Prevention of crisis processes in an enterprise based on optimization of management quality. In a crisis situation, the “receivers” are the target audiences. Intraorganizational communications during a crisis

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240 rub. | 75 UAH | $3.75 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Abstract - 240 rubles, delivery 1-3 hours, from 10-19 (Moscow time), except Sunday

Pisarenkov Oleg Sergeevich. Prevention of crisis processes in enterprises based on optimization of management quality: Dis. ...cand. econ. Sciences: 08.00.05 Moscow, 2005 153 p. RSL OD, 61:06-8/1874


Chapter 1. Prevention of crisis processes in an enterprise: problems, tasks, solutions 9

1.1 Causes and consequences of crises, methods of diagnosing and preventing crises 9

1.2 Development of crisis prevention techniques, non-financial performance indicators of the enterprise 19

1.3 Quality of management as a fundamental factor in the results of its activities 28

Conclusions on the first chapter 42

Chapter 2. Optimization of management quality and its impact on the company’s performance results 46

2.1 Criteria for optimizing the quality of management in the context of preventing crisis processes 46

2.2 Key aspects of enterprise management in market conditions 55

2.3 Approaches to methods for preventing crisis processes in an enterprise through management optimization 77

Conclusions on the second chapter 86

Chapter 3. Methodology for studying and optimizing the quality of management at an enterprise 89

3.1 Comprehensive methodology for studying the quality of management at an enterprise 89

3.2 Optimization of the enterprise information structure 95

3.3 Optimization of the organizational structure of the enterprise 111

3.4 Efficiency of application of management quality optimization techniques 126

Conclusions on the third chapter 131

Conclusion 134

Bibliographic list of used literature 139

Applications 145

Introduction to the work

Relevance of the dissertation topic. The quality of management of a modern enterprise significantly affects the results of its activities. Errors in production activities and shortcomings in the management of the enterprise can lead to its unprofitability and insolvency (bankruptcy). The unprofitability of an enterprise means causing harm not only to the enterprise itself, but to the economy of the state and the entire society through effective use limited resources, and from this point of view, bankruptcy is a method of stopping its unprofitable activities. The main way to prevent unprofitable activities of an enterprise is to prevent the development of crisis processes.

Currently, considerable experience has been accumulated in conducting various bankruptcy procedures, however, as statistical data show, liquidation procedures dominate in practice. It should be noted that the share of unprofitable enterprises in the economy is much greater than the number of insolvency cases. It follows from this that the enterprise, before finally going bankrupt, for a long time conducts unprofitable activities, and existing legal mechanisms do not allow this situation to be corrected. At the same time, as research shows, determining a crisis situation at an enterprise (insolvency) using the official methodology does not always indicate their real insolvency.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On the Insolvency (Bankruptcy) of Enterprises,” introduced in 1993 and then repeatedly amended, has an imperfect implementation mechanism. First of all, this concerns the diagnosis of crisis situations and the validity of assessing the insolvency of enterprises. When predicting and diagnosing crisis situations at enterprises, various methods are used

assessments that are primarily based on financial indicators. In this regard, forecasting has the character of a kind of extrapolation of performance results, which does not take into account the qualitative state of the enterprise, as well as the presence of many causes of crises. Therefore, a well-organized and competently managed enterprise is able to exit difficult situation, while an enterprise that is poorly managed will find itself in a crisis situation, even if its current financial performance is good. In this regard, the issues of building a high-quality enterprise management system are of particular relevance. Classical and modern works of such domestic and foreign authors as: I. Ansoff, A.N. are devoted to its study. Andrukhovich, D. Boddy, D.V. Valova, M. Weber, P. Drucker, Yu.S. Dulytsikov, P.V. Zabelin, N.L. Kardanskaya, V.I. Knorring, E.M. Korotkoe, G. Kunz, V.I. Menshov, A. Morita, A.I. Naumov, P.V. Nesterov, N.N. Pilipenko, Z.P. Rumyantseva, A.N. Silin, N.A. Solomatin, F. Taylor, R. Waterman, E.A. Utkin, A. Fayol, F. Khedouri, K. Hayles, V.A. Shakhova, G. Emerson, et al.

Issues of crisis management and methods for overcoming crisis processes are presented in the works of domestic scientists: SV. Antiuganova, SP. Belyaeva, A.V. Bogomolova, A.V. Volkova, Yu.V. Gusarova, I.A. Duborkina, A.N. Dondukova, M.E. Zalmanova, G.P. Ivanova, A.P. Kovaleva, E.M. Korotkova, G.M. Kurosheva,

E.G. Krasnovy, E.B. Lisitsyna, G.P. Luzin, M.D. Mednikov, and Yu.M. Osipova, K.V. Pavlova, E.A. Frolova, I.V. Tsiganova, V.A. Shevchenko, etc.

Despite significant interest and a large number of fundamental scientific works and publications in periodicals, a number of key theoretical and methodological issues of creating and operating a management system at an enterprise are not fully disclosed.

Existing works on enterprise management focus on the development of goals, functions, and methods for achieving them, while issues of diagnosing the quality of management itself, management structure, its optimization, remain in the shadows. The issues of practical creation of a management system, and first of all, business process algorithms and their priority, are not sufficiently covered. More attention is required to assess the quality of the current management system and develop optimization criteria and methods.

From the point of view of the problem of preventing crises in an enterprise, the methodology for optimizing the quality of management will make it possible to timely determine the efficiency of the organization’s functioning, identify problem areas and fundamental shortcomings in its activities, thereby preventing the development of crisis processes and unprofitable activities. Diagnostics of the control system not only allows you to determine current state affairs at the enterprise based financial indicators and coefficients, but also allows you to evaluate the activities of the enterprise for the future. This determines the relevance and practical significance dissertation research.

The purpose of the work is to find ways to prevent crisis processes in enterprises by increasing management efficiency, as well as to develop methods for optimizing the management system at the enterprise.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved during the study:

Analysis of the state of enterprises, problems of assessing their economic insolvency, as well as the possibilities of crisis management and the effectiveness of existing crisis management procedures;

Expert study of the causes of insolvency of enterprises from the positions and interests of various subjects economic relations and indicators

quantifying the economic insolvency of enterprises;

Study of the effectiveness of existing methods for diagnosing enterprise insolvency, preventing crises in various stages development and ensuring competitiveness;

identification of key areas for improving management efficiency and quality criteria for the management system at the enterprise;

Justification and development of a comprehensive methodology for optimizing the quality of management at an enterprise;

Development of a practical methodology for management analysis and optimization of the organizational structure of an enterprise using Petri nets.

The object of the study is the process of functioning of enterprises and organizations and preventing crisis phenomena in them.

The subject of the study was economic and organizational relations between the state and business organizations in the process of preventing crisis phenomena and improving enterprise management based on optimizing its quality.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are theoretical and methodological provisions contained in the works of domestic and foreign scientists working in the field of economics, organization and management of an enterprise, as well as studies of crises and crisis management, legislative acts, concepts and regulations on government regulation and crisis management.

To solve the problems posed in the dissertation, methods of observation and comparison, system and management analysis, synthesis, abstraction, modeling, ascent from the abstract to the concrete, as well as special control methods, automatic control theories, decision-making theories, and construction methods were used.

corporate information systems and systemic representation of management organization.

The information base included reviews of analytical materials published in periodicals, materials of scientific and practical conferences and seminars, independent research by the author, data posted on the Internet, statistical data from government bodies of the Russian Federation, and legal documents.

The scientific novelty of the study is as follows:

Approaches to preventing the development of crisis processes in an enterprise have been identified, the relationship between predicting the insolvency of an enterprise and the level of its competitiveness has been proven;

Criteria have been developed for optimizing the quality of the management structure in order to prevent crisis processes, including formulating criteria for the effectiveness of management structures: functional, informational and operational;

Ways to increase the competitiveness of an enterprise have been identified: adaptation, innovation and improving the quality of management, their advantages and disadvantages have been clarified;

A comprehensive modular methodology for optimizing the quality of management at an enterprise has been developed in order to prevent crisis processes;

Developed special technique research of quality and optimization of organizational and information structures of an enterprise using Petri nets.

The practical significance of the study lies in the development of approaches to preventing crises in the activities of an enterprise and a comprehensive methodology for optimizing the quality of enterprise management in order to prevent the development of crisis processes. Implementation of the approaches and techniques presented in the work into the practice of anti-crisis

management will improve it economic efficiency, increase the reliability of enterprises and improve the economy as a whole.

Main provisions and results submitted for defense: scientific and methodological recommendations and the concept of high-quality optimization of enterprise activities in order to prevent crisis processes;

Approaches to studying and optimizing the quality of enterprise management;

a special methodology for studying the quality and optimizing the organizational and information structures of an enterprise using Petri nets;

A comprehensive modular methodology for optimizing the quality of management at an enterprise in order to prevent crisis processes.

Approbation of the results of the work: the results of the study and the author’s conclusions were reported, discussed and received approval at scientific conferences: interuniversity student scientific and practical conferences at the IEAU in 2003, 2004, a scientific and practical conference at the Civil Registry of Civil Registry under the President of the Russian Federation in 2004, a conference of young scientists in IPKcivil service in 2004

Structure and scope of work. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and 4 appendices.

The dissertation was completed at the Department of Crisis Management of the Institute for Advanced Training of Civil Servants at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation in 2002-2005.

Causes and consequences of crises, methods of diagnosing and preventing crises

Currently, economic science distinguishes a significant number of types of crises associated with both the cyclical nature of development and miscalculations in the activities of specific entities. The definitions and classification of crises proposed in a number of publications are general character, which is explained by the breadth of the subject of study. In the context of this work, we can dwell on the definition of a crisis as a situation that creates a threat or obstacle to the further implementation of its activities by the subject. The results of the crisis can be both negative and positive. Negative results crisis in an enterprise is the cessation (stagnation) of activities, the dismissal of employees, etc. Positive results are the reorganization of activities, the development of new technologies, entering new markets, and, as a result, an increase in turnover, profits, etc. Based on this, it seems necessary to distinguish between “crises of development” and “crises of errors.” The first relate to situations when an enterprise, as it develops, reaches a bifurcation point, after which it can either stagnate or make an evolutionary leap and reach new level activities. In such a crisis, the result largely depends on the personal preferences of the management and owners of the enterprise (it is assumed that the enterprise is operating normally, all necessary information reaches management on time). In turn, “error crises” are crises in which an enterprise finds itself as a result of its erroneous actions - wrong actions management, the use of unreliable information, ineffective organization of work, etc. Accordingly, crises of the first type cannot be prevented, you can only help them pass more easily, while crises of the second type can and should be prevented, and both the enterprises themselves and a state whose regulatory instrument is the institution of crisis management.

Crisis management at its core is the development and implementation of the most rational option for an enterprise to emerge from a crisis. This definition is consistent with generally accepted approaches. In the existing literature, crisis management is often equated to arbitration management, which is strictly regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation on insolvency and is associated, first of all, with the implementation of measures to carry out bankruptcy procedures for enterprises, which modern stage the development of the state's economy and legislative framework seems insufficiently complete. IN existing practice The concepts of “crisis”, “insolvency” and “bankruptcy” are also identified. Insolvency and bankruptcy are identified at the level Federal Law. Indeed, insolvency is a quality, an attribute of the current state of the organization, and bankruptcy is a procedure or process, one of the possible consequences of insolvency. The concept of “crisis” is somewhat broader, it implies some disruptions in the functioning of the enterprise, but it acquires legal meaning only when it corresponds to the concept of “insolvency”, and until then it is an internal matter of the organization. In this situation, it seems necessary to disentangle the concepts of crisis and bankruptcy and understand anti-crisis management (in accordance with the name itself) precisely as measures to develop and implement the most rational option for an enterprise to exit the crisis.

Given the relative stabilization of the economy in Russia, more favorable conditions are being created for the financial recovery of enterprises. Based on this, the main drawback of the definition of anti-crisis management as a set of measures to develop and implement the most rational option for exiting an enterprise from a crisis state is seen in the fact that according to it, anti-crisis management presupposes the onset of a certain crisis from which the enterprise must be brought out. This concept, relevant in the 90s, is somewhat outdated today. Recent trends indicate that the development of crisis management as a set of measures aimed at eliminating the consequences of the crisis goes back to the distant past of both Russia and other countries of the world. These measures are related to insolvency, the appointment of an “administration”, and bankruptcy proceedings. Today, issues of preventing the emergence and development of crisis processes and, as a consequence, procedures for their timely and reliable diagnosis are increasingly coming to the fore.

According to Dr. Econ. Sciences M.I. Goncharova, in its resulting form, the modern concept of crisis management is to improve the mechanism for creating conditions for the financial recovery of enterprises with solving problems: anti-crisis regulation (macroeconomic category) - the creation at the state level of organizational, economic and regulatory leverage aimed at protecting enterprises from crisis situations (improving the legislative framework, overcoming the crisis of non-payments, rehabilitation (rehabilitation) of viable enterprises, etc.);

Development of crisis prevention techniques, non-financial performance indicators of the enterprise

Existing crisis management techniques, despite the fact that they successfully solve a significant part of the problems, have a number of disadvantages. If we consider the data of the Higher Arbitration Court Regarding insolvent enterprises, it is clear that in 2002 the number of bankruptcy cases increased significantly compared to previous years. As of January 1, 2002, there were 43,185 cases in progress, and as of January 1, 2003, 84,937 cases were in progress, of which 69,270 were cases of bankruptcy of an absent debtor.

Since the new law came into effect in 2003, the number of cases has also dropped sharply, mainly because it is now necessary to identify sources of financing for the procedure before starting bankruptcy proceedings for a missing debtor. As can be seen from Table 1, initial (observation) and liquidation (bankruptcy proceedings) bankruptcy procedures dominate. Moreover, if the external management procedure was introduced in 2003 in relation to 2081 enterprises (8.4% of total number initiated bankruptcy cases), then as a result of this procedure only in 28 cases (1.3% of the number of cases for which the external management procedure was carried out, or 0.11% of the total number of cases) the proceedings were terminated due to satisfaction of creditors' claims. Thus, we have approximately the following results: about 95% of bankruptcy cases turn into bankruptcy proceedings, 4% end in a settlement agreement, less than 1% - financial recovery and successful external management (Fig. 2). Thus, if available before today The bankruptcy procedure made it possible to stop further inefficient waste of resources by a crisis enterprise, but now it is necessary to create a mechanism to prevent the very emergence of such enterprises. Bankruptcy is always a last resort, when creditors cannot reach an agreement with the manager (owner) of the enterprise, do not receive back the credited funds or income from the business (and more often suffer huge losses) and are forced to take extreme measures - go to court - to at least return part of the invested funds. The real number of unprofitable organizations is much higher (according to RosStatAgency, about 40% in 1999-2000). The number of enterprises at various stages of bankruptcy is much smaller. So it is obvious that there are difficulties. The unprofitability of an enterprise means either “eating away” fixed assets or “eating away” borrowed funds, which one way or another will lead to bankruptcy. At the same time, the mere unprofitability of an enterprise does not allow us to state its insolvency (or a crisis from a legal point of view) and initiate bankruptcy procedures.

On the other hand, various literature notes that the formation and development of market relations implies the presence of an effectively operating system of reorganization and bankruptcy of business entities. The creation of a bankruptcy system was one of the institutional results achieved during the implementation of economic reforms in the Russian economy. As an alternative (according to the nature of the consequences), on the one hand, and as a logical development and expansion of the concept of “bankruptcy system,” on the other hand, there is the reorganization of economic entities, i.e. prevention and prevention of the development of crisis processes. The formation of a system of measures and procedures for reorganization is much more complicated and requires a pronounced systematic approach on the part of regulatory authorities.

Criteria for optimizing the quality of management in the context of preventing crisis processes

In the first chapter of this work, the main conclusion was made that the enterprise management function is the most important factor in the effectiveness of its operation. This is directly confirmed by theoretical research in the field of enterprise economics, leading top managers speak about this large corporations and consulting organizations, this is indirectly confirmed by the unreliability of forecasting methods based on the financial performance of the enterprise, as well as the results government regulation crisis management processes based on financial results activities of the enterprise. As a result, the task of ensuring high-quality management of the organization and optimizing the quality of management in accordance with the current needs of the enterprise comes to the fore. In order to consider optimization criteria, it is necessary to determine the context of their application.

Management in a general sense is considered as a function organized systems of various natures (biological, social, technical), ensuring the preservation of their specific structure, maintenance of the activity regime, implementation of the program, and activity goals. Management involves the implementation by the subject of management of a number of sequential operations: preparing and making decisions (directives, plans, laws, rules, etc.), organizing the implementation of decisions and monitoring their implementation, summing up the results. It is inseparable from the systematic exchange of information between the components of the system, as well as this system with its environment. Information allows the control subject to have an idea of ​​the state of the system at each at the moment time, about the achievement (or non-achievement) of a given goal in order to influence the system and ensure the implementation of a management decision. Any enterprise in a free market is characterized by a dynamic organizational structure that adapts to changing external conditions, as well as the mode and content of work that correspond to the goals of the enterprise. Considering that both the structure of the enterprise and the content of its activities change dynamically in accordance with external conditions and the interests of the manager (owner), the main task of the manager of the enterprise is to create a management system that would provide him with regular (with the necessary frequency and detail) information about the state of the entire organization and each component element separately, and also allow him to quickly influence the functioning of the system in the required part with the necessary force (Fig. 5). It is interesting to note that in aviation, the effectiveness of controls is understood as their ability to create, when deflected, a control torque relative to the corresponding coordinate axis. Applying this provision to the activities of an enterprise, we find that the management of an organization is effective when, with minimal expenditure of time and effort of the manager, it is achieved maximum result. This is fully consistent with the concept of economic efficiency, which is defined as the relationship between the results of production - products and material services, on the one hand, and the costs of labor and means of production, on the other.

According to the classic of modern Western theory management of P. Drucker, management is a dynamic element that supports the viability of each enterprise. Without this element, “productive resources” remain just that, resources and never become production. Management cannot be passive and adaptive; on the contrary, it implies active actions aimed at achieving the required result. An enterprise is created and managed by people, managing an enterprise means managing on the basis of set goals, management itself is the subject and creator. A business is not driven by "factors", economic factors set limits on what management can do. Business cannot be defined in terms of profit, profit is not the goal of an enterprise or entrepreneurial activity, not a justification of his existence, and not an explanation of his actions, this is a test of their correctness and validity. The indirect task of any enterprise is not to maximize profit, but to achieve a level of profit sufficient to cover the risks of economic activity and, thus, avoid losses.

P. Drucker identifies two entrepreneurial functions - marketing and innovation. In this case, entrepreneurship is identified with management, since the manager personifies his enterprise. Accordingly, the primary tasks of the manager are to establish marketing and innovation. Here, marketing is understood in a broad sense as all procedures that promote the promotion of a product, its sale and distribution. Innovation in this case is synonymous with the concept of social progress, or strategic direction of activity.

A comprehensive methodology for studying the quality of management at an enterprise

The issues of enterprise functioning discussed in the second chapter of the work make it possible to propose a general methodology, or procedure, algorithm for studying the situation at the enterprise for introducing a reorganization procedure, i.e. preventing the development of the crisis process. Considering the management system at an enterprise precisely as a system, it is necessary to determine the features of this approach. In the very general view this orientation is expressed in the desire to build a holistic picture of the object. More specifically, it is revealed in the following points.

When studying an object as a system, the description of elements is not self-sufficient, since the element is not described “as such,” but taking into account its “place” as a whole.

The same “material”, a substance, appears in systemic research as simultaneously having different characteristics, parameters, functions and even principles of structure. One of the manifestations of this is the hierarchical structure of systems, and the fact that all levels of the hierarchy are “made” of the same material makes the problem of finding specific mechanisms of interconnection between different levels (planes) of a system object especially difficult. A specific (although perhaps not the only) form of implementation of the relationship is management. Therefore, the problem of control arises in almost any system research.

The study of a system turns out, as a rule, to be inseparable from the study of the conditions of its existence. The system approach is specific to the problem of generating the properties of the whole from the properties of the elements, and vice versa.

As a rule, in systems research, purely causal (in the narrow sense of the word) explanations of the functioning and development of an object are insufficient; in particular, a large class of systems is characterized by expediency as an integral feature of their behavior, although expedient behavior cannot always be placed within the framework of a cause-and-effect scheme.

The source of transformations of a system or its functions usually lies in the system itself; Since this is associated with the expedient nature of the behavior of systems, the most essential feature of a number of system objects is self-organization. Another feature is closely related to this: the mandatory assumption of a certain set of individual characteristics and degrees of freedom for the system (or its elements).

This approach to the study of the management system at an enterprise requires the study of each aspect of management activity without separation from its other aspects. Since the intentionality of human perception does not allow simultaneous study of a complex of factors, in practice this concept can be implemented through intermediate coordination of the results obtained at various stages of studying the activities of an enterprise. Below we propose a methodology roughly divided into stages that allows us to comprehensively cover the management system of an enterprise. It must be emphasized that the division into stages (points) is conditional, i.e. For a systematic study of management quality, the results obtained for each of the points listed below must be considered only in connection with all other results.

Modern economic reality forces business managers to constantly make decisions under conditions of uncertainty. In conditions of financial and political instability commercial activity exposed to various crisis situations, which may result in insolvency or bankruptcy.

One of the most significant factors, in our opinion, that can lead to a crisis in an enterprise is a lack of management.

The quality of management of a modern enterprise significantly affects the results of its activities. Errors in production activities and management of an enterprise can lead to its unprofitability and insolvency (bankruptcy). Therefore, management inefficiency should be considered one of the most typical problems for modern enterprises, which impedes their effective functioning in the conditions of existing market relations. We have identified the following factors that most significantly affect the quality of management: the lack of strategy in the enterprise’s activities and focus on short-term results, which, in turn, negatively affects the medium and long-term; low qualifications and inexperience of managers; avoidance of responsibility of enterprise managers to the owners for the consequences of decisions made, for the safety and effective use of the enterprise’s property, as well as for the financial and economic results of its activities.

Today, issues related to preventing the emergence and development of crisis processes, as well as procedures for their timely and reliable diagnosis, are increasingly coming to the fore.

Therefore, a well-organized and well-managed enterprise will be able to overcome a difficult situation, unlike an enterprise that is poorly managed, even if its current financial performance is good. As a result, the issues of building a high-quality enterprise management system become particularly relevant.

From the point of view of the problems of preventing crises in an enterprise, the methodology for optimizing the quality of management makes it possible to timely determine the efficiency of the organization’s functioning, identify problem areas and fundamental shortcomings in its activities, thereby preventing the development of crisis processes and unprofitable activities. Diagnostics of the management system not only allows you to determine the current state of affairs at the enterprise on the basis of financial indicators and ratios, but also allows you to evaluate the activity of the enterprise for the future.

Anti-crisis management is proposed to be considered as a set of measures that make it possible to timely prevent the emergence and development of crisis processes in an enterprise, to develop and implement the most correct option recovery of the enterprise from the state of crisis, as well as effectively (with minimal damage to all economic entities) eliminate the factors of the crisis. In other words, crisis management consists of developing directions to prevent and eliminate the emergence, development and consequences of a crisis in an enterprise.

Thus, we believe that the most optimal ways to resolve crisis processes in an enterprise based on increasing management efficiency are as follows: researching the effectiveness of existing methods for the viability of an enterprise, preventing crises at various stages of development and ensuring competitiveness; identification of key areas for improving management efficiency and quality criteria for the management system at the enterprise; development of practical methodology for the management process and optimization of the organizational structure of the enterprise; justification of a comprehensive methodology for optimizing the quality of management at an enterprise;

The introduction of these solutions into the practice of crisis management will improve the reliability and economic efficiency of enterprises, as well as improve the health of the economy as a whole.

Literature: Agafonova, N. N. Anti-crisis management [Text]: textbook. manual for universities / N. N. Agafonova, T. V. Bogacheva, L. I. Glushkova; under. total ed. A. G. Kalpina; auto entry Art. N. N. Polivaev; M-in general and prof. Education of the Russian Federation, Moscow. state uni – Ed. 3rd, revised and additional – M.: Omega, 2008. – 542 p. Bakhvalov, N. S. Anti-crisis enterprise management [Text]: textbook. allowance for economic specialties of universities / N. S. Bakhvalov, N. P. Zhidkov, G. M. Kobelkov; under general ed. K.V. Baldina. – 4th ed. – M.: Gardariki; SPb. : Nev. dialect, 2008. – 438 p. Tooth A.T. Methodology of anti-crisis enterprise management [Text]: textbook. manual for universities / G. B. Yun; under. total ed. A. G. Kargina; auto entry Art. N. N. Podkopaev; M-in general and prof. Education of the Russian Federation, Moscow. state uni – Ed. 2nd, revised and additional – M.: Delo, 2008. – 340 p.

  • Gavron Kristina Mikhailovna, student
  • Altai State University
  • Rudakova Oksana Yurievna, Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor
  • Altai State University

A pressing and controversial issue at present is the management of an organization in an economic crisis. The article is devoted to consideration of the problems of preventive crisis management. The authors offer recommendations for organizing crisis management in order to prevent a crisis situation.

  • Risk management system in construction organizations
  • Risks in anti-crisis management of construction industry organizations
  • Problems and prospects for the use of management consulting in the innovation sector
  • The need and feasibility of changes in the organization’s management system
  • Features of marketing in foreign economic activity of an organization

In conditions of high political and economic instability, more and more attention is paid to crisis management, it becomes topical application measures to prevent the occurrence of a crisis in the organization.

Anti-crisis management is management aimed at preventing or stopping the danger of a crisis, including analysis of the state and identification of measures aimed at reducing the level of the crisis and preventing its further occurrence

Timely prevention of a crisis is one of the goals of crisis management. Therefore, it must be carried out constantly, regardless of what stage of the life cycle the enterprise is at, whether the problems in its activities are clearly expressed or remain invisible.

The effective implementation of anti-crisis measures is largely determined by the human factor. Theoretical knowledge accumulated practical experience, purposeful, conscious management activity makes it possible to search alternative options and find optimal solution to prevent and overcome emerging crisis situations. Having knowledge about crises and the cyclical nature of the development of the socio-economic system, the manager is able to timely anticipate the occurrence of a crisis and prevent it before it worsens and covers the entire system.

The problem of preventing a crisis situation is quite extensive. In our opinion, the main problems of effective crisis prevention include:

  1. lack of specialized departments or officials who would be responsible for constant implementation diagnosing the occurrence of crisis phenomena in the enterprise. Managers of most enterprises consider this unnecessary if the company is not at the stage of bankruptcy.
  2. insufficient financial resources to implement measures to prevent the crisis. Implementation of regular measures to prevent the crisis and improve the organization’s health early stages crisis process requires financial resources. Even if they exist, the management of most companies prefer to distribute free funds in favor of other activities.
  3. difficulty in obtaining information about the emergence of a crisis situation. It is quite problematic to see the manifestation of the first symptoms of a crisis in a timely manner and correctly determine underlying reasons its occurrence. The choice depends on how quickly the symptoms of the impending crisis were noticed and the reliable causes of its occurrence were identified. further actions to prevent a crisis and build an anti-crisis strategy, and then a strategy for the development of the organization. If the reasons are incorrectly identified, this threatens to make mistakes in the choice anti-crisis measures, and can lead to aggravation of the crisis, its prolongation, increased risks of bankruptcy of the enterprise, and undesirable results for the organization and its owners.
  4. in most cases, if a crisis is diagnosed, it is usually aimed at identifying a financial crisis, but not a managerial one. In our opinion, management errors and miscalculations in the short term can cause the wrong choice of tactical anti-crisis actions, and in the long term - a deterioration in the financial position of the organization up to its bankruptcy.

All problems are interconnected, therefore, their solution requires complex and interconnected actions.

We consider it necessary and appropriate to create effective crisis management by creating analytical departments whose competence will be the diagnosis and prevention of crisis situations. At the same time, specialists in such departments must be required to have higher education, knowledge about crises, its symptoms and causes, the ability to identify, understand and distinguish them.

Despite the fact that most organizations explain their insolvency by pointing to a lack of financial resources, in our opinion, the lack of financial resources as a temporary or permanent phenomenon is nothing more than the result of management actions for planning, organization, motivation and control. Involving a specialist in the field of crisis management during the onset of a liquidity crisis, as a rule, can be more expensive than the same action implemented as a preventive management measure.

A striking example of the presence of problems of preventive crisis management identified by the authors is the municipal unitary enterprise "Gorelektrotrans" in Barnaul, which provides services for the transportation of passengers by electric transport. In particular, the organization does not take measures to diagnose potential crises, and there are not enough financial resources to overcome them. Over the past 10 years, 3 bankruptcy cases have been filed against MUP Gorelektrotrans. The company was declared bankrupt for the first time in 2005, and for the second time in 2011. In both cases, the initiator of the procedure was Barnaul City Electric Network OJSC. The debt to her in 2011 amounted to 40 million rubles. In 2012, a third bankruptcy petition was filed by the debtor himself, MUP Gorelektrotrans, the total debt to creditors was estimated at 267 million rubles.

The organization's cost structure is dominated by:

  1. staff salaries;
  2. electricity – it costs more than 170 million rubles to pay for it;
  3. costs for discounted travel tickets.

In order to restore the organization's solvency, measures were taken to reduce the number of personnel, collect accounts receivable, sell non-core assets, optimize the schedule and routes of electric transport, which allowed to increase passenger traffic and reduce costs. To update the transport fleet, support was received from the regional administration within the framework of a targeted program.

At the end of 2015, the municipal unitary enterprise "Gorelektrotrans" managed to receive income in the amount of 1 billion 126 million 466 thousand rubles, which allowed it to get out of the crisis situation. But at the same time, the share of costs for labor and electricity remains quite large to this day.

In our opinion, in the case of early implementation of measures to predict and prevent a crisis situation in the municipal unitary enterprise "Gorelektrotrans", constant monitoring of the financial condition and diagnosis of the crisis process, with a probability of more than 50% the organization would be able to avoid bankruptcy procedures and achieve improved results of its activities in earlier deadlines.


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  3. Beda, S.Yu. Causes of bankruptcy of enterprises and ways to prevent crisis situations [Electronic resource]: subject scientific source./ – Electronic article. – 2015. – Access mode to the article: - Cap. from the screen.
  4. Evgrafova, I.Yu. Anti-crisis management. Cheat sheet / I.Yu. Evgrafova, E.O. Krasnikova. – M.: Okay – Book, 2013. – 32 p.
  5. Zyuzin S. Towards bankruptcy on rails [Electronic resource]: electronic journal./ – Electronic article. – 2012. – Access mode to the article: - Cap. from the screen.
  6. Makhnachev Ya. There are improvements, but there is still a lot of work [Electronic resource]: electronic journal./ - Electronic article. – 2013. – Access mode to the article: - Cap. from the screen.
  7. Rudakova O.Yu., Rudakova T.A. The concept of crisis management in the context of scientific thought. // Bulletin of the Altai Academy of Economics and Law. – 2010. - No. 4. - With. 75-78.
  8. Filipova A.A. The head of the Barnaul City Electrical Transport told why trams are the future [Electronic resource]: electronic magazine./ – Electronic article. – 2016. – Access mode to the article: - Cap. from the screen.

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  • Introduction
  • 1.4 Features of communication management in crisis situations
  • Conclusion
  • 2.4 Working with the external environment of the organization
  • Conclusion
  • Conclusion
  • References


Modern social institutions act as bearers of public relations (together with those people who work in them - officials of government agencies, famous people, media employees, employees and employees of firms, corporations and associations).

In this system, the sphere of "public relations" is represented by PR agencies, PR firms, consulting firms, press centers, press services, press bureaus and public relations services.

Life activity social organizations occurs in conditions of isotropy and inequality in society, hierarchical subordination (cooperation - submission - domination), which determine divergent basic values, preferences and corresponding motives for people's behavior and actions.

Consequently, external social interactions can be built: voluntarily, forced, or imposed forcibly.

As a result, diverse social relations develop from cooperation and constructive dialogue to confrontation and confrontation. At the same time, awareness of the contradiction of interests in social interaction is the source, the basis of crisis situations. In this aspect, a crisis is an event through which a company or any other entity finds itself in the center of not always friendly attention of the media and other external target audiences, including shareholders, politicians, trade unions, who for one reason or another are quite legitimately interested in the activities of the organization.

Competent communication management in a crisis situation is quite relevanttopic for many businesses today. For our unstable economically countries - the ability to painlessly lead an enterprise out of a crisis is one of the main things in management management.

It was these circumstances that prompted the implementation this study, target which explores the features of managing social relations in times of crisis.

To achieve the goal it is necessary to solve a number of tasks.

1. determine the subject of research,

2. identify the main topology of crisis situations in the organization,

3. analyze the psychological barriers of crisis situations,

4. develop a communication model for managing crisis situations: in internal and external directions.

Object: PR - activities of an organization in a crisis situation

Item: tactics of communicative management of an enterprise in a crisis situation

The following were used in this work: methodsresearch:

· system analysis special literature,

· analysis of service documentation (content analysis).

Hypothesis: depending on the choice of a communication model for enterprise management during a crisis, not only the success of exiting the current situation will depend, but also the degree of reputation protection, because creating a positive image is easier than correcting image mistakes and regaining public trust.

The objectives formulated above predetermined the structure of this work, which consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

crisis psychological communication model

Chapter 1. Crisis situations in the activities of the organization

1.1 Crisis situations in the organization

In the life of any individual or organization, various critical situations. From time to time, crises of a general, extremely destructive, catastrophic nature arise, especially for organizations. A crisis can cause not only a huge financial loss to an organization, but also tarnish its reputation. Therefore, overcoming the crisis or, in order to reduce its destructive consequences, taking appropriate measures is one of the most important tasks in management process any organization.

Experts, in general, tend to perceive a “crisis” rather as a negative phenomenon in the life of an organizational structure.

S. Black notes that a crisis event can have “serious consequences for the company: it can even threaten the future existence of the company.”

Peter Green defines crises as events "that have the potential to almost suddenly destroy or seriously damage an organization's reputation."

In perspective information technology Rogerster defines a crisis as “an event through which a company or any other entity finds itself in the center of not always friendly attention of the media and other external target audiences, including shareholders, politicians, trade unions, who for one reason or another have a legitimate interest in the activities of the organization.” .

Theorists in the field of public relations, such as Tulchinsky G.L., Pocheptsov G.G., Chumikov A.N., define a crisis as a certain unfavorable situation that is “painful” both for the company itself and for its partners and investors and clients. “A crisis is an interruption of a normal process, an unforeseen event that threatens the stability of the enterprise, and a sudden serious incident that has the potential to damage or even destroy the company’s reputation.”

As noted by Zub A.T. in his book “Crisis Management,” “a crisis is an unlikely event that can threaten the functioning of an organization, characterized by uncertain causes and difficult to predict consequences, requiring immediate decisions.”

Crisis situations are diverse in nature, but nevertheless they have a number of characteristics that the organization must take into account: suddenness; loss of control; insufficient information, time, resources; escalation of events; panic.

Taking into account these signs, preventing the emergence of a crisis in early stage its appearance will allow the organization to competently get out of the current situation.

With this understanding, crisis management (CMC) is about minimizing potential risk normal operation organizations. Thus, ACU is aimed at preventing a crisis by carrying out organizational changes that ensure the unity of actions of the main stakeholders. stakeholders - individuals and groups interested in achieving organizational goals. , members of the organization, its leadership to prevent a crisis, and if it occurs, to overcome the crisis with minimal damage to the organization.

1.2 Psychological barriers to crisis situations

When the internal environment of an organization finds itself in a crisis situation, it faces the following psychological barriers:

1. Stress

The stressful state primarily determines the behavioral reactions of the organization’s personnel during a crisis situation. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the main complexity of the crisis situation lies in its novelty, which makes it difficult to develop a high-quality constructive solution.

2. Feeling besieged

The organization feels surrounded and besieged. Employees and management have the impression that everyone is against it. The easiest way to behave in this situation seems to be passive, when it is better not to say anything at all so that it does not be used against the organization.

3. Panic

In a crisis situation, the organization's staff feel a growing sense of panic. Some employees begin to spread rumors about the death of the company, another part may not come to work, and a third may slow down the company’s business and their activities. In such an environment, it is very difficult to convince management to take immediate action and communicate what is happening.

4. The phenomenon of distorted perception

David Myers notes such features as prejudices of employees of the organization in favor of themselves, a tendency to self-justification, etc. In a crisis situation, increased attention from the external environment to the organization due to the fundamental attribution error is considered as a reflection of an angry disposition and hostility.

One of the symptoms of groupthink in this situation is that the in-group (organization) is perceived by group members as moral and strong, and the external environment as malicious and aggressive (the phenomenon of mirror perception). However, the same can be applied to the perception of the organization by the media.

Thus, the participants form distorted images of each other.

1.3 Psychological characteristics of information perception in crisis conditions

Firstly, for people it is not so much absolute, but comparable values ​​that are important. That is, by comparing the accident with similar ones, one can lead the audience to the conclusion that it is not so dangerous - it can be worse.

Similar effect can be achieved by informing the public about the currently available criteria for the admissibility of any deviations in a particular area. Let's say one newspaper writes that a plant produces such and such emissions into the atmosphere. The second adds that the plant has more emissions, and factory “X” has less. But both newspapers may not mention emission limits at all. In other words, if not brought to the attention of the public, it may never be known, and your costs, for example, to create a wastewater treatment plant, will remain unappreciated by the public.

A more curious mechanism of perception operates in an environment of potential risk, to which the formula applies - “What can this do to me.” We are talking about the relationship between risk and benefit, when risk lies on one side of the scale and benefit on the other. If the risk outweighs the benefit, people will view actual or potential danger negatively. And, conversely, one can forget about the danger as a whole or its individual components when the benefit seems very significant.

In summary: the peculiarities of psychological perception of information in crisis situations include the fact that people are accustomed to perceiving negative events personally, while information in many cases is focused on the average mass, albeit in the form of a target group.

1.4 Features of communication management in crisis situations

Any company may one day find itself in the center of various unfavorable situations, including most large Western companies and corporations. (Microsoft, P&G, Ford, Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola) As practice shows, even with optimal planning and proactive measures, crisis situations will still occur. Despite all measures, a crisis can begin suddenly and develop rapidly, affecting the entire system of the organization.

When this happens, many questions arise: what should we do? Whom should I initiate into the situation? From whom can I get it? good advice? How can we ensure that the crisis does not cause too much harm? All of them directly or indirectly come up against the problem of communications during and after a crisis.

One of the first communication models was proposed back in the late 40s by American information scientists Claude Shannon and Warren Waver. They proceeded from the obvious fact that the communication process includes:

Ш source of information;

Ш message;

Ш communication channel, through which the signal is transmitted from the transmitter to the receiver;

Ш receiver (addressee).


This is the central entity that initiates the communication process. Within the framework of crisis communication, it is an organization that faces crisis situations.

According to PR specialists, one of the main principles of an organization’s communication in the event of a crisis is “not to isolate yourself.” “The most effective communication in a crisis is communication that very quickly provides frank and complete information to the means mass media, located in the epicenter of events." Most professional peer managers are convinced that the first rule of communication during a crisis should be: "say everything and say it immediately!"

Otherwise, on the part of the organization, as a rule, they provoke the emergence and subsequent development of rumors. As practice shows, the emergence of rumors not only complicates the circulation of communication flows, but can also seriously damage the reputation of the organization as a whole.


In a crisis situation, the “receivers” are the target audiences.

Target audiences are another critical point in resolving a crisis situation. One of the main tasks is the correct identification of target audiences, that is, those to whom the information necessary during a crisis will be sent. It should be understood that in specific cases, such as general list of these audiences and their hierarchy may vary significantly.

Researchers in the field of PR identify about 6-7 main types of target audiences [see. H.D. Barquero Cabrero; F. Kotler; J. Hendrikson], with whom the organization most often interacts in the course of its life. Among them are the media, government agencies, financial/investment companies, public organizations, public opinion in general, personnel/employees of the company itself.


The success of a message in a crisis is due to 4 key factors:

Ш Search for candidates and create a team of communication specialists in a crisis situation;

Ш Appointment of a suitable person or persons to make statements on behalf of the organization and answer questions from the media (press representative);

Ш Clarification of situations associated with high risk;

Ш Structuring, executing and ensuring implementation of a crisis communication plan along with checklists and lists of people who may be helpful.

This crisis communications team should include people who can achieve positive results during a crisis situation. PR specialists, representatives senior management, legal consultant and representative of the organization on issues related to the crisis situation, are the main members of the team for planning and implementing actions to eliminate the crisis situation.

Depending on the nature and scale of the crisis, the organization may also include representatives from security, transaction processing, marketing, and interpersonal relations at the discretion of the organization (Seeger, 1998). Moreover, according to the research, in some situations such teams may also include representatives of third-party organizations.

The organization's chief executive officer should be seen as the primary spokesperson for the organization and responding to media questions during a crisis. Such a team should include a coordinator - a single official representative who can guarantee consistency in the presentation of factual data and minimize possible rumors and the appearance of non-first-hand information.

“The role of PR in crisis management is also characterized by the proactive identification of high-risk situations in the activities of organizations.” Organizations are obliged to predict the development of possible crisis situations and prepare for them. An organization may try to escape from a crisis situation or may seek to mitigate its consequences. In addition, the organization should use risk assessment to develop responses to all kinds of crisis situations (Seeger et al., 1998).

Finally, the organization must have a crisis communication plan. When drawing up this plan, it is necessary to take into account limiting factors such as resources and information that can be relied upon. The crisis communication plan should be a living document, i.e. it should be regularly updated and properly coordinated with the agencies that will be involved as the crisis develops.


These are various means of conveying information about the crisis to target audiences.

Press releases. This is a story prepared by the company that reveals information and perspectives of the organization. It is most effective when a company intends to communicate the same information to several publications at the same time. The press release is distributed by fax, mailing, email or posted on the Internet. It may use quotes from senior management as they assess the situation.

Press conferences. A press conference is ideal for summarizing the incident and the actions taken. It also helps to take control and seize the initiative. "This is an effective method of communicating the company's response to what is happening, allowing the media to get a coherent statement from the responsible representative, since it would be difficult for the company's CEO to talk to hundreds of journalists."

Interview. The company must have at least one press officer ready to give interviews to the press. Such company representatives must be able, on behalf of general director communicate with journalists

Email ensures that important messages are delivered to all special audiences/interest carriers in a matter of seconds.

The website provides access to information about the organization to anyone. When well managed, ensures that journalists and other interested parties receive information. The benefits are great, and among them are a reduction in the volume of telephone calls demanding information, a reduction in the burden of responsibility on management.

A straight line has great importance during a crisis when the public needs to quickly obtain important information.

Meetings. Despite modern technology and the benefits of media in times of crisis, personal relationships continue to play a role in meetings main role V human activity Newbold T., Scholes E. Gower Handbook on Internal Communication, 1997.

It is important to emphasize the role of formal meetings in internal communications: “during meetings, people come together and have the opportunity to both listen to others and be listened to themselves - communication goes both ways.”

Letters. A letter written in a polite tone can also play a role important role during a crisis. Letters can be personal, express sympathy, provide detailed information and instructions for action.

The importance of effectively using emails that evoke positive emotions rather than irritation or confusion is obvious.

Thus, in a crisis situation, any organization is advised to use available communication channels for an open communication policy.


1. Specialists, in general, tend to perceive a “crisis” rather as a negative phenomenon in the life of an organizational structure.

2. Crisis situations are diverse in nature, but nevertheless they have a number of characteristics that the organization must take into account: suddenness; loss of control; insufficient information, time, resources; escalation of events; panic.

3. The internal environment of an organization, when it finds itself in a crisis situation, encounters such psychological barriers as: stress, a feeling of siege, panic, and the phenomenon of distorted perception.

4. One of the symptoms of groupthink in this situation is that the in-group (organization) is perceived by group members as moral and strong, and the external environment as malicious and aggressive (the phenomenon of mirror perception).

5. The peculiarities of psychological perception of information in crisis situations include the fact that people are accustomed to perceiving negative events personally, while information in many cases is focused on the average mass, albeit in the form of a target group.

6. In a crisis situation, any organization is recommended to minimize the consequences of the crisis through open and proactive PR communication.

Chapter 2. Development of a communication model for crisis management: in internal and external areas

2.1 Description of the communication model

The key to the work of an enterprise in a crisis situation is the management of communication processes (or communication management), “activities aimed at achieving effective communication both within the organization and between the organization and its external environment.”

Thus, in the process of crisis management, communication should simultaneously be carried out in two strategic directions, which is of fundamental importance:

1. External environment organizations;

2. Internal environment of the organization.

In the case of crises that have an internal focus, the work of specialists in the field of public relations should be reduced to interpreting the situation, which would best suit the internal interests of the company. This is due to the fact that internal crises concern the organization itself to a greater extent, which may be due, for example, to the confidentiality of information, etc. Thus, in this case, the strategy also follows the logic of the organization’s openness, but the principle of honesty here is replaced by the principle of choosing the necessary interpretation of the situation.

Thus, in the case of crises that are also externally oriented, i.e. directly relevant to the general public, such as the life-threatening Tylenol case (in 1982, after several people died from the drug, doctors discovered a poison in it, which, as noted, was mixed by criminals who had infiltrated to the territory of the plant), the strategy should follow exclusively the logic of openness, and most importantly, honesty.

2.2 Intraorganizational communications during a crisis

Experts note that an organization’s personnel are one of the main resources in a crisis situation and a strong ally in crisis management.

The strategy for resolving the crisis should be designed not only for the top management of the organization, but also for all personnel as a whole. In this case, each employee must be aware of their importance in the process of managing a crisis situation.

It must be borne in mind that “company employees can become the most critical and aggressive audience, becoming like children who often do not appreciate their parents and do not forgive the mistakes of their brothers and sisters.” Just like children, employees need to feel that management cares about them and values ​​their contributions. If they do not feel this, then in a crisis situation they are easily restructured, they will lose loyalty to management, they develop a feeling of moral dissatisfaction, and as a result, the organizational climate worsens and the leadership process becomes more difficult. Thus, employees can become the company's biggest supporters or its opponents, and this largely depends on communication.

Communication with staff during a crisis

Conventionally, the entire range of actions regarding personnel can be divided into two components:

1. Creation of a crisis team that will be directly involved in the development of a crisis strategy and be responsible for its response.

Such a team should include senior managers of functional subsystems - operations, finance, legal, human resource management, PR, and be headed by a responsible director - the higher the level of management, the better. Must be taken into account possible replacements, the roles of the participants are clearly delineated, including the press officer, the coordinator and the person in charge of the entire team.

It is considered appropriate to highlight the following functions of a crisis team:

Ш Preparation and implementation of a set of procedures that can solve the emerging crisis. In this case, the actions should turn into standard ones, i.e. in the event of a crisis situation in the future, the organization will already have a standard action plan;

Ш Development of a physical situation support system that will allow crisis management regardless of the possible destruction of the organization itself;

Ш Training of all members of the organization who will be involved in the crisis.

2. Work directly with the organization’s personnel at all levels

The involvement of busy employees in resolving a crisis is often underestimated.

The organization's staff understands possible risk and is familiar with similar situations in the same field. They know the organization from the inside. In relation to personnel, separate work should be carried out in a crisis situation.

Factors and elements that determine human behavior in a crisis situation have been brought together by psychologists into a single scheme, which is called the “star of courage.”

In accordance with the “star of courage,” a person’s psychological stability is determined by his trust in management, employees, and his own spiritual and physical readiness. Trust in the team depends on the level of group cohesion, conviction in the necessity and fairness of one’s actions, the level of training, physical condition and development of the required personal qualities.

It is believed that moral and psychological stability and professional qualities should be improved mainly by increasing the level of training, physical readiness, improving leadership, and strengthening intra-group cohesion.

Psychologists see such cohesion as the most important condition for increasing a person’s psychological stability in a crisis situation. Interpersonal relationships are built on the basis of jointly endured difficulties, on mutual support and fear of moral isolation due to cowardice. Psychologists note that the main condition for group cohesion in a crisis is precisely the fear of being isolated.

In this regard, training of the organization’s personnel comes to the fore. Methods of psychological testing, business games, and trainings aimed at developing business interaction skills and psychological self-regulation are used.

In a crisis situation, a strategy aimed at the organization’s personnel should aim to organize effective communication with busy employees. The main thing is to prevent fundamental isolation from decision-making and ensure that staff are sufficiently informed.

Ensuring awareness allows the company to continue to function as normally as possible. According to the information theory of emotions developed by P.V. Simonov, negative experiences arise in conditions of information deficiency. This type of condition can be classified as a crisis situation. Communications regarding personnel should be targeted and can be expressed in periodic releases of video, radio news, and newsletters, which provide information about the development of the crisis and the steps that the organization is taking to overcome this situation.

2.3 Methods of effective communication within an organization

There are a fairly large number of communication methods, the effectiveness of which is determined by the nature of the situation. The following is a list of methods for communicating with employees:

General meetings. They are especially effective when the number of company employees is relatively small, so that they can all be accommodated in one room.

Meetings within a unit (department, workshop, service, etc.). Divisional meetings are usually most effective when the company is too large to hold general meetings.

Face-to-face meetings. Face-to-face meetings are most effective when the information is relevant to individual employees and it is important that they understand the issue and the extent of its impact on their lives.

Memoranda, letters, memos. They may contain additional information that was not discussed at meetings, or information that is not worth calling a separate meeting about.

Free telephone line. It is used when the number of employees is in the thousands, and the company's offices are scattered throughout the country. This line provides an opportunity to answer employee questions. Such lines are most effective if calls are answered not by answering machines, but by specially trained people.

Special newsletters, corporate publications. They are convenient for conveying information to all employees. However, most companies publish them once a month or once a quarter, so when a crisis occurs they are unlikely to be effective.

Bulletin board. Typically, companies install notice boards in close proximity to areas where employees congregate. They are useful for constantly reminding employees of certain decisions and changes in the situation, but should not be perceived as a panacea for all ills.

Video presentation. Video should be used when there is a need to introduce visual information to employees that would be impractical to present live. This method allows you to illustrate and comment on important ideas of crisis management, explain some difficult points and demonstrate the concern of the organization's management for employees.

Internal network (Internet). Internal resources are used to notify employees about the latest events, various details of upcoming innovations, new prices or changes in company policy, as well as to provide feedback to them.

Sometimes it's better to use a combination of them. Here, much depends on the manager’s experience, culture, traditions, dominant management style, authority of leaders, severity and depth of conflicts of interests and goals separate groups and other factors.

2.4 Working with the external environment of the organization

The external environment is all those factors that are outside the organization and can influence it.

Fundamental when analyzing the external environment (during a crisis) is an immediate analysis of public opinion: what the public knows from the media, what is the intensity of information in the media, what transmission channels are involved (print/electronic media, television, radio), what is the percentage of rumors (and any information that in any way distorts actual/real events) and to what extent they are widespread, how much the company’s “reputational capital” is affected (suffered).

Public opinion research:

Ш The attitude of target groups to the company as a whole, to its [organization] individual products/services;

Ш Degree of trust in the organizational structure;

Ш Positions related to image capital, etc.;

Analysis of the situation allows you to choose a fundamental communication strategy. Those. solve in a certain way two fundamental questions - “What to do?; What to say?”.

The next step is to work with the media.

Establishing effective communication with the media is one of the most important stages resolving crisis communication. The fact is that the media, as is known, perform the function of forming the so-called agenda, i.e. agenda. The issues presented by the media as the most important at the moment may not be so, but the very fact that these issues are covered by journalists, whose job in principle is to serve the interests of the public, leads to the fact that these issues are identified by the public as the most important . Thus, public opinion is highly influenced by the media.

Version development (Point of View POV)

The starting point when developing a crisis strategy is to develop a version. However, I consider it necessary to note that the determination of the general vector of the crisis situation is of fundamental importance when developing a version.

Experts note that the concept of version is key in relation to most, if not all, crisis situations. The possibility and effectiveness of action in one direction or another directly depends on which version is put forward and by whom.

Your own version is, first of all, a good chance to take the solution to a problem under information control. The main privilege that a company receives that intervenes in time in the process of transforming a problem into a source of crisis is the opportunity to give the problem a name: “You gave it a name, and now it is in your power.” This name is the version.

It is necessary to note one more significant nuance regarding the version of the crisis event. In any crisis situation, the media divides the subjects involved into “heroes” and “antiheroes.” If it is not possible to accurately define an “anti-hero,” the media attaches this label to the name of the organization and individual involved in the crisis, and themselves the label of a “hero” who fights for the truth and conveys it to ordinary readers, listeners and viewers. That is, if the company does not point out the culprits (including itself), the media themselves will answer the question of who is to blame.

Next important question arises regarding when the required version should occur I. According to many experts, the lack of any reaction from the company in the first 24 hours significantly weakens the ability to control the situation in the future. If the company generally prefers to remain silent in order to try to avoid a negative interpretation of events in the media, then it should be understood that such interpretations will still appear, and public opinion will most likely accept the position of the media and believe the accusations. On the other hand, comments and actions of the company made in the first hours and minutes after the incident are well recorded in public memory.

In order to enhance the information disseminated to the press, as well as when preparing response statements on the part of the company to materials published in the media, special techniques based on the characteristics of psychological influence can be used.


During the writing of this chapter, the author of the course work made the following conclusions:

1. In the case of crises that are also externally oriented, i.e. directly relevant to the general public, the strategy must follow exclusively the logic of openness, and most importantly, honesty.

2. The organization's personnel are one of the main resources in a crisis situation, a strong ally in crisis management. Therefore, the strategy for resolving the crisis should be designed not only for the top management of the organization, but also for all personnel as a whole.

3. Communications regarding personnel should be targeted and can be expressed in periodic releases of video, radio news, newsletters, which provide information about the development of the crisis and the steps that the organization is taking to overcome this situation

4. External environment - these are all those factors that are outside the organization and can influence it.

5. In order to enhance the information disseminated to the press, as well as when preparing response statements on the part of the company to materials published in the media, special techniques based on the characteristics of psychological influence can be used.


Currently, there is not a single organization that is not in a crisis situation. A crisis can cause not only a huge financial loss to an organization, but also tarnish its reputation. Therefore, overcoming a crisis or, in order to reduce its destructive consequences, taking appropriate measures is one of the most important tasks in the management process of any organization.

Crisis management is the minimization of potential risks to the normal operation of the organization. As a rule, it is aimed at preventing a crisis by carrying out organizational changes that ensure the unity of action of the main stakeholders, members of the organization, and its leadership to prevent a crisis, and if it occurs, to overcome the crisis with minimal damage to the organization.

When the internal environment of an organization finds itself in a crisis situation, it encounters various psychological barriers that need to be initiated and eliminated in a timely manner.

The key to the operation of an enterprise in a crisis situation is the management of communication processes (or communication management). You need to understand that the organization’s personnel are one of the main resources in a crisis situation, a strong ally in crisis management.

The strategy for resolving the crisis should be designed not only for the top management of the organization, but also for all personnel as a whole. In this case, each employee must be aware of their importance in the process of managing a crisis situation. It must be borne in mind that company employees can become the most critical and aggressive target audience. Therefore, when resolving a crisis situation, the help of not only PR and communication management specialists, but also professional psychologists is sometimes necessary.

In this work the following tasks were revealed:

The main topologies of crisis situations in the organization have been identified,

The psychological barriers of crisis situations were analyzed,

A communication model for managing crisis situations has been developed: in internal and external directions.

The hypothesis formed in the introduction of this work has been fully confirmed. It was demonstrated that depending on the choice of a communication model for enterprise management during a crisis, not only the success of getting out of the current situation will depend, but also the degree of reputation protection, because creating a positive image is easier than correcting image mistakes and regaining public trust.


1. Black S. The essentials of public relations. - London, 1994. - 192 rubles.

2. Crisis management: Textbook by A.T. Zub M: Aspect Press, 2005. - 320 p.

3. Arkhipova N.I., Kulba V.V. Emergency Management: Tutorial. M.: Ross. state humanist univ., 1994. - 316 p.

4. Barquero Cabrero J.D. Public relations in the world of finance. The key to success. - M.: Delo, 1997. - 80 p.

5. Korolko V. Fundamentals of public relations. - Moscow: Refl-book, K.: Wakler, 2001. - 528 p.

6. Myers D. Social psychology: Per. from English - 2nd ed., rev. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 1999. - 688 p.

7. Pocheptsov G.G. - Public relations for professionals. Wackler. 2003. - 624 p.

8. Psychology of extreme situations: Reader / Compiled by A.E. Taras, K.V. Selchenok. - Minsk: Harvest, 2000. - 480 p.

9. Savinova O.N. Crisis management: practical and theoretical approaches. - N. Novgorod: Nizhpoligraf, 2000 - 160 p.

10. Starenchenko Yu.L. Fundamentals of communication management: Textbook. Manual/SPbSUT. - St. Petersburg, 2001 - 315 p.

11. Chumikov A.N. Creative technologies "public relations": Textbook. allowance. - Ekaterinburg: Basko, 1999. - 215 p.

12. Chumikov A.N., Bocharov M.P. Public relations: theory and practice: Textbook. - M.: Delo, 2003. - 496 p.

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    Theoretical basis for the activities of enterprise management in times of crisis. The process of forming an effective team at an enterprise. Stimulating the process of self-development of top managers. Recommendations for managerial activities in crisis conditions.

    course work, added 07/08/2010

    Concept, main types of crises and signs of crisis phenomena in a modern enterprise. Crisis management mechanism. Development of a strategy for liquidating the insolvency of an enterprise. Main features of a management system in a crisis situation.

    abstract, added 04/12/2013

    Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. Structure of LLC "IC "Biotechno". Analysis strengths. Choosing an enterprise strategy. Grade strategic plan. Methods for improving the motivation system of an organization's personnel in crisis conditions.

    thesis, added 07/04/2015

    The essence of the organization's management system; types of organizational structures. Features and causes of the crisis in the enterprise. Methodological foundations for bringing an organization out of crisis and ways to improve management in modern conditions of a market economy.

    course work, added 03/01/2012

    Causes of the crisis. The essence and problems of crisis management. System of anti-crisis personnel management of the enterprise. Problems of stimulating employees in times of crisis. Labor conflicts in times of crisis at an enterprise.

    course work, added 11/09/2010

    The most typical and common definitions of the concept of “crisis” in relation to an individual organization, its nature and characteristics. Crises at various stages of the organization's life cycle. Classification of the causes of the crisis into external and internal.

    test, added 07/01/2016

    Determining the mission of the organization, taking into account the specifics of its activities and factors influencing the choice of mission. Goals of the organization in the conditions economic crisis. Organizational management structure. Changing strategic concepts and operating factors.

    test, added 01/29/2009

    The essence of marketing in the activities of an organization, its goals and principles. The role of marketing communications in the crisis management system. Analysis of the Dixie-Chelyabinsk LLC enterprise, marketing strategies and enterprise management in crisis conditions.

    course work, added 02/13/2012

    Contradictions and conflicts as constant companions of business interaction. Motivation of personnel in a crisis situation. Goals and objectives of the training seminar on developing conflict management skills. Team building - team building activities.

    presentation, added 10/19/2013

    Organizational personnel as an object of crisis management. The essence and principles of anti-crisis personnel policy in a crisis situation. Analysis of the main indicators of financial and economic activity and organizational management structure.