Therapeutic diet 11 what is it for?

When the body, for one reason or another, is severely exhausted, it is proper nutrition can bring the condition back to normal. Diet Table 11 according to Pevzner - this is completely balanced diet, saturated with all the vitamins and nutrients necessary for an exhausted person.


  • Table 11 according to Pevzner is prescribed in case of tuberculosis of the bones and lungs, lymph nodes and joints
  • For low body weight
  • When exhausted after undergoing infectious diseases, injuries and operations

What other ones exist, read our other article.

  • This diet has a high calorie content - 3300 Kcl
  • Meals per day – 5-6
  • Culinary processing of dishes can be any
  • The temperature of the food is also normal.
  • Daily salt intake – 15 grams

Product table

Diet 11 is prescribed for exhaustion, and therefore there are more recommendations than restrictions

Product table Can It is forbidden
Soups Any -
Bread and pastries All types -
Meat, poultry, fish All types in any culinary processing Too fatty meat, poultry and fish
Milk All types, cottage cheese and cheese - a must Margarine
Eggs In any culinary processing -
Cereals All cereals and pasta, as well as well-cooked legumes -
Vegetables and fruits All vegetables, fruits and berries, and half of them total number- raw -
Sweets Any low-fat Cakes and pastries with lots of rich cream
  • Table 11 allows the consumption of absolutely any soups
  • Both wheat and rye bread, and baked goods and others flour products- everything is allowed
  • Meat, fish, poultry, offal, sausages, frankfurters, sausages - in any culinary processing

  • Diet number 11 recommends consuming all dairy and fermented milk products, and cottage cheese and cheese must be eaten
  • Eggs in any culinary preparation
  • All cereals and pasta, as well as well-cooked legumes
  • All vegetables, fruits and berries, and half of the total quantity – raw
  • Spices are allowed in moderation, homemade sauces, and sweet dishes.

Read about that in the next article.


  • The “11 table” diet prohibits too fatty meat, poultry and fish
  • Margarine, as well as lamb and beef fat

  • Spicy and fatty sauces such as mayonnaise
  • From sweets, cakes and pastries with an abundance of rich cream


The weekly menu for the Table 11 diet is very varied. You can view it below, or by downloading the file in doc format.


Based on the menu for the week, you can prepare the following dishes:

Carrot, beet and walnut salad

  • One carrot
  • Half a large beet
  • Handful of walnuts
  • Sour cream

Boil the beets and grate them. We also grate the carrots. Grind walnuts, put all the ingredients in a salad bowl and season with sour cream.

Cod fish soup

  • Cod (one fish)
  • One and a half liters of water
  • Two bulbs
  • Four potatoes
  • One carrot
  • Green
  • 40 ml cream

We clean the fish, separate the head and fins, cut into portions and place in a pan. Cut the potatoes into cubes. We also finely chop the onion and grate the carrots. Place the pan with the fish on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for half an hour over medium heat. When the fish is ready, you need to take it out, cool it, separate it from the bones, chop it and put it back into the broth. We also send potatoes, fried vegetables, chopped herbs and cream there. Cook for another 15 minutes, until the potatoes are ready, turn off the heat and let the fish soup brew.

Fruit salad with yogurt

We chop any permitted fruits and season them natural yoghurt. If desired, you can decorate with powdered sugar.


If any organ is damaged, the recovery processes in it begin to proceed faster.

Read about, learn about the basic principles of switching to a regular diet.

Diet No. 11 (table No. 11)– therapeutic nutrition system, which is prescribed for pulmonary tuberculosis, lymph nodes, joints and bones, also with low body weight (after operations, injuries and infectious diseases).

Application of this therapeutic nutrition with the above problems, it is possible only in the absence of damage to the digestive organs.

Purpose of appointment treatment system Nutrition No. 11 is to restore the energy state, increase the body’s defenses, as well as enhance regeneration processes in the affected organ. Diet menu No. 11 is high in calories.

Chemical composition of diet No. 11:

  • proteins 110-130 g (40% vegetable, 60% animal origin);
  • fats 100-120 g (20-25% vegetable, 75-80% animal origin);
  • carbohydrates 400-450g;
  • salt 15 g;
  • liquid 1.5-2 l.

Weight daily ration: 3 kg.
Daily intake of diet No. 11: 2900-3400 kcal.
Diet: 4-6 times a day.

Indications for use of diet No. 11

  • low body weight;
  • lungs, lymph nodes, bones, joints (with mild exacerbation or attenuation);
  • exhaustion after operations, injuries, ;

Diet No. 11 (Table No. 11) - food

What can you eat on diet number 11:

Soups: Any soups you like are allowed.

Cereals: any different cereals, especially buckwheat and oatmeal, pasta, also whole grains (boiled or pureed).

Vegetables, greens: different, in any form, but more often – raw.

Meat, fish: different types of meat, poultry and fish, excluding only very fatty ones, in any cooking method. Also allowed: liver, ham, sausage, frankfurters, herring, caviar, balyki, canned fish etc.

Eggs: in any quantity, in in different forms preparations.

Fruits and berries: use in increased quantity V fresh, as well as in various culinary processing.

Dairy products: The entire assortment is allowed, cottage cheese and cheese are required.

According to Pevzner, this is a diet recommended for patients with chronic diseases that affect body weight: tuberculosis of the lungs, bones, lymph nodes. The diet also strengthens the body's defenses in case of anemia, exhaustion after surgery, severe infectious diseases or serious injuries.

This diet is rich in all the vitamins and beneficial micro- and macroelements necessary for a weakened person.

Characteristics of the diet

The main features of this diet are:

- increased calorie content daily diet;

- increased content of animal fats in dishes;

- every day for a patient who is prescribed this diet must consume dairy and fermented milk products;

- integral components of the table according to type 11 - salt (about 10 g per day), easily digestible proteins, various flavorings and seasonings that stimulate appetite are also encouraged;

- Besides, important role foods rich in beneficial nutrients play a role in the diet dietary fiber which promote good digestion of food and complete cleansing intestines.

What are the goals of diet table No. 11?

The diet is high in calories, enriched with fiber and proteins. It quite quickly leads to the expected result - weight gain. In addition, the diet helps:

This diet is characterized by a high calorie content - an average of 3300 Kcal daily. Any culinary processing of products is permitted, unless otherwise limited by other diseases of the patient. The number of meals during the day is at least 5 times. The food temperature is normal.

And although with a weakened body active physical activity not allowed, daily walks on fresh air activate metabolism and help speed up the patient’s recovery.

Diet table No. 11: allowed and prohibited foods

This diet is considered the most democratic - there are no strict restrictions or recommendations on what foods can and cannot be eaten. The lists of prohibited and permitted products are rather advisory in nature. But you should still remember that the high calorie content of daily meals can create additional stress on the liver and bile ducts.

To reduce the load on these organs, it is better to adhere to the following list:

Name of dish (product)Authorized ProductsRelative restrictions
First coursesAny, including milk soupsIt is worth limiting overly fatty broths
Main courses (meat, fish)Any fish or meatRelative limitation on fatty types meat, fish, sausages or offal dishes
Lamb should also be excluded from the diet
Second courses (side dishes)Any cereals
Dairy and fermented milk productsAny food, fresh or processed, must be eaten
VegetablesAny, including greens, in various culinary treatments and without it. It is advisable to include in the diet daily
FruitsAny, and half of them should be eaten raw
Sweet productsAnyLimit - cakes or cakes with rich buttercream
Bakery productsAll types
OthersEggs in any culinary preparationMargarine, full-fat mayonnaise, other fatty or flour sauces, palm oil
Semi-finished products, canned food, fast food
DrinksAny, if there are no restrictions from other diseases

Diet table No. 11. Menu for the week


  • Breakfast: 2-3 egg omelet, carrot and zucchini puree, tea with milk.
  • Lunch: coffee, sandwich with pate.
  • Lunch: solyanka with beef broth, cabbage rolls with meat, salad, juice.
  • Afternoon snack: hot sandwich with tomatoes and cheese.
  • Evening: lazy dumplings, boiled meat, fruit jelly.
  • Before bed: a glass of sour milk with cookies
  • Breakfast: stewed cabbage with meat, rice porridge with butter, vegetable salad, herbal tea.
  • Lunch: boiled egg, jelly.
  • Lunch: soup with chicken meatballs, buckwheat porridge with cutlet, cauliflower, coffee with milk.
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt 4% fat.
  • Evening: meat zrazy, stewed vegetables, orange juice.
  • Before bed: milk and cookies.
  • Breakfast: semolina porridge, sandwich with butter and cheese, cottage cheese, tea with lemon.
  • Lunch: grapes.
  • Lunch: soup with noodles and meat, stewed chicken with vegetables, cheese, coffee.
  • Afternoon snack: tea with marshmallows.
  • Evening: dumplings with cottage cheese, stewed champignons in sour cream, rosehip infusion.
  • Before bed: apples, pears.
  • Breakfast: vinaigrette, baked chicken fillet, coffee with milk, eclair.
  • Lunch: juice with cookies.
  • Lunch: pickle soup with broth, stew with meat, boiled egg, jelly.
  • Afternoon snack: any fruit.
  • Evening: meat goulash, stewed cabbage, green tea with cookies.
  • Before bed: a glass of kefir
  • Breakfast: sausages in pastry, beet salad, tea with milk.
  • Lunch: fruit salad with yogurt.
  • Lunch: beef stroganoff, stewed potatoes, cheese, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: coffee with a sandwich.
  • Evening: macaroni with cheese and ham, carrot salad, rosehip infusion.
  • Before bed: compote with cookies.


  • Breakfast: omelet with champignons, mashed potatoes, milk jelly.
  • Lunch: biscuit and coffee with milk.
  • Lunch: green borscht with sour cream, meat pie with green onions, compote
  • Afternoon snack: baked apple with cottage cheese.
  • Evening: chicken and macaroni casserole, fresh vegetable salad, tea.
  • Before bed: a glass of yogurt.

Using dietary table No. 11 helps to gain weight and improve the patient’s well-being. However, it should be remembered that this diet is still therapeutic, so you need to be on this diet for a limited time until the body returns to normal.

Therapeutic diet No. 11 is a high-calorie, very nutritious menu. Its main goal is to support and restore strength, filling the body with nutrients. Diet therapy No. 11 is included in complex treatment those suffering from tuberculosis, anemia, people who have had croup (croup pneumonia).

Calculation of calorie content of foods

Products in alphabetical order

Indications for diet 11

Diet 11 was developed more than 50 years ago by the Soviet professor and nutritionist M. Pevzner. A total of 15 such diets were developed, and they became a real breakthrough in the development of gastroenterology in the USSR. Despite the long history of its creation, the Pevzner diet is used without any special changes and to this day helps to achieve positive dynamics in the treatment of various diseases.

Diet 11 is prescribed to patients who are ill in different forms tuberculosis.

The disease may be in the stage of exacerbation or attenuation, and the weight of patients may be reduced or, conversely, increased. Now table 11 can be prescribed to people who have suffered an infectious disease, surgery, or suffered a serious injury.

The diet and its menu are adjusted depending on the patient’s condition, but organ damage may be a contraindication to its adherence digestive tract. Initially, treatment table 11 was designed taking into account the localization of the disease, condition digestive organs and associated complications.

Principles of dietary table No. 11

Diet No. 11 is formed depending on the focus of the disease, because the set of products and methods of their preparation directly depends on the amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements that are necessary for hematopoiesis.

The menu composition most often changes depending on availability concomitant diseases, For example, diabetes mellitus all types. In this case, the patient’s diet is filled with protein and vegetable fats, and the amount of light carbohydrates is reduced to an acceptable minimum. In case of iron deficiency anemia, the proportion of fats that hinder the absorption of iron into the blood is reduced, so the amount of proteins in the chemical daily composition increase to 140–150 grams per day.

The purpose of the diet is to launch immune processes in the body. A kind of protection is activated, thanks to which the following occurs:

  1. The body's resistance to viruses increases.
  2. Recovery processes in the damaged organ or source of disease are activated.
  3. Recovering normal functions in the body.
  4. Blood circulation is restored.

How is the menu for diet table No. 11 compiled?

As an additional complex to the treatment, a gentle menu is formed that does not irritate the walls of the stomach and does not create additional inconvenience. Diet 11 is high in calories and consists primarily of animal protein, light carbohydrates, and fats.

All food consumed during diet 11 is easily digestible and just as easily digested, without lingering in the intestines, which leads to rotting processes.

Dietary fiber helps remove residual medications and toxins that have accumulated during the period of illness. Also included in the diet large number ascorbic acid, which has the following effect:

  1. Stimulates the functioning of the immune system.
  2. Ascorbic acid supports optimal level hemoglobin, prevents drops and surges in this indicator.
  3. Protects the walls of blood vessels.

Another important point therapeutic diet 11 is taste qualities dishes. They are boiled, stewed or baked, excluding fried and unusual food, but any food should awaken the appetite. The fact is that with tuberculosis, lobar pneumonia or anemia, the patient practically does not want to eat, so the aroma and appearance dishes should be attractive.

Chemical composition and energy value of food for diet 11

Depending on the disease, the diet menu can be adjusted, but the basic chemical composition the diet looks like this:

  1. Protein - 120 grams, of which 40% - plant origin, and 60% are animals.
  2. Fats – 110 grams, 50/50 vegetable and animal. Refractory fats, as well as lamb fat, lard and cooking fat are prohibited.
  3. Carbohydrates up to 500 grams, the main part consists of easily digestible carbohydrates.
  4. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) – 200 grams.
  5. Calcium – up to 1.5 grams.
  6. Nicotinic acid – up to 30 g.
  7. Salt – up to 15 g per day.
  8. Iron – 0.050 g.
  9. Quantity net drinking water ranges from 1.5 to 2 liters per day. The liquid is divided into 8-9 doses of 200 ml and drunk every 1.5-2 hours.

The energy value of the daily diet of diet 11 ranges from 3 to 3.5 thousand kilocalories. This volume exceeds the need healthy body, but during illness and recovery period high-calorie food is necessary.

Due to the fact that the diet consists of animal protein and vitamin complex, all food is completely digestible. You need to choose products that contain maximum quantity useful substances - loading dose nutrients in minimum size portions.

Diet and foods that can and cannot be eaten while on a diet 11

  1. White and black bread made from flour premium. The menu also includes baked goods with the addition of raisins, seeds, cereals, and dried fruits.
  2. Any rich pastries, cookies, filled pies, biscuits. But sweets made from puff pastry, such as sochniki, croissants, “Napoleon” with sour cream, are consumed in limited quantities. Among high-calorie confectionery baked goods, products with rich custard cream, butter cream with condensed milk, etc. are prohibited.
  3. You can eat soups made with any broth. These can be first courses with mushrooms, meat and fish, poultry, and vegetables. Potatoes, carrots, noodles and pasta are added to the dishes. The meat is chopped into small pieces and meatballs are prepared. You can also eat milk soup with cereals with added honey or sugar.
  4. 2 chicken eggs per day in omelettes, sauces, salads, soups.
  5. It is recommended to eat cereals as a side dish (buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina). Pudding and casserole are prepared from them. Pasta is added to soup and side dish.
  6. Sauces, but not too spicy and greasy. Sour cream, tomato, egg-milk, bechamel, based on vegetable oil, vegetables or fruits are best. Store-bought ketchup and mayonnaise are excluded.
  7. Spices and seasonings are added to almost all dishes to increase appetite, but in moderation.

The special role of meat during diet 11

Poultry meat occupies a special place during diet 11, as it is a valuable carrier of animal protein. It is allowed to eat turkey, chicken, goose, and poultry is used for cooking broths. The following types of meat are suitable as a supplement: pork, beef, veal, prohibited fatty lamb in any form. Main dishes are prepared from rabbit, chicken and turkey meat.

Diet tables 1-15_Therapeutic nutrition_ Basic principles and review of 15 tables according to M.I. Pevzner.

Diet table No. 3 What is possible? What's not allowed? Diet menu for constipation

To prepare dishes, meat must be chopped into small pieces; large pieces are difficult for the stomach to digest. It is recommended to bake a whole piece of pork, for example, in foil in the oven so that a crust does not form.

Note that the patient’s diet allows the consumption of sausages, including homemade ones, ham, meat fillings, pates and sausages, but good quality and with a minimum amount of fat.

Fish during diet 11

Fish and fish dishes are baked, stewed or boiled. It is preferable to include bold and fatty species of river and sea inhabitants in the diet. Herring has been proven to improve patients' appetite, so it is recommended to include a variety of herring in the daily diet.

Eating canned fish is also welcome and allowed. high quality, caviar, fish balyk and nutritious cod liver.

Milk and other fermented milk products during the treatment table

Dairy and fermented milk products can be consumed without limitation. Kefir, yoghurt, sour cream, cream and pure milk improve and restore intestinal flora damaged during antibiotic and drug therapy.

  1. Milk up to 6%.
  2. Cream, sour cream up to 25%.
  3. Hard and soft lightly salted cheeses up to 60%, cottage cheese up to 18%.

Vegetables during diet 11

Diet 11 involves consuming high GI vegetables ( glycemic index), these are potatoes, legumes, corn. You can eat all types of vegetables, but special attention is paid to the method of their preparation and serving; vegetable slices are also used as a decoration for the finished dish.

From legumes prepare a liquid puree, the remaining vegetables can be lightly fried, baked, or stewed. And the patient eats 1/3 of the daily intake of vegetables in unprocessed form.

Fruits and dishes made from them

It is preferable to eat soft fruits and berries, add them to salads, desserts, and drinks. It is good to include fruit jellies, fruit drinks, compotes, and freshly squeezed juices in the patient’s menu. As a dessert, you can prepare pies and bagels with jam, jam or honey; refined sugar is added to baked goods.

Drinks and snacks

Drinks and snacks play a big role in Diet 11 - they are designed to improve the patient's appetite. The appetizer is served to the sick person before the main first course and may consist of a vegetable salad with sour cream and herbs. To salads you should add seasonings and vegetables that stimulate appetite, such as garlic, onions, aromatic spices, parsley, dill.

As a snack you can use sausages, fish and seafood delicacies (caviar, herring, balyk), pates or boiled pork.

From drinks during treatment table No. 11 Almost all drinks are allowed, tonic teas and coffee, cocoa are excluded. Decoctions of rose hips and dried fruits have an excellent effect.

Menu for the day with diet 11

Diet menu 11, a list of products and dishes, a nutrition plan and the duration of the diet are prescribed and adjusted by the attending physician. You should not use a treatment menu without consulting a specialist, otherwise it may cause harm rather than benefit.

The patient receives food 5 times a day, and that’s it useful substances should be evenly distributed.

  1. Breakfast to choose from:
    • Boiled rice, 100 grams of boiled chicken, carrot vegetable salad, rosehip infusion.
    • Milk buckwheat porridge, carrot salad, sweet apples and 1 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, dried fruit compote.
    • Oatmeal with honey, 1 soft-boiled egg, grated apple with honey, fruit compote.
    • Mashed potatoes with a piece of baked pork, vegetable salad, a glass of kefir.
    • Vegetable steam omelette (tomatoes, bell pepper), cottage cheese 25%, a glass of yogurt.
  2. Second breakfast to choose from:
    • 1 sandwich with thin layer butter and pieces of cheese, warm milk.
    • Apple baked with honey.
    • Grated carrot and apple salad with sour cream.
    • A glass of kefir and a biscuit.
    • Cottage cheese with berries.
  3. Lunch to choose from:
    • Chicken broth soup with vegetables, bread, meat baked with vegetables, pancake with fruit jam.
    • Soup with pasta and chopped pork, bean puree with meatballs in tomato sauce, fruit jelly.
    • Cabbage soup on meat broth with sour cream, a piece of bread, rice pudding with 1 egg, jelly.
    • Rice and minced pork meatball soup, bread, stewed chicken with mashed potatoes, oatmeal cookies.
    • Soup from river fish, bread, vegetable salad and beef stroganoff, butter cookies.
  4. Afternoon snack to choose from:
    • Sandwich with liver pate, milk.
    • Cottage cheese soufflé, kefir.
    • Fruit salad and dried fruit compote.
    • Steam omelette with vegetables or cheese, rosehip infusion.
    • A bun with a glass of milk.
  5. Dinner to choose from:
    • Pancakes with minced pork, buckwheat porridge, compote.
    • Curd casserole, oatmeal, fruit juice.
    • Baked fish with vegetables, yogurt and butter cookies.
    • Noodles with meatballs with onion and egg, compote.
    • Puree with fish, vegetable salad and juice.

Table number 11 is designed to help the body, weakened by illness, cope with infectious and other diseases and quickly restore strength after illness.


Table number 11 is one of fifteen therapeutic and preventive diets developed by the Soviet therapist, nutritionist and professor M.I. Pevzner. Every license plate he founded therapeutic type nutrition is aimed at the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.

Treatment table No. 11 is indicated for mild exacerbation or upon completion of treatment for tuberculosis of the lungs, bones, joints and lymphatic system, as well as for patients with exhaustion of the body after severe infectious diseases, serious injuries and operations. The diet is also prescribed for low body weight, patients after lobar pneumonia and people suffering from anemia. The main goals of nutrition are to increase hemoglobin levels, strengthen the immune system, and compensate for the deficiency of biologically active and nutrients and vitamins, as well as increasing the body's resistance to infections.


One of the main conditions for the name of this diet is the absence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The diet is high in calories - the patient consumes about 3000-3500 kcal per day. Calorie intake increases due to increased consumption of protein and fortified foods; the amount of carbohydrates and fats also increases, but within moderate limits.

Additional supplements are added to the diet minerals and vitamins, increases daily norm calcium.

No special requirements for heat treatment no food is presented, but you need to eat at least 5 times a day. It is recommended to drink as with a normal diet - at least 1.5 liters per day.


Therapeutic diet number 11 can be called one of the simplest dietary tables, since almost all foods and dishes are allowed. In particular, all types of meat, poultry and fish, any seafood, offal, liver, sausage, frankfurters and even canned fish.

Also allowed are eggs (in any form and any preparation), dairy products, vegetable and butter, all types of soups, cereals, pasta, bread (both wheat and rye), fruits and vegetables, spices and sweets.

All drinks are consumed, including strong tea and coffee, but excluding any alcoholic drinks. Special benefit They will bring juices and fruit drinks made from fruits and berries and rose hips.

Only very prohibited fatty varieties meat and fish, you should strictly avoid beef and lamb fat and hot and fatty sauces. Also, you should know moderation in everything, this especially applies to spices and sweets; in particular, it is not recommended to eat cakes and pastries with a large number cream.

But of all dairy products, special attention should be paid to cottage cheese and cottage cheese.

Detailed menu

Table No. 11 gives culinary experts a huge variety. Almost all products are available, except the fattest ones. Alas, for some time you will have to do without pilaf and cracklings, but otherwise... The main thing is to focus on high content protein in your diet and don’t forget about vegetables. Introducing sample menus on this recovery diet:

Menu No. 1

Breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream, soft-boiled egg and tea with lemon and sugar.
Snack: plate oatmeal with jam.
Dinner: vegetable salad with seafood, cabbage soup in meat broth, stewed beef and vegetables, tomato juice.
Dinner: steamed fish and fried potatoes, apple compote.

Menu No. 2

Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, vegetable pancakes, tea.
Snack: steam omelette with vegetables.
Dinner: vinaigrette, borscht, veal chops and mashed potatoes, tomato juice, apple mousse.
Dinner: pasta casserole with meat, fruit salad.

Menu No. 3

Breakfast: cheesecakes with sour cream and berry jam, a little cheese, tea with milk and sugar.
Snack: chicken pudding.
Dinner: salad of young cabbage and carrots, soup of cauliflower with chicken broth, beef stroganoff and buckwheat porridge, carrot muffins, dried fruit compote.
Dinner: potato zrazy with mushrooms sour cream sauce, fresh vegetables, apple juice.

Photo: Million menu

Meat broth with egg

Step 1. Rinse the meat, pour 2.5 l cold water, put on medium heat. As soon as it boils, skim off the foam and reduce the heat. Cook the meat over low heat for about 2 hours.
Step 2. Wash and peel celery, ginger and carrots. Rinse the onion and remove the top layer of peel.
Step 3. After half an hour of cooking over low heat, add vegetables to the broth. Add bay leaves and peppercorns after another half hour.
Step 4. After two hours of cooking, strain the broth through a sieve and a double layer of gauze.
Step 5. Chop the carrots and celery coarsely and throw them into the broth, discard the onion and ginger. Cut the meat into portions. Place it on a plate and pour in the broth. Sprinkle with parsley or cilantro.

Photo: Million menu

Cauliflower soup

Step 1. Trim the fat from the chicken and pour it over it. cold water. Cook for an hour after boiling, skimming off the foam, over low heat.
Step 2. In the middle of cooking, add the onion, peeled from dirty husks, carrots, peeled and cut into strips, and spices.
Step 3. After 10 minutes, add the potatoes cut into strips.
Step 4. When the potatoes are almost cooked, remove the onion and bay leaf. Place the cabbage, disassembled into florets, into the soup. Cook until soft.
Step 5. Turn off, add salt, close the lid and let stand for 10 minutes.

Photo: Million menu

French chops

  • 600 g veal loin,
  • 1 tooth garlic,
  • ½ cup vegetable oil,
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise,
  • 3 tbsp. l. honey,
  • 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder,
  • salt and pepper.

Step 1. Cut the meat into portions, beat, lightly salt and pepper.
Step 2. Pass the garlic through a press, mix with mayonnaise, honey and mustard powder.
Step 3. Grease each chop with the resulting mixture and leave in the refrigerator for a day.
Step 4. Fry chops on vegetable oil over low heat, being careful not to burn the chops.

Photo: Million menu


  • 500 g beef,
  • 100 g white bread,
  • 1 glass of milk,
  • 3 tbsp. l. ghee,
  • 2 boiled eggs,
  • 3 onions,
  • green,
  • salt and pepper.

Step 1. Cut off the crusts from the bread and pour half and half milk and water into it.
Step 2. Pass the beef through a meat grinder with one onion. Add the squeezed bread to it and mix the minced meat.
Step 3. Chop the onion and fry until golden brown. Boil eggs hard and cut into pieces.
Step 4. Cool the onion, add eggs, chopped herbs, salt and pepper.
Step 5. Part minced meat Form into a flat cake, put inside the filling of eggs and onions. Connect the edges of the flatbread and form a cutlet.
Step 6. Roll the zrazy in breadcrumbs and fry in a frying pan with butter.

Photo: Million menu

Carrot muffins

  • 1 glass of flour,
  • 1 stick of butter,
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara,
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 carrots,
  • 1 tsp. baking powder,
  • 1 orange,
  • walnuts.

Step 1. Mix flour, sugar and baking powder. Melt the butter.
Step 2. Grate the carrots on a fine grater and remove the zest from the orange.
Step 3. Cool the butter slightly and add eggs, carrots and zest, mix, add the mixture to the flour.
Step 4. Knead the dough until smooth, pour into the molds, filling them 2/3 full.
Step 5. Bake for half an hour at 180 degrees.