Why can my left hand go numb? Why does my left arm go numb from the shoulder to the elbow or fingers and how to treat this problem. Which doctor treats numbness in the left arm?

Numbness in the left arm may indicate that the patient has a pre-stroke condition. In addition, this may indicate the presence of inflammation of the ulnar nerve and certain heart diseases. If numbness does not go away for a long time or recurs too often in the patient, then it is necessary to consult a doctor. This can be the cause of many diseases, and the sooner they are identified, the sooner recovery will occur.

Numbness in the left arm can also mean problems with the cardiovascular system, especially if it is accompanied panic, pallor or severe pain in the heart. Quite often, such a symptom indicates that the patient has an illness such as angina pectoris.

Numbness can also occur after damage to the ligaments of the left hand. After intense physical exertion or prolonged work in an uncomfortable position, a person’s muscles can become numb and this leads to unpleasant sensations.

But it also happens that numbness in the hand is observed due to ordinary mental overstrain by a person. A good rest will help bring your health back to normal.

Causes of numbness in limbs

If you want to know why your hand goes numb, then there can be many reasons for this disease. The main reasons are considered:

  • spinal injuries;
  • inflammation of the ulnar nerve;
  • stroke;
  • some heart diseases.

The most common cause of this phenomenon is prolonged compression of the nerve. This can happen during a not very comfortable body position when working or resting. In this case, it will be enough to change your body position and give a small massage, the symptoms will go away immediately.

Neuralgic diseases can also lead to numbness, in particular, displacement of the vertebrae or pinching of a nerve in the neck.

Quite often this symptom occurs due to severe muscle tension in the neck. This mainly affects pianists, computer scientists and other people whose work involves constantly being in the same position for a long time. This leads to spasms and pinched nerves.

Those who work on a computer for a long time know firsthand what numbness in the hand is. And this often happens during sleep.

Another cause of numbness may be circulatory disorder in the brain. This may be an indicator of a pre-stroke condition and will be accompanied by an increase in blood pressure.

Causes of numbness in the fingers on the left hand

Very often, patients come to the doctor complaining of numbness in the fingers of their left hand. And quite often this happens after taking any medications, a nervous breakdown or severe physical fatigue. This can also happen due to lack of blood sugar or insufficient amount of B vitamins in the blood.

The most serious cause of numbness in the fingers is considered to be diseases of the heart and vascular system. So, if numbness and tingling in the fingers is accompanied by confusion of speech, you need to call a doctor. This may mean that the patient is experiencing an incipient stroke.

Heart attack can also cause numbness in your fingers. This symptom is accompanied by chest pain, shortness of breath and nausea.

Injury to the nerve fibers in the wrist can also lead to temporary or permanent numbness. Along with this, symptoms such as tingling, hand weakness and pain may occur.

Why does the little finger on my left hand go numb?

Recently, doctors have increasingly begun to notice that complaints that the hand has become numb and, in particular, the little finger on the left hand has become numb have become more frequent. A large number of patients turn to a neurologist with this very problem. Experts say that this problem becomes relevant due to the fact that the patient spends a long time at the computer and the hand is in a tense state for a long time. Movements that are repeated constantly day after day and for a long time lead to severe pressure on the nerve endings.

In addition to computer scientists, this disease affects those people who constantly perform monotonous, monotonous work, and remain in one position for a long time.

An equally common cause of finger numbness is tunnel syndrome, which is largely similar to nerve compression. As a result, a tunnel is formed and the nerve endings end up in it. And when the hand is in the same tense state for a long time, it begins to go numb, pain occurs, and the hand begins to tremble.

More significant problems with numbness in the finger on the left hand can include osteochondrosis, heart disease and intervertebral hernia. All these ailments should be dealt with as early as possible; the sooner treatment begins, the faster the recovery will come.

How to treat the disease

If you lose your left arm or experience weakness in your left arm, you should consult a doctor immediately at the first symptoms. In most cases, similar symptoms requires immediate treatment. And if you see a doctor on time, then everything can be corrected. Almost all diseases that are characterized by weakness of the right or left arm, as well as numbness in the hand or leg, can be treated.

First of all, treatment of diseases will be aimed at restoring nerve endings and blood flow. This is done through physical therapy, massage and physiotherapy.

When numbness in a leg or arm occurs due to heart disease, contacting a specialist can save the patient’s life. And the sooner treatment begins, the fewer irreversible consequences will happen to the body.

If your finger or entire wrist becomes numb due to nervous or physical strain, then you you just need to rest a little or change place of work, which will help prevent further changes in nerve endings and lead to serious consequences.

When numbness occurs as a consequence of professional activity, it is still worth taking short breaks from work. This will help strengthen your wrists, especially if you can do exercises to stretch your wrists.

Special gymnastics, which helps remove numbness, is excellent as an additional treatment, regardless of whether it is the little finger or the entire hand of the right or left hand. Exercises should be performed in stages:

These exercises can be done both during working hours and during rest. The result can exceed all imaginable expectations if you do them daily and don’t miss a single day. After all, your health should be much more important than the time spent warming up.

Treatment for numbness of the little finger should begin by visiting a neurologist. He will prescribe a full examination that will help find out the cause of the disease and eliminate it. If the doctor considers that this is necessary, the patient may be referred for inpatient treatment.

For the most part, problems associated with the treatment of numbness of the little finger on the right or left hand are solved using conservative methods. But if the patient has carpal tunnel syndrome, then surgery may be required. The doctor reduces pressure on the nerve, which helps regulate blood circulation. The same is done when treating numbness in the right or left leg.

Many have experienced numbness in various parts of the body, but not everyone knows the reason for this phenomenon. In this publication we will deal with numbness in the hands. There can be quite a few reasons why the left hand goes numb, ranging from the most natural and simple. Numbness can occur from an uncomfortable sleeping position or from constantly carrying a heavy bag in one hand, to a pre-infarction or pre-stroke condition.

In a relative norm, such a condition can occur periodically, but not often, but if it has become a constant occurrence, consulting a doctor is already inevitable. Self-treatment with folk remedies can only be beneficial in some cases. If the cause is in a different plane, unconventional therapy can be harmful.

Simple and explainable reasons

Interpretation of the cause as a consequence of objective external influence is not always valid and may indicate some common or dangerous diseases.

For example, regular numbness in the morning may be a consequence of uncomfortable sleep and a symptom of polyneuropathy or osteochondrosis. In such cases, you should not convince yourself of the normality of a phenomenon if it appears with alarming regularity. It's better to take preventive measures.

Other reasons can be considered a relative norm:

  • hypothermia, which goes away after returning to warmth;
  • constantly carrying a heavy bag or other luggage in the same hand;
  • tight clothing that compresses nerve endings and blood vessels;
    monotonous and monotonous work that constantly requires tension in the hands;
  • physical activity, overwork, lack of necessary rest or change of activity.

Sometimes this phenomenon goes away quite quickly and does not require external intervention. Often, especially if the load is related to work, you have to use baths, massage or folk remedies. This condition also occurs due to several reasons that have a cumulative effect while the person continues to reassure himself and does not seek help.

Advice. Tincture of red hot pepper or compresses with an irritating effect help well.

More serious reasons

More serious causes of numbness in the left hand are attributed to diseases or remediable pathological conditions. With timely help, you can get rid of them if a reliable cause is discovered and the correct treatment is prescribed. These reasons include those that are quite common in the modern world:

  • vitamin deficiency, also known as vitamin deficiency, can be eliminated by proper diet and vitamin complexes;
  • atherosclerosis caused by poor diet and excess cholesterol, which can also be treated if treated at an early stage;
  • vascular thrombosis, which manifests itself suddenly and with sharp pain, for which treatment in a hospital is necessary;
  • osteochondrosis of the spine, which is almost impossible to cure completely, especially if the disease has progressed greatly, but the quality of life can be significantly improved;
  • muscle spasm or compression of nerve endings is a common symptom that creates a negative reaction and requires not only treatment with medications, but also the use of a comprehensive therapeutic method.

If your hand goes numb not only during sleep, but also during the working day, for no apparent reason, you should pay special attention to this symptom. The negative phenomenon has a permanent localization and is accompanied by pain, which is sometimes not affected by medications. The lazy question of what to do should turn into a motivating impulse to start diagnosis and treatment.

Possible causes of numbness in different segments of the hand

Clinical observations have shown a close relationship between numbness of the left hand in different parts of the upper limb and systemic and chronic diseases or dangerous conditions. If numbness is permanently present, or appears unexpectedly and often in a certain area, this is a cause for serious concern. The fingers are especially often affected in this regard.

When the entire hand is numb, this is a fairly serious signal:

  • numbness of the finger, if it is the little finger, suggests a pre-infarction or pre-stroke condition (and sometimes even a heart attack or stroke), if it occurs at night, from the shoulder, and in the morning it manifests itself as a weak tingling;
  • the ring finger indicates problems with the cardiovascular system, but may also be a manifestation of an atherosclerotic process or osteochondrosis (the same as in the case of the little finger);
  • index, most often - a consequence of neuritis (inflammation of the periarticular nerve fibers of the shoulder or elbow joint), or myositis, especially if accompanied by numbness of the outer side of the limb;
  • the main cause of numbness of the middle is osteochondrosis, although this is not necessary, vascular stenosis, elementary stress, and consequences of the elbow with inflammation or trophic changes can also manifest themselves;
  • the thumb signals a pathology of the respiratory system, but in combination with other fingers - compression of nerve fibers in the cervical spine or compression of nerve endings in it;
  • the hand often goes numb due to arthritis or inflammation of the joint, but it can also be a consequence of endocrine system disorders or hormonal imbalances that arise for this reason.

Please note. If, with any of the above symptoms, the scapula is not felt or hurts, a diseased heart is always assumed in any negative condition - from a heart attack and pre-infarction to ischemic spasm or stroke. Here you no longer just need to think about seeing a doctor, but immediately call an ambulance.

Diagnosis and treatment

Treatment is undertaken only after an objective diagnosis, which begins with an external examination and medical history. Then laboratory and instrumental tests are prescribed, which may include:

  • analysis of blood and secretions to determine coagulation and systemic metabolic disorders;
    cholesterol test (if atherosclerosis is suspected)
  • fluoroscopy, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, if there is reason to suspect osteochondrosis or articular pathologies;
  • Ultrasound of blood vessels, with suspected thrombosis, or of the kidneys and abdominal area with other suspicions;
    a cardiogram to check the activity of the heart or arthroscopy if the cause is in the joints.

In any case, treatment is carried out using a comprehensive method, according to the medical protocol. It necessarily includes: drug therapy, physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises, massage, prescribing a diet and changing the diet, natural and proven recipes of traditional medicine.

How to choose the right diet

The cause of many of these diseases is poor nutrition. A person eats (and in excess quantities) harmful foods, which lead to disruptions in the digestive and hepatobiliary systems, excess weight and disruption of natural metabolic processes. The consequence of this is cholesterol plaques, causing blockage of blood vessels, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, or blood clotting, and manifestations of thrombosis.

In such cases, dietary nutrition is also prescribed, especially if the patient has excess body weight. It allows you to lose excess weight without much effort, cleanse the body of waste and toxins, but at the same time supply it with the micro- and macroelements and vitamins necessary for healing.

The diet can be recommended to everyone, but it is necessary to consult with your doctor to identify any contraindications. If he does not find any obstacles to the use of reasonable restrictions, he can not only lose weight, but sometimes also eliminate the negative symptoms of hand numbness. The body needs to stop supplying harmful components, and instead provide protein, potassium, calcium and phosphorus, vitamins that are necessary for the body and are involved in basic metabolic processes and regulation of life.

Important. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system and the condition of the vascular walls, normalize blood pressure and activate the brain.

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A huge number of people are faced with the phenomenon of numbness of the limbs. Of particular concern is a sharp numbness of the left hand - such a symptom can warn us of quite serious diseases. For example, this could be a pre-infarction condition or a sign of an impending stroke.

But don't panic if your left hand is numb! First, let's look at all the possible reasons. In addition, the hand may become numb during sleep or after prolonged work at the computer - this is not so scary.

Why does my left hand go numb during sleep?

If you wake up at night or in the morning, feel an unpleasant tingling in your left hand and can hardly move it, there is most likely no reason for concern. Numbness of the hand, both left and right, may be due to disruption of the blood vessels. Perhaps you simply slept in an awkward position.

Some people also sometimes experience the so-called “lovers syndrome” - everyone probably knows the common sleeping position in which a woman’s head rests on a man’s arm or shoulder.

Because of this, the hand becomes numb, because the vessels in it are pinched and blood circulation is disrupted. So, if you feel numbness in your arm at night or when waking up in the morning, try doing physical exercises. Usually after 5-10 minutes the unpleasant sensations (“goosebumps”) disappear and normal hand mobility returns.

If the symptoms do not recur, then you do not have to worry about anything. If this situation occurs regularly, then it is better to consult a doctor for examination. In some cases, there is numbness in both hands, simultaneously or alternately. This may be a symptom of cervical osteochondrosis or polyneuropathy. Only a specialist can make a more accurate diagnosis.

Why does my hand go numb while working at the computer?

We found out why your hand goes numb when you sleep. What about numbness during the working day? A huge number of office workers complain from time to time of numbness in their hands. This phenomenon is called "carpal tunnel syndrome." The carpal (or metacarpal) canal is the opening through which the trunk of the median nerve passes.

The metacarpal tunnel is located in the area of ​​the tendon ligaments, which ensure proper mobility of the wrist. This numbness of the hands is sometimes also called “pianist syndrome.” People in various professions that require constant tension in their hands experience “pianist syndrome” at least from time to time. If discomfort occurs rarely and you do not feel severe pain, experts advise simply reducing the load on your wrists and be sure to do exercises for your joints.

However, if the hand often goes numb or the numbness is accompanied by noticeable pain, this may indicate a pinched nerve. In this case, an immediate visit to the doctor is required. In advanced stages, this disease can lead to dire consequences, including loss of the hand.

What to do if your hand suddenly goes numb?

When you feel numbness in your left arm from the hand and above (the numbness is ascending) and at the same time you feel severe increasing pain, immediately call emergency help. If symptoms persist for more than an hour, it is most likely arterial thrombosis. A person whose left arm is painful and numb must be urgently hospitalized and measures must be taken to restore normal blood flow. The slightest delay can cost the patient a limb.

This is not the only serious problem of which numbness in the left hand can be a symptom. Often this phenomenon indicates an impending stroke or heart attack. If numbness is accompanied by pain in the heart, you cannot hesitate for a second, this is a sign of a pre-heart attack, call an ambulance.

A stroke can sometimes be recognized at an early stage. It may not lead to a serious hemorrhage, however, if a person simultaneously has a numb left arm, a headache and speech impairment (it is difficult to pronounce words), these are already signs of a micro-stroke. Also, these symptoms are often accompanied by disruption of the facial muscles (it is difficult for a person, for example, to smile). In this case, immediate contact with emergency doctors is mandatory.

We figured out the main reasons why the left hand goes numb. Fortunately, the most common is numbness associated with disruption of the circulatory system. It is very simple to eliminate its causes, and besides, it is easy to carry out prevention. Morning exercises, walks in the fresh air, proper nutrition and normal sleep in most cases reduce the likelihood that you will compress your blood channels in your sleep. The same recommendations should be given to those who suffer from cervical osteochondrosis, as well as to people at risk of heart attack or stroke.

As for the last group, one charge will not be enough. Try to avoid stress and see your doctor regularly. It’s better to play it safe once again to prevent a tragedy. If you have problems with blood pressure, get a good blood pressure monitor and measure your blood pressure regularly, especially when you feel unwell. If you see that your blood pressure is even slightly higher than normal, try to take measures to reduce it. This will help prevent critical conditions.

  • systolic (upper): 109 + (0.5 x age, years) + (0.1 x weight, kg);
  • diastolic (lower): 63 + (0.1 x age, years) + (0.15 x weight, kg).

When, in addition to hand failure, there are other symptoms, you should, without hesitation, go to the hospital. If there are no other symptoms, you should massage your hand to improve blood circulation. In cases where mobility and sensitivity are not restored for more than an hour, medical assistance is also extremely necessary.

Most common reasons

There may be many reasons for this condition; let’s consider those that are more common and pose the greatest danger.


Arterial thrombosis can lead to such sad consequences as sudden arm failure. Urgent medical care to restore blood flow is necessary here, otherwise you may lose a limb.


A stroke or micro-stroke often causes paralysis of the limbs. Therefore, a person who has lost an arm or leg, has severe headaches and speech defects, needs urgent hospitalization. If measures are taken in time, serious cerebral hemorrhage can be avoided.
Inflammations and infections
Sometimes the cause of limb failure is infection and inflammation that affects the brain or spinal cord. They are usually accompanied by fever and symptoms of general intoxication.
Neurological diseases
Sometimes limbs fail as a result of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, for neurological reasons (pinched nerve), etc.
Action plan
Answering the question - what to do when your hand is lost, the first and mandatory action is to urgently contact a specialist (neurologist or neurologist). Perhaps quick help will prevent the patient’s condition from worsening. As a result of the examination, the doctor may order: A blood test to determine cholesterol levels; Ultrasound and CT to assess the condition of blood vessels and the circulatory system; Nuclear magnetic resonance of the brain and x-ray of the spine. Obviously, without a doctor, the true cause of the pathology cannot be established and eliminated.

Numbness of various parts of the body is medically called paresthesia. It occurs as a response of the body to any internal pathological conditions and can be a consequence of external causes. What does paresthesia of the hands mean, why do they go partially or completely numb? What should you pay attention to and what should you do?

Let's look at the groups of main reasons

Paresthesia in medicine is a condition in which the patient has numbness in any part of the body. This is due to disturbances in exteroceptive skin sensitivity, due to a pathological effect on the nerve fibers that ensure the passage of impulse commands from the brain. This condition can provoke the so-called radicular syndrome, caused by compression or irritation of the nerve roots.

Such disorders do not occur spontaneously; they are facilitated by many internal and external factors.

Cardiovascular pathologies

  • A fairly common cause of numbness in the left arm is angina. Together with its characteristic symptoms - pain in the heart, a feeling of discomfort in the chest and difficulty breathing, paresthesia of the arm intensifies at night, and in the morning the arm goes completely numb, from the shoulder joint to the very tips of the fingers.
  • If complete numbness of the left limb, including fingers, is combined with difficulty speaking, visible disturbances in motor functions and decreased vision, the cause may be a stroke. Such signs indicate a violation of blood flow in the right zone of the brain hemisphere. Impaired blood circulation in small vessels causes numbness in the fingertips on the left hand.
  • In addition, paresthesia, combined with signs of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar concentration), may be a consequence of diabetic neuropathy. What you should pay special attention to, since as a result of such a pathology, gangrene can affect the fingers. In addition, the cause may be atherosclerosis, in which numbness occurs due to vasoconstriction due to cholesterol deposits.

In almost all patients who complain of numbness in the left hand and fingers, the cause is due to cardiac pathologies - exacerbation of cardiac ischemia or signs of heart failure.

In patients older than middle age (over 45 years), tissue sensitivity disorders in the extremities can provoke:

  • Thrombosis processes in blood vessels;
  • Pathological atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels caused by vitamin deficiency;
  • Nervous strain, manifested by muscle tightness and disruption of normal blood flow.

In addition to vascular pathologies, the cause of numbness in the left hand can be a huge number of disorders and diseases of a vertebrological nature.

Diseases of a vertebrological nature

A classic example is the inflammatory processes in large nerve plexuses during plexitis. At the same time, inflammatory reactions in nerve tissues and paresthesia in the left limb can provoke;

  • processes that disrupt purine metabolism (with gout);
  • patient's alcohol dependence;
  • injury to a limb or its shoulder area;
  • various types of wounds inflicted on the hand in the area of ​​the hand and shoulder blade;
  • tunnel neuropathy (compression of nerve fibers passing in the carpal tunnel);
  • germination of tumors and cysts into the nerve plexuses;
  • impaired blood flow in the hand and pinched nerves in the elbow area - this is manifested by a feeling of numbness in the left hand, from the elbow to the fingers.

Common causes of decreased sensitivity in the upper extremities are:

  1. Pinching of nerve fibers passing in the intercostal area (thoracalgia) and intervertebral hernias, compressing and irritating the nerve endings.
  2. The development of inflammatory processes in the shoulder joint with tendobursitis, accompanied by pain in the shoulder, shoulder girdle and neck.
  3. Pathological compression of nerve tissue and vascular damage in the costoclavicular area (scalenus syndrome), manifested by arm weakness, pain and paresthesia.
  4. Overgrowth of bone processes on the vertebral elements (cervical spondylosis), which results in pinching and irritation of the nerve roots. The pathology is accompanied by numbness of the hand and severe occipital pain.
  5. The same disturbances in nerve conduction are also observed with bone growths on the vertebral discs (with cervical osteochondrosis), causing a feeling of numbness in the left arm and pain in it - the neck and shoulder area.

Causes of numbness not related to diseases

In addition to reasons related to internal diseases, left-sided paresthesia of the arm can be caused by everyday life.

  • Daily stress on the hands associated with the profession;
  • Compression of the hand by uncomfortable clothing
  • Normal fatigue;
  • Forced to hold the arm above shoulder level for a long time;
  • It is sometimes noted that the left hand goes numb during sleep - this is easily explained by an uncomfortable posture or an uncomfortable bed.

In such cases, the problem is easily solved by massage, kneading the limb or light physical exercise.

Due to the extensive genesis of the manifestations of paresthesia of the left hand, self-diagnosis and self-treatment are completely inappropriate. The article lists only a short list of reasons that cause numbness of the limb. For example, numbness and pain in the arm from the elbow to the hand are caused not only by ischemia and compression of the nerve in the elbow, but also by the presence of osteochondrosis, thoracic scoliosis, arthrosis, bruises, injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome in the patient.

What should you pay attention to first?

  1. First of all, low sensitivity to pain should attract attention.
  2. Skin cyanosis - the appearance of cyanosis on the skin indicates disturbances in the circulatory function of the blood to the tissues, which can result in disturbances in the functions of breathing, heart and blood vessels.
  3. If the affected limb is cold, this may indicate pathological disorders in the central nervous system or in the circulatory system.
  4. Painful symptoms are evidence of disturbances in the movement of nerve impulses from damaged and inflamed areas.

To understand the full danger of the situation, it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic examination.

Diagnostic examination and treatment

If there are signs of numbness in the left hand, you should contact a cardiologist, vertebrologist or neurologist. These symptoms should not be ignored, especially for people who have a history of heart or vascular disease. With modern diagnostics, identifying the cause is not difficult. Diagnostic testing may include:

  • magnetic resonance imaging of the spine and brain structures;
  • vascular scanning of the neck area using Doppler ultrasound;
  • radiography of vertebral areas;
  • examination of blood flow in the arm using revazography;
  • complex electroneuromyographic monitoring of muscle and nervous functions;
  • laboratory detection of toxins in the blood.

Therapeutic treatment is based on the diagnostic identification of disorders. For unclear reasons, therapy is based on drugs that eliminate signs of paresthesia. The course of treatment includes:

  1. Prescription of Trental, Paracetam, Nicotinic acid, Actovegin, Finlepsin and vitamin complexes.
  2. Preparations and external agents that improve blood circulation in tissues - “Adenosine”, “Methyluracil”, “Riboxin”, vitamin complexes, “Solcoseryl”.
  3. Magnetic therapy, medicinal electrophoresis sessions, diadynamic therapy and therapeutic mud help restore sensitivity in the hand.
  4. The treatment complex includes detoxification procedures, therapeutic bandages and compresses on the affected area. Detected tumors are removed surgically.

To maintain the stability of the condition achieved during treatment, a balanced diet is recommended. It is necessary to reduce or completely eliminate salt from the diet, and include more vegetables and fruits in the diet. Quitting cigarettes and alcohol will be beneficial.

In case of diagnostic identification of serious diseases that cause the development of paresthesia, treatment is prescribed according to the generally accepted protocol.