Diet for 1500 kcal per day. Meatballs with sour cream sauce

The products are ordinary, the recipes are simple and clear. The amount of ingredients is calculated for one serving.

This diet is suitable for a girl of average height who wants to reduce her fat percentage and maintain muscle mass. If this hypothetical average lady needs to eat 1800 kcal to maintain her existing shape, then by reducing her intake by 20%, her weight will decrease. We strongly do not recommend eating in the “lose weight” mode for a long time, there is a limit to everything, and the main thing is health.


Oatmeal with 1.5% milk with banana and cinnamon + coffee without sugar


  • 60 g large oat flakes
  • 150 ml milk 1.5% fat
  • 40 g banana (about 1/2 of a medium-sized fruit)
  • 0.5 tsp ground cinnamon

Bring milk to a boil and pour oatmeal into it, seasoned with a pinch of salt. Immediately reduce heat and cook, stirring, for about 5 minutes. Close the lid, turn off the stove, and let stand for 5 minutes until the porridge thickens. During this time, make yourself some coffee and cut the banana into slices. Place the brewed oatmeal in a plate, place bananas on top and sprinkle with cinnamon.

There is also a lazy version of morning porridge: put oatmeal, salt in a deep bowl, pour cold milk and put in the microwave for 7 minutes. Be careful, the plate is hot!

One serving (240 g) contains: 315 kcal | 12.5 g protein | 6.2 g fat | 52.3 g carbohydrates


Peanut butter sandwich + apple + green tea without sugar


  • 20 g peanut butter
  • 2 Finn Crisp Original rye breads
  • 1 medium apple (150 g)

It’s simple: take peanut butter and spread it on the base, cut or gnaw an apple, drink tea as usual, no tricks. We calculated the calorie content based on the fact that the base is rye bread, and you prepared the pasta. But if you wish, you can replace the bread with bread, and the homemade pasta with the purchased one, but the energy value will have to be recalculated.

One serving contains: 230 kcal | 5.3 g protein | 10 g fat | 28 g carbohydrates


Penne with chicken breast and vegetables

Recipe and photo by Nata Kotyak

Ingredients for pasta:

  • 120 g penne pasta (the weight of the boiled product is indicated)
  • 100 g chicken fillet
  • 1/4 onion (18 g)
  • 1/4 carrot (30 g)
  • 1/4 red sweet pepper (30 g)
  • 1 stalk of celery (50 g)
  • 1/2 medium tomato (60 g)
  • 20 g of any lettuce leaves (a handful)
  • 1 tsp dried basil or 1 sprig fresh
  • 1 medium clove garlic (4 g)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tsp parmesan (3 g)

Finely chop the chicken fillet, carrots, onions and celery. Place a large, deep frying pan over medium heat and add the chopped vegetables. Mix well and simmer until golden brown for about 7-10 minutes. At this time, chop the tomato and pepper, chop the garlic, parsley and basil.

After 7-10 minutes, add chicken and other vegetables to the pan. Salt and mix. If the mixture turns out thick, you can add a little more water. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring, for 15-20 minutes, or until the meat is cooked.

During this time, cook the penne. Pour water into the pan, add salt when it boils. Cook the pasta until al dente. While cooking, chop the salad.

Add the cooked penne to the meat and vegetable mixture and mix. Remove from heat and add salad. Now it’s time to put the dish on a plate, sprinkle it with basil and Parmesan and eat it.

One serving (300 g) contains: 310 kcal | 31.5 g protein | 3.6 g fat | 41 g carbohydrates

Cranberry lemonade


  • 50 g cranberries
  • 200 g water
  • 1 tbsp. l honey (20 g)

Heat the water to 60 degrees - this is the temperature of slightly cooled tea. But no more - boiling water will “kill” vitamin C; if you put it in cold water, you will have to work hard to stir the honey. Place honey and cranberries in warm water, then mash them thoroughly with a fork. You can strain it, but it’s healthier to drink it all as it is, right with the cranberry scraps.

One serving (270 g) contains: 60 kcal | 0.2 g protein | 0 g fat | 6.6 g carbohydrates

Afternoon snack

Oatmeal cookies + soft cottage cheese + tea

Recipe and photo by Nata Kotyak


  • 1 ripe banana (75 g)
  • 30 g oatmeal
  • 10 g walnuts

While the oven is heating to 180 degrees, mash the bananas, chop the nuts and mix it all with oatmeal. It is better to place baking paper or a silicone mat on the baking sheet so that the cookies can be easily picked out. Bake for approximately 15-20 minutes

One serving (100 g) contains: 228 kcal | 6.5 g protein | 8.5 g fat | 31.4 g carbohydrates

+ soft low-fat (0.6%) cottage cheese (100 g): 110 kcal | 22 g protein | 0.6 g fat | 3.3 g carbohydrates


Cod with tomatoes


  • 200 g cod
  • 30 g lemon
  • 75 g tomatoes
  • 10 g parsley

In a bag for frying in the oven, place a piece of cod, a tablespoon of chopped parsley, four tomatoes (or one chopped large one) and the juice of a quarter of a lemon. Seal the bag tightly, add salt and pepper to the contents, and place in the oven for fifteen minutes, preheated to 180 degrees.

One serving (260 g) contains: 155 kcal | 31 g protein | 1.3 g fat | 4.2 g carbohydrates

White cabbage and cucumber salad


  • 100 g cucumbers
  • 100 g cabbage
  • 10 g parsley
  • 5 g garlic
  • 1 tsp olive oil (5 g)
  • salt, pepper, sesame to taste

Chop the cabbage, add salt and mash well with your hands. Chop the cucumbers too, but there is no need to mash them. Mix olive oil with finely chopped garlic and parsley and pour this aromatic dressing over your salad. Garnish with sesame seeds if desired.

One serving (220 g) contains: 100 kcal | 3.3 g protein | 5.3 g fat | 9.5 g carbohydrates

Total: 1509 kcal | 112.3 g protein | 35.5 g fat | 176.3 g carbohydrates

And this is an example of a daily diet for 1430 kcal from Growfood:

We remind you that instead of cooking according to recipes, you can order a ready-made daily ration from 650 rubles / day from Growfood. There are options for 1000, 1200, 1400, 2000, 2500 kcal/day.

Other companies that deliver daily calorie rations: General Food (Moscow), YAMDIET (Moscow).

To lose weight, many people who are losing weight count calories. In this article you will learn an approximate menu for 1500 kilocalories per day.

Many people gain weight during the winter season, and as a result, it’s difficult to put on your favorite tight jeans in the spring. You have to try all sorts of weight loss methods in order to return to your previous parameters.

Nowadays there are many diets known that allow you to get your volume in order; one of the effective ones is a moderate calorie intake per day. More precisely, a person should not exceed the consumption of 1500 kilocalories per day. Thanks to this, you will lose weight and the feeling of hunger will not depress you.

Fractional meal plan for a balanced diet of 1500 calories per day

In order for the kilograms to melt before your eyes and the body not to experience stress, first of all, you will have to switch to fractional meals.

  • You should eat at least five to six times a day. Then it will be perfectly absorbed, and there will be no discomfort in the stomach.
  • Do not disturb the water balance. Drink regular still water in the amount of 1800-2000 ml per day.
  • Be sure to include hot lunches in your diet at least once a day.
  • Try not to eat right before bed. Have dinner 4 hours before leaving for the kingdom of Morpheus. The only thing you can afford before falling asleep is a glass of low-fat kefir, milk, if you are overcome by hunger.
  • Chew your food well and don't eat on the go.
  • It is better to go on a diet at a time when you are not busy with work or are on vacation. After all, following a diet plays a big role in losing weight.
  • Your positive attitude is also important. Avoid stressful situations, be nervous about little things as little as possible.

IMPORTANT: If you eat five times a day, then all meals account for 300 kilocalories. Your diet should include lean meat, cereals, fish, vegetables, and fruits. Try not to combine protein foods with legumes and potatoes. In this way, you will slow down the digestion of food and significantly increase the calorie content of the prepared dish.

A set of low-calorie foods for a 1500 calorie per day diet: list

The most important thing when you are trying to lose those unwanted pounds is not to overeat. Even if you are at a holiday dinner. Eat exactly the amount prescribed in the 1500 kilocalorie diet program. The list of products for this diet is quite diverse:

  • vegetables (tomatoes, broccoli, cucumbers, cabbage, etc.)
  • fruits (raspberries, strawberries, apples, oranges, tangerines, kiwi)
  • protein foods (lean meat, eggs, fish)
  • lactic acid products (cottage cheese, cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir)
  • seafood (squid, crab sticks, shrimp)

What foods should you not eat on a 1500 calorie per day diet: list

To ensure that your food menu does not consist of only breakfast or lunch, avoid high-calorie, fatty, and sweet foods. Avoid:

  • Ice cream, cake, waffles, marshmallows, candies and other sweets
  • Fast food, cookies, chips, crackers
  • Coca Cola and other sodas
  • Do not eat food that is cooked in a frying pan in oil or fat.

The correct diet and approximate menu for the week and for every day with calorie counting for weight loss on a diet of 1500 calories per day

You can distribute the menu for the day yourself, the main thing is that you fit into the norm. You can calculate calories using the calorie table.

Approximate menu for the day:

  • Pumpkin porridge with millet – 80 g
  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 125 g
  • Apple
  • Tea – 225 ml
  • Juice from fresh carrots, apples - 80 ml
  • Yogurt – 100 g
  • Buckwheat porridge – 50 g
  • Beef goulash – 80 g
  • Soup with vegetables, asparagus - 100 ml
  • Beetroot caviar with lemon sauce – 100 g
  • Compote with fruits – 180 ml
  • Prunes – 65 g
  • Herbal tea – 225 ml
  • Stuffed cabbage rolls with veal, vegetables - 175 g
  • Tomatoes, greens - 125 g
  • Mint tea – 225 ml

Before bed:

  • Yogurt - 175 ml

Diet menu table 1500 kilocalories for seven days:

Diet for three days. Diet - 1,500 kcal

Diet menu 1,500 kcal for Thursday-Sunday

What can you eat for 1500 calories a day: list of dishes

As mentioned above, you can create a menu yourself. The tables provide data on the kilocalorie content of a particular product. You just need to take into account the method of their preparation, since fried dishes made with fats (vegetable, animal) will contain much more extra calories than the same dishes steamed, baked in the oven, or cooked in a slow cooker.

So from the prepared dishes the following will be useful:

  • Vegetable soup with mushrooms, without potatoes
  • Soup with chicken meat and vegetables
  • Beef goulash with peas, carrots, onions
  • Fish with vegetables cooked in a steamer
  • Pepper with lean meat and vegetables
  • Stuffed cabbage rolls with veal, carrots, onions, tomatoes
  • Steamed cutlets
  • Meatballs baked in the oven or steamed
  • Vegetable salads
  • Stewed cabbage with vegetables

List of dishes for the day. Diet 1,500 kcal

Simple 1500 calorie recipes for weight loss

Canned fish soup


  • Water - 0.5 l
  • Canned fish - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 50 g
  • Rice - 50 g
  • Oil – 10 g
  • Carrots – 50 g


  1. Pour washed rice into boiling water
  2. Then add carrots, cut into strips, onions
  3. When the rice is soft, add the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Let it simmer over low heat until done

Apples stuffed with cottage cheese


  • Apples – 175 g
  • Water – 12 ml
  • Cottage cheese – 175 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Honey – 45 g
  • Raisins – 14 g


  1. Wash the fruits, carefully remove the core with a knife
  2. Prepare the sweet filling from the remaining ingredients
  3. Stuff the fruit
  4. Place in the oven
  5. Baking time 18-25 minutes

Porridge with sauce


  • Buckwheat – 100 g
  • Mushrooms – 125 g
  • Onion - 65 g
  • Milk – 75 ml
  • Water – 75 ml
  • Flour - 15 g
  • Vegetable oil – 15 ml


  1. Cook the buckwheat. There should be twice as much water as the cereal.
  2. Peel the mushrooms, then wash them well and cut them into equal pieces.
  3. Peel the onion too, wash it under cold water, and cut it into half rings or cubes.
  4. Now start preparing the sauce. Fry mushrooms in oil in a frying pan. Then pour in the flour.
  5. Pour milk, water, salt, add onion for flavor.
  6. Cook the sauce for another 6 minutes.

Chicken breast with vegetables

  • Brisket – 125 g
  • Green onions – 65 g
  • Sweet pepper – 75 g
  • Tomatoes - 100 g


  1. Cut the meat into equal pieces
  2. Pour some water into the frying pan
  3. Place the breast there, add diced tomatoes
  4. Simmer covered until done
  5. Add pepper, onion, salt to the mixture
  6. Let it simmer over the fire for another 14 minutes.
  7. At the end, sprinkle the dish with green onions.

How to burn 1500 calories a day?

In order for your weight to decrease, you need to consume the kilocalories a person receives per day. What's interesting is that even when you sit and read information online, you are already wasting energy. In one hour of such reading, a person loses 29 calories.

To make the consumption more effective, you should load the body with active physical activity. So, in one hour of jogging, you will lose 700 calories; during the same time of weeding the garden, you can lose 250 calories.

How much weight can you lose in a month on a 1500 calorie per day diet?

It is impossible to say an exact figure, because those losing weight spend different amounts of energy per day. It all depends on what kind of activity a person has. Some lead a sedentary lifestyle, while others are active. If we assume on average that 1900 kilocalories are burned per day, then you can get rid of about 4-5 kilograms of excess body weight in a month.

Video: Diet for 1500 calories per day

Many people associate a diet with a complete rejection of usual foods and constant fasting. Many people can’t stand it and break down. As a result, extra pounds appear, but are not lost. A menu for 1500 kcal per day with recipes for a week from simple products will come to the rescue.

If a person is sedentary and does not play sports, then he spends no more than 1,700 calories per day. It may seem that 1500 calories is not enough. But if you plan your diet correctly, you can not only eat a varied diet, but also tighten your figure without harming your body.
This amount of calories will allow you to avoid overeating and starving.

Diet rules

To achieve the effect you need a positive attitude. For the “1500 kcal” diet to give good results, do not forget about the following nutritional principles:

  • Meals should be fractional. The break between meals should not be more than 4-5 hours, otherwise your appetite will work in earnest and you will be tempted to eat more than you should. You need to eat at least 4 times a day.
  • Keep products on hand that you can use to kill the worm. This could be fruits, vegetables, yogurt, fresh juice. They have few calories, but a lot of vitamins.
  • Don't forget about the drinking regime. You need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. Often, ordinary thirst is hidden under the feeling of hunger. Once you drink a glass of water, the desire to snack disappears.
  • Spicy seasonings only increase your appetite, so it is better to avoid them.
  • Eat in the morning. Even the smallest piece of cake eaten at lunch will not affect your waistline. Leave fermented milk products, fruit and vegetable salads for the evening.
  • Don't snack on the go, don't eat in front of the TV. Without noticing it, you can eat an extra portion of cutlets.

What not to eat

Fatty and sweet dishes are excluded from the menu. It is better to boil meat rather than fry it. You will have to give up fast food, chips and other “unhealthy” foods. Confectionery sweets should also be prohibited. If you can’t eliminate them, treat yourself no more than once every 2-3 days. It could be one piece of candy or a small piece of cake. Forget about carbonated drinks.

Sample menu for the week

Even from the simplest products you can create a menu of 1500 kcal for a week. Remember that a serving of soup should not exceed 250 ml, a second course should not exceed 150 mg, and tea, coffee, juice and compote should not exceed 200 ml. The evening meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime.



Apple or carrot juice – 77 kcal.
Millet porridge on water with pumpkin – 80 kcal.
Low-fat cottage cheese – 170 kcal.
Tea without sugar – 16
Total: 343 kcal


Banana – 125 kcal
Milkshake with berries – 200 ml 70 kcal. Berries are added to milk and mixed with a blender.
Total: 195 kcal


Vegetable soup (you can add a little croutons if you wish) – 50.
100 gr. buckwheat boiled in water (110 kcal).
100 gr. beef goulash with green beans – 150 kcal.
Beet salad – 50 kcal. Boiled beets are grated on a fine grater.
Dried fruit compote – 80 kcal
Total: 440 kcal

Afternoon snack

Tea without sugar – 16
For dessert, treat yourself to prunes. At 70 gr. this product has 173 kcal.
Total: 189.


Stuffed peppers - 200 gr. 250 kcal.
Green tea with honey – 50 kcal
Total: 300 kcal.

Per day – 1477 kcal.

Goulash with green beans

To prepare goulash with green beans you will need 100 g. beef, 150 gr. beans, a small onion, tomato paste and herbs. First, the meat is stewed (not fried!) for half an hour. Then add onions, beans, a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste and leave on the stove for another 20 minutes. Before serving, the dish is sprinkled with herbs.



Tomato juice – 30 kcal per 150 ml.
Oatmeal with water. In 200 gr. product 180 kcal.
Coffee without sugar – 25 kcal
Total: 253 kcal.


Low-fat kefir – 200 ml 60 kcal.
Kiwi. Two medium-sized fruits account for no more than 90 kcal.
Total: 150


Mushroom soup – 100 kcal per 200 g.
Minced turkey with rice – 200 kcal
Vinaigrette – 160 kcal per 100 g.
Compote – 80 kcal
Total: 540

Afternoon snack

Yogurt with cereals – 120 kcal
Banana – 125 kcal
Total: 245


Low-fat cottage cheese – 110 kcal
Tomato and cucumber salad dressed with vegetable oil – 50 kcal
Green tea without sugar – 16
Total: 176

Total: 1364

Ground turkey with rice

The meat is stewed over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Then you need to add one onion, grated carrots, salt and leave for another 15 minutes. Rice is boiled separately. Before serving, sprinkle the dish with parsley, dill or green onions.



Orange juice – 100 kcal
Curd cheesecakes – 230 kcal
Wheat porridge on water - 200 g. dishes 210 kcal
Tea with honey – 50 kcal
Total: 590


Apple – 50 kcal
Black tea – 16
Total: 66 kcal


Canned fish soup – 80 kcal per 250 ml
Beef stew with buckwheat – 250 kcal
Tomatoes, cucumbers – 25 kcal
Rosehip decoction – 50 kcal
Total: 405

Afternoon snack

Dates – 200 kcal per 70 g.
Total: 200


Stuffed zucchini – 250 kcal. To prepare the dish you will need zucchini, onions, rice, beef and carrots.
Carrot salad dressed with yogurt - 50 kcal
Any tea without sugar – 16
Total: 316

Per day – 1577 kcal

Canned fish soup

For 1 liter of water take 3 medium-sized potatoes, 1 can of canned fish, a small onion, 1 carrot.
Potatoes and onions are cut into small pieces, carrots are grated on a fine grater. Vegetables are cooked in boiling water for 15 minutes. Then a bay leaf and a can of preserves are added. After boiling, turn off the soup and leave it on the stove. After 15-20 minutes, the quick soup is ready.


It’s easy to create a menu for 1500 kcal per day with recipes from simple products for the fourth day.


Cherry juice – 80 kcal per 200 ml.
1 boiled egg – 70 kcal
Barley porridge – 150 kcal
A small piece of cheese - 30 g. 100 kcal
Cocoa with milk – 65 kcal
Total: 465


Pineapple – 60 kcal
Black tea – 16
Total: 76


Lentil soup – 135 kcal
Beef goulash with buckwheat – 220 kcal
Sliced ​​vegetables: sweet peppers, cucumbers – 30 kcal
Berry compote – 70 kcal
Total: 455

Afternoon snack

Oranges – 43
Fresh carrots – 50 kcal
Total: 93


Mashed potatoes with boiled fish – 200 kcal
Tomatoes, greens – 30 kcal
Chicory drink – 20 kcal
Total: 250

Per day – 1339

Lentil soup

Take 40 g. lentils, leeks, spinach. Boil leeks in 0.5 liters of water for 1 hour, then add the remaining ingredients. Cook the soup over low heat for another 15 minutes. To add a special taste, the dish can be seasoned with lemon juice.



Apple juice – 80 kcal
Millet porridge – 180 kcal
Low-fat cottage cheese – 110 kcal
Coffee with milk – 25 kcal
Total: 395


Peaches – 45 kcal
Yogurt – 80 kcal
Total: 125


Borscht with chicken – 130 kcal
Boiled cutlet with pasta – 400 kcal
Canned corn – 30 kcal per 50 g. product
Compote – 70
Total: 630

Afternoon snack

Dried fruits – 130 kcal (no more than 70 g.)
Tea without sugar – 16
Total: 146


Chicken breast with mushrooms in tomato sauce with rice – 150 kcal
Fresh cabbage salad with herbs – 60 kcal
Tea with honey – 50
Total: 310

Per day – 1556

Chicken breast with mushrooms in tomato sauce

A small piece of chicken breast (200 g) is boiled in water for 20-25 minutes. After this, the meat is taken out of the water and cut into small cubes.
100 grams of mushrooms (preferably champignons) are stewed in a frying pan for 15-20 minutes. Then add chicken breast, diced onion and tomato paste or tomatoes. After 10 minutes, add salt to taste and turn off the stove.



Cherry juice – 80 kcal
Rice milk porridge – 200
Cottage cheese with yogurt – 130
Cocoa with milk – 65
Total: 475


Milkshake with berries – 70
Pear – 30 kcal
Total: 100


Cabbage soup from fresh or sauerkraut – 90 kcal
Stuffed cabbage rolls – 180 kcal
Greek salad - 140 kcal. The salad includes tomato, pepper, feta cheese, onions and olives.
Compote – 70
Total: 480

Afternoon snack

Grapes – 70
A glass of kefir (fat content 2.5) – 106
Total: 176


Boiled pink salmon – 168
Rice – 116
Green tea without sugar – 16
Total: 300

Total: 1531


Grapefruit juice – 60
Buckwheat porridge with milk – 400
Black tea – 16
Total: 476


Apple – 50
Cottage cheese with berries – 180
Total: 230


Fishball soup – 92
Stewed cabbage with mashed potatoes – 180
Cucumbers, tomatoes – 25
Cranberry juice – 50
Total: 347

Afternoon snack

Dried fruits with nuts – 250 kcal (no more than 75 g.)
Green tea with honey – 50
Total: 300


Chicken with bell pepper – 180
Tea with milk – 26
Total: 206

Total: 1559

Fish soup

For meatballs you will need 250 g. fish fillet, 1 egg, herbs and salt. For fish soup - 1 liter of water, 2 medium-sized potatoes, 1 carrot and 1 onion.
An egg and salt are added to the minced fish. Small balls are formed from the resulting mixture.

Throw finely chopped vegetables into a pan of boiling water and boil for 10-15 minutes. Then the meatballs are added. As soon as the soup boils, cook it for another 5 minutes. Can be served with greens.

The menu for 1500 kcal per day is approximate. It can be adjusted taking into account the body's individual intolerance to certain foods or personal tastes.

Losing weight without any special dietary restrictions is ensured by following a food consumption regimen. A special diet of 1500 calories is offered with a menu for every day, with recipes for preparing dishes. The proposed menu for 1500 calories allows you to eat tasty and varied without feeling hungry. The 1,500-calorie weekly menu developed by nutritionists includes all the ingredients necessary to maintain health and an active lifestyle.

Diet for 1500 kcal per day: sample menu for day 1

The 1500 kcal diet involves limiting the consumption of fats and carbohydrates in equal proportions. Here is a balanced diet of 1500 kcal per day, which involves a nutritious and varied diet. An approximate menu for 1500 kcal per day excludes some components that lead to a significant increase in the energy value of food. In order to consume 1500 kcal per day, the menu must be followed exactly as indicated in the recipe of the dishes. The 1500 cal menu begins on the first day of the diet, before which it is important to properly prepare the body.

Name of dish

Net weight, g/ml


First breakfast

Carrot-apple juice

Millet porridge with pumpkin

Dessert cottage cheese with cereals

Cinnamon tea


Milkshake with black

currants (mix milk

with berries in a blender)


Asparagus soup with croutons

Beef goulash with capsicum

Beetroot caviar (boiled

finely grated beets with juice

quarter lemon)

Plum-pear compote

Afternoon snack


Tea with thyme

Dinner (4 hours before bedtime)

Stuffed peppers (minced meat: beef,

rice, onions, carrots)

Sliced ​​vegetables: radish, cucumber,

green onions

Green tea with honey

At night (1 hour before bedtime)

Kefir 1% fat


Beef goulash with green beans

  • 110 g beef
  • 175 g green beans
  • half an onion
  • tomato paste - optional

Take products taking into account losses during heat treatment. Cut the beef into pieces, simmer in a small amount of water under the lid for 25-30 minutes. Then add chopped onions, green beans (fresh, canned or frozen), tomato paste - if desired. Simmer for another 20 minutes until done. When serving, you can sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Stuffed peppers

For 2 peppers:

  • 150 g minced beef
  • 2 tbsp. l. without top of boiled rice
  • 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped onion
  • 1 tbsp. l. grated carrots
  • 1 egg
  • finely chopped greens
  • 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste - optional

Remove the core from the sweet pepper, fill with prepared minced meat (mix minced beef, boiled rice, onions, carrots and egg whites). Place in a deep bowl filled with boiling water so that the pepper is covered with water (add 1 tablespoon of tomato paste if desired). Cook covered for 30-35 minutes.

When serving, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Diet 1500 calories per day: sample menu for day 2

The following is a sample menu for 1500 calories per day for the second day of your new diet. Since the 1500 calorie per day diet is quite long, a variety of diet is required. To make it easier for you to stick to the 1,500 calorie diet, the menu begins to include a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Name of dish

Net weight, g/ml


First breakfast

Tomato juice

Pilaf with squid (boiled rice - 100 g, squid - 100 g)

Sliced ​​vegetables: red bell pepper

Cappuccino coffee


Low-fat yogurt


Creamy mushroom soup

Ground turkey roll with omelette filling

Vinaigrette with seaweed and vegetable oil (1 tsp)

Strawberry compote

Afternoon snack

Yogurt with cereals

Dinner (4 hours before bedtime)

Low-fat cottage cheese

Salad of fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs with yogurt 3.2% fat

Green tea with mint

At night (1 hour before bedtime)

Kefir 1% fat


Calorie restricted diet: menu for day 3

In order for a calorie-restricted diet to be effective, you cannot change the balance of the energy value of the food set for each day.

Name of dish

Net weight, g/ml


First breakfast

Orange juice

Carrot-curd cheesecakes with sauce

Sauce: 3.2% fat yogurt, raisins, cinnamon

Milk porridge "Hercules" with banana

Green tea


Green tea with honey


Beef stewed with kohlrabi

Sliced ​​vegetables: tomatoes, lettuce, greens

Rose hip decoction

Afternoon snack

Hibiscus tea

Dinner (4 hours before bedtime)

Stuffed zucchini (minced meat: beef, rice, onion, carrots)

Grated carrots with garlic and yogurt 3.2% fat

Tea with milk without sugar

At night (1 hour before bedtime)

Kefir 1% fat


Quick canned fish soup

For 4 servings:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 can of canned fish in its own juice
  • 3 medium potatoes
  • 1-2 onions
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 bay leaf

Cut the peeled potatoes into medium-sized cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, and chop the onion. Place the prepared vegetables in boiling water, add a bay leaf, and cook for 7-10 minutes. Then add canned fish, bring to a boil - and the soup is ready.

Low-calorie recipes for day 4

Name of dish

Net weight, g/ml


First breakfast

Cherry juice

Egg stuffed with mushrooms

Pearl barley porridge, crumbly

Lettuce, tomato, greens with yogurt

Cocoa with milk


Baked apple stuffed with raisins

Forest berry jelly


Beef azu with onions and herbs

Stewed (or grilled) zucchini

Redcurrant compote

Afternoon snack

Fresh carrot

Dinner (4 hours before bedtime)

Squid Stroganoff style

Potato and broccoli puree (1:1)

Sliced ​​vegetables: cucumber, greens

Chicory drink

At night (1 hour before bedtime)

Kefir 1% fat


The low-calorie recipes offered on this page will allow you to quickly and effectively lose extra pounds.

Egg stuffed with mushrooms

For 1 serving:

  • 20 g mushrooms (1 medium-sized boiled champignon)
  • 1 egg

Mix finely chopped or minced boiled mushrooms in a blender (meat grinder) with the yolk and fill the resulting mixture with half the white.

Forest berry jelly

For 3 servings:

  • 150 g berries
  • 10 g gelatin
  • 100 g sugar
  • 0.5 l water
  • Soak gelatin in 1 glass of water.

Squeeze juice from berries. Pour the marc with 2 cups of boiling water and boil. Then strain, add granulated sugar, put on fire and, stirring constantly, pour in the gelatin previously soaked in water. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cool slightly, pour in the squeezed juice, pour into molds. Place in the refrigerator.

Lentil soup with leeks and spinach

For 1 serving:

  • 40 g lentils
  • 40 g leeks
  • 40 g spinach
  • 1 glass of water

Cook the lentils and leeks over low heat for an hour, then add finely chopped spinach and cook for another 15 minutes. Season the stew with the juice of a quarter of a lemon.

Squid Stroganoff style

For 6 servings:

  • 500 g boiled squid fillet
  • 2 onions
  • 1 cup natural yogurt

Sauté finely chopped onion. Add squid fillet, cut into strips. Mix everything and simmer for a few more minutes. Then add a glass of yogurt and simmer for a few more minutes.

Tasty and low-calorie: recipes for dishes from the 5th to the 10th day

A wide variety of products allow you to prepare tasty and low-calorie recipes for the dishes offered.

Name of dish

Net weight, g/ml


First breakfast

Fresh pineapple

Oatmeal porridge with milk and raisins

Low-fat cottage cheese

Apple and carrot salad with 3.2% fat yoghurt

Coffee with milk


Low-fat yogurt


Indian vegetable soup

Beef goulash with apples and pumpkin

Canned corn

Cherry compote

Afternoon snack

Dried melon (dried fruit)

Rooibos tea

Dinner (4 hours before bedtime)

Chicken breast stewed with mushrooms and prunes

White cabbage salad with celery and herbs and juice of a quarter of a lemon

Tea with milk

At night (1 hour before bedtime)

Kefir 1% fat


Indian vegetable soup

For 4 servings:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 4 small potatoes
  • 2 medium onions, sliced
  • 2 carrots, grated
  • 2 tbsp. l. boiled or canned beans
  • Three chopped tomatoes
  • 1 tsp. finely chopped tofu
  • 1-2 tsp. finely chopped greens

Place all products except the last two in a saucepan and cook until tender. Remove from heat. Before serving, sprinkle with herbs and tofu cheese.

Day 6:

Name of dish

Net weight, g/ml


First breakfast

Cherry juice

Rice porridge milk

Low-fat cottage cheese with strawberries and yoghurt 3.2% fat

Cocoa with milk


baked apple

Blueberry milkshake (mix milk with berries in a blender)


Sauerkraut cabbage soup

Stuffed eggplant (minced beef, rice, onion) with green sauce

“Greek” salad (tomato, bell pepper, onion, olives, feta cheese with 1 tsp vegetable oil)

Assorted berry compote

Afternoon snack

Low-fat yogurt

Dinner (4 hours before bedtime)

Boiled chicken breast

Salad of radishes, cucumbers and greens with yogurt 3.2% fat

Green tea

At night (1 hour before bedtime)

Kefir 1% fat


German green sauce

Finely chop green onions, parsley, dill and tarragon and season with 3.2% fat yogurt.

Day 7:

Name of dish

Net weight, g/ml


First breakfast

Grapefruit juice

Oatmeal porridge with milk

Low-fat cottage cheese with yogurt and apricot

Hibiscus tea


Dessert cottage cheese

Fish soup with fish meatballs

Sliced ​​vegetables: tomato

Cranberry juice

Afternoon snack

Mixture of dried fruits and cashew nuts

Green tea with jasmine and honey

Dinner (4 hours before bedtime)

Turkey breast stewed with leeks and bell peppers

Tea with milk

At night (1 hour before bedtime)

Kefir 1% fat


Fish soup with fish meatballs

For 4 servings:

For the meatballs:

  • 250 g fish fillet
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp. finely chopped parsley - optional
  • grated nutmeg - optional

For fish soup:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 large potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 medium carrot

Pass the fish fillet through a meat grinder, add the beaten egg white, and form small balls from the resulting minced meat. Place potatoes, cut into cubes, carrots, cut into thin slices, and a whole onion into boiling water. Cook for 10-12 minutes, then throw in the meatballs. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Cabbage schnitzel baked with egg

For 1 serving:

  • 150 g white cabbage
  • 1 egg
  • greens - to taste

Separate the leaves from the head of cabbage and cook them for 3-5 minutes. Beat off the thick edge, give each sheet an oval shape, pour in the egg and bake for 10-15 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

Turkey breast stewed with leeks and bell peppers

For 1 serving:

  • 150 g turkey breast
  • 100 g leeks
  • 100 g bell pepper
  • 1-2 tsp. tomato puree - optional
  • finely chopped greens - optional

Turkey breast fillet, cut across the grain into small pieces, simmer covered in a small amount of water for 15 minutes. Then add chopped vegetables (optional - 1-2 teaspoons of tomato puree), simmer for another 12-15 minutes. When serving, you can sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Day 8:

Name of dish

Net weight, g/ml


First breakfast

Plum juice

Lasagna with chicken

Natural yoghurt 3.2% fat

Sliced ​​vegetables: lettuce, greens

Cocoa with milk


Chamomile herbal tea


Homemade rassolnik

Beef stewed with zucchini and carrots

Lingonberry fruit drink

Afternoon snack

Low-fat yogurt

Dinner (4 hours before bedtime)

Rabbit ratatouille (rabbit - 100 g, vegetables - 150 g)

Tea with rowan and rosehip berries

At night (1 hour before bedtime)

Kefir 1% fat


Lasagna with chicken

For 4 servings:

  • 1 boneless chicken breast
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 9 sheets of lasagna dough
  • Two bell peppers
  • 100 ml natural yogurt

Cut the poultry meat into cubes about 1 cm in size and simmer in a small amount of water under the lid. Add tomato paste and diced bell peppers and tomatoes. Simmer for 10 minutes over low heat.

Place a sheet of lasagna dough in the bottom of a non-stick pan. Evenly distribute a layer of chicken and vegetables on top. Lay out the remaining layers of lasagna in the same way as the bottom one: lasagne sheet, filling. Place the final layer of lasagna dough and pour yoghurt over the top and edges of the lasagne. Bake at 180°C for 20-25 minutes.

Rabbit ratatouille

For 1 serving:

  • 100 g rabbit
  • 50 g zucchini
  • 50 g sweet pepper
  • 1 tomato (about 100 g)

Cut the rabbit meat into cubes and simmer in a frying pan for 20-30 minutes, then add vegetables, cut into large cubes, simmer for another 10-15 minutes until cooked. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

Day 9:

Name of dish

Net weight, g/ml


First breakfast

Orange juice

White omelette with green beans

Sliced ​​vegetables: cherry tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce

Cocoa with milk


Chamomile tea


Canned tuna soup (without oil) with rice

Lazy cabbage rolls with minced beef

Salad of tomatoes, olives, bell peppers and green onions. Dressing: yogurt 3.2% fat

Blueberry compote

Green tea

Dinner (4 hours before bedtime)

Boiled beef tongue without salt, seasoned with the juice of half a lemon

Salad of boiled (or canned) green beans, mushrooms (canned champignons) and green onions. Dressing: 1 tsp. vegetable oil + lemon juice

Tea with milk

200First breakfast

Sea buckthorn juice

Boiled beef tongue without salt

Sliced ​​vegetables: celery, yellow bell pepper, tomato, greens

Cocoa with milk


Green tea with honey


Beetroot soup with boiled egg

Steamed chicken cutlets

Sliced ​​vegetables on lettuce leaves: cucumber, radish, green onion

Cherry compote

Afternoon snack

Green tea with thyme

Dinner (4 hours before bedtime)

Boiled pike perch with dill

Carrot and celery salad with 3.2% fat yogurt and lemon juice

Hibiscus tea

At night (1 hour before bedtime)

Kefir 1% fat


Like many other nuts, the fruits of Juglans regia (walnut) are widely used in both cooking and medicine. Of course, due to the high calorie content...

The 1500 kcal diet is one of the smartest ways to lose weight. All the food needed for the daily diet and even some healthy sweets can easily fit into such a frame. Hunger strikes are excluded, the body does not experience stress, the lost kilograms do not return, and body weight decreases by 1-1.5 kilograms in seven days.

Diet principles

When choosing this method of losing weight, you need to adhere to the basic principles:

  • 5 meals a day;
  • small portion size;
  • if you feel hungry, you can have a low-calorie snack;
  • the volume of water drunk per day is at least 2 liters;
  • the later the meal, the smaller the portion;
  • eating hot food at least once a day;
  • Chewing food slowly and thoroughly.

Sample menu for 1500 kcal

Breakfast is the most high-calorie meal, its energy value is up to 550 kcal. For breakfast, foods high in fiber and slow carbohydrates are perfect: whole grain bread, cereal, nuts, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, fermented milk products, fruits. For better absorption of substances necessary for the body, kefir and yoghurts are better to use low-fat. You can add a little honey or sweetener to tea and coffee.

Lunch The calorie content should be no more than 200 kcal. You can eat vegetables (except potatoes), fruits, diet bread, rye bread crackers, nuts, fresh juices, muesli bars, tea with dried fruits.

Dinner should occur at 2-3 o'clock in the afternoon, its calorie content is about 400 kcal. At this meal you can eat boiled or stewed lean meat (beef, white poultry), soup or fish (cod, pink salmon). Vegetables - fresh or steamed - and brown rice are suitable as a side dish. You can make a dressing from sour cream/yogurt and herbs, salsa sauce.

Afternoon snack: fruits, cheese, crackers with a calorie content of no more than 200 kcal.

Dinner: chicken or turkey breast, fish, vegetables. Dinner should be about 200 kcal.