How long does it take for Viagra to take effect? Viagra: description, regimen of use and side effects. Age restrictions for use

Viagra has maintained a leading position in the market of potency enhancing drugs for many years. Everyone knows this name, and even those men who have never had problems with erection want to experience its effect.

The drug is a medicine used as drug therapy sexual impotence. This sets Viagra apart from many other drugs that are intended only for a one-time symptomatic effect and do not have medicinal properties.

The effect this drug gives was discovered back in 1992. Then the main thing was clinically tested active substance– sildenafil. The purpose of the research was to determine whether this drug could be used to treat heart disease. As a result, it was found that instead of affecting the heart, sildenafil significantly increased potency. This turned out to be a pleasant surprise for many men who participated in the experiment. For joy stronger sex, 6 years later Viagra went on sale.

What is the reason for such wide popularity, and how does the drug act on the male body?

To answer these questions, you need to understand the characteristics of the erection process in men and understand the mechanism for its improvement.

The mechanism of erection occurs when a man feels sexual arousal. The penis becomes larger and harder due to the intense blood flow to the genital organ. Increased blood circulation is ensured by the dilation of blood vessels located in the pelvic area. When ejaculation occurs and the tension subsides, blood flow returns to normal and the erectile process is completed.

Negative factors, such as inflammatory processes in the body, the presence infectious diseases, long drug treatment, sedentary image life lead to congestion in the pelvic organs and a decrease in the amount of blood flowing to the penis.

The result is a weak erection or its complete absence. When this phenomenon occurs regularly in a man, we can talk about erectile dysfunction.

Operating principle

Unlike most symptomatic remedies to increase potency, is aimed at combating the immediate cause of erectile dysfunction, i.e., eliminating obstacles to maintaining a level of erection sufficient for sexual intercourse.

A course of use of this drug allows you to restore sufficient blood flow in the genitals, normalizing the condition and function blood vessels. Causes an erection in 4 stages:

  • The penis increases in size, but there is no hardness;
  • The penis has enlarged to its maximum and has reached the first stage of hardening;
  • The penis has reached the second stage of hardening, but it is not enough for penetration;
  • The penis is in a state of maximum hardness allowing penetration.

A prerequisite, in the absence of which the effect of the drug will not occur, is natural sexual arousal. If it is present, the product will help to achieve a stable, high-quality erection, otherwise there will be no result.

When a man experiences natural sexual desire, the effect of the drug will be aimed not only at improving potency, but also at increasing the severity of sensations. In addition, the drug prolongs intimacy and reduces recovery time between sexual acts. Many men have decided their intimate problems thanks to the medicine. However, the remedy will only be effective if sexual weakness caused by organic reasons.

When a representative of the stronger sex experiences difficulties in bed psychological reasons(presence of fears, complexes, mental trauma, etc.), then Viagra may not give the expected result. In the described situation, the problem can be solved by consulting a psychotherapist who will remove attitudes that interfere with normal sexual life.

Tablets should not be used if erectile dysfunction is caused by inflammatory processes and the presence of urogenital infections. Similar serious reasons must be eliminated special therapy prescribed by a specialist after diagnosis.

How long does Viagra last?

This question arises for every member of the stronger sex who decides to try the famous drug on themselves. There is no definite answer, since the time of action largely depends on the initial sexual characteristics of the man and on the cause that caused sexual dysfunction.

The most common opinion among men who have experienced the effects of the drug is that Viagra lasts about 4 hours. However, some representatives of the stronger sex claim that the effect after evening reception lasted the whole night, i.e. 2–3 times longer than previously indicated.

In order for the effects of Viagra to last long, you must follow the recommendations for taking the drug. The basic rule: take it on an empty stomach. The effect in this case will occur faster due to the rapid dissolution of the drug and active absorption into the body.

If you use the product after a meal, Viagra will take effect later, so it is better to take it in advance.

How long does it take for the medicine to work?

The effect occurs, on average, after 30–50 minutes. Here also great importance have the individual characteristics of the body and its reaction to the ingredients of the drug. The specified time can be reduced to 15 minutes and increased to several hours.

Sildenafil, the main component of the drug, is absorbed by the body through the blood relatively quickly and easily. Taking on an empty stomach will ensure the maximum concentration of sildenafil in the blood in about half an hour.

When the drug is taken with food that is difficult for the stomach, the time required for the effect to occur increases by another half hour.

How to take Viagru: dosage

In order for the effect to be positive and to avoid side effects, the dosage of the drug must be determined by the doctor.

Your doctor may reduce your dosage in the following cases:

  • Male over 65 years old;
  • Serious pathologies of the liver and kidneys are observed;
  • The patient is being treated for HIV infection;
  • A man suffers from inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • Diagnosed benign tumor or prostate cancer.

When taking Viagra, you need to take into account that under certain conditions (fatty foods, alcohol), the effect of the drug may come late. Do not attribute the untimely effect of the drug to a low dosage.

It is strictly forbidden to increase the amount of the drug on your own, since instead of the expected result, you may experience side effects.

Side effects when taken

Clinical studies have revealed a number of negative reactions that occur after consumption.

The most common among them are:

The described side effects are extremely rare.

Contraindications for use

Viagra is incompatible with medications that contain nitrates.

Almost all drugs used to treat angina are also prohibited. Combination with medications containing nitric oxide donors can lead to a critical decrease in blood pressure levels.

Viagru should not be used if you are allergic to any of its components. The result of the occurrence allergic reaction There may be swelling, itching, redness and difficulty breathing.

Classic Viagra is intended only for use by men. Women are strictly prohibited from using this remedy, as significant violations in hormonal balance. There is a drug for the fair sex - “Viagra for women”.

Another contraindication for use is age under 18 years. This age is a relative concept; a more precise recommendation would be to prohibit the use of the drug by young people who have not reached puberty.

Sildenafil – potent substance, which can cause serious violations in a young man who is not fully formed hormonal levels. Sildenafil is contraindicated for use in diseases such as:

  • Anatomical pathologies of the penis;
  • Peyronie's disease;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • Heart failure;
  • Leukemia;
  • Fibrosis;
  • Angina pectoris.

Only a specialist can make an appointment for any pathology, who will take into account all the features of the disease and determine how dangerous or safe the use of the drug is in each specific case.


As a result of a study conducted on volunteers who consumed 800 mg of the drug at one time, the consequences of an overdose were clarified. If the prescribed dose was exceeded, men experienced a number of side effects described above.

There is no specific antidote for this condition, so symptomatic therapy is prescribed. In some cases, treatment is carried out in intensive care. A feature of sildenafil is its strong connection with proteins contained in blood plasma.

This property makes it impossible to remove it from the body with urine and through blood purification. In case of an overdose of the drug, it is recommended to limit driving and working with instruments and mechanisms for some time, as nervous reactions may be impaired.

Effect on a healthy man

Viagra is known to the stronger sex for its ability to increase potency and strengthen erections. The product really helps to get rid of many problems in sexual life. But is it worth using it if a man has no problems in bed, but just wants to improve his sexual abilities?

For some representatives of the stronger sex, this question arises out of a love of experimentation, someone wants to play it safe during first sex with a new partner, others want to surprise their beloved with their masculine strength...

However, is it really safe to use? medicinal product without obvious evidence?

For example, periodic use of the drug, if you healthy man There was a decrease in erection as a result of fatigue and stress.

However, it should be remembered that Viagra is not biological active additive, but a powerful medicine that is not only pointless to use without a clear need, but also harmful. There are many products that act more gently and are based mainly on plant components. Therefore, without medical indications It would be more advisable to take more gentle drugs rather than Viagra.

If the use is carried out after prior consultation with a specialist and without exceeding the prescribed dosage, male power will return without any side effects, and your sex life will be long and rich.

Millions of men are interested in questions about Viagra and obviously they need answers to these questions. Doctors are often asked questions about how long it takes to wait when using Viagra for the drug to start working and for it to work most effectively. Let's talk about what most men are interested in by answering these general issues eg how long Viagra really works, and how should you take the blue pill of Viagra for this medication to be most effective. You should consider how you take Viagra to plan intimate relationships. For example, if you take Viagra before a meal, the better the chances are that the drug will work faster than usual, but if you take it after a meal it will take longer for the drug to dissolve and enter the bloodstream, so take into account the time delay for taking Viagra to work.

How long will it take?

When taken on an empty stomach, Viagra can begin to act within 15 to 30 minutes and any sexual arousal can begin the erection process. If you use it after a meal, it may take longer, up to an hour. You will undoubtedly feel the difference and the hardness of your erection will be much better than without Viagra.

But after taking Viagra, how long will its effect last.

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Most men say that Viagra lasts about 4 hours, but others have reported that they are able to feel the effects of Viagra the next morning. Keep in mind that it works differently for most men. Cialis works within 36 hours compared to Viagra, which lasts up to 4 or 5 hours.

To compare all three of them Viagra, Cialis And Levitra you need to try each drug and choose the one that suits you best and with which you feel most comfortable. People all over the world are sharing their experiences of using medications like Viagra or even herbal alternatives to treat erectile dysfunction.

Viagra 100 mg

Sildenafil citrate 100 mg


Each tablet contains: 100 mg Sildenafil
Action time: up to 4 hours
Onset of action: after 30-40 minutes
Active ingredient: Sildenafil (Sildenafil)
Manufacturer: India
Taste: Bitterish

Description: Viagra is the most popular and one of the most effective drugs for increasing potency all over the world. Viagra provides a powerful flow of blood to the penis and prevents its outflow, while an erection occurs only in the presence of sexual arousal.

Viagra is not hormonal agent, an aphrodisiac or aphrodisiac, which allows most patients to take Viagra daily.

Mode of application: The effect of Viagra begins 30 minutes after administration and lasts at least 4 hours.

Many medicines are now being produced to specifically address problems that patients often suffer from. various diseases. The disease of impotence can be considered a scourge of our century. A lot of men fail in bed, and it becomes real problem in their personal life. Wonderful effective drug Viagra is considered. Her fame has long since gained momentum, and she enjoys wild success.

Effect of the drug

The drug Viagra is a wonderful drug that has a targeted effect on main reason diseases. Most people most likely do not realize that at one time this drug was created to treat completely different diseases, and such an effect as an erection was a side effect after taking the pills. Today its developers know its value and are very happy to offer it as a treatment for impotence.

  • Thanks to the action of Viagra, many men return to their normal rhythm of life. Millions of men around the world are grateful to the manufacturers for such a wonderful product. Each of them most likely wondered, how long does it take for Viagra to work and how long does it last?
  • Even the manufacturer cannot give an exact answer. This is a purely individual remedy. The myth that an uncontrollable erection occurs immediately after taking the pill has long been dispelled. Like any medicine, it enters our blood, and then its effect on the entire body begins. So this is in about twenty, thirty minutes.
  • There is one more important factor, the drug will be useless if a man lacks sexual arousal. Many naively believe that taking a pill you can sit and wait until an erection appears. In order for at least some actions to take place, you will need a partner who can awaken excitement in a man.
  • The effect of the drug may also last different period time, for each individual it proceeds in its own way. So, for example, for some it lasts for two to four hours, while for others it can last for six hours. But this also does not mean that the man will have a constant erection all this time.
  • The entire effect of the drug is mild and there is no need to rush to take the next one immediately after taking the pill. After taking the drug, time should pass; within a couple of hours its effect will become noticeable; during this period of time it will be the most significant. Therefore, you need to calculate the intake of the drug if you are not married. Otherwise it will end before it even begins.

Magic Viagra

The medication should be taken after consulting a specialist. Self-medication with this drug is not possible. If it is sold without a prescription, this does not mean anything. He has a large number of contraindications that must be strictly taken into account when taking. Its function is significantly reduced by alcohol and fatty foods. Before you start taking it, it is best to do it on an empty stomach. In this case, its effectiveness is guaranteed.

When taking it, a person’s body weight is also taken into account; if you have significant weight, then you should try starting with 50 milligrams, then simply increase the dose. Viagra is available in different dosage and therefore you can control its action yourself. If, based on your feelings, you realize that you don’t have enough of what you took, then take another pill.

Each such drug should be taken with great caution and only as prescribed by a doctor. In order for the treatment to be successful, before starting treatment, you should undergo full examination, in which it will become clear whether its reception is possible or not. There are rather weak analogues of Viagra, which have a slightly weaker effect, but also have significantly fewer contraindications.

Judging by all the reviews from patients about taking the drug, they are mostly positive. After starting treatment, they begin to behave normally healthy image life, feeling like a full-fledged male. As you know, this role in a man’s life is the most important, and if his strength begins to leave him, then a huge psychological breakdown occurs. After which a doctor's consultation is necessary. The best option will become psychological preparation before taking the drug, you only need to rely on positive result and he won't keep you waiting.

Does everyone need Viagra?

This drug is not prescribed to every patient. The doctor looks at all your health indicators before prescribing treatment with this drug. The contraindications that Viagra has are very dangerous and not every person will be able to bear their consequences. When taking the drug, if it has been prescribed to you, take it with large quantity water. There is no need to increase the dose unnecessarily and joke with your health.

It is difficult to find a more popular drug for improving potency than Viagra. It is she who first comes to mind for any man who notices problems in the sexual sphere. After purchasing such a product, many people wonder how long Viagra lasts? How many hours will this drug last?

The effect of tablets on the human body is purely individual. Many factors play a role, including why a man developed similar problems. Viagra is not medicine, it does not eliminate the causes of erectile dysfunction, and therefore sometimes no effect is observed at all.

The work of Viagra is directly related to the active substance included in its composition. This is sildenafil, which increases blood flow to the pelvic area. As a result, the spongy and cavernous bodies are stretched, the penis enlarges and an erection occurs. At the same time, sensitivity increases and libido increases.

This effect is possible due to the blocking of an enzyme that normally prevents blood from flowing normally into the penis. It also destroys substances, the presence of which is very important for an erection. The effect of the drug ceases after sexual intercourse is completed, or at the end of the duration of action. At this moment, the enzyme begins to work again, and therefore the blood leaves the penis.

Some men noted that for the full effect of Viagra, no third-party stimulation is required at all. In reality this is not the case. Tablets do not lead to the production of the necessary components, they only interfere with their destruction. At least minimal sexual arousal is very important for the drug to work.

Terms of use

Viagra tablets are taken shortly before sexual intercourse. How quickly the effect appears depends on individual characteristics person and the selected dosage. Most often, 100 mg of the drug is prescribed. In this case, the result is usually observed within a period of thirty minutes to an hour. However, there are cases where an erection occurred after about fifteen minutes.

The active component of the drug is well absorbed, and therefore begins to work relatively quickly. To further increase these indicators, you should follow two main rules. Firstly, wash down the product with a sufficient amount of water. Secondly, this should be done before meals, on an empty stomach.

If problems appear for the first time, it is better to use minimal dosages. They are 25-50 mg, and the effect usually appears within forty-five minutes.

If the tablets are taken after meals, especially fatty or any other heavy foods, the results will appear much later. In some cases, a man had to wait about two hours, since the components of the composition required more time to dissolve and be absorbed into the bloodstream. Combining Viagra with alcohol is also not worth it, as this will negatively affect erection.

Duration of effect

The duration of action of Viagra depends on many different factors. For example, the situation is affected by:

  • Condition of the digestive system;
  • Age of the person;
  • His physique;
  • Individual sensitivity of the body to the drug.

On average, the tablet's duration of action is believed to be approximately four hours. However, there is information according to which some men had enough of a single dosage for the whole night. Moreover, there have been cases of continued action even in the morning. Thus, there is no clear answer to the question of the duration of the effect.

You should not increase the dosage of Viagra, wanting to extend its working time. These tablets are not suitable for systematic use; they can be used only in small quantities, as needed. Otherwise, the body will soon get used to the action of sildenafil and will stop responding to it altogether. At first, the period after which the effect of use is observed will increase significantly, and then it will disappear completely.

Contraindications and side effects

Viagra has earned its popularity not only thanks to efficient work, but also relatively well tolerated. It leads to the occurrence of negative consequences. However this drug still not suitable for every person.

The tablets have a list of contraindications, which mainly boil down to various diseases of the cardiovascular system. For example, doctors prohibit the use of Viagra for:

  • Heart failure;
  • Heart attack;
  • Stroke;
  • Arterial thrombosis;
  • Coronary heart disease;
  • Angina pectoris;
  • Cerebral circulation disorders;
  • Multiple myeloma;
  • Leukemia;
  • Uncontrolled hypotension;
  • Cellular anemia.

The issue of contraindications should never be ignored. According to studies conducted during the year, 1,473 cases of negative consequences were associated with Viagra. Moreover, more than 500 of them ended fatal. Of this number, 200 deaths were associated with a heart attack, and about a hundred more were due to sudden cardiac arrest during intimate intimacy.

However, similar serious consequences usually occur only if a person ignored contraindications and used Viagra while having some problems with the cardiac system. At the same time, many side effects are known, which most often occur when the dosage is exceeded by 50 mg. Among them:

  • Dizziness;
  • Tinnitus;
  • Deafness;
  • Problems with smell;
  • Nasal congestion;

  • Stomach upset;
  • Change in clarity of vision;
  • Skin redness.

To reduce the likelihood of negative consequences, you should not use Viagra at the same time as food, alcohol or other drugs. It is acceptable to consume it simultaneously with aspirin, since the drugs do not interact with each other.

Video on topic

Many men who have not used this drug before are interested in a huge number of questions: how to achieve the desired effect, how long will it take for the pill to have the expected effect, and how long does Viagra last? When using this drug, you need to know the answers to all these questions so that at a crucial moment “not to lose face.” Therefore, all of the above issues are discussed in detail in this article.

What is Viagra? Viagra is not an aphrodosiac or drug and was originally developed as a drug for high blood pressure and ischemia, however, at the testing stage it turned out that the medicine has a pronounced side effect, expressed in a persistent, long-lasting erection. This male drug, produced in India, promotes blood flow to the genitals and prevents its outflow for quite a long time. The reason for this is the active substance - sildenafil, which begins to act some time after administration. Each tablet contains 100 mg of this substance.

Viagra has long won not only the trust of men, but also a significant market share. On this moment- this is one of the most popular drugs affecting potency. After all, the self-esteem of men with erection problems is most influenced by the opportunity to provide pleasure to a woman for a long time and, importantly, with high quality. There are a number of alternatives to this drug and they all differ in one single, but most important characteristic- time and nature of the action.

How long does it take for Viagra to work?

How quickly the drug begins to have an effect depends on a number of factors. If a man uses Viagra after eating, the tablet can begin to act after 40–50 minutes. If you take it on an empty stomach, then only 20–30 minutes are enough to achieve an erection. This time delay must always be taken into account. Moreover, any action or thought of a sexual nature can serve as a kind of trigger that will give a signal male body about launching complex chemical processes responsible for erection. And Viagra is an ideal, “explosive” stimulator of these processes. However, you need to know that even when taking Viagra, an erection will begin only in the presence of sexual arousal! In the absence of excitement, you can even work by taking a Viagra tablet.

How long does the effect of taking Viagra last?

There is a common belief that if a man takes a Viagra tablet, he will get an erection that will last for hours. At the same time, he allegedly experiences painful sensations - Viagra has such a strong effect. In fact, these rumors are far from the truth. Erection occurs gradually and no discomfort the man does not experience this. During the first 30–40 minutes after the drug begins to take effect, the erection, although pronounced, will still be insufficient for penetration and full sexual intercourse. Of all the rumors regarding this drug, the only true statement is that an erection with Viagra is noticeably stronger and many times longer than without it.

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How long does Viagra last? In fact, the answer to this question will be different for every man. The duration of action of Viagra is determined by the body's individual reaction to the components of the drug, body type and many other factors. The opinions obtained as a result of the studies turned out to be quite contradictory: some claim that the effect can last up to four hours, others claim that they felt the effect of the drug even the next morning! The truth is that the period of action of the pill is different for everyone.

Many people, seeing such numbers, think that the penis is constantly erect, but this is actually not the case.

In the absence of sexual arousal, an erection will not occur even when taking Viagra, so you don’t have to worry about awkward moments and...

After the end of sexual intercourse, the erection weakens and it takes a little time for it to become the same as before. As mentioned above, Viagra allows you to long time forget about problems with erection and be in full combat readiness at any necessary moment.

How much Viagra to take for the longest lasting effect?

As mentioned above, one tablet weighs approximately 100 mg. Since each body reacts to the drug differently, it is worth starting with 25 mg, and if necessary, increase the dosage to 100 mg. Exceed given value and it’s definitely not worth taking more. Validity active substance this will not increase it. Take Viagra tablets orally with water. If you take them on an empty stomach, the effect will come faster, but after consumption fatty foods will last longer.

What happens if you take several Viagra tablets?

Should not be doing that. The effect will not last longer or be more pronounced. Viagra for men with erectile dysfunction today is a “lifeline”. One tablet is enough to again live a rich and vibrant sex life and get rid of insecurity in bed. It is recommended not to take more than one tablet per day. Undoubtedly, the high price of this drug is worth it to feel full, sexually attractive and sexy active man. Moreover, the difference in the quality and duration of an erection guarantees an unforgettable experience not only for a man, but also for any woman who is lucky enough to be nearby at this moment.

Who should not use Viagra?

Undoubtedly, if you have any health problems, then before taking Viagra you should consult with your doctor, who will give an informed answer, based on his experience and knowledge. You should definitely not take Viagra tablets, like any other drugs containing the active substance (sildenafil), if a man has or is being treated for at least one of these diseases:

  • Peyronie's disease;
  • excessive reduction of the penis (so-called angulation);
  • problems with venous patency and venous outflow;
  • oncological diseases, benign or malignant tumors;
  • ulcers in the digestive system;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart, after recently suffered a stroke or heart attack;
  • with anatomical curvature of the penis - due to long-term blood flow to the penis while taking the drug, increased or decreased pressure.

A healthy man can take Viagra daily without any worries.

Do you have serious problems with potency?

Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...