The bestial essence of a woman. What are they, cat women? Lady of the Norwegian Forest. Very reliable rear

Women write about psychology and biology in glamorous magazines, but you can read about zoology of the fairer sex in men's publications and on thematic forums. The portal offers its own interpretation of animal types, based on read fairy tales and encyclopedias, associations, external similarities and character matches. In order to avoid accusations of male chauvinism, the classification process was entrusted to a woman.

From ciliates to jellyfish

Extraordinary personalities are rare in the crowd. Increasingly, we find ourselves surrounded by plankton: we drift freely through life, hang out in the depths of the Internet and are one of the components of the food chain. And yet plankton is a collection of heterogeneous organisms. In this environment you can find ciliate woman, whose thoughts are occupied exclusively by shoes. Simple as five kopecks, she practically wants and doesn’t expect anything from life. Well, unless you meet the same one-celled one, so that you can turn into a slipper ciliate.

Amoebas that have lost their slenderness and liveliness should also be classified as protozoa. , disappearing in an eternal queue, either at the supermarket for food, or at the executive committee for improved living conditions. Amoeba woman calmly floats with the flow, easily adapts to the surrounding reality and actively reproduces.

If a representative of plankton in the ocean of life fails to meet her soul mate, she can easily turn into a jellyfish . It only seems that female jellyfish weak-willed and spineless. In fact, they have not only character, but also a life credo: “Don’t touch me!” However, even touchy-feely people get married. In addition, not a single man in the world is immune from the fact that, lying down in the evening with a charming beauty, he may find a real gorgon in his bed in the morning. An irritated jellyfish stings without missing a beat, can turn you to stone with one look or cause paralysis with one word.

From mouse to bunny

Mouse Woman you can meet on the street, at work and even in the museum in the Greek hall. And pass without noticing. She is sweet, friendly and humble. Therefore, it is easy to fall into mousetraps with free cheese.

The mouse is not untalented. Some women in this category have imagination and can fly. Which often scares men. Therefore, it is not surprising that some bats are called vampires by their husbands and are accused of sucking their life juices. Although in fact, the strong half of humanity needs to be afraid of completely different women.

From a psychological point of view, any mouse can easily turn into rat. Fortunately, there are enough courses and textbooks on stervology today. Unlike a gray mouse driven into a corner, a rat can not only rush at the offender, but even deliver a preemptive strike.

On to the squirrel woman the whole office is holding on. She spins the impeller all day, then runs home to feed her family and create a supply for the winter.

Bunny woman Serves as office decoration. She does not forget to change her fur coat in time for the season. He is often a coward, but always shows ingenuity to achieve the desired result. Willingly fulfills the petty whims of her husband or boss. After all, this is exactly what it was created for - white and fluffy. Men often live with bunnies, but dream of completely different women.

From cat to lioness

Hollywood scriptwriters love to exploit this female type. Catwoman walks on her own, purrs when in the mood, and scratches for no reason. In fact, cats are also different. The kitties are not far from the bunnies. Such people easily become mistresses and even more willingly the fifth wives of aging oligarchs. The main thing in the content is not to forget to buy fashionable gadgets and other things on time. The pussy takes revenge on forgetful owners - usually it shits in the shoes.

Advanced kitties become secular lionesses. Some are born with them, but still remain the property of the one who feeds them, provides shelter and protection.

Catwoman is brave and determined. But she is a terrible lazy person. Having agreed to live in your house, she becomes a full-fledged mistress of it. Now she decides what curtain should hang on the window and what whiskey you will have for dinner. But you will have to nail the cornice and serve it on the table. Remember to regularly scratch your cat behind the ears and never stroke against the grain.

Cats who are dissatisfied with their family life often go crazy. She goes on a spree, and instead of warmth and comfort, kittens appear in the house, suspiciously similar to the neighbors' cats.

From dog to wolf

Men have their own ideal women dogs. They are loyal, look devotedly into the eyes, follow all commands, bring beer along with slippers, lick mental wounds and guard the owner’s sacred dinnertime dream. Only in the wild are such women rare.

A woman dog can be a friend, or she can put her husband on a short leash. The guard Cerberus forbids his man to drink beer, watch football, meet with friends and generally stray far from the kennel. She can bark for any trifle.

Fox Woman- the main initiator of office intrigues. Her cunning will more than once help you get out of any crisis situation. Beautiful, smart and self-sufficient, she can invite the man she likes to dinner, pay the bill and use it for its intended purpose.

Wolf Woman- loner. But if she finds her mate, she is ready to gnaw the throat of anyone who looks in the direction of the male. Capable of controlling a flock.

From sheep to cow

Representatives of the superorder of ungulates should also be divided into species: they are paired and unpaired, domestic and wild. Among them are calloused and ruminants.

The most harmless female type from this series is sheep. Light curls, the presence of a golden fleece and an almost complete lack of intelligence ensures their constant success in male company.

Nobody wants to live with an old nag, but rarely does anyone get upset when a worker appears in the team horse. You can put not only all the problems on her, but also the burden of responsibility. And such a woman plows without raising her head, even sleeping while walking.

No less willingly, a horse woman harnesses herself to the family cart and pulls this burden up the mountain without unnecessary bucking. She is pushed around by all and sundry, periodically tightening the bit. And yet there are pacers in this class. Mustang women advance well in their careers because, in addition to the ability to work hard, they also have a marketable appearance and a strong character. They can kick the offender and easily gallop away from problems.

Another female type - cash cow This is the kind of wife that mama's boys prefer to marry, so that they can ride like cheese in butter. Women of this type rarely become high-ranking bosses, since they prefer chewing gum for everyone and are ready to live in a barn and work in an open field. They love TV series.

From canary to magpie

Women and birds have a lot in common. For example, the constant need to preen feathers and chirp incessantly.

Canary women They willingly live in a cage and please their owner with sweet trills. These are preferred by men who are insecure and need a constant portion of praise.

mother hen keeps under her wing until retirement not only her numerous offspring, but also her own husband.

Hummingbird Woman bright and exotic, but not found in our forests. He flies in on the way from the south to visit his parents and buys a plane ticket again.

Magpie Woman cannot live without bright trinkets and will die of envy if a colleague is wearing a larger brooch.

Cuckoo Woman counts the years he has lived alone and is angry at the children who have grown up and for some reason do not come to visit their mother, preferring to spend weekends with their grandmother in the country.

Woodpecker Woman capable of driving even a tax inspector crazy.

From butterfly to ladybug

From a pupa they turn into butterfly Lightweight, fluttering through life, such women are pleasing to the eye, but do not bring any benefit.

Unlike bees These workaholic women are equally irreplaceable in the office and at home. They are forced to look after their drones and take care of the queen, following established rules day after day.

There are women who are as annoying as flies. They willingly take jobs as sales representatives and can sit for hours in a client's office, distracting everyone from their work until someone rolls up a newspaper and kicks them out.

Distinguish ladybug from others it is not difficult: every marriage leaves a mark on her soul and on her wings. Before the next trip to the altar, she drops off her children with their parents on the palate, and she periodically has to be reminded of her maternal responsibilities.

From tick to spider

The most terrible types. This is who men really need to be afraid of. Mite Woman falls on your head, gets sucked in and gets under your skin so that it has to be removed surgically. Although you can wait until she drinks blood and goes in search of the next victim.

U spider women other habits. She waits in ambush for a long time and weaves her web. If you can still get rid of a female tick, then with a spider everything is much more complicated: those caught in the web have no chance of escaping. Especially if a man has social status and property that can be inherited.

Let’s make a reservation right away: in nature there is rarely a woman who can be 100% classified as one type or another. Any horse can buck, and an ugly duckling can turn into a beautiful swan. The most important thing, despite all animal instincts, is to always remain human.

The question of who to choose, a cat or a female cat, will be quite painful for a person who has never before kept a mustachioed, meowing pet at home. Despite the similarity of habits, male and female individuals still differ in some nuances in the manifestation of cat instincts.

Difficulties of parenting

A cat is, without a doubt, more cunning, gentler and more willing to compromise than a cat. If you successfully get used to the role of a dominant male, most likely, it will not be difficult for you to command your tailed pupil. In this case, you can easily discourage her from bad habits or teach her the right skills.

It is possible that the cat will only pretend to obey, but will gradually begin to twist the ropes out of you: it will sleep on your pillow, eat the most delicious morsels and tear up new wallpaper.

However, even a cat can encroach on these privileges, only he will do it impudently, with unshakable self-confidence in his exclusive right to the entire space of the apartment and the owner to boot.

The cat’s harmful habits will have to be stopped in a slightly different way: not by trying to prove one’s superiority, but by gradually directing the cat’s behavior in the right direction.

Important! Let's summarize. When raising a cat, you become an unyielding feline macho, and when you control a cat, you act subtly, like a representative of the weaker sex.
By the way, remember that cats are not only more massive, but often more beautiful than their friends. So, if your goal is to surprise the guests who come to you, take a cat.

Family idyll

It can occur with both male and female cats if you become familiar with the principles of peaceful coexistence in a confined living space in advance.

Growing kittens usually behave the same way: they reach out for affection without leaving their owners. The difference in behavior becomes more pronounced after puberty: cats become more unsociable, and female cats, on the contrary, become more sociable.

The tailed girl will always be near you, trying to be the focus of your attention.. She will cuddle up to anyone who is willing to pet her and talk to her. The cat will suffer unbearably from the owner’s callousness and indifference.
That is why, if you have small children who are ready to play with an animal for hours, it is better to opt for a cat. True, there is no need to squeeze it either. Any games and affection are good in moderation.

This is interesting! Unlike a cat, who equally sympathizes with all members of your family, a cat, as a rule, will show its sympathy to one owner (less often, two).

And he will not pamper his only chosen one with excessive attention, approaching him a couple of times a day to remind him that he has run out of food or water (and very rarely for a portion of affection). It’s worth making a reservation: castrated males become almost as affectionate as cats.

So, if you are not afraid of cat importunity, and you have enough time to smooth the arched fur back, get a girl.

For people who work a lot or those who do not particularly need “calf” cat tenderness, purring boys are recommended.

Sexual behavior

One of the key aspects of the dilemma (cat or cat). Each of them has their own periodic sexual quirks that can turn the owner’s life into hell.


A cat in estrus is not for the faint of heart. The owner will have to come to terms with such manifestations as:

  • restless behavior;
  • increased (decreased) appetite;
  • rolling on the floor;
  • high-pitched meow;
  • obsession;
  • frequent urination.

There are also “erased” estrus, in which these symptoms are absent, which, of course, makes the owners very happy. But you shouldn’t hope that your pet will calmly tolerate estrous cycles.


A sexually mature and horny cat is also unbearable. And in his arsenal there are many “surprises” in store for the owner:

  • persistent “meow”, as a call to be released;
  • scratching the front door;
  • splashing of odorous secretion;
  • aggression towards a person.

By the way, there are cats that never (!) mark their territory. But this amazing quality has little to do with the breed, but stems from the cat’s temperament. Angles are not marked by phlegmatic males with low sexual desire: they are found among different breeds, including Scottish, British and Siberian cats.

Solving the problem

The bright sexual reflexes of four-legged animals only benefit their breeders. People without commercial interests (in relation to cats) need to decide which method is preferable - surgical (sterilization/castration) or medicinal (drops/tablets).

If you are not able to encroach on your pet’s reproductive organs, consult a veterinarian and buy hormonal medications. The animal will avoid the surgical table, but will face the side effects of these contraceptives, leading to a variety of ailments, including oncology.

By the way, not so long ago it became known that sterilization has a beneficial effect on the cat’s body and even prolongs its life. And don’t forget that castrated/sterilized animals become more docile and calm.

This is interesting! Owners feel much better when they let their vases and murkas go out into the yard, where they expend their accumulated sexual energy. There is only one downside (for cat owners) - you will have to house or drown the kittens several times a year.

Other pros and cons

A cat that has all the characteristics of its gender and is accustomed to a wild lifestyle will never “tell” you about its pregnancy.

A cat that is not devoid of reproductive function can conceive and bear offspring at any time.

The opinion that cats are smarter than cats and learn to use the litter box faster is controversial. Cat owners are also confident that their pets are much cleaner than cats. This judgment is much closer to the truth.

Cats, even neutered ones, have a strong natural odor, which is especially noticeable when urinating and defecating. And a person with a keen sense of smell will always feel this aroma.

The cat is convinced that the owners are in his complete power, and also that he is free to behave in his territory as he pleases. He will demonstrate this life credo to you tirelessly, tearing the sofa into fibers or stealing food from your plate.


Oddly enough, gender does not always tell about the characteristics of a potential pet. Experienced felinologists know that kittens of the same litter (regardless of gender) already from birth show different inclinations. Someone is an obvious firebrand and brawler, another is calm as an elephant, the third is a weakling and a whiner.

Observe the little ones to choose the one who best suits your idea of ​​an ideal friend.

Despite the difficult nature of cats, women always got along with them and gave these animals the most honorable place in the house. This tradition dates back to ancient times. No matter how a cat behaved, a woman was always much more tolerant of her antics and whims than a man ( read also: "Why cats love women more than men"). And the cats reciprocate. As French zoologists have found out, it turns out that not only women most often choose cats as their companions among various pets, but cats also prefer representatives of the fair sex. One of the reasons for this mutual attraction is that a woman is much more prone to tactile contact than a man. And this completely coincides with the needs of most domestic cats. In addition, cats and women are united by a love of warmth and comfort. And finally, women often have a much softer and more melodic voice than the opposite sex.

A woman invited a cat into her house

We all remember very well Rudyard Kipling’s fairy tale “The Cat That Walked By Itself,” not to mention the Soviet cartoon based on this work. If you believe the writer, it was the woman who invited the first cat into the house; the reason for such a sudden friendship with a wild animal was a banal fear of mice. By the way, this version has a right to exist, because according to scientific research, residents of ancient settlements kept cats in their houses to fight rodents. Several years ago, during excavations in Quanhucun, Chinese archaeologists discovered the skeleton of a cat that lived 5.3 thousand years ago. Having studied its skeleton, scientists found that the cat ate not only meat, but also plant foods. This fact indicates that the person fed the cat. And it is quite possible to assume that a woman was doing this. In fact, today it is the world's oldest "domestic" cat found by archaeologists.

By the way, according to the latest version, the domestic cat is the closest relative of the steppe cat, which is not found in China, which means there is every reason to believe that the domestic cat was brought to the Celestial Empire by foreigners. If this is so, then the age of friendship between a cat and a woman is even greater.

Goddess Bast - the favorite cat of the Egyptians

Cats in ancient Egypt were considered divine creatures, they were worshiped, sold and bought for fabulous money, and most importantly, a large number of gods were associated with felines in Egyptian mythology, including the god Ra (he was called the Great Cat), but the most important cat was the goddess Bast. Bast was responsible for love, love of life and home - it is not at all surprising that she was depicted as a cat, because, as you know, a furry animal is the personification of softness and homeliness.

In addition, in most of the images Bast was not alone - four kittens huddled near her feet, as a symbol of fertility. It should be noted that the divinity of cats in Ancient Egypt went well with the attitude towards female beauty, which also had the character of a cult. And later the woman and the cat went through life together.

Women and cats were not liked in the Middle Ages

Unlike Ancient Egypt, in Europe in ancient times, and especially in the Middle Ages, cats, like women, were disliked. It was believed that beauty and grace, characteristic of the fair half of humanity and representatives of the cat family, is not a gift of nature at all, but a sign of the devil. In addition, the close connection between women and cats did not go unnoticed by the Inquisition: the Church declared a real war against everything more or less mystical, mysterious and incomprehensible - witches and the devil in the guise of a cat. Like “witches,” cats were credited with supernatural powers, the possibility of transformation, demonism, and participation in devilish sabbaths under the moon. Cats completely shared their sad fate with unfortunate women, young and old, called witches: they were stoned, hanged, quartered... So, in Paris, cats were publicly burned on the Place de Greve.

Cat as a female accessory

In the 17th and 18th centuries, when the epidemic of hatred for cats subsided, the tailed cat suffered another misfortune; now they were destined to become a salon accessory and a favorite women's toy. Noble ladies rushed to acquire furry pets in order to keep up with fashion. Not a single self-respecting woman could appear at a social event or in a Salon without a graceful beauty. Representatives of the feline family were groomed and nurtured to the point of nausea, fed with delicacies, turning former predators into amorphous, well-fed creatures. Even after death, cats had no peace - aristocrats kept the ashes of their pets in exquisite urns, and their portraits were commissioned from famous medalists and artists.

Women and cats in art history

The union of a woman with a cat was not ignored by great painters. Images of women surrounded by furry beauties first appeared in ancient times. Several years ago, in the territory of modern Turkey, archaeologists discovered figurines that depict women playing with cats. The find dates back to the sixth millennium BC.

Leonardo da Vinci dedicated the painting “Madonna with a Cat” to a cat, which was very bold at that time. In his works, Renoir emphasized the feminine side of cats, depicting them next to girls in the romantic surroundings characteristic of his work. Greene, in his engraving “The Abbot of the Witches,” showed a cat reading a book next to dancing witches.

The cat is an unattainable ideal

So why is the bond between a woman and a cat, which has lasted for thousands of years, so strong? They say that a woman sees in an animal an ideal that is unattainable for herself. For a woman, a cat is the embodiment of a dream of beauty, independence and freedom, not limited by anything and therefore doubly attractive.

Even if a girl has a “cat-like monster” at home who regularly damages furniture and does nasty things, she will still love him. Surprisingly, a cat is able to play the role of anti-stress for its owner at the right moment, and for this she is forgiven a lot.

So, the decision has been made: you will soon have a kitten! These soft and affectionate creatures bring harmony and peace to the house with their very presence. And what a great happiness this is for children! But here the question immediately arises: is it better to have a cat or a male cat? What differences exist between them, besides the quite obvious ones? Let's try to figure it out, based on the opinion of veterinarians and experienced cat owners.

Some people know right away that they only need a cat, because he will not bring kittens home, while others, on the contrary, are impressed by the tenderness of cats. Choosing a pet is a very responsible undertaking, because, in essence, you are choosing a new family member whom you will take care of for many years. Therefore, if you are in doubt about who to choose, a cat or a male cat, pay attention to the following distinctive features related to the gender of the animal.

External differences

An experienced cat lover will determine the gender of an adult animal by appearance without the slightest hesitation. Indeed, adult cats are larger than cats, have a larger head relative to the body and more massive jaws. And looking at the neat and graceful cat, it immediately becomes clear: this is a real lady!

Character and behavior

The difference in character between cats and male cats is a very controversial issue. Veterinarians believe that after castration, gender differences between animals become almost invisible.

In general, they talk about the following features that characterize cats:

1. Affectionateness and love for the owner

“Cat people” like to argue about who loves their owners more, cats or cats, but there is no consensus on this issue. The truth, perhaps, is that regardless of the gender of the animal, they are very attached to the one they have chosen as their favorite in the house. But this love manifests itself in different ways.

Cats are rather individualists, and it is unlikely that your furry friend will constantly, with or without reason, express his attitude towards you. The “sessions” of tenderness will be short-lived, after which the cat will hurry about its urgent feline affairs.

The cat loves to sit on its owner's lap, purr and rub against his legs. In this way, the cat usually hints that it would be nice to have some food, but the cat is not so “selfish” - she just wants to get her portion of affection from you.

2. Activity

Males are considered more active than cats. Their predatory nature is realized at home through curiosity and unpredictable behavior. Cats try to look into every corner, get into all the boxes and bags, and sometimes scare their owners with an unexpected jump towards them from the darkness.

Cats clearly establish their rights in the house, unlike cats, which are softer and more flexible. As males, they can be aggressive towards other animals in the house. The cat seems to be hinting: “I’m in charge here!”, and you need to try to make him understand that this is not entirely true.

3. Cleanliness

There is no need to argue about cleanliness - cats are definitely cleaner than males, and by their nature they have a less pungent odor. In addition, it is cats who constantly “make a mess”, licking their fur coat for hours.

Continuation of the family line

One of the main aspects of choice. If breeding purebred cats is not your goal, it would be more humane to spay or neuter your pet. Otherwise, the cries of your beloved animal, which clearly indicate its desires, may simply exhaust your patience. And for an animal’s body, an unrealized instinct is a great stress. Castrated and sterilized cats become softer, more affectionate, more attached to the home and most often do not cause problems for their owners such as puddles in the corners.

If you do not want to castrate your cat, be prepared for the fact that he may begin to mark his territory. Getting rid of a strong unpleasant odor is quite difficult. Of course, it is possible that the cat, considering the apartment to be its personal territory, simply does not consider it necessary to mark it. But still, if you are categorically opposed to castration, this point needs to be taken into account. They usually bring “girlfriends” to a purebred cat, and the owners also receive money for it. Pets living in private homes live peacefully and do not disturb anyone, doing their manly business outside the yard. But in an apartment, an uncastrated cat will feel very bad, so it is necessary to find a humane way out of the situation (for example, hormonal drugs).

For a cat, as for any woman, motherhood is the real meaning of life. On the one hand, an unsterilized cat during heat can truly drive her owners crazy, and on the other hand, by allowing her to realize her maternal instinct, you will certainly be touched by the true tenderness and harmony emanating from mommy and her furry babies. However, you also have to think about the consequences, namely, where the kittens will live in the future. We are responsible for those who are weaker and completely dependent on us. Therefore, take care of the future fate of the kids. If the cat is purebred, most likely there will be no problems; kittens can be sold using the Internet, advertisements in newspapers or through friends. For “simple” owners it will be more difficult to find, but it is also quite possible.

Are you dreaming of a cat, but don’t want the hassle of “adopting” kittens? As with cats, there are two options - radical (sterilization) or hormonal (special drops). Please note: spaying a cat will be significantly more expensive than neutering a male. But this method is much more humane than hormonal effects. Most veterinarians emphasize the dangers of using such contraceptives, in particular, the increased risk of cancer in cats.

Cat or cat: which one to choose?

Choosing a pet is not an easy task. Cats, like people, have different personalities and may not fit into any standard. It is simply impossible to say who is better, a cat or a female cat. There are only some objective differences by gender, primarily related to the desire of animals to leave offspring. As for the rest - regardless of whether a cat appears in your house, it will be a great responsibility, but at the same time a joy. We hope that your new pet will become a truly dear and beloved member of your family!

The decision to place a representative of the cat tribe in the house means the emergence of a number of issues for discussion by all family members. And in the first place, undoubtedly, will be the dilemma of who is better to take a cat or a female cat, because its character and habits largely depend on the gender of the animal. When welcoming a kitten into your home, you must remember that it is a living creature that requires regular care and special procedures. That is why understanding the sexual characteristics of a pet even before purchasing it will be the key to a long and joyful life together.

To decide which cat is better, future owners interview numerous relatives and friends. And they listen to different, often completely opposite, opinions.

The most common stereotypes are:

Who is better: female or male?

An objective argument in favor of a cat can be considered the absence of the need to “mark” the territory of residence, which is typical for males. Cats have special glands that secrete a specific musky odor. That is why the cat is taken to the groom for mating, and not vice versa.

In addition, females do not tend to fight for a male representative, so there is no treatment for wounds after fights. On the other hand, unsterilized cats do not always behave adequately during estrus, so you will have to either provide the animal with a mating with a proven partner, or let it go on its own search. This causes certain difficulties for busy owners, because high-quality cats for mating and breeding are not found as often as we would like.

The argument in favor of a cat is the absence of possible offspring and the hassle associated with this. Moreover, if owners decide to undergo surgery, castration is usually much easier than in the case of cavity sterilization of the female. It is believed that a healthy mature cat needs up to 20 matings per season, so if it is impossible to provide the animal with such activity, it is better to lean towards castration.

At the same time, the question of whether a neutered cat can satisfy a cat depends on the age and mating experience of the pet. If the animal has had intercourse with the opposite sex, then the skills will remain after the procedure. Such “empty” individuals are often kept together with unsterilized females to relieve the latter’s nervousness during estrus. However, veterinarians advise doing this only as a temporary measure to avoid diseases of the reproductive organs. For example, the disease pyometra, which you can read about.

It is believed that a neutered cat can satisfy a cat, but after a certain period of time in the absence of regular matings, the male simply loses desire and “forgets” about the previous need.

The answer to the question whether a castrated cat can mate with a cat will be positive, but it is better to provide the female with a full-fledged partner in order to prevent possible diseases.

Castration and sterilization of animals

Cats mature at 5-9 months of age, and their reproductive period can last a lifetime. The number and duration of estrus varies depending on the breed and age of the pet. In any case, cats experience 2-3 periods of sexual activity per year. At the same time, they gather a lot of “suitors” around, and the meowing of a cat often resembles a real concert for a cat.

Males mature later, at the age of 6-8 months. At this age, their secretions acquire an unpleasant, persistent odor, and the animals themselves become almost indomitable. The question of who is better than a cat or a male cat in an apartment does not have the most pleasant answer: both of them bring a lot of trouble during this period.

If the owners do not have the time or desire to provide their pets with a sufficient number of proven partners, they will look for them on their own or suffer from the lack of mating. To exclude this and protect animals from possible diseases of the reproductive organs, sterilization or castration procedures are used. The answer to the question of how much it costs to neuter a cat depends on the type of intervention.

The difference between these operations is the removal of the ovaries. During sterilization, the gonads are not touched, only tubal ligation is performed. Accordingly, hormone production occurs at the preoperative level. In cats, the seminal ducts are ligated in the same way. Such animals can mate, but do not produce offspring. During castration, all organs responsible for procreation are removed (in females - ovaries or ovaries with a uterus, in males - testicles). The result is a complete absence of sexual instincts and sexual activity.

Veterinarians recognize castration as a more humane method, because sterilization leaves the possibility of certain diseases and hormonal storms.

Determination of gender

If you are interested in how to recognize a cat or cat, you should just look under the kitten’s tail: if the structure resembles a colon, it’s a cat, and if there’s an exclamation mark, it’s a kitty. Good luck in choosing a baby!