreement, euphony. A harmony or chord is a combination of three or more different sounds...
  • HARMONY in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Greek harmonia - connection, harmony, proportionality), proportionality of parts, merging of various components of an object into a single organic whole. In ancient Greek philosophy, organization...
  • HARMONY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    I and, pl. no, w. 1. Coherence, harmony in the combination of something; opposite disharmony. G. sounds. G. paints. G. feelings. 2. ...
  • HARMONY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    1, -i, g. 1. Expressive means of music associated with combining tones into harmonies and with the composition of harmonies, as well as the corresponding ...
    HARMONY OF THE SPHERES (music of the spheres), antique. aesthetic-cosmological a doctrine put forward by Pythagoreanism and popular until modern times: the cosmos is a series of celestial spheres...
  • HARMONY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    VOWEL HARMONY, assimilation of vowel affixes to the vowel of the root based on the place of formation, labialization, etc.; kind of progress. assimilation. Widely distributed in...
  • HARMONY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    HARMONY, will express. means of music based on the combination of tones into consonances and the connection of consonances in their sequence. movement. Basic type …
  • HARMONY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    HARMONY (Greek harmonia - connection, harmony, proportionality), proportionality of parts, merging of disparities. components of the object into a single organic. whole. In ancient Greek. philosophy...
  • HARMONY in Collier's Dictionary:
    in music, the simultaneous sound of several tones. Harmony deals with verticality and the sound of tones together - as opposed to...
  • HARMONY in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -i, f. 1) only units. Coherence, harmonious combination of parts of the whole, mutual correspondence. Harmony of colors. Harmony of feelings. The harmony of nature, caressing the eyes...
  • HARMONY in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
  • HARMONY in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (gr. harmonia) 1) consistency, harmony in the combination of something; 2) music a) the area of ​​expressive means of music based on the combination of tones...
  • HARMONY in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [gr. harmonia] 1. consistency, harmony in the combination of something; 2. music a) the area of ​​expressive means of music, based on the combination of tones in ...
  • HARMONY in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    Syn: consonance, structure (book), agreement (ed.), coherence, harmony, consistency Ant: fragmentation, contradiction, ...
  • HARMONY in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    consonance, agreement, symphony, harmony. Wed. . See consent,...
  • HARMONY in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    Syn: consonance, structure (book), agreement (ed.), coherence, harmony, consistency Ant: fragmentation, contradiction, ...
  • HARMONY in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    and. 1) Mutual correspondence (phenomena, objects, qualities, etc.). 2) Harmony of sound; euphony. 3) a) One of the most important means of expression...

Harmony is the source of manifestation, the reason for its existence and the mediator between God and man.

The peace which every soul strives for, and which is the true nature of God and the ultimate end of man, is nothing other than the result of harmony; this shows that all achievements in life without a sense of harmony are in vain. It is the achievement of harmony that is called heaven, and the absence of it is called hell. Only the one who has mastered this understands life, and the one who lacks this is a fool, despite all the other knowledge that he may possess.

The Sufi considers it very important to achieve harmony, and believes that light is for the angels and darkness is for the devil, but that harmony is necessary for the human being to maintain balance in life.

There are 3 aspects of harmony: eternal, universal and individual. Eternal harmony is the harmony of consciousness. Since it is eternal in itself, all things and beings live and move in it; and yet she remains distant, unchanging and calm. This is the God of the believer and the God of the knower. All vibrations, from the subtlest to the densest, are held together by this harmony, as is every atom of manifestation, and creation and destruction take place to maintain it. Her power ultimately draws every being to infinite peace.

The power of harmony draws man in two opposite directions: towards the Infinite and towards manifestation. He is less aware of the first than the second, and turning his face to one direction, he loses sight of the other. The Infinite, being the essential spirit of everything, ultimately attracts everything to itself. The Sufi considers very important harmony with the Infinite, which he realizes or realizes by surrendering to the will of God, the Beloved. The existence of land and water: land for water and water for land; the attraction of heaven and earth - everything shows universal harmony. The attraction of the sun and moon to each other, the cosmic order of stars and planets, connected and related to each other, moving and acting according to a certain law; regular change of seasons; night following day, and day in turn giving way to night, the dependence of one being on another; the separateness, attraction and assimilation of the five elements all confirm universal harmony.

Man and woman, beast and bird, plant and stone, and all classes of things and beings are bound together and attracted to each other in a chord of harmony. If any being or thing, even the most useless, were lost in this universe of infinite variety, it would be like a note missing from a song. As he says Saadi: “Every being is born with a purpose, and the light of that purpose is kindled in his soul.”. Famine, pestilence and disasters such as hurricanes, floods, volcanic eruptions, wars and revolutions, no matter how terrible they may seem to man, actually exist to regulate this universal harmony.

In India they like to tell the story of how one day the inhabitants of a village suffering from drought gathered together in front of the temple of their God and prayed for enough rain that year.

A voice from the invisible replied: “Whatever We do is for the improvement of Our goal, you have no right to interfere with Our work, oh you people!” But they again begged for mercy and did it more and more persistently. Then the answer came: “Your prayers, fasts and sacrifices have prompted Us to give you as much rain this year as you desire.” The people returned home rejoicing. In the fall they worked hard in the fields and after preparing the ground and sowing the seeds, they began to pray for rain. When they decided that enough rain had fallen, they again resorted to prayer, and the rain stopped. In this way, the perfect crop of grain was grown, and all the inhabitants of the area had fun. This year so much grain grew as never before. However, when the harvest was harvested, everyone who ate the grain died, and many became victims of the grain.

In confusion, the residents again turned to God and sobbed, bowing low in front of the temple:
“Why did You show us so much anger after showing us such great mercy?”
“It was not Our anger, but your stupidity to interfere in Our affairs; sometimes We send a drought, and at other times a flood, so part of your harvest may be destroyed, but We have Our reasons for doing so, because in this way everything that is poisonous and undesirable in the harvest is also destroyed, leaving only what remains is favorable for saving your life.

The villagers fell on their faces in humble prayer, saying:
- We will never again try to manage the affairs of the universe, You are the Creator and You are the Manager, we are Your innocent children, and only You know what is best for us.

The Creator knows how to manage His world, what to generate and what to destroy.

There are 2 aspects of individual harmony: harmony between body and soul and harmony between individuals.

The soul enjoys the comforts experienced by the outer self, but man becomes so absorbed in them that he neglects the true comfort of the soul. This makes him dissatisfied with all the transitory comforts that he may enjoy, but without realizing it, he associates the cause of his dissatisfaction with some unsatisfied desires in his life. The fulfillment of all earthly passions gives temporary satisfaction, but creates a tendency for more; in this struggle, a person does not pay attention to the satisfaction of the soul and is constantly busy searching for earthly pleasure and convenience, depriving the soul of its true bliss. The true delight of the soul lies in love, harmony and beauty, the result of which is wisdom, silence and peace; the more constant they become, the greater the satisfaction of the soul.

If a person in his daily life examines every action that reflects in the soul an unpleasant picture of himself and causes darkness and dissatisfaction, and if, on the other hand, he consciously monitors every thought, word or deed that produces inner love, harmony and beauty , and behind every feeling bringing wisdom, silence and peace, then the path to harmony between soul and body can be understood very easily, and both aspects of life will be satisfied, both internal and external.

Satisfaction of the soul is much more important than satisfaction of the body because it is more lasting. In this way, thought, speech and action can be put in order, and harmony will be established, first of all, in oneself by tuning the body and soul.

The next aspect of personal harmony manifests itself in the contact of one person with another. Each being has an individual ego, created from its own illusions. The ego limits the view of man, which is directed only towards his own interests, and he judges good and bad, high or low, useful or harmful in relation to himself and others with the help of this limited view of his, which is usually incomplete and more imaginary than true . This darkness is caused by the shadowing of the soul by the outer self. Therefore, a person becomes blind to his own shortcomings as well as to the merits of others, the right action of another becomes wrong in his eyes, and his own mistake seems to be true. This is the normal state of humanity until the veil of darkness is lifted from the eyes.

Nafs, the ego of the individual, is the cause of disharmony both with oneself and in relationships with others, showing its uncontrollability in all aspects of life. The lion, the king of animals, the strongest and most powerful, is never welcome by the inhabitants of the forest, because he is unfriendly even to animals of his own breed. Two lions never greet each other in a friendly manner because their nafs is too strong; and although the lion is the ruler of all other animals, he is the slave of his own passions, which make his life restless. The nafs of herbivores such as sheep and goats are milder; for this reason they are harmless to each other and are even harmonious enough to live in herds. The harmony and sympathy existing between them enable them to share their joys and sorrows; but they easily become victims of wild animals of the forest. Masters of the past, such as Moses and Muhammad, always loved to care for their flock in the desert, and Jesus Christ spoke of himself as the Good Shepherd, and St. John the Baptist spoke of God's Lamb, harmless and innocent, ready for sacrifice.

The nafs of birds is even softer, so on one tree many different breeds can live as one family, singing the praises of God in unison and flying around in flocks of thousands. Among the birds you can find those who find their betrothed and live together, harmoniously building nests, taking turns incubating eggs and taking mutual part in raising children. They often feel sad and grieve over the death of their spouse. Nafs of insects are even smaller, they walk over each other without causing any harm, they live together in families of millions, without distinguishing between friends and enemies. This shows that the power of nafs increases with every step of natural evolution, reaching its highest point in man and creating disharmony in his entire life until it is subdued to a state of inner silence, peace and a sense of harmony with others. Every person has a characteristic characteristic corresponding to his nafs. One is like a tiger, another is like a dog, while a third may resemble a cat, and the fourth a fox. Thus, with his speech, thoughts and feelings, a person resembles animals and birds, the state of his nafs is akin to their nature, and at times even with his appearance he resembles them. Of course, his desire for harmony depends on the evolution of his nafs.

When a person begins to see life clearly, the world appears to him as a forest filled with wild animals fighting, killing and hunting each other.

There are 4 types of people, harmoniously combined with each other, in accordance with the different degrees of their evolution: angelic, human, animal and demonic. The angelic type seeks heaven, and the human type fights in the world; the animalistic type enjoys earthly pleasures, while the demonic type is involved in causing harm, thereby creating hell for himself and others. A person following the path of evolution becomes angelic, and animal development lowers him to the devilish level.

In music, the law of harmony is that nearby notes do not form a consonant or consistent interval. This explains the ban on marriage between close relatives due to their proximity in quality and blood. As a rule, harmony lies in contrast. Men fight with men and women quarrel with women, but man and woman generally harmonize with each other, and complete unity creates perfect harmony.

There are 5 elements constantly active in every being, and in every individual one is particularly dominant. Therefore, the sages define 5 different human natures according to the dominant element in them. Sometimes 2 or more elements dominate a human being, to a greater or lesser extent.

The harmonies of life can be learned in the same way as the harmonies of music. The ear must be trained to discern both the tone and the word, the meaning hidden within, and learn from the meaning of the words and the tone of the voice whether it is a true word or a false note; distinguish between sarcasm and sincerity, between a word said in jest and a word said seriously; understand the difference between sincere worship and flattery; distinguish modesty from humility, a smile from a grin and arrogance from pride, expressed directly or indirectly. By doing this, the ear gradually becomes trained, just as in music, and one knows exactly whether his own tone and word, and the tone and word of another, are true or false. A person must learn in what tone to express a certain thought or feeling and in what voice. Sometimes he must speak in a loud voice, sometimes a soft tone is necessary; every word requires a certain note, and every speech a certain pitch. At the same time, there must be proper use of the natural note, sharp or flat, and consideration of the key.

There are 9 different aspects of feeling, each of which has a specific way of expression: fun is expressed in a lively tone; grief - in a pathetic tone; fear - in a breaking voice; mercy - in a gentle voice; surprise - in an enthusiastic tone; courage - in an insistent tone; frivolity - in a light tone; attraction - in a deep tone; indifference is the voice of silence.

This confuses an untrained person. He whispers words that should be heard by everyone, and loudly pronounces those that should be secret. One subject must be spoken about in a high tone, while another requires a lower tone. It is necessary to take into account the place, the time, the number of people present, their type and evolution, and speak according to the understanding of others; as it is said: “Speak to people in their own language.” You should talk to a child like a child, with young people you should say only words that are suitable for them, with old people you should speak in accordance with their understanding. The expression of our thoughts must be consistent and gradual, since we cannot control everyone with the same whip. It is taking into account the characteristics of other people that distinguishes a person from an animal.

We must understand that rhythm is a balance between speech and action. A person must speak at the right time, otherwise silence is better than speech. What is required from us is a word of sympathy for the grief of others, and at least a smile when the other laughs. A person can observe the possibility of changing the subject of conversation in society, but never suddenly change it, but skillfully combine two subjects with a harmonious connection.

One should also wait patiently while another speaks, and also restrain one's speech when a thought rushes forward uncontrollably, in order to keep it in rhythm and under control during its expression. It is necessary to highlight important words, taking into account strong and weak accents. You need to choose the right word and way of expression, regulate the speed and know how to maintain the rhythm. Some people start speaking slowly and gradually increase their speed to the point where their speech becomes incoherent. The above applies to all actions in life.

The Sufi, as a student of music, trains both the ear and the voice in the harmony of life. Voice training is to be conscious of every word spoken: its tone, rhythm, meaning and appropriateness to the occasion. Words of comfort, for example, should be spoken slowly, in a soft voice, and in a sympathetic tone. When pronouncing the words of a command, a lively rhythm, a powerful and clear voice is necessary.

The Sufi avoids irregular actions; he keeps the rhythm of his speech under the control of patience, not uttering a word before the right time, not giving an answer before the question is finished. He considers a contradictory word to be dissonance, and even in the event of a dispute, he tries to resolve it into a consonant chord. The tendency to contradict as a result develops in a person into passion, and he contradicts even his own ideas if they are expressed by others.

In order to maintain harmony, the Sufi even modulates, translates his speech from one key to another, in other words, he agrees with the ideas of another person, looking at the subject from the speaker’s point of view instead of his own. He sets the stage for every conversation with an appropriate introduction, thereby preparing the listener's ears for a perfect response. He watches his every movement and expression in the same way as others, trying to create a consonant chord of harmony between himself and others.

Finding harmony in life takes longer and requires more thorough training than just ear training and voice training, although it is acquired in the same way as knowledge of music. To the ear of a Sufi, every spoken word is like a note, which is true when it is harmonious and false when it is inharmonious. He makes the scale of his speech major, minor or chromatic in accordance with the requirement of the situation; and his words are either sharp, or flat, or natural in accordance with the law of harmony. For example, his direct, or polite, or tactful manner of speech is similar to the major, minor, or chromatic scales, representing superiority, or respect, or equality. In the same way, he makes arbitrary and varied moves to suit the demands of the moment and situation, following step by step, agreeing and disagreeing and even opposing, but still maintaining the law of harmony in conversation. Let us look at two people as two notes: the harmony that exists between them creates intervals either consonant or dissonant, perfect or imperfect, major or minor, diminished or enlarged - like the relationship between two people.

The intervals between different classes of society, creeds, castes, races, nations or religions, as well as differences in age or stage of evolution, clearly manifest this law. It is easier for a wise man to be in harmony with his foolish servant than with a man who is half intelligent and thinks himself infallible. It is also equally likely that a wise person may be far from happy in the company of fools and vice versa. A proud man will always quarrel with a proud man, but will support a humble one. It is also possible for a proud person to agree on general issues of pride, such as pride in race or birth.

Sometimes the interval between unrelated notes is filled with an intermediate note, creating a consonant chord. For example, dissonance between husband and wife can be resolved through communication through a child, or a disagreement between siblings can be resolved through the intervention of a mother or father.

Thus, no matter how inharmonious two people are, with the help of an intermediate connection a consonant chord is formed that creates harmony. A stupid person is inflexible, while an intelligent person is flexible. The former sticks to his ideas, likes, dislikes and beliefs, good or bad, while the latter makes them sharp or flat, raising or lowering the tone and pitch, harmonizing with others as the situation demands. The key note is always in harmony with any note because it has all the notes of the scale within it. In this way the Sufi tunes into harmony with everyone, good or bad, wise or foolish, becoming like the key note.

All races, nations, classes and peoples are like a musical melody based on one chord, where the key note - a common interest - holds them in one harmonious connection. By studying life, the Sufi learns and practices from natural harmony. He establishes harmony with himself, with others, with the universe and with the infinite. He identifies himself with the other, that is to say, he sees himself in every being. He attaches no importance to either reproaches or praise, believing that they come from himself. If a person drops a heavy load and injures his own leg, he will not blame his hand for dropping it, being aware of himself in both the hand and the leg. Likewise, a Sufi will tolerate harm done to him by others, thinking that the harm came only from himself. He uses counterpoint, softening his friend's unpleasant speech and turning it into a fugue.

He looks past the shortcomings of others, believing that these people simply do not know any better. He hides the shortcomings of others and suppresses any facts that may cause disharmony. He is constantly fighting against nafs, the root of any disharmony and the only enemy of man. By defeating this enemy, a person gains power over himself; and this brings him perfect possession of the whole universe, because the wall standing between himself and the Almighty is broken down. The Sufi considers tenderness, gentleness, respect, humility, modesty, selflessness, conscientiousness, tolerance and forgiveness as attributes that create harmony both within the soul of a person himself and in the soul of another. Arrogance, anger, vice, attachment, greed and jealousy are the six main sources of disharmony. Nafs, the sole creator of disharmony, becomes stronger the more it is indulged; that is, we can say that the more his desires are satisfied, the more satisfied he is. For a time, he shows the creature his satisfaction with the demands fulfilled, but soon demands more and more until the person's life becomes a heavy burden. The wise person identifies this enemy, knows who is the instigator of all sorts of troubles, but everyone else blames others for their failures in life.