Small uterus - what does it mean? Hypoplasia, aplasia or small uterus

– underdevelopment of the uterus, characterized by a decrease in its size compared to the age and physiological norm. Clinically, uterine hypoplasia is manifested by the late onset of menstruation (after 16 years), their irregularity and increased pain; miscarriages, labor abnormalities, infertility; decreased libido and anorgasmia. Diagnosed using vaginal examination, ultrasound, and probing of the uterine cavity. Treatment of uterine hypoplasia requires hormone therapy, physiotherapy, and exercise therapy. The prognosis for the possibility and success of pregnancy is determined by the degree of uterine hypoplasia.

Causes and degrees of uterine hypoplasia

Congenital uterine hypoplasia is a manifestation of genital or general infantilism due to a damaging effect on the embryo in the antenatal period or hereditary factors. More often, the causes of uterine hypoplasia lie in violations of the “hypothalamus-uterus” regulatory system or ovarian failure with increased gonadotropic activity of the pituitary gland. Such regulatory failures occur in girls in childhood or puberty and can develop with hypovitaminosis, intoxication (drug, nicotine), nervous disorders, increased educational and sports loads on the child’s body, anorexia, frequent infections (tonsillitis, ARVI, influenza), etc. d. In this case, there is a delay in the development of the initially correctly formed uterus.

The main characteristic of uterine hypoplasia is a decrease in its size. Normally, in sexually mature nulliparous women, the uterus has a cavity length of at least 7 cm, in those who have given birth - 8 cm, the length of the cervix is ​​2.5 cm. Depending on the time of arrest of development, gynecology distinguishes three degrees of uterine hypoplasia: embryonic, formed in utero; infantile and adolescent, formed after birth. The embryonic (fetal) uterus is characterized by a length of up to 3 cm, the cavity is practically not formed, the entire size falls on the cervix. The infantile (children's) uterus has a length from 3 cm to 5.5 cm with a ratio of the length of the cervix to its cavity of 3:1. The teenage uterus with hypoplasia has a length from 5.5 cm to 7 cm, with a less pronounced predominance of the cervix - 1:3.

Symptoms of uterine hypoplasia

Hypoplasia of the uterus is characterized by a late (after 16 years) onset of menstruation. After the formation of menstrual function, menstruation is usually painful (in the form of algomenorrhea), irregular, short-lived, scanty or abundant. With uterine hypoplasia, a girl may lag behind in general physical and sexual development: a teenager of small stature, with a uniformly narrowed pelvis, narrow chest, hypoplastic mammary glands, absent or unexpressed secondary sexual characteristics.

Subsequently, sexually mature women with uterine hypoplasia experience decreased sexual sensation and anorgasmia. Reproductive disorders with uterine hypoplasia may include infertility, ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, severe toxicosis, weak labor, insufficient opening of the uterine pharynx during childbirth, and atonic postpartum hemorrhage. Women with uterine hypoplasia often develop cervicitis and endometritis due to the weak resistance of the reproductive system to infections. These symptoms should force the woman to consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Diagnosis of uterine hypoplasia

A gynecological examination of patients with uterine hypoplasia reveals signs of genital infantilism: insufficient hair growth, underdeveloped labia, and the head of the clitoris protruding beyond the vulva. Vaginal examination reveals a short narrow vagina with weakly defined vaults, elongation and conical shape of the cervix, reduction and flattening of the uterine body, hyperanteflexia. During a pelvic ultrasound, the dimensions of the body and cervix are examined, which allows one to judge the degree of uterine hypoplasia.

X-ray or ultrasound hysterosalpingoscopy confirms the reduced size of the uterus, tortuosity of the fallopian tubes, and ovarian hypoplasia. If uterine hypoplasia is suspected, a laboratory study of the level of sex hormones (FSH, progesterone, prolactin, LH, estradiol, testosterone), as well as thyroid hormones (TSH, T4), is carried out. Additionally, if uterine hypoplasia is suspected, they resort to probing of the uterine cavity, determining the patient’s bone age, radiography of the sella turcica, and MRI of the brain.

Treatment of uterine hypoplasia

The nature of treatment is determined by the degree of uterine hypoplasia and the reasons for its underdevelopment. The basis of treatment for uterine hypoplasia is hormone replacement or stimulating therapy, if adequate, the gynecologist can achieve an increase in the size of the uterus to normal and restoration of the normal menstrual cycle. ART. If it is impossible to achieve an independent pregnancy, but the ovarian function is preserved, they resort to the method of in vitro fertilization using the patient’s egg. In case of miscarriage syndrome, artificial insemination (IMSI, ICSI, PIXI) is carried out as part of surrogacy. With a slight degree of uterine hypoplasia and normal ovarian structure and function, the chances of pregnancy are favorable. The course and management of pregnancy in patients with uterine hypoplasia is associated with risks of spontaneous abortion and complicated childbirth.

For the normal formation and development of a woman’s reproductive system, it is necessary to eliminate adverse factors, especially in adolescence. To prevent uterine hypoplasia, girls need good nutrition, avoidance of debilitating diets, avoidance of stressful situations, and timely prevention and treatment of infections.

A woman finds out that she has a small uterus, usually after an ultrasound. Some first encounter this diagnosis only during pregnancy. Sometimes the size of the uterus is slightly smaller than normal, but in some cases they can make a very specific conclusion: hypoplasia, aplasia, infantilism. The doctor may frighten the patient by telling her that she is unlikely to be able to get pregnant and carry a child to term.

However, many women with this pathology successfully give birth to children. Adequate hormonal treatment plays a big role in this. Such a conclusion can indicate both a subjective assessment and indicate a pathology that leads to miscarriage.

Reasons leading to the formation of a small uterus

The normal size of this organ in gynecology is: length 7-8 cm, width 4-5 cm, myometrial thickness 2-3 cm, neck length 2.5 cm. These are the average parameters that doctors take as the standard. However, a woman also has a normally functioning organ of other sizes.

It can be small, medium or large, but without pathologies in structure and function. Small sizes are often found in thin and petite ladies. This is explained by body type, equipment, and physiology.

How to get pregnant with a pathologically small uterus, if the organ is not able to perform its main function - to bear a child?

If a comprehensive examination has indeed confirmed a serious disorder that prevents pregnancy, the following diagnoses are often made:

  • Hypoplasia is insufficient development in size. The condition is accompanied by underdevelopment of other genital organs, hormonal imbalance;
  • Aplasia - the size of the organ in an adult woman is the same as in a newborn girl (no more than 3 cm);
  • Infantilism - size does not exceed 5.5 cm.

In addition to the pathologically small organ, as a rule, there are other symptoms of the disorder: an irregular menstrual cycle or complete absence of menstruation, but if they are present, they are quite painful, there is a weak sex drive, difficulties in conceiving or bearing a child.

Disturbances in the formation of the reproductive system occur either in the prenatal period or during puberty. If a woman suffered an infectious disease during pregnancy, had a hormonal imbalance, suffered from a vitamin deficiency, or was exposed to other unfavorable factors, this means that the fetus may experience developmental disorders, including abnormalities of the reproductive system.

In a teenager, pathology can occur against the background of an illness (infectious viral, genitourinary system), insufficient or poor quality nutrition, vitamin deficiency, physical exhaustion, hard work or stress.

If the small size of the organ is not a physiological feature of the body, then this condition is accompanied by other disorders that together make bearing a child impossible. If there is simultaneously a hormonal imbalance, pathology of the tubes or the structure of the cervix, then pregnancy becomes problematic.

Diagnosis of “small uterus”: is it possible for a woman to successfully become pregnant?

If, along with pathology, other disorders of the reproductive system are identified, then it is necessary to prepare for planning a child in a special way. Often such preparation does not involve radical measures.

To increase blood circulation and promote the growth of the uterine epithelium, a number of physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed. But most often hormonal therapy is used.

It is worth noting that this measure is very effective and many can become pregnant in the first and immediate cycle after stopping oral contraceptives.

Hormonal drugs in combination with other measures help to increase the size of the reproductive organ. But, for example, with hypoplasia, a comprehensive examination is necessary, since the disease is often accompanied by other ailments that are a contraindication to taking hormonal drugs.

You can conceive a child even after vitamin therapy. You just need to take a course of a complex of vitamins and minerals, balance your diet, and adjust your daily routine.

What to do if you are diagnosed with a small uterus

As already mentioned, the development of this organ is influenced by hormones. In addition, an increase can occur with regular sexual activity. The main cause of hypoplasia is hormonal imbalance, which means that treatment will be associated with the correction of hormonal levels. Treatment of a small uterus with this method usually takes quite a long time.

Various physiotherapeutic procedures are aimed at improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs. The violation can be eliminated using electric shock. Gynecological massage is also indicated, which consists of active stimulation of the reproductive organs. Treatment of a small uterus is not complete without a complex of vitamins and minerals.

As for folk methods, the most popular is the recipe with clay. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. The clay is diluted with water to a creamy consistency and applied in a thick layer to the lower abdomen. Then a piece of cling film or cellophane is placed on top.

This kind of compress is kept for about 2 hours and then washed off with running water. Procedures must be done daily, each time using a fresh portion of clay. Traditional treatment methods complement the main therapy prescribed by the doctor.

Small uterus during pregnancy: what does it mean?

Once the diagnosis is made, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound to confirm it. It is worth noting that a small uterus and pregnancy are often quite compatible conditions. In addition, many ladies learn about this phenomenon already during pregnancy.

As a rule, as the period increases, the uterus grows along with the fetus. This is facilitated by hormones actively produced by the female body at this time. However, it is quite possible that it will be necessary to additionally take special hormonal medications.

The main reasons causing difficulties during pregnancy are hormone deficiency, thin, loose myometrium, short cervix and other disorders of the reproductive system. The consequences of such conditions include: miscarriage, premature birth, weak labor, difficult dilatation of the cervix. However, modern methods of pregnancy management significantly reduce negative risks.

After childbirth, the organ will return to its previous size, or it may happen that the pathology disappears without a trace. In addition, sometimes other developmental disorders of the reproductive system organs, for example, bending of the tubes, also correct themselves.

The real difficulties arise when the uterus is very small and poorly developed. And with aplasia, natural pregnancy becomes almost impossible. But even in such situations, reproductive technologies are very effective in helping a woman become a mother.

A woman's uterus is smaller than her gestational age

Successful gestation is judged by several parameters: the amount of amniotic fluid, the size of the fetus, its presentation, the number of fetuses, etc. The height of the fundus (namely, this parameter is taken into account during pregnancy) can vary significantly from case to case, for example, in large women who have a wide pelvis, this indicator is less than normal, and in women with a narrow one it is more.

The uterus of a girl who has not yet given birth normally reaches 7 cm in length, for those who already have children - 8 cm, the width will correspond to 4-5 cm. A doctor during a gynecological examination or using an ultrasound examination can indicate this that a woman has a small uterus during pregnancy. This situation is not a reason to panic, because the reproductive organ is elastic and capable of growing along with the fetus.

Types of abnormalities with a small uterus

A small uterus and pregnancy are not a rare occurrence in medical practice. Often women learn about their diagnosis only at the first ultrasound, when the reproductive organ begins to gradually increase, largely due to female hormones, which are produced in larger sizes to preserve the fetus for 9 months.

Complications can be caused if a pathologically small uterus is diagnosed during pregnancy. This situation is caused by malfunctions in the reproductive system even in adolescence.

There are several forms of underdevelopment:

  • hypoplasia is determined if the uterus stops developing in adolescence, accompanied by underdevelopment of all genital organs;
  • infantilism – child’s reproductive organ no more than 5.5 cm;
  • aplasia, the most dangerous pathology, when the size of the uterus does not exceed 3 cm, i.e. development stopped immediately after birth.
The first two degrees of abnormal development are corrected with the help of drug therapy and the woman, after treatment, normally carries and gives birth to a baby. With aplasia, the possibility of getting pregnant is almost zero.

Additional signs of pathology

An abnormally small uterus during pregnancy means that during the period of maturation the girl had irregularities in the monthly cycle. Most often, with this pathology, menstruation begins too late, after 16 years. The anomaly is diagnosed during an appointment with a gynecologist and confirmed through ultrasound.

The doctor may notice underdevelopment of the labia, vagina, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. When collecting anamnesis, medical workers pay attention to the woman’s build. A narrow pelvis, small stature and an undeveloped chest often indicate delayed puberty. In the subsequent age period, there may be no sexual desire.

The causes of the pathology are considered to be infections, hormonal imbalances, and lack of nutrition during the period of intrauterine fetal formation or during puberty.
During pregnancy, a small cervix poses a risk of premature labor or miscarriage. Due to the organ not being properly formed, the pharynx is too short and, under the pressure of the developing fetus, is not able to hold the baby inside the womb. Thus, isthmic-cervical insufficiency is formed, which becomes a threat to the child’s life.

Treatment for abnormally small uterus

Treatment begins with determining the causes of the development of such pathology. First of all, hormonal drugs are prescribed in order to normalize female hormones in the body. Additionally, vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed.

External and internal massage of the reproductive organs by medical specialists promotes an increase of 1-2 cm by improving blood circulation. Physiotherapeutic procedures (paraffin therapy, mud therapy, UHF) are recommended. Such actions reduce the likelihood of ectopic pregnancy and contribute to successful pregnancy.

It has long been proven that the emotional component during pregnancy is a very important factor. Therefore, you should not worry if you are diagnosed with a small uterus; according to statistics, pathology is not the main cause of infertility. After fertilization of the egg, the reproductive organ will adapt to the needs of the child, stretch and preserve the fetus inside the womb as much as possible, and doctors will help to avoid complications.


Hypoplasia, infantilism or a child's uterus in a woman, this pathology is not so rarely diagnosed. According to statistics, the disease occurs in 16% of the fair sex. In some cases, the pathology is considered the cause of infertility and is diagnosed in women at a time when attempts to conceive a child fail over and over again.

What is a baby's uterus?

The diagnosis of a child's uterus indicates that the woman's reproductive organ is small. It does not correspond in basic parameters to the patient’s age and hormonal level. With such a uterus, a woman cannot become pregnant and carry a child.

Various problems arise with a small uterus, such as:

  1. Decreased sexual desire.
  2. Changes in the duration of menstrual bleeding.

Infantility and hypoplasia are a set of conditions that are characterized by one common feature - underdevelopment of the uterus. In this case, the organ may have:

  • changed structure;
  • insufficient width;
  • small length.

Often the uterus is an organ 1-2 cm in size, its structure is changed, the main part is the cervix. In this case, we are talking about the presence of a pathology, which in gynecology is referred to as the uterus of a newborn.

General concepts of what a baby’s uterus is:

  1. An organ with a changed structure.
  2. Has not reached the proper size (determined according to the patient’s age).

When a girl is born, the size of her reproductive organ does not exceed 4 cm, but in the process of growth and maturation, the organ shrinks and decreases in size to 2.5 cm. Afterwards, the uterus begins to grow only when the girl reaches puberty. At this time, the uterus increases under the influence of hormones, its size reaches 6–7 cm, which is considered quite normal.

If for one reason or another during puberty the level of hormones does not change and remains stably low, then the reproductive organ does not develop enough. In other words, the uterus is growing, but this process is slow and very unstable.

As a result of a lack of hormones in the blood, the body does not develop according to the standard pattern, and problems with the ovaries and uterus may arise.


The causes of the pathology are different. There are several assumptions that allow us to calculate the root cause of the condition.

Most often, underdevelopment is observed:

  • with a hormonal imbalance in a girl’s body (during puberty, the pituitary gland does not sufficiently produce the sex hormones necessary for the body);
  • with frequent infectious diseases (infections affect the process, development and maturation of the internal organs of the reproductive system);
  • in case of disorders of psychological development (the psycho-emotional background is of great importance; in the presence of psychological diseases, certain problems may arise with the development of the reproductive organs);
  • during surgical interventions of various types (operations performed on the ovaries have a detrimental effect).

A girl with underdevelopment of the main reproductive organ experiences a whole list of symptoms. Most often, patients complain of:

  1. Cycle instability (menstruation can come 1-2 times a year or six months).
  2. Inability to conceive and bear a child (the uterus is simply not capable of performing the functions assigned to it).
  3. Too little or too much menstrual bleeding (a specific symptom that can also be observed with other diseases of the reproductive system).

A woman with a baby uterus also experiences other nonspecific symptoms:

  • frequent headaches;
  • lack of orgasms;
  • frigidity.

Pain in the uterus during menstruation can also bother the patient, but these signs are considered so frequently diagnosed that attention is paid to them last.

Symptoms can vary; in some cases, nothing bothers the woman, she simply cannot get pregnant and for this reason turns to a doctor for help. As a result of the examination, the patient is diagnosed with underdevelopment of the genital organ, infantilism.


The size of the uterus is of great importance when making a diagnosis. The thing is that the norm when making a diagnosis is determined in accordance with standard indicators.

How does the diagnosis process work?

  1. The doctor feels the area of ​​the abdominal wall, palpating the uterus, as a result of which its size and main indicators are determined.
  2. The doctor performs an ultrasound, the study helps determine not only the size of the reproductive organ, identify its structure and condition, but also understand the parameters and possibility of reproduction.

Why is palpation inferior to ultrasound in accuracy? The fact is that examination through the abdominal wall does not provide complete information sufficient to make an accurate diagnosis. For this reason, if a patient is given a similar diagnosis, it is necessary to double-check it using ultrasound.

If the uterus is small based on palpation results, then it is worth doing an ultrasound examination using the transvaginal method. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • the patient is placed on the couch;
  • A supersensitive sensor is inserted into the vagina.

The procedure is simple and safe; it provides the maximum amount of information that allows the woman to make an accurate diagnosis, determine the size of the uterus and its structure.

An undeveloped uterus has significant deviations from the norm, many girls think so, but in reality this pathology is classified. That is, it has several types and everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Classification or types

A small uterus in a woman is a very broad concept that includes several types of pathology.

So, the uterus can be:

  • vestigial;
  • infantile;
  • hypoplastic.


Rudimentary is a poorly developed uterus, the main volume of the organ is the cervix and tubes. It is impossible to give birth and become pregnant with such a pathology. Even with hormonal therapy, the prognosis is ambiguous. The likelihood of conception is extremely low, and the woman is diagnosed with infertility. The size of the organ of the reproductive system is only 1–2 cm.

1st degree

Uterine infantilism of the 1st degree - this diagnosis is more favorable in terms of prognosis. With a pathology of this nature, there is a chance of pregnancy. If the patient has been diagnosed with an infantile uterus, this means that the size of the reproductive organ can vary from 3 to 5 cm.

If hormonal therapy allows the organ to increase in size by several centimeters, then the prognosis is favorable; with a uterus of 5–7 cm, pregnancy cannot be ruled out.


Hypoplastic is an underdeveloped uterus, which corresponds to a size of 6-7 cm, approximately the same size as the reproductive organ of a teenager. This is the most favorable diagnosis; in the presence of a pathology of this type, the prognosis is favorable. Since the size of the uterus allows a woman to bear and give birth to healthy offspring even in the absence of hormonal therapy.

But hormones can still be prescribed to the patient to increase the chances of conception and pregnancy.

What is the main danger?

A small uterus poses certain dangers. In addition to the fact that a woman experiences certain problems with conception, underdevelopment of the organ is fraught with the following consequences:

  1. Hormonal imbalance in the body (the pituitary gland and hypothalamus produce sex hormones in insufficient quantities).
  2. Problems with the ovaries (due to unstable hormone levels, cystic formations and diseases of the genital area occur).
  3. Diseases of an infectious nature (in women with underdevelopment of the uterus, infections are diagnosed several times more often).

An undeveloped reproductive system affects the functioning of the whole organism, disturbances occur in metabolic, metabolic and regenerative processes. As a result, endocrine and gynecological diseases may develop.

To avoid consequences, high-quality drug therapy is required. With adequately selected treatment, the situation can be stabilized and complications and consequences can be avoided.

Is it possible to get pregnant and give birth?

A child's uterus and pregnancy, according to some gynecologists, are incompatible things, but today the situation has changed.

There are cases when it is difficult, almost impossible, to correct the situation. But there are cases when hormonal therapy and other therapeutic procedures will help a woman conceive a child, carry it to term and give birth.

So is it possible to get pregnant if you have such a pathology? If the reproductive organ does not exceed 2–3 cm in length, then the chances of conception are zero. Even with hormonal therapy, it will be possible to increase the organ’s volume by only a few cm, which is not enough for pregnancy to occur.

If the reproductive system is developed in accordance with the specified standards and only the uterus is smaller than the specified dimensions, while its length is not less than 5-6 cm, then with appropriate treatment the chances of conception remain.

Hormonal therapy will help enlarge the organ; if it is carried out in a timely manner, then pregnancy is quite possible.

If the reproductive organ is 6 cm or more in length, then even in the absence of adequate therapy, pregnancy is quite possible.

Hormones will only increase the chances of conception; some drugs of this class can be prescribed to women after pregnancy, for its successful completion.


There are several methods that will help cope with pathology and normalize the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system.

So, how to increase the size of the uterus:

  • using hormonal therapy;
  • using physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • using psychotherapeutic procedures.

If we talk about compensatory, stimulating therapy with the use of hormones, then it is carried out in order to optimize the activity of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. As a result of therapy, the level of LH and FSH in the blood increases, which allows normalizing the functioning of the reproductive system in general and stimulating the growth and development of the reproductive organ in particular.


Physiotherapeutic procedures are part of combination therapy. For women with a similar diagnosis, they may be prescribed:

  1. Laser procedures.
  2. Warming up with paraffin.
  3. Magnetic therapy.
  4. Treatment with mud.
  5. UHF therapy.

The procedures are aimed at stimulating blood flow to the organ, which makes the reproductive system work fully. Blood flow improves, the condition of the uterus stabilizes, and there is an influx of nutrients and oxygen to the tissues.


A small uterus during pregnancy is a pathology; it is diagnosed in women when determining the cause of infertility or during a routine examination. Such a diagnosis can put a woman into a stupor and cause a change in her psycho-emotional state.

In addition, against the background of hormonal imbalances in the body, a depressive state may develop. Hormones and work with a specialist will help bring a woman out of depression.


A child’s uterus is not a death sentence; modern medicine has learned to correct the condition and treat it with the help of various drugs and physiotherapeutic procedures. For this reason, you should not fall into despair; if therapy is provided in a timely manner, then the chances of conception and pregnancy exist.


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After several years of happy family life, my husband and I thought that it was time to have children. Well, as an exemplary expectant mother, I decided to prepare my body for pregnancy, which means I had to not only eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, but also undergo the necessary examination, first of all visiting a gynecologist. I have always had problems with my menstrual cycle, but I had no idea what it could be connected with. As it turned out, I had lived with a small uterus all my life - this is what I was told after an ultrasound examination.

“You have a small uterus, you may have problems with conception and pregnancy” - these words of the doctor significantly undermined my faith that we would someday be able to become parents. So how dangerous is having a small uterus for pregnancy? Why don't female reproductive organs develop? What to do if you are diagnosed with a small uterus?

Little uterus. Why is this happening?

The genitals of a little girl are identical to those of an adult woman, and differ only in size. During adolescence, the amount of sex hormones in a young person’s body increases, under the influence of which she turns into a young woman. In addition to external changes such as enlargement of the mammary glands, rounding of the hips, growth of pubic and axillary hair, during puberty the uterus increases in size.

Normally, the uterus of a sexually mature woman has the following dimensions: length about 7 cm, width about 4 cm, length of the cervix within 2.5-3.5 cm. These parameters are generally accepted and can vary depending on the individual characteristics of the woman (height, nationality, heredity, etc.).

Uterine hypoplasia (infantile, embryonic, small uterus) is a condition caused by low levels of sex hormones during puberty, as a result of which the uterus lags behind in development.

Factors that reduce the level of sex hormones in the body include:

  • surgical interventions on the ovaries;
  • anomaly of organ formation;
  • violation of microcirculation of the pelvic organs (metabolic disorders, vascular disease, pathology of the cardiovascular system);
  • hard training;
  • stressful situations;
  • exhausting diets;
  • frequent colds, chronic inflammatory diseases;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • avitaminosis;
  • hormonal imbalances.

In other words, the cause of a small uterus can be any factor that affects the body and interferes with the synthesis of sex hormones.

How to identify a small uterus?

Hypoplasia of the uterus is accompanied by disruption of the menstrual cycle in a woman, which can be expressed as:

  • irregular periods;
  • complete absence of menstruation;
  • deterioration during menstruation (severe pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, weakness, dizziness);
  • infertility;
  • spontaneous abortions;
  • decreased sexual desire.

In addition, the infantile uterus is often accompanied by underdevelopment of the external genitalia, as well as the organs of the genitourinary system. It is also possible that there will be a lag in physical development compared to peers in adolescence.

Women with a small uterus sometimes experience sexual problems, such as lack of orgasm during intercourse.

Medical diagnosis.

Hypoplasia of the uterus can be determined at an appointment with a gynecologist, who, during a bimanual examination, evaluates not only the location of the uterus, but also its size. In addition, a small uterus can be diagnosed using ultrasound. Depending on the degree of hypoplasia, there are:

  • teenage uterus (the size of the organ is reduced by no more than 2 cm);
  • a child’s uterus (the cavity is almost halved);
  • embryonic uterus (the organ is practically undeveloped and has no cavity).

IMPORTANT! If you have a teenage uterus, pregnancy is quite possible. In women with a child's uterus, pregnancy is possible only after a course of treatment. The embryonic uterus reduces the possibility of independent conception and gestation to zero.

The risk of complications during pregnancy with a small uterus.

There are many cases where a woman with a small uterus became pregnant without requiring any treatment. The uterus has amazing elasticity, so even an infantile uterus can become a complete refuge for the baby.

However, there is a fairly high risk of developing complications with uterine hypoplasia associated with pregnancy. Even if pregnancy occurs, the likelihood that it is ectopic is very high. Tortuous tubes with uterine hypoplasia often become twisted, resulting in an ectopic pregnancy (the fertilized egg implants in the tube because it cannot enter the uterine cavity).

One of the complications of a small uterus is recurrent miscarriage - the termination of two or more pregnancies in the early stages, due to low levels of sex hormones.

Small uterus and pregnancy. What you want is possible!

As practice shows, uterine hypoplasia for many women is not an obstacle to motherhood. A small uterus is no longer a death sentence; modern clinics are successfully solving this problem, using simple and affordable treatment methods.

So, you can increase your chances of getting pregnant with a small uterus by:

  • Vitamin therapy.

Sometimes, for pregnancy to occur, it is enough to provide the body with all the necessary substances.

  • Gynecological massage.

The procedure is aimed at improving blood supply to the pelvic organs, as a result of which the uterus may increase in size. Prescribing a course of gynecological massage in combination with other physiotherapeutic procedures often gives good results.