Food to take with you on a picnic. What to take with you on a picnic in terms of food and things. List of necessary supplies for an overnight stay. What you can take on a picnic: leisure and entertainment

Summer is a time for vacations, rest and relaxation, a warm time when you can go to the sea, to the mountains or to the forest. If you don’t have the opportunity to pack your suitcase and go to the resort right now, why not have a little picnic in nature?, driving outside the city limits?

It is not surprising that the first picnics appeared during the time of the ancient Romans, and still exist today. The European aristocracy loved to go on picnics and often combined them with hunting.

Residents of every big or small city probably know places where they can relax from the bustle of the city, cook delicious grilled dishes, walk in the forest or swim in a lake or river. If you are planning a picnic outdoors, perhaps Our useful tips will help you.

Picnic in nature: what to take for a picnic?

Picnic preparations - troublesome matter. Who hasn’t caught himself thinking about taking everything he needs, and upon arriving at the place, finds out that It turns out I left this important thing at home. For example, many people forget such important things as matches, salt, and knives.

To avoid getting into a similar situation, make it a habit every time before a trip or hike. write a list of what you need to take with you, especially focusing on the most important things. Checking the list, carefully place all things.

The list could be as follows:

- Knives(several are better and better if they are well sharpened in advance)

- Opener/corkscrew

- cutting board(Better plastic and light, you can use several if there are a lot of people, so that several people cut food)

- Dishes(usually for a picnic they use disposable or plastic dishes that do not break and are easy to transport)

- Forks/iron tongs/spatulas(Take at least one iron fork or tongs with you in order to turn some dishes while frying or check their readiness. It is more convenient to remove vegetables or meat from the grill with iron accessories rather than plastic forks)

- Napkins and towels

- Brazier(Folding barbecues are a convenient invention that will help you cook grilled foods and will not pose a fire hazard like regular fires. It is much easier to place skewers and nets on the barbecue than to look for any grilling equipment in the forest)

- Skewers, nets(Indispensable if you cook grilled dishes)

- Bedding, blanket, pillow or rug(In summer, the ground usually warms up well, but it’s better to play it safe and use additional bedding to keep it warmer)

- Disposable tablecloths or oilcloths(Convenient for placing dishes on them)

- Folding furniture(Helpful if you don't like sitting on the ground)

- Garbage bags(Optional: you can put trash in empty grocery bags)

- Matches/lighters

- Coals or firewood(Optional if you will not make a fire, and also if you go to the forest - there is usually enough dry firewood there)

- Hatchet or saw(to chop wood)

- Paper or means to make it easier to start a fire(With the help of old newspapers it is much easier to light a fire in a fire)

- Jar of salt/pepper(These spices are essential, especially if you are grilling something or eating fresh vegetables. Salt is the most often forgotten)

- Spray or ointment against mosquitoes and other insects(Can be useful in the evening, when flying vampires are especially bloodthirsty)

- Sun protection(If you are going to the forest, where there is enough shade, it is not necessary to take sunscreen, glasses, hats, umbrellas, but on the banks of a river or lake these things may come in handy)

- Mini first aid kit(Required! Many people forget or do not want to take medications with them, in particular iodine and bandage, although in nature these things can come in handy. If you are driving a car, the driver usually has a first aid kit. Check its contents in advance and add if something is missing)

- Games(Think in advance about how you will entertain yourself in nature. If you are taking children, be sure to think about what to do with them, otherwise the children will seek out their own adventures and may get into trouble. For example, take balls, toys, badminton or other accessories for outdoor games)

- Process water(Useful for washing hands if there is no body of water nearby)

- Soap, antibacterial liquid or wet wipes(You can take liquid soap in a small bottle)

- Warm things(Outside the city, where there is no asphalt and concrete, the temperature is usually somewhat lower than in the city, so warm clothes may come in handy, especially if you plan to stay for a picnic until late in the evening)

Picnic furniture

Picnic furniture - a very optional thing. You can sit right on the grass or sand on a blanket and don’t have to take chairs and a table with you. Of course, it is much more convenient to sit at a small table.

The first thing that comes to mind is folding furniture. When choosing one, you should remember three important things: it should be durable, easy to fold and unfold, and easy to use. To do this, when purchasing, you should carefully check all fastenings, lay out the chairs, determine whether it is comfortable for you to sit on them. Here are some examples of picnic furniture:

An original set of picnic furniture: chairs and a table in one suitcase:

Regular folding chairs with an iron base and cloth seats.

By the way, such folding chairs can be found with additional pockets for bottles and personal items:

If you're lucky, you can find a chair like this without legs, but with a comfortable back:

An original idea - a table-suitcase built into a bicycle:

Instead of a chair, for example, you can use a hammock, strengthening it between the trees:

Picnic tableware

An important detail for a picnic - dishes, in which products will be transported. They must not get crushed along the way, keep the look and smell fresh. It is better to place each product in a separate small container - sausage, cheese, vegetables.

You can cook some meals at home, and then take them with you if outdoor barbecues are not in your plans. To keep the product, on the contrary, warm, you can use regular foil or special thick foil containers.

If it’s very hot outside and the drive to the picnic site is quite far, you can build homemade cooler bag, rearranging food containers with bottles of pre-frozen water.

Sandwiches with butter, sausage and cheese can easily spoil in the heat. They should not be wrapped in plastic bags, but in parchment paper and then in foil. In the supermarket you can even find special paper that does not tend to become saturated with grease.

Picnic utensils are usually selected to ensure that they do not break and are easy to transport. Brilliant invention - disposable tableware made of plastic or cardboard, which does not need to be washed, which does not break and does not take up much space.

As it turned out, not everyone likes such dishes, since they are quite fragile, quickly break in the hand, bend easily and Doesn't allow you to keep a lot of stuff on your plate. Moreover, it can even melt if you hold something hot in it. Therefore, you can use hard plastic or even iron plates.

Useful little things for a picnic

We offer you several original ideas for a picnic that will make your vacation much more comfortable:

1. Cooling bottles of drinks is sometimes a big problem in nature, but not where there are bodies of water. For example, you can use children's inflatable sleeves and ropes to keep bottles submerged and not let them get hot:

2. Fruit basket made of cardboard plate. Don't want to take bulky fruit bowls with you? You can make convenient and spacious containers for fruit. Take one cardboard disposable plate, cut approximately 1 centimeter from the edge, and then use a pencil and ruler to draw a square in the central part.

Do four cuts as shown in the picture, then lift the edges up and secure them with paper clips. Using double tape or glue, seal the edges to create a box. Place colored tape around the perimeter to keep the box in place and not fall apart.

3. Are you afraid to keep food on the ground so as not to attract a large number of insects? Use umbrella hanging on a tree branch, in which you can place products:

4. Homemade picnic tent. A great idea for those who want to hide from the sun. To hang a light curtain, you can use a plastic circle and strings or clothespins. Hang the circle on a tree branch and attach the curtain to the circle.

5. An original idea to prepare portioned food boxes for each picnic participant, for example, if you go for a walk in the forest or to the beach. In order not to take out food and share it on the spot, you can simply make the following preparations, like “rations”:

6. Glass holder. Don't like drinking drinks from plastic disposable cups? You can take a small glass cup to a picnic and make this unusual holder for it from thick wire and a wooden skewer:

7. Napkin for storing cutlery. This original item can be sewn with your own hands from scraps of cotton fabric. To work you will need:

- A rectangular piece of material (several pieces of different colors are possible)


Satin ribbon



Sewing machine

- Threads

Let's get started:

1) Process the edge of a piece of fabric and fold it three quarters, as shown in the picture, this will be the envelope for your instruments.

2) First sew to the top edge lace ribbon.

3) Sew on one edge inside the envelope satin ribbon, folded in half.

4) Sew the edges with a sewing machine to make it look like this envelope:

5) Attach the instruments that you are going to store in it to the envelope and mark the boundaries so that you can make matching pockets.

6) Sew by machine straight vertical lines of pockets.

Your napkin envelope for storing picnic equipment is ready! It can be tied into a roll.

8. So that your blanket on which you sit does not become damp from the damp earth, put an oilcloth under it. This is especially important if it has only recently rained and the soil and grass have not yet dried out.

9. To transport and carry glass bottles, you can wrap them in a kitchen towel like this:

10. To prevent insects from getting into your drinks, glasses can be cover it like this:

11. Disposable packaging may not always be disposable. For example, egg packaging can serve you perfectly for a picnic:

12. From an ordinary large sieve you can make something like this tent against flies and other insects, which are enough in nature:

Picnic spot: where to have a picnic?

Of course, you want to choose a place for a picnic cozy, clean, away from the highway, noise and bustle of the city. If possible, go out of town first to find such a place if you don't have anything in mind. You can ask your friends and acquaintances where they usually relax.

Sometimes within the city there are special places in parks and near lakes, where you can have barbecue and relax, but usually such places attract large crowds of people, and the noisy fun of neighbors can irritate. The best option would be to find your own secluded place. outside the city limits, where you could come more than once.

Residents of large cities often complain that all good places for picnics have long been known, so many people strive to get there. Then you will have to reserve a seat in advance (for example, arrive early in the morning).

You can have a picnic even within the city on the roof of your high-rise building! If you can't get out of town, why not go up to the roof? By the way, some beach lovers even sunbathe on the roofs.

Picnic menu

Not a single picnic can't do without food and drink: After all, you will spend more than one hour in nature, so, of course, you should take care of a delicious menu in advance. Find out in advance what each banquet participant prefers. If the company is large, agree on who will take with them and who will cook what dishes.

If you have little time to get ready, you can of course take with you raw vegetables, herbs, bread, cold cuts (sausage, cheese, feta cheese), and also marinated meat from the store. However, there are hundreds of recipes for wonderful dishes, partially home-cooked, which will be perfectly absorbed in nature.

The most popular dishes and products for a picnic:

2) Grilled fish

3) Grilled vegetables and mushrooms

4) Fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits

5) Sandwiches

6) Cookies and baked goods

8) Potatoes baked in the fire

9) Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

Dishes for a picnic in nature

Many of you probably fry at picnics. exclusively kebabs or other meat dishes, however, there are many other delicious and healthy grilled dishes. For example, they turn out very tasty grilled vegetables. In the summer there are plenty of these vegetables: zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, sweet peppers, and mushrooms.

You can take a little of these vegetables and fry pieces of vegetables between frying the meat. Vegetables will be an excellent side dish for kebabs.


Champignon mushrooms should be marinated first. Take 0.5 kg of champignons, wash and dry them, place them in a regular plastic bag without holes (preferably in several bags), then pour in 1/4 cup of soy sauce, 1/4 cup of olive oil, add a little pepper to taste. Then tie the bag tightly and mix the contents thoroughly. Place in the refrigerator overnight.

Sweet peppers immediately after cooking, place in a plastic bag for 5 minutes so that the skin can be easily removed. Tomatoes They cook quite quickly on the grill; they can be cut into 2 halves, or placed whole over the coals. Once cooked, they acquire a rich, sweet taste.

You can place vegetables on the grill, or you can thread the pieces onto skewers like kebabs. Also, sometimes vegetables, cut into pieces and greased with oil, are wrapped in foil in portions, then, as it were, baked over coals. The main thing here is to wait the right amount of time so that everything is baked well. It's okay if the vegetables get a little crunchy. If you like soft vegetables, keep them longer.

Potato often taken with you to bake in a fire, however, together with fatty meat it may seem too heavy. It can be offered to vegetarians who do not eat kebabs.

Easy to grill too fish, but it is recommended to use a grate for it. Especially tasty salmon, trout, sardines and other fatty fish. Before frying, the fish must be marinated: you can simply roll in fish spices, salt, pepper. Coals for frying should have a white coating, and the heat should not be as strong as for meat, since the tender fish meat cooks very quickly. Typically, 2cm thick fillets are cooked for about 5-6 minutes on each side.

Picnic snacks

Sandwiches- another irreplaceable dish for those cases when you go on a picnic without intending to fry kebab there. However, sandwiches can also come in handy for those waiting, grilled meat, since this is a very long process: after all, you need to prepare everything, collect firewood, light a fire, wait until the firewood turns into coals and only then fry the meat.

In order not to die of hunger while waiting, you can take with you ready-made sandwiches or make them on the spot.

An interesting recipe is offered for big company. This sandwich can be prepared at home and simply cut at a picnic. It is convenient to transport.


For this miracle sandwich you will need: A loaf of bread (preferably round and tall), favorite fillings for sandwiches (sausage, cheese, mayonnaise or pesto to taste, green salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, boiled chicken or turkey meat).

Cut off the top of the bread loaf and scoop out all the pulp, leaving just the crust.

Then start layering your ingredients, smearing them with sauces.

When the bun is filled to the top, cover with the top. Your picnic puff sandwich is ready!

By the way, the sandwiches will be especially tasty if you grill bread right over the fire. Before cooking the meat, place a few slices of bread on the grill and fry them until crispy:

You can also try filling sandwiches stuffed with cheese, vegetables, meat, and only then bake them over coals. You will get a great hot sandwich:

Picnic sandwiches can be made in the form canapes, cutting a large sandwich into small portions and pinning them with toothpicks. To do this, you can take a long French loaf, cut it in half, and then fill it with your favorite ingredients. Cover with a top layer and cut into pieces.

Pin each piece with toothpicks or skewers so that they do not fall apart and place in a suitable container.

If you would not like to make the usual sandwiches with sausage and cheese, you can use other useful recipes. For example, this unusual sandwich can be made with avocado:


You will need: French long loaf of bread, pieces of boiled chicken breast, ripe avocado, onion rings (pickled or fried), pesto sauce, arugula, soft goat cheese.

Cut the loaf lengthwise into two rugs, grease the bottom with cheese and Place all the ingredients on it in layers. Then cover with the top of the loaf.

Cut into portions.

Great sandwiches can be made in the form of lavash rolls. All ingredients can be prepared at home, wrapped in pita bread, and then warmed slightly on the grill before serving.

But these rolls will turn out tastier with grilled vegetables.


You will need: Raw chicken breast, soy sauce, a couple of spoons of honey, eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, bell pepper, salt, pepper.

Cut the chicken breast into pieces about 1 centimeter thick, pour in soy sauce, honey, salt and pepper and leave to marinate for 15 minutes. Cut the vegetables into thin rings (0.5 centimeters). Fry everything on a grate greased with vegetable oil over coals until golden brown. Place everything on pita bread and wrap it in a roll.

Ready rolls again place on the grill for a couple of minutes and fry on both sides. You can add fresh herbs and sauce to the roll.

Picnic games

1. Water paintball. In nature, you usually want to play active, fun games. If you are already tired of beach volleyball or badminton, you can come up with something more original, for example, water paintball.

This game is reminiscent of regular paintball, but instead of expensive weapons with paint, you just need to take simple water pistols. Unlike regular paintball, where you can end up with serious bruises, water paintball is completely safe and can be played with children.

The rules are simple: you can divide into several teams, and then try to hit your opponents with a jet of water. The team whose members are least “damaged” wins.

2. Funny football. It turns out that playing football can be a lot of fun if, for example, you divide the players into pairs and tie one player’s leg to the leg of a partner. Then play like regular football, except for the presence of a goalkeeper, who will not be needed, since scoring goals will be quite difficult anyway.

3. Pantomime. A very popular game for parties and picnics, also called the Crocodile game. The more people play, the more interesting it becomes. Divide into 2 teams. One team selects one person to show pantomimes, the other team comes up with a word that the first participant must show using gestures and facial expressions without using speech or sounds. His team guesses the word. Then the teams change. The team that guesses the words faster wins.

It happens that you seem to have taken everything you need for a picnic, but then you realize that you forgot a knife for cutting vegetables, sunglasses, or some other important thing, the absence of which brings discomfort during the picnic. We've put together some important reminders about what you need to take with you on your picnic to make it comfortable, enjoyable and fun:

1. Food that is convenient to eat. You may come up with a snack that you like, but in reality it may be too crumbly, disintegrating, leaking, or something else. When packing food, think about whether it will be convenient to eat outside and whether it will stain your clothes. The same applies to dishes - make sure that there is something convenient to eat from and that lunch in nature does not bring discomfort. Take a plate, fork, napkins, cups and other small items for each person. Several knives and containers for shared snacks and meals. If you take wine, don't forget about the corkscrew. If you take canned food, think about how you will open it. If there is sauce in a jar, take teaspoons.

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

2. There should be a lot of water, after all, you will need it more than once: wash your hands, wash your face, drink, rinse vegetables, wash some container. If you don't take enough water, it will cause discomfort.

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

3. Plaid- one of the most important attributes of a picnic. It should be large enough to easily shake off dust, grass, crumbs and fit all picnic participants in a comfortable position. If you are not sure whether one blanket is enough for everyone, it is better to take two so as not to be crowded later. Another convenient solution is pillows. They are comfortable to sit on, especially in the spring, when the ground may not be quite warm yet.

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

4. You don’t need to pack the entire first aid kit, but still take a few basic things in your bag, especially if there are children at the picnic: activated charcoal, painkillers, plasters, peroxide, bandages. If someone gets sick or gets hit/scratched, such things will save the picnic from one disgruntled participant and correct the unpleasant situation.

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

5. Think about entertainment. What will you do on a picnic? Take a ball, tennis rackets, board games, cards - something that all picnic participants can play and no one will get bored. Or come up with some kind of game for the group, like Crocodile.

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

6. Garbage bags. There will be garbage left from food, water and other things - and well-mannered people, of course, will take it with them. For convenience, take strong garbage bags that are convenient for packing garbage. They can also hold leftover food, a ball dirty from the ground, and other things that can get dirty.

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

7. Hats or sunshade. If you are already going for a picnic, then the sun is probably already warming up outside. So that no one gets burned or overheated in the sun, and a long stay in the fresh air is comfortable - take an awning and stretch it over a blanket. Better yet, make sure everyone has hats that will protect them from the sun's rays.

8. Music- a great addition to a successful picnic. Take with you a device with which everyone can hear the music. Select performers that everyone will like and will not annoy anyone. Think about whether your music is too loud and whether it disturbs other people nearby. Remember that other people also want to relax, and your music may not be to everyone's liking.

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

9. Proper drinks. Choose drinks that suit the weather and the company. If it’s spring outside, then perhaps it’s too early to drink cold wine or cider and you might get sick. It is better to prepare tea, mulled wine or other non-cold drinks. If it's hot outside, then on the contrary, think about how you will cool bottles of drinks. Focus on the company when choosing what to drink and refrain from drinking alcohol, especially if you are vacationing with children. Another important point: what to drink from. Consider having enough glasses/glasses for all drinks so that there is enough for each person.

Main photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

Victoria Demidyuk

What could be better than a picnic on a pleasant summer day? Only a picnic, organized correctly. Often forgotten little things like a knife for cutting food or salt can spoil the impression of a meal in nature. If you are going with a large group or with children, it is very important to think through the menu in advance so that everyone is full after the outdoor activity. Read our article about what food children should take to nature to make their picnic a success.

What's the best food for a picnic?

At a picnic, we take a break from city life and enjoy communion with nature. Therefore, food should be as natural as possible with an abundance of greens and vegetables. Do not load your stomach, or especially your child’s, with heavy and fatty foods. Forget about complex salads with mayonnaise; they are best left for winter feasts. If you really want to, you can take the ingredients with you and prepare the salad on the spot.

Fresh kebab or baked fish, fresh vegetables or grilled fruits are the best choice for a country walk. As you know, nature works up an appetite, so while the hot food is being prepared, it’s good to have a set of different goodies that both children and adults can indulge in during a break between games.

By the way, many people associate a picnic not with barbecue, but with sandwiches. But as a main meal, they are only suitable for a short walk. If you are planning a trip for the whole day, sandwiches can be just a good snack.

It’s best not to make them at home, otherwise the bread will crumble and the butter and cheese will melt during transportation. Take all the ingredients with you (to save time, you can immediately buy them in the form of slices) and in a couple of seconds the child will be able to build a fresh sandwich himself. In addition to cheese and sausage, various pates, sprats, herbs and vegetables, and even squash caviar fit perfectly into the sandwich theme. A hearty alternative to sandwiches is boiled eggs. It’s so nice to peel an egg and eat it with bread and crispy cucumber!

If there are a lot of people in the company, or you just decide to save money on barbecue, take ready-made chilled meat with you. For example, smoked chicken or fried chicken fillet, baked pork or beef. Another option is sausages or kupats, which can be cooked on skewers or on a grill along with shish kebab. This way there will be variety on the table and there will be less stress on the main course. Besides, some people simply don’t like barbecue in large quantities.

To highlight the taste of freshly prepared meat or fish, it is good to serve them with a side dish. It's less hassle when you bring a ready-made side dish from home, such as boiled potatoes, canned peas or corn. But it’s much tastier when you cook it yourself in nature. Grill vegetables (eggplants, bell peppers, tomatoes) on a grill or skewers or in foil over coals. And, of course, the classic of camp life - potatoes baked in a fire! Without salt and spices, it miraculously acquires taste and aroma. And what fun it is for children - to take out a charred potato and find hot and tasty pulp inside.

Fresh vegetables and herbs - eat as many of them as possible! You can do without a side dish altogether if there is a bowl of chopped tomatoes and cucumbers on the table. Bunches of dill, feathers of green onions, sprigs of parsley - a wealth of vitamins that should definitely be on your picnic.

Don’t forget about fruits, this is a favorite treat for children and adults in nature: apples and pears, peaches, bananas, and in season - watermelons and melons. The main thing is that the fruits are washed well, and you know your children’s reaction to them. It is better not to experiment with exotic fruits away from home.

If there isn’t enough fruit for dessert, you can bring along cookies, gingerbread, waffles or pastries for those with a sweet tooth. It is better to avoid sweets with filling, especially those based on cream or cottage cheese. It may leak from the heat, or, God forbid, it may deteriorate, which could lead to poisoning. Chocolate and candies can also melt; if you don’t have a cooler bag, it’s better not to take them with you.

What food should children take for a picnic?

If you have very young children traveling with you, you will need to develop a special menu for them, taking into account their age. You can cook porridge in a pot over a fire or use instant porridge and baby food.

All products must be transported in a separate bag. And those that require special storage conditions, in a thermal bag with a cold accumulator. You need to pack food in paper bags or foil; it can “suffocate” in plastic. Don't forget to have enough drinking water.

So, let’s summarize and make a rough list of products for a picnic with children.

  • Meat or fish for cooking over a fire
  • Ready chicken
  • Salt, seasonings, ketchup, mustard
  • Vegetables, greens
  • Fruits
  • Sandwich bread or pita bread
  • Unsweetened pies
  • Raw smoked sausage
  • Hard cheese
  • Crackers, biscuits, croutons
  • Water and juices
  • Tea, coffee
  • Waffles, sweet pastries

Have a nice holiday!

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Gentle sunshine, flowering trees, cheerful company and, of course, delicious food - these are not all the components of a good outdoor recreation. A carefree and enjoyable time is guaranteed if you take everything you need with you. To make sure you don't forget anything, we've already compiled a list!

1. Before thinking through the picnic menu, you need to choose a good location. If you already have a favorite and proven place, then this is just great, and you can move on to the next point.

If there is no such place, then when choosing it, give preference to the river bank near the forest. The only downside is that you might spend a lot of time on the road. Another option is a city park, where there are already places for barbecuing or just for gatherings.

2. Consider the composition of the company in which you would like to spend your day off. After inviting friends to a picnic, immediately distribute “responsibilities” among them - what exactly should someone take, buy or prepare.

3. Before the most interesting and tasty list, it is worth making another, no less important list of necessary things for a comfortable stay. It varies depending on the location you choose, the weather and the number of people, but in general you will need the following things:

  • folding chairs and table;
  • sun loungers or sun loungers;
  • umbrella;
  • pads;
  • bedspreads or blankets;
  • towel;
  • insect repellents;
  • sunscreen.

If you are traveling overnight, then add a tent.

Don't forget about comfortable shoes, clothes and hats. Be sure to take a first aid kit with essential supplies.

Think about your entertainment: music, board games, badminton, etc. A camera or video camera will most likely also come in handy.

4. So, let's move on to the products. Think about how, where and on what you will prepare food. If you fry meat, be sure to take:

  • grill or barbecue;
  • skewers or grill;
  • matches, lighter;
  • coals or firewood;
  • ignition agent;
  • several newspapers;
  • axe;
  • paddle for inflation;
  • a bottle of water.

Useful in any case:

  • 1-2 cutting boards;
  • 2-3 sharp knives;
  • tablecloth or oilcloth;
  • dry and wet wipes;
  • disposable tableware (flat and deep plates, forks, knives, cups);
  • toothpicks;
  • corkscrew or bottle opener;
  • garbage bags.

Food and drinks are the final and most enjoyable part of the list. To grill kebabs you will need:

  • meat (it is important to choose tasty meat: soft, tender part with a pleasant color and smell, not watery, not sticky, elastic. Delicious kebab is made from pork neck, lamb, beef - especially from internal tenderloin, rabbit, chicken, fish. If you have even the slightest doubt about meat, then it’s better to go to another store or market);
  • spices;
  • products for marinade (depending on preference): lemon, kefir, olive oil, mayonnaise, vinegar. For tougher meat, you can add alcohol (but not wine, but cognac, vodka or beer) or fruit (for example, kiwi) to the marinade. Don't avoid marinade - any store-bought meat requires it, as it is, first of all, a preservative that helps keep the meat fresh and safe.

Read more tips for cooking barbecue here.

Barbecue is not all that can be prepared at a picnic. Perfect for grilling:

  • bacon;
  • sausages;
  • sausages;
  • hunting sausages.

For a snack this will be useful in any case:

  • bread;
  • raw smoked or boiled smoked sausage;
  • greens (parsley, dill, cilantro, onion, basil);
  • lettuce leaves;
  • vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, bell peppers, sauerkraut, Korean carrots, celery, potatoes - they can be wrapped in foil and baked in ash);
  • fruits (apples, pears, bananas, grapes, strawberries, cherries, apricots, plums, oranges, melon, watermelon);
  • seasonings and sauces (salt, pepper, ketchup, mayonnaise or other sauces);
  • portioned cupcakes or muffins;
  • cookies or crackers.
  • juices;
  • lemonade;
  • fruit drink;
  • mineral water;
  • good wine (strong alcohol is not recommended - it burns the receptors of the tongue and makes it impossible to enjoy all the flavors of food).

Have a nice holiday in nature!

A hike or picnic in nature is perhaps the most accessible form of recreation. A trip to the forest, to a river or lake will allow you to relax and unwind from the bustle of the city without any special expenses. However, in order for your vacation to be a success and not overshadowed by an annoying trifle, think through every detail, do not add too much and do not forget anything.

Things, products and items needed for a picnic or hike may differ and will depend on their type. After all, you can go out into nature for a short time, just for a walk, for the whole day or even for several. The main purpose of relaxation may be to explore the surrounding area, catch fish, cook barbecue, and entertain children.

If you are planning a short picnic, for example, in a park or a short walk in the forest or by the river, you won’t need a lot of food and things. You will need a blanket on which you can relax and dine, as well as food and drinks. From products you can limit yourself to sandwiches prepared at home and fruit. Be sure to bring water and drinks such as juice or tea in a thermos. Lunch can be made more varied, for example, take baked chicken or meat, fresh vegetables, cheese, and light snacks. But keep in mind that in this case you will also need a knife, dishes and napkins.

If you plan to go outdoors for the whole day, you will need more food and additional things.

You can choose different food for a trip to nature. The main thing is that it is not perishable: salads with mayonnaise, fermented milk products, pates, cakes, etc. You can find out more about dishes that can be prepared for a picnic in one of our publications. Now we will consider only the main products that you may need:

  • Drinking water, drinks. This could be mineral water, juices, compotes. It’s good to freeze such drinks and mix them with food: this will keep them fresh for a long time. You can also take a thermos with boiling water and tea or coffee bags in stickers.
  • Salt, sauces, spices, vegetable oil, vinegar, sugar. Salt is necessary in any case; sauces and spices are required for barbecue, vegetables, meat, and salads. Vinegar and oil are useful for dressing salads and preparing vegetables, sugar - for tea.
  • Vegetables, greens. They can be eaten fresh, used to make salads and sandwiches, or baked over coals.
  • Fruits. They will serve as a dessert or a light snack.
  • Bread, pita bread, flatbreads. For dessert - cookies.
  • Meat, poultry, fish. You can take it marinated and cook it on the spot. If you do not plan to make a fire - ready-made, fried or baked.
  • Cheeses, sausages, sausages, smoked meats. Sausages and sausages are suitable for cooking on coals, cheeses and sausages for sandwiches.
  • Products for sandwiches. These can be cuts: salmon, boiled pork; sprats, cheese paste, butter.

It is better to transport food in a basket: it not only looks more aesthetically pleasing than an abundance of bags, but also protects the food from damage. A thermal bag is good for transporting food: it will protect it from spoilage.

In addition to food for a picnic, you will need some other things and items.

If you are planning a vacation for more than one day, in addition to the above you will need:

  • tents,
  • everything you need for sleeping - pillows, blankets, sheets, blankets - this will replace sleeping bags,
  • tourist foams or air mattresses - they will replace the usual ones.

You may also need some little things:

  • raincoats,
  • rope – you can use it to dry clothes or use it to make a canopy,
  • construction film - useful for constructing the same canopy,
  • change of warm clothes,
  • flashlight - preferably powerful and ordinary,
  • toothbrush,
  • razor,
  • toothpaste,
  • thread and needle.

You can diversify the proposed list of products with canned food.

If you are not going on a long hike, you should limit yourself to a minimum of things, because you will have to carry them. First of all, take care of food. For a short hike, the best option is sandwiches. They should be supplemented with vegetables; fruits and cookies are suitable for dessert. In addition, you will definitely need backpacks, comfortable shoes and hats, as well as drinking water.

You need to prepare carefully for a long hike. When packing, take into account the duration, complexity of the route and weather conditions: this will determine whether it is worth stocking up on warm clothes or whether you can travel light. Discuss with the participants of the hike who will take what, so as not to take the same thing. In any case, the things you will need are:

  • Backpack. It should be roomy and comfortable. A backpack with a volume of 50 to 70 liters is considered optimal, for strong men up to 100 liters. It must be made of dense, strong fabric, and its straps must be securely attached.
  • Tent, sleeping bag, sleeping mat. You will need them if you are planning an overnight trip. These things will make your vacation as comfortable as possible.
  • Knife, axe, lighters or matches. Matches should be sealed tightly. For example, wrap it in a bag and wrap it with tape.
  • Flashlight. Better take a headlamp.
  • Cloth. You may need a couple of sets of underwear or thermal underwear, three to four pairs of socks, a warm sweater, a couple of T-shirts, shorts, a hoodie, a hat, a windbreaker, jeans, sneakers, sandals, sleepwear, a swimsuit or swimming trunks - if you are wearing The route will come across bodies of water suitable for swimming.
  • Raincoat.
  • Hygiene items– toilet paper, wet wipes, soap, toothpaste, brush, hygienic lipstick.
  • Mirror, comb.
  • Towel.
  • Fishing rod.
  • Insect repellent, sunscreen.
  • Money and passport. Be sure to pack them in a sealed bag.

On a hike that will last more than one day, you should not take disposable tableware. It's better to take metal or plastic. You will need a spoon, bowl and cup for each person. In addition, one or two large communal bowls, for example, for salads, a kettle or kettles, or a frying pan, may be useful. Select the volume and quantity of such dishes based on the size of the group. In addition, everyone should have a two-liter plastic bottle: this will allow you to replenish your water supply at any time.

Before deciding what to pack for your hike, research the route and find out if there will be any shops along the way. If so, you can take less food. If the hike takes place far from populated areas, you will have to stock up on food thoroughly so that it is enough for the entire duration of the trip.

The best food for a hike is canned food. Cereals will help restore strength. In addition to them, you can take with you pasta, small raw potatoes, vegetables, dried or jerked meat, dried mushrooms, powdered milk, beans, muesli, coffee, tea leaves, nuts, dried fruits, cookies, crackers. Be sure to put salt, spices, and vegetable oil in your backpack. Replace bread with crackers or crispbread. If the hike will not take place in hot weather, you can also take chocolate. To prevent pasta and cereals from getting soggy, pour them into plastic bottles.

For children, the hike will be a most exciting adventure. So that it is not a burden for the kids, carefully select the route and decide on the duration of the hike. You should not take small children on long trips. If you are going hiking for the first time, limit yourself to one, maximum two days, and choose simple routes. Over time, the duration and difficulty of hikes can be increased.

In general, a child needs about the same as an adult. He must have a separate sleeping bag, rug and dishes. Take diapers for very young children, and a potty for older children. Buy your child a small backpack: this will make him feel like part of the team. Take care of children's leisure time. To do this, you need at least a minimum set of toys - pencils, notebook, ball, frisbee, binoculars, sand set.

Since children have an excellent appetite in the fresh air, take extra food for them that they can eat along the way. It should be light in weight and high-calorie food, which you can quickly get enough of, for example, dates, nuts, raisins, bagels, straws, dried apricots, kozinaki. Such products can be divided by the number of days of the hike and a bag of such food can be given to the child every day.

Various things can happen in nature, no one is immune from injuries, stomach problems, headaches, so when going on a hike or a picnic, be sure to pack a first aid kit.

  • Panthenol- This is the best first aid for burns in summer.
  • Painkillers.
  • Gastrointestinal drugs– from poisoning, diarrhea and heartburn.
  • Bandage, plaster, peroxide, cotton wool, iodine, alcohol, brilliant green, tourniquet.
  • Antipyretic.
  • Cold remedies– if the vacation lasts more than one day; drops in the nose, ears, antiviral drugs.
  • Remedies that relieve itching and inflammation after insect bites.

You can take other medications on a hike or on a picnic, especially if among the vacationers there are people suffering from any diseases. If you are vacationing with a child, stock your first aid kit with children's products.

Graduation on Saturday was a success. Everyone was full and happy, there was enough of everything, no one was thirsty.

I think that in the future I will need more than once to calculate the products, how much kebab I need, how much meat to buy for kebab, and so on.

So I’ll probably keep the menu for an outdoor picnic, which turned out to be successful.

The list of groceries and other necessary items is based on 30 people. Non-alcoholic banquet :)

Category Position Necessary
Not food Disposable forks 50 pcs
Not food Disposable glasses 200 pcs
Not food Disposable plates 70 pcs
Not food Paper towels 4 rul
Not food Disposable salad bowl 20 pcs
Not food Salt 1 unitary enterprise
Not food Coal 10 kg
Not food Lighter fluid 1000 ml
Not food Large trash bags 1 unitary enterprise
Not food Tablecloths 5 pcs
Not food Plastic salad bowls 3 pcs
Not food Wet wipes 100 pcs
Not food Foil 1 unitary enterprise
Not food Food film 1 unitary enterprise
Drinks Sweet carbonated drinks 15 l
Drinks Iced tea 3 l
Drinks Juices 5 l
Drinks Water for tea and drinking, washing 10 l
Cold appetizers Chips 6 pack 150 g
Cold appetizers Salty sticks 4 pack 75 g
Cold appetizers Pretzels 7 pack 75 g
Cold appetizers Sliced ​​cheese 700 G
Cold appetizers Raw smoked sausage 800 G
Cold appetizers Pickled cucumbers 2 banks
Cold appetizers Fresh cucumbers 1,2 kg
Cold appetizers Fresh tomatoes 2,8 kg
Cold appetizers Fresh sweet pepper 1,2 kg
Sauces Various ketchup, satsibeli, etc. 800 G
Shashlik Pork ham 8 kg
Shashlik Chicken drumstick 8 kg
Shashlik Onion 2,5 kg
Shashlik Vegetable oil 1 l
Shashlik Red hot pepper 20 G
Shashlik Khmeli Suneli 60 G
Shashlik Sweet red pepper 40 G
Shashlik Garlic granules 2 unitary enterprise
Shashlik Buckets 5 l 20 l
Shashlik Mineral water Essentuki 1,5 l
Potato Potato 3 kg
Bread Regular "rifled" 600 G
Bread Pita 4 pcs
Bread Borodinsky 2 pcs
Fruits Grape 5 kg
Fruits Apples 4 kg
Tea party Sugar 0,5 kg
Tea party Various teas 3 packs
Tea party Milk 1 l
Tea party Lemons 0,3 kg
Tea party Various cookies, sweets 2 kg
Tea party Instant coffee 100 G

150 ml vegetable oil

2 tablespoons khmeli-suneli

Onion 700 g

150 ml vegetable oil

2 tablespoons salt (without top!!!)

250 ml of mineral water such as “Essentuki”, “Narzan”

15 g dried red hot pepper

30 g ground paprika

15 g garlic granules

During the warm season, one of the most common ways to spend time with friends or family is to go on a picnic. One of the main components of such an outdoor holiday is food and drinks, so it is important to know in advance what to buy for a pleasant pastime.

You will need

  • - meat;
  • - meat products;
  • - fish and seafood;
  • - blanks;
  • - sauces;
  • - vegetables;
  • - greens;
  • - cheese;
  • - fruits;
  • - bread;
  • - salt;
  • - beer or wine.


The most popular dish at a picnic is shish kebab. When planning to relax in nature, it is important to prepare meat for frying, i.e. marinate it in vinegar or wine, adding spices or herbs. For barbecue, pork is suitable, namely the neck, brisket, loin or back of the carcass, beef: tenderloin, sirloin, thick edge, rump, inner part of the hind leg. A delicious kebab will be made from young lamb meat; you can also grill chicken legs or wings.

Meats such as sausages, bratwursts or bratwurst are also suitable for frying on skewers or on a grill. If it is not possible to fry meat outdoors, you can take prepared meat products with you: roast beef, boiled pork, fried or smoked chicken, sliced ​​meat.

Lovers of fish and seafood can enjoy them in nature. Cooking them on the grill will remove excess fat and retain all the beneficial properties. Fatty fish with dense meat are suitable for a picnic: salmon, trout, salmon, catfish, mackerel or carp. The marinade can be white wine, soy sauce or lemon juice.

A picnic that is not complete without barbecue is also not complete without meat sauce. It can be prepared in advance or purchased at the store. There are many types of sauce: tkemali, garlic, soy, satsebeli, lingonberry.

Most often, vegetables are among the must-have foods for a picnic. You can take raw potatoes with you to bake them in the coals outdoors. Tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, and cabbage are also useful for preparing fresh salads or slicing. To treat yourself to grilled vegetables, you can take zucchini, bell peppers, corn or eggplant. Pickles are also great for a picnic. These could be pickled cucumbers, tomatoes or peppers.

Greens will decorate a picnic and become an indispensable addition to meat: spinach, dill, parsley, lettuce, onion, basil, arugula. Greens should be washed in advance, then dried and carefully packaged so that they retain freshness. Placed on plates, it perfectly complements main courses and snacks.

For a picnic, you can take various fruits or berries, which should be pre-washed and placed in plastic containers so as not to damage them.

Different types of cheese can make up a cheese plate that is also suitable for a picnic. Hard varieties, feta or mozzarella, blue, smoked cheeses - so many types of cheese will allow you to choose a snack to suit your taste. This product is universal and is suitable as a stand-alone snack, as well as for salads or sandwiches.

Two products that a picnic is unlikely to be without are salt and bread. When going outdoors, you can take a pre-cut loaf or various flatbreads that you can simply tear with your hands.

There should be enough drinking water at the picnic, so you can take even more than you need. In addition to tea, coffee or juices, you can take alcoholic drinks such as wine or beer for a picnic.

Please note

Perishable foods are not suitable for outdoor recreation, especially on a hot day. It is better to give up dairy products and boiled sausages. It is also worth choosing products that can withstand transportation well.

What products to buy for a picnic

While the weather still pleases us with warm days, we need to make the most of it. So, long live outdoor trips with a bonfire, singing with a guitar, active games and delicious food. Is it possible to imagine a better weekend than in the fresh air, and even with a fun company? Probably not. To ensure your vacation goes off without a hitch, take care in advance of how to organize and plan your pastime, what activities to come up with, and most importantly, food and other necessary supplies. So, let's go!

Distributing responsibilities

It’s difficult to ruin a picnic, but it’s possible. Especially if you are traveling not with two or three, but with a large group. You need to carefully plan who will take what, what everyone will do, besides joint entertainment, and what they will be responsible for. It is better if 2 people are responsible for one item (for example, food, games, comfort). This way there is less chance of forgetting about something important, and it is more convenient to organize people.

Appetites and snacks

The first and most important question: what food to take on a picnic? There are several options here. If you are planning to make kebabs, then the task is easier, since the remaining products can be selected as additional to this main dish. It would be good if one of the men was responsible for frying the meat. Then the women will have to take care of the snacks. Here's what you can take:

  • fresh vegetables and herbs, fruits (wash in advance and put in a convenient container);
  • mushrooms, sweet peppers, bread (all this can be fried over a fire);
  • small potatoes (to bake in coal);
  • water, juice, tea, alcoholic drinks (if you plan to drink);
  • snacks (nuts, dry cookies).

This will be enough to have a snack and serve with a barbecue. You should not take a lot of unnecessary things, for example, candy, sausage, chips and the like. After all, you are going to relax in nature, the best food here is fresh and natural. It’s good if you have a cooler bag where you can put drinks and perishable (melting) foods.

What else can you have a tasty snack?

However, not everyone wants to bother with kebab, so it’s worth considering another menu option. Let's think about what food to take for a picnic in this case? We leave all the items listed above (vegetables, fruits, bread, drinks). But we don't have a main course. Perhaps it is not needed? You can replace meat with homemade sandwiches or sandwiches. Prepare them in advance and pack each one in foil - this will make it much more convenient to take and eat them. Ask everyone what fillings they like. It can be chicken, cheese, mushrooms, vegetables. Sandwiches can be made either cold or hot (for example, in a special sandwich maker). Don’t skimp on quantity, because in nature the appetite is good.

What else can you take to a picnic instead of barbecue? Sausages that can be fried over a fire and eggs are perfect. If you wish, you can bake a big, delicious pie, just make sure you deliver it intact. Don't forget about sauces (ketchup, soy sauce), which are useful for meat, potatoes, and vegetables. The rest is at your discretion and desire.

First and second necessity items

Now a few words about leisure. Think about what you need to take on a picnic to have a fun time. This could be a guitar, games for large companies (mafia, monopoly, imaginarium), tennis rackets, a ball. Or maybe you would like to fly a kite? Or read stories and poems aloud while sitting around the fire? Focus on your tastes and the interests of your friends. Don't forget about such little things as matches, a lighter, paper and napkins, blankets and blankets, mosquito repellents and a small first aid kit.

We hope this article helped you at least a little in deciding what to take for a picnic in terms of food and entertainment, and also reminded you what important items will definitely come in handy in nature. Most importantly, don’t forget to be in a good mood! Have a great holiday!