Is it possible to go to the toilet? Proven ways to quickly go to the toilet when constipated. When is frequent bowel movements a symptom of pathology?

A person should have bowel movements at least three times a week. Are many people complaining? “I can’t go big.” This problem suggests that organs digestive tract have slow motor skills. If a person is concerned about the question of how to go to the toilet for more than three or four days, then we can assume that he either has constipation or an intestinal obstruction.

With constipation, defecation is difficult and sometimes impossible. The amount of feces with this disease is small, so it is difficult to achieve complete bowel movement.

I can’t go wrong – this is not the only complaint that arises in this case. Often the problem is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, work ability, as well as the appearance of headache and muscle analgesia, nervousness and sleep disturbance. Also due to prolonged constipation appear in the rectum painful sensations, and sometimes .

Solving the chair problem

So, what to do if you can’t go to the toilet at all? Let's consider the factors that can influence the occurrence of constipation. These include:

  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Stress;
  • Poor nutrition.

It is necessary to exclude the influence of these factors, then the stool will normalize.

Try not to get nervous, don't get overtired, avoid conflict situations, mental strain and stress. Perhaps then you will no longer worry about the question of how to go to the toilet in general.

However, bowel dysfunction due to consumption large quantity heavy food is the most common cause occurrence of this problem. Such food should either be removed from your diet or portions reduced.

Let's consider the most effective ways solving the question - what to do if you can’t go to the toilet for the most part:

If you are faced with the problem of irregular bowel movements or lack thereof, it is better to consult a proctologist or gastroenterologist. Specialists will give you everything necessary recommendations and prescribe effective medications.

It’s a rare person on earth who is not personally familiar with constipation. For those who are unfamiliar, you can only envy or be happy for them, it depends on the breadth of your soul. Everyone else knows how treacherously constipation sometimes recedes at the most crucial moment, when there is no way to leave or, even worse, there is nowhere to retire. So, to avoid such an awkward situation, it is better to induce a bowel movement in advance, when you are in control of the situation. We will tell you how to do this.

What is constipation and how to deal with it

Defecation less than once every three days is already a pathology, or in other words, constipation. Doctors came to this conclusion. Life shows that once every three days is far from the norm. Ideally, after each full meal, there should be a bowel movement 0.5-1 hour later. And if this does not happen in life, then the following reasons are to blame:

  1. Lack of fiber in food. Now preference is given to refined products:
  • bread made from premium white flour;
  • refined sugar;
  • pasta;
  • baked goods and all confectionery products.

The list can be continued, but there is no need. Almost the entire adult working population of the country eats fast food. Yes, unfortunately, schoolchildren too.

  1. Insufficient clean consumption raw water. If a person drinks 2 liters daily clean water, then he will never have constipation. Feces have difficulty moving through the intestines due to the lack of sufficient water in the intestines. Tea, coffee, soups are food. In addition to food, the body needs water.
  2. To maintain friendly microflora in the intestine, which is responsible for effective peristalsis and timely evacuation of fecal matter, it is necessary that fermented milk products have become a familiar product for you.
  3. Flaw raw vegetables and fruits in the diet is another reason for persistent constipation.
  4. And finally, Her Majesty physical inactivity. The computer immobilized us. Walking before bed at a good pace for at least half an hour is an excellent prevention of constipation. Only thanks to her, the toilet will turn from your enemy into yours best friend– by the end of the walk you will be rushing towards him.

Simple rules, the observance of which will forever quarrel with constipation.

How to go to the toilet quickly and in a big way when constipated: effective ways

Everything we talked about will definitely work in the future. But it happens that the problem needs to be solved today, right now. Constipation is not uncommon during pregnancy. Yes, even after childbirth, constipation occurs. On the day when you need to undergo an ultrasound, it is advisable to clean the rectum as a matter of urgency. What to do? Considering that pregnant women have patented synthetic products For constipation, you can’t take it without medication; let’s turn to folk remedies:

  1. Soak a handful of dried fruits overnight in hot but not boiling water. These could be:
  • prunes;
  • figs;
  • dried apricots;
  • apples;
  • pears.

In the morning, get up early (from 5 to 7 o’clock), drink all the liquid in which the dried fruits were infused, and eat the dried fruits themselves. You can go get some sleep. You will be awakened by the urge of your bowels to go to the toilet. Defecation will be easy and relaxed. This remedy can be used not only by pregnant women, and not only in case of emergency.
Do this every day and your intestines will work like a Swiss watch.

  1. Steam the day before important event granulated senna leaves in the morning. Dosage – 1 tsp. granules per glass hot water. In the evening, before going to bed, drink the infusion. In the morning you should have 1.5 hours before leaving the house. When you wake up, while still lying in bed, breathe with your stomach - inhale into your stomach for 4 heartbeats, pause for 2 heartbeats, exhale through your mouth for 8 heartbeats, squeezing your stomach in last phase exhale. Do at least 10 such breathing cycles. Then stroke your belly in a clockwise circular motion for at least one minute. Take care of your morning toilet, and a meeting with the toilet in 30 minutes is guaranteed.
  2. There's another one ambulance If you are constipated, you cannot do without an enema. But it works flawlessly - make a microenema with an oil emulsion early in the morning. To do this, beat 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil in a glass of water. Take the emulsion into a syringe and insert it into the rectum. The urges will appear very soon. This remedy should not be abused. Otherwise, you can get lazy bowel syndrome.

Help with constipation with medications

How to go to the toilet quickly and in a big way when you are constipated using folk remedies, we figured it out. But it happens that people trust pharmaceuticals more than their own instincts. In this case, for quick defecation, we can recommend the following means:

  • Guttalax is a mild, effective remedy for constipation. Valid for 12 hours. To do this, dissolve 10 drops of the product in a glass of water and drink. It can be used repeatedly. There is no addiction.
  • Regulax can be taken even by pregnant women. The drug for plant based With pleasant taste prunes
  • Forlax is also an effective remedy, but is not recommended for older people and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Each of us at least once in our lives found ourselves in awkward situation. For example, you might feel the urgent need to use the restroom at the most inopportune moment. Perhaps you were in public place and simply did not have the opportunity to do so. You may also have experienced embarrassment, for example, while at some important event where you did not have the opportunity to satisfy your physiological need. What to do in such a situation? In this article you will find some tips on how to properly restrain yourself without harm to your health.


Part 1

Physical methods

    Stand to hold back if you want to go to the toilet in a big way (you can also lie down). Most importantly, don't squat. It will be easier for you to control yourself if you stand or lie down, rather than sit.

    • Defecation while sitting is ideal option based on the results of numerous studies. This is due to the fact that this position of the body puts pressure on the abdomen, stimulating the passage of feces.
    • When defecating while standing, there is not enough pressure on the abdomen. The situation is similar with defecation in a lying position.
    • In addition, slight changes in body position can help you hold back when your body demands it until you have a chance to use the restroom. If you are sitting, try changing your body position slightly. Try squeezing your buttocks if you are sitting in a chair.
  1. Squeeze your glutes as much as possible. This best way, which will allow you to restrain yourself when you are experiencing strong desire empty your bowels. By squeezing your buttocks, you will keep it all in.

    Try to go to the toilet a few hours before the event starts. After this, try not to eat. So, before you go to an important event, take a big bathroom break at home. This is the best you can do under the circumstances. Think ahead!

    • Many long distance runners face this problem. While running, they may feel the need to defecate. In these circumstances, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of foods with high content fiber. This will prevent the athlete from feeling the urge to have a bowel movement while running.
    • Foods that cause flatulence and gas, such as beans, bran, fruits and salad, contribute to the need for bowel movements. Try not to eat such foods two hours before your planned event.
  2. Don't drink coffee. According to some studies, coffee promotes bowel movements. Although this fact is not yet fully understood, if possible, avoid drinking coffee as you will be forced to find the restroom to pee.

    • It will be difficult for you to hold back if you did not have a bowel movement the day before. According to studies, coffee promotes the process of bowel movement.
    • Studies have also shown that the effect is more pronounced in the morning.

Part 2

Psychological tricks
  1. Try not to think about it. Remain calm. If you constantly think about how to defecate, it will only make the situation worse. Relax and try to think about something else.

    • Don't move! Although standing will make it easier for you to control yourself, if you start doing sudden movements or exercises that increase the load (for example, running), it will be difficult for you to cope with the natural need of the body.
    • The most important thing is to carry yourself with dignity and remain casual. Don't panic! Thanks to this, you will be able to take control of the situation.
  2. Try to distract yourself from thoughts about the need to have a bowel movement. Think about a kitten giving you love. Don't laugh; this will help you take your mind off the thought of defecation. Otherwise, you might pee your pants.

    Overcome embarrassment and satisfy natural need your body. If you have access to the restroom but are reluctant to do so out of embarrassment (say, if you're on a date), try to overcome your embarrassment.

Part 3

Consequences of fecal retention

    Learn about the consequences of fecal retention. There have been many studies done on this matter which show that holding in stool for a long time can lead to serious consequences for health.

    Consult your doctor if you have problems with bowel movements. For example, this may result in involuntary bowel movements. If you are having difficulty bowel movements, consult your doctor.

    Research information about how the bowel movement process occurs. During defecation, the puborectal muscle is involved. The puborectalis muscle wraps around the rectum from behind like a loop.

  • When you enter the toilet, place a layer toilet paper into the toilet. Thanks to this, the emptying process will be quieter, and splashes of water from falling feces will not hit your buttocks.
  • There is no need to restrain yourself too often; this could lead to serious problems with health!
  • Carry old magazines, tissues, or a small roll of toilet paper with you in your bag so you can use them when needed.
  • If you absolutely have to go big, wash it off as quickly as possible. The longer you wait, the more the restroom will smell.
  • Try to use a distant restroom if possible. If you are in the house (at your place or visiting someone), you can say that you need to brush your teeth, or that you forgot to take something upstairs. Find some excuse to use the restroom.
  • Inhale and exhale slowly.
  • Avoid physical activity.


  • Restraining too often can cause colon problems and bloating. Remember, this is dangerous to your health.

Normal stool frequency healthy person ranges from 3 times a day to 3 times a week. If these indicators increase or, on the contrary, decrease, it is worth thinking about the possible reasons.

This phenomenon is explained by slow motor skills digestive system, however, sometimes the reasons can be more serious.

To troubleshoot and normalize the condition, it is recommended to add to the diet certain products and also do exercises.

Reasons why it's hard to go to the toilet in a big way

If the feeling of stomach fullness does not disappear within 3 days, it is worth talking about intestinal obstruction. This pathology requires medical consultation and prescribing adequate treatment.

There are other reasons why it is difficult for a person to go to the toilet in a big way.

Constipation is divided into 3 categories:

  1. Nutritional – associated with malnutrition.
  2. Mechanical - there is an obstacle in the intestines to the exit of feces.
  3. Dyskinetic - based on functional impairment bowel function.

Let's look at the causes of constipation:

  1. Constipation during pregnancy. Increased progesterone is the culprit.

    In addition, as the fetus grows, the uterus enlarges, compressing the intestines. Do not leave constipation unattended for a long time - it can cause hemorrhoids and fissures.

  2. Natural childbirth. If the girl gave birth on her own, without using caesarean section: There may be tears in the genitals, which causes problems with bowel movements.

    As a rule, after childbirth, a woman begins breast-feeding and the problems go away.

  3. Poor nutrition. If the food intake regime is not followed, the stool is disrupted.

    Constant snacking on the run, fried and spicy foods also provoke problems with bowel movements. This also includes bowel movements in infants.

  4. For hemorrhoids. Dry feces disrupt the integrity of the mucosal structure, which causes similar problems.

If you can't force yourself to go to the toilet a lot, try eating some foods that have a laxative effect.

What should you eat to quickly go to the toilet?

To avoid problems and disruptions of the digestive system, you need to eat right. Many people wonder what they need to eat to quickly want to go to the toilet.

Remember, there will be no immediate effect; you need to wait 15 to 30 minutes for the desire to appear.

Pay attention! Avoid eating foods that your body responds to allergic reaction, even if they help other people with constipation.

Such a move will cause additional problems and complicate the situation:

Products Method of use
Sesame Sesame seeds can moisten the intestines and induce bowel movements.

Remember that the caloric content of this product is too high to consume it every time you can’t go to the toilet. 2 tablespoons will be enough

Vegetable oils Season with olive oil or vegetable oil salads, but don't use salt
Fresh cherry fruits Considered a gentle laxative when constipation is associated with decreased motor activity person. A handful of fruits helps to quickly cleanse the intestines
Drinking water In the morning on an empty stomach, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of purified water at room temperature. For overclocking metabolic processes add a slice of lemon
Diet for a nursing mother When due poor nutrition mother's newborn baby is suffering, it is recommended to normalize the diet.

It is better to eat boiled vegetables and chicken. Dried apricots and prunes will help the child cope with constipation if the mother eats them

What pills help with constipation?

Laxatives medicines help to cleanse the intestines and quickly go to the toilet in a big way.

Self-medication is extremely undesirable; it is better to give preference to those drugs whose composition contains herbal ingredients.

Let's look at which tablets will help you empty your bowels well:

  • Norgalax suppositories - refers to emollient laxatives, its price starts from 80 rubles; Norgalax should be given to people who are contraindicated to push.
  • Duphalac - refers to osmotic laxatives, contains indigestible carbohydrates - its cost is from 250 rubles, helps with acute and chronic constipation.
  • Mucofalk is considered a bulk laxative drug that can dilate the intestines due to the presence of indigestible components: cost from 500 rubles.
  • Microlax - a microenema that helps to urgently cope with constipation, has no age restrictions: its cost is from 350 rubles.

In addition to the listed drugs, Fitolax will help you easily cope with constipation - its action is aimed at irritating the intestines, which stimulates the process of peristalsis and does not allow feces harden.

Important! If a child has constipation, you should not give him any remedy from the listed list. It is better to limit yourself to natural laxatives contained in the diet.

If you have bloody bowel movements, you should urgently consult a doctor - there may be a pathology of the digestive system in the body.

What exercises should you do to go to the toilet?

In order for the pills to act quickly, it is necessary to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner: additionally do several exercises that trigger bowel function.

If an adult or child is feeling unwell, then you should not perform such tasks, so as not to provoke additional problems.

Let's look at a few useful exercises:

  • Sit on your knees, inhale, then exhale sharply, drawing your stomach in.
  • Do the “Bicycle” exercise: lie on your back and rotate your legs about 80 times.
  • Lie on the floor, on a mat, lift your legs up, supporting your lower back with your hands. Gently move your legs behind your head about 20 times; if this exercise is difficult to perform, give it up.
  • Get on all fours, inhaling air, tighten your stomach and round your back. As you exhale, relax your stomach and lift your chin up.

Elderly people and those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, such exercises will be painful to perform.

In this case, after waking up in the morning, lie in the fetal position on your side, pulling your knees to your chin. This will trigger the gallbladder and normalize the functioning of the digestive system.

Useful video

What should you do before a busy day at work or a long trip? That's right, ease the intestines! However, this does not always happen according to our wishes. What can you do to force your body to go to the toilet “for the most part” right now?

Drink and run to the toilet. Many people claim that a morning cup of coffee makes you cravings. defecation. According to scientists, all warm drinks have this effect. Warm liquid causes vasodilation and blood flow to the intestines, stimulating its work. So if you need to relieve yourself before the road, drink tea or coffee and just sit in the toilet. Even if at the beginning there is no desire to have a bowel movement, this should help.

Those who get up early go to the toilet well. Make sure you get up early enough to do all your morning activities, including leisurely sitting on the toilet. In this case, the body has time to digest breakfast and defecate. If you are in a different time zone, try to give yourself half an hour to go to the toilet on your own time. Read about what may await you while traveling.

Massage of the most important place . Gentle pressure on the lower abdomen can help you get relief. They contribute to the fragmentation of stool and make it easier to pass, and also stimulate the work of this part of the intestine, especially in the case of.

Case of urgent need: glycerin suppositories. Some runners use this method before an important race. However, you should not resort to it if you have never used it before glycerin suppositories. Their effect can occur in 15-20 minutes, or they can “delight” in a few hours. If you want to ease your bowels before an important event, use candles the night before.

Physical activity can also make you want to visit your white friend, which is why it's important to poop before working out. Before going to the gym, do a little exercise to activate your bowels and go to the toilet. While at home, you can run up or down a few flights of stairs.

Remember for the future. Consuming a sufficient amount helps normalize bowel function and prevent constipation. Another key to success is, especially during long trips. Constipation often occurs if the stool is dry and has a too dense consistency.