Dietary table number 2 for a child. Results and reviews from doctors

Prescribed to people who suffer from chronic gastritis. But besides this, such a nutrition plan is also useful for chronic colitis, enteritis, liver diseases. Also, the “Table 2” diet is often prescribed as a therapeutic nutrition V postoperative period for speedy rehabilitation and recuperation.

Features of therapeutic nutrition for gastritis

Indications: chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency; enteritis, colitis, including during exacerbation; postoperative recovery and rehabilitation period; as well as the recovery period after infectious diseases;

Duration: as prescribed by a doctor;

Features of the diet for chronic gastritis: the “Table 2” diet is a gentle diet for the digestive organs: dishes are thermally processed and, if possible, chopped, hot sauces and spices and indigestible dishes are completely excluded from the menu;

Energy value: 2400-2800 kK;

Fluid volume per day: 1.5 l;

Best type of preparation: steaming, baking, stewing or boiling;

Power frequency: You should eat in small portions, 4-5 times a day;

Diet "Table 2": what is possible, what is not

Meat, poultry, fish. In the case of the “Table 2” diet (which is often called briefly by both doctors and patients - diet number 2, or even diet 2), the restrictions apply not so much to the types of meat or fish, but to the methods of their preparation and consumption. For example, stewed meat balls, hedgehogs, steam fish cutlets, various kinds casseroles or boiled fillets can and should be included in the daily menu, but fried cutlets breaded, nuggets, semi-finished meat products and similar “delicacies” - must, on the contrary, be categorically excluded from the diet. If we talk about soups, then broths - both meat and fish - are allowed only secondary ones.

Eggs. You can - only soft-boiled and in the form of a steam omelet. No fried eggs allowed under any circumstances!

Bread and flour. In the “Table 2” diet, bread and pastries made from wheat flour(preferably yesterday's), light biscuits, savory cookies.

Dairy products. As part of the “Table 2” diet, you can consume milk as part of other dishes - along with tea, or in an omelet, etc. Low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, and sugar-free yogurt are also allowed.

Vegetables. Any raw vegetables are strictly prohibited (they mechanically irritate the walls of the stomach, which is extremely undesirable for any form of gastritis). Welcome: vegetable purees and cutlets and casseroles, salads from boiled vegetables. You should be very careful when handling vegetables such as white cabbage, green peas, fresh herbs.

Cereals. Only “sticky” types of cereals are allowed - semolina, sticky rice, oatmeal, etc. Pasta allowed small size and well boiled.

Fruits and desserts. The “Table 2” diet prohibits the consumption of hard fruits with a coarse fibrous texture - for example, apples, pears, pineapple, citrus fruits. You can include soft fruits in your diet, such as peaches, apricots, plums, etc. Or any fruit indiscriminately, but in the form of puree, jam and other “purees”. For sweets, choose desserts with a soft consistency and not too fatty.

Drinks Can: clean water, weak tea with milk, cocoa, juices, compotes and fruit drinks from sweet fruits and berries. Not allowed: sweet soda, kvass, sour drinks, strong black coffee, alcohol.

Additional prohibitions. It is important to understand the basic principle therapeutic diet"Table 2", which is in many ways similar to healing principle“” diets (which is not surprising, since both are designed for people with digestive problems): foods and dishes that in no way irritate the damaged walls of the stomach are allowed in the diet. This means that everything that enters the mouth (and then the stomach) must be of a neutral temperature, have a soft (ideally puree-like) consistency, and not be spicy, fatty, sour, or smoked. For example: apples in pure form- you can’t, but applesauce from a jar baby food- Can. Millet, barley, quinoa, and corn grits are prohibited from cereals. Legumes are also prohibited (except large white beans). The diet should not contain semi-finished and canned foods, pickles and marinades.

Prohibited soups are bean, pea, okroshka, milk soup.

Sample menu for the day

You should eat on the “Table 2” diet in small portions – 4-5 times a day. Approximate menu a day might look like this:

  • Breakfast: omelet of two eggs and milk, cottage cheese with honey or jam, tea;
  • Dinner: cream of mushroom soup, fish casserole, sweet jelly;
  • Afternoon snack: a cup of cocoa with Tiramisu dessert;
  • Dinner: boiled vermicelli with meat balls, salad of boiled and finely mashed beets with prunes, tea;
  • 3 hours before bedtime: a glass of low-fat kefir;

Healthy recipes for the “Table 2” diet will help diversify your diet:

Cream of mushroom soup

Ingredients: 4-5 glasses of light meat broth, 400 g of mushrooms to your taste, 3 medium-sized potatoes, 1 onion, 1 carrot, vegetable oil for frying, 2-3 tsp. cream or sour cream, a piece butter.

Cooking method:

  • 1 Boil the mushrooms and place in a colander. Chop the carrots and onions finely and fry until caramelized (fry in a frying pan until golden brown, add a teaspoon of flour, a little boiling water and simmer for another 5-7 minutes).
  • 2 Cut the potatoes into small cubes. Pour broth into the pan (or just water), add potatoes and mushrooms and cook until completely softened.
  • 3 Add fried onions and carrots to the broth. When the potatoes are completely boiled, the broth should be poured into a container (this is temporary), grind all the ingredients with a blender into a homogeneous slurry, and pour the broth back into it. Stir by adding a small piece of butter.
  • 4 Serve with a spoonful of sour cream or cream. If your doctor allows you to eat fresh herbs, you can add finely chopped parsley to your plate.

Pollock fillet baked with tomatoes and cheese

Ingredients: pollock fillet 600-700 g, 1 onion, 150 g grated hard cheese, 250 g cream, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • 1 Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Cut the pollock fillet into equal pieces, salt and pepper them to taste. Grease the baking dish vegetable oil, put the fish in it.
  • 2 Finely chop the onion and place on top of the fish fillet. Then pour in the cream and place in the oven for 30 minutes.
  • 3 Then take out the dish, sprinkle with grated cheese, add a few cherry tomatoes (after piercing each tomato with a match or fork), and put back in the oven for another 10-12 minutes.
  • 4 Serve ready dish Can be served with vegetable puree or boiled rice.

Tiramisu without alcohol

Ingredients: 3 chicken eggs, 3 tbsp. sugar, savoiardi cookies, 500 g mascarpone cheese, cocoa.

Cooking method:

  • 1 Separate egg whites from the yolks. Beat 3 yolks with sugar and mascarpone cheese. Beat the whites separately and then carefully add them to the total mixture.
  • 2 Prepare unsweetened and weak coffee. Place pieces of cookies into the mold and moisten them with hot coffee. The cookies should soften a little, but not turn into mush (in other words, use moderation!).
  • 3 Place a layer of mascarpone, sugar and eggs on top of the cookies. Then once again lay out a layer of “soaked” cookies, and once again a layer of mascarpone. Then generously sprinkle the dessert with cocoa powder.
  • 4 Finally, put the dessert in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours, until the cocoa permeates the top layer of mascarpone and turns dark like coffee.
  • 5 Before serving, the dessert can be decorated with raspberries, blackberries and mint leaves.

Therapeutic diet table No. 2 is a special nutrition plan for many diseases and inflammations gastrointestinal tract, useful for the treatment of colitis and gastritis. The diet stimulates the secretion function of the digestive organs and normalizes motor activity intestines and stomach, helps reduce the fermentation process.

Indications for therapeutic nutrition are:

  1. Gastritis in chronic form with reduced gastric secretion (outside the period of exacerbation).
  2. Chronic enterocolitis without exacerbation.
  3. Impaired functioning of the masticatory apparatus.
  4. Recovery after operations and infections suffered in acute form.
  5. Period of exacerbation of enteritis or colitis.

The diet is not used for acute gastritis with increased level secretion, since its diet helps to increase the production of secretory substances. It is prohibited to organize meals according to table No. 2 for people with serious liver diseases, pathologies of the pancreas or biliary tract. For several gastrointestinal pathologies, before using diet menu 2, you need to consult a doctor so as not to aggravate the course of other diseases.

General characteristics

Therapeutic nutrition No. 2 is balanced and complete in its own way chemical composition and available energy value. The diet menu is gentle on internal organs.

Chemical composition:

  • protein food – up to 100 grams (60% are animal proteins, and 40% are plant proteins);
  • carbohydrate-containing products – up to 400 grams;
  • fats – up to 100 grams per day (70% of animal origin, and only 30% of vegetable origin);
  • table salt – up to 15 grams;
  • fluid consumption – 1.5 liters;
  • energy value – 3000 kcal.

The therapeutic diet is aimed at normalizing the functions of the body, but does not pursue such a goal as losing overweight patient. While following a diet, minor restrictions are felt without harm to the body, which mainly relate to products, and not to the method of eating them. culinary processing. Hot, cold dishes and heavy foods that are difficult for the stomach to digest and can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa are subject to exclusion.

The duration of therapeutic nutrition depends on the patient’s condition and the speed of his recovery. The period of adherence to the diet can only be determined by the attending physician.


General rules:

  1. Small meals (up to 5 times a day). Allowable kilocalories per day should be consumed evenly throughout the day. For this purpose, dishes must be of the same volume and small in size.
  2. You need to eat every 3 hours.
  3. The menu should be free of alcohol and spicy foods.
  4. Food should be soft in consistency to prevent damage to the gastric mucosa.
  5. Children with indications for diet No. 2 should eat six meals a day, including well-mashed, boiled or pureed food.


Cooking technology pleases with its diversity. It is allowed to eat foods that are boiled, baked in the oven, stewed in a slow cooker, or even fried, but without a hard crust or breading. When preparing dishes such as cutlets, cheesecakes or meatballs, the products should be lightly sprinkled with flour to avoid the formation of a thick layer.

It is advisable to chop and puree products, especially those enriched with fiber and containing connective tissue. Children's dishes must be pureed.

  1. Soups: mushroom with finely chopped vegetables, boiled cereals, noodles, meatballs and potatoes. Can be prepared from low-fat meat or fish. Borscht or cabbage soup and beetroot soup are allowed. When preparing pickle, pickles should be replaced with pureed vegetables.
  2. Flour products: yesterday's baked goods and dried bread. Savory buns, dry biscuits, pies filled with rice, meat, apples, fish, jam.
  3. Meat, fish: low-fat varieties after preliminary cleansing of tendons, fascia, and skin. Rabbit and chickens are recommended.
  4. Dairy products: fermented milk drinks, curdled milk, fresh cottage cheese, grated cheese, small amounts of sour cream and cream.
  5. Eggs: you can bake them in a slow cooker, fry them (without crust), or make egg white omelettes.
  6. Cereals: porridge in crumbly form (except barley and millet). You can cook it in water or milk, or cook it in meat broth. Puddings baked in the oven or slow cooker are recommended, steam cutlets with added rice, fruit pilaf.
  7. Vegetables you can consume: zucchini, grated carrots, cauliflower only, pumpkin, boiled or fried potatoes(without crust). If individual tolerance is possible, you can introduce a little green peas and white cabbage into the diet.
  8. Before consumption, greens should be finely chopped or chopped added to dishes.
  9. Appetizers: salad, dressed with oil, made from fresh tomatoes, boiled vegetables with the addition of meat, eggs, fish. It is allowed to include caviar from vegetables in the menu, and you can prepare sandwiches with low-fat ham. Doctor's, dairy and dietary sausages are allowed in small quantities.
  10. Fruits, berries: ripe and hard fruits need to be wiped and peeled.
  11. Drinks: almost everything except grape juice, sparkling water and kvass. Coffee and cocoa can be consumed in small quantities.
  12. From fats: oil for dressing salads or frying can be used vegetable (refined), melted or butter.


  1. Freshly baked bread, various pastries, pastries and puff pastry cakes.
  2. Fatty meat and fish varieties.
  3. Smoked and canned products (you can use a little dietary canned food).
  4. Cereals: legumes, millet and barley dishes. Barley and corn porridge are allowed for consumption in limited quantities.
  5. Vegetables should not be consumed raw, pickled or salted.
  6. Sweets.
  7. Soups made from beans, millet or with the addition of peas.

Healthy nutrition treatment table No. 2 significantly improves the well-being of patients and reduces painful sensations for colitis, gastritis and enteritis. The diet is equally tolerated by men and women, does not cause discomfort and allows you to get rid of the main unpleasant symptoms diseases.

Diet No. 2A provides moderate sparing of the stomach from food irritation. Almost all types of foods are allowed, except those requiring long-term digestion.

Indications for dietary table No. 2A

Diet No. 2A is prescribed for chronic gastritis, for acute gastritis during the recovery period, for chronic enteritis and colitis during the period of stable remission. The diet is used in the absence concomitant diseases pancreas, biliary system, liver.

Goal of dietary table No. 2A

The goal of diet No. 2A is to provide adequate nutrition with a slight limitation of chemical and mechanical irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.

General characteristics of dietary table No. 2A

Diet No. 2A is completely satisfying physiological needs human energy and nutrients.
Diet No. 2A provides moderate sparing of the stomach from mechanical and chemical irritation.
Almost all types of food are allowed. Products that require long digestion. Food should be cooked boiled or steamed. It is recommended to serve some dishes pureed. Baking without crust is allowed.
Diet No. 2A provides for fractional meals 5 times a day without overeating.

Chemical composition and energy value of dietary table No. 2A

Proteins: 90-100 g (45% animal proteins).
Fats: 85-100 g (30% vegetable fats).
Carbohydrates: 350-400 g (no more than 40 g of simple carbohydrates).
Daily calorie content: 2,400 - 3,000 kcal.
Free liquid: 1.5 l.
Table salt: 8 years
Optimal food temperature: from 15 to 65 degrees Celsius.

Bread: without restrictions.
Soups: It is recommended to puree all types of soups, soups made from coarse cereals.
Meat dishes: boiled, baked, fried foods whole piece or in the form of cutlets, prepared from beef, veal, lamb, pork, chicken, turkey, rabbit (without skin, cartilage); boiled tongue, liver, milk sausages.
Fish dishes: boiled or baked fish in pieces without skin or in the form of cutlets.
Side dishes: cereals, pasta, boiled, stewed and fresh vegetables, legumes; All side dishes should be well boiled.
Porridge: boiled milk porridge.
Dairy products: without restrictions (with caution, sharp cheese).
Eggs: without restrictions.
Snacks: without restrictions.
Sauces, spices: without restrictions, with caution hot sauces and seasonings.
Sweet dishes: without restrictions.
Drinks: no restrictions except for carbonated drinks.
Fats: without restrictions with the exception of cooking fats.

Excluded foods and dishes of diet table No. 2A

Foods that linger in the stomach for a long time should be excluded from the diet.
It is recommended to exclude or use with caution spicy, sour foods, fatty meats, pickles, smoked foods, canned food, marinades, seasonings, sauces, carbonated drinks, and mushrooms.

Sample diet menu No. 2A

First breakfast: rice milk porridge, soft-boiled egg, cheese, cocoa.
Dinner: fresh cabbage soup, fried meat cutlets, mashed potatoes, compote
Afternoon snack: jelly.
Dinner: fish aspic, rice pudding with fruit sauce, tea.
For the night: curdled milk.

1) chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency with mild exacerbation and in the recovery stage after exacerbation;
2) acute gastritis, enteritis, colitis during the recovery period as a transition to rational nutrition;
3) chronic enteritis and colitis after and outside of exacerbation without concomitant liver diseases, biliary tract, pancreas or gastritis with preserved or increased secretion.

Diet Goal #2:

provide nutritious food, moderately stimulate secretory function digestive organs, normalize motor function gastrointestinal tract.

General characteristics of diet No. 2:
physiologically complete diet with moderate mechanical sparing and moderate stimulation of secretion digestive organs. Dishes allowed varying degrees grinding and heat treatment - boiled, stewed, baked, fried without forming a rough crust (do not coat in breadcrumbs or flour). Mashed dishes - from foods rich in connective tissue or fiber. Exclude: foods and dishes that linger in the stomach for a long time, are difficult to digest, irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, very cold and hot dishes.

Potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots,

Prescribed to people who suffer from chronic gastritis. But besides this, such a nutrition plan is also useful for chronic colitis, enteritis, and liver diseases. Also, the “Table 2” diet is often prescribed as therapeutic nutrition in the postoperative period for speedy rehabilitation and recuperation.

Features of therapeutic nutrition for gastritis

Indications: chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency; enteritis, colitis, including during exacerbation; postoperative recovery and rehabilitation period; as well as the recovery period after infectious diseases;

Duration: as prescribed by a doctor;

Features of the diet for chronic gastritis: the “Table 2” diet is a gentle diet for the digestive organs: dishes are thermally processed and, if possible, chopped, hot sauces and spices and indigestible dishes are completely excluded from the menu;

Energy value: 2400-2800 kK;

Fluid volume per day: 1.5 l;

Best type of preparation: steaming, baking, stewing or boiling;

Power frequency: You should eat in small portions, 4-5 times a day;

Diet "Table 2": what is possible, what is not

Meat, poultry, fish. In the case of the “Table 2” diet (which is often called briefly by both doctors and patients - diet number 2, or even diet 2), the restrictions apply not so much to the types of meat or fish, but to the methods of their preparation and consumption. For example, stewed meat balls, “hedgehogs”, steamed fish cutlets, various kinds of casseroles or boiled fillets - can and should be included in the daily menu, but fried breaded cutlets, nuggets, semi-finished meat products and similar “delicacies” - it is necessary, on the contrary , categorically exclude from the diet. If we talk about soups, then only secondary broths - both meat and fish - are acceptable.

Eggs. You can - only soft-boiled and in the form of a steam omelet. No fried eggs allowed under any circumstances!

Bread and flour. In the “Table 2” diet, bread and pastries made from wheat flour (preferably yesterday’s), light biscuits, and savory cookies are acceptable.

Dairy products. As part of the “Table 2” diet, you can consume milk as part of other dishes - along with tea, or in an omelet, etc. Low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, and sugar-free yogurt are also allowed.

Vegetables. Any raw vegetables are strictly prohibited (they mechanically irritate the walls of the stomach, which is extremely undesirable for any form of gastritis). Welcome: vegetable purees and cutlets and casseroles, salads from boiled vegetables. You should be very careful with vegetables such as white cabbage, green peas, and fresh herbs.

Cereals. Only “sticky” types of cereals are allowed - semolina, sticky rice, oatmeal, etc. Pasta is allowed to be small in size and well-cooked.

Fruits and desserts. The “Table 2” diet prohibits the consumption of hard fruits with a coarse fibrous texture - for example, apples, pears, pineapple, citrus fruits. You can include soft fruits in your diet, such as peaches, apricots, plums, etc. Or any fruit indiscriminately, but in the form of puree, jam and other “purees”. For sweets, choose desserts with a soft consistency and not too fatty.

Drinks You can: clean water, weak tea with milk, cocoa, juices, compotes and fruit drinks from sweet fruits and berries. Not allowed: sweet soda, kvass, sour drinks, strong black coffee, alcohol.

Additional prohibitions. It is important to understand the basic principle of the “Table 2” therapeutic diet, which is in many ways similar to the therapeutic principle of the “” diet (which is not surprising, since both are designed for people with digestive problems): foods and dishes that are in no way do not irritate damaged stomach walls. This means that everything that enters the mouth (and then the stomach) must be neutral in temperature, have a soft (ideally puree-like) consistency, and not be spicy, fatty, sour, or smoked. For example: apples in their pure form are not allowed, but applesauce from a jar of baby food is allowed. Millet, barley, quinoa, and corn grits are prohibited from cereals. Legumes are also prohibited (except large white beans). The diet should not contain semi-finished and canned foods, pickles and marinades.

Prohibited soups are bean, pea, okroshka, milk soup.

Sample menu for the day

You should eat on the “Table 2” diet in small portions – 4-5 times a day. An approximate menu for the day might look like this:

  • Breakfast: omelet of two eggs and milk, cottage cheese with honey or jam, tea;
  • Lunch: cream of mushroom soup, fish casserole, sweet jelly;
  • Afternoon snack: a cup of cocoa with Tiramisu dessert;
  • Dinner: boiled vermicelli with meat balls, salad of boiled and finely mashed beets with prunes, tea;
  • 3 hours before bedtime: a glass of low-fat kefir;

Healthy recipes for the “Table 2” diet will help diversify your diet:

Cream of mushroom soup

Ingredients: 4-5 glasses of light meat broth, 400 g of mushrooms to your taste, 3 medium-sized potatoes, 1 onion, 1 carrot, vegetable oil for frying, 2-3 tsp. cream or sour cream, a piece of butter.

Cooking method:

  • 1 Boil the mushrooms and place in a colander. Chop the carrots and onions finely and fry until caramelized (fry in a frying pan until golden brown, add a teaspoon of flour, a little boiling water and simmer for another 5-7 minutes).
  • 2 Cut the potatoes into small cubes. Pour broth into the pan (or just water), add potatoes and mushrooms and cook until completely softened.
  • 3 Add fried onions and carrots to the broth. When the potatoes are completely boiled, the broth should be poured into a container (this is temporary), grind all the ingredients with a blender into a homogeneous slurry, and pour the broth back into it. Stir by adding a small piece of butter.
  • 4 Serve with a spoonful of sour cream or cream. If your doctor allows you to eat fresh herbs, you can add finely chopped parsley to your plate.

Pollock fillet baked with tomatoes and cheese

Ingredients: pollock fillet 600-700 g, 1 onion, 150 g grated hard cheese, 250 g cream, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • 1 Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Cut the pollock fillet into equal pieces, salt and pepper them to taste. Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil and place the fish in it.
  • 2 Finely chop the onion and place on top of the fish fillet. Then pour in the cream and place in the oven for 30 minutes.
  • 3 Then take out the dish, sprinkle with grated cheese, add a few cherry tomatoes (after piercing each tomato with a match or fork), and put back in the oven for another 10-12 minutes.
  • 4 You can serve the finished dish with vegetable puree or boiled rice.

Tiramisu without alcohol

Ingredients: 3 chicken eggs, 3 tbsp. sugar, savoiardi cookies, 500 g mascarpone cheese, cocoa.

Cooking method:

  • 1 Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Beat 3 yolks with sugar and mascarpone cheese. Beat the whites separately and then carefully add them to the total mixture.
  • 2 Prepare unsweetened and weak coffee. Place pieces of cookies into the mold and moisten them with hot coffee. The cookies should soften a little, but not turn into mush (in other words, use moderation!).
  • 3 Place a layer of mascarpone, sugar and eggs on top of the cookies. Then once again lay out a layer of “soaked” cookies, and once again a layer of mascarpone. Then generously sprinkle the dessert with cocoa powder.
  • 4 Finally, put the dessert in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours, until the cocoa permeates the top layer of mascarpone and turns dark like coffee.
  • 5 Before serving, the dessert can be decorated with raspberries, blackberries and mint leaves.