Life has lost its meaning - what to do, how to live on? Advice from a psychologist. The problem of the meaninglessness of existence: what to do if you have lost the meaning of life

If it seems to you that there is no meaning to life, it is possible that nothing terrible happened, you are just depressed. The solution to the problem here is simple: go to a psychotherapist and work together to cope.

But sometimes it also happens that there is no depression, but something terrible happened, after which the meaning of life was lost. What to do in this case? Get out. Here are some areas to work on.

The menu needs to be thought out very carefully. As well as the decoration of the dishes and the table, as well as the atmosphere of the party. Be sure to try and review the products. You can season everything with the memories and emotions that these foods evoke in you.

Just relax

One of the most correct answers to the question of what to do if life has lost its meaning. You just need to take a time out. Just be in silence and write down all the negative and positive thoughts about your life and all the good and bad things that have happened in your life.

If you think carefully, you can realize finding the meaning of life in your travels, family and hobbies. Only you can understand what is valuable to you. Try to weigh all the good things in your life.

Separately, you need to work with the negative aspects of your life. Think about what you can do about it.

Live your last moment

If the meaning of life is lost, but there is no pronounced depression, you can try to live an imaginary last moment.

So, you need to sit down in a secluded, quiet place and imagine that you only have one day left to live. Ask yourself three questions:

  • What would you like to hear about yourself after your death?
  • What are you most proud of?
  • Is there something you didn't do that you regret?
Also, think about what you would do if you only had one day left to live. You can make a to-do list for the last day of your life.

Try to imagine your future

It scares you now, but if you come up with three things you want to achieve in a year, it will be easier. Let your dreams be very small, but try to save money for them. Even if it’s a subscription to a sports club or buying a pet. You can also focus on making major changes in your life.

If you want to change something in your relationship, then imagine what your new partner should be like and what you want from him. Think about where you can find such a person.

You can then ask your loved ones for help in making your dream come true, but be prepared for the fact that you may not be supported and your wings may be clipped. This is normal, because your loved ones are comfortable with you exactly as you are, passive and apathetic (such a person is easier to manage).

Also try immersing yourself in a new hobby and being open to new experiences. This will also definitely help you find new meaning in life. You may find a new you in a new hobby.

Take care of those who have it harder than you

This is not only a depressed person, but also a seriously ill, elderly person with a bunch of illnesses, children from a boarding school. The problem here is not only that you will be able to compare your life with the lives of those who have it harder, but also that it is you who will be able to make the life of not the happiest person a little easier.

Try yourself in a radically new role

If your job brings you good money, you don’t have to change it. But you can change something outside of work. If possible, get a pet or even just try growing cucumbers in your dacha. Even the lifestyle of a summer resident will help you find new facets in life and discover a new talent in yourself. Who knows, maybe it’s the neighbors’ white envy of your tomatoes that will awaken the desire to live and give new strength.

Not everyone can become parents, but you can take care of those who are weaker and realize your parental instinct.

Remember those who have long been forgotten

We are talking about friends with whom you have not had contact for a long time and about relatives who live in the same city with you, but you know little about them. Usually these people make contact easily and are able to relieve loneliness. And where there is no loneliness, there is no thinking about the meaninglessness of life: now you live for someone.

Try to fix a problem that has been bothering you for years

It doesn't matter what it is: smoking, a love of sweets, calluses or flat feet. The body knows more about us than we do ourselves, so physical problems can be corrected, and psychological problems will go away one by one.

Get creative

Creativity is also creation, and if you create something, then life is always filled with meaning. Even if you don't know how to draw, draw. If you don't know how to sculpt, create sculptures. This is given not only to geniuses. Write stories and poems. It is very important here that the paintings and sculptures, as well as your stories, are positive. May your stories always have a good ending. The feeling of creating something yourself is not escapism. It just gives new strength.

Look for any other motivation

Surely there is something in the world that moves you. Be honest with yourself and think about what it could be. Create for yourself all the conditions to make this happen.

It is very difficult to understand yourself. But in order for your life to find meaning, this must be done. There is probably something in your life that will help you find meaning and become yourself.

What to do if you have lost the meaning of life - this is a question many of us ask, especially during difficult times.

The purpose of human existence

What is the meaning of human life? Is there a meaning to life? What do people live for?

Philosophers, psychologists, writers, ordinary people wonder about the meaning of human existence.

Sometimes opinions are completely opposite, disputes arise, but no one has yet come to a single answer.

Each person understands the meaning of human life in his own way. This largely depends on upbringing, attitudes, outlook on life, and the trials endured.

Understanding the meaning of life may change depending on what the person has experienced. In his youth he looks for one thing, in the second half of his life he pays attention to completely different things.

Difficult events and traumatic situations can radically change a person’s view of reality.

The meaning of life for men and women

It is believed that a woman should definitely get married and fulfill your main task - or better yet. There are women who...

Yes, by nature the weaker sex is intended to bear offspring, but this does not mean that she should perceive this as the meaning of her existence.

A woman is designed in such a way that she considers it her task take care of the offspring, be a support for a man.

However, modern representatives of the fairer sex often strive realize oneself in the profession.

And this is not something wrong, because every person needs to be someone.

The meaning of a woman's existence is first and foremost to be a woman - mother, mistress, and at the same time do not forget about your essence.

Initially a man is perceived as a provider and protector. It is not for nothing that they call him the stronger sex - he is a guard, the one who does not give offense to his family and loved ones. A man, as a rule, wants to leave behind offspring.

He also definitely needs self-realization. If a man achieves nothing in life and is unable to support his family, this negatively affects his self-esteem, leads to the development of neuroses, and the use of substances hazardous to health.

He must feel his importance, that he needed by family or community. That is, self-realization is one of the foundations of the meaning of existence.

It is not necessary to reach great heights, the main thing is that you and you matter to someone.

According to Freud

Freud wrote that the question of the meaning of life was raised by people more than once, but an exact answer was never given.

Religion imposes its understanding and path to happiness on a person, it distorts the picture of the world and intimidates.

But in this way it can save some people from the development of neurosis.

But suddenly an event happens that unsettles him. The husband says he is leaving for someone else.

Children move out of home. A loved one dies. Severe illnesses are detected.

At this moment there is a revaluation of values, and it seems that further existence is already meaningless. If there is no support nearby, the condition may worsen, since not everyone can get out on their own.

Why live if there is no meaning? Many people ask themselves this question.

It’s good if a person decides to visit a psychologist or entrust his experiences to a loved one who can help and support. Otherwise, the individual's actions are unpredictable.

If a person does not yet see the meaning, this does not mean that it does not exist. Life is worth living for life's sake, for one's own sake. You wake up in the morning and realize that a new day has come, it is still different from the previous one, even if it is not.

Psychology has studied quite well ways to deal with the feeling of meaninglessness of existence. However, it is important that the person himself makes some effort to change his condition.

I don't see the point in life. What to do if life has lost all meaning? First of all, do not do things that you will regret later.

A few tips will help you:

You need to realize that you are valuable in yourself, regardless of your status and financial situation. You are an individual, and you have the right to desires, achievements, and movement towards goals.

How to restore the meaning of life if nothing makes you happy? To regain meaning in life, you need to find clues for it.

How to find meaning in life after 50? Life doesn't end after 50 years. Yes, the body is no longer as active as in youth, but joy and pleasure can be found at this age.

  1. If you have grandchildren, direct your attention to them - take care of their upbringing and education.
  2. Get a pet.
  3. Be with people more often, go to guests, theaters.
  4. Another option is volunteering and caring for the sick.

At 50 years old you are still active, there are examples when at this age you started new families, so life goes on, and you need to take advantage of it.

Search for the meaning of life - normal human condition, but it should not drag on for long. Setting goals and motivation will help you choose a direction.

What to do if you have lost the meaning of life? Psychotherapy:

« Here's a test to see if your mission on Earth is over: IF YOU'RE ALIVE, THEN NOT»
Richard BACH

There are many situations in life when a person feels that life has lost its meaning for him. Most often, people who have experienced a tragedy in their lives associated with the loss of a close, dear, loved one think about this. Less often, but this question is asked by panickers who have lost, for example, their jobs or material assets.
The moment thoughts come that NO POINT TO LIVE ANYMORE, the person is in a state of inadequacy or depression. Most likely, he does not realize and does not want to understand whether the whole meaning of life lay in the lost.
Until trouble or grief happens in life, few people think about what it is HAPPINESS and what meaning of life. After all, before this loss, you never thought that the whole meaning of your life lay in the life of one person. You did not live in an empty world. You were surrounded by loved ones, dear and close to you, for whom you lived, worked and who needed your care and love. The world around you has not collapsed. Children, parents, loved ones and people dear to you, and finally, you yourself, are the meaning of your future. It hurts you, but doesn’t it hurt your loved ones? LOOK AROUND, and you will see that there are those who need your help and love.

About three years ago, a woman was admitted to the intensive care unit in serious condition after a terrible car accident. She did not yet know that she had lost her husband and daughter. She learned the news of the tragedy while in the hospital. Psychosis and hysteria, one and the same. At that moment, specialists and relatives were nearby who helped me simply survive.

In life, fate rarely pits a doctor against his patient. But a few years later, by chance, we met at an exhibition of children's paintings. I hardly recognized my former patient, but she herself came up to me. After a short pause, she returned to the past and told me her story. Before the wounds had time to heal and the pain dulled, life dealt her a new blow. A few months after that terrible tragedy, she lost her mother. Life went on as if in a fog. But one day, the fog cleared, and she saw that her son was suffering with her, her father barely holding back his tears and pain. Consciousness struck like lightning. It became scary just from the thought that the two most dear people could be left without her love and care. At that moment she realized how short life is, and how much there is still to do. Life gradually began to be filled with meaning.

Life has no meaning only when there is only death ahead and no options. And you CONTINUE TO LIVE. This means that you can find in life those values ​​for which you simply need to live. In any case, there is no need to be selfish For someone YOU also the meaning of life.

What happened remains in our memory. And memory is the past. YOU NEED TO LIVE IN THE PRESENT AND FUTURE. This is the meaning of life.

Additional material


    The article is a wonderful shake-up for those who are whining. In fact, you cannot turn back time and no matter what happens, you need to keep yourself busy with things and worries. Everyone definitely has someone worth living for. If it hurts you, don't hurt your loved ones even more. If we talk philosophically, it is really difficult to find the meaning of life. But we are real people and we need to look at life realistically. Some people don’t have enough life to do everything, and some at 20 years old shed tears that there is no point in living. Really lazy and selfish

    Comment from Tatyana - @

    Very useful article, it helped me and opened my eyes. THANK YOU!!!

    Comment from V - @

    I was in a situation where I didn’t have the strength to live after the loss of a loved one. In fact, at some point I realized that I still couldn’t change anything, but that I was bringing suffering to my parents and child. I realized that I needed to do something, do something useful and kind for those who love me and who need me. I set a goal for myself, while I cannot live for myself, I will live for the people dear to me. I forced myself to schedule my day from morning to late evening. And I was able, if not to forget, then to drive the pain far away, into the secret pocket of my soul. I just don’t have time to think about the past now, I want to make my beloved family happy in the present and future. And the article is very useful, especially for those who have no grief, but just minor troubles.

    Comment from Semyon - @

    Yes, it really happens when you no longer have the strength. I just want not to wake up, I want to forget, I want not to feel anything... to be a zombie and even generally feel like a zombie and only next to people are trying to explain to you, pull you out.... but then it goes away or I don’t even know... everything inside turns to stone and you no longer feel anything. you live, you smile, you go somewhere, you buy yourself some things... but your life is divided into two... and no one knows... and no one even needs to know... everything is fine.. everything will be fine... this is the state in which I live ..

    Comment from Gulin - @

    You don’t always lose the meaning of life in the event of some tragedy. We all adapt in life, we adapt to the system, to society, to elementary rules, even the same communication... and life rules. As they say, we live for a reason. We bend to the stronger ones and so it is always in life... From birth we are adapted to the system. It is clear that we are taught to write, the norms of communication there... the sciences and so on.. But note, we are not taught to be happy, we are not taught to rule and have a lot of money. But this is completely another conversation...What to live for? In order to reproduce yourself, create a family? This must be done, but this is not the meaning and not the goal...For the sake of a career? Stupid...To become a more valuable cog that is better taken care of by the system...or to live for the sake of one’s own needs? this is selfishness and this is not a goal... These goals are dictated to us by a society that has already been brought up according to these rules. But what if you want something else in life? We all want happiness, this is undeniable. Each person has his own happiness, depending on his character and level of intelligence. One the person wrote that there are 3 types of people in the world. Who has been broken by the system, who uses the system and who goes against the system. And who are you? I don’t see anything bad in society, in the state, etc.. but... there is a big but here. Therefore, the meaninglessness of life arises not only after tragedies, but also when you realize that all this is not for you

    Comment from Maxim - @

    how I understand the author of the previous comment.. when you no longer feel anything inside, neither fear, nor love, and even tears you no longer remember when they were in your eyes. and people whom I called friends, just when you meet by chance, tell them that the eyes so tired and sad from insomnia, and that everything is fine. and the only thing that scares me is to spend my whole life like this... and yes, I understand what you think about and that’s what you get, and I’m only 20 years old... thanks for the article, I’ve been through a lot in my life, and I won’t give up.

There are times when we wake up in the morning and wonder how we got to this point in our lives. After all, everything is not the way we wanted it in childhood. emptiness and disappointment. But I want to find happiness, to understand how to fill my days with brightness, how to regain the joy of being.

This article includes information on what to do if you have lost the meaning of life, realize your potential as best as possible and change your future for the better.

1. Take a time out

Life can be tiring. You may be stressed at work or have problems at home, all of which lead to anxiety and dark thoughts. That's why sometimes you need time to be quiet, listen to your own thoughts and think about the future trajectory of your destiny.

Spend an evening alone in a place where you can write down all the positive things in your life, as well as all the negative ones.

You should do this practice when no one disturbs you, when there are no distractions. This is a time for yourself, it will allow you to re-evaluate what you really want from life.

Perhaps you realize that you could find meaning in your family, or in traveling the world, or in creating a good income, or in helping other people.

Remember that only you know what is valuable to you, which will help you regain your lost meaning.

Weigh all the good things in your life, such as a stable job, money in the bank, a loving partner, the opportunity to travel.

Now work with the negative. However, instead of dwelling on your current state of affairs, look for solutions.

For example, have you always wanted to visit your relatives living on the other side of the world, but never got the chance to do so?

Ask yourself what can be done about this? Develop a strategy to achieve what you want.

2. Imagine the future

Think of three things you want to achieve in a year. They could be small, such as saving some money for a dream, getting a new pet, spending more time at the gym. You can also concentrate on big changes in life. For example, at work, if such changes will affect you positively.

Ask your friends and family for help if there is anything they can do to help you achieve your plans.

Don't be afraid to dream big. After all, you only live once, and you must take advantage of this opportunity.

If your goals are relationship-related, such as finding a new partner, ask yourself what qualities you are looking for in him. Also think about how you can meet your future partner; you may want to expand your circle of friends, or get acquainted in an unusual way.

You can also take up a new hobby, spend more time with your children, visit a particular city, or learn a new language. Do what you've always wanted!

Finding purpose will require moving outside of your comfort zone. You will need to work hard to achieve your dreams, but the future is in your hands, so be brave!

Many people believe that the meaning of their life is in the work they do. Ask yourself if you are happy in your current state of affairs, and then think about all the things you can do to make positive changes in this area. Who have you always wanted to be?

Perhaps you've always wanted a job that allows you to travel the world or interact with people. Maybe you want to help other animals. If you're not on the right track, now may be a good time to re-evaluate your field of work and ask yourself what you can do to make yourself fulfilled in it.

Ambition can be big, but only if you have a true purpose that is greater than getting rich. Maybe you want more responsibility at work. If so, talk to your employer and see if there are any opportunities where you can progress in your career.

Your career changes may include additional training or education.

4. Think about your relationship

Your relationships with other people are what make life worth living. However, you may not have had enough time to see some old friends or haven't had much contact with your family lately, especially if you've been busy with work or other commitments.

Take the time to talk to your best friend over a cup of coffee just like that, for no reason. You can call your siblings to find out what they are doing.

Try visiting your parents more often, or just call them. Even if you've had a busy day, a simple phone conversation with your loved one can often work wonders and allow you to relieve stress and feel much better.