Herpes starts on the lip, what to do with folk remedies. Herpes: how to prevent an unpleasant surprise? How to quickly stop herpes on the lip

Most of us are familiar with all the unpleasant sensations that accompany the appearance.

At first there was something itchy on my lips, then it started to hurt, and then finally it appeared.

In medicine, this phenomenon has its own name -. This disease cannot be taken lightly; it is quite dangerous for humans, especially if it is not treated in time.

Causes and provoking factors

You can only get infected with the virus from a sick person. It is not necessary that all signs of the disease should be present on his face. This can easily happen; the latent period before the rash appears usually lasts from 3 to 10 days. Of course, the activity of the virus is much higher during the acute period of the disease, and, accordingly, the likelihood of infection from such a patient increases significantly.

Viral particles cannot exist without a host cell. Once in the body, they settle in the tissues of the nervous system. Those particles that do not find a safe haven die. Only in nerve cells does the virus remain inaccessible to the action of the immune system.

As already mentioned, the virus permanently settles in the nerve cells of our body and it is impossible to expel it from there with modern medications. But our immune system continuously monitors the level of activity of the virus, forcing it to remain in a passive, dormant state.

However, some external circumstances can provoke the proliferation of viral particles in the body:

  1. A decline in immunity caused by colds or chronic diseases, or a stressful situation.
  2. Dental procedures or maxillofacial surgery. They often cause infection and rashes.
  3. Hypothermia of the body. It can occur during the cold period of the year while being outside or when swimming in a pond or pool where the water is at a low temperature.
  4. Overheating under the sun's rays also often causes herpetic rashes.
  5. Alcohol and other unhealthy habits contribute to a decline in immunity with all the ensuing consequences.

At certain stages of life a person becomes most susceptible to infection. If the body is weakened by poor nutrition or any other factors, for example, a sedentary lifestyle, the cultivation of unhealthy habits, as well as previous diseases, then the virus particles, when ingested, do not meet the proper resistance and freely settle in the cells of the human body.

Video from an expert:

Symptoms of the disease

The most common form of herpes is in the form of blisters. Their appearance is preceded by a latent period, that is, the person is already infected, but does not yet suspect it, since the blister has not yet appeared on the lip.

But the first, imperceptible signs of the disease may already appear at the site of future rashes:

  • redness;
  • swelling.

The patient may also experience aches throughout the body and headache. At this stage it is best to start. This will help prevent the appearance of ulcers on the lips, which will not dry out before 1-2 weeks, which will seriously spoil the appearance and complicate the life of the patient.

First aid for a cold on the lip

Once it enters the body, the herpes simplex virus remains in it for the rest of its life. It is almost impossible to remove it with modern medications, but forgetting about it for a while or even forever is quite achievable.

Systemic drugs

What to do if a herpes appears on the lip? First of all, this will tell you how to treat rashes from the inside and outside. This is the only way to avoid getting confused when choosing antiviral agents.

If herpes is just starting to appear, there is a good chance of avoiding the formation of sores on the lips. But this requires timely prescribed treatment.

All drugs used in the treatment of herpes are divided into two main groups:

  • for local treatment;
  • for internal use (general or systemic).

The action of general drugs is aimed at suppressing the activity of viral infection in the body. The purpose of local remedies is to relieve symptoms such as itching, redness and others, and also prevent the further spread of rashes to uninfected areas of the skin.

The following drugs are used in medical practice:

  1. , suppresses the activity of the virus.
  2. , in addition to the antiviral effect, has immunomodulatory properties.
  3. , inhibits the DNA of the herpes virus, remains in the infected cell for up to 12 hours. Effectively acts on any.

Drugs for the internal treatment of herpes help to significantly speed up the healing of herpetic rashes by suppressing the growth and reproduction of viral particles throughout the body.

Ointments and creams

The modern pharmacological industry provides a wide selection of different creams that, in addition to the antiviral effect, also have a wound-healing effect:

It is better to use ointment in cases where it is necessary to soften the crusts, since such preparations are produced on a fatty basis. They are not absorbed, remaining on the skin in the form of a greasy film. If there are no crusts, it is better to purchase a cream for treatment. It does not leave marks on skin or clothing.

Traditional methods

Treatment with medications is best accompanied by taking herbal preparations recommended. There are many reliable, proven remedies that can often be found in any home medicine cabinet or even in a kitchen cabinet.

To influence the disease from the inside, you can borrow herbs from Mother Nature’s pharmacy that are antiviral. Their list is quite extensive, and you can choose something most suitable for the patient, taking into account his age and concomitant diseases.

Antiviral recipes:

  1. When treating herpes, wormwood infusion is often used orally. It is prepared from one tablespoon of herb per cup of boiling water. Infuse for 10-20 minutes and drink ¼ of the resulting volume three times a day before meals. Thyme, St. John's wort, and chamomile have antiviral properties.
  2. An infusion prepared from lemon balm is taken for herpetic rashes 4 times a day, half a glass. It is prepared as follows. Take two tablespoons of dry herb to two cups of boiling water, infuse and strain. Take warm.
  3. An alcohol tincture is prepared from white mistletoe. Taking the drug helps reduce the activity of the herpes virus in the body and stop its further spread. Add a tablespoon of crushed dry raw materials to half a glass of vodka. Insist for at least a week. Take thirty drops twice a day for 1-1.5 months. Then you need to stop taking the drug for two weeks, and then repeat everything again.
  4. Meadowsweet infusion is also a good remedy for internal treatment of herpes. Steam a tablespoon of the dry plant in a half-liter thermos overnight. Take one spoon 3-4 times during the day, it is better to do this on an empty stomach. If the herpes comes out, regularly lubricate it with an alcohol tincture of this herb.

It must include agents that enhance the effect of immunity. It is necessary that the body itself begins to participate in neutralizing the virus. In this case, the effect of treatment will be much stronger.

Herbs with immunomodulatory effects:

  1. Both water and alcohol infusions can be prepared from echinacea. The vodka extract of the herb is prepared in this way: pour one hundred grams of crushed dry raw materials, consisting of the above-ground part of the plant, with a liter of vodka and leave for 2-3 weeks, often shaking the contents of the jar. Drink twenty drops before each meal. To prepare an aqueous infusion of the herb, you need to brew a teaspoon of the raw material with a cup of boiling water, leave for 10-20 minutes and drink during the day (before meals), dividing into three doses.
  2. You can increase immunity for herpetic rashes with the help of infusion of sweet clover, ginseng, and licorice root. The infusion of sweet clover is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of the herb is poured with a cup of boiling water and infused. You need to drink half the amount received three times a day.
  3. To prepare a decoction of licorice root, you need to add 2 tsp to 350 ml of hot water. raw materials, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 1/4 hour. Drink during the day. The course lasts two weeks.

The third and final component of the complex treatment of herpes is external (local) treatment of the disease.

To rashes on the lip, you can apply applications prepared from a napkin dipped in the juice of a plant, for example:

  • calendula;
  • echinacea;
  • potato sprouts;
  • poplar or birch buds;
  • meadowsweet.

Folk remedies are effective at any stage of the disease, but especially when herpes has just appeared.

Herbal preparations with wound-healing properties are good to use if the wound has burst and an open wound has formed. Alcohol tinctures and other herbal remedies will help wounds heal in the shortest possible time.

Medications can be applied with cotton swabs or swabs, but not with your hands, so as not to spread the infection throughout the body. In order to ensure a longer effect of the medicinal substance on the sore spot, it is better to apply applications to the wounds.

Video material about folk remedies:

Prevention of labial herpes

Since we cannot cope with the virus itself, we just need to come to terms with the fact of its existence. The main efforts should be directed towards preventing reactivation - monitoring your health and immune system, avoiding provoking factors.

One of the measures to help avoid contracting the infection is limiting contact with a sick person. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, the chance of contracting herpes increases many times. You can easily get the virus through the personal belongings of a patient. Therefore, it is very important to use exclusively your own dishes, towels, and cosmetics.

Antiviral drugs (Acyclovir, etc.) should be used as prophylactic agents. This is especially true in cases where in the coming days you need to attend some important event, for example, a birthday, a meeting with partners, friends, and so on. You need to start taking it 2-4 days before the planned celebration.

Cold sores on the lips are caused by the herpes simplex virus. It is highly contagious and spreads by touch. The herpes virus is present in the body of approximately 90% of all adults, even those who have never had external manifestations of this disease. “Colds” appear as small sores and blisters on and around the lips. As a rule, they go away within 2 - 4 weeks. Although there is no cure or vaccine for this infection, early action and good hygiene will help prevent the further growth and spread of herpes.


Treatment of herpes

    Learn to recognize herpes. If you've had herpes before, you'll most likely be able to tell when it's starting. About a day before the blisters appear, you will experience itching, burning, and tingling around your lips. If you suspect you are about to get a cold sore, you can start treatment immediately to shorten the duration of the illness. It is also recommended to limit contact with others so as not to accidentally infect them.

    Use a topical product. There are many over-the-counter antiviral ointments and creams that can be used to treat herpes. They speed up the healing of wounds, but do not get rid of the herpes virus and do not prevent its occurrence in the future. As a rule, such creams are effective only if you start applying them at the first sign of herpes.

    Consider taking oral antiviral medications. Many antiviral creams and ointments have analogues in tablet form. Take these tablets if you prefer them to creams. Oral medications may be more effective than topical medications. This way, you won't have to touch the sores, which will help prevent them from spreading further. If you are not sure which form of the drug to choose, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

    Ease the pain. Along with antiviral medications, you can also take painkillers to relieve pain and reduce irritation caused by ulcers. If you are bothered by itching and feel the urge to scratch the sore spot, try to reduce the irritation with a regular, non-antiviral cream. This cream will not cure herpes or speed up the healing of ulcers. Ask your pharmacist to recommend a suitable product for you.

    Relieve irritation with cold compresses. Applying something cold to the affected areas will help relieve pain and irritation. Gently apply an ice cube or cloth dampened with cold water to the sores. Cold compresses will reduce redness and speed up wound healing. Try applying a cold towel to your lips for 20 minutes three times a day.

    Use natural remedies. Although they are less reliable than medications, there are many natural remedies that have been shown to help with herpes, according to various reports. These products include L-lysine, an amino acid that can be purchased as a dietary supplement or cream. When used in moderation, it can help. It is believed that propolis also speeds up the healing of ulcers if applied frequently and at the first sign of herpes.

    Maintaining hygiene

    1. Keep your hands clean. If you want to stop the further growth and spread of herpes, you should strictly follow good hygiene. Keep your hands clean and wash them regularly with soap and water to prevent the spread of herpes. Try not to touch the affected areas; you may still accidentally touch them, so it's important to keep your hands clean.

      • If you touch the sores, wash your hands immediately. Otherwise, the virus can spread to other parts of the body.
    2. Try not to spread the virus to others. While maintaining hygiene, care must be taken not to infect other people. To do this, just follow a simple rule: do not share with anyone items that may have come into contact with contaminated areas. These are towels, cups, lipstick, razor, toothbrush and the like.

      Wash your face carefully. If you have herpes, it can be incredibly unpleasant to wash your face. The main thing is to be careful not to irritate the affected area. Wash your face twice a day and use mild soap. If such soap irritates the skin, wash with clean water. Wash your hands thoroughly before washing your face.

Herpetic infection is mainly localized on the skin of the face and hands (less commonly). The disease is characterized by rashes on the lips, nasal mucosa or other part of the body. Local and systemic antiviral drugs are used in the treatment of pathology. Prevention of herpes on the lips is based on methods whose action is aimed at strengthening the immune system. This approach helps prevent another relapse.

To determine how to prevent the appearance of herpes on the lip, it is necessary to find out what symptoms characterize the disease. Understanding the features of the clinical picture allows you to diagnose the pathology without specialized intervention.

Colds on the lips occur due to infection of the body with the herpes simplex virus. The latter “settles” in the nerve ganglia, penetrating into their structure. Therefore, the herpes simplex virus remains in the human body forever.

Routes of infection

Infection occurs in the following ways:

  • through direct contact with a carrier of infection (kiss, etc.);
  • by airborne droplets;
  • through household and hygiene products.

An important feature of this disease is that infection of the body is possible if virus particles enter the mucous membrane or areas of the body with an open wound. Understanding the nature of the development of pathology allows you to prevent the occurrence of blisters on the lips.

Clinical picture

Herpes zoster and other forms of pathology are characterized by a similar clinical picture. The difference between the types of disease lies in the location of the rash and the intensity (severity) of the clinical picture. Moreover, the symptoms and treatment of the pathology directly depend on the state of the immune system.

After the initial infection, the human body synthesizes antibodies that suppress the activity of the virus. Thus, with strong immunity, the pathology is at the stage of latent (hidden) course.

Under the influence of provoking factors (another disease of any etiology, vitamin deficiency, etc.), the virus is reactivated, which leads to damage to the skin of the lips with herpetic rashes. Initially, the disease manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • tingling;
  • redness of the edges of the lips.

There may also be an increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees. The first manifestation of herpes zoster is characterized by intense pain along the affected nerve.

After 1-2 days, bubbles with clear liquid form at the site of the itching. The vesicles gradually increase in size over the course of a week. At the same time, the intensity of other symptoms increases. Eventually the blisters burst, leaving behind open wounds. Within a few days, a crust appears in the problem area, which contains leukocytes that suppress the activity of the virus.

In order to prevent the spread of infection to other parts of the body and treat pathology, it is recommended to use ointment for herpes at the first signs of relapse. It is also important to take medications that stimulate the immune system. Treatment of herpes zoster and other forms of the disease should be carried out through a complex effect on the body. This tactic will ensure a speedy recovery. In addition, when genital herpes occurs, it is necessary to avoid sexual intercourse.

Having determined the causes and signs of the development of a disease that affects skin cells, it is necessary to consider methods for preventing recurrence of the pathology. It is important to note that the likelihood of herperovirus reactivation remains throughout a person’s life.

To prevent relapses, antiviral drugs can be used, but in a smaller dosage than during treatment. At the same time, it is recommended to carry out the following preventive measures:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • observe hygiene rules (including not using a toothbrush or other products that belong to another person);
  • avoid overwork and stress;
  • do not use cosmetics;
  • monitor the condition of the digestive organs, preventing disruption of the intestinal and stomach microflora;
  • avoid chapped lips;
  • promptly treat colds and other pathologies that weaken the immune system;
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and solariums.

To avoid relapse of the pathology, you should avoid a deficiency of B vitamins. Herpes vaccination is also used as a preventive measure. The administered vaccine allows you to achieve stable remission.

Strengthening the immune system

An important component of preventing relapse of the disease is a strong immune system. He got the herpes vaccine. To maintain the immune system, immunomodulatory drugs are recommended:

  • echinacea tincture;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • "Supradin";
  • "Neuromultivitis".

Additionally, you can drink rosehip decoction. At the same time, long-term use of the drug has a negative effect on the kidneys.

A diet for herpes involves including amino acids in your daily diet:

  • nuts;
  • seafood;
  • beef;
  • blueberry;
  • apples.

To avoid the spread of the inflammatory process characteristic of herpes, you must consume:

  • milk;
  • fruits;
  • chicken meat.

In order to prevent pathology, you should avoid flour and sweet foods, and alcohol.

Preventing the spread of infection

If rashes appear on the lip, people must follow a number of requirements to prevent the spread of infection:

  • do not touch the affected area (or wash your hands immediately);
  • do not tear off bubbles or crusts;
  • regularly treat the problem area with antiseptic compounds;
  • use individual utensils and hygiene products;
  • do not touch other people with your lips;
  • Use a mask while feeding your baby.

As soon as herpes appears on the lip, it is necessary to begin treatment of the pathology. This is more than enough in most cases to prevent the spread of infection.

Preventive measures for genital herpes

Herpetic rashes on the genitals are caused by herpes simplex type 2 (less commonly, type 1). The nature of the clinical picture in this form of pathology does not differ from the manifestations of a cold on the lips. The only difference is the location of the bubbles. At the same time, genital herpes is considered a more dangerous form of pathology: it provokes a relapse or the addition of other infections, which in the future can cause infertility.

Preventive measures for this disease are carried out in the same way as described above. To avoid another relapse of genital herpes, you must:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • promptly treat diseases of the genital organs;
  • lead an active lifestyle.

In case of relapse, the patient should use contraception. They allow you to avoid infecting your partner during sexual contact.

Prevention during pregnancy

Herpetic infection is reactivated in most pregnant women. This is due to the fact that after conceiving a child, the female body is rebuilt, which is accompanied by a hormonal imbalance. In addition, the concentration of nutrients decreases: the majority of vitamins are consumed by the child.

Herpes on the lip during pregnancy does not pose a danger to the mother or fetus. Only cases of primary infection after conception pose a threat. In order to prevent a relapse of herperovirus infection, pregnant women need to adjust their diet, replacing familiar foods with healthy ones, take vitamin complexes and follow the advice of doctors.

In cases where the disease manifests itself in the genitals, a caesarean section is often prescribed. This is explained by the fact that almost all children become infected with herpes during childbirth while passing through the uterine canal.

Otherwise, measures to prevent herpes in pregnant women do not differ from the previously described methods.

Prevention using traditional methods

Traditional medicine offers its own methods for preventing the recurrence of herpes. However, it should not replace traditional treatment. For prevention purposes, it is recommended:

  • lubricate the area where itching appears with alcohol compounds (the products are not used to treat mucous membranes);
  • drink vitamin teas;
  • periodically lubricate your lips with the juice of Kalanchoe, aloe or aspen leaves;
  • take aloe juice internally.

The basis for the prevention of herpes are measures aimed at strengthening the immune system. The disease cannot be completely cured. However, following the described rules allows you to prevent another relapse.

According to various statistics, from 80 to 95 percent of people around the world are carriers of the herpes virus, which may never manifest itself in a person’s entire life. If herpes appears on the lips, many associate it with stress, hypothermia, or a cold.

Very often, herpes on the lips appears after sunbathing or when a person spends a long time in an air-conditioned room. Yes, this provokes the appearance of herpes, which is always in the body and “waiting” for its time.

“Colds on the lips” always appear suddenly and at the wrong time, causing aesthetic, psychological and physical discomfort, especially for the fairer sex. A dormant, insidious virus awakens when immunity decreases.

If the manifestations of herpes are episodic and mild, then there are many ways to quickly cure herpes on the lips. These are symptomatic drugs with a drying, disinfecting, epithelializing effect.

But in 15% of the population, relapses of herpes are so frequent, sometimes every six months or even monthly, that this requires serious long-term complex therapy under the supervision of a doctor.

You should not try to treat herpes with alcohol, iodine, or brilliant green solution. These products have a drying effect, but the virus will not disappear from this cauterization, and you can get a burn.

How to treat herpes on the lips with folk remedies:

If you don’t have time to run to the pharmacy and there is no suitable medicine for herpes at home, what should you do? How to quickly cure herpes on the lips? Folk remedies!!! The use of folk remedies in the treatment of certain diseases is convenient because most of the so-called “medicines” are always available at home, which is called “at hand”. However, their use is more of an auxiliary nature, since medications have a greater antiviral effect. Popular traditional methods of treating herpes:

  • Regular table salt and baking soda can speed up wound healing and stop the growth of inflammation. You just need to apply grains of table salt and soda to the site of inflammation several times a day.
  • Toothpaste is an interesting remedy for herpes on the lips; it dries and disinfects the affected area well. Only it should be used to lubricate the wound at the very beginning of the disease, before blisters appear.
  • Fir oil - the sooner you start lubricating the wound with this oil, the higher the effect of its use. It is advisable to apply fir oil every 2-3 hours.
  • Tea tree oil, almond oil, sea buckthorn oil– also speed up recovery.
  • Propolis, Propolis spray- a good remedy for herpes on the lips if you have your own apiary or you are confident in the quality of the purchased honey and propolis, moreover, it is used if you are not allergic to bee products.
  • WITH ok aloe, kalanchoe juice, lemon juice, aspen leaf juice– you can use the juice that you have. Simply lubricate the blisters with juice squeezed from plant leaves or lemon.
  • Garlic - effectively rub the wound with a cut clove of garlic, and also lubricate it with fresh garlic juice. To avoid unpleasant odor, it is better to do this before bed. It is also recommended to lubricate the hearth with honey after this.
  • Ointment against herpes made from honey, ash and garlic– this folk recipe is not easy to make. Burn a sheet of paper, collect the ash, mix half a tablespoon of honey with a tablespoon of such ash, grate 2 cloves of garlic and mix everything. Lubricate the wound with the resulting ointment 2-3 times a day.
  • Aloe - you can use not only the juice, but also the plant itself. To do this, you need to cut off a piece of the shoot, peel it and apply it to the affected area, secure it with a bactericidal plaster for 20 minutes. This product promotes healing in 3 days.

Herpes, like other diseases, really doesn’t like positive, cheerful people! The more a person worries, gets angry and upset about any disease, the more depressed he is, the stronger the manifestations of the disease, the more often exacerbation occurs. Herpetic manifestations are no exception.

In the fight against this disease, many women are helped by self-hypnosis, Sytin’s moods, affirmations, and auto-training. Inspire yourself: “My herpes is gone and there will never be a relapse again,” and also that “I am beautiful, healthy, happy and will always be like this,” etc. This may sound funny, but it really helps a lot of people, the wound heals faster and frequent exacerbations of herpes stop.

How is herpes on the lips transmitted?

There is an opinion that if almost the entire population is already infected with the herpes virus, then there is no longer any fear of re-infection. And if there is a person with herpetic rashes next to you, you don’t have to worry.

However, if a family member is sick and has profuse herpetic rashes, precautions will not hurt. Herpes on the lips is contagious! Herpes zoster is contagious! If a person is in frequent and close contact with a sick person, he can drink from the same glass afterward or come into contact with a contaminated surface.

By contacting the infected mucous membrane of the patient, it creates favorable additional conditions for the proliferation of bacteria and can help the herpes virus become more active. It is easier to prevent any disease than to think later about how to quickly cure herpes on the lips. It is always necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, be careful and not make life easier for herpes.

Prevention of herpes:

  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Strengthening the immune system through physical labor in the fresh air
  • Balanced, fortified nutrition
  • Avoid hypothermia
  • Wash your hands often
  • Avoid contact with sick people
  • If family members have herpes, use individual kitchen and bathroom utensils.

Folk remedies will help you quickly get rid of these unpleasant, itchy blisters:

  1. Raspberry. The healing properties of this amazing berry are also inherent in the branches of the plant itself, which are a wonderful remedy for treating herpes - colds on the lips. Fresh, only cut branches must be washed and crushed until the juice comes out (you can use a blender and coffee grinder): you should get a paste, which is applied to the affected areas for half an hour. This should be repeated several times a day.
  2. Egg. Since ancient times, a bactericidal film has been used to treat herpes, which is formed in the egg after the egg is hard-boiled. This film must be carefully removed from the shell and applied directly to the cold. When the film dries, it helps to cure herpes more effectively and quickly.
  3. Essential oils. Immediately at the first signs of a cold: itching, burning, tingling on the lips, lemon balm essential oil can stop the development of herpes. If the cold has already popped up, then fir oil will be an effective remedy, which should be used to lubricate the herpes every two hours.

How to cure herpes with folk remedies

Herpes can be cured with folk remedies only at the initial stage of the appearance of blisters, when they have not yet appeared on the surface of the skin.

One of the most effective methods is to use heat - you need to apply a heating pad or just a container of hot water to the tingling and burning area. The fact is that when the place where the herpes virus appears is heated above 37 degrees, the virus dies and unsightly blisters cannot appear.

A method that also works is that it is necessary to lower the body temperature at the site where herpes appears.

Before using traditional medicine, be sure to consult your doctor.

How to cure herpes on the lip in a day

Acyclovir or Tetracycline ointments help, they “dry” herpes well. Before use, wash your hands or use a sterile cotton swab.

Zovirax, Panavir and Famvir are also effective.

Traditional medicine is the very first assistant here.

If you don’t have them at home, try traditional methods (to tell the truth, they work very ineffectively).

The most common method is to apply a paste of baking soda and water to the inflamed area of ​​the lip and repeat the process if necessary. A compress of aloe juice also helps. Chamomile decoction effectively fights herpes. It is necessary to wash the area with a decoction, or soak a cotton swab and apply it to the infected area.

  • Few people know that egg film helps against various ailments, including the fight against herpes. Separate a piece of egg film from the shell and apply it to your lips.
  • Treatment with salt. Sprinkle the infected area with fine salt every hour.
  • Laundry soap helps in the “beginning” of herpes.
  • Brew a tea bag, cool to the required temperature and apply to the herpes.

On many sites you will find that the most common folk method is to lubricate the infected area with a small amount of toothpaste, so you can get rid of the sore in a short time. Tested personally, alas, except for severe skin irritation - no effect.

A decoction of sunflower or calendula petals and chrysanthemum petals (crushed) helps.

If herpes has just begun to appear, table salt will help; apply it every hour to the infected area of ​​skin.

The magazines write that half an onion will also help you get rid of this sore, and they say, do not forget to change the piece of onion for a new one from time to time. Again, tested - skin irritation, cold does not go away.
