What to do if it bothers you. What to do if you have back pain? How to treat? Treatment of a complex disease

In this case, the headache is concentrated in the forehead, eye or temple, and can sometimes radiate to the neck. Without treatment painful symptoms can last from several hours to several days. Migraine attacks often begin with visual disturbances - spots, lines and waves appear before the eyes, and after about half an hour, severe, throbbing pain appears, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Photo and sound sensitivity may occur. This is how an attack of “classic” migraine begins; its other forms can begin suddenly, be short-lived but very intense, or continue for several days, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Causes of migraine

The cause of migraine is a violation of the tone of the brain vessels; when they expand, they irritate nerve cells, leading to a sudden severe headache. Most often, this does not affect the level of blood or intracranial pressure.

Can provoke an attack psychological problems, overexertion, insomnia and lack of sleep, drinking alcohol the night before, climate change, adaptation to changes in weather conditions, magnetic storms, sensitivity to certain foods, too bright light, irritating odors, changes in daily routine, hormonal changes and much more.

Features of the flow of this disease, its manifestations are individual in nature, so it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner to diagnose accurate diagnosis and prescribing individual treatment.

Migraine treatment

Treatment with medications is the most in an accessible way getting rid of this disease. It is advisable to start taking medications immediately after the first signs appear. Today, there are a huge number of drugs that can alleviate or completely eliminate a migraine attack. They are used strictly as prescribed by a doctor, because... have different side effects. This is especially true for painkillers. Analgesics relieve pain without affecting the cause of migraine. First of all, the drug should have an effect on the blood vessels. It should also be borne in mind that constant use of painkillers leads to a decrease in the body's sensitivity to them and increased side effects.

In the periods between attacks, a specialist may prescribe medications to prevent migraines. This allows you to slightly reduce the severity of pain and reduce the frequency of attacks. Medications can be successfully replaced by physiotherapy, hirudotherapy and therapeutic massage. Folk remedies may also become good help in the fight against migraine.

Treatment is most optimal in cases where medical supplies for one reason or another is impossible. Very effective means is raspberry jam. Brew tea with aromatic jam or raspberry leaves - acetylsalicylic acid, contained in this berry, will help improve blood circulation.

You can try rubbing it into the temples, behind the ears or in the back of the head essential oil mint, lemon balm or cumin. A contrast shower helps improve vascular tone. After a shower, go to bed with a wet head and try to fall asleep, the coolness will help relieve pain. The same effect can be achieved by applying napkins soaked in water to your head. cool water. Massage will also help relieve pain. Press for one minute with your fingertips on the temporal zones, moving to the corners of the eyes and eyebrows. Sometimes cold ice cream applied to the soft palate helps. If an attack occurs, it is advisable to be in a dark, cool room; you should not drink at this time strong tea or coffee.

To prevent the occurrence of the “disease of the century”, it is necessary to stay on the fresh air, lead healthy image life, eat right, limiting the intake of heavy foods, chocolate, cheese, eat enough fresh fruit and vegetables, don’t worry about trifles and learn to get positive emotions from life.

Arthrosis - insidious disease. This degenerative change cartilage due to which it becomes less elastic and gradually wears off. Naturally, as a result of this, inflammatory processes occur in the tissues surrounding the joint.
When a joint hurts, the first thing you want to do is find a remedy that will help relieve pain and reduce swelling of the tissues around the joint. It is also important not to forget that treatment should help stimulate regenerative processes in tissues. The body needs to synthesize collagen, which will restore cartilage tissue joint and improve its elasticity.

Folk remedies for arthrosis.

During an exacerbation, it is useful to take pine baths. Purchased at New Year The tree should not be thrown away. It can serve you another service.
Take the largest saucepan you have in the house. Fill it with pine needles, pine branches, and fill it to the top with water. Bring to a boil and cook for half an hour. Let it brew for 2-3 hours. Then, strain and add the broth to the prepared bath of water. Lie in the bath, enjoy the pine smell and warm up your joints. It is advisable to take 10 such baths.

To relieve joint pain, you need to prepare the following tincture: fill a half-liter jar with wheatgrass roots, and then fill it to the top with vodka. Leave for 2 weeks in a dark place, then strain. Drink 1 tea. spoon half an hour before meals. Course - until you drink everything. The same tincture can also be used as a rub. Warm it slightly, dip a linen cloth in it, apply a compress to the sore joint, wrap it in plastic and a warm scarf.

For joint pain, it is useful to wear a bandage made of dog hair. Place the combed dog undercoat on a dense soft fabric layer 1 cm. Cover with another piece of fabric and sew on all sides so that the wool does not spill out from anywhere. Sew on the ties. Place this bandage on the sore joint and wear long time until the pain subsides.

You can lightly crush fresh birch leaves, and, spreading them on polyethylene, apply them to the sore joint overnight.

To strengthen joints, it is useful to use the following tincture: take 0.5 kg. cranberries, grind 0.5 kg. raw beets and 0.5 kg. radishes. Place this in a jar and pour 0.5 liters. cognac and leave for 10 days in a dark place. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 15 minutes before breakfast. The course of treatment is two weeks.

You can drink 1 tablespoon 20 minutes before meals, fresh juice from fresh celery roots. The course of treatment is 1.5 months.

Try making a paste of burdock leaves, put it on plastic wrap and apply it to the sore joint overnight.

Take buds of spruce, pine, and young needles. Grind everything and put it in a half-liter jar, fill it to the top with boiling water. Then, place the jar in an enamel pan with boiling water so that the water reaches the neck of the jar and leave the mixture for half an hour. Then, drain the liquid, wrap the pulp in linen cloth and place it on the sore joint, wrap it in plastic and a warm scarf. Keep the compress for 40 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Try drinking tea made from dried blackcurrant leaves. For 1 tbsp. boiling water - 1 tbsp dry leaves. Leave for half an hour and drink 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is until the condition improves.

If you still have copper five-kopeck coins from before 1961, you can try this recipe: boil the coins, put them around the sore joint, secure them with a tightening bandage, and wrap them with a scarf. Keep it until it gets better.

Try pouring a teaspoon of ginger root into 1 cup of boiling water, adding honey, a slice of lemon, and a bud of clove to taste. Drink instead of tea.
You can prepare an ointment from 1 tbsp dry mustard, 1 tbsp. spoons vegetable oil and 1 tbsp honey. Mix everything and heat in a water bath, stirring. Then rub it into the sore joint.

For a sore joint, it is useful to make the following compress: 1 tbsp. pour 1 cup of boiling water over a spoonful of calendula flowers, pour it into a bottle, add 2 tablespoons of salt, shake. At night, make a compress by soaking a cotton cloth in the prepared solution.

Pour 1 tablespoon of golden mustache into 100 ml. alcohol, leave for 3 weeks, shaking occasionally. Apply compresses at night.

During the sea buckthorn season, it is useful to apply the berries to the sore joint. To do this, mash half a glass of berries and apply to the sore joint overnight. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

And for Orthodox Christians, I would finally recommend this conspiracy for joint pain.
1.On the full moon, prepare saline solution(for 1 liter of water - 1 tablespoon of salt). Read the conspiracy over him.
2. Soak a linen bandage and read the spell over it.
3.Make a compress on the joint. Read the spell over the bandaged joint for the third time and cross the joint three times.
And here is the plot itself:
“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Help, relieve, free from painful (knee/elbow) pain. How a cat runs away from a huffing dog Right place, so my pain rushed off to where it was expected and there was a place for it. Just as water extinguishes a hot coal, so you would extinguish my pain. Amen"

What to do if you are worried about arthrosis?

Ear congestion and throbbing are common symptoms that accompany the disease. varying degrees gravity. This condition is quite uncomfortable and causes significant inconvenience.

This factor provokes a decrease in hearing acuity, causes irritability, affects the quality of sleep, which, in turn, leads to poor health and leads to more severe pathologies. Therefore, you should find the reason why you constantly hear the pulse pounding in your ears, and, if possible, eliminate it.

Cause of pulsation in the ear

Strong and weak pulsation in the organ of hearing can be caused by damage to part of the organ, chronic or infectious diseases, or exposure to external factors.

Treatment for pulsation in the ears begins with identifying the causes that cause it.

Tinnitus appears:

  • when wax accumulates and the ear canal becomes clogged;
  • otitis occurs - inflammatory disease middle ear - the symptoms of which are a violation of the outflow of fluid from the apparatus inner ear and the appearance of pus behind the eardrum;
  • with eustachitis - inflammation of the passage between the ear and nasopharynx;
  • during inflammation eardrum.

All ear diseases cause swelling, which creates a pressure difference between the inner and outer external environment, which causes the ears to become blocked and noise to appear in them. The conversion of acoustic signals into electrical impulses is disrupted, and the perception of sounds deteriorates.

Pulsation in the ears can appear during physical activity and during pregnancy, and can be a symptom of the following diseases.

Arteriovenous malformation

The cause of tinnitus is an abnormal plexus of blood vessels, due to which blood from the capillaries immediately enters the veins.

Arterial hypertension

This sharp changes pressure causes a narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain, its oxygen supply is disrupted, and unpleasant symptoms appear.


A disease in which blood vessels narrow, blood is “pushed” through them, causing a characteristic sound.

There are other reasons for the sensation of pulsation:

  • osteochondrosis cervical region;
  • dysfunction thyroid gland;
  • hepatitis of various types;
  • myoclonus – spasmodic contractions soft palate and middle ear;
  • diabetes;
  • lack of sleep;
  • stressful conditions.

Depending on the cause, pulsations in the ear may occur additional symptoms: temperature rise, hearing deteriorates, liquid or purulent discharge flows from the ear canal, dizziness, loss of coordination, and others. The clinical picture emerges taking into account general symptoms, based on the patient’s complaints and during special studies.

Doctors begin their rounds with an ENT specialist, who diagnoses the absence or presence inflammatory processes in the organ of hearing.

Then you may need consultations with a phoniologist, therapist, cardiologist, neurologist and other specialized specialists.

Without identifying the exact cause and eliminating it, it is impossible to cope with the task of how to remove pulsation in the ear.

Elimination of tinnitus

To eliminate tinnitus, you can only give general recommendations. It is impossible to treat only one symptom without eliminating the root cause that caused it.

For pulsation in the ears during pregnancy - if it is caused by pressure changes - mild sedatives are prescribed: fennel tea, valerian. Once upon a time, pregnant women were helped to restore peace of mind and eliminate insomnia with the help of Quator's mixture, but now new remedies have appeared. In this state, it is not advisable to select medications for yourself without medical recommendations - you can harm the fetus.

If noise in the ear canal appears during physical activity or sudden movements of the head, it is most likely worth considering treatment for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine or dysfunction of cardio-vascular system. Sometimes it is enough to limit the range of movement of the body and neck, do not bend or turn sharply, reduce the intensity physical activity, And unpleasant symptom will disappear.

Treatment of atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension, disruption of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, osteochondrosis and hepatitis is carried out by relevant specialists.

General purposes for eliminating pulsation in the ears:

  • nootropic drugs that improve blood supply and circulation to the brain;
  • sedatives that relieve irritation;
  • medications for insomnia;
  • antidepressants.

How to be treated without medications?

Diet helps improve your overall condition.

It is usually advised to reduce the amount of fatty foods in the diet, foods that contain cholesterol, and, if possible, give up sweets and spicy seasonings that stimulate activity. nervous system.

If the occurrence of pulsation in the ear is associated with impaired functionality auditory nerve, physiotherapeutic effects are included: electrophoresis, massage of the drum membrane, acoustic massage. In some cases, selection helps to get rid of tinnitus hearing aid. Surgery may be required.

The patient should know that it is not always possible to get rid of this symptom. With degradation of the auditory nerve or rupture of the eardrum, atherosclerosis and arteriovenous malformation, the pulsation will only increase and become permanent.

In this case, you need to prepare in advance for the fact that such a sound will accompany you constantly and - in order to avoid nervous system disorders - develop the habit of living with tinnitus. Psychotherapists advise - on initial stage getting used to a new state - do not remain in silence.

The urban pace of life does not mean too much comfortable conditions vital activity gastrointestinal tract. Constant snacking on the run, poor nutrition in general, stress and other factors can lead to the fact that at some point a person feels a sharp, sharp pain in the stomach area - under the solar plexus.

It is important to understand that this feeling did not arise without reason, and it is only a consequence existing problem. Those who try to ignore make a huge mistake that is detrimental to their health. acute attacks, drinking painkillers over and over again. This is absolutely forbidden to do. Sometimes the pain is indeed temporary and is caused by poor diet or stress. But if the attack happened more than once in a short period of time (several days), and joined elevated temperature, then you need to see a gastroenterologist as soon as possible, since such recurring acute pain may indicate serious illnesses stomach and other organs.

Stomach diseases that cause acute pain

It's a whole group possible pathologies. According to the list, they are distributed from the most common causes to the rarer ones.

Functional disorders of the stomach

Such pains are short-term in nature, they are caused by overeating, constipation, and may appear due to excessive tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall(especially after training, intense abdominal pumping). Such sensations often accompany smokers and people who abuse alcohol. Must be done fasting days and watch your diet.

Food poisoning

In addition to acute pain in the stomach, they are accompanied by diarrhea, belching, nausea and vomiting, and increased body temperature. The strength of symptoms directly depends on the concentration toxic substances, which entered the body along with poor-quality food. Signs become apparent within approximately 30 minutes to 2 hours. If a person has regularly consumed small amounts of bad food or drink, symptoms may become noticeable within a week. In any case, it is recommended to do cleansing enemas.

Allergies, individual intolerance to certain foods

Allergic manifestations are often expressed by aching pain; each person has their own allergen. This could be honey, red vegetables and fruits, etc. As for intolerance, this is due to the lack of certain enzymes in gastric juice, which would split this product. Most often this product is milk. The fact is that after 20 years, the level of lactase in people decreases significantly - it is this enzyme that is responsible for the absorption of lactic acids. This phenomenon can also occur in children. General symptoms: acute pain in the stomach area, nausea, bloating, belching, diarrhea. Babies signal discomfort by fussing and crying after feeding.


This is a fairly common disease. It makes itself felt after a person has eaten something fried, sour, or fatty. Besides the pain of different nature, there is a distension of the stomach, a feeling of heaviness, failure of bowel movements, heartburn, belching. It is noteworthy that gastritis affects a person’s general condition, making him lethargic, quickly tired, and often he feels pain in the heart and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Infectious diseases

One of common pathologies that adults and children face is stomach flu. This disease is caused by an infection entering the body. Infection occurs through the fecal-oral route. Acute pain in the stomach is spasmodic in nature, vomiting, belching, diarrhea and severe headaches with increased body temperature are observed.


Nervous tension and physical fatigue can trigger muscle spasms. In this case, the person feels acute pain, and this condition is usually accompanied by diarrhea. In such cases, you can drink soothing tea.


Exacerbations of this disease are observed in the autumn-spring period. A couple of hours after eating in the morning, a person feels aching pain, nausea, belching, heartburn. Acute, or “dagger-like” pain, as it is also called, occurs during perforation: when the hole diverges and food enters directly into the abdominal cavity.

This condition is life-threatening for the patient and requires seeking help and urgent surgery.

Chemical poisoning

They can provoke attacks of acute pain in the stomach, bitterness in the mouth, nausea, and belching. Generally clinical picture resembles an exacerbation of gastritis, but the treatment will require a fundamentally different one.


This pathology is in most cases asymptomatic or with a blurred picture. The pain occurs from time to time, aching or dull in nature. When pressing on the abdomen, it manifests itself as unpleasant sensations, sometimes bleeding and vomiting occur.

Stomach cancer

If in general the disease occurs infrequently, it occupies a leading place among all oncological neoplasms. The main feature is mild pain of a permanent nature. Unpleasant sensations are not caused by any influencing factors; they arise on their own suddenly and stop for a short period. On initial stages development of oncology, the patient experiences a feeling of oversaturation and fullness of the stomach even after taking a small amount of food. As cancer progresses, vomiting of blood occurs, black stools, and increasing pain.

Other common causes of acute pain in the stomach area

Most often they are associated with diseases of nearby organs.


The pain is girdling in nature: it grips the line under the end of the ribs and radiates to the back. The abdomen is swollen, touching it is very painful, body temperature rises, vomiting occurs, and heart rate increases. Pancreatitis occurs due to enzyme deficiency; appropriate medications will help relieve symptoms.

Diaphragm spasm

It develops in case of circulatory problems in this place. The spasm provokes a sharp, sharp pain that a person feels when taking a deep breath or suddenly changing body position.


At infectious disease colon, a symptom such as acute pain in the stomach area is also observed. The patient complains of bloating, belching, diarrhea - stool mixed with blood and mucus, false urge to go to the toilet, and sometimes the temperature rises.

When is an ambulance needed?

Do not underestimate pathologies that provoke acute stomach pain. In some cases, urgent hospitalization of the patient is really necessary. Seek help as soon as possible medical workers necessary if the patient:

  • vomiting blood;
  • bloody stools;
  • sharp pain that does not allow movement, which does not go away on its own within about 20 minutes, with fever;
  • if observed after eating severe belching With unpleasant aftertaste and abdominal discomfort increases;
  • the pain may radiate to the stomach, but if its epicenter is on the right, this indicates an inflamed appendix;
  • acute pain in the navel, stomach, belching, nausea and vomiting, increased body temperature;
  • if in the background general weakness, feeling unwell and pain in the stomach, a person feels sick for a long time - this indicates a possible myocardial infarction;
  • in general, if, against the background of several, long-lasting symptoms (bloating, belching, vomiting and diarrhea), the body temperature rises higher and higher, sometimes reaching 40 degrees, it cannot be removed, it is necessary to mandatory Seek help from a doctor, even if this happens at night, as soon as possible, without self-medicating. Wasted time can play a cruel joke on your health in the future.


Because the sharp pain in the stomach can be the cause of a number of pathologies, not necessarily directly related to the stomach itself, then the treatment will be appropriate to the first cause of occurrence discomfort. For each of the above diseases, the attending physician prescribes his own therapy based on the diagnosis, tests, stage of pathology, and age of the patient. Important: if you experience frequent or prolonged pain in the stomach, nausea, constant unauthorized use of painkillers to relieve symptoms is unacceptable - taking them and ignoring other symptoms will only aggravate the situation, and instead of one disease you will have to treat several.

If it is not possible to visit a therapist or gastroenterologist, the pain arose without any particular reason once and did not last long, there is no fever, then you should reconsider your nutritional culture and diet in order to relieve the symptoms. First of all, refuse explicitly junk food, from snacking, go on a diet.

With it you can:

  • drink fruit drink, jelly;
  • eat porridge (it’s better to steam it);
  • in the morning you can eat a small amount of boiled lean meat or fish;
  • diet cookies;
  • baked apples;
  • vegetables, raw or cooked;
  • bread crumbs;
  • do Herb tea with a special gastric collection.

You should refuse:

  • juices (they irritate the walls of the stomach and can cause nausea);
  • fat;
  • fried;
  • salty;
  • sour;
  • sweet;
  • allergen products (honey, chocolate, citrus fruits).

Therefore, acute stomach pain should not be ignored or self-medicated to relieve it. In some cases, this is indeed a short-lived consequence of nutritional failures, but we should not exclude the possibility of the cause of more serious pathologies.

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It seems like nothing special - I just don’t have the strength. You force yourself to get dressed and go to work. You cope with everything, but without ease. And so - one day, two, three... You don’t understand what’s happening, but you feel it’s not without reason. Why does this happen and how to act correctly? similar situation? So, what to do when you are weak and have no strength?

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Photo gallery: What to do when you are weak and have no strength?

Why don’t you have the strength and don’t want to do anything?

General weakness is the most common painful condition, which occurs even more often than headache. Its essence is that we do not have enough strength to normal life. Our cells continuously burn with the help of oxygen nutrients, and the resulting energy is spent on living and working, feeling and loving, maintaining body heat and restoring health. When we lack energy, we quickly get tired, first get nervous and irritated (“what happened?”), and then fall into apathetic state, is somewhat similar to the Buddhist “no feelings and no desires.” I don't want anything. It is difficult to concentrate, gather and act. At times, such weakness attacks that my legs give way. The urge to lie down and not move. Sometimes my head feels a little dizzy and I have no appetite. You feel unwell, and it’s difficult to formulate what’s wrong. And you say: “I feel a little uneasy.” There are many reasons for energy deficiency. And we will look at the most typical ones and tell you when you need to urgently run... no, running won’t really work, it’s more likely to crawl or trudge to the doctor.

Severe weakness, causes

Chronic lack of sleep

If you sleep less than seven hours several nights a week, substances that cause fatigue gradually accumulate in your blood. Energy reserves are not replenished. And you miss her. What to do English doctors found out that one night long sleep It’s not enough to eliminate a week or month of sleep deprivation. It is necessary to compensate for the entire deficit in terms of the number of hours. I didn’t get five hours - I need to get exactly five more sleep, otherwise the weakness will remain. Daytime nap can replace nighttime only when you sleep in a dark room: in the dark, melatonin is produced in the brain, which is responsible for restoring the body’s energy reserves. And for its renewal and recovery.

I was physically exhausted because I worked hard, a lot and for a long time.

Emergency rush eats up all reserves and violates hormonal balance, which is responsible for energy production at the cellular level.

What to do

Take a long rest. To return the balance to normal: undergo a course of spa treatments, massage or acupuncture, take drugs that increase the body’s energy - coenzyme Q, B vitamins. Some people benefit from complexes with gotukola or ginkgo biloba, small doses of eleutherococcus. You should consult with them about them. family doctor, since these drugs are really active.

Emotional stress

Are you very worried about someone, are you caring for a sick relative, are you getting a divorce? Emotional overstrain is unpleasant because, through a period of prolonged weakness, apathy and despondency, it sometimes leads to serious illness. And we never know which place in our body will be weak and which system will fail first - either the joints will fail, or an ulcer will form in the stomach. What to do The conflict must be stopped abruptly and irrevocably by any means: even if it leads to new problems, they will cause a different reaction and will not “hit where it hurts.”

Tired of the usual monotonous activities

It plunges us into a depressed state with its monotony. We are not so much weak as half asleep, apathetic and inhibited. This condition is typical for those who work without vacation.

What to do

It seems to us that we need to lie down and get some sleep. In reality, we need an influx of energy from the outside: we gain strength through movement and new impressions. We spend our weekends walking around the city or in nature, on foot, on a bicycle, on roller skates, and we go somewhere to a country guest house for a couple of days.


Weakness and dizziness appear before nausea in the morning. Sometimes pregnant women don’t have any nausea at all, only terrible weakness torments them - they can’t get out of bed in the morning.

What to do

Look at your calendar, if your period is late, buy an express test at the pharmacy and get checked. You never know... Both using a condom and taking hormonal contraceptives, and age “over 39” do not provide one hundred percent protection from unwanted pregnancy.


When we feel lethargic, melancholy and lack of desires, we think about her most often. We blame all our feminine weakness on her. Sometimes it is convenient for us, and even for individual doctors, to call an incomprehensible ailment depression and prescribe pills that even out the mood. But in reality, depression is not that common.

What to do

Smart doctors diagnose depression by exclusion, as a last resort when everything else is rejected. So don’t rush to announce to everyone that you are “weak from depression.” Read the article further.

What to do if you are worried about general weakness

Within 14 days, it is permissible to deal with your weakness on your own. If it doesn’t get better within 14 days, go to your family doctor. If, in addition to weakness, any other symptoms appear - severe dizziness, nausea, headache, skin rashes, fever, cough - go to the doctor. Referral for a complete blood test, including sugar. Referral for X-ray of the lungs. A referral for an ultrasound scan is as much as possible and whatever the doctor deems appropriate. Consultations with specialists - neurologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, hematologist (doctor for blood diseases), immunologist (deals with immunity problems), psychiatrist (treats depression).

Any medicine - from analgin to an antibiotic - can cause weakness when taken, as written in the annotations for the drugs. When we live a life we ​​don't like, we may feel increased fatigue And frequent weakness, since all the forces of the body are aimed at making us live the way we don’t want.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Birth control pills

They interfere with our hormonal background and can cause a depressed and depressed state, as before menstruation.

Go to the gynecologist

And tell me about your feelings. The doctor will choose another method of contraception for you. Preferably not related to hormones.

Incipient viral infection

The body does not know whether to get sick or to protect itself from the virus. It behaves like a computer with too many programs open: it runs slowly and crashes. At the same time, your throat may ache slightly and your joints and back may ache. Options are possible: eat ice cream or go to the bathhouse - then, from the shock, you will either get sick or recover, and the incomprehensible weakness will either turn into an acute respiratory infection or stop bothering you. You can take vitamin C: data on its usefulness are contradictory, but it undoubtedly gives a surge of energy - all scientists are unanimous on this. Dose - from 0.5 to 1 g per day for a week. It is not known why regular aspirin relieves such “pre-infectious” weakness - just take it after meals so as not to irritate the stomach. There is a chance that it will not only give strength, but also prevent the development of a cold or flu.

Chronic viral infection

Many viruses, mainly belonging to the herpes group, constantly live in our body. These viruses are found in 90% of the population. A person benefits from cohabitation with them great benefit: they provide us with cross-immunity, which protects us from others, much more dangerous infections. Our the immune system controls the number and activity of “its” viruses, and they do not harm us. Sometimes our immune system weakens, and then the cohabiting viruses get out of its control, become active, multiply violently and cause diseases and painful conditions, for example, the Epstein-Barr virus is the cause infectious mononucleosis, similar to a sore throat, or prolonged general weakness and “incomprehensible” malaise. Because of muscle spasms and altered vertebrae, the blood supply to the brain may be disrupted. In this case, weakness comes in attacks as soon as the blood vessels narrow more strongly, and is often associated with a change in head position.

What to do

Don't turn your head or lift your chin to look at the starry sky. Carefully take your head to a neurologist for an examination of the vertebrae and blood vessels of the brain. The doctor will prescribe treatment, and everything will go away. Take a blood test and evaluate the amount of antibodies to this type of virus. When it is activated, there will be a lot of antibodies in the blood. It is advisable to conduct immunological examinations and find out which part of the immune system is affected. Then the doctor prescribes individual treatment to restore immune system control of the virus and reduce the amount of virus in the blood. It is very important to determine why the immune system failed - either chronic stress is it all to blame, or concomitant disease, and eliminate the cause.


This is the general name for diseases in which the blood carries little oxygen. Anemia is often associated with iron and vitamin B12 deficiency. If we lack iron, then hemoglobin is produced of poor quality and is unable to retain oxygen. Women who adhere to a very strict diet suffer from iron deficiency. Vitamin B12 deficiency occurs in strict vegetarians - vitamin B12, necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin, comes to us from meat foods, fish, milk and eggs. Refusal of them often causes anemia. Malabsorption in digestive tract vitamin Bi2 and iron - a specific reaction of some people to long-term stress. Low iron in the blood, lack of vitamin B12? Eat meat, especially beef and turkey, liver, cheese and eggs. And forget about “iron from an apple”: there is no vitamin B12 in plants, and iron is in a form that is almost not absorbed by the body. Baby cereals and mixtures are good for increasing hemoglobin, since substances beneficial to the blood are specially added to them. If you are a strict vegetarian, buy breakfast cereals and foods fortified with B vitamins and iron. Vitamin B12 is produced by tea and kefir mushroom. Therefore, drinks made from them are very useful for everyone, and especially for those whose blood counts worsen due to stress.

Low thyroid function (hypothyroidism)

The thyroid gland is responsible for the metabolic rate, and a decrease in its activity leads to the fact that everything metabolic processes, as well as thinking, digestion, and heartbeat slow down. Weakness due to hypothyroidism is accompanied by causeless weight gain and memory impairment.

What to do

Go to an endocrinologist. He will order an examination and tell you what to drink.


Often severe weakness is the first sign of diabetes. At diabetes mellitus Glucose, the main source of energy, does not penetrate the cells and accumulates in the blood. You can think about it as a cause of weakness if one of your parents suffers from this disease.

What to do

If such a thought occurs to you, immediately stop eating sugar, sweets and White bread. And go donate blood for sugar - in the morning, on an empty stomach.


Its probability is small, but, nevertheless, it should not be neglected. It is characterized by a slight, constant and mechanical cough, not associated with a feeling of “soreness” in the throat, and a slightly elevated temperature in the evenings. Take it from family doctor referral for an x-ray of the lungs. Coffee and cold and hot shower- this is a classic of the genre. A new, effective and completely innocent remedy - green tea brewed in the evening, strong, tart, cool, with fresh mint. Squeeze a slice of lemon into it and drink without getting out of bed. Caffeine from green tea, mint, and organic acids from lemon tone blood vessels and normalize blood pressure quickly and for a long time.