How long should you rest after a massage? Useful tips before a massage. The effect of massage on the body

This is wrong. Therapeutic massage is indispensable after injuries, to restore the body's capabilities after operations. He is also necessary element treatment of all diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system. It is usually combined with elements manual therapy, physical therapy, physiotherapy. This massage is best done in specialized medical centers.

Other diseases are also treated with massage, although it is more often used to relieve symptoms, such as headaches. Gynecological massage reduces pain in the pelvic organs. With its help, you can increase the tone of the uterus and its contractility, eliminate adhesions, correct the incorrect position of the uterus and get rid of colitis.

Massage is useful for bronchitis: it helps to cleanse respiratory tract from phlegm, relieve coughing attacks. Unfortunately, our doctors practically do not use these types of massage, because few of them have special training.

Myth 2. A healthy person does not need a massage

A restorative, or, as it is also called, hygienic massage is useful for everyone. It is aimed at caring for the body, relieving fatigue or emotional stress, for the prevention of various diseases. It can be general and local, manual or instrumental, carried out in different places: from the Russian bath to medical center. It can be combined with morning exercises and exercises in gym. It improves blood circulation, improves the tone of blood vessels and the nervous system, and provides relaxation.

A course of general wellness massage usually ranges from 8 to 15 sessions. After such a course you need to do one session two to three times a year. This is enough to keep you in shape.

Myth 3. You only need to massage the sore spot

It happens that the patient complains about his legs, but the problem is in the lower back. Pain can move throughout the body depending on the location of pinched nerve roots or circulatory problems in a particular area. The patient should know that if his foot hurts, then both it and the lower leg are massaged. If the lower leg hurts, the thigh is also taken. A professional will definitely carry out his diagnosis, even if you came to him with a doctor’s prescription. He must probe and check everything himself.

Myth 4. I'll go on vacation and get a massage on the beach or in the sauna.

Thus, it is very easy to fall into the hands of a non-professional, who not only will not help, but can also cause harm. If in a sauna or on the beach, while doing a restorative massage, they begin to bend your body using manual therapy techniques, this is a cause for alarm. Manual massage - very complex treatment. Sometimes diagnosis requires x-rays or computer research. First of all, you need to ask whether the massage therapist or the center where he works has the appropriate license.

You shouldn’t skimp on massage, it’s better to contact professional institution or to a specialist who has already proven himself. It’s very good if your friends have already been to this massage therapist, because the license itself is not a 100% guarantee of quality.

Myth 5. You can recognize a good massage therapist only after the entire course of treatment

The external signs of a professional can be tracked before the start of treatment, and if you are not satisfied with something, after the first session, choose another one. Besides neat appearance, well-groomed hands without hangnails, rings and bracelets, a good massage therapist should have a special massage table. Only an unqualified person will offer you a massage in bed or on the dining table.

An important point: during the session, the massage therapist will never expose your entire body. If the back is massaged, then the legs should be covered, and vice versa. When some part of the body is already resting after a massage, it should be covered warmly - for example, with a pre-heated diaper. This allows you to keep warm and feel comfortable.

After the session, you should not have bruises on your body, even if the massage therapist’s hands are strong. Mandatory attribute good massage- warmth that spreads throughout the body. The muscles are not only stroked, but also grabbed, kneaded, worked on, and in a certain sequence. ABOUT high level The massage therapist says that he has a working method when some movements flow smoothly from others, not only in one session, but throughout the entire course of massage.

Myth 6. The longer the session, the better

The duration of the massage depends on the so-called massage units. The fatter the person, the longer the procedure takes. If the patient's weight is 65-70 kilograms, then a restorative massage, without therapeutic elements, is done on the whole body within 35-40 minutes. Certain areas during a therapeutic massage take a little time: back - 15 minutes, collar area- 20, both limbs - 15-20 minutes.

The most long duration for Russian classic massage- one hour. During this time, the professional will have time to do everything. Thai massage lasts from two to two and a half hours. Its principle is to work along energy lines. This includes all kinds of yoga exercises, backbends, and stretching of the spine. During a therapeutic Thai massage, the patient is fully dressed - in a tracksuit, in which it is comfortable to bend.

Myth 7. Massage is always nice

This applies only to restorative massage. At the end of the session, a feeling of lightness and relaxation - normal phenomenon. Some say that their body “rings,” others say that it is blurry. However, during or after therapeutic massage, the patient may experience discomfort and sometimes pain. By the third or fourth session they disappear if the treatment method was chosen correctly.

Myth 8. You can lose weight with massage

It is impossible to remove a 10-centimeter layer of cellulite from the thighs, as well as lose 10-15 kilograms with the help of massage. During massage procedures, blood circulation increases, oxygen supply to muscles, and metabolism improves. As a result, you can lose at least one and a half to two kilograms. If not used special system nutrition, losing weight only through massage is unrealistic.

When suddenly losing weight by other means, massage is necessary so that certain parts of the body - neck, chest or axilla- didn’t sag. The skin will tighten with constant work.

The same applies to anti-cellulite massage. It is made according to special technique, special creams and oils. And here you can achieve weight loss only with a diet.


Contraindications for massage:

  • oncological diseases
  • thrombophlebitis and vascular thrombosis
  • adnexitis
  • colpitis
  • blood diseases
  • arthritis in the acute stage
  • fungal and pustular diseases skin.

Personal opinion

Victoria Bonya:

I really love massage. When I go on vacation, I make sure to take the whole course. I admit, I don’t have enough time for this in Moscow. But if it is, I always go for a massage with joy. Recently, I received a Thai massage in one of the Moscow salons. The girl massage therapist did not speak Russian, but understood me without words. No one has given me such a massage for a long time! I had enormous pleasure!

Many people have not entirely correct ideas about massage - 12 main myths

Myth 1. If your back is straight, then your spine is healthy.

Good posture is indeed important for health. However, this does not mean that the back should be perfectly straight. In order for the back to absorb shock when walking, a person needs the natural curves of the spine. Unfortunately, many people from birth experience smoothness of these curves, that is, their backs are too straight. Outwardly it looks beautiful, but in reality it is not very good.

Myth 2. Back problems can be solved chiropractor

Many people think that if their back hurts, it is enough to find a good chiropractor who will “put” the vertebrae in place. I warn you right away: don’t let any chiropractors or bone crushers even get close to you. Reduction of the vertebrae using rigid methods is only permissible when the injury is fresh - the displacement of the vertebrae occurred 2-3 days ago. And even in this case, you must first develop and warm up the problem area. No sharp manipulations should be carried out “on a cold body”.

Chiropractors love to “click” the vertebrae, especially in the thoracic and cervical regions. After these procedures, they tell the patient: “I set everything right.” But over time, these “reductions” have to be done more and more often, because incorrect handling causes the vertebrae to become loose.

I had a patient who almost died because of this “treatment”. For two years, a chiropractor regularly adjusted his thoracic region. As a result, the vertebrae became so loose that when he was driving a car one day and reached into the back seat for a man purse, one vertebra popped out seriously. It was also fortunate that the man managed to slow down, because literally at the same moment his legs completely gave out. He sat in the car for ten minutes, and only then did sensitivity and the ability to move begin to gradually return. If he had not pressed the brakes in time, he would most likely have died...

You should not work directly with the spine at all. Pathological processes that happen with intervertebral discs and cartilage, are practically irreversible. However, muscles and ligaments, which are shock absorbers, stabilizers and participants in movement, have the ability to recover. That is why, when treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system, doctors primarily work with muscles, ligaments and tendons, and not with bones at all.

Myth 3. To prevent back pain, you need to strengthen your muscle corset

For a person with an initially healthy spine, strengthening the muscle corset - good prevention. But what happens if a person already has problems (the height of the intervertebral discs is noticeably reduced, there is pain and muscle spasm), and he begins to “strengthen the muscle corset”, suffers, but trains? While the lesson lasts, the muscles work and gradually become toned, but the problem remains unresolved - the remaining 22 hours a day the body still works in spasm. In addition, it often happens that, suddenly starting to engage in physical therapy, a person chooses unusual loads for himself and immediately receives additional injury.

But a competent specialist will never immediately send a patient to strengthen his muscle corset. First of all, you need to put accurate diagnosis and select adequate treatment. As for physical activity, here the doctor faces three main tasks: prepare the patient for it (remove muscle spasms, reduce pressure on the spinal nerves, develop ligaments and tendons in the problem area), select optimal exercises and teach them how to perform them correctly.

Myth 4. Any massage is good for the back

It depends on what kind of massage. For example, now in many shopping centers They install automatic massage chairs and offer ten-minute massages for money. I warn you: this is very dangerous! In my practice there were patients who were seriously harmed by this type of “massage”. If we talk about a real therapeutic massage, then it should be aimed at relaxing and releasing the muscles so that they can stretch and contract normally. At the same time, work should be done on the surrounding ligaments and tendons to improve their elasticity.

Separately, I would like to say about traction - extension; it is often used today in the treatment of diseases of the spine. Purpose of traction: soft unloading spinal nerves and disks. WITH cervical spine You only need to work with your hands because this is a very delicate area. Of course, this requires great skill. It is not for nothing that the training of specialists lasts several months - a person who works with such a device must not only learn how to work with the system, but also be able to feel the patient. This is especially important when we're talking about about this serious illness spine as an intervertebral hernia.

Myth 5. Physiotherapy for back pain is useless.

I even know who is spreading this misconception. Sometimes patients like this come to me: “Doctor, why are you prescribing me physical therapy? I’ve already done all this in my clinic for several months. No effect.” And I answer them: “You know, there is a Mercedes car, and there is a Zaporozhets. Both are cars, both drive. But feel the difference! Because both the quality of the ride and who is sitting behind the wheel are important.
In addition, physiotherapy should not be prescribed according to a generally accepted scheme, but should be selected individually, strictly taking into account all indications and contraindications. If something worries the doctor, he must refer the patient to additional examination to a specialized specialist (for example, a gastroenterologist, a specialist in cardiovascular systems e, etc.). Because there are often situations when one or another physiotherapeutic intervention may be undesirable due to diseases in another area.

Myth 6. The most frequent illness spine - osteochondrosis

Unfortunately, indeed, many doctors, after briefly examining a patient who complains of back pain, write in the chart a diagnosis of “osteochondrosis.” But there is no benefit from such “diagnosis”. The fact is that osteochondrosis, when translated from medical language, stands for “some changes in the osteochondral tissue.” Every adult has these types of changes. globe. Therefore, when a doctor serious look says: “You have osteochondrosis,” you can answer him: “You also have osteochondrosis, only nothing hurts for you, but it hurts for me. Therefore, explain the reason for my poor health.”

Competent specialists try not to use the diagnosis “osteochondrosis”, and, for example, in modern American medicine it is not used at all. How can you start treatment if it is unclear what specific problem is being discussed?

In order to understand why the back hurts, you need to examine the condition of the intervertebral discs, nerves, muscles, ligaments, and at the same time check whether the patient has systemic diseases(such as infectious arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gouty arthritis). Only after all these issues have been clarified can you begin to work with the problem - comprehensively, using massage, traction, physiotherapy, and physical therapy as necessary.

Myth 7. Massage can be done as often as you want.

In fact, this is such an intense procedure that daily sessions will negate the positive effect - the body does not need such a load. You can massage as often as possible every other day. And optimally - 2-3 times a week. Traditionally, the course consists of 10 procedures, but it is better to choose a program for yourself, taking into account individual characteristics. This can be 5-7 therapeutic sessions or 12-15 relaxing, toning and body shaping sessions. After completing the course, you can do a massage once every two weeks - just to maintain tone. Even a one-time session gives a good “shake-up” to the body - the difference in well-being before and after is felt, life becomes easier and more pleasant.

Myth 8: “You don’t need to do a massage at all”

A very worthy misconception if you are young, healthy and beautiful. If one of the components is missing, then you need to do a massage before it’s too late. This is the simplest and most physiological method of modern naturopathic medicine. What can replace the warmth of human hands and the ease of obtaining the desired result? The massage therapist does for you what you are too lazy to do: strengthens muscles, restores joint mobility and skin elasticity, facilitates cardiovascular work. vascular system, removes swelling. It also helps you cope with stress and physical overload, restores immunity and restores the joy of life. Of course, you can do without all this, but is it necessary? Did you know that our skin is a source of endorphins (pleasure hormones); under the influence of massage techniques, a huge amount of them is produced. And you are again happy with that same wonderful childhood happiness, for which you don’t need any reason except one - to open your eyes in the morning.

Myth 9. You should start doing massage after 40 years.

40 years is the age of delay, since at this moment the body is preparing for menopause and has already started all the aging processes of the skin. It is necessary to warn them, not to allow their face to sag limply, their eyes to become dull, and their skin to turn gray. You should start at the age of 25 with preventive massages once a week for a course of 10 procedures. And after 30 years, do a course of 10 massage sessions every other day twice a year. And when the age of decline in the body’s hormonal activity approaches, you will be ready for it, and your skin will not immediately lose its elasticity and will not sag.

Myth 10. The duration of a massage can be 2 hours or more.

A harmful misconception that can affect the health of lovers of long-term massage. There is a physiological norm for tactile influence on the human body - about one hour. Exceeding this norm leads to negative consequences for the whole body. Skin receptors (mechanoreceptors) quickly adapt to tactile influence, sensitivity to massage techniques decreases by 30-50%, and accordingly, the effectiveness of the massage decreases. You can lie down for 3 hours, but this will not do any good to your body, but it will do harm... Compare your feelings with eating sweets: you ate one piece of candy - it’s delicious, but a box of it is bad. Our brain has arranged everything in the best possible way to protect against excessive sensations, from which we can suffer. We even have specific neurons called neurons of novelty, because the thirst for change and new sensations allows a person to move up the evolutionary ladder. So remember the pun: “It’s better to undereat than to oversleep.” The body has taken care of our protection from an overdose of sensations by reducing sensitivity to them.

Hypertensive and hypotensive patients should be very careful about the duration of the massage. In the first case, a long and strong massage will cause an increase in pressure due to a sharp change in the volume of circulating blood and the release of metabolites into the intercellular space, and possibly hypertensive crisis. In the second case, prolonged tactile stimulation and a long stay in a horizontal position can cause a decrease blood pressure, dizziness and nausea. Don't forget golden rule: everything should be in moderation.

Myth 11. Massage should be painful

Did you know that pain is a necessary mechanism for human adaptation to the environment. If we did not experience pain, it is unlikely that doctors would have saved us during an attack of appendicitis or myocardial infarction. Pain is a signal to action, it is a warning about problems in the body and about danger. Muscles react to pain with a sharp contraction, preparing to flee or attack, and you are lying on a massage table, where to run and why?

Muscles are our main blood depot. Under the influence of pain impulses, the muscle contracts and blood and fluid with toxins are squeezed into the internal organs, subcutaneous fat, glands and great vessels. A toxic-slag attack occurs throughout the body. Instead of healing, we get the most powerful intoxication. Body hurts, headache, nausea, etc. With age, our intercellular substance becomes like a swamp, where large protein molecules, “fragments” of viruses, and antigens are deposited. And to prevent premature aging it is necessary to “drain the swamp” and improve lymph formation, and not add new toxins. We cause pain to ourselves and do not understand why our tissues become more and more swollen and flabby. We need to change the paradigm: massage should not be painful, but deep. You come for a massage because of neck pain. All you want is to feel better. There is no need to cause you more pain by working with sore muscles. There are hundreds of completely painless treatment methods.

Pain is just a signal, and there is no need to consciously inflict it on yourself. Our muscles, under the influence of constant stress, are in hypertonicity, we carry a heavy burden of unprocessed emotions and problems on our backs, we are enclosed in a shell. You can get rid of it only through muscle relaxation, stretching and kneading the muscle without pain, or using reflex-segmental action: it hurts at the bottom - we work at the top, it hurts at the top - we work at the bottom. Golden rules of reflexology.

A real massage will give rest not only to tired muscles, but also to an inflamed mind, since they are in feedback: brain-muscle-brain and vice versa. The massage should be deep, not painful, should heal, not harm. A competent specialist will always find techniques where you can experience the full depth of sensations from skin to bone, but without pain. Ask yourself a simple question: “What do I want? To experience pain or to become healthy? Not only ask, but also answer it. There is already too much pain in life to have to consciously inflict it on yourself.

Myth 12. Anti-cellulite massage and weight loss massage should be hard, strong and painful. This massage “crushes” adipose tissue»

One of the most common misconceptions, apparently based on the idea that fat is broken down by force. Try taking a piece of any fat and breaking it down into water and fatty acids. Perhaps you are knowledgeable in alchemy? Or are you a famous magician and wizard? However, I think it will turn out like in Pushkin’s famous fairy tale, when Balda squeezed an egg instead of a stone. He was deceiving the little devil, and you were deceiving yourself. Think about it, if everything is so simple, then why don’t you crush your fat yourself? The savings would be huge. And where are the billions of women 90-60-90? Not everything is as simple as advertised.

Numerous experiments clearly confirm the impossibility of direct effects on subcutaneous fat. Destroyed capillaries, ruptures and hematomas in the muscles, and the fat needs nothing. No matter how you press, it’s still in the same place and not a single drop of fat in the free space.

Adipose tissue is our strategic reserve and source of reserve energy; sex hormones mature in it and are stored fat soluble vitamins. Why should the body part with such a valuable cargo? We must understand once and for all a simple truth: the process of weight loss and the fight against cellulite is not an easy and lengthy task. Lipolysis of adipose tissue is a complex multi-stage process in which neurotransmitters, thyroid and steroid hormones, insulin. To start such a process, it will take coordinated work of nervous and endocrine systems body, plus yours daily work to limit caloric intake, increase physical activity and relieve stress.

What is the role of massage? Massage through the effect on lymphatic drainage (lymphatic drainage), muscles (chiromassage) and the nervous system (somato-emotional massage) through general regulation helps start the “weight loss machine”. You cannot limit yourself to choosing just one from this list. Only a holistic approach will make you slim and young.

If during a massage you scream in pain and cling your teeth to the towel, if after the massage there are bruises on your body, then you are being given something that cannot be called a massage. Let us remind you once again - massage heals, and does not cripple, improves blood flow in the capillaries, and does not destroy them, restores muscle function, and does not tear them, indirectly affects adipose tissue, bringing it with blood necessary hormones and mediators. The latter stimulate adipose tissue to break down into water and fatty acids. Lose weight, but don't forget about your health.

Contraindications for massage divided into absolute and temporary.

Absolute diseases include diseases for which they are not prescribed. For temporary contraindications massage used after disappearance pathological phenomena, appropriate treatment, clarification of the diagnosis.

There are also diseases and conditions for which it is contraindicated massage certain areas of the body.

Absolute contraindications

  1. Malignant blood diseases and hemophilia.
  2. Malignant tumors (before their radical treatment).
  3. Scurvy.
  4. Gangrene.
  5. Vascular thrombosis during its occurrence.
  6. Angiitis.
  7. Aneurysm of the heart, aorta, peripheral vessels.
  8. Mental illnesses with significantly altered psyche.
  9. Active form of tuberculosis.
  10. Venereal diseases during the period of possibility of infection.
  11. Osteomyelitis (inflammation bone marrow) acute and chronic.
  12. Causalgic syndrome (burning pain) after injury to peripheral nerves.
  13. Circulatory failure and pulmonary heart failure of the III degree.
  14. AIDS.

Temporary contraindications

  1. Acute febrile conditions with elevated temperature bodies until the diagnosis is clarified. Flu, sore throat, acute respiratory diseases(ARI) (acupressure allowed).
  2. Bleeding and tendency to it (intestinal, uterine, nasal, from the urinary tract).
  3. Purulent processes of any localization, pustular skin lesions.
  4. Inflammation lymph nodes, vessels with their enlargement, adhesion to the skin and underlying tissues.
  5. Multiple allergic skin rashes with hemorrhages. Quincke's edema.
  6. Hypertensive, hypotonic, cerebral (cerebral vessels) crisis.
  7. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.
  8. Alcohol intoxication.
  9. It should be noted that massage can be prescribed 2-5 days after suffering from a sore throat, flu, acute respiratory infection, as well as recovery after purulent process any localization, termination of the crisis, clarification of the diagnosis.

Contraindications for massage of certain parts of the body

  1. It is not allowed to massage the affected areas of the body various diseases infectious, fungal and unknown origin; any warts, various skin rashes, extensive damage, skin irritation, abrasions, cracks, herpes, molluscum.
  2. For psoriasis, eczema, and neurodermatitis, only the area of ​​the rash is not massaged; the nearby area can be massaged.
  3. At trophic ulcers on the toes of patients with sclerotic lesions of peripheral vessels; in case of endarteritis, do not massage the foot.
  4. Do not massage areas where there are benign tumors; distant areas can be massaged due to indications for massage for other diseases or injuries in a given patient, but only using a gentle, non-intensive method.
  5. You cannot massage the area where there was previously a malignant tumor that was removed during surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. You can massage distant areas with concomitant diseases and injuries, but better in the long term: in children - after 2 years, in adults - after 5 years in the absence of metastases.
  6. After removal malignant tumor mammary gland without metastases when swelling of the arm occurs (as postoperative complication) you can massage your hands at any time after surgery using a gentle, suction technique (you can do it several times a year when swelling of the hand returns). chest You can't massage.
  7. In case of mastopathy, massage of the anterior surface of the chest is contraindicated.
  8. For ovarian cysts, fibroids, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, adenoma prostate gland In men, the lumbar region and abdomen should not be massaged.
  9. Moles that protrude above the skin should not be massaged; they should be avoided; especially further away from moles that do not protrude above the skin, it should be massaged in cases where there is no hair on the moles (due to the danger of their possible degeneration into malignant neoplasms).
  10. Do not massage an area where veins are significantly dilated or bulging ( varicose veins veins). For example, if the veins in the legs are dilated, you cannot massage the legs, but you can massage the lumbar and buttock areas in connection with this disease and other areas of the body with concomitant diseases.
  11. For minor skin damage, allergic rashes You can allow massage of an area significantly distant from the site of the lesion.
  12. During normal menstruation, abdominal massage is not allowed. lumbar region. At scanty menstruation It is recommended to massage.
  13. In case of hernias, abdominal massage is not allowed; Allowed only for infants.
  14. With stones in gallbladder, urinary tract Do not massage the abdomen or lumbar region.
  15. During pregnancy, in postpartum period and after an abortion, massage of the abdomen, lumbar region and hips is contraindicated for 2 months.
  16. Massage is contraindicated mammary glands for any disease, but it is advisable to use it in nursing mothers in early dates after childbirth to increase milk production.
  17. Do not massage the groin, axillary areas, navel, or nipples.

Many tourists are ready to spend any money to take advantage of the exotic services of world SPA centers; they are sure that wellness treatments make them slimmer and younger, we suggest considering several such procedures.

Laser lipolysis

There are various ways eliminating excess fat tissue. Among them there are both surgical and non-surgical methods. Modern method laser lipolysis allows you to destroy fat deposits without damaging surrounding tissues.

Microcurrent therapy

The essence of the microcurrent therapy device is its effect on the skin, stimulation metabolic processes in them, as well as saturation of cells with oxygen. With its help you can achieve skin tightening and comprehensive rejuvenation.

The effect of massage on the body

Massage not only has a local effect, but also has a positive effect on the entire body. It is based on complex reflex, nervous, and endocrine processes regulated by the central nervous system.

Treatment with precious stones

People have always intuitively felt these family ties and, being the most vulnerable creatures on the planet, they sought help and support from living and inanimate nature. We also looked for help from minerals, and this is how it appeared medical technique which is called lithotherapy

Confrontation: massagers or facial plastic surgery

A number of facial skin care products, in addition to traditional cosmetics, massage and radical plastic surgery, have long been joined by special hardware devices - massagers, which, due to the specifics of their effects, give long-term and deep results.

Massage originated in ancient times as one of the means of traditional medicine. It can be assumed that massage was originally used by a person as an instinctive gesture in the form of rubbing (stroking, rubbing) to relieve the pain of a bruised or diseased area.

Considering the simplicity and versatility of massage techniques, it is almost impossible to determine the place of its origin. But the doctrine of acupressure came to Europe from the East. Maybe that’s why we have the opinion that real massage can only be done in China, India and Thailand. It is believed that a Chinese woman will perform a manual healing session more skillfully (using, moreover, medicinal oils and herbs, sometimes combining massage with acupuncture) than a European massage therapist.

Nevertheless, physiotherapists do not recommend that our compatriots traveling to the East undergo massage in local salons. But the thirst for new sensations takes over and people give themselves into the hands of dubious specialists who make money from tourists. And then it turns out that it’s quite healthy person after several massage sessions in India or China, he becomes hopelessly ill.

The origin of the word “massage” is explained in different ways. Some philologists believe that the term comes from French verb masser - to rub, which in turn is borrowed from Arabic: mass - touch, touch or masch - gently press. Others believe that the word “massage” has roots in Sanskrit (makch to touch), others in Greek (masso - squeeze with hands), Latin (massa - stick to fingers). Obviously, we can talk about the existence of the concept of “massage” since time immemorial.

Positive effect of massage


  • provides deep relaxation;
  • reduces tension and relieves muscle hypertonicity;
  • relieves muscle spasms;
  • ensures mobility and elasticity of ligaments;
  • improves athletic fitness;
  • makes breathing easier;
  • activates blood and lymph circulation;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • relieves headaches and eye pain caused by tension;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • promotes fast healing wounds, reduce pain, swelling and prevent the formation of scars on stretched muscles and ligaments;
  • improves skin condition;
  • improves posture;
  • strengthens the immune system.
  • relaxes and improves reaction;
  • reduces stress;
  • makes it possible to identify stressful situations and react to them correctly.
  • satisfies the tactile needs of the body;
  • increases self-confidence;
  • facilitates the expression of emotions;
  • increases self-esteem;
  • Allows you to realize the connection between mind and body.

Nutrition during massage

Massage should be combined with proper nutrition. The purpose of massage is to help the body get rid of excess water and fat, normalize metabolism, and launch processes of powerful tissue regeneration. And nutrition plays a very important role.

  • It is best to come for a massage no earlier than an hour after eating.

An exception is abdominal massage, which is done either an hour before meals or no earlier than 3 hours after meals. After the session, it is advisable to lie down for 10-15 minutes.

  • If you are taking a massage course for weight loss and want to maintain wellness, arrange a fasting day on the eve of the session.

The next day, sit on damp and stewed vegetables, dried fruits and water. Avoid tea, coffee, sugar, potatoes and bread. Instead of water, you can drink juices, diluting them by a third with boiled water. For those who find it difficult to survive on tacos If you are on a diet all day, you can try to keep it at least half a day.

  • The combination of three procedures: diet, massage and sauna gives very quick effect, but you can also quickly lose the achieved result.

Therefore, after the diet, it is necessary to take care of stabilizing measures, conduct a long course of massage, review nutrition and physical activity. To stabilize metabolic processes and performance improvements gastrointestinal tract for 10-15 days, exclude meat, fish from your diet, butter and animal fat, sugar, bread, milk, potatoes, pastries, chocolate, jam. What's left? Vegetables, fruits, juices, sunflower oil, any water porridge with nuts, honey, mushrooms, low-fat cheese, cottage cheese, fermented milk products. The combinations can be very different, so feel free to prepare unusual dishes. It’s easy to endure ten days, because you can eat at any time. For the nervous and excitable, it is not prohibited even at night. On the second or third day you will feel light and realize that you are on the right path.

Every person wants to relax from time to time, and very good method This is what massage is for. At the same time a procedure can implement not only this function, but also others:

  • medicinal;
  • rehabilitation;
  • tonic and others.

Back massage is one of the simplest and most effective ways helping to improve health and get rid of illnesses of various nature. WITH for preventive purposesIt is advisable to undergo 8-10 sessions of the procedure every few months, which will avoid many health problems in the future.

Back massage is one of the simplest and very effective ways to improve health and get rid of ailments of various types.

Beneficial influence back massage internally and external condition has been proven for a long time, and many resort to his methods for various malfunctions of the body. Immediately The positive, diversified impact of such procedures still has certain limitations.

When mechanical influences on the back are contraindicated

Being a medical procedure, back massage has contraindications for people with certain ailments:

ignition processes of aggravated nature ;

uncharacteristically elevated temperature and feverish state;

tendency to blood diseases various kinds ;


purulent processes in the body;

skin diseases, rashes, injuries, irritations on the back;

significant varicose veins with trophic disorders ;

inflammatory reactions of blood vessels, lymph nodes, enlargement of the latter;

aneurysms ;


eczema ;

Eczema is one of the contraindications.

aggravated forms of diseases of the autonomic nervous system(ganglionitis, diencephalic crisis);

skin effusions of blood ;

tuberculosis V active form manifestations;

osteomyelitis in an acute stage;

ovarian cyst;

endometriosis ;


tumors different localization of benign and malignant nature;

overwork mental or physical nature;

hypertension or hypotension in a pointed form;

cerebral vascular sclerosis;

general negative state as a consequence of illnesses or injuries;

Acute respiratory infections and the five-day period after them;

failure of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems ;

diseases of the pelvic organs;

digestive disorders ;

painful sensations when palpating the abdomen;

kidney and liver failure ;

allergic reactions skin in acute form.

The experience of doctors and massage therapists with experience has convinced us of the possibility of negative effects, deterioration of local and general health after massage procedures solely on the basis of knowledge, even good ones, massage techniques, but without taking into account the specifics various ailments, when using techniques that are not compatible with the disease.

Immediately a considerable list of prohibitions is still characterized by certain positive dynamics in some cases.

1. Mechanical effects on the back muscles are acceptable when eliminating acute ailments vegetative department nervous system, disappearance of purulent processes, fever and reduction of acute inflammation in the body.

3. Improvements after hypo- or hypertension may also allow mechanical effects on the back muscles.

4. Although damage skin– these are contraindications for back massage, in cases of their insignificance, the procedure is permissible.

5. If the rash is not localized in the back area, massage can be performed.

Variable contraindications for back massage

There are several special conditions in which the mechanical influence on the back is limited, and massage techniques should be used carefully, only after receiving reasonable recommendations from a doctor.

1. Pregnancy and two months after childbirth .

2. Menstrual phase in women.

3. Hernia .

4. Gallstone disease and/or kidney stones.

5. Myomas .

During pregnancy, there are certain temporary contraindications.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that a negative reaction to massage procedures is fully possible when its techniques are methodically incorrectly used, or when there is excessive mechanical influence, which causes overwork of a person.

That's why it is important to find a truly qualified specialist for the specific type of procedure being discussed that interests you, because there are many of them.

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to feel the lightness that a back massage gives. This medical procedure, so it is important to treat it with caution.

A compelling argument for starting a course of back massages would be a consultation with a specialist. , capable of eliminating all contraindications and establishing exceptional benefits for a specific person.

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