What does it mean if there is pain in the upper abdomen? Form for adding a question or feedback. Pancreas: possible pathologies

Stomach pain indicates functional disorders, O morphological changes or about dietary errors. If the stomach pain is severe and recurs periodically, then you need to consult a gastroenterologist. Only after diagnostic measures you can determine exactly why your stomach hurts in the upper middle.

Next to the stomach is the liver, pancreas, spleen, loops of the colon and small intestine, big oil seal, diaphragm, abdominal wall. Pathology developing in these organs can cause pain, which can be interpreted as epigastric pain.

Unpleasant sensations in the upper abdomen are likely if problems with the heart, spine or lungs begin. So, sometimes during a myocardial infarction, pain is felt in the upper left part of the abdomen, since the areas in which blood circulation is impaired are located near the diaphragm.

Thus, if pain occurs in the stomach area, this does not always mean that the pathology is in the organ itself. It is necessary to take into account the clinical picture as a whole and carry out differential diagnosis. That's why drug treatment, especially strong drugs must be prescribed by a doctor.

Possible causes of epigastric pain

Pain in the upper abdomen in the middle can be a sign of pathology or arise as a result of individual intolerance or abuse of certain foods and substances. If for a long time ignore the pain, complications may arise in any case.

To determine what causes pain in the pit of the stomach, you need to understand under what circumstances it appears. discomfort How does this relate to food consumption? Pain can be caused by foods and substances that negatively affect the gastric mucosa or cause increased gas formation.

These include:

  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • medicines;
  • kvass, beer, carbonated drinks;
  • vegetables with coarse fiber;
  • stale food;
  • too hot or cold;
  • black bread with bran;
  • nicotine (impairs blood flow).

Some people do not produce certain enzymes that are supposed to break down compounds. For example, if there is lactose deficiency, then discomfort will occur after drinking milk. Often there is a disease in which the enzyme that breaks down gluten is not synthesized in sufficient quantities (celiac disease).

If we exclude products that have individual intolerance, then abdominal pain will no longer bother you. Some medications can be taken only after meals, so carefully read the instructions for the drug. Cutting pain in the middle or slightly to the left of the central line of the abdomen appears as a result of a burn of the gastric mucosa with alkali, acid, and also due to food poisoning.

A feeling of heaviness in the abdomen is possible with the following pathologies:

  • gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa);
  • narrowing of the sphincter lumen;
  • cancer;
  • ulcer (in remission).

Severe pain occurs as a result of the development of an ulcer

Dagger pain accompanies:

  • perforation of the ulcer;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • colic (occurs due to muscle spasm when a stone exits the bile ducts);
  • gap colon;
  • inflammation abdominal cavity;
  • rupture of organs (liver or spleen).

If, in addition to pain in the upper abdomen, nausea appears, then the development of: gastritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), peptic ulcer, cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), food poisoning. Pain in the upper abdomen and diarrhea appear as a result of deterioration of peristalsis and disturbances absorption function intestines.

Similar symptoms accompany: ulcers, pancreatitis (food is not digested because not enough enzymes are supplied from the pancreas to the duodenum), cholecystitis (due to the lack of bile, fats are not broken down), irritable bowel syndrome (manifested by alternating constipation and diarrhea).

If there is pain in the upper abdomen and the temperature rises, this indicates the development of inflammation. These signs are typical for: gastritis, stomach ulcers, acute pancreatitis, food poisoning.

Stomach diseases causing abdominal pain

If there is aching or bursting pain in the abdomen, then inflammation of the gastric mucosa is likely. Girdle pain in the upper abdomen occurs with the development of pancreatitis. Additional symptoms are bitterness in the mouth, fever, and indigestion.

Pain localized in the upper abdomen and shifted to the left may appear with pathologies of the intestines or pancreas, and pain spreading to the right is possible with inflammation of the gallbladder. Let's consider the most common pathologies of the stomach that cause pain in the area of ​​the xiphoid process.

Often the discomfort is more intense after eating heavy, fatty or fried foods, drinking alcohol or during times of stress


Inflammation of the gastric mucosa can be caused by several factors. In 95% of cases, when examined, patients are found to have a bacterium that can survive in acidic environment. During its life, it releases toxins that negatively affect the gastric mucosa, which leads to inflammation.

Often people are asymptomatic carriers of this bacterium, but when poor nutrition, frequent stress, smoking, and taking medications, gastritis begins to develop. The mucous membrane can also become inflamed in diseases characterized by an increase in acidity gastric juice or not enough mucus is produced to protect the stomach tissue cells from aggressive influences.

Besides pain syndrome in the epigastric region, occurs bad smell from the mouth, nausea can occur both before and after meals, heartburn and migraine appear. If you follow the diet, the pain goes away within two days.

Diaphragmatic hernia

A hernia occurs when there is prolapse in chest cavity parts of organs that should be located above the diaphragm (part of the esophagus, cardia of the stomach, intestinal loops). With pathology, the pain is usually in the epigastric region, spreads along the esophagus, can radiate to the shoulder blades and back, and sometimes it is encircling.

As a rule, discomfort occurs after eating, physical activity or when coughing supine position. The symptom intensifies when bending forward. Discomfort goes away after burping, taking a deep breath, drinking water, vomiting, and changing position. Patients also complain of heartburn, hiccups, arrhythmia, and difficulty swallowing.

Pathology occurs when ligaments weaken hiatus diaphragm, this happens due to the fact that with age, connective tissues lose elasticity and atrophy. Increased intra-abdominal pressure, which occurs during chronic constipation, obesity, blunt abdominal trauma, heavy lifting, sudden bending, severe vomiting, hacking cough or heavy physical labor.

When a hernia is strangulated, severe cramping pain appears that radiates to the back, nausea, vomiting of blood occurs, nasolabial triangle turns blue, there is shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat.

Against the background of a hernia, gastroesophageal reflux disease is formed, the symptoms of which are belching of food, gastric juice or air, bitterness in the mouth

The disease is treated with medication. Appointed antacids, and those that reduce secretion hydrochloric acid. The patient is recommended fractional meals, diet, weight adjustment, avoid physical activity. Surgical treatment is prescribed if complications arise or if conservative treatment does not produce results.

Esophageal stenosis

The diameter of the esophageal lumen may decrease in the presence of a tumor or scar tissue. Symptoms of the disease include pain along the esophagus, belching, difficulty swallowing, vomiting, and bleeding. Dry, poorly chewed food cannot pass through the narrowing of the esophagus. This causes pain and vomiting.

Esophageal stenosis can develop with any disease digestive system which is accompanied by vomiting, or infectious disease(diphtheria, scarlet fever, syphilis, tuberculosis). Treatment is by dilation of the esophagus with bougies or balloon catheters, endoscopic dissection, esophageal replacement, or esophagoplasty.


The disease develops against the background of a malfunction of the pancreas and manifests itself in a violation digestive function. There is pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, heartburn, bloating and heaviness in the stomach, and lack of appetite.

Organic dyspepsia develops with pathologies of the digestive organs; functional dyspepsia is said to exist if there are no organic lesions. The diagnosis is made only if other pathologies are excluded gastrointestinal tract. Treatment is symptomatic.

Diagnosis functional dyspepsia placed only if pain in the middle of the abdomen in the upper part continues for more than one week a month, absent organic lesion, and the pain does not go away after defecation. The pathology is believed to be caused mental disorder.


An ulcer is a complication of gastritis. It occurs when inflammation affects not only the mucous tissue, but also the lining of the stomach located underneath it. Pain can be felt in the epigastrium both before eating, which is caused by an increase in the level of hydrochloric acid, and after eating, since incoming food irritates the inflamed mucous membrane.

In addition to pain, patients indicate vomiting, nausea, belching, and heartburn.

There are peptic ulcers and symptomatic ulcers. The second ones arise against the background unfavorable factor and after its elimination they are completely cured. Such factors include stress, drug therapy, and diseases of the endocrine glands. Peptic ulcer disease is caused by the presence of Helicobacter and has a long-term recurrent nature.

Complications of peptic ulcer disease include perforation of the ulcer, bleeding, pyloric stenosis, and malignant degeneration of the ulcer.

In the treatment of peptic ulcer disease, the patient’s nutrition plays a major role. In order for the inflammatory process to stop, a person must follow a diet that involves eliminating foods that irritate the mucous membranes and increase the production of hydrochloric acid.

You need to give up spicy, sour, fried, smoked food, as well as from vegetables with coarse fiber. Inhibitors are prescribed to suppress gastric secretion proton pump or H2-progestamine receptor blockers.

Also drug therapy involves taking antacids, antibacterial drugs. In case of complications of the disease, for example, perforation of an ulcer or degeneration, surgical intervention is required.

Stomach cancer

If the ulcer degenerates, it may develop malignant tumor, that is, one that is capable of metastasis. Stomach pain tends to get worse. Signs of peptic ulcer disease include weight loss.

Possible causes of pain in the upper left abdomen

Pain in the upper left abdomen may occur due to:

  • enlargement or rupture of the spleen. If there are blood diseases, infectious or autoimmune diseases, the spleen enlarges and puts pressure on adjacent organs. Due to an autoimmune reaction, blunt trauma to the abdomen, or complications from an infection, the spleen can rupture, causing very severe pain. In such a case it is necessary surgery, during which the organ will be removed;
  • intestinal dysfunction. The pathology causes pain, constipation or bloody diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever;
  • inflammation of the pancreas. In this case, nausea and vomiting, hyperthermia, antibacterial therapy not effective;
  • innervation disorders. Pain is felt in the abdomen if there is osteochondrosis, scoliosis, or pinched nerve;
  • renal colic. Pain occurs when the stone moves through the ureter. It usually radiates to the lower back, but can also radiate to the left top part belly.

What should you do if your stomach hurts badly?

Medical attention is required if following symptoms:

  • acute pain, forcing you to take a forced position of the body;
  • moderate pain, diarrhea or stool retention, blood is visible in the stool, fever appears;
  • pain occurs in the upper abdomen under the right ribs, urine becomes dark in color, stool becomes light, and the skin becomes yellowish and itchy;
  • the spasm lasts more than half an hour, antispasmodics do not work;
  • pain in the stomach is accompanied by vomiting, sweating, it becomes difficult to breathe, a feeling that the abdominal organs are being squeezed;
  • moderate pain occurs periodically, regardless of food intake.

If the pain in the upper abdomen is acute, then it is necessary to call ambulance. If inflammation of the pancreas or appendicitis is suspected, then you should not take painkillers until examined by a doctor. With an acute abdomen, it is important to determine the epicenter of pain and at what point it intensifies (ascertained by palpation), and this becomes difficult if the nerve endings do not transmit impulses to the brain.

If the body temperature rises, this indicates that an inflammatory process is occurring in the body. In this case, it is forbidden to apply a warm heating pad to the sore spot, as the infection will begin to spread even faster.

For pancreatitis, it is recommended to apply cold to the abdomen, this will help reduce pain.

If the pain is caused by vasospasm as a result of the passage of stones, then it will be eliminated antispasmodics, for example, No-shpa, Papaverine.

If you're worried severe pain in the upper abdomen, you should consult a doctor. Since clinical picture at various diseases digestive system has the same symptoms, then before starting treatment it is necessary to conduct an examination of the stomach. The doctor will prescribe an endoscopy, during which it will be determined whether there are ulcers or neoplasms.

In addition, during the procedure, you can do a rapid test to detect Helicobacter and perform a biopsy of stomach tissue. If bleeding is detected, it will be cauterized. It is possible to remove small polyps during the examination.

Only after making a diagnosis will a specialist tell you what to do if your stomach hurts severely in the upper middle. In some cases, drug therapy may be required, in others the help of a psychologist. A mandatory recommendation would be to adhere to a gentle diet and fractional meals.

A whole set of specific symptoms - bloating in the upper abdomen, a feeling of fullness and heaviness - indicate the presence of problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This condition may occur due to the use of wrong products, as well as as a result of more serious factors, including dangerous diseases and inflammatory processes.

Common causes of the condition

A feeling of heaviness and pain in the upper abdomen occurs due to the following common diseases and pathologies:

  • dysbacteriosis– disturbance of intestinal microflora;
  • irritable bowel syndrome– often develops against the background of pathological fatigue and stress;
  • intestinal obstruction– a common consequence of other diseases inflammatory in nature, as well as neoplasms;
  • malignant tumors;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • problems with digestion and absorption of lactose;
  • pyloric stenosis;
  • ulcers in the stomach and intestines;
  • gastritis, cholecystitis and movement of kidney stones;
  • duodenitis.

A much less common cause of bloating and gas with a painful feeling of heaviness develops due to celiac disease. This disease is associated with the problem of digestion and breakdown of gluten, which begins to be released in the body toxic substances and irritate the intestinal walls.

Treatment of pathology is carried out by prescribing an appropriate diet, from which all products with gluten are excluded. If it is impossible to completely eliminate foods from the diet, medications - enzymes - are used to break down gluten.

Important! For women specific symptoms may be a sign of ovulation and approaching menstruation; they are not considered a pathology. However, it is important to consider that this condition is usually always present, and does not appear suddenly after 10 years of life without such discomfort.

arise severe bloating in the upper abdomen, as well as a feeling of fullness and heaviness can occur at any age. Often observed in children and elderly people. With the prolonged presence of symptoms, we can safely say that there is some pathology that interferes with the normal digestion process.

Causes of heaviness and bloating after eating

Stomach bloating after eating and a feeling of severe heaviness has happened to every person at least once in their life. And there can be a lot of factors why this phenomenon occurs:

It is impossible to find a person who has never encountered pain in the abdominal area, which may vary in type of manifestation, intensity or location. Pain in the center of the upper abdomen, as a rule, acts as one of the symptoms of some serious disease. It is often a precursor pathological processes, which are quite difficult to determine. Read more about possible reasons and diagnosis of pain and we'll talk in this article.

Various pathological processes can provoke the appearance of pain, but doctors include the most common of them:

  • frequent overeating, especially in the evening, can cause pain, which is often accompanied by a feeling of heaviness. As a rule, such symptoms go away on their own after about 4-5 hours, but if they continue to torment you, then you need to call a doctor;
  • unhealthy or unbalanced diet. Excessive use junk food can also lead to similar pain. IN in rare cases When a person constantly eats junk food, he runs the risk of developing chronic abdominal pain. In turn, this will lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • psychosomatic pain;

    Stomach diseases - psychosomatics

  • mechanical damage to the abdominal cavity. Banal injuries can also cause painful sensations. For example, when breaking internal organs or a rib fracture, sharp or aching pain may disturb the patient long time, especially with the formation of a hematoma;
  • food poisoning of the body. For example, intoxication can result from the use of certain medications in large quantities, expired products, etc.;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract of a chronic nature eg Crohn's disease;

  • peritonitis or hepatitis(liver inflammation);
  • development of cancer. If cancer has affected the liver, bladder, the patient’s esophagus or stomach, then the painful sensations accompanying this process can spread to other areas, for example, to the upper abdomen;
  • inflammation of the appendix(appendicitis);
  • circulatory disorder and other abnormalities in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • coronary heart disease can also cause severe pain. There are cases when the pain that occurs during coronary disease, is almost imperceptible, but most often it is unbearable, and the patient also experiences bouts of vomiting;

  • spinal diseases. Often pain in the spine caused by osteochondrosis or mechanical damage, can spread to other parts of the body, including the stomach;
  • dysfunction of the spleen. According to statistics, this organ rarely undergoes inflammatory processes, and if inflammation does occur, the patient may feel acute pain caused by an enlarged spleen;
  • inflammation of the pancreas. As a rule, the inflammatory process occurs with alcohol abuse, but it also cannot be excluded hereditary factor. In case of pancreatic disease, the patient, in addition to painful sensations, experiences attacks of nausea and vomiting;

  • gastritis. Its development can be recognized by abdominal pain that occurs after eating;
  • stomach ulcer. When an ulcer forms, the entire contents of the stomach can leak into the patient's abdominal cavity, causing severe pain.

Note! We must not forget about the subjective nature of pain. Their appearance is not always explained by pathologies of internal organs.

General signs

Often, abdominal pain appears along with other symptoms that cannot be called pleasant and should not be ignored. Let's consider the main ones:

This is not the entire list of symptoms, as they can vary depending on the severity of the disease, ranging from loss of consciousness to internal bleeding.

In what cases is a doctor needed?

Not everyone is in a hurry to go to the hospital if they have a stomach ache, hoping that it will go away on its own over time. But in some cases, only timely help from a doctor will help avoid serious consequences, so you need to pay attention to all the symptoms that arise. First of all, this concerns tingling in the chest, yellowing of the skin, sharp jumps blood pressure and bloody stools. If your stomach becomes hard in addition to pain, then in this case you also need the help of a qualified specialist.

The appearance of pain in any part of the abdomen deserves the attention of a doctor and requires immediate examination. This will help to establish the causes of pain and begin treatment in time. In this case, without knowing the real reason pathological condition, self-medication is highly discouraged. This may not only not help you cope with the pain, but also significantly worsen the situation as a whole. Only a doctor can determine causative factor and prescribe an appropriate course of therapy.

Diagnostic features

Only high quality diagnostic examination will enable the attending physician to make an accurate diagnosis. For this purpose it is necessary to carry out many various analyzes. A visual examination alone cannot determine the cause of pain, so the doctor should not be guided only by the patient’s subjective description of symptoms.

To determine the exact cause of abdominal pain, the doctor may prescribe the following diagnostic measures:

  • palpation of the abdominal cavity;
  • measuring blood pressure and temperature;
  • laboratory blood test for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • general urinalysis;
  • probing of internal organs;
  • conducting MRI;
  • ultrasound examination. With its help, you can not only check the size of internal organs, but also identify possible bleeding;
  • radiography.

Note! Some of the above diagnostic procedures not recommended during pregnancy. Only the attending physician has the right to decide this after examining and assessing the health status of the expectant mother.

How does the treatment work?

After the doctor makes a diagnosis, he will prescribe appropriate treatment, which is divided into 2 groups - surgical treatment and reception medications. Surgical intervention is usually resorted to if the patient has damaged internal organs, acute peritonitis, pancreatitis, perforated ulcer or inflammation of the appendix.

In all other cases, you can do without surgery, only with the help of medications. All medications must be prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis. This takes into account various factors(availability accompanying pathologies, general condition the patient, his gender, age, etc.).

Depending on the course of the disease, the doctor may prescribe one or another drug, but most often they are prescribed medicines, belonging to the following groups:

  • herbal medicines;
  • antispasmodics;
  • antibiotics;
  • enveloping agents.

In addition to taking medications, your doctor may also prescribe special diet, the diet of which may vary depending on the disease detected in the patient. But in any case, such a diet consists of avoiding junk food, which can increase pain or provoke the development of additional pathologies Gastrointestinal tract.

Pain relief before the doctor arrives

It is impossible to cure abdominal pain on your own, since you do not know exactly what exactly caused these sensations. But you can relieve your symptoms a little before visiting a doctor. Below is step by step instructions, compliance with which will help temporarily relieve pain in the abdominal area.

Table. How to cope with stomach pain.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Go to the toilet. Often, people who experience nausea or abdominal pain simply need to have a bowel movement. Before you do anything else, try sitting on the toilet for a few minutes, leaning forward or bringing your knees to your chest. This position encourages bowel movement without undue stress.

Place a warm compress on your stomach. Warming the abdominal area can help relax muscles and reduce pain. Use a bottle with hot water Microwave a compress or electric blanket and place it on your stomach for a few minutes. If you don't have any of the above, fill a clean sock with rice and heat it in the microwave, then apply it to the sore spot.

Bend over and try to reach your toes. Mild upset stomach upset can often be relieved by releasing some of the gas stored in your stomach and intestines. You can help your body get rid of excess gas by touching your toes and doing other similar simple exercises. For example, lie on your back, bend your knees and press them to your chest.

Try to induce vomiting. If you are seriously poisoned, your body may tell you what to throw up. This unpleasant action may seem like a worst-case scenario, but it is actually your body's way of eliminating contaminated bacteria, viruses, or food that is causing the irritation. Be sure to see a doctor if you continue to vomit for several days, as this may indicate a serious illness.

Accept hot bath. Dive into warm water will increase blood circulation and relax muscles. This can reduce stomach pain and also help relieve the stress you are experiencing. Stay in the warm bath for at least 15 minutes. You can also add one or two cups Epsom salts to help relieve inflammation.

Abdominal massage. Painful sensations in the stomach can be caused by muscle spasms. You can relieve the condition by giving yourself a massage. Apply light pressure to different areas stomach and back. Focus on the parts that hurt the most, but don't press too hard to make things worse. During the massage, focus on breathing. Deep breathing can help relax your muscles and distract you from pain.

Avoid taking medications until a diagnostic examination by a doctor, even if they are available without a prescription and were recommended to you by a good friend. Just because a drug helped someone, this does not mean that it will cope with pain in your case.

Prevention measures

Severe pain in the abdominal area is serious symptom, which cannot be ignored. Its danger lies in the fact that it is impossible to say for sure which disease caused the pain, so at the first symptoms you should immediately seek help from a doctor for immediate treatment. medical intervention. At timely treatment increases the likelihood of successful recovery without surgical intervention. This will also help avoid serious complications.

To prevent the occurrence of abdominal pain, it is necessary, first of all, to reorganize the nutrition process. Eliminate or at least limit the amount of junk food in your diet, give up bad habits, negatively affecting the functioning of the digestive system. It is also not recommended to take potent drugs without a doctor’s prescription (anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and hormonal drugs).

Video - Possible causes of abdominal pain

Pain in the upper middle of the abdomen may indicate development various pathologies internal organs and systems that are located there. This symptom can have a varied manifestation and character (dull, sharp pain etc.). About what could cause of this state and how to treat it - later in the article.

Periodic pain in the upper abdomen cannot be separate disease. As shown medical practice- this is always a sign developing pathology. That is why at the first manifestations this symptom It is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible and carry out diagnostic procedures

Important! Severe pain alone cannot determine accurate diagnosis. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account additional symptoms and pain intensity. They will help to more accurately determine the cause of the disease.

In most cases, the cause of pain with this localization is located in this part of the abdominal cavity. At the same time, it is worth noting that sometimes under this sign there may be diseases not related to the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by vague, radiating pain (when it hurts under the ribs, in the chest, radiates to the back, etc.). This, in turn, may indicate neuralgia or a hernia.

In medicine, severe cramping pain has a common name - “ acute stomach" In this condition, the patient usually requires urgent medical care and hospitalization.

It is especially important not to delay calling a doctor if the patient suffers from severe chronic pathologies or if the patient is a child.
Pain in the upper abdomen in the middle part is a sign that can indicate a very various diseases. That is why, in addition to him, the doctor needs to pay attention to the patient’s complaints:

  1. This could be nausea after eating or on an empty stomach, diarrhea and bloating, vomiting, etc.
  2. How often and with what intensity does pain occur (what provokes it). Thus, pain most often develops when coughing, after drinking alcohol, or after nervous or physical stress.
  3. The nature of the pain (bursting, dull aching, cutting, etc.).

Only by taking into account all the signs together will the doctor be able to correctly identify the cause of the disease and select the necessary treatment.

Main causes of pain

Pain in the upper abdomen in the middle can be caused by the following main reasons:

  1. Systemic overeating.
  2. Stomach ulcer (can occur in both a child and an adult).
  3. Acute or chronic cholecystitis.
  4. Pancreatitis.
  5. Pathologies of the spleen.
  6. Improper human nutrition.
  7. Inflammation of the appendix.
  8. Oncological pathologies.

Let's look at each cause of this symptom in more detail.


With frequent overeating, a person may develop inflammation of internal organs due to disruption of their functions. This will lead to permanent pressing pain and discomfort in the upper abdomen.

Typically, these pains go away on their own, even without taking additional analgesics. They are especially pronounced when a person overeats in the evening, since at night it is more difficult for the stomach to digest food. In addition, taking it can help digestion.

Pain of this origin can be eliminated very simply - you just need to normalize your diet and eat small portions.

Stomach ulcer

Stomach ulcers are among those diseases that most often provoke pain in the upper abdomen. An ulcer develops when the acidity of the stomach is high, due to which its walls are not protected by a mucous layer.

As a separate pathology, a stomach ulcer has several stages, each of which is also considered a separate disease.

The initial stage of an ulcer is considered. The following factors can contribute to its appearance:

  1. Damage to the stomach by the bacterium Helicobacter is the most common reason gastritis. In this condition, a person develops stomach damage, which, if left untreated, leads to a full-blown ulcer.
  2. Poor nutrition, especially eating foods with high acidity, as well as fasting.
  3. A sharp decrease in immunity, due to which the stomach becomes more susceptible various pathologies, including gastritis. In this state, its cells cannot resist pathogenic bacteria.
  4. Smoking and drinking alcohol greatly irritate the walls of the stomach and provoke chronic inflammation in it. This greatly increases the likelihood of developing gastritis, and then ulcers.
  5. Stress, according to research, can cause... This is justified by the fact that in this state a person produces special hormones that lead to metabolic disorders in the gastric mucosa.
  6. The influence of concomitant gastrointestinal pathologies. For example, liver and intestinal diseases, which are accompanied by a strong inflammatory process, can contribute to the occurrence of ulcers.

It should be noted that a stomach ulcer requires immediate treatment, otherwise the patient’s condition will only worsen, which can ultimately lead to gastric bleeding and extremely sad consequences.


Cholecystitis is a disease in which inflammation of the gallbladder occurs. In this state, a person will experience attacks of colic and pain, nausea and vomiting.

Cholecystitis can be treated with diet and a series of medications. As a rule, therapy is long and requires maximum patience from a person.


Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. It can be acute or chronic, and cause pain in the upper abdomen that occurs with movement or physical activity.

In acute pancreatitis, the pain will be very intense. At the same time, it can radiate under the ribs and into the back, such pain is called girdling pain.
At chronic inflammation pancreas, a person will suffer from periodic aching pain in the upper abdomen.

Pathologies of the spleen

The following diseases of the spleen are distinguished, which can cause pain in the upper abdomen:

  1. A ruptured spleen usually occurs from a direct blow to the abdomen. This condition is very dangerous due to internal bleeding.
  2. A splenic infarction occurs due to the formation of a blood clot in its artery. The pathology is treated surgically.
  3. A splenic abscess is a condition in which pus accumulates in the organ. This disease is accompanied severe intoxication body and requires long-term treatment.


Even though it is localized in the lower abdomen, when it is inflamed, a person may feel pain in the upper part of the abdominal cavity. Additional signs of this disease there will be diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, fever and pallor.

Inflammation of appendicitis requires immediate surgical intervention. Otherwise, it will rupture and all its purulent contents will enter the abdominal cavity, thereby causing terrible peritonitis.

Oncological pathologies

Oncological pathologies can also cause pain in the upper abdomen. At the same time, the tumor itself can be localized in almost any part of the digestive tract.

As a rule, the pain will be very pronounced, aching and pressing.

In such a condition, it is very important for a person to see a doctor as quickly as possible, because timely treatment started significantly increases the success of the entire therapy.

Additional causes of pain

Additional causes of such pain may be:

  1. Hernia.
  2. Abdominal injuries.
  3. Spinal diseases (osteochondrosis).
  4. Poor nutrition.
  5. Heart attack.
  6. Hepatitis.
  7. Peritonitis.
  8. Poisoning.

Important! If you have such pain in the abdomen, it is strictly forbidden to apply warm compresses. You should also not take analgesics, as they will only mask the symptoms, which will complicate the diagnosis. The best solution will call a doctor and go to the hospital.


If a person detects pain in this localization, it is recommended that a person contact several specialists at once - a surgeon, a therapist, a gastroenterologist and a neurologist. If necessary and if other pathologies are suspected, the doctor may refer the patient to specialists in a different medical field.

After initial examination, collecting anamnesis and palpation of the abdomen, the doctor will prescribe the following mandatory diagnostic measures:

  1. General clinical tests blood and urine. These studies will show the general picture of the patient’s health condition and identify the inflammatory process, if any, in the body.
  2. Advanced biochemical analysis blood.
  3. An abdominal ultrasound will immediately determine whether there is fluid in the abdominal cavity, inflammation of internal organs or other pathologies.
  4. Endoscopic examination (EGD), which will help to see erosions, ulcers or bleeding in the stomach and intestines.
  5. MRI and CT are prescribed if cancer is suspected.

This classical methods diagnostic procedures that are mandatory when identifying an “acute abdomen” with pain in its upper part. If more advanced diagnostics are needed, the doctor may prescribe additional procedures.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment of pain in the upper abdomen in the middle largely depends on the specific pathology identified, its neglect and the general symptoms of the patient. Also, when selecting therapy, the attending physician must take into account the person’s age, whether he has additional diseases, a tendency to allergies and the form of the underlying pathology (acute, chronic).

Traditional therapy can be drug and surgical. Typically surgery is required in the following cases:

  1. With peritonitis.
  2. When cancer pathology is detected.
  3. When identifying acute form cholecystitis and ulcers, which is accompanied by internal gastric bleeding.
  4. Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis.

If other pathologies are detected, a person requires long-term drug therapy. It is advisable to carry it out in a hospital setting under close medical supervision.

Usually, when acute pain the following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Analgesics are prescribed for pain. They can be in the form of injections, tablets or syrups.
  2. Antipyretic drugs are needed during observation high temperature body (Paracetamol).
  3. Enzyme medications and bifid drugs are prescribed to normalize digestion (Linex, Hilak Forte, Mezim, Pancreatin).
  4. Antiemetic drugs.
  5. Anti-inflammatory drugs (excluding peptic ulcers)
  6. Medicines to normalize stool.

The duration of treatment depends on the specific disease identified. Thus, it can last from 1-2 weeks to several months. It all depends on the complexity and neglect of the pathology.

In order for the therapy to be successful, during its implementation the patient is strongly recommended to completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol. It is also important to avoid physical activity and stress.

Besides this, very important role food plays. The diet includes the following:

  1. The patient needs to adhere to a fractional diet plan. Thus, you need to eat at least five times a day, but at the same time, portions should be no more than a handful. This way you can avoid starvation, but at the same time, do not overload your stomach with food.
  2. Complete refusal of seasonings, hot sauces and spices. It is also important to minimize the consumption of salt and foods with added salt.
  3. Refusal to eat solid, hard-to-digest foods ( white cabbage, fatty meat, salted fish etc.). Instead, the basis of the diet should be liquid dishes and pureed foods.
  4. Should be regularly included in the menu vegetable soups, porridge and boiled meat. Low-fat fermented milk products are also allowed.
  5. It is better to avoid most fruits during the treatment period, as they are sour. Only sweet fruits or those fruits that have passed heat treatment(baked apples).
  6. The temperature of food for consumption should be optimal - not too hot and not too cold.
  7. Complete avoidance of coffee, sweets and black tea, as they can increase the production of gastric juice, which in turn can cause a new attack of pain in a person.

Important! For additional support of the body in this condition, a person can take vitamin complexes. It is advisable that they be prescribed by the attending physician. This will help the body recover faster.

Anton palaznikov

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience more than 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.

A symptom of many different diseases is pain in the upper abdomen. There are many reasons for this discomfort.

Why does pain occur?

Painful sensations of this nature can occur due to various reasons. Discomfort may be felt in the presence of pathologies of internal organs. Hollow organs, such as the stomach or intestines, may be bothersome due to their spasms. In this case, the person suffers from cramping, burning, pressing or nagging pain.

Discomfort is also possible if the organ capsule is damaged or stretched, which looks like a dense shell of connective tissue with good innervation. In the presence of a tumor, injury or inflammation, the capsule stretches. In this case, unpleasant sensations can be both strong and barely noticeable. If the capsule ruptures, the pain becomes pronounced.

Ischemia (decreased blood supply) also often causes pain in the abdominal area. This condition occurs, for example, with atherosclerotic lesions or blockage with a blood clot.

Another cause of pain can be irritation of the mucous membrane that covers the walls and organs of the abdominal cavity (peritoneum). It has many nerve endings, so any aggressive impact on it leads to severe cutting pain. In medicine, this condition is called “acute abdomen.” It is an indication for emergency hospitalization.

In addition, pain in the abdominal area may be a consequence of its irradiation from other areas. This condition occurs due to the structural features nervous system person. When referred pain occurs, there are usually areas where the pain is more intense. From here the pain radiates to other areas.

Diseases accompanied by pain in the upper abdomen

Pain in the upper abdomen is often associated with pathologies of the stomach, esophagus, duodenum, problems with the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, and spleen can provoke pain. Moreover, the reasons pain there are cardiovascular diseases (acute heart attack myocardium, aneurysm, aortic dissection or rupture), lung diseases (pleurisy), hernia, myositis, metabolic disorders, salt poisoning heavy metals, pathologies of the nervous system (intercostal neuralgia), as well as constipation, intestinal obstruction.

Gastrointestinal diseases

In the case where pain in the upper abdomen is chronic, this may be a sign of pathological processes in the stomach or duodenum. Ulcerative damage to these organs leads to aching, dull or cutting sensations. stabbing pains in the stomach, which are associated with meals.

A gastric ulcer is characterized by the appearance of discomfort 15-45 minutes after eating, a duodenal ulcer manifests itself as pain after an hour and a half. In addition, peptic ulcer disease is characterized by the occurrence of unpleasant sensations on an empty stomach and at night; they can radiate to the area of ​​the shoulder blades and chest. Other symptoms of the disease are also observed - bloating, problems with stool, nausea, vomiting. What is characteristic: vomiting in this case brings relief; with pathologies of other organs, such an effect is not observed.

If you experience unbearable, piercing, stabbing pain in the abdomen, you must immediately seek help. medical care, as this may be a sign of perforation of the ulcer.

The presence of heartburn, belching, or a burning sensation behind the sternum may be a sign of inflammatory or ulcerative lesion esophagus. This happens with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). The appearance of symptoms after eating, being in a horizontal position, bending or lifting heavy objects, and their disappearance after taking antacids - all this is confirmation of this disease.

Liver diseases

It is no secret that hepatitis and cirrhosis can occur without symptoms in the absence of stretching of the liver capsule. But the occurrence of discomfort in the upper abdomen with right side may indicate the presence of pathologies of organs such as the liver, gall bladder and biliary tract. Hepatitis, cirrhosis and oncological diseases liver are characterized by bursting pain that can radiate to right half chest or shoulder blade area.

Another possible cause of such pain may be the presence of cholelithiasis. In this case, stones are formed in gallbladder and ducts. The disease is characterized by dull aching pain in the upper abdomen, under the ribs, on the right side. May occur hepatic colic, in this case there will be attacks of intense pain. A complication of this disease is the occurrence of cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder wall. The condition is accompanied by cramping pain, with a feeling of nausea, and there is often vomiting, which does not bring relief. Discomfort is felt in the upper abdomen on the right side, and can radiate to the shoulder or shoulder blade. If the pain intensifies while walking, one may suspect that the inflammatory process has transferred to the peritoneum.

Pancreas problems

This organ is located horizontally in the upper abdomen and ends on the left, therefore, when the pancreas is inflamed (pancreatitis), pain occurs in the left upper abdomen and in the center, or it is encircling. The pain is pronounced; acute pancreatitis is often accompanied by incessant vomiting, which does not bring relief to the patient. Cysts and tumors of the pancreas cause bursting, prolonged, mild or severe pain.

Spleen diseases

Abdominal pain caused by pathologies of this organ is quite rare occurrence. Soreness occurs in the upper left part. Such sensations can be triggered by the presence of a cyst, splenic infarction, or tumor lesions of the organ.

Cardiovascular diseases as a cause of pain

Coronary heart disease can provoke discomfort in the upper abdomen. Their most common cause is acute myocardial infarction. Referred pain occurs in the upper abdomen. They can be very pronounced, which is why doctors sometimes misdiagnose acute abdomen. Heart attack pain also has other symptoms: a feeling of squeezing in the chest, shortness of breath, falling or sharp increase blood pressure, severe weakness, cold sticky sweat, rhythm disturbances, etc.

Another cause of abdominal pain is an aortic aneurysm; the resulting unpleasant sensations can radiate to the back. In addition, with this disease, a formation visible under the skin appears, pulsating in rhythm with the heart. If there is a sharp pain that radiates to chest, in the arm, area of ​​the shoulder blades, a rupture or dissection of the aorta may have occurred, and it drops sharply blood pressure. Such an acute condition requires immediate hospitalization of the sick person.

Lung diseases

Pain in the upper abdomen can be caused by pleurisy. Confirmation of the presence of such a disease can be an increase in pain in the patient when coughing and taking a deep breath, which weakens in a supine position. In addition, lung damage is accompanied by cough, shortness of breath, body temperature may rise, chills, and weakness may occur.

Muscle pain

Determine whether discomfort is associated with physical activity on the abdominal muscles, it’s not difficult. Muscle pulling pain becomes stronger when raising the legs from a lying position.

Neurological pain

Osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine can cause compression of the nerve roots spinal cord. Pain occurs along the nerves. In addition, there are also other neurological symptoms. The epicenter of pain is most often the spine.


When parts of organs become compressed, a hernia appears. A hernia of the white line is characterized by the presence of a rounded formation in the area of ​​painful sensations. It may disappear with pressure. With hiatal hernias, symptoms arise that are similar to those that occur with diseases of the digestive tract. To make a correct diagnosis, instrumental examination is used.

Metabolic disorders

In such conditions (ketoacidosis, thyrotoxic crisis), aggressive compounds irritate the peritoneal receptors. A pronounced sharp pain occurs, while the muscles abdominal wall very tense. To exclude surgical pathology and provide adequate treatment, the patient must be sent to a hospital.

How to behave if your stomach hurts

Regardless of the nature of the pain, consultation with a specialist is necessary. This will help establish the correct diagnosis and avoid possible complications.

You cannot take painkillers before the doctor arrives; this interferes with making an accurate diagnosis, and the result can be disastrous.

When your stomach hurts, you should never use a heating pad until the cause of the pain has been determined. You can apply ice.

You should be wary if abdominal pain is accompanied by fever, diarrhea and vomiting. This may be a sign of a serious pathology.

Irregular pain that occurs from time to time usually does not indicate serious illness. But if discomfort occurs very often and has become a pattern, you should consult a doctor. To facilitate diagnosis, you should pay attention to the severity and nature of pain, location. As for treatment, naturally, it should be aimed primarily at eliminating the pathology that causes such unpleasant symptoms for the patient.

Information about the possible causes of abdominal pain, of course, can help a person understand his condition. But still, to preserve health and even life if available alarming symptoms it is necessary to seek qualified medical help.