Dull aching pain under the right shoulder blade at the back. Possible causes of pain under the shoulder blade when inhaling

Shoulder blade pain is one of the fairly common symptoms. And since she is not separate disease, it is very important to determine the reason that caused it. Causes of shoulder blade pain may lie in the most various pathologies, and their timely recognition and treatment play an important role. They will not only get rid of pain in the left/right shoulder blade or between them, but also eliminate the original disease.

If you want to find out the reason why your left or right shoulder blade hurts, contact the CELT Pain Clinic. We will conduct a diagnosis and, in accordance with its results, prescribe a course of treatment that will certainly bear fruit in the form of improved well-being.

Causes of pain in the shoulder blades

Painful symptoms in the shoulder blades can be different, but its manifestations always cause discomfort. If the pain under the shoulder blades behind or between them is pronounced and intense, it is quite capable of limiting physical activity sick.

Spinal injuries

Pain between the shoulder blades or under them may occur after spinal injuries:

  • vertebral displacement;
  • dislocations;
  • subluxations.

They are provoked by mechanical impacts on the spinal column as a result of a fall, traffic accident or blow. It is worth noting that injuries of this kind pose a danger to human life. If the spinal cord has been damaged, they can lead not only to a decrease in sensitivity, but also to a limitation of motor activity (even to paralysis).


Pathological processes of a dystrophic nature in the cervical and thoracic spine can also cause pain under the shoulder blade or between them. It is worth noting that much more often the cause of pain is osteochondrosis. cervical spine spine, while pathologies thoracic lead to similar symptoms much less frequently. Clinical symptoms for diseases of the cervical spine include:

  • pain in neck muscles, including when turning the head;
  • spread of pain downwards and its projection into the interscapular region;
  • a feeling of stiffness in the neck muscles;
  • increased intracranial pressure.


Spinal deformities characteristic of scoliosis cannot but lead to pain. They occur due to overvoltage separate groups muscles and compression nerve pathways. Pain in scoliosis of the thoracic spine is usually localized in the area between the shoulder blades, which is accompanied by visible deformation of the chest and disturbances in the functioning of the heart and lungs.


Curvature upper section spine (kyphosis) can be either acquired or congenital. The disease has a number of characteristic clinical manifestations:

  • round back syndrome (in difficult cases a hump is formed);
  • the patient's shoulders are brought forward;
  • upper part the body is tilted forward;
  • severe pain between the shoulder blades.


A pathology such as spondyloarthrosis of the thoracic spine consists of degenerative changes his joints. Pain between the shoulder blades occurs due to the destruction of intervertebral cartilage and is accompanied by loss of mobility. At running forms this disease is observed to develop bone growths, which destroy surrounding tissues, nerve fibers and blood vessels, which leads to increased pain.

Protrusion and herniation of the intervertebral disc

Protrusion can be called a hernia intervertebral disc on initial stage development with sizes no more than 6 mm. Its development in the thoracic spine is a very rare phenomenon - nevertheless, it is precisely this that causes painful sensations between the shoulder blades, just like a hernia.

Pain in this disease can also occur due to the fact that the affected intervertebral joint loses mobility.


Compression, irritation, or inflammation of the nerve roots spinal cord with radiculitis of the thoracic spine, it is one of the main causes of sharp pain localized between the shoulder blades. It is accompanied by the following clinical manifestations:

  • swelling in the area of ​​the pinched root;
  • development of the inflammatory process;
  • back muscle spasms.

Humeroscapular periarthrosis

Capsulitis, glenohumeral periarthrosis, or, as it is also called, “frozen shoulder syndrome,” is a condition in which there is an unpleasant painful stiffness muscles, localized in the upper shoulder girdle. In most cases, this pathology occurs with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, but it can also appear after an injury to the arm or shoulder, hypothermia, or excessively intense physical activity. The symptom is severe pain radiating to the left/right shoulder blade or to the area between them. It becomes stronger when trying to raise the arm and is accompanied by limited mobility.

Intercostal neuraglia

Inflammatory processes in intercostal nerves not uncommon. They are subject to a number of influences (trauma, hypothermia), since they are located close to the surface of the body, as well as pinching and compression, which also leads to pain.

Heart diseases

Pain due to coronary heart disease and angina pectoris is localized in the heart area, but cases where they manifest themselves in other parts of the body are not uncommon. They can radiate to the interscapular region, and such cases occur quite often.

Other reasons

In addition to the above, pain symptoms in the shoulder blades are observed in the following diseases:

  • pathologies of the pleura and lungs;
  • polio;
  • occupational diseases.

When a person feels in the back area painful sensations, then he thinks that this is not a serious symptom and continues to live as if nothing had happened. The signal may indicate development dangerous illness which urgently needs to be treated. Pain underneath right shoulder blade indicates the presence of internal diseases or pathologies of the back. You can accurately determine the diagnosis after passing thorough examination.

Causes of pain in the shoulder blades on the right side

The presenting symptom may indicate the presence various diseases. This may be osteochondrosis, gastrointestinal dysfunction, inflammation respiratory tract, the formation of cancerous tumors on the back. The pain syndrome takes on an acute, nagging, pulling, sometimes shooting character or is accompanied by a burning sensation. To cure this condition, it is necessary to eliminate the provoking factor. Therefore, you cannot get rid of it with painkillers alone.


The most common cause of discomfort in the area in question is problems with the spine. When diagnosed, patients are diagnosed with ailments such as osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic spine. These pathologies are accompanied by severe pain and burning with right side backs. The cause of such manifestations is neuralgia, which is characterized by a pinched nerve under the scapula. The pain becomes acute, and the burning sensation is uniform and calm.


Pain at the level of the shoulder blades can be accompanied by lumbago, nausea and even vomiting. These manifestations are a consequence of a disease such as anxiety-vegetative disorder. This is a neurosis that requires urgent diagnosis and treatment. Osteochondrosis of the spine can also cause tingling. If it shoots under the right shoulder blade, then the patient may experience not only nausea and vomiting, but also lumbago in the head, on the left side of the chest near the heart.

Back numbness in the area of ​​the shoulder blades

This sign indicates numerous serious diseases. The cause of back numbness may lie in the impaired functionality of the pancreas. In women, this symptom occurs with endometriosis and uterine carcinoma. In men - as a manifestation of chronic prostatitis, diseases prostate gland. Numbness of the back can be experienced by women during pregnancy, and also by patients with stretched muscles of the lower back and shoulders.

It's a dull pain

A sign of this nature may indicate the development of diseases internal organs or back pathologies. The first group of ailments includes damage to the liver, gall bladder, stomach and intestines. All diseases can have infectious, traumatic and oncological nature. If there is pain under the right shoulder blade from the back, then here you can highlight following reasons:

  1. Fracture. Trauma occurs due to strong blow to the specified area.
  2. Infectious processes.
  3. Tumor formations. They can be benign or malignant.

Why does it hurt under the right shoulder blade at the back?

The reason for the formation of such symptoms are problems that are interconnected with the spine and lumbar region. The doctor diagnoses such patients - cervical osteochondrosis. Characteristic feature This disease causes pinched nerve endings. Unpleasant sensations can be concentrated in one area or spread throughout the back. They are aching and constant, sometimes the pain radiates to the arm.

When coughing

If there is pain under the shoulder blade on the right during coughing, then the cause of this symptom may be vertebrogenic pathology or lung diseases. The first disease is characterized by the presence of osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, fractures of ribs and vertebrae. The mechanism of pain formation is associated with irritation of nerve fibers. If the cause of discomfort when coughing is lung disease, then dry and exudative pleurisy. Mechanism unpleasant symptoms- This is the result of irritation of organ receptors.

When inhaling

If your spine hurts in the area of ​​your shoulder blades when you inhale air, then the reason lies in inflammation of the pleura. Unpleasant sensations when inhaling may be accompanied by both dry and wet cough. The reason for the formation of pain under the right shoulder blade is that when a new portion of air enters, the pleura is damaged even more. In addition to the described symptom, a dry cough occurs.

When driving

Pain under the shoulder blades on the back while walking is a characteristic sign of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, compression injury. If pain is a symptom of diseases of internal organs, then this may include cholecystitis, inflammation of the pancreas, purulent peritonitis. In addition to pain under the right shoulder blade, the patient also experiences accompanying symptoms, thanks to which it is possible to accurately diagnose.

What to do if your back hurts in the shoulder blade area

Treatment of an emerging symptom without necessary diagnostics and doctor's research is impossible. Only after determining the cause of the pathology can we proceed to its treatment. Since the pain that occurs is of a reflected nature, the focus of the disease is located at a distance from the shoulder blades. To identify and eliminate painful sensations, it is advisable to contact the following specialists.

The scapula is a three-dimensional triangular bone that connects the humerus and collarbone. It owes its name to its external resemblance to a well-known tool - a garden shovel. Articular cavity of the scapula and head humerus form shoulder joint, which is the most mobile in the human skeleton.

Pain under the right shoulder blade from the back in most cases indicates pathologies of the articular elements of the shoulder, spinal column or paravertebral (paravertebral) structures. Other possible causes are damage to internal organs - bronchi, lungs, kidneys and gall bladder. Persistent pain in the scapula area almost always indicates a serious problem that requires medical and sometimes surgical treatment.

Muscle strain and inflammation

A large number of muscles are attached to the scapula: subscapularis, coracobrachialis, rhomboid minor and major, deltoid. Most often it hurts under the right shoulder blade because there is a sprain or an inflammatory process develops.

Muscle strain can be caused by putting a lot of stress on the back, lifting and carrying heavy objects, sudden movements, and keeping the body in an uncomfortable position for a long time. However, as practice shows, in more than half of the cases the cause is excessive physical activity by an unprepared person and improper execution of exercises.

The symptoms of a sprain are:

  • sharp pain of varying intensity;
  • increased pain when turning and bending the body;
  • relief during rest;
  • swelling and hematomas (in case of severe damage).

The main principle of treating sprains is complete rest and avoidance of any stress. Immediately after an injury, apply ice or cold compress, if necessary, take a painkiller tablet.

With muscle inflammation - myositis - it bothers It's a dull pain, which increases with pressure and movement. Sometimes there is slight swelling and redness. Often worsens general condition: body temperature rises, headache, small painful lumps are felt in the muscles.

The causes of myositis are varied, but most often it develops against the background of ARVI, influenza or tonsillitis. It should be noted that in the thoracic region the muscles become inflamed relatively rarely, since myositis is localized mainly in the upper back or lower back.

One of the varieties is myositis ossificans or fibrodysplasia - extremely rare form diseases. This congenital disorder osteogenesis (formation bone tissue) develops rapidly and manifests itself in childhood.

Fibrodysplasia is the formation of ossified points in the muscle structure, which gradually enlarge and injure surrounding tissues. The process of ossification (ossification) can be localized almost anywhere - near the spine, on the limbs or in the pelvis.

Help: myositis ossificans is incurable and cannot even be treated surgical treatment. After the ossifications are removed, they form again.

Myofascial syndrome

Pain in the muscles of the back is the most common after headaches. Chronic pain syndrome affects more than 40% of people, most of whom are women.

Myofascial syndrome is a progressive condition characterized by the formation of trigger (pain) points in the muscles. The diameter of each point varies from 1 to 3 mm, a cluster of points can create pain zone size 1 cm2. These points are formed under the influence of trauma and muscle strain.

provoke this process may be a number of factors:

  • skeletal anomalies - scoliosis (curvature of the spine to the left or right), pelvic asymmetry, shortening of one of the limbs, flat feet;
  • back injuries;
  • diseases of the spine - osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, as well as hernias and protrusions;
  • long-term use medicines– β-blockers, cardiac glycosides, calcium antagonists, antiarrhythmics, anesthetics (Novocaine, Lidocaine);
  • defeat connective tissue at autoimmune diseases– rheumatism, lupus erythematosus, etc.

Gallstone disease

With pathologies of the gallbladder, pain often radiates to the right shoulder blade. This is due to a spasm of smooth muscles when the walls of the bladder are irritated by the formed concretions (stones). Attack biliary colic As a rule, it occurs suddenly and is concentrated on the right side under the ribs.

An attack of biliary colic can last from 15–20 minutes to several hours

The pain syndrome is acute, cutting in nature and in most cases occurs after eating fatty, fried, spicy foods, alcoholic drinks. The cause of the attack may be heavy physical exertion, nervous tension or staying in a bent position for a long time.

If there is a blockage of the bile duct, the pain is felt as dull and pulling. Associated symptom There is heaviness in the abdomen on the right, as well as nausea, turning into vomiting. Possible increase in body temperature, sometimes up to high values. When the common bile duct is blocked and the sphincter of Oddi is obstructed, jaundice develops and the stool becomes discolored.

Treatment cholelithiasis can be conservative and surgical. In the absence of complications, specific therapy is not carried out. Single stones can be removed using shock wave lithotripsy.

Subphrenic abscess

Back pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades can be explained by the formation of a subdiaphragmatic abscess - an abscess localized under the dome of the diaphragm. Most often it appears after abdominal operations in the abdominal cavity when peritonitis develops. The causative agent may be staphylococcus, streptococcus or E. coli.

The infection enters the body after partial or complete removal stomach, pancreatic resection, suturing perforated ulcer, removal of the spleen. The reason may be inflammatory pathology internal organs, open or closed injury abdomen, as well as severe lesions lungs, osteomyelitis of the vertebral and costal bones.

Appear first general symptoms– weakness, sweating and fever. Fever The body may remain constant or rise periodically. Then it begins to hurt in the upper third of the abdomen and lower chest on the affected side. Pain of varying intensity often radiates under the shoulder blade, into the shoulder or collarbone.

A characteristic sign of an abscess is shortness of breath, dry cough, hiccups and increased pain when moving, taking a deep breath, coughing and sneezing. The patient breathes frequently and shallowly and tries to assume a semi-sitting position.

Treatment of subdiaphragmatic abscess consists of surgical opening and drainage of the abscess, after which antibacterial, anti-intoxication, anti-inflammatory and restorative therapy is carried out.

Help: if the operation is not performed in time, the abscess breaks into the abdominal and pleural cavity, which almost guarantees death.


Pain near the shoulder blade can be caused by bronchopulmonary diseases - pneumonia or bronchitis, complicated by pleurisy. In this case, pain may occur both under and above the shoulder blade. However, the main source of pain is the chest and upper abdomen.

Pleurisy is always a complication of another disease, including malignant neoplasms. Its cause may be bacterial, viral or fungal infection, injuries and operations on the chest organs.

In some cases, pleurisy develops against the background of autoimmune diseases - scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, as well as pulmonary thromboembolism, myocardial infarction, pancreatitis.

In 25% of patients with pleurisy, a malignant tumor is diagnosed - mesothelioma or metastases from other organs (breast, ovaries). Metastatic pleurisy usually has mild symptoms and often manifests itself only as aching behind the sternum.

In case of accumulation large quantity exudate must be punctured for its evacuation or drainage. Depending on why pleurisy developed, it is prescribed specific treatment. It may include antibiotics, steroids, and anti-inflammatory drugs. The tuberculosis form is treated with Rifampicin, Isoniazid, Streptomycin.


Stone formation in urinary system most often occurs in middle-aged people - from 25 to 50 years. The disease progresses in different ways: for some, symptoms are limited to a single unpleasant episode, while others complain of regular exacerbations. In some cases urolithiasis has a chronic, protracted course.

The main symptom is renal colic, when the ureter becomes blocked. Localization pain syndrome depends on the location of the stone, and the intensity depends on its size. Pain in the right shoulder blade occurs when there is a lesion right kidney. If the stone is lower, then the lower back or lower abdomen hurts.

Severe pain under the right shoulder blade is often observed with renal colic, complicating the course of urolithiasis

Typical symptoms of urolithiasis are frequent urge and burning when urinating, increased body temperature, nausea.

Treatment methods can be conservative or surgical. Most often, surgery is required; the indications for it are:

  • large stones;
  • development of renal failure;
  • localization of the stone in the kidney, renal pelvis or ureter;
  • purulent pyelonephritis.

Surgery can be open or endoscopic. The most gentle method to reduce the percentage postoperative complications, is shock wave lithotripsy.

During the operation, stones are crushed using a reflector that emits electro-hydraulic waves. After crushing, stone particles and sand are excreted along with urine. Sometimes their movement along the ureter causes renal colic, which is easily relieved with medications.

Note: any operation does not guarantee the absence of relapses. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out complex therapy, which can last for several years.

Intercostal neuralgia

Intercostal neuralgia (thoracalgia) is distinguished by severe symptoms and most often manifests itself as acute, piercing pain in the ribs both in front and on the back. It may appear periodically or be a constant concern. The pain syndrome can be aching, burning or dull, but always difficult to bear.

A characteristic sign of neuralgia is a sharp increase in pain when inhaling, changing body position or sneezing. Often, during a painful attack, muscles twitch, sweating increases, and the skin turns red or, conversely, turns pale. Numbness occurs at the site of damage to the nerve endings.

The immediate cause of the pathology is pinched nerve roots, which is facilitated by various factors and diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • spondylitis;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • primary and metastatic tumors;
  • disruption of the stomach (gastritis);
  • age-related changes in blood vessels;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • chest injury;
  • influenza, ARVI;
  • hypothermia and drafts;
  • prolonged or severe nervous stress;
  • high physical activity;
  • unsuccessful body rotation, prolonged stay in a static position.

Information: Intercostal neuralgia is characterized by pain that lasts from a few seconds to three minutes. During this time, the patient tries not to breathe or move, so as not to increase the pain.

The main direction of treatment is pain relief, for which anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. non-steroidal drugs(NSAIDs) – Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Piroxicam. For severe pain, therapeutic blockades with anesthetics and steroids are performed. To increase the threshold of central nervous system excitability, sedative medications are used.

Specific therapy depends on the origin of neuralgia and may include antiviral, antihistamines and muscle relaxants.


Bone tumors in the scapula are very rare and can be either benign or malignant. The first includes osteoma and chondroma, the second - chondrosarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma. Osteoma is characterized by slow growth and a favorable course. It mainly affects children and young people aged 5 to 20 years.

Osteoma can grow asymptomatically and manifest itself only when there is compression of surrounding structures - nerve roots and blood vessels. Treatment is surgical only, there are practically no relapses.

Chondroma is benign tumor, originating from cartilage tissue. It is worth noting that when a chondroma is localized in the scapula, the tumor often degenerates into a malignant one. Because of high risk After malignancy, such formations are removed radically.

Chondrosarcoma, like chondroma, is formed cartilage tissue, but at the same time it is malignant and widespread. Its growth is accompanied by increasing pain and swelling in the affected area.

Chondrosarcoma occurs in people of any age, even children, but the largest percentage occurs in middle age– from 40 to 60. Mostly men suffer. The main method of treatment is removal of the tumor; if surgery is not possible, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are performed.

Ewing's sarcoma is one of the most aggressive malignant tumors prone to early metastasis. Affects children and young people, manifests itself severe symptoms– pain, swelling and redness.

Since the tumor is highly aggressive, both surgical and therapeutic treatment. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are performed both before and after the operation, using high doses and several drugs. The prognosis of the disease is conditionally unfavorable.

Pain under the right shoulder blade may be quite harmless symptom or indicate a serious illness. To relieve pain and prevent possible complications, you need specialist consultation and examination. Based on its results, the doctor will prescribe treatment and give necessary recommendations. Be healthy!

Pain under the shoulder blade from the back is the body’s response to an external influence and the damage it causes, or to a serious illness. Syndrome on the right side of the back often manifests itself as a result of diseases of organs that seem to be completely unrelated to this part of the body. When the syndrome is temporary, stops quickly and does not appear later, there is nothing to worry about. If it is observed for a long time, causes real discomfort, intensifies, becomes regular, then there is a need to urgently conduct an examination in medical institution, since the consequences of such phenomena often become dire.

Manifestations of pain under the right shoulder blade

To determine the danger of the syndrome, it is necessary to accurately determine the factors that caused it. The symptoms that accompany this phenomenon allow us to narrow down the search for causes. However, they are often characteristic of many completely various diseases, And precise definition can only be obtained after careful analysis by medical professionals.

Attention! If you feel pain under your right shoulder blade, do not delay going to the doctor. By forgetting the conditions of its origin, you complicate the treatment of the syndrome.

The causes of pain below the shoulder blade are commonplace and harmless. But this statement is very relative.

Stiffness of the body, uncomfortable posture, overexertion, monotonous movements during long period subsequently they often cause aching pain.

The syndrome can occur as a result of body movement when the back muscles are not prepared for this action. Pulling up, trying to reach something with your hands is reflected by prolonged debilitating pain. In this case, a painful sensation can radiate from the right back to the lower back, affect the arms and legs, and be observed in the area of ​​the right shoulder blade.

Back pain between the shoulder blades can appear suddenly. It occurs as a result of sneezing, laughing or coughing. It is caused by a lack of oxygen, a person’s desire to inhale more air and is accompanied by pain in the right side. If such a phenomenon is not systematic, it is not dangerous for the body.

And yet, even short-term pain in the scapula area, which goes away on its own, leaves its mark. It can be called serious illness one of the internal organs or pathology in the spine. Very often main reason long and severe treatment Patients become negligent about their health and fail to see a doctor in a timely manner.

Types and causes of pain

Almost every person can be characterized by the pain they feel. But only a specialist is able to identify the original source and determine why the right shoulder blade hurts. At the same time, he will need research, special equipment and, possibly, consultation with doctors whose specialty is completely unrelated to back diseases.

The probable causes of pain are determined by its type.


If acute back pain is expressed as burning and tingling, spinal pathologies can be excluded as a cause. Here the factor is almost always hidden in the internal organs. More precisely, in their diseases.

As a rule, the right shoulder blade often hurts in people with abnormally functioning cardiovascular system. The syndrome is inherent in diseases digestive tract, manifests itself in pathologies of the rectum. He is called:

  • Dyskinesia of the gallbladder.
  • Gallstone disease.
  • Acute cholecystitis.
  • Liver colic.

Hepatic colic is characterized by unbearable pain that penetrates every part of the body, and the shoulder blade is no exception.

Each of these diseases has own symptoms, which appear later. In this case, the person becomes irritable, quickly gets tired, begins to sweat profusely, and experiences problems with sleep and appetite.

The pancreas, which has undergone an inflammatory process, becomes the cause of an acute painful sensation reflected in both shoulder blades. If the pathology affects the head of the pancreas, then the pain in the right shoulder blade is felt more strongly.

The right shoulder blade hurts due to a subphrenic abscess. Acute pain under the ribs is caused by an abscess in the area of ​​the diaphragm and liver. An abscess is caused by complications of peptic ulcers and is a consequence of unsuccessful surgical intervention. The pain syndrome manifests itself during inhalation and radiates to the right shoulder and shoulder blade.

Acute pain in the shoulder blade area results from falls, injuries and bruises. In addition to external damage, fractures and internal damage are possible. In this case, consulting a doctor is simply necessary.


Spinal diseases are often to blame for aching, nagging pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. The symptom is sometimes expressed by tingling in the back. One of the most common diseases that cause aching pain is osteochondrosis. The disease is common in people with a sedentary lifestyle. In addition, the causes are often hidden in neurological diseases and can be caused by a pinched nerve.

Low motor activity and monotonous work cause many health problems

Most dangerous factor What is causing the nagging pain under the right shoulder blade is a tumor. The difficulty of eliminating the syndrome is complicated by the fact that the place with the greatest concentration of pain does not indicate the source of the pathology, but is only its echo.

Aching pain is caused by:

  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • hepatitis.

The cause of this symptom may be cholecystitis. This disease is characterized by shooting pain in the chest, radiating in the shoulder blades.

At first glance, cholecystitis has nothing to do with the right shoulder blade

The aching pain caused by pyelonephritis appears as if the area of ​​the back above the shoulder blade is on fire. The phenomenon is caused by an inflammatory process developing in the right kidney.

Note: Aching pain affecting the right shoulder blade - important symptom, allowing to identify osteochondrosis and spondylosis.

In addition, aching pain is caused by cholelithiasis. The diagnosis of the disease is confirmed by nausea and vomiting, yellowness skin and elevated temperature.


One of the main factors causing dull pain under the right shoulder blade is a spasm of the muscles acting on the scapular nerve. Otherwise, the causes of this syndrome are in many ways similar to aching pain and careful research is required to clarify the diagnosis.

Severe pain in the scapula from below is caused by displacement intervertebral discs and with intervertebral hernia.

Diagnostics and treatment procedures

Acute pain lasting more than two hours is a reason to consult a doctor. The same actions are required by a progressive, intensifying pain syndrome. Preliminary diagnosis is carried out by a therapist. Based on his findings, the question of the feasibility of more in-depth research is resolved. Ultrasound and tests make it possible to narrow the search for factors causing pain. Based on the results obtained, the therapist refers the patient to specialists in cardiology, nephrology, urology, etc.

If you are sure that the pain is due to inflammatory processes in the spine, therapy begins with localization and sedation inflamed area. Treatment is provided with analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors and corticosteroids.

Back pain concentrated on the right shoulder blade and caused by neurological diseases, can be removed using appropriate ointments, gels and patches that have an analgesic and warming effect.

Severe pain, manifested by a fracture of the neck of the scapula or caused by subphrenic abscess, is the reason for surgery. In case of an abscess the reason for emergency surgery it becomes possible for the abscess to rupture with its contents entering the abdominal cavity, which can result in peritonitis and pose a serious threat to the patient’s life.

To relieve the patient of pain caused by the consequences of infectious diseases, antibiotics are used. For nagging pain caused by pathologies of the liver, kidneys and gall bladder, the patient must undergo a course of treatment with analgesics and antispasmodics. Get rid of acute pain, the cause of which was urolithiasis, is possible only after the stones have been removed.

Painful sensations in the back are associated with disturbances in the psycho-emotional state. Here, sedatives are used for treatment.

Post-medication procedures

After drug treatment and relief from pain syndromes in the area of ​​the right shoulder blade, the patient is recommended to undergo a course of therapy aimed at restoring immunity and strengthening the musculoskeletal system in the chest, neck and spine. These procedures help minimize relapse of the disease.

To start the lesson therapeutic exercises it is necessary to make sure that the source of pain is completely eliminated, and the pain itself is reduced to a minimum. Any physical activity is carried out exclusively with the permission of a doctor and is carried out in the presence of a specialist.

Preventive measures

Since pain in the shoulder blades can be caused by many factors of different nature, there is no clearly defined prevention of this phenomenon. You can avoid back pain in the area of ​​the right shoulder blade if:

  • prevent exacerbation of diseases of internal organs and ensure their timely treatment;
  • avoid sedentary image life;
  • prevent hypothermia of the body;
  • devote time to physical education;
  • participate more often in preventive examinations.

Any pain under the right shoulder blade and in the back area should not be ignored. Application folk remedies without the supervision of a doctor and self-medication in this case is completely excluded, since these methods often aggravate the disease and lead to serious consequences.

Back pain, in particular in the area of ​​the shoulder blades - quite unpleasant phenomenon, familiar, undoubtedly, to each of us.

In most cases, to this symptom are treated without special attention, attributing discomfort and pain to excessive physical exertion, uncomfortable posture during sleep, or prolonged sitting at the computer.

But at the same time, few people know that in fact, back pain on the right under the shoulder blade can signal the presence of a disease that has nothing to do with the back. Meanwhile, sometimes immediate treatment may be required.

Main reasons

The main causes of pain in the scapula on the right can be divided into two categories:

  • problems with the bone itself;
  • various diseases of internal organs.

Let's look at each of these reasons in more detail.

Bone problem

As a rule, these include a fracture. But such an injury is quite rare.

Unfortunately, the more common cause is infectious diseases affecting the bone. First of all, this is bone tuberculosis. They have several symptoms, including weakness.

If these signs are combined, you should immediately visit a specialist. Another cause of back pain on the right side is tumor process. It can be either malignant or benign.

Diseases of internal organs

Pain on the right under the shoulder blade may have different character: acute, dull, short-term, long-term. The type of pain syndrome can tell a lot.

For example, sharp, stabbing pain, which goes away fairly quickly, is not typical for serious pathologies.

Intense, prolonged sensations require special attention and consultation with a specialist. may signal initial stage development of the disease.

Discomfort in this area can be caused by:

  • , hepatic colic. For them characteristic features there is pain on the right side under the scapula and, as well as nausea and vomiting. Skin and sclera eyeballs takes on a yellowish tint.
  • Renal colic, urolithiasis. Exacerbation provokes acute, severe pain on the back right side below the shoulder blade, the back muscles also hurt. Along with this symptom, the patient experiences a number of others: vomiting, nausea, and difficulty urinating.
  • Gastric ulcer. During an exacerbation, radiating aching pain appears. With an ulcer, patients turn to a specialist because of other, more obvious signs.
  • Perforation of the pleura. As a rule, it occurs as a result of an injury and requires emergency treatment.
  • Subphrenic abscess. He is only sometimes the reason dull ache under the right shoulder blade. In some cases, an abscess that occurs between the liver and the diaphragm can cause only minor breathing discomfort.
  • Lung diseases. Pain syndrome sometimes occurs due to ( pneumonia), pleurisy, cancerous tumor in the lung. But it is not one of the main symptoms of the disease.
  • Spinal diseases, rib injuries. Intervertebral hernia thoracic region, scoliosis - all these diseases can be classified as the most probable reasons pain syndrome between the shoulder blade and the spine on the right. Moreover, the character directly depends on the disease and its course.

Who should I contact?

Since back discomfort can signal the development and exacerbation of a significant number of diseases, you should first consult a therapist.

By carefully listening to the lungs, he will confirm or rule out respiratory diseases. If there are diseases of this system, treatment will be offered to eliminate the problem.

And in such a situation unpleasant feeling under the shoulder blade, as a secondary sign of the disease, will soon disappear.

If there are no lung diseases, you should contact an orthopedist, traumatologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist or neurologist. The same therapist will tell you exactly which specialist you need after a thorough examination.

How to treat?

Back pain under the right shoulder blade can be treated from behind only after the main cause of the discomfort has been established. Until this point, you can use (tablets, ointments and topical creams).