Causes of bloody stool in humans. Causes of blood in the stool and its discharge from the anus. Why does this happen

Bleeding from anus is an alarming symptom, which is often caused by damage to the integrity of the walls of blood vessels digestive tract or diseases affecting the anal area (anal canal and anus). The appearance of blood inclusions in the stool can serve as a sign of non-life-threatening diseases and general health person or talk about development dangerous pathologies, in which immediate consultation with a doctor is necessary.

In some cases, the presence of reddish inclusions in the stool or complete coloring of the stool in red or black appears after eating certain foods that contain natural or artificial food colors. Such products include:

  • red beet dishes (first courses, salads, juice);
  • raw bell pepper red;
  • brightly colored berries, especially currants;
  • blood sausage and other blood dishes;
  • tomatoes, as well as sauces prepared on their basis, first and second courses, tomato juice;
  • factory-made desserts and jellies colored with artificial colors;
  • bright carbonated drinks.

In the absence of prerequisites to suspect a gastrointestinal tract disease (gastro- intestinal tract), do not panic if you notice reddish streaks or inclusions in the stool; first of all, you need to remember what foods were included in your diet over the past 2-4 days.


If blood inclusions appear in the stool or bleeding from the anus develops, you cannot treat it yourself at home; you must consult a doctor to determine accurate diagnosis and prescribing appropriate treatment. Even the mildest diseases, accompanied by the appearance of blood in the stool, can progress over time, become complicated and transform into more severe pathologies, including malignant neoplasms.

The following groups of diseases accompanied by the appearance of blood in the stool are distinguished:

  1. Diseases of the anal area - hemorrhoids, anal fissure, constipation of various etiologies.
  2. Infectious – dysentery, salmonellosis, helminthic infestations(including amoebiasis), typhoid fever, intestinal tuberculosis.
  3. Diseases of an inflammatory nature - ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, intestinal diverticulitis.
  4. Diseases upper sections digestive tract – varicose veins of the esophagus, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, erosive gastritis.
  5. Dysbacteriosis.
  6. Intestinal neoplasms – polyps, malignant tumors.
  7. Diseases that are sexually transmitted - syphilis; rectal gonorrhea; herpes.

Let's consider the most common diseases manifested by the presence of blood in the stool.


A delay in bowel movement for two or more days is called constipation; its development can be caused by dietary errors, intestinal diseases, or a passive lifestyle. This pathology can cause the development of many gastrointestinal diseases, from anal fissure to cancer problems.

Symptoms of constipation

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • feeling of heaviness in the intestines;
  • headaches and unmotivated dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • lack of appetite;
  • bad breath;
  • sleep disorders.

What to do if you are constipated

In order to avoid the development of constipation, you must adhere to proper diet and maintain a drinking regime (at least 1.8 liters of water per day in small portions). The menu must include black bread, fresh vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products.

Anal fissure

Causes of micro-fractures skin and mucous membrane in the area of ​​the anus often become chronic constipation in combination with the use of hard toilet paper and hygiene procedures using detergents(soaps, gels). Chronic trauma to the anus can also lead to the appearance of cracks.

The disease is manifested by the presence of small inclusions of scarlet blood in the stool and sharp pain during defecation. Because of constant pain during defecation, a person develops a fear of this process, causing development constipation (the vicious circle closes). The main sign of the development of this pathology is the presence of a rupture at the border of the skin and mucous membrane.

What to do with an anal fissure

  1. To normalize stool and eliminate constipation, you must adhere to a diet and drinking regime. The diet should include foods rich in fiber and at least 1.8 liters of water per day.
  2. In order to break the vicious circle, a blockade is used with painkillers. After the pain disappears, constipation disappears, which speeds up the healing of the fissure.
  3. For normal healing an ointment based on nitroglycerin or drugs that block calcium channels is prescribed.
  4. If there is a spasm of the rectal sphincter, surgical correction is performed.


The main reason for the development of this fairly common disease (more than half of all people suffer from it) globe) – varicose veins of the lower rectum.

There are three forms of hemorrhoids - external, in which the nodes are located on the outside; internal, characterized by the localization of venous nodes in the rectum and mixed, in which the nodes various sizes can be found both inside and outside the anal canal.

Symptoms of the disease

  • the presence of itching in the anal area and anus;
  • feeling of incomplete bowel movement;
  • the appearance of scarlet blood during defecation (and with long-term progression of the disease and outside it), the volume of blood lost can change as the disease develops from small single drops to profuse massive bleeding, leading to anemia;
  • prolapse of nodes of various sizes;
  • pain when trying to have a bowel movement.

If complications develop, which include thrombosis hemorrhoids and the addition of a secondary infection may develop sharp pain, local hyperemia and swelling, increased body temperature.

What to do for hemorrhoids

  • first of all, it is necessary to review the diet and adhere to a diet that helps relieve constipation; the menu must include foods that have a mild laxative effect (fermented milk, fresh or dried plums, beets);
  • used to relieve pain rectal suppositories with analgesic effect;
  • bleeding in the initial stages of the disease can be treated with medication (ointments are used for this) or with the help of traditional methods, which can only be used after consultation with a doctor;
  • if necessary, surgical methods for treating the disease are prescribed, these include sclerotherapy, surgical removal nodes, laser exposure.

After surgical treatment it is necessary to adhere to diet and personal hygiene rules (after bowel movements it is better not to use toilet paper, but to wash cold water) to prevent the development of relapses of the disease.


Salmonellosis is a disease whose development is provoked by numerous pathogenic microorganisms of the Salmonella genus. Infection can occur through nutritional or through contact and everyday life when eating meat, milk or eggs from infected animals, as well as when contacting people who are carriers of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

Incubation period(the time elapsed from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first signs) can range from 5-6 hours to 7-8 days, but on average it lasts up to two days. With classical clinical picture Salmonellosis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea with a frequency of 7-10 times a day, while the stool is foamy and has unpleasant smell and a greenish tint;
  • the presence of blood in the stool is due to damage to the mucous membrane during frequent bowel movements;
  • general weakness;
  • abdominal pain, flatulence and rumbling, determined during palpation;
  • with the development of dehydration, a decrease in blood pressure and tachycardia, headaches, dizziness are associated, and with severe dehydration - a convulsive syndrome.

In addition to these signs, depending on the severity of the disease, enlargement of the liver and spleen, undulating fever, and vomiting may occur.

What to do if you have salmonellosis

When the first signs of salmonellosis develop, you must consult a doctor; during treatment and for some time after recovery you will have to follow a diet (table No. 4) in which dairy products, fats, as well as dishes and spices that irritate the stomach mechanically, thermally and chemically are completely excluded from the menu . For treatment, drugs that effectively fight the causative agent of the disease are used, and rehydration therapy is also used, aimed at restoring the water-salt balance in the body.


Shigellosis or dysentery – acute intestinal infection, the causative agent of which is a bacterium of the genus Shigella. The disease has an oral-fecal transmission mechanism and is characterized by general malaise and the development of diarrhea.

Symptoms of dysentery

The development of acute dysentery can be suspected if the following signs are present:

  • increase in body temperature to high values (39.5-40.0);
  • diarrhea - at the beginning of the disease, loose stools are not repeated often; as it develops, the urge can reach 30 times a day, while the stool is mucous and almost colorless with inclusions of blood or purulent masses;
  • abdominal cramps;
  • possible nausea and vomiting;
  • Tenesmus is a painful urge to have a bowel movement.

If the disease lasts for three months or more, it is considered chronic; it is characterized by the presence of periodic exacerbations and long-term remissions.

What to do for dysentery

In mild cases, dysentery resolves within a few days and does not require antibiotic therapy. For treatment the following are used:

  • sorbents are prescribed to relieve diarrhea;
  • if you have symptoms of dehydration, you need to drink rehydron;
  • V mandatory the diet (table No. 4) and water regime are observed.

Stopping diarrhea with loperamide or imodium is strictly prohibited, since this will disrupt the rate of elimination of pathogens from the body and will lead to aggravation of its course and the development of complications.


Amebiasis is a protozoal disease (caused by the simplest microorganism - dysenteric amoeba) with a fecal-oral transmission route, which affects only humans. The incubation period of the disease lasts up to 14 days.

Symptoms of amoebiasis

  • gradually increasing diarrhea - from 5-6 times a day to 20;
  • liquid glassy feces mixed with blood in the form of “fruit jelly”;
  • the pain is constant or paroxysmal, intensifying when trying to empty the intestines;
  • increase in body temperature to subfebrile values ​​(37.5-38.0);
  • soreness and bloating determined by palpation of the abdomen;
  • possibly smite tenesmus.

What to do with amoebiasis

To treat the disease, antibiotics are prescribed; drugs that affect the luminal and tissue forms of the pathogen; means restoring normal intestinal microflora; enzymes. Treatment is carried out mainly in a hospital under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease

UC and Crohn's disease are very similar in nature and clinical manifestations, they are characterized by long chronic course with periodic exacerbations, the development of an inflammatory process in the intestinal mucosa, the formation of ulcerations on it and a violation normal functioning intestines.

Both Crohn's disease and UC can cause the development of malignant neoplasms. With prolonged progression of diseases, ulcers on the mucous membrane can grow and lead to ruptures of the walls of the digestive tract, the development of bleeding and peritonitis, which poses a direct threat human life. Therefore, if you suspect these diseases, you must consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and timely treatment.

Symptoms of both pathologies

Both diseases have similar manifestations; they can be distinguished only after instrumental diagnostics. The main manifestations of inflammatory bowel diseases include:

  • quite strong dull ache, spreading throughout the abdomen or localized to the lower left;
  • the presence of blood in the stool - the volume varies from a few drops to massive bleeding, leading to the development of anemia;
  • in some cases, purulent masses may be found in the stool;
  • with nonspecific ulcerative colitis, diarrhea develops with multiple urges to defecate;
  • Crohn's disease is characterized by chronic constipation.

In addition to gastrointestinal symptoms, inflammatory diseases manifested by extraintestinal signs - liver pathologies, development of dermatitis or inflammatory changes in joints (arthritis).

Treatment of UC and Crohn's disease

The basis of therapy for these diseases is the prescription of prednisolone; this drug stops the inflammatory process and blocks autoimmune processes. In addition to this, the following are used:

  • diet therapy;
  • analgesics;
  • antidiarrheals.

In severe cases it is required surgery, which consists in removing the area of ​​the intestine affected by ulcers. After the operation, a long period of rehabilitation period, during which hormonal therapy is carried out.

Intestinal diverticulitis

The inflammatory process affecting the mucous membrane of a protrusion of the intestinal wall (diverticulum) is called diverticulitis. The development of diverticula is provoked by chronic constipation; the cavities formed in this case are poorly cleared of contents, which can cause inflammation.

Symptoms of the disease

  • pain in the lower left abdomen;
  • bleeding from the anus;
  • increase in body temperature.

What to do if you have diverticulitis

Therapy for this disease is aimed at relieving inflammation and stopping bleeding. It is often necessary to remove the affected part of the intestine. Colonoscopy is necessary to determine the presence of other diverticula.

Diseases of the upper digestive tract

Stomach or duodenal ulcers, varicose veins of the esophagus, erosive gastritis can be manifested by heartburn, hunger pains, tarry stools, bloody vomiting, with heavy bleeding, general weakness and the development of pallor of the skin. These diseases can be treated with medications or surgical methods depending on the severity of the pathology and its clinical manifestations.


Dysbacteriosis is a change in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the microflora of the intestinal tract (the ratio changes pathogenic microorganisms to those that are normally contained in the intestines). This condition is manifested by disruption of the normal functioning of the intestines.

The cause of the development of dysbacteriosis can be immunodeficiency states, long-term use antibiotics, lack of enzymes, presence of helminths, lack of diet nutrients, which serve as a substrate for the growth and reproduction of beneficial microflora.

Symptoms of the disease

The pathology manifests itself as nausea, retching, heartburn, belching, unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth low-grade fever, not severe abdominal pain, indigestion (diarrhea or, conversely, constipation). Blood appears in the stool when running forms diseases and in small quantities.

What to do if you have dysbiosis

  • first of all, it is necessary to reconsider the lifestyle - heavy physical activity and chronic stress are not recommended for a person with diagnosed dysbiosis;
  • the diet for dysbacteriosis is aimed at eliminating mechanical, chemical and thermal irritation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • to suppress the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora in the intestines, it is necessary to take intestinal antiseptics(furazolidone, nitroxoline);
  • antibiotic therapy is used only if there is a threat of sepsis;
  • for recovery normal microflora probiotics (linnex, bifiform) and prebiotics (hilak forte) are prescribed;
  • If the cause of dysbacteriosis is an immunodeficiency state, it is necessary to take drugs that normalize the functioning of the immune system.

After normalization of the microflora composition, the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Intestinal polyps

A polyp is one that rises above the surface pathological growth mucosal tissues. The disease may be:

  • acquired – the main causes being inflammatory processes in the rectum and fecal retention due to constipation;
  • hereditary - the main reason for the development is the genetically determined predisposition of the body to the formation of polyps.

When small in size, the presence of polyps is not felt at all; they are usually discovered by chance during a colonoscopy.

Symptoms of polyps

For multiple polyps large sizes the patient may complain of:

  • inclusions of mucus and blood in stool;
  • diarrhea or constipation.

In the most severe cases, intestinal obstruction develops.

What to do if you have polyps

Treatment of polyposis is only surgical, and you should not refuse surgery, since this disease has a high percentage of malignancy (degeneration into cancer). At hereditary form illness after surgical intervention Relapses often develop and surgical treatment has to be repeated periodically.

Colorectal cancer

Among all malignant neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract, rectal cancer is considered the most common. The main symptom of the pathology is profuse bleeding from the anus, the disease is often diagnosed on late stages development, when almost any method of therapy (including surgery) turns out to be ineffective.

The causes of the development of pathology are considered to be the consumption of carcinogenic foods, chronic constipation, long-term inflammatory processes, polyps, alcoholism, and exposure to radioactive radiation.

Symptoms of the disease

  • intestinal disorders - both diarrhea and chronic constipation can develop;
  • bleeding from the anal canal - depending on the stage of the process, there may be isolated drops of blood, or massive bleeding may develop;
  • lack of appetite and sudden weight loss;
  • the chair becomes “pencil-like”;
  • availability painful sensations in the lumbar and lower abdomen area.

Treatment of rectal cancer

The method of therapy is selected individually depending on the characteristics and stage of the disease, the health status and age of the patient. Depending on the situation, a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy is used.

Bleeding from the lower gastrointestinal tract

If the source of blood in the stool is the vessels of the mucous membrane located below the ligament of Treitz, we can talk about bleeding from lower sections intestines. In this case, the blood in the stool is bright red or scarlet in color and may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, intestinal dysfunction and inclusions of pus or mucus.

The cause of the development of such bleeding can be angiodysplasia, diverticulosis, anal fissure, hemorrhoids, polyps, aortointestinal fistula, neoplasms, helminths, and inflammatory processes. In order to stop bleeding, it is necessary to determine its cause and choose the appropriate treatment; a proctologist can handle this.

Bloody feces during pregnancy

The cause of blood in the stool during pregnancy can be:

  • chronic constipation;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • anal fissure;
  • the presence of multiple polyps in the rectum.

If drops of blood appear in the stool, or traces of it on paper or underwear, a pregnant woman should contact her gynecologist. After an appropriate examination, the disease will be treated subject matter specialist(usually a proctologist). To relieve constipation, you need to include fiber-rich vegetables and fermented milk products in your diet, try not to overdo it, and follow a drinking regime.

Bloody feces in infants and children

In infants and young children school age inclusions of blood in the stool develop when the upper and lower intestines are damaged, and they manifest themselves in different ways:

  1. With pathologies of the upper digestive tract (gastritis, ulcers, damage to the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach), black blood inclusions appear in the stool, causing the stool to take on a tarry appearance; in some cases, the condition is aggravated by the development of repeated vomiting in the form of coffee grounds.
  2. Diseases of the lower region include anal fissure, allergic reaction to cow's milk and soy proteins; Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, juvenile polyps, infectious intestinal lesions (salmonellosis, dysentery). They are manifested by the appearance of drops, stripes or clots of scarlet blood in the stool.

In any case, if blood inclusions appear in the child’s stool, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Laboratory and instrumental examination methods are used to make a diagnosis.

Laboratory detection of occult blood in stool

  1. Benzidine test - for feces, thin layer applied to a glass slide, a solution of hydrogen peroxide and benzidine is dripped. When a blue-green color appears within a minute, the sample is considered positive.
  2. Guaiac test - a piece of filter paper with feces smeared on it is placed on a glass slide, a solution of glacial acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide and tincture of guaiac resin is dripped on top. At positive result A violet or blue-green color appears. In practice, test strips impregnated with guaiac resin are often used, feces are applied to them and hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid are added.
  3. Immunochemical testing of stool for occult blood based on the method of immunochromatography. Using the Immuno-Chrome Gemm Express kit, testing is possible at home; you just need to follow the rules for collecting the material and the instructions for the kit.

To properly collect stool, it is necessary not to drink alcohol and blood thinners for 48 hours, to collect the samples no earlier than three days after menstruation, and to avoid injuries to the oral cavity one day before collecting the material.

Instrumental methods examinations

If there are obvious inclusions of blood in the stool, the following manipulations may be prescribed:

  1. Rectoscopy is an examination of the lower intestines using a special device.
  2. Irrigoscopy – X-ray examination intestine with a contrast agent injected into it.
  3. Colonoscopy – endoscopic examination lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Gastroduodenoscopy is an examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract using a gastroscope.

Basic treatment methods

The following treatment methods are used to treat gastrointestinal diseases:

How to detect hidden blood in stool?

To detect hidden (occult) blood, benzidine and guaiac tests are used, as well as the determination of traces of blood using an immunochemical test.

Is a diet necessary if there is blood in the stool and bleeding from the anus??

Yes, if blood appears in the stool, you must adhere to a diet that includes black bread, fresh vegetables, and dairy products. At the same time, you should try to drink at least 1.8 liters of fresh, clean still water per day.

Can there be blood in stool after drinking alcohol?

After excessive use alcoholic drinks Blood inclusions may appear in the stool. This is due to excessive irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

Can there be blood after antibiotics?

Uncontrolled long-term use of antibiotics is the main cause of the development of dysbiosis, one of the symptoms of which is the presence of blood in the stool.

What to do if blood appears in the stool after childbirth?

The most common cause of the appearance of blood during bowel movements after childbirth is an exacerbation of hemorrhoids. To treat this disease, you need to consult a proctologist.

What to do if there is blood in stool and urine?

Bowel movements are normal feces should not contain blood impurities. Even its slight presence can indicate a serious pathology. Blood during bowel movements is just one of the symptoms that may accompany the disease.

Blood during bowel movements: causes

The main reasons for the appearance of scarlet discharge during bowel movements include:

  • fissures in the anal area;
  • inflammation of hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids);
  • formation of diverticula in the large intestine;
  • polyps;
  • tumor in the colon.

Anal fissures

One of the most common proctological diseases is rectal fissures. People at any age are susceptible to their occurrence. But according to statistics, the formation of anal fissures is most often observed in females due to anatomical features.

To the main reasons for the appearance pathological process include inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract or mechanical damage.

Diseases such as gastric ulcer, gastritis, cholecystitis often lead to damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Walls digestive organs become vulnerable, which leads to bleeding.

Mechanical damage is associated with the release of too dense stool. Most often, the cause of this is constipation.

Anal fissures are divided into acute and chronic forms. If left untreated, the acute form can develop into a chronic form.

The main symptom of cracks is severe pain in the anal area during bowel movements. At acute form the pain does not last more than 10 minutes after defecation. At chronic process painful sensations less pronounced, but lasting for a longer period.

With anal fissures, slight bleeding is observed during bowel movements. The blood is not mixed with feces and has a scarlet color without mucus.

Treatment of rectal fissures includes:

  • prescribing a dairy-vegetable diet that provides soft stools;
  • the use of enemas with a weak antiseptic solution, for example, herbal decoctions;
  • the use of anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of rectal suppositories.

If the cause of anal fissures is pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, then the patient is additionally prescribed treatment for the underlying disease.


Inflammation of hemorrhoidal (venous) nodes is a consequence of hemorrhoids. The main symptom of the pathology is blood during bowel movements. According to some data, every fourth person in the country suffers from the disease.

The risk group includes persons whose professional activity associated with sedentary life or with heavy physical labor. People who are overweight and suffer from frequent constipation are also susceptible to hemorrhoids.

On initial stage development of hemorrhoids manifests itself by bleeding after bowel movements and a feeling of discomfort in the rectal area.
If left untreated, the pain becomes more pronounced; during defecation, not only bleeding is observed, but also prolapse of hemorrhoids.

Bloody discharge in subsequent stages may also appear in calm state. Hemorrhoidal veins begin to fall out constantly.
Treatment of hemorrhoids depends on the stage at which the pathology is located. To eliminate pain, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. At chronic form Only surgical intervention is indicated.


Diverticular disease is one of the causes of blood appearing after bowel movements. With the development of diverticulosis, gradual formation of protrusions on the intestinal walls is observed.

Diverticula form against the background of dystrophic pathologies muscle tissue colon and vascular dysfunction in the gastrointestinal tract. A predisposing factor to the appearance of diverticulosis is poor nutrition.

The following pathological processes also include the causes of the development of the disease:

  • hernias;
  • constipation;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • varicose veins.

Diverticular disease manifests itself sharp pain in the abdominal area due to large cluster feces, stool disturbances and the appearance of blood during bowel movements. Diverticula can form in the esophagus, duodenum, and small and large intestines.

Diverticulosis requires integrated approach to treatment, which should include diet therapy, laxatives, enzyme preparations and antibiotics wide range actions.

Polyps in the intestines

Benign neoplasms localized in the intestines are called polyps.

Predisposing factors to the appearance of polyps are:

  • inflammatory processes in the intestinal area;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • food allergies;
  • celiac disease.

The main symptoms of the presence of polyps are the appearance of blood and mucus in the stool, frequent constipation, cramping pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, the patient may experience increased flatulence, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, and rumbling in the abdomen.

If polyps are detected, surgical intervention is indicated, since often benign formations develop into malignant ones.

Colon cancer

Education malignant tumor in the area of ​​the large intestine is a consequence of polyps, genetic predisposition, Crohn's disease, inflammatory processes gastrointestinal tract.

The main symptoms of colon cancer are:

  • feeling of discomfort or pain in the abdomen;
  • increased gas formation;
  • the presence of blood and mucus during bowel movements;
  • feeling of incomplete bowel movement.

Against the background of intestinal cancer, the patient may experience iron deficiency anemia, weight loss, general weakness.

In 90% of cases with this type of oncology, surgical intervention is indicated.

Blood during bowel movements in pregnant women

Blood after bowel movements during pregnancy and after childbirth is associated with the appearance of hemorrhoids or anal fissures during this period. In most cases, this is due to the appearance of irregular bowel movements in pregnant and postpartum women.

As a rule, some time after childbirth, the body is completely restored and the symptoms go away. To avoid the risk of subsequent complications, pregnant and postpartum patients are advised to follow a diet that includes fermented milk products, dried fruits and vegetables, which have a laxative effect.

Antihemorrhoidal suppositories or local anti-inflammatory ointments are indicated.

Blood after bowel movements: other causes

In more rare cases, the appearance of blood in the stool may indicate peptic ulcer or cirrhosis of the liver.

With stomach and duodenal ulcers, the mucous membrane of the digestive organs is affected. The disease is characterized by symptoms such as acute, sudden pain in the upper abdomen, heartburn, constipation and blood during bowel movements. In many ways, the symptoms are similar to bowel cancer, so a full examination is required to make a diagnosis.

The first symptoms of liver cirrhosis are nausea, heaviness in the right side, bitterness in the mouth, general weakness, and aversion to fatty and fried foods. The appearance of blood during bowel movements is associated with internal hemorrhages that appear in the later stages of the pathology.
Treatment should first of all be aimed at eliminating cirrhosis, and then at suppressing its symptoms.


If blood is detected after defecation, you should immediately contact a proctologist to determine the cause.

The doctor examines the rectum and prescribes necessary tests and research. X-rays, coprograms and endoscopy may be needed to make a diagnosis. Depending on the diagnosis, appropriate therapy is prescribed.

One of the signs of gastrointestinal disease is bloody stool. Its causes vary, from anal fissures and hemorrhoids to serious illnesses. You may notice bloody discharge on your underwear or toilet paper, but in any case the symptom requires immediate appeal for medical assistance. The main specialist is a proctologist, but sometimes a consultation with a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, or immunologist is required.

In the article we will talk about the causes of such a symptom as bloody stool without pain in an adult, we will tell you what to do and what to pay attention to.

Causes of blood in stool

There are two types of blood in stool:

  1. Visible. It is visible to the naked eye on the surface of feces, toilet paper or linen. The causes may be injuries, illnesses and damage to the lower intestines and rectum. The blood is bright scarlet, red.
  2. Hidden. This type of bleeding cannot be seen with the naked eye. The blood changes its color, becomes brown, black due to the fact that it is acted upon digestive juices. The causes of this phenomenon may be pathologies of the upper gastrointestinal tract, hepatobiliary system and kidneys. Minor impurities of hidden blood appear as a result of nosebleeds, bleeding gums due to periodontal disease, and after tooth extraction.
The presence of liquid blood discharge during bowel movements - dangerous symptom that can't be ignored

Stools with blood without pain occur with viral and bacterial infections, infectious diseases and helminthiasis.

Such ailments provoke pain, discomfort and the release of blood along with feces out during stool. Even once blood that appears in the stool or its discharge from the anus is a reason to seek treatment. medical care. Timely examination and treatment prevent serious health problems.

Hemorrhoids are a common cause of bleeding during stool. The causes of the disease vary depending on gender and age. Hemorrhoids in girls have completely different causes than in women who have given birth.

Hemorrhoids that occur in teenagers are in most cases the result of an incorrect lifestyle and bad habits.

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Treatment of hemorrhoids with laser

The first signs of hemorrhoids in men appear by the age of 40-50.

Loose stools with blood can be a consequence of infections and gastrointestinal diseases

Associated symptoms

If an adult has bloody stool, the cause is determined by a doctor. Associated symptoms may vary depending on the underlying cause that caused the pathology.

IN different cases the patient complains of:

  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • flatulence;
  • bloating;
  • pain in the peritoneal area (they can be from different sides);
  • heartburn and belching;
  • general weakness;
  • loss of appetite.

With hemorrhoids, bloody stool is accompanied by itching and burning in the perineal area, pain near the anus. The patient complains of stool disorders, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and perineum after physical activity. The nodes may be palpable or fall out of the anus. A proctologist treats hemorrhoids.

In the initial stages, the disease is practically asymptomatic, but if they are detected, it is better to immediately consult a doctor. Without adequate treatment, the disease enters an advanced stage when surgical intervention is required. Later added frequent bleeding, pain due to the appearance of cracks in the mucous membranes; such conditions are accompanied by chronic anemia.

Diseases of the rectum, anal area. Problems of this nature are accompanied by pain during bowel movements, constipation

There are a number of symptoms for which an emergency team is called:

  • increased body temperature;
  • spicy, cutting pains in the stomach;
  • the appearance of a large amount of scarlet blood in the stool;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • severe drowsiness and confusion.

Rectal bleeding poses a serious threat to life. Therefore, you need to urgently seek treatment. Since such a symptom can be caused by a number of pathologies, you will need to consult a therapist, proctologist, surgeon, gastroenterologist and oncologist.

Possible reasons

The causes of hemorrhoids in each specific case depend on the gender and age of the person. Provoking factors include:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • pregnancy;
  • sedentary work;
  • bad habits;
  • unhealthy diet (infatuation with “strict” mono-diets, little plant fiber in the diet, large number spicy food, alcohol);
  • hard physical labor.

Disposing factors include constants emotional stress, nervous tension.

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Menovazin for hemorrhoids: how and when can it be used?

Sometimes reasons loose stool with blood in an adult there may be consequences alcohol intoxication

Treatment and diagnosis

At the first sign of hemorrhoids, you should seek advice. Successful cure is possible only with complex treatment.

Comprehensive diagnostics includes:

  • collecting anamnesis, patient complaints (allows us to identify other symptoms of the disease);
  • digital examination of the rectum;
  • laboratory tests;
  • instrumental examination methods.

Laboratory diagnostic methods for detecting blood in stool:

If necessary, a stool test for occult blood is also performed. Instrumental examination methods help clarify the diagnosis:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • X-ray (intestines, stomach if necessary);
  • colonoscopy;

Fecal occult blood test, which detects traces of hemoglobin in feces
  • anoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • computed tomography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • laparoscopic examination (used to establish a diagnosis and for therapeutic purposes).

After establishing an accurate diagnosis, the proctologist draws up a treatment regimen. At the initial stage of the disease it is possible conservative treatment. It includes local therapy (aimed at eliminating symptoms) and systemic therapy, eliminating the root causes.

Conservative therapy includes:

For rectal blood loss, regardless of the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe medications for anemia - vitamin complexes containing iron - “Maltofer”, “Tardiferon”, “Aktiferrin”.

If the cause of blood in the stool is hemorrhoids, the doctor prescribes medical supplies, eliminating inflammation, swelling and pain in the pelvic area. Oral dosage forms– venotonics. They normalize outflow venous blood, prevent the formation of blood clots.

For anal fissures, the patient does not require special medications

For hemorrhoids the following are used:

  • ointments and creams - “Proctosan”, “Relief”, “Proctosedyl”, “Anuzol”;
  • tablets - “Detralex”, “Troxevasin”, “Ginkofar”.

If hemorrhoids are late stages, then the auxiliary drug therapy. At the same time, the method is assigned surgical treatment. Minimally invasive methods of therapy are widespread. They do not require the patient to stay in an outpatient clinic, and rehabilitation lasts 2-7 days. In some cases, a full-fledged surgery under general or spinal anesthesia. Hemorrhoidectomy is prescribed last, and the rehabilitation course lasts up to 30 days.

Bloody stool is alarm signal, which indicates to a person the problems that have arisen in his body, or rather in the gastrointestinal tract. Typically, this symptom is caused by bleeding in the intestines, which can be dangerous to a person's health. Therefore, timely consultation with a doctor and finding out the cause of this pathology is extremely important. To properly diagnose possible diseases, the first step is to identify the site of bleeding. And for this, a thorough examination and many tests are prescribed.

Causes and symptoms

Bloody stool is a sign that the intestinal mucosa or blood vessels are damaged. And it, in turn, is called nearby various diseases. It is necessary to take into account that with each of them the stool with blood is not the same, there are different manifestations:

Another, no less common, reason for the appearance of such pathology is infectious diseases(dysentery, salmonellosis, etc.) and any other infections that damage the intestinal mucosa. In this case, as a rule, it appears with blood in the form of streaks. Cramping pain and false urge to defecate may also occur.

Blood in stool may occur due to allergies. Very often it manifests itself in proteins contained in goat and cow's milk. This results in decreased appetite, weight loss and allergic rashes on the skin.

If a person experiences severe pain, this may indicate intussusception - the absorption of one part of the intestine into another. With this diagnosis, vomiting may be added to bloody stools.

When to see a doctor

If the above symptoms are detected, you must visit a doctor (proctologist, oncologist or surgeon). If bleeding occurs in a child or a pregnant woman, you must immediately call an ambulance.

In conclusion, we can conclude that visual inspection of stool plays a significant role in a person’s life. After all, it is he who will help to carry out early diagnosis of diseases, after which timely treatment will be started.

Bloody feces can appear in anyone, regardless of age. That's enough alarming symptom, when it appears, it is imperative to undergo a thorough examination and course of treatment.


When bloody discharge appears in the stool, doctors talk about serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. These include disorders of the intestinal mucosa, a tumor formed in the duodenum, etc. Ignore similar phenomenon it is forbidden.

The sooner the cause of the problem is identified, the higher the patient’s chances of successful recovery.

Color is of no small importance in diagnosis: light red indicates the presence of stool, and black stool with blood indicates a clear sign development of internal pathologies.

Diseases that cause a dangerous symptom include:

People who care about their health often ask doctors: if there is blood in the stool, what could it be?

First of all, this is a symptom of any pathology internal organs. Therefore, consultation with a doctor is mandatory.

In some cases, bleeding disappears quickly. This means that the disease does not manifest itself outwardly, but continues to develop.

Many parents face a problem. Most often, it is not a manifestation of a serious illness. There can be many reasons why stool changes color. For babies under one year old, this means eating bananas; for older children, it means drinking drinks that contain dyes, chocolate, beets, and antibiotics. But to exclude more serious reasons, you should definitely visit a pediatrician.

Bleeding in children arising from the anus can be caused by for the following reasons:

  • caused by constipation;
  • volvulus;
  • lactose deficiency;
  • food allergy.

If you find blood in your child's stool, you should go to the doctor. Only a qualified doctor can determine the cause of such discharge and select the optimal treatment regimen.

The reasons may vary and depend on the patient’s age, lifestyle and other factors. Elderly people are often susceptible to hemorrhoids, which are accompanied by bloody discharge present in the stool. Mostly they look like clots and indicate an advanced stage of internal hemorrhoids.

Many adults have bad habits, so they are faced with the problem of blood in the stool after drinking alcohol. This symptom indicates the presence of pathologies of the stomach and liver.

Bloody discharge may be a manifestation of polyps formed on the intestinal walls.

Another reason is malignant neoplasms.

If the bloody spots are light and appear immediately after a bowel movement, it is most likely a fissure in the anus.

Patients often ask about black stool with blood - what it could be. This symptom indicates hemorrhage occurring in the intestines or stomach, the presence of acute gastritis or an open ulcer.

The causes of blood discharge in stool can be different. All diseases characterized by this sign, arise due to poor nutrition, sedentary work, constant stress, etc. To protect yourself from problems and prevent bloody stool from appearing after alcohol, you need to adjust your lifestyle, exercise and eat only the right foods.

Blood with mucus

The appearance of blood and mucus in the stool is one of the symptoms. This is a disease inflammatory in nature, affecting the rectal mucosa. Similar sign also typical for ulcerative colitis.

But blood discharge with mucus can also indicate more serious pathologies, for example, benign or malignant neoplasms in the intestines.

Bloody streaks in stool

If the veins are noticeable for more than one day, combined with pain, lack of appetite and weight loss, you should immediately go to the doctor to undergo a comprehensive examination.

In pregnant women, stool mixed with blood most often appears due to cracks in the anal passage. If the discharge is dark and thick, and the stool turns black, you should visit a doctor to rule out serious pathologies. It is important to remember that even the slightest loss of blood can negatively affect your health. expectant mother and baby.

During childbirth, the intestines are exposed heavy loads, resulting in bloody discharge in the stool. Usually the symptom disappears after a couple of days of the baby being born. In addition, pushing can lead to the formation of hemorrhoids and subsequent bleeding. In this case, treatment is carried out under the constant supervision of a doctor.

The first question that all patients ask is which doctor to go to if they have blood in their stool. A proctologist treats such ailments. He will conduct the necessary examinations, determine the cause of the problems and select the optimal treatment regimen.

At stomach bleeding the patient is hospitalized. Outpatient treatment this disease impossible. The same is done when dysentery, intestinal obstruction, oncology, or severe ulcerative colitis are detected. If bloody discharge appears in the stool due to ulcerative colitis occurring in the middle or mild form, only a doctor can determine what to do and how to treat bloody stool. As a rule, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis and includes an appointment medicines and following a strict diet.

When the cause of the problem is fissures in the anus, the main therapy is designed to eliminate the underlying causes of the disease. In case of cracks, it is important to monitor bowel movements and prevent constipation, as they can once again injure the intestinal mucosa. In addition, the patient must eat properly. The diet should include boiled vegetables, black bread, and dairy products. It is better to avoid food that is difficult to digest.

Treatment with folk remedies

Many patients are interested in how to treat the causes of bloody stool with the help of prescriptions traditional medicine. Most popular in treatment intestinal diseases use:

  • potassium permanganate solution - water for baths should be warm;
  • chamomile decoction - quickly heals cracks and relieves inflammation;
  • with the addition of chestnut bark.

Traditional methods should complement drug treatment and in no case replace it. It is important to remember that only an experienced doctor can determine the reason for the fact that blood is coming out in the stool, and successful recovery is possible if all his recommendations are followed. Of no small importance is early diagnosis– sometimes it can save the patient’s life.