A man's imagination. What excites a man’s imagination and touches him? An extraordinary girl in a male fantasy

I love Cosmo experiments! It's the perfect cover to do what you want and still save your face. In ordinary life, I would hardly have the courage to turn to men I know with the question: “Are you fantasizing about me? Is it true? And what exactly do you represent?”

In other words, even if I had the audacity to blurt out something like that, there would hardly be a brave soul capable of responding directly to the provocation. Therefore, I decided to go the proven route and framed everything as a journalistic study.

Very close

I started with the light version: I interrogated my beloved with passion. He answered extremely reluctantly. Is he fantasizing about me? Well, it happens. What does it represent? Basically, he doesn’t imagine, but remembers: what happened in the office, the dacha story and the sex marathon in Thailand... Apparently, the specificity of long-term monogamous relationships is that erotic fantasies about a partner are replaced by real memories.
“And before,” I continued, “before we started having sex?” Did you imagine how everything would be?
– It was a long time ago... Well, I thought you would turn out to be a person with a wild temperament and would experience an orgasm with or without reason.
The recognition made me happy: it means that the sex positioning was structured correctly. It’s not for nothing, it turns out, that she wore a deliberately deep neckline and suffered in high heels.

Now there was a poll among not so loyal respondents - male acquaintances. And they all know that I write about sex, I love frank conversations and ambiguous anecdotes. I wouldn’t be surprised if most people consider me a sex maniac who deftly juggles vibrators and goes to bed in a latex corset.

Almost close

Every girl has a man who could have become her lover, but did not. I also have a couple of “candidates”. Their fantasies interested me first of all. However, one of them, a school memory, outlined his thoughts long before this experiment. I once sent a sketch called “Park” by e-mail. It quite colorfully described how a dwarf and a tall man tied me to a tree, while an ex-classmate watched what was happening, drinking whiskey and dispensing advice. Without finishing reading, she deleted the file and blacklisted the sender.

I really hoped that other people’s fantasies would still be of a lower degree. I was the first to call Mr. Perfect for a revelation (impeccable in everything: intelligence, appearance, sense of humor, character. I don’t even remember why, given all these indicators, things didn’t work out for us). Having learned the topic of the research, MS immediately agreed to help. He answered easily and quickly. “I think you are very active sexually. If a man is not a weakling, you will gladly submit to him. You prefer to be on top. You had less than four lovers. What you like most about your own body is breasts. Yes, you can masterfully fake an orgasm. And you are also capable of sex with a girl. In role-playing games I see you as a mistress.”
I was embarrassed. He answered so confidently and accurately, as if we had really once been close! Can men see right through me? It turns out, no matter how much I pretend to be wild and reckless, they still guess how many lovers I had (few), and they know whether it’s easy to seduce me (difficult).

And I called another friend. "How are you doing?" - I started from afar. “Are you having relationship problems?” - he said instead of greeting. “Where did you get the idea? Everything is fine with me!” - I was indignant. "Yes? Strange. Usually you call when you have problems with your man.” - “I’m writing an article, I want to ask you a couple of questions.” - “A-ah-ah. Let's". - “What do you think I’m like when it comes to sex?” “It seems to me that you are a manipulator and use carnal desires and your body as a weapon. And you are also a “dynamo”: you like to excite men and then leave them with nothing, so in my fantasies you are always in the role of the victim. More than once I imagined myself seducing you, and when you beg me to sleep with you, I leave with a grin. In my dreams, it’s you who is left with nothing.” “Excellent fantasy,” I praised.
I really liked it! If he had done something like this in reality, maybe something would have worked out for us. The friend ended the conversation and hung up. And I thought... Sexual manipulator? "Dynamo"? No, he clearly went too far here.

Not close at all

However, we communicated with these men personally and had the opportunity to discuss life views and principles. It's time to switch to newbies.
I posted a questionnaire and a photo of myself in underwear on my blog. And she encouraged men to boldly think all sorts of things about me and describe their male fantasies.
Most saw me as a mistress - with a whip and handcuffs. They said that the purpose of my sex life, from their point of view, was to torture and torment poor male bodies until a victorious orgasm. Apparently, the imagination was influenced by a popular stereotype: since she is a hot brunette, it means she is tough and domineering in bed.

One young man admitted that he sees me in the image of the savage Friday. We are on a desert island, he takes me captive, and we become more than friends... Another wrote that he imagines me as a nurse. No, I don't give him injections. Quite the contrary. Several respondents immediately saw me... as a modest person. Defenseless, innocent. They surprised me with this (what about stockings and sexy lingerie?). Or is it the fault of the replicated plots from adult films, when schoolgirls turn out to be not timid?

But with greater enthusiasm, strangers shared not just fantasies, but thoughts about my real sex life. The most interesting thing is that their ideas were close to the truth. Almost unanimously they said that I was monogamous and that I had few partners. Maybe that’s why their imagination painted pictures of me being taken by force?

Close to the truth

During this experiment, I made an interesting conclusion: men are not very skilled at fantasizing, but they have excellent sexual intuition. The girl thinks erotically, she thinks through the plot: she imagines her partner in the image of a soldier/pirate/boss, she imagines the nuances of clothing, interior, and conversations. Men don’t try to fill the picture with details: they don’t invent circumstances, they don’t write out dialogues. They are just trying to feel what sex with this girl could be like. And what’s interesting is that they often guess right. In my case, approximately 50% of respondents fairly accurately described my behavior and preferences in bed.
I was satisfied with the experiment. It’s nice to realize that men fantasize about you and at the same time respect you (the scenario with perversions in Bitsevsky Park does not count). Yes, I admit that some of the answers were not too frank, but they were just fantasies. And yet, I learned enough to feel sexy and wanted. In short, we had a good talk. I recommend it.

Men's fantasies often excite women.

After all, you want to be the most ideal object of desire for your man and show him in bed that it simply cannot be better.

Many girls, knowing the fantasies of men, can win the heart of any handsome man, but still you should not experiment with the first person you meet.

It is better to choose your husband or boyfriend for this.

What men mostly dream about:

  • road adventures;
  • filming;
  • role-playing games;
  • in men's fantasies there are extraordinary girls;
  • hard games;
  • secret observer.

Men's fantasies about road adventures

In the modern world, almost every man has a car and for him it is not just a vehicle, but his whole life, so it is not surprising that many fantasies are contained in this iron box.

The most common dream among men is to travel in a car with a car that suddenly “hides under the steering wheel.” Such actions of women excite men, add adrenaline and risk to them.

Risky motorists also dream of manually pleasuring their woman during the trip. All this happens without interrupting the movement of the car, so don’t be surprised if your man asks you to undress during the trip, but seize the moment and have fun.

Male fantasy about filming

Most men love with their eyes and this is the true truth, so it is not in vain that they choose beautiful, albeit stupid, women as their partners. Any man likes a bed scene with watching what is happening in the mirror, let alone filming love on a video camera.

Making a homemade spicy video is a coveted goal. Not all guys can tell their significant other about this, so it’s not superfluous to take the initiative and fulfill a man’s fantasy.

In such a fantasy of men, everything looks beautiful: graceful curved bodies, smooth movements, intertwining bodies and developing female hair. But the reality is that we don't all have perfect bodies, and not all men fully accept their partner.

If you are sure that your partner loves you with all your strengths and weaknesses, then you can safely take the camera and fulfill your man’s secret fantasy.

Role-playing games are the ideal male fantasy

Men highlight several characters in their fantasies:

  • nurse;
  • teacher;
  • schoolgirl.

Of course, role-playing games performed by a nurse and a patient are the most common. Men, without realizing it, want to submit to their woman, so in this game they are your patients, and you are the main doctor.

Such dreams of men allow them to relax and be obedient, fulfill all your instructions and enjoy you. This in no way humiliates or belittles the dignity of men; they associate the image of a nurse only with care.

The fantasy with the nurse can begin with an external examination using various accessories. Further actions depend only on your imagination and modesty. Still, you know your man better and it’s up to you to decide how to treat him!

Men like the image of a teacher because of the woman’s strict appearance. Stockings, a strict skirt, a white blouse, and the most interesting thing for a man’s fantasy is glasses. In this image, you will definitely spend time with great pleasure for a long time, especially since you yourself will enjoy being a teacher.

Having a relationship with a young schoolgirl is the dream of every fourth man. In adolescence, boys dream of a relationship with a mature and experienced woman, but when they are older, they already want to see a small, innocent schoolgirl next to them. This image will suit the fantasies of men 25-30 years old. During these years, they just want to experiment, so lovely girls go ahead and buy or prepare costumes for role-playing games.

An extraordinary girl in a male fantasy

Men include women with large skin color, different skin color, piercings, etc., as unusual and extraordinary girls. They think that sex with a girl of this appearance will be completely different, but this is a big mistake.

Men's dream of hard games

Hard fantasies come to men who occupy leadership positions. Since they lead at work, they want to be commanded at home.

Fantasies about a strict mistress in leather boots and a corset, with a whip in her hands, excite every third self-sufficient man.
Some men of lower rank prefer to dominate women and like to spank them as part of a one-time game.

Fantasy secret viewer

Many men like to spy on women. A game called peep show was also invented.

The awareness of impunity and conditions of inviolability turns on and provokes great desire.

This is where men ask their partners to caress themselves in front of them and things like that.

Drive your man crazy and fulfill his fantasy without him asking. This way you can relax and even sometimes save your marriage.

Is my train leaving? The years go by, and I'm still alone. I just can't meet a man. And this despite the fact that I am not a homebody. I’m quite sociable, I often hang out with colleagues and at parties. And outwardly it seems like nothing. In any case, I catch the looks of the stronger sex to the envy of many. Well, don’t approach a man first! Such thoughts visited me almost every day. I kept expecting that they would like me and pay attention to me. In general, they will want to meet you.

My friend didn't understand me. “Your script,” she constantly grumbled at me, “is hopelessly outdated. Men today are tired of being in the forefront. Yes, they will only be glad to see your initiative!” I tried to explain to my friend that I was full of typical girlish doubts. At parties, it usually seems to me that I’m not dressed right, that there are some problems with my figure, that my hairstyle is probably not right, etc. And why approach a man if he doesn’t like me? I can't do it first! I'm no temptress. Now, if I knew some feminine things, then, probably, I could change something in my life.

A friend, as if sensing my desire to finally use some methods of seduction, one day decided to inspire me to exploits. Saying that men are afraid of sexual provocations like fire, she suggested that I buy a dress with an open back for the upcoming party. It excites the imagination and greatly increases interest in the stranger. And when she and I bought such a dress, she taught me the so-called sign language, which is understandable to any male. We rehearsed her lesson five times, and it was like this: “Sit in an open position. No tightness, no crossed arms. Relax, touch your hair, straighten a stray strand. And then turn your back a little towards him and, as if by accident, expose your neck...”

We need to get his attention. And your open back will thrill him. And at the same time, tenderly and twirl the stem of the glass in your graceful fingers,” my friend advised me. And the main emphasis was on the leg. She said that this is my most powerful technique. “Make him look at your leg. Take off the shoe, several times, and then put it on. He’ll fall for this erotic signal - you’ll see!” - she told me.

How did our directing end? Yes, everything is great! True, not a single technique suggested by a friend worked. I tried very hard to follow all her advice perfectly, but no one noticed me all evening. And suddenly, when the party was coming to an end, a young man decisively entered the hall, apparently late. He barely had time to sit down at the next table when for some reason I rushed towards him, as if I was afraid of losing my last chance, and invited him to dance...

“Well, my bare back should work!” - I mentally defeated the stranger, clinging to him more and more boldly. We left the party together. And I didn’t expect such a final chord from myself...

Margarita Bystrova


Don't overdo it!

Ekaterina SHENDEROVA, housewife

Tricks in conquering men really won’t hurt. True, they need to be used very wisely, so that they do not catch the eye, but awaken the imagination. For example, I know that many men like long hair, just like ladies in heels. Stretch clothing is also very attractive. The main thing is not to overdo it. It is enough to allow slight negligence. The cut is not very deep. After all, there should always be a mystery within us. This increases interest in us.

Let his imagination run wild!

In the matter of conquering men, women resort to various tricks. Here are just some of the women's things collected in the online magazine 4women.ru.

Long hair

This is at all times a symbol of femininity. They attract men, even if they are collected in a bun that reveals the neck, one of the most beautiful erogenous female zones.

Transparent clothing

The outline of a figure or underwear showing through the fabric has a much stronger effect on men than just the sight of a completely naked body. This is because a woman, by wearing transparent clothing, seems to be signaling to a man that she is ready for intimacy. However, there still remains a visible barrier between a man and a woman, which further enhances his interest.

bra strap

This, at first glance, insignificant detail makes the male imagination draw vivid erotic pictures. Apparently, such negligence indicates that the woman herself wants to be caught. And men, as you know, do not look for difficult paths.

Deep neckline

Women's breasts have been a man's favorite toy since childhood. And even as an adult, when he sees a deep neckline, he thinks: “I wish I could play with its contents!”

Stocking elastic bands

This detail of a woman’s image is one of the most provocative. When a man notices an elegant lace elastic band of a stocking peeking out from under his skirt, he realizes that in front of him is an erotically savvy partner, ready for bold and extraordinary experiments.


A man may forget his partner's name, but he will forever remember that a dragon was carved into her thigh. A tattoo is a signal that a woman is not constrained by prejudice. Which means it is available.

Bare back

Clothing that allows you to see an open back attracts the attention of men-dreamers who love to complete the details hidden from them in their imagination. And a dream, as you know, excites much more than reality. Thigh-High Slit A slit on a skirt can definitely attract a man's attention. After all, he will involuntarily want to see everything else that is not visible in the cross-section, and, quite possibly, will begin to act.

Stretch clothing

She emphasizes the curves of the body, and the obvious demonstration of her figure makes men involuntarily evaluate her merits.

Short skirt

The miniskirt primarily attracts realist men. They are excited not even by the very sight of legs, which may well not be perfectly slender, but by the theoretical accessibility of a lady.

Scarlet lips

Bright female lips have an inviting effect on men, urging them to have sex.

High heels

Hairpins are one of the most popular and at the same time the most striking sexual accessories. When a woman wears high heels, she unknowingly becomes more sexually attractive.

What is there to say and argue: the main thing in a sexy woman is, of course, her exciting nakedness. The one who understands this and learns to present it in all its provocative, seductive, irresistible beauty will become the queen of men's hearts! My God, how many styles have been invented by fashion designers to present this perfect creation of nature - a seductive female body - in such a way that it drives you crazy, makes you perform incredible acts and makes a man’s mind enchanted by its erotic power!

First of all, ladies, choose styles that highlight, hug, outline your curves and make the seductive beauty of your body visible to everyone. Absolutely any clothes, even seemingly anti-feminine ones like a jacket and trousers, can be stunningly sexy. For example, imagine a short jacket made of thin, soft suede, tightly fitting at the waist and effectively outlining the chest. Or skinny trousers made of stretch fabric. There are seductive styles and models, and there are also anti-sexual ones. The first ones emphasize and boldly demonstrate the feminine principle, which is so attractive to the male gaze, and the second ones make a woman out of a kind of asexual being, capable not of seducing, but of working and “functioning.”

You all know perfectly well the strengths of your appearance, you clearly imagine the “trump cards” of your appearance. Don’t forget to frame them with a decent frame, don’t hide them, but put them on display for everyone to see. The correct selection of styles will help you with this. There are no types of clothing that cannot be made seductive and attractive. I'm not even talking about dresses, which women have recently begun to wear less and less, which is a pity! We will talk about such seemingly purely utilitarian clothing, created to protect the body from cold and bad weather, such as jackets, coats and raincoats. A seductive woman's coat necessarily emphasizes her slender figure, waist, hips, chest, and flexibility of body lines. The sexy lady's cloak flutters, and through the long slits and vents you can see her slender legs in a mini skirt. The one who strives to charm and attract men will choose a short jacket with a tightly tightened belt. A woman who wants to be perceived as seductive in the eyes of men will, of course, put practicality in the background and will never put on a shapeless jacket or coat just because they are “very comfortable.” Beauty requires sacrifice, we must be well aware of this!

So, an exciting body, dear ladies, is your main and irresistible sexual argument in the game called “seduction.” Keep this in mind, be bold and don't be afraid to look as provocative as your temperament allows. Demonstration of the feminine principle presupposes that you have a certain amount of adventurism and offensiveness, and your success depends on how skillfully you learn to “present yourself.”

REMEMBER: your exciting body, dressed in sexually attractive clothes, gives a powerful impetus to the male imagination and makes you irresistible.


What to do if your figure is not as flawless as you would like, is there really no chance of being sexually attractive? Of course this is not true. A woman can always find a way to be seductive, and even individual figure flaws are not an obstacle to this. However, age is not an obstacle to this, as such superwomen as Marlene Dietrich, Lyubov Orlova, Tina Turner, Lyudmila Gurchenko and others have repeatedly proven to us.

There is not a single woman in the world in whose appearance absolutely everything is perfect and flawless, like an antique statue. We are all living people, and even the most famous stars of the screen, stage and podium have their flaws, only they themselves or the stylists working with them know how to skillfully disguise them. And again, there is not a single woman who does not have attractive features in her appearance that do not require special disguise. Since we are now talking about a figure, we must definitely find something in it that is truly worthy of attention and admiration, even if it is just one detail.

If you are unhappy with the extra pounds around your waist, but you have slender, long legs, then do not forget to always show them off by wearing short skirts, tight trousers, long stocking boots, high-heeled shoes, etc. Make sure that everyone has seen your “trump card” of beauty! Make your legs the point of attraction for men's gaze, rather than hiding them under shapeless trousers or a long, wide skirt. The fewer “trump cards” you have, the more you should value them, because they are your chance to achieve sex appeal. If, unfortunately, your legs leave much to be desired, but your waist and chest are magnificent, never wear loose robes that will hide these undoubted advantages from men’s eyes. Tight-fitting blouses made of elastic fabrics, tight blouses, wide decorative belts are an excellent choice for making your body tempting and exciting the male imagination.

Are you unhappy with your fatness, but have soft, smooth skin? Then all kinds of necklines, cutouts, deeply unbuttoned blouses are for you. In addition, often use transparent fabrics, such as chiffon, georgette, cambric, so that men's imagination can complete the rest.

For those who constantly feel like a woman and strive to be desired, there are no obstacles to success with men. Never forget about the strengths of your appearance and under no circumstances hide them from men’s eyes. By doing this you are only depriving yourself of feminine power! Don't strive for variety in your wardrobe. If your legs are good, wear short skirts always and don’t tell yourself that you want to wear something long and wide for a change. A rich range of all kinds of models is created by designers just so that women can skillfully manipulate them, satisfying their eternal need to be irresistible. In any period, in any fashion, there is an opportunity for skillful maneuver. Learn to find ways to present your “trump card” so that people say about you: “The woman with amazing legs” or “The woman with satin skin.” This is how your memorable image and unique image is created.

Certain flaws in appearance do not prevent you from being attractive, confident and sexy, of which there are many examples. Annie Girardot, Edith Piaf, Barbra Streisand, Liza Minnelli, Whoopi Goldberg - all these women have never lacked fans and admirers. Look at your beauty assets as if they are your only chance of success, and then choosing the right clothing styles will not be difficult for you.

REMEMBER: always take care of how to most effectively and catchily present the strengths of your appearance, this is your chance to become irresistible in the eyes of men.


There is one proven technique to immediately intrigue and attract attention - to dress in the so-called “masculine” style. Ladies dressing purely like men is not news or even an invention of recent decades. Back in the 19th century, the French writer George Sand shocked and excited fans by walking around in a tailcoat, smoking expensive cigars. Marlene Dietrich, Laima Vaikule, the girls from the “Moral Police” - all of them, to one degree or another, used a bold, provocative and erotic style “a la man”. In this appearance there is a hint of something mysterious and at the same time sharply vicious!

In order for a “male” appearance to be truly exciting, it must necessarily contain contrast. For example, with a strict men's suit that hides the figure, amazingly styled hair in the “sweet blond” style, plus exquisite, spectacular makeup and luxurious jewelry. The image of a femme fatale, uncompromising, cold, perhaps even cruel, is ready. Without this contrast, driving you crazy with elements of genuine femininity, such a masculine style will look uninteresting and even repulsive; it will lack intrigue!

In general, contrasts in appearance are a sure-fire way to draw attention to yourself and indicate a bold temperament. You can create contrasts using color, textures, details, additions, etc. There are many examples. A feminine blouse with lush frills and a deliberately short men's haircut, a red mini-dress and patent leather high black boots, a strict tweed jacket and red curls scattered down the back...

Think over your appearance, dear ladies, add spice and intrigue to it. Let carefully selected “props” help you brilliantly play the role of an irresistible seductress!

REMEMBER: sharp, unexpected contrasts in appearance attract looks to you, stimulating and exciting the male imagination.

“Highlights” of TODAY

How to understand which styles to choose for yourself if you have no imagination? This question is often heard. For those who are not naturally endowed with a rich imagination, insurmountable problems should not arise. There is a huge world of information out there. First of all, these are good, beautifully illustrated fashion magazines. Be sure to buy such magazines at least once every six months. Moreover, choose the best of them, the most famous, with a big name, whose content consists mainly of luxurious photographs, and not texts. For example, such publications as “L`Officiel”, “Elle”, “Vogue”, “Harper`s Bazaar”, “Cosmopolitan”, “Top Model”, etc. These are so-called “high-class” magazines, and in They publish the ideas of the best designers, the best makeup artists and hairdressers, the best specialists in the field of style creation. In magazines like “Burda moden” (very good, by the way!), intended for practical housewives and independent sewing, you will not find top-class new products containing “zest” that turn an ordinary woman into an irresistible conqueror of hearts. High-end magazines are intended for women who have fairly high aspirations for life. Perhaps you will say that you do not always have the financial ability to follow the proposed models. Don't let this bother you! It always makes sense to look up to only the best, and such a “habit” of high-class models will do its job over time, help you masterfully hone your individual style and become a truly classy, ​​chic woman.

Look in magazines for “highlights” that are just right for you, piquant little things and details that will help you present your winning features in the most interesting and vivid way. And here’s what’s also very important: every time has its own standards of sexual attractiveness. Those techniques that “worked” in the fifties will not make such a stunning impression today. Every time needs its own ideals. Brigitte Bardot and Marilyn Monroe drove millions of men crazy in the sixties, and today Sharon Stone and Kim Basinger are role models and sex idols. Your charm should be today's, modern! Therefore, it is extremely important not to forget that ways to effectively emphasize certain parts of a woman’s appearance also change from year to year. For example, let’s take those same slender legs. Yesterday they were emphasized with the help of tight leggings or shorts, and tomorrow they will be with the help of short knee-length trousers (“corsair”). And so it is in everything. If you shape your charm in tune with the times, then this gives your appearance piquancy and sharpness, because wearing trendy clothes is also one of the ways to attract attention to yourself and show your bold temperament. Be the heroine of today!

Television is an excellent source of information. All the interesting news of the world is already before your eyes in an hour. Performances by pop stars, prestigious award ceremonies, gossip columns, reports on the lives of celebrities - all this provides an excellent opportunity to take a close look at how recognized beauties present themselves and borrow something from them for yourself. In any case, you can feel the “success style” and adopt it! If you want to receive the most complete and clear information on issues that interest you, then while watching these programs, do not listen to the words, as if internally “turn off the sound.” Perceive only the visual picture, turn into vision itself. Thanks to this approach, you will concentrate your attention and be able to learn much more about yourself.

The ability to quickly respond to fashion changes and courage in accepting new ideas testify to your temperament and add sex appeal to you. Be modern!

REMEMBER: awareness and observation will help you design your sexual charm in tune with the times, and this will give your appearance piquancy and sharpness.


Many women are afraid of bold styles of clothing, bright colors, and spectacular makeup, because they believe that if they allow themselves to do all this, they will look vulgar. They will never agree to dye their hair, for example, in a copper-red tone, apply scarlet lipstick to their lips, wear tight stretch jeans or a skirt with a thigh-high slit. They will say: “It suits others, but it doesn’t suit me.” Nothing could be more wrong! Firstly, it must be said right away that without courage there is no sexual attractiveness. What kind of man’s heart will beat faster at the sight of a “little gray mouse”? The very fact that a woman presents herself boldly and flamboyantly suggests that she strives to be perceived as an attractive sexual object.

The question is not whether it is “decent” or “indecent” to present oneself boldly and flashily, but whether it is done skillfully, tastefully, or not. The more boldly a particular clothing model is invented, the better it should be executed. Made from the best material, with the best fittings, with the highest quality tailoring. Otherwise it can really look cheap. When there is temperament, but there is no taste and skill in execution, then vulgarity results. For example, if you wear shiny thigh-length stocking boots, they will look chic if they are made of genuine high-quality leather. The same style, but made of patent leather, will really look vulgar. You can wear things as bold as you like, but they, of course, should not be in “market style”.

In general, the most dazzling women who are famous sex idols always have something deliberately vulgar and risky in their appearance. This is what gives their appearance a dizzying and exciting look. Madonna, Irina Allegrova, Masha Rasputina - examples can be continued.

The city takes courage! Dear ladies, do not be afraid to be contrasting, bright, spectacular! Overcome the fear complex of flashy things. Be chic!

REMEMBER: a bold temperament combined with taste and a sense of proportion will give you a special sexy chic.

Even if your figure is far from ideal, and your appearance does not correspond to the canons established by fashion trendsetters, be neat and well-groomed in any environment. To win the attention of men, a woman must look impeccable, have a beautiful hairstyle, and be neatly and tastefully dressed. Do not forget to do your manicure on time and apply makeup appropriate to the situation.

Be natural

Modern cosmetics can turn any woman into a beauty. But often such “glossy” beauty does not excite a man’s imagination. If you want to capture a man's imagination, try to keep your appearance and demeanor as natural as possible.

/fashionstylist.kupivip.ru/sites/all/themes/how/images/incut.png" target="_blank">http://fashionstylist.kupivip.ru/sites/all/themes/how/images/incut.png ); font-size: 11px; font-style: italic; line-height: 1.4; background-repeat: no-repeat repeat;"> A minimum of makeup and true beauty can make a greater impression on a man. than several layers of expensive foundation or powder.

Dress for men's attention

A fashionably and tastefully dressed woman attracts everyone's attention. But if you want to please a man, remember that most of them, unlike your friends, do not understand the intricacies of women's fashion at all. Try to look so that your clothes highlight the charms and advantages of your figure, hiding possible flaws. Avoid flashy colors and extravagant styles.

/fashionstylist.kupivip.ru/sites/all/themes/how/images/incut.png" target="_blank">http://fashionstylist.kupivip.ru/sites/all/themes/how/images/incut.png ); font-size: 11px; font-style: italic; line-height: 0px 0px; background-repeat: no-repeat;"> Your motto in the battle for a man’s attention: “Simplicity and grace.” "

Use accessories

A complete and unique image can be created not only by clothes, but also by additional accessories. Use them skillfully to capture the imagination of men. For this you can use, for example, waist belts, handbags or a fashionable mobile phone case.

Jewelry to create an image

Jewelry has always been considered a powerful means of influencing the stronger sex. An elegant bracelet will highlight the beauty of your hands, and well-chosen earrings will draw attention to your face. The main thing is that such items correspond to the general style that you adhere to.

Remember the power of scents

The light aroma of perfume emanating from you can drive any man crazy. Try to choose a perfume so that it is pleasant and matches your image. For example, a light floral scent will help a plump lady look slimmer and more “airy”.

Watch your facial expressions

Try to keep the external manifestation of your emotions under control. This does not mean that when communicating with a man you need to put on an impenetrable mask. We are talking about avoiding facial expressions that can not inspire a man to achieve achievements, but push him away. Regular training in front of the mirror will help you skillfully manage the manifestation of your emotions.

Gestures are a reflection of your nature and desires

Don't forget that the gestures you use can capture the imagination of men. Use signals of readiness for courtship that are immediately fixed in memory: an intimate look from the face to chest level, showing a bare wrist, preening, adjusting clothes.

The power of laughter

Natural and melodious laughter will help turn a man’s head for a long time. It is able to relieve tension in communication, make the conversation more open and remain in the memory for a long time. Just remember that you should laugh in the right place and at the right time.

Be in harmony with yourself

Every person has some shortcomings; ideal people do not exist. But this does not mean that you should concentrate on those qualities of yourself that you would like to get rid of. Always remember your strengths, even if your appearance is far from that of a model. People who demonstrate optimism, vigor and cheerfulness are always loved and wanted to communicate with. The feeling of inner harmony and confidence that you radiate will attract men to you.