Hit the balls. A strong blow to the balls and its consequences. Beat, beat - and broke

At the very beginning, we will describe the very essence of the injury from a blow to the balls. What is the groin area in a man? This is the external area located at the level of the pelvis. Abundant blood supply is provided by numerous blood vessels, and important organs have a very well-developed innervation system. Even a mild contusion of the groin area entails significant painful sensations, and a blow to the testicles of more pronounced force can lead to such consequences as rupture of the scrotum, crushed testicles, massive bleeding and even death from painful shock.

In order to understand what the cause of the danger of inguinal-scrotal injury lies, we will take an excursion into anatomical structure the specified area.

The groin area (or groin) is shaped like right triangle, whose boundaries are:

  • the upper border is a straight line connecting the crests of the pelvic iliac bones;
  • vertical line - connects the upper border of the groin area and the lower point of the topographic projection of the Pupart ligament;
  • a line connecting the point of projection of the Poupart ligament and the points of the upper borders of the iliac bones.

Under the layer of muscles of the anterior abdominal wall the bladder, intestinal loops, blood vessels and nerve trunks are located. This area is characterized by abundant blood supply and a high degree of pain and proprioceptive sensitivity, thanks to a developed network of nerve trunks.

At the bottom groin area the external genitalia are located. It goes without saying that a blow to this area can lead to the most tragic consequences that immediately follow such a blow.

The genital area is particularly sensitive to pain. The level of pain from impacts to this area can exceed the threshold level of pain sensitivity and even lead to the death of the victim from painful shock. That is why a blow to the balls is always one of the most severe injuries to the groin area and external genitalia.

Possible consequences of a blow below the belt

Given the powerful destructive and painful effects, hitting the balls is considered a prohibited move in most cases. In sports such as judo, karate and other martial arts, the athlete is subject to disqualification for using this technique.

The only case where a kick to the balls is justified is the self-defense of a girl during an attempted rape. In all other situations, these actions are not justified in any way.

When a strong blow is applied to the groin, the bladder and other internal organs, which are not protected by anything. It’s even worse if the eggs are shell-shocked. The testicles are in their most vulnerable position. A blow to this part of the body can lead to both rupture and crushing of the egg, and to rupture of the scrotum and large blood vessels. The victim experiences severe pain. And from heavy bleeding death can occur in a matter of minutes.

In addition to the fact that a blow can cause the scrotum to rupture, the parenchymal tissue of this endocrine gland of the body itself suffers, and the consequences of this injury can be very tragic. After kicking the balls, they should surgical removal, since an organ damaged by trauma is not subject to restoration or plastic reconstruction.

Blunt trauma to the perineal area can lead to urethral rupture. In such cases, it becomes impossible to empty bladder and, in addition to severe pain, the victim experiences increasing symptoms of intoxication of the body. Kick in bottom part abdomen can also cause bladder rupture. And a contusion of the scrotum is necessarily accompanied by a hematoma and a tear in the white membrane of the egg in a man. As a result of such damage, severe blood loss occurs.

Hospitalization of the victim in a hospital in such cases is very difficult due to unbearable pain. which appears at the slightest movement. Damage to the scrotum, testicles or penis is accompanied by massive bleeding.

If this bleeding is not stopped in time, the victim may die from blood loss and painful shock.

Precautions and preventive measures used to prevent injury

To avoid such severe injury and avoid getting kicked in the balls, there are several precautions to take.

So, for example, during a fight you need to use defensive techniques and set up so-called protective blocks, which help repel direct blows aimed at the crotch area. In sports, special protective shields are used for the same purposes. During children's games, boys need to be taught certain skills that prevent them from getting injured from being hit in the balls by negligence.

:))) I remember an old joke: Three ladies are talking in the park about what hurts the most. The first one says: “The worst pain is migraine!” Second: “The worst pain is toothache!” Third: “The most painful thing is during childbirth!” A gardener was passing by, heard their conversation, and said: “Excuse me, ladies, for interfering in your conversation... tell me, have you ever been kicked in the balls with a boot?” :)

"Long Days, Sweet Nights", 03/09/03
I don’t know what you can compare this with.. But the fact that after a blow, life becomes “not nice” for at least 1/2 hour is for sure. True, with their experience in this matter (in their case, a blow to groin area) girls also shared with me, well... they say that the pubis hurts probably no less than the balls (of course I doubt it :), when they told me this, I agreed with them with a “serious expression” and nodded my head :) Girls, it’s true ???

Your Mind, 16/03/07
A friend of mine once jokingly kicked me “lightly” between my legs (((Joke aside, but damn it, it’s such a pain! Women, fortunately, don’t understand. And 3 years ago, when I was riding a skateboard, I did exactly the same thing against the pipe. Only harder. Girls, if you are attacked by a maniac, know where to hit him, because after even a weak blow in THIS PLACE, any man will die, and after a strong one he will probably lie down for half an hour)))

POP, 23/10/07
I have not known this sensation, since I am the proud owner of rubber testicles. However, even blows to the head of the penis cause severe pain.

dwarf, 07/09/10
I hate.... I hate girls who hit me in the balls, mostly they are rednecks, drinking yaga, who do not even suspect the severe pain, but also the consequences that you can even end up in surgery because of such jokes. Girls, don't hit me in the balls, solve everything with words.

granit, 18/03/11
There are actually 2 rules. First, a man never has the right to beat a woman. 2nd, a woman never has the right to insult a man and hit him in the groin. If someone violates these rules, then the one against whom they were violated can also violate these rules.

Podkablyachnik, 05/08/12
Yes, screw it, we have 24 girls and 6 boys in our class, we are ruled by matriarchy, I remember in class 3-5 the girls were all head and shoulders above us and stronger. This was a bummer, we tried to argue with him, but they were in charge and they ruled, and we kissed their toes. If you try to resist matriarchy, they will kick you in the balls, and you will immediately shut up. I even remember they took away my money, but what can I say that the girl has a lot of me (and not just me, all the guys). We tried to resist, but in our village there are many more girls at school, they beat us, they also forced us to apologize (((. Now I’m in the 10th grade, nothing has changed, they still win, and it’s all because of this fuck... wow kick in the balls damn him

Fighter pilot, 05/08/12
Damn it hurts!!! I hate it for this.

Completely crazy, 14/09/12
I haven’t been hit in the balls for a long time since school, but I remember those feelings. Also, my balls are super sensitive, they hurt even when my underwear squeezes them because I toss and turn at night. If a cat walks along me and suddenly accidentally steps on an egg, my hand instinctively throws the unfortunate animal to the floor with great speed and force. My eggs must be protected and treated with love - great achievements still await them.

Probably almost every guy, unless he is an inveterate nerd and a mama's boy, has received a painful kick or ball to the groin at least once in his life. Such an injury is not only painful, but also dangerous in its consequences.

Not simple ones, but golden ones

A kick to the groin can really hurt serious injury. For example, in some men such a blow causes temporary infertility (sometimes from 3 to 9 months). And although sperm production is usually restored subsequently, it also happens differently. Doctors believe that trauma to the genital organs can lead to a decrease in the production of testosterone (male sex hormone) in the body and its active conversion into estradiol (female sex hormone), which causes not only impaired sperm production, but also problems with potency.

Beat, beat - and broke

Besides potential problems with childbirth and sexual relations, testicular injuries threaten the health and sometimes even the life of a man. The organs of the perineum are well supplied with blood and penetrated by sensory nerves. Therefore, a direct hit in this place causes the most painful sensations. And a blow to some areas can even be fatal due to painful shock. And if the vessels supplying blood to the perineal organs are damaged, bleeding can even pose a threat to life. At severe bruise testicular atrophy or – subsequently – the development of a tumor is also possible. Therefore, you should not take such an injury lightly. If the temperature rises and nausea or vomiting occurs, you should immediately go to the doctor, because these signs are a manifestation of traumatic orchitis. But it is better not to wait until such symptoms arise, but to consult a doctor immediately if the pain does not go away after half an hour or an hour.

The worst thing that can happen is testicular crushing. In this case, it will have to be removed. And then implant an artificial one. Also without surgical care cannot be avoided in case of rupture of the white membrane of the testicle. In case of such an injury, the membrane is sutured with absorbable sutures. But first, the doctor must refer the patient for a special ultrasound examination.

Unsuccessful "trick"

With a strong blow, one or even both testicles may completely disappear from the scrotum. Such a “trick” is possible if the testicle, under the influence of trauma, is displaced into the inguinal canal, ends up inside it or even under the skin abdominal cavity, crotch or thigh. In this case, a diagnosis of testicular dislocation is made. A sign of a dislocation is prolonged and severe pain in the groin. During the examination, a half or completely empty scrotum is determined. In this case, the patient is given intravenous anesthesia, and by hand, using gentle massaging movements, the surgeon pushes the testicle back into the scrotum. If this cannot be done manually, surgery is performed.

In some cases, a complication occurs such as torsion of the testicle in the area spermatic cord, which leads to disruption of blood supply. In addition, with this violation, rupture of the tunica albuginea is possible. If this occurs, it is extremely important to see a doctor as soon as possible - within 6 hours of the torsion. Later, there is a high likelihood of developing complications, including decreased sperm production or even loss of a testicle. Visible symptoms of torsion are: sharp increase scrotum and difficulty urinating. In this situation, you can’t waste time! Because as a result of a sharp disruption of blood circulation, tissue necrosis (death) will occur. Urgent required medical care! Torsion can be corrected manually by untwisting the testicle and difficult cases- through surgery.

It is better, of course, to try to avoid these and any other testicular injuries. And for this it is important not to take unnecessary risks and take care of your manhood. For example, at least when playing football and others team games Always wear special “protection” - plastic sports cups for the groin area. And also don’t get into trouble again, especially if the problem can be solved peacefully.

A blow to the groin area occurs quite often in men. Injury to this organ occurs as a result of a fall, playing sports (for example, football, baseball), while riding a bicycle. Distinctive feature an injury such as a blow to the balls is severe pain, sometimes leading to the development of painful shock.

Traumatization of the organ leads to severe pain.

When receiving blows to the groin, much more severe serious complications than the injury itself. One of these complications is severe pain shock.

The testicular impact may be closed or open injury. But even a blow without visible violation organ integrity has the most adverse consequences. As a result of severe trauma, the scrotum turns blue, and the testicle itself enlarges. It is extremely painful when palpated, and this soreness often lasts for several weeks.

If the scrotum receives a stronger blow, then a rupture of the tunica albuginea is almost always observed. In this case, a severe hematoma develops. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor to get effective treatment.

Signs of bruise

With testicular injuries, patients may experience a lot of bruising. This is due to the fact that the organ tissue has many blood vessels. Often infiltration can spread to the penis, perineum, lower abdomen and even to inner surface hips.

The patient also feels severe pain at the site of the impact. They are soon replaced by a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum and lower abdomen. Also, due to hemorrhage, the skin of the scrotum darkens, sometimes turning black.

The most important sign of a bruise in this area is severe pain and subsequent swelling of the groin.

Often the pain can be complicated by vomiting, cramps, nausea, and fainting. Sometimes severe consequences of the blow develop - states of shock varying degrees expressiveness. Often the testicle cannot be felt.

Possible complications

As a result of a blow to the testicles, not only injury occurs. Here are some of the most common and dangerous consequences impact:

  • Scrotal swelling. A man can recognize swelling by the characteristic bluish tint of the scrotum.
  • Torsion of the spermatic cord.
  • Development of painful shock as a result of damage to the testicles.
  • Infertility.
  • Problems of a sexual nature associated with the inability to have full sexual intercourse.
  • Problems psychological nature, since the blow to the testicles is remembered by the guy for a long time, primarily due to the strong painful shock.
  • In more serious cases, testicular atrophy.
  • Permanent injury to the testicles, which can even lead to the development of a tumor.
  • After some time, a man may develop traumatic orchitis. The disease is characterized by very high temperature, pain and also has adverse effects.

What to do if you are injured

A blow to the testicles is a very serious and unpleasant injury. Therefore, every man should know what to do in such cases and what treatment to undertake.

First of all, you need to calm down and try to lie down. If this is not possible, then you just need to stand quietly for ten minutes. To treat the testicles, you need to ensure maximum rest.

The first aid for any type of bruise is to apply cold to the area of ​​injury, but care should be taken to avoid hypothermia of the tissue.

If after fifteen minutes the pain continues, redness develops, but you need to call ambulance. It is likely that continued treatment of the stroke and its consequences will be required in a hospital setting.

The majority of patients are young people and teenagers. In some cases, children can also receive a blow to the testicle area, for whom the consequences will be very severe.

How to treat injury and how to prevent it

Treatment for a testicular impact is directly related to the severity of the injury. If the bruises are not severe, then they prescribe conservative treatment. Shown non-steroidal drugs, reducing the risk of inflammation and improving healing results. To prevent such consequences as irritation, wearing a suspensor is prescribed to protect the scrotum.

To provide rest, pain relief and reduce hematomas, they are prescribed bed rest and ice packs. Cold should be applied regularly, every 3-4 hours. Ice is applied to the sore spot for up to 20 minutes. This treatment gives good results.

For more serious impacts it is indicated surgical treatment. It must be carried out to remove blood clots and eliminate consequences such as massive bleeding.

In order to prevent possible blows to the eggs, you must first of all be careful. During sports training wearing special cups or bandages is prescribed. Such devices provide the safest position for the testicles. It is also advisable to undergo regular medical examinations see your doctor if you engage in active sports.