About the benefits and harms of oatmeal, why oatmeal is useful. Oatmeal - benefits, harm and recipes Why oatmeal is useful in the morning

Plain oatmeal, when consumed regularly, can be harmful - leading to serious mineral deficiencies.

  1. It is believed that one should not eat it too often; one should not allow this product to be abused, otherwise it may start pathological process accumulation of phytic acid in tissues, which is extremely unhealthy. It is believed that daily excessive consumption of oatmeal provokes the extraction of useful calcium reserves from the body.
  2. For people with a pathology called celiac disease product oatmeal is considered prohibited due to the presence of gluten in the composition, which is unacceptable for entry into a sick body.
  3. Special mention should be made of flakes intended for instant cooking oatmeal. Due to their special processing during production, a significant part of the ability of this product to have a positive effect on metabolism is lost, and the energy supply from breakfast with such a product is not guaranteed. On sale you can find flakes designed for instant steaming when poured with hot liquid. They also offer instant cereals that require three minutes of cooking. In all cases, there are highly crushed fragments of oatmeal, digestible with lightning speed, which is considered harmful. It should also be noted that during the decomposition of small flakes that enter the body naturally sugar is formed, if an excess of it is detected, then fat is formed, the pancreas organ inevitably suffers and a predisposition to diabetes appears.
  4. You can feed your babies oatmeal only if you are absolutely sure that skeletal system fully formed and this product no allergies.

As you can see, if oatmeal is present in the diet, both benefits and harm can be brought to the body, but this only means that you need to carefully plan your menu, monitor your health and choose only natural and safest foods to eat.

Nutritionists have long proven that the most healthy breakfast- This is oatmeal.

It heals the body as a whole, has a rejuvenating effect, and also affects life expectancy.

Oatmeal is quite nutritious in composition because it contains a lot of proteins. plant origin, as well as complex carbohydrates, which are a colossal source of energy for the human body.

Benefits of oatmeal: vitamins, minerals, useful substances

No one doubts the health benefits of oatmeal, but for some reason not everyone is in a hurry to add it to their diet.

After all, regular consumption of this wonderful porridge prevents the formation of blood clots, lowers cholesterol, improves memory and thought processes, and generally has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system.

Oatmeal is an essential source of vitamins and minerals.

Oatmeal also contains vitamin A, carotene, riboflavin, tocopherol and thiamine.

Vitamin K contained in flakes prevents osteoporosis, improves blood clotting, promotes normal operation kidney

Biotin affects general strengthening body and improves well-being.

This porridge is successfully used in sports nutrition, because it helps build muscle and control weight.

Oatmeal– an excellent antioxidant that gives beauty to the skin, nails, hair, and also prolongs youth.

A serving of oatmeal in the morning for residents big cities with a bad environment it will help remove salts heavy metals and harmful toxins from the body.

There is hardly any other similar product that has so many beneficial properties for almost all body systems.

The benefits of oatmeal cooked in water

Porridge seems to envelop the stomach with a film, which greatly facilitates digestion.

Even crushed into flakes, oat grains perfectly cleanse the intestines and act as a kind of “brush” to remove accumulated “garbage”.

The mucus that forms when cooking porridge in water excellent remedy for treatment peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

Also, oatmeal is one of the best dishes when recovering from a serious illness, because a plate of this porridge contains one fourth daily norm fiber.

And dry flakes in the amount of three-quarters of a glass completely cover daily requirement body in fiber.

Blackberries are also very healthy berry, if you watch your diet. Details about the beneficial properties are in this article. Don't forget to read the contraindications.

  • You need to take three quarters of a glass oatmeal and two glasses of water.
  • Boil water, add the cereal and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, then at the end, if desired, you can add salt and a couple of tablespoons of butter.
  • Fresh or frozen berries, fruits, as well as honey and nuts, added before serving, will not only make the dish more healthy, but also decorate it.
The benefits of oatmeal as a healthy breakfast in the morning

Many people usually don't feel like eating in the morning, but get some energy before lunch healthy body a must, which is why oatmeal is a great way to start the day.

In addition, oatmeal contains required quantity proteins and is a light food - this is its advantage over sandwiches.

Even if after oatmeal you decide to eat something even denser, this food will be absorbed by the body much better.

And the property of oatmeal to normalize metabolism makes it useful to people overweight.

In addition, this porridge is quite inexpensive, easy to prepare and very tasty.

Are there any benefits to oatmeal cooked with milk?

Not everyone likes oatmeal cooked in water, although it is very healthy.

To significantly improve the taste of porridge, it is better to cook it with milk.

But you need to remember that the calorie content of such porridge is quite high - over 110 kcal per 100 grams.

Perhaps this will benefit those who want to gain weight and gain weight, as well as thin children.

And if for some reason you cannot eat porridge with water, then the calorie content of milk porridge can be reduced by diluting the milk with water and significantly reducing the amount of sugar and butter.

Making oatmeal with milk is not difficult.

You need to pour the cereal into the pan, pour cold water so that the water covers half of the cereal, bring to a boil and reduce heat, cook for three minutes until the water is absorbed into the cereal, and then add milk so that the porridge does not burn. Cook until tender for a few more minutes, stirring occasionally.

At the end you can add butter and a little sugar to improve the taste.

Even the relatively high calorie content of oatmeal with milk eaten for breakfast will be beneficial because it will charge your body with energy for at least half a day.

Are instant porridges healthy?

Modern life is fast paced, people try to do everything quickly, so there are a lot of products that can be prepared very quickly, including porridge.

Their selection is varied, and preparation takes minimal time.

But the benefits of instant oatmeal are much less than those of oatmeal.

They do not provide positive energy in the morning and lose the ability to regulate the body's metabolism.

This is because for quick cooking, oat grains are crushed as much as possible and pre-steamed, so such porridges are absorbed by the body very quickly, and this makes them similar to harmful, useless carbohydrates.

Simply put, there is saturation, but there is no benefit.

And if you eat such cereals for the purpose of losing weight, the harm is obvious, because such sugar eventually turns into fat.

Harm of oatmeal

Getting carried away healthy nutrition and while diligently eating oatmeal several times a day, we must remember that healthy food should be varied.

Oatmeal in excessive quantities contributes to the accumulation of phytic acid, which can lead to the removal of beneficial enzymes from the body.

Phytic acid interferes with the absorption of calcium, which is so necessary for the body.

For some serious illnesses oatmeal is generally prohibited, since patients do not completely break down the proteins obtained from cereals.

Because of this, the body disrupts the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates, as well as metabolic processes.

It is advisable to give preference to whole grain porridge, and although it will take much more time to prepare, the benefits from such porridge will be much greater.

If you choose the right oatmeal wisely, this product will take excellent care of your health.

Meatballs with rice in the oven will be a great lunch. Not as healthy as porridge, of course, but more tasty!

You can also cook real Ukrainian borscht. The recipe is here: http://notefood.ru/retsepty-blyud/supy/kak-prigotovit-ukrainskiy-borsh.html

Very delicious dish- broccoli cabbage. This is definitely both tasty and healthy. You can learn how to cook from this article. I recommend broccoli in batter.

It is also worth remembering the imaginary benefits of instant oatmeal, which does not require cooking.

And a variety of artificial additives, flavors and sweeteners not only will not bring any benefit, but will significantly harm the body.

Whatever the names of the beneficial substances and whatever quantities they are in oatmeal, only you can test the benefits of oatmeal for yourself, you just have to give it the main place in your daily diet!

Video dessert

Interesting facts about oatmeal from the Morning of Russia program.

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Nutritionists have long proven that the healthiest breakfast is oatmeal.

It heals the body as a whole, has a rejuvenating effect, and also affects life expectancy.

Oatmeal is quite nutritious in its composition because it contains a lot of proteins of plant origin, as well as complex carbohydrates, which are a colossal source of energy for the human body.

The human body is a complex system, so the list of required substances also includes organic acids, which oatmeal can saturate us with: malonic, erucic, oxalic, nicotinic, pantothenic acid, niacin. Such a rich composition determines its beneficial influence per person:

  1. A plate of oatmeal in the morning relieves Bad mood instantly: drowsiness disappears, depressive, negative thoughts go away by themselves, instead of which energy, vigor, and positivity appear.
  2. Oatmeal helps with metabolic disorders, constipation, indigestion, colitis, and bloating.
  3. For people suffering from dermatitis and allergies, this cereal should generally be in first place in the diet.
  4. Oatmeal solves problems with the musculoskeletal system thanks to calcium and fluoride, which strengthen the skeletal system.
  5. This cereal normalizes the functioning of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland. Blood, vessels, heart will also thank you for eating such a dish.
  6. Oatmeal can reduce levels bad cholesterol. Oatmeal acts like a broom, sweeping away waste and toxins from the body, thereby increasing the level of protective forces. Porridge is beneficial during pregnancy.
  7. It is a source of iron and folic acid, which are considered the main nutrients for the health of the unborn child and pregnant woman.
  8. Thanks to the low glycemic index of rolled oats, it normalizes sugar levels, which is useful for diabetes.

Thus, the benefits of oatmeal in the morning are obvious.

Oatmeal is known to everyone, it is considered healthy dish for breakfast, affordable and very easy to prepare. For the Scots, oatmeal (porridge) is almost the main dish of the country. In Scotland, oats are an integral ingredient in almost 80% of all prepared dishes in the country. Until the 18th century, the inhabitants of Scotland did not even know what white bread. Being a proud people, being under centuries-old oppression of the British in conditions of constant poverty and harsh climate, the Scots preferred to save on food rather than surrender to bondage. To this day, Scottish cuisine is not distinguished by sophistication; the dishes are extremely simple, but high in calories. Salads are rare in Scottish cuisine, but there are many different stews and soups. Along with oatmeal, dishes made from potatoes, turnips and other vegetables are common.

In Rus', oats were considered a food that gives strength, since this grain was the main food for horses, which served as the main draft force in many areas.

Oatmeal is considered the healthiest among other cereals. Oatmeal is suitable for both those who want to eat a hearty meal and those who are planning to lose a little weight. Oatmeal is rich in fiber, protein compounds and fats, and is gradually and easily absorbed by the body, relieving a person of hunger for a significant time. Oats and oat flakes are an excellent source of a number of vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, E, K, PP. A lot in them useful composition and minerals: iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iodine, fluorine, sulfur, calcium, potassium, nickel and others, no less vital necessary for the body human nutrients.

The benefits of oatmeal.
The following have long been proven beneficial effects oatmeal on the human body: lowering cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of blood clots, increasing muscle tissue, cleansing. Thanks to carbohydrates, oatmeal is a source of energy. The benefits of oatmeal are obvious to those who, by eating a portion of oatmeal for breakfast, get rid of drowsiness, depressive thoughts, and recharge in a great mood for the whole day. A little morning oatmeal allows you to not remember about food until lunchtime.

Regular consumption of oatmeal reduces acidity gastric juice, relieves colitis, constipation and indigestion, normalizes the functioning of the liver and thyroid gland, improves memory, thinking, and helps to concentrate. Eating oatmeal would not hurt people suffering from heart disease, vegetative-vascular distance and people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Harm of oatmeal.
So, the benefits of oatmeal are, of course, undeniable, but it should be noted that oatmeal is not good for everyone. The harm of oatmeal can occur if you eat it daily. With frequent consumption of oatmeal, calcium is removed from the body. Impaired absorption of calcium and vitamin D, and subsequently their lack in the body, can lead to serious illnesses: development of osteoporosis and deformation of the skeletal system.

For people diagnosed with celiac disease (celiac disease), eating oatmeal is completely contraindicated. Celiac disease is an inherited disease in which some food products, in particular cereals (rye, wheat, barley and oats) containing proteins: avenin, hordein, gluten (gluten), damage the villi small intestine and cause digestive problems. In patients with celiac disease, gliadin (one of the components of gluten) has a “toxic” effect on the mucous membrane of the small intestine, causing its atrophy and impaired intestinal absorption, which leads to the development of malnutrition, as well as the appearance of rickets-like syndrome. And impaired absorption of carbohydrates and lipids “undermines” energy metabolism. Polyhypovitaminosis is formed. Against the background of the above disorders, a food allergy, for example, intolerance to cow's milk proteins.
Similar problems health problems can occur already in infancy. Namely, at this stage gliadin-containing products are introduced into children’s diets. This product is most often semolina porridge, which, like oatmeal, is a cereal product. Feeding 4-6 month old children with such food threatens the manifestation of celiac disease already at 6-8 months of their life, intestinal infections and ARVI can cause an exacerbation of the disease. It is extremely important to know what signs signal us about the possible approach of such a disease. Frequent, pasty grayish stools, an enlarged abdomen, and weight loss are all symptoms of celiac disease. Without proper monitoring and treatment, children with a similar disease run the risk of lagging behind in psychomotor development, losing previously acquired skills, and becoming apathetic.

How to choose oatmeal?
Are you a fan of oatmeal (rolled oats) porridge? Great, so you know well how to choose oatmeal for a nutritious breakfast. And for many people, choosing oatmeal is a rather difficult task.

The most useful, full of everything essential vitamins And minerals Oatmeal will only come from natural product. Give preference to whole grain oats; it may take longer to prepare, but you will prepare real porridge, like in Scotland. But today people want to save their time, so they choose oat flakes, as they boil in a matter of minutes.

When choosing cereals for preparing oatmeal, pay attention to the name indicated on the package - “Hercules” or “Extra”. “Extra” oat flakes are usually divided into three grades (degree of processing of the flakes).

The Arabic number three on the packaging indicates the most delicate flakes, intended for people with sensitive stomachs, as well as for small children. Such flakes have the finest structure due to careful steam treatment and do not require cooking at all; it is enough to pour boiling water over them for a while or boiled milk and the oatmeal is ready. Manufacturers also take advantage of the “lightness” of the flakes - instead of 500 grams of flakes in a pack, there can often be only 350 grams.

The “Extra” pack number two also contains thin oat flakes, which are made from chopped cereal. Preparing oatmeal from this type of flakes will take no more than 10 minutes.

Hercules is a separate variety of oatmeal; this variety has the thickest flakes. To prepare oatmeal from rolled oats It will take time, but the porridge will turn out extremely thick and tasty.

Oatmeal must be hermetically sealed, as it tends to absorb moisture that is harmful to it. Attention! The shelf life of oatmeal is calculated from the date of production, and not from the date the product is packaged. When choosing oatmeal, be sure to pay attention to this. At home, sprinkle some flakes on a white surface and evaluate the color. Fresh, well-prepared oatmeal should be white, slightly creamy or yellowish in color. Smell the flakes; there should be no moldy smell; high-quality flakes have a pleasant oatmeal smell.

How to cook oatmeal?
Before you start cooking oatmeal, thoroughly rinse whole oat grains or rolled oats (rolled oats) under running water.

For convenience, you can use a colander.

The choice of cereal variety is your personal choice.

Pour milk or water (or both) into the pan. Oatmeal with milk will be tastier, but oatmeal with water will be healthier. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil and add sugar and salt to taste. It is often recommended to replace sugar with honey, but keep in mind that it is not advisable to add this product directly during cooking. Honey already at 40 degrees loses its beneficial properties. It is more advisable to flavor already prepared oatmeal with honey.

After a couple of minutes, pour whole oat grains or oat flakes into boiling water/milk. Cook oatmeal from whole or crushed grains over low heat for about half an hour with constant stirring.

The calculation of the amount of oatmeal and the time for boiling it must strictly correspond to the grade indicated on the package.

Cook oatmeal from flakes for about ten minutes. Cook over high heat for the first four minutes, then reduce the intensity of the stove to medium. After another five minutes, turn off the heat, close the lid tightly and leave to brew for a few more minutes.
If oat flakes do not want to boil for quite a long time or ready-made oatmeal is bitter, then you are faced with low-quality flakes from poorly processed grains.

You can add butter, jam, any berries you have on hand, as well as dried fruits or nuts to the finished oatmeal. And for those who pursue the goal of resetting overweight or to cleanse your body, perhaps you should eat oatmeal simply cooked in water without adding anything, even salt.

How to cook Scottish oatmeal?
Proper Scottish oatmeal (porridge) is prepared a little differently than modern oatmeal. Today, porridge is considered a typical English dish, a favorite delicacy of English lords, but it is too different from the real porridge of the Celts. Porridge should be cooked without salt to bring out the desired flavour. Also, when preparing it, sugar, butter and even milk are not appropriate. Porridge is prepared for about half an hour, exclusively with water, and not from flakes, but from whole or crushed oat grains. Over low heat with constant stirring, oats give off a delicate nutty aroma, which is what the Scots are afraid to “scare away” with sugar, butter or jam. Only during meals is it permissible to add some salt to the porridge or wash it down with milk/cream. The Scots still follow traditions in preparing oatmeal today. It is customary to cook oatmeal for a whole week at once, then be sure to cool it. The resulting thick, nutritious porridge can be cut into portions and eaten for breakfast.

But for residents of our country, and for many other countries, oatmeal is simply porridge made from oatmeal or oatmeal. Some people have a pretty good attitude towards morning oatmeal, but there are also people who can’t stand it. This raises questions about the benefits and harms of oatmeal. Is it worth using it at all? What are the benefits of oatmeal? Are there any known contraindications to eating oatmeal?


Diets and healthy eating 12.12.2017

Dear readers, probably not all of us are inspired by oatmeal as a breakfast dish. And yet its benefits are difficult to overestimate. It's no secret that oatmeal is a source of energy for the body, allowing it to lead a healthy and active image life. And today we will talk to you about the benefits and harms of oatmeal. I give the floor to regular reader Yulia Khoroshilova, who will share interesting information with us.

Good afternoon, readers of Irina’s blog! Today we continue the topic again healthy products for health. Now it’s the turn of porridge, which for some reason many people don’t like. What is your perfect breakfast? Scrambled eggs, sandwiches, pancakes, or maybe you just limit yourself to a cup of coffee in the morning? I don’t argue, all this is very tasty and satisfying, but think about possible harm such dishes.

Oatmeal is a traditional British breakfast, and according to research, 75% of American housewives have a packet of oatmeal in their kitchen cupboard. October 29 was chosen as National Oatmeal Day in the United States. And all because the value of oatmeal is undeniable - it reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and protects against the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Moreover, porridge is rich in fiber and protein, due to which it has low glycemic index. This means that if you eat a bowl of oatmeal in the morning, you will feel alert and energetic for several hours. But why then do many people ignore this dish? Let's figure out together why oatmeal is useful and, perhaps, then your attitude towards it will change.

It's all in the composition

For many years, nutritionists have never tired of proving that oats are one of the most healing grain crops. This is an excellent gluten-free source of nutrients.

Cereals contain the following components necessary to maintain human health:

  • macroelements – calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus;
  • microelements – zinc, iron, copper, selenium, manganese;
  • vitamins – retinol (A), niacin (PP), tocopherol (E), ascorbic acid(WITH), folic acid(B9), riboflavin (B2).

100 g of dry oat grains contain 12.72 g of proteins, 57.55 g of carbohydrates, 6.25 g of fat.

Since ancient times, this cereal crop has been used for food, but specifically lately it has gained such wide popularity.

Marketers went further and improved oatmeal, turning it into muesli in 1960. Many people like this breakfast, but do not forget that they contain too much sugar, which initially calls into question their usefulness. The exception is baked muesli, prepared independently.

Energy value

There are two classic recipe preparing a healthy and nutritious breakfast.

Calorie content of oatmeal with water is 88 kcal per 100 g. Gastroenterologists recommend starting the day with just such a dish, since it is good for digestive tract. Oat grains, crushed into flakes, coat the walls of the stomach and facilitate the digestion process. And mucus, unsightly at first glance, prevents the appearance of ulcers and gastritis.

Calorie content of oatmeal with milk slightly different - 110 kcal. With this cooking method energy value depends on the fat content of the milk. If you are watching your figure and don't want to find yourself extra pounds(especially in anticipation of New Year's holidays), then you can replace cow's milk coconut Another, more traditional version- You can simply dilute the milk with water. In this form, the benefits of oatmeal will also be fully obtained.

How to choose the right grains for making porridge

Initially, rolled oats were sold in unpolished form in grocery stores. It is in this form that it is possible to fully preserve all its beneficial properties. It may seem that cooking porridge from such cereals is too long a process, but it is worth it. And we are not even talking about the benefits of unpolished grain crops, but about the taste.

Porridge cooked in milk acquires a creamy aroma, delicate consistency, and each grain becomes soft. This breakfast definitely exudes warmth and comfort. But you shouldn’t take the preparation of oatmeal lightly. She demands to herself increased attention, it must be stirred constantly.

Later they began to produce instant oat flakes for the convenience of customers. This porridge cooks much faster: just brew it and leave for 7-10 minutes to steep. Add nuts, honey, fresh fruit or just sugar (salt if desired) and butter to the finished dish to taste.

Before buying oatmeal, you need to pay attention to the name - “Hercules”, “Extra”. The last brand on the cereal package indicates a number indicating the degree of processing of the cereal:

  1. The first number indicates that the grains have the finest structure and can not be boiled, but simply poured with boiling water. This porridge is suitable for children and gastroenterological patients who are forced to adhere to a gentle diet.
  2. The packages with the second number also contain delicate and thin oat slices made from chopped cereal. It will take no more than 10 minutes to prepare breakfast from this oatmeal.
  3. "Extra 1" - the thickest and densest whole grains, differing high content carbohydrates and dietary fiber. You need to cook them for more than 15 minutes, and as a result the dish turns out thick.

"Hercules" is a separate variety of grain crop. This oatmeal trademark They differ in density and in that they need to be cooked for 30 minutes. They are made from the same oats, but using a different technology: first the grain is steamed and then flattened. Porridge for breakfast turns out to be very tasty, rich and healthier for the gastric mucosa.

Regardless of the variety, the cereal flakes should be a creamy yellow color with a slight oat aroma. Ready dish It should not be bitter, and if you feel such a hint of taste, it means the product is of poor quality.

I suggest watching the program “Test Purchase”, in which we're talking about about how to choose the right oatmeal.

Benefits of oatmeal

Nutritionists and gastroenterologists recommend eating thick oatmeal porridge in the morning. The undeniable benefit of this dish is that after such hearty breakfast people do not suffer from drowsiness or depressive mood, but on the contrary, they are charged with energy. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of oatmeal in the morning.

Natural antioxidant

A person is born with healthy cells that are protected by antioxidant substances. Scientists are convinced that signs of aging appear under the influence of accumulated free radicals in the body. Antioxidants are designed to neutralize harmful molecules and preserve the strength and beauty of a person.

Oatmeal contains large number polyphenols, which not only prevent damage to cell integrity, but also promote regeneration in areas of inflammation.

According to clinical trials, oatmeal contains a unique natural antioxidant – avenanthramide. The molecules of these substances normalize blood pressure, improve blood circulation.

Glucose control

Diabetics often ask questions about the benefits and harms of oatmeal for the body. And it is for patients with this disease that this cereal is indicated as a breakfast. The thing is that it contains unique complexes micro- and macroelements that control blood sugar levels.

Regular consumption of oatmeal reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, and plant fiber and complex carbohydrates slow down the breakdown of the product into simple sugar.

Protection against "bad" cholesterol

Oatmeal contains beta-glucan, which is a natural antioxidant. This substance, in combination with vitamin C, oxidizes free radicals and removes “bad” cholesterol from the body, thus preventing cardiovascular diseases and the development of heart pathologies. Therefore, you need to add fruit to porridge not only for the sake of taste, but also for health.

Dietary product

Despite the low calorie content of oatmeal, it is unique source energy. Each grain contains beta-glucan, which is a soluble fiber. This substance, dissolving in water, forms a thick mixture in the intestines. Many note the effectiveness of the oatmeal diet. What is the secret of this dish?

This is explained by the fact that beta-glucan promotes growth beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, thanks to its action we owe an increased feeling of satiety. This happens after the antioxidant releases a peptide produced in the stomach in response to the food eaten. As a result, this satiety hormone helps reduce the risk of developing obesity, which impairs the functioning of many organ systems.

By eating a serving of porridge for breakfast, you fill your stomach without exceeding your daily calorie requirements.

You can learn more about the benefits of this dish when trying to lose extra pounds from the article

Harm of oatmeal

It would seem that such a product cannot have properties that negatively affect human health. But increasingly, doctors are raising the issue of the dangers of oatmeal, which is explained by its chemical composition.

In this cereal crop contains phytic acid, which leaches calcium from the body. Interestingly, calcium is also present in oatmeal itself. high concentration, but phytic acid interferes with its absorption. For this reason, doctors, when asked whether it is possible to eat oatmeal every day, answer with a categorical no. Since this leads to the risk of osteoporosis.

Although this product is recommended for patients with gastroenterological problems, it can block the digestive tract and cause bloating. However, such side effect observed only when chewing oatmeal grains carelessly.

This cereal contains gluten, which causes allergic reactions. In dry form, it has no taste, but when it gets into a liquid medium, it changes its shape and becomes like glue, which is why its second name is gluten.

Due to this composition, oatmeal is contraindicated for babies under 11 months and those with celiac disease. With this pathology, gluten is perceived by the body as foreign body, with which an active struggle begins. Subject to availability concomitant diseases You should consult your doctor and rule out possible contraindications.