Midlife crisis in men - when it occurs, how long it lasts. Midlife crisis in men: how to survive it less painfully

At the very core of life’s journey, a man can pause and think: am I living right? And if before such thoughts did not matter much, now they suddenly began to literally devour me from the inside. Everything familiar and valuable seemed to come under a large magnifying glass, the man looked at his life from the outside and doubted. This strange period of revaluation of values ​​scares not only men, but also their households. But there is nothing wrong or creepy about it. A midlife crisis is a natural stage that needs to be overcome profitably and without panic. To act wisely, you need to learn to identify the symptoms of this important period.

How long does a midlife crisis last?

It is impossible to say unambiguously how long the midlife crisis lasts for the male half of the population. It depends on many internal factors. Someone is so busy with personal life and work that they don’t even attach importance to internal experiences, associating them with current events. Others, on the other hand, get caught in an emotional tornado and cannot get out of it for many years. Some men avoid the crisis - or they carefully hide it. And there are especially impressionable individuals who remain in a state of crisis for the rest of their lives.

Causes of midlife crisis in men

“Grey hair in the head, devil in the rib” - isn’t the crisis to blame for this? Until a certain age, the male consciousness believes in immortality, and a man does not hear his biological clock ticking. He is full of strength, enjoys life and victories, and is ready to cope with any challenges. But the hour of “epiphany” comes, and age-related changes are making themselves known for the first time. Men who by nature love to extract, win and overcome difficulties begin to fear old age. Everything that happens to the body adds up to large complex factors that form a midlife crisis:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • decreased libido;
  • deterioration of potency;
  • poor erection;
  • weight gain, appearance of a “belly”;
  • age-related changes in appearance, hair loss and graying.

Not only women experience menopause, men also experience a kind of “pause” in life. If in women aging begins with menopause, then in the stronger sex it begins with a decrease in testosterone in the blood and unpleasant surprises in sexual life. Feeling that his inner Casanova is losing ground, the man unconsciously panics. He is not at all ready to turn into an old man and be uninteresting to the ladies. That is why forty-year-old men try at all costs to establish themselves in their former role of invader and conqueror. Single or family person - it doesn’t matter. He will look for interesting acquaintances and flirt with women of all ages, and there are those who start. Every smile of a new acquaintance, an interested sparkle in the eyes is like a balm for a lost soul.

At a young age, a man constantly searches for himself and tries to succeed in the most important points of your life. Having reached his fourth decade, a man looks back and evaluates what he has achieved and what status he has earned. Psychologists around the world emphasize that men suffer not only from a lack of achievements, but also from a large number of them. This seems paradoxical, however, if the main male goal is to achieve and conquer, then, having received what he wants, the man is left without the anticipation of future victories. And this is the main one psychological reason midlife crisis.

By the age of 40-45, the main goals are usually achieved:

  • a career has been created (the warrior has asserted himself);
  • there is a wife and children (the man became the head of the family and established himself as the breadwinner);
  • bought a car (you can conquer distances, demonstrating courage and speed);
  • received status in society (the man passed all the tests and was rewarded with universal recognition).

It would seem that you can live and rejoice, put your achievements on a shelf and admire. But this is impossible - a man needs new victories, he cannot live without regular approval and admiration. If the cufflinks are silver, then you need gold ones. But my physical strength has already diminished. The woman who was faithful and supportive at all crossroads for many years is no longer able to re-evaluate his male splendor - she is completely fed up with him. And a man - the eternal Don Juan - cannot live without female attention and admiration. He loves his companion, but with her it is so difficult to believe that old age is just around the corner, and he is still sexy and strong. A man falls into a psychological trap and begins to get out of it with all his might.

Such a phenomenon as a midlife crisis in men is always associated with uncertainty. This is another fear of a forty-year-old man. Years have passed, awards have been received - what next? Will he become impotent and play solitaire for the rest of his life? Or should we sound the alarm right now and start a new life? A man is not afraid of numbers, he is afraid of himself. A new self that he is not familiar with. The man looking from the mirror is not a male or a conqueror. This is just a sad creature with a non-functioning phallus and graying hair. The male psyche is unable to survive such a blow. Losing the functionality of the phallus is the same as burying alive within yourself a male who yearns for conquest, but cannot get out of this aging shell.

A man is sure that without an erection a woman will not need him. That's why old age feels so painful and inferior. Depressing thoughts, cheating, pessimistic pictures of the future - this pushes a man to search for love adventures. As a rule, they choose very young and sexy mistresses, believing that this way they can improve potency. Men over 40 are always tense, anxious and inconsistent. For many, relationships with their wives deteriorate; even purely everyday communication comes down to conflicts, not to mention the intimate sphere. Mutual understanding in the family is completely lost, the midlife crisis becomes the director of the whole life.

Symptoms of midlife crisis in men

“I’m completely out of my mind” - this is often heard in the address of forty-year-old men, and not at all out of the blue. A midlife crisis is a kind of illness that has its own symptoms. For many men they are identical, but can manifest themselves with different intensities. It is important for household members to understand: men go crazy not of their own free will, but because of hormonal changes and a shattered, suffering psyche. What happens to a man in crisis?

  • Protracted. It would seem that a strong and successful lout simply cannot mope. For others this is nonsense, but for a man it is real mental torture.
  • Self-pity. A man can literally “whine” about every occasion, like a wounded dog. And this is only part of the suffering, the worst thing is deep inside. It is very important not to shame a man, but to listen and set him up for good.
  • Inner devastation. When a gap arises between a man and his youth, all the stimuli of life are irrevocably drowned in it. It is very difficult to go through this alone; a man really needs support.
  • Dissatisfaction with yourself. The man gets the feeling that it was his life that failed, it was he who lost and remained in the grip of this trap.
  • Career dissatisfaction. Even if he is the owner of a big business, he will still find something to latch on to. Everything could have been done better, but he failed. And if his peers were able to achieve more than him, it hurts even more. The impulsive desire to give up everything and start life anew constantly torments and tears you apart from the inside. There is so little time left, and there will definitely not be a third chance.
  • Dissatisfaction with personal life. Only he has the most unloving wife and the most ungrateful children. The rest of the men are happy, loved, idolized and respected.
  • Fear for your health. The man turns into a real hypochondriac. Any minor sore can cause internal panic in him. And the wife becomes guilty of not treating and caring for her well enough.

The symptoms of a midlife crisis depend greatly on the character of the man. Weak-willed people begin to drink excessively, get involved in gambling, endlessly find fault with their wife and children, and have love on the side. Those who are stronger in soul restrain the negativity inside, try to gather their strength and direct their energy for good: they immerse themselves in work, hobbies, and communication with friends.

How to overcome a midlife crisis

Turning 40 – this happens to everyone. This is one of the stages of life that needs to be experienced with dignity. It is at the age of 40 that a person begins to see his victories and defeats from the outside, compare them with the dreams of his youth and draw legitimate conclusions. It is impossible to realize every single dream. And you cannot blame yourself for what did not materialize. Life is not over yet, and there will be many accomplishments ahead. And the experience gained in youth will help you avoid making previous mistakes.

The past needs to be let go, it has done its job and left invaluable skills and abilities. It is better not to waste time regretting something that cannot be corrected or experienced again. The focus should be on important things, those that are needed in the future and will be beneficial.

If a man under 40 remains single, this is not a reason to give up on himself. Childbearing functions have not stopped, but physical strength still allow you to conduct active image life. You can simply change your aura: change your car, change your job, make new friends. Many forty-year-old men successfully meet representatives of the fair sex and create full-fledged families. 40 year old husband is reliable rear for the wife and wise, loving father capable of providing for a family.

How to help a man overcome a crisis?

The male midlife crisis is always ordeal for your other half. Read about it on our website. It is especially difficult for a wife if her husband is mentally weak or prone to despotism. Such a man does not want to blame only himself for his failures. He puts the responsibility on his wife: she didn’t love him enough, didn’t appreciate his successes, didn’t give him an incentive to achieve, which is why he became such a loser and impotent, and with another woman he would have been able to develop a huge business and lose his worries. To better understand a man, learn more about. An even more complex situation arises when a man’s midlife crisis coincides with

Often wives suffer in silence, not knowing how to survive their husband’s midlife crisis without falling flat on their face. He perceives calmness as indifference, and any remark is immediately met with hostility. But there are a number of rules, following which, a woman can smooth out psychological discomfort in a relationship and let her husband understand that she is not indifferent and is ready to help him get through this difficult period.

      • Restrained behavior. A man in crisis is no different difficult teenager– he will not listen to comments, and any dispute will turn into an overblown conflict. Let him speak out and ease his soul at least a little. It’s not he, but his depression, who controls the situation, so you shouldn’t be offended by a man in a crisis: it’s more expensive for yourself.
      • Regular praise. Even if you have to openly flatter, it will still seem like a healing balm to a man. You need to praise him often, for any reason, comparing him with colleagues and friends - and putting your husband in the best light. Then he will not have to look for self-affirmation somewhere on the side; he will rush home to his wise wife, generous with praise.
      • Faith in the future. Men in crisis experience a breakdown, their self-esteem decreases. They believe that they are no longer capable of anything. If a woman is able to convince the sufferer of this, proving to him that 40 years is far from old, and there are still many achievements ahead, the situation will improve significantly. But for this, the wife needs to believe in her man herself.
      • Moral support. If a man feels an urgent need to change something in his life - his job, his car, his style of clothing - a woman needs to support this zeal. Naturally, within reasonable limits. What a man needs most now is support and encouragement.
      • Improvement intimate relationships. The biggest panic in men is caused by weakening potency. But it is difficult to admit to oneself that age is to blame, so a man blames his wife, and in the worst case, takes a young mistress. Few wives will be able to forgive such a betrayal - here the excuse of a crisis will no longer work. But there are also wise women who get over the insult because they understand: the husband cheated not because the feelings went away, but because he was scared and alone in the face of the powerless and ugly old age, which had already shown its appearance over the horizon. It is possible to prevent betrayal and increase a man’s self-esteem - you just have to think about how to diversify intimate life than to surprise. Find out from our article.

Everyone knows that men, by definition, are considered representatives of the stronger sex of humanity. In principle, this statement is 100% true, however, even the strongest physically and morally stable person sometimes experiences periods in life when he does not understand where and what exactly he is going for, what he wants in the future, his soul is boiling. dissatisfaction with your existing achievements. The crisis of 30 years in men is precisely characterized by such manifestations internal state. We’ll talk about the life of a man in his early thirties in this article.

What's going on

At the age of thirty, almost everyone subjects the most thorough analysis of what they have already completed. life path, defines its achievements and fiasco. At the same time, the person finds out that although life has already more or less developed materially, his personality is still far from the desired perfection, and a lot of time was spent completely in vain and he did much less than he generally could have done. The crisis of 30 years for men is, in fact, a moment of maximum reassessment of values, a close and attentive revision of one’s inner “I”. Even a successful macho understands that he cannot change many things. This is where I really want to “change and change something.” The realization of this desire depends on many factors, but in general key points are only willpower, diligence and hard work. After all, it has long been known that folk wisdom, which says that patience and work will grind everything down, is more relevant than ever today.

Gender feature

Most often, the crisis of 30 years in men manifests itself primarily in dissatisfaction with their position at work and financial situation. That's why strong people at this moment they decide to change their profession, while leaving the desire for career heights at the same level.

Typical Behaviors

With his 30th birthday, a man gains certain skills and life experience. At this age, representatives of the stronger sex very often behave on the basis of the three psychological models described below.

“Unstable” are men who do not have any clear goals set in more early age, and continuing to experiment like eighteen-year-old boys. Such people can grab onto many things, but none of them will be completed. They do not have the slightest idea about what kind of profession is ideal for them, what specifically attracts them, and in general they do not strive for certainty and any kind of constancy in life.

The crisis for such men manifests itself directly in the fact that they float very inertly with the flow of life, destroying themselves from the inside. Although in fairness it is worth noting that in some cases the “unstable” are able to achieve positive result, but this happens in cases where endless experiments help them form a clear basis for the final choice.

Average option

“Closed” are perhaps the most common category of people. Men of this type quite calmly, without any problems or scrupulous self-analysis, define their goals at the age of 20. They strictly adhere to the chosen path, are very reliable, but still morally suppressed.

The crisis for such men manifests itself in the fact that they may begin to regret that in early years They didn’t explore it as much as possible in their life, they didn’t conduct experiments. However, brave people can very well use their thirties to their advantage: they begin to destroy their stereotyped “sense of duty” if the heights they have achieved in their career no longer suit them.

Unrecognized geniuses

"Wunderkinds". Almost each of them is a business man who at one time achieved success before his peers, overcame the most difficult professional trials, climbed to the top, although sometimes he does not stay there. As a rule, for such older guys the line between personal life and work merges into a single whole. With their 30th birthday, such men begin to be afraid to admit to themselves that they do not know and can do everything. They are also afraid to let people get too close to them, because there is an all-consuming fear that someone will find out about their weaknesses and secrets.

Why is the thirty-year crisis dangerous?

The severity and drama with which a man experiences a midlife crisis can vary for a number of reasons. This is easily explained, because each person has his own characteristics. Therefore, manifestations can range from an ordinary feeling of internal discomfort, a soft and absolutely painless process of change, to a very stormy, emotional flow of passions that can break the previous established relationships with the outside world and are accompanied by the deepest experiences, which in turn may well lead to diseases of the physical and psychological nature.


As practice shows, the age of 30 for a man can bring extremely unpleasant changes in his personal and professional life. This moment is especially dangerous for those people who have been married for quite a long time and have already had children. Indeed, in this case, the man is already quite firmly on his feet: he has his own home, he may not like the job, but at least he provides everything necessary things. At the same time, life has lost its bright colors, a person seems to be walking in a circle and cannot break it, plunging more and more into the abyss of dullness and despondency. The dream is lost, surprises disappear, everything is boring and monotonous. Life with his wife may no longer bring the former bright, voluptuous sensations, and here comes the moment when a business man decides to engage in adultery, which can ultimately lead to the destruction of the family, which often has an extremely negative impact subsequently on relationships with children left without the attention of the father . What is the result? Of course, divorce and an even worse situation. Fortunately, such a scenario is not widespread, but still occurs in our harsh reality.

How to escape

Age-related problems, which are most common in men aged 30 and older, can be avoided or at least tried to minimize their impact. Thus, in particular, many years of in-depth research have shown that if a representative strong half of humanity married after 25 years, that is, avoided early marriage, then many of the features of the crisis (for example, fatigue from family life) will bypass him. In addition, those men who have a further, real prospect career growth, are also less susceptible psychological problems at the specified age. People who are constantly developing as individuals and striving to become better, paying attention to self-education, pass the thirty-year mark quite calmly. In many cases, a man’s psychophysiological health directly depends on whether he is able to diversify his life, add a “zest” to his family, which would strengthen the relationship between all relatives and force him to take a fresh look at his other half. In addition, a clear awareness that a mistress or a new wife will in no way, under any circumstances, save you from a personal crisis, also contributes to the normal course of a man’s life in the period from 28 to 35 years.


Of course, even with such favorable conditions described above, melancholy can still overtake a person. However, he will be able to develop his future without destroying the present. In this case, men will have a crisis at age 30 successful outcome: a feeling of self-confidence will arise, new goals will appear on the horizon of life, the desire to bear responsibility not only for yourself, but also for your family will increase.

The man’s health will be preserved if he goes through this period safely. To do this, he will need to gather all his will into a fist and try not to dwell on problems. It is considered that one of the most effective methods overcoming the crisis is to deepen your professional knowledge and skills. It is also recommended to concentrate on your personal tasks, find new interesting goals, and break out of the extremely pessimistic “never” and “everything is bad.” To some extent, a person should be selfish in order to immerse himself as much as possible in his inner world and understand your current needs. As a result, the crisis will completely pass, and the man will save his family, increase his achievements and again feel a burning desire to live. And in general, it is necessary to remember the wisdom spoken by the ancient King Solomon, which sounded like: “Everything will pass. And this too."

What could I achieve? Is this what I expected from my life? Do I have a future? By the age of 40, these questions plague both women and men. But the latter, as a rule, endure the midlife crisis more difficult, because society constantly demands achievements, success and results from them. And more often than not, the summed up results do not satisfy or console. What to do? Let's think about this together.

A man going through a midlife crisis feels suffocated in my own way life. He seems to be looking for a way out. His ideas about himself and about the time in which he finds himself begin to change. Realizing that he has few years of life left, the man begins to rush from one extreme to another. Some desperately cling to the last opportunity to feel youth and pleasure in life again. Someone decides to divorce. Does it happen to someone? nervous breakdowns, depression appears. Some may start drinking actively and having affairs on the side. In the worst case scenario, suicide can occur. In any case, not only our “lyrical hero” suffers from all this, but also his family and those around him.

During this period male fantasies and old dreams seem much more attractive than reality. The person is convinced that he seemed to be doing everything right, but he is surprised: how did it happen that he became an ordinary middle-aged man? A crisis will be especially acute if there is no opportunity for growth or change. A man doubts whether he is satisfied with the image that he has created for himself, whether he is in the right place? Life seems false and empty. Being in this state, a person is afraid of himself. It's like he's going crazy. The feeling of panic pushes him to prove to himself and everyone around him that he is still “great” and can do a lot.

When a man is inclined to commit rash, radical actions, we can say that a simple internal conflict has turned into a crisis.

It can force a person to change something for the better and positive, or it can lead to complete destruction personality and their own built life.

How to understand that you are in crisis? Here are some signs:

  • The feeling of being cornered is disturbing. I want to radically change my life.
  • There is a withdrawal into oneself, a desire to rebel like a teenager.
  • There is an increased interest in fantasizing and searching for fresh impressions, and one wants to take unjustified risks.
  • There may be a tendency to flirt with the opposite sex, and attempts to have a mistress may arise.
  • Life is no longer satisfactory, there is a temptation to take a radical step.

How can a woman understand that a man is having a midlife crisis?

  • He constantly Bad mood, behaves silently, reluctantly answers your questions.
  • Sometimes there are bursts of unjustified aggression and mood swings. Often takes out anger on you and loved ones. It can lead to assault.
  • He looks tired and broken.
  • Doesn't sleep well.
  • Starts to look at other women.
  • Can change his wardrobe to a more fashionable one.
  • May start using modern youth slang.

  • It is important to understand and realize that the crisis, despite all its severity, cannot last forever. You can survive it if you understand that it has come and try to curb your thoughts and act only after careful thought.
  • View yourself as a teenager who needs boundaries to prevent him from doing anything bad.
  • Don't take your emotions too literally. If you are overcome by a strong desire to “break free,” this does not mean that you really need to do it. Perhaps this is just a symptom that something is not going according to plan.
  • Stop getting lost in your own fantasies. Otherwise, you risk starting to take rash steps that will prevent you from gaining the strength that you lack.
  • Remember that to change something, you don’t have to radically change your life. Step towards changes gradually so as not to accidentally destroy what you have been building for so long.
  • Accept the fact that many opportunities may be missed. Think about what exactly you missed and why. Write down on paper everything you would like to do, but didn’t do. Describe there why you didn’t decide to do this at that moment in your life.
  • Think about what you value in your life and what you don't want to lose.
  • Reflect on past and present priorities. Think about what real changes you can make without destroying everything.

  • The main thing is patience. There is no need to demand that he immediately go to a psychologist and bother with advice. It’s better to just be there, support him, forgive this weak psychological state, show your love and devotion in every possible way.
  • Talk to your husband. With the help of an open, warm conversation, a man will be able to speak out and talk about painful issues. This will help improve it state of mind. Try to show the man his strengths. He must understand that he has something to be proud of and value.
  • Need to diversify family life. Buy theater tickets, invite him to a new restaurant, to a film premiere, buy joint pool passes, take up a new sport with him, sign up for courses foreign language. This will show a man that life does not end after 40.
  • Despite the mental torment of a man, the sexual side still has for him great value. In this case, you need to do everything to be the best lover for him. Start preening yourself in a special way, don’t regret it family budget for a new set of sexy lingerie, and if you learn how to do an erotic relaxing massage, you will certainly be fully rewarded.
  • The main thing is not to run away from the problem, do not indulge your own feelings if you want to really help your loved one. Your hysterics, tears, threats, reproaches will lead to divorce. Only the right one psychological support on your part will help you regain your loving, wise husband.

Closer to 40 years in the life of every person, a difficult period of reassessment of values ​​and deep internal changes personality – midlife crisis. Everyone goes through this test differently, depending on life situation And individual characteristics. Psychologists believe that men are experiencing this crisis more acutely, because society still demands more from the stronger sex. high demands in terms of self-realization and success.

Women also have a hard time, because their husband’s quirks, his mental tossing, mood swings and other “charms” of the transitional state are added to their own experiences. It is at this age that the most large number divorce, depression and even suicide. The weak half of humanity faces a lot complex issues: how to survive your husband’s midlife crisis, support your spouse during this difficult time, save your family and remain yourself?

What is a midlife crisis

The age of 35-40 years is perceived as the middle of life, when carefree youth is already in the past, and old age is just around the corner. A person looks back and tries to evaluate the past years from a new, more mature position. What was it spent on? best years What have you achieved? Do you have the strength to move on? If the answers to these questions are disappointing, disappointment in oneself sets in, and heavy feelings about wasted time set in.

Even if a man has achieved fulfillment in one or more areas, reached heights in his career or business, has a wonderful family, is quite successful, the crisis will one way or another manifest itself in the devaluation of his past achievements, in a desperate desire to catch up or in spiritual searches.

Former goals seem small and insignificant, priorities change, and a person seriously thinks about the meaning of life, tries to find something with which he can occupy his mind and heart. He is looking for support in a changed world, shedding his old skin and striving to find a new self, still not understanding what to fight for now and what to desire.

Often, a midlife crisis becomes a turning point in men's lives. People change jobs, religion, lifestyle, family, or move to another city or country. At this time, a person is capable of any actions - from ridiculous and eccentric to tragic, which have irreparable consequences. But for those who manage to cope with the manifestations of a midlife crisis and accept these trials as the next step to a higher level of development, the midlife crisis helps them become better, wiser, kinder, more humane.

Signs of a midlife crisis in men

Native and close person, beloved husband and father suddenly becomes a stranger, unfamiliar, completely unpredictable. He gets irritated over every little thing, takes his anger out on his wife and children, and tries to spend more time away from the family hearth.

  1. At the moment of a midlife crisis, most men have the intention of radically changing their lives. Some men change their clothing style and habits. There is often a search for new hobbies, a craving for adventure and thrills.
  2. Not everything is in order with health either, it’s taking its toll nervous tension and emotional instability. In addition, at this age men begin hormonal changes, appear overweight and the first signs of aging.
  3. In relationships with your significant other there are no better times. The nagging, reproaches, and insults begin. It seems to a man that his wife does not love him, his children do not respect him, and there is no comfort and coziness in the house. He craves admiration and approval, needs self-affirmation and often starts an affair on the side to prove to himself that he is still capable of winning women's hearts.
  4. There are also changes at work. A man either begins to intensively pursue a career in an attempt to achieve the position he dreamed of in his youth, or, on the contrary, becomes disappointed, gives up and loses all interest in his business. Financially secure people often retire from business for the sake of spiritual quests.

The period of crisis lasts quite a long time - from three to five years, during which it faces difficult task become stronger, find your place in the world and not lose your loved ones.

How to Help Your Husband Get Through a Midlife Crisis

A person’s age-related crises are a difficult test for his loved ones, especially if we're talking about about the head of the family, her hope and support. And the main role here is given to the wife, the keeper of the family hearth. No matter how destructive and repulsive a man’s behavior may be, it is important not to act rashly, but to try to understand him and help him during this period.

Psychologists give some advice on how to help cope with the manifestations of an age crisis in your husband.

Try to understand your spouse's psychological state

Of course, now your husband is not a gift, but he has an excuse - he is going through one of the most difficult periods of his life and can count on your support. This does not mean that you need to become a hostage to his depression and abandon yourself and your desires, because such a position will only worsen the situation. Find a middle ground and stand for him true friend, an assistant he can trust, but not a victim. To do this, you may need the help of a psychologist who will explain what is happening now with your spouse and help you maintain your peace of mind.

Be attentive to your husband

Surround him with unobtrusive care and warmth. Create a pleasant homely atmosphere in your home and pamper your loved one with delicious dinners. Spend time together, find common interests. Change your surroundings, go on a trip, attend cultural events. If your husband has a new hobby, try to share his passion. At the same time, be extremely tactful and avoid excessive curiosity and importunity, give him the opportunity to be alone with himself.

Avoid Conflicts

Don't throw a tantrum, don't make a scandal. Go around sharp corners And unpleasant topics. You may have to close your eyes to some things and ignore a lot of barbs. Be patient. Do not accuse your spouse of all mortal sins and do not provoke your spouse into a showdown. Don't threaten divorce unless you actually intend to get a divorce.

Respect and support your husband

Whatever happens, do not humiliate your husband. Right now, more than ever, he needs to feel like a winner. Help him assert himself, praise him, encourage him. Don't give advice unless he asks you for it. Don't decide for him what to do and don't treat him like he's sick. Understand and accept that you will not live this period for him or instead of him. He is a man and is able to cope with his problems himself. Just be there and on his side.

How can a woman help herself during a difficult period?

When men have a midlife crisis, many of them become depressed and begin to look for the culprit of all their troubles. Not everyone is able to face the truth and take responsibility for the years they have lived. At this moment, the closest person is under attack - the wife.

Withstand this emotional stress extremely difficult, especially if a woman herself goes through age-related transformations. Therefore, it is important for a woman to save herself and protect her children from psychological trauma. Support your psychological health The following recommendations will help:

  1. Take care of your self-esteem. Do not pay attention to unflattering words, to attention to other women.
  2. Don't blame yourself. Even if he blames you for his failures, remember that his life is his responsibility, and his alone.
  3. Do not take revenge and do not seek solace in alcohol, drugs and relationships on the side. The more we cope with difficulties, the better our future life will be.
  4. Don't allow yourself to be treated cruelly. No crisis can justify the physical and psychological violence. Respect yourself and don't become a victim.
  5. Don't involve children in conflicts. Don't make a scandal in front of your children and don't tell them bad things about your father.
  6. Love yourself and develop. Your man needs a confident, beautiful, interesting woman. No matter how this situation is resolved, you need to move on with your life.

Remember that now your spouse is lost and disoriented, and no matter how he behaves towards you, you are his support and support. If you follow his example and give up, your family boat will inevitably run aground. Take care of yourself, your appearance, don’t neglect your business and hobbies. If you don't feel strong enough to do this, contact psychological help to a specialist.

Bottom line

Age crises are an integral part of human life and prerequisite his maturation and personal growth. During these special periods, important psychological changes occur: worldview, values, and priorities change.

If the crises of the first years of life are well studied and known to everyone, then the age-related crises of adulthood and old age still largely remain a blank spot for ordinary person. Therefore, you need to understand how to help your loved one survive the midlife crisis. After the crisis begins new life, and if you managed to go through this test hand in hand, then you have every chance of living happily together until the end of your days.

Video: psychologist Natalya Tolstaya “The crisis of your husband. Turn on the mood."

Midlife crisis in men: so much has been written, told, and filmed about it. Even the film of the same name by Garik Sukachev is trying to convey to the masses its share of the truth about this difficult life period male half of the population. On the one hand, every man has his own midlife crisis, on the other hand, identical symptoms, behavior, actions, even thoughts are projected as if according to one scenario. What is a crisis, what to do in advance crisis situation and how to overcome the painful stage of maturity?

Age crises throughout life can disturb the human mind.

This is a natural process of formation and maturation of a personality, depending on the environmental conditions of the society in which it exists.

Under the influence of certain circumstances, a man can experience crises too anxiously and painfully.

Before the midlife crisis, there is another crisis milestone: 30-33 years. This is a period of awareness of one’s independence and perfection, when the feeling of complete freedom should not develop into irresponsibility and permissiveness.

At this age, most men can be led by their selfish emotions and continue life with the thought of “owing nothing to anyone.” Men who outgrow the crisis in this way for 30 years may never start a family or perceive an existing family union as a burden to their freedom.

Causes of midlife crisis in men

In addition to gender characteristics, nature has clearly distributed the responsibilities of both sexes in building a life trajectory. From time immemorial, a man is the head of the family, breadwinner, hunter, conqueror, winner, warrior, etc. Already at the genetic level, boys are given a male program of supremacy and courage. A woman is the keeper of the hearth, family and everyday life.

If we return from time to time to world history, then the role of a man has always been reduced to battles and wars, power and rule, construction projects and campaigns, etc. Naturally, it is always vital in everyone difficult situations, both physical and psychological, men were required to have endurance, fearlessness and strength. Up to a certain age, a man possesses these qualities. He is healthy, which means he is full of strength and energy for new victories and achievements. But the biological clock is not ticking in unison with evolution, indicating that the body will still begin irreversible aging processes. They, in turn, project into consciousness the thoughts that you will no longer be as young and active as before. This is where the physiological causes of the midlife crisis come from:

  • loss of strength;
  • hormonal changes;
  • a decrease in male libido and, accordingly, a decrease in potency;
  • weight gain;
  • loss of erection, etc.

A peculiar male menopause, acting as a midlife crisis, is the same period of aging of the body as female menopause. It originates from a decrease in testosterone levels in the blood. Testosterone, in turn, inhibits sexual activity. But that’s why a man is a man, so as not to give up his position as a conqueror of ladies’ hearts. This is what the phrase “gray hair in a beard, a demon in a rib” speaks about. But this does not mean that when meeting new women, forty-year-old men increase the number of intimate relationships. They experience fear of old age and loss of potency on an unconscious level, and new acquaintances and innocent flirting help them assert themselves again, even at 40 or 50 years old.

Of course, when in his youth all a man’s thoughts were aimed at finding himself and achieving success in all aspects of life, then closer to 40 they begin to think about the price of success and about their position in this world. And these are the reasons for a crisis of a psychological nature. This, according to the majority of doctors and psychologists, lies real reasons midlife crisis for the male half of humanity.

The fact is that 40-45 years is the period when many men achieve their main life goals:

  1. Career - victorious warrior.
  2. Family and children - the head of the family, the breadwinner.
  3. Favorite car - conqueror, founder of courage, strength, speed.
  4. Status in society - recognition, endurance.

When all this and much more lies at the feet of men, in his pockets and accounts, in bed and in a crib, he, like a lion, feels like a king, but already a sophisticated king. The peaks have been conquered, the bastions have been taken, his woman has gone through fire and copper pipes with him and rests calmly next to him. And the man still demands admiration and new victories, new heights and now gold cufflinks on the sleeves of silk shirts. Cufflinks - please, but what to do with the new sensations from victories, or rather, where to get them?

And this is where the midlife crisis trap slams shut. On the one hand, a man categorically does not want to grow old, fearing the next decades, on the other hand, he again needs the attention and admiration of the opposite sex for his person, because his faithful companion-wife has long been fed up with his successes.

In addition, many men are worried about the fear of uncertainty. I managed to achieve a lot over the past years, and then what? Impotent old age or rebuilding your life? So, the modern man is not so much afraid of the new stage of his age as of himself at this stage. The personification of oneself from the moment of puberty with one’s phallus, that without it a man is not a male, not a conqueror, gives a tangible blow to the psyche of a man during a midlife crisis.

The thought that without an erection a man will not be needed by his woman is very disturbing stronger sex fully perceive oneself in old age. The painfulness of these thoughts pushes many men to look for young lovers on the side, believing that in this way they will stimulate and prolong potency. After 40 years, the thoughts of men come down to one thing: the inevitable loss of potency in the near future, the deterioration of relations with their spouse, the departure of old feelings, the cooling of relationships, both domestic and intimate. As a result, there is no mutual understanding in the family, the feeling of loneliness prevails over everything, all the symptoms of a midlife crisis are present.

Other reasons when a midlife crisis manifests itself in the male half of humanity lie in complete dissatisfaction with what a man has become by the age of 40. Namely: an unloved job, a small income, an example before the eyes of more successful comrades or neighbors. All this worsens the man’s mood. The disruption from this can be colossal; neither previous nor new relationships, nor work will save you. There remains a feeling of enormous regret about one’s inadequacy.

Signs of a male crisis

It is worth noting that the midlife crisis in men has its own characteristics. Such character traits may appear that were previously uncharacteristic for a man. Therefore, it is generally accepted that the 40-year crisis period affects psychological aspect. So, the symptoms after 40 years:

  1. Excessive irritation.
  2. Dissatisfaction with one's appearance: from weight to haircut.
  3. The result is increased pedantry and concern about whether he looks good.
  4. Previously unusual isolation.
  5. Desperate attempts to play sports, if this has not previously been observed.
  6. Exaggerated worries about your future life.

Often the victim of a man's irritation during a crisis is his family. It seems to the man that his loved ones do not understand him, his wife has stopped loving him, and his growing children do not need him. From these thoughts, his internal protest against the family structure and the way of life that has been established over so many years is brewing, that the man involuntarily begins to be pulled to the side. Where he thinks he is needed, he will be understood and admired. Therefore, according to statistics, so many men start affairs and relationships on the side during the midlife crisis, which in most cases leads to divorce.

The question of how long a crisis period can last is of interest to both men and their women. A midlife crisis lasts for men up to 3, sometimes up to 5 years. Everything is purely individual and depends on the level of a man’s endurance, his psyche, and competent support from loved ones. Some people manage to survive the crisis with great losses as a family, ultimately never returning their lives to a regular routine. Some, having recovered, return to their families, change their field of activity, and successfully, have children again, seeing in them lost meaning life.

How to overcome the crisis

The inevitability of turning 40 should not frighten anyone. This is the next stage in the formation of personality, in which the joining of youthful dreams and already realized plans simply occurs more acutely and subtly. And if a man is forced to discover discouraging mistakes in these comparisons, they will deal a noticeable blow to his psyche.

Here it is very important to make it clear to the man himself or with the help of his wife, children, loved ones that the period of crisis midlife in men is not the perception of oneself as a loser, but the acceptance of what has already been accomplished and achieved as an exclusively positive experience. And then, following through life and applying this experience, live even better for the sake of your children, grandchildren and a happy old age with your family. In this case age crisis helps to rethink values, find the causes of dissatisfaction in yourself and try to eliminate them, using the experience of past years.

Men should focus on the things that are really important to them during this period, and not react painfully to what has already passed and may never happen to them again. You need to be ready for new achievements, because life does not end tomorrow.

What should single men do during a crisis? The main thing is not to isolate yourself. Remember that you must remain a man in any life situation, be more open and sociable. If necessary, change jobs, change cars and, finally, start a family. Forty years is a wonderful age for men, when the childbearing period has not yet ended, but you are already firmly on your feet in financially, you have lived enough to become loving husband and a wise father.

The 40-year mark for single men is an excellent springboard for final prioritization to answer the question of what to do next. Next - enjoy life with a full understanding of the meaning of what is happening, because... The midlife crisis has already been experienced.

Treatment of crisis

If a man has reached the age limit of crises, if signs of a crisis situation are evident, then the man can be helped to cope by introducing variety into life. You need to start living as actively as possible, only this activity should be directed in a positive direction. Then the treatment will be effective. This could be playing sports, going to the gym, a new hobby, changing jobs or professional activities, having a baby or buying a dog.

Consultations with psychologists will also be very helpful. During this advice professionals, support and acceptance of the situation by the spouse will help a man quickly and painlessly overcome a midlife crisis. Absolutely all age-related crises can be treated.

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