What's better to celebrate the New Year? How to celebrate the New Year. What should be on the table in the year of the Dog

For many people, New Year is their favorite holiday. And this is no coincidence. It is very colorful, bright, magical and wonderful in every way. With a green Christmas tree, colorful toys, the smell of tangerines and splashes of champagne; with desired gifts, fulfillment of desires, pleasant bustle. There are many more things that could be listed.

For everyone, the New Year is an event. Hopes for the future are associated with it. It is believed that on the New Year you can change your life and start a lot with a new leaf. And therefore, the attitude towards the holiday is always special.

Many begin to prepare for it long before its onset. They are looking for recipes that will be used to prepare food for the holiday table. They carefully think through gift ideas for family and friends. They think through the elements of clothing, hairstyles, and makeup. They are considering options for where they will celebrate the holiday.

In general, there are more than enough questions. In today's article I will try to give you answers to many of them. And if I suddenly miss something, then ask questions in the comments. Let's try to find questions about them together.

Recently, it has become a tradition to pay close attention to the Year of which animal we are celebrating. This determines which color of clothing will be a priority. How to celebrate the New Year. What should be the menu for the holiday table? And much, much more.

After all, it is very important to enlist support and please the owner of the Year. So that throughout the coming 365 days he will provide us with his protection, help us in difficult times, delight us with his attention and bring us that new and bright thing that we all need.

Therefore, on New Year's Eve we are ready to try very hard for this. And for this you need to know who will be the Symbol of the Year. What he loves and what can please him, what are his habits, characteristics, routines.

Probably everyone already knows well that the Fire Red Rooster is being replaced by the Yellow Earth Dog. The transition will take place on February 16, 2018. The sign is very interesting, friendly, promising everyone a lot of happiness and joy in the coming year. Let's look at its characteristics.

Characteristics of the Yellow Earth Dog sign

Well, let's start with the fact that the Symbol of the Year is a pet. That is, in essence, she lives in a family and is a member of it. This is what we need to proceed from. That is, prepare for her arrival not as a guest, but as a close being who has not been at home for a long time.

Everything that is valuable for the family is also valuable for it. She loves attention, comfort, peace. She herself is sensitive, caring and affectionate. She does not like to show her feelings, she is loyal and courageous, she is not afraid to show her affection and is capable of love.

She is generous, reliable and independent. Most often she is kind, but she can also be aggressive if she feels attacked. The dog knows how to protect when required. She is always on the side of her family, and can protect her, even if she has to fight an unequal fight.

The Yellow Dog is distinguished by excessive sensitivity and love for people. Therefore, if she is favorable to you, she can attract peace, tranquility and prosperity to your family and your environment.

She can also bring good luck in money matters to your home. This person is practical and decent, so they like to do business with her. One of her main qualities is honesty, and therefore she is reliable in business. With her patronage, your business will go uphill. Other people will want to have partnerships with you. And they will be able to help you in business.

In addition, the Earth sign with its yellow color will also contribute to this. Yellow is the color of gold, that is, wealth. Previously, in China, only the emperor could wear yellow clothes and eat yellow food. And the Dog can open for you the source of this wealth. Will show you the way. You will be able to stand firmly on the Earth without fear of anything.

The Yellow Dog is a wonderful and devoted friend. Therefore, use her support, as well as the support of your closest friends. They won't let you down. In difficult times, they will be there and will be able to lend you their strong shoulder.

Much can be said about all the positive qualities of the Symbol of the Year. But even these are quite enough to understand that it is simply necessary to attract her favor. And in the following chapters we will do just that by considering all possible ways to do this.

How and where to celebrate New Year 2018

As we have already understood from the characteristics of the sign, a dog is a pet. And therefore, the ideal option would be to celebrate the holiday with your closest family members. The ideal option would be if both old and young, children, their parents, and grandparents gather at the table.

The Mistress of the Year will feel comfortable if the house is cozy, warm and light. If the holiday itself takes place in an atmosphere of love and attentive attitude towards each other. Don’t be afraid to tell your loved ones this night how much you value them, how much you love them. Envelop them with attention and caring attitude.

If the Dog sees such an attitude in the family, it will undoubtedly want to stay with you for the entire duration of its stay.

Celebrating the holiday with close friends will also be received favorably. The Mistress of the Year knows what friendship is and knows how to make friends. It’s not for nothing that the expression “faithful dog” exists. And if your friends are a married couple, then you can’t imagine anything better. When two or three families meet, it’s always great.

Therefore, you can celebrate the New Year both at home and with your friends. But it’s better not in a place where it’s noisy and a lot of people, but where it’s quiet and cozy.

The dog doesn't really like being surrounded by strangers. Therefore, it is better to avoid going to a restaurant or other crowded places. Otherwise she won't understand what to do. Relax and enjoy the holiday, or be alert and protect you.

Wherever you decide to celebrate the New Year, a cozy homely atmosphere should be created. The holiday atmosphere should be calm and friendly.

It is also advisable to think through the evening program in advance. The dog will not sit at the table all evening. This is a very cheerful and playful creature. Therefore, movement is important to her. Think about what you can do to entice her, it could be fun games or a walk in the fresh air. I think she won’t refuse to go down the slide and play in the snow either.

Determine your attitude towards alcohol in advance. The Mistress of the Year will not tolerate drunken noisy feasts, screaming, noise, or loud music. Dancing “until you drop” is not for her, as is frivolous behavior and violent temper. In general, she doesn’t like the smell of alcohol, and may even bite someone who has had too much to drink.

And if he bites you on a holiday night, there will definitely be no bite left by the morning. Just like the rest of the year, it will bypass you and your home.

Don't forget to prepare gifts for everyone present. Even if they are very small, but given with love and from the heart, they are always cherished and treasured for a long time.

And if you still find kind and beautiful words for them, then this gift will have no price at all.

How to decorate your home for the holidays

Think about how you can decorate your home. This year there is no need for any unnecessary pomp, as was the case in the Year of the Rooster. It is better that everything is modest, but tasteful.

All colors that are inherent in the color of the dog are welcome in decorations. These are yellow, brown, gold, orange, khaki, ocher. Therefore, when decorating, use jewelry of the appropriate color.

These can be snowflakes cut out yourself. Tinsel of the corresponding color. Christmas toys. Fresh Christmas tree branches. The house should be elegant, festive and with the smell of the holiday. The Mistress of the Year must see that her arrival is expected and prepared.

You can purchase candles in the desired colors for the table. When they burn on the table, it always creates comfort, a warm homely atmosphere. Moreover, Fire and Earth are not opposed to each other. With the help of fire, the earth is cleared of everything unnecessary. Therefore, with the flame of a candle, let everything unnecessary and superfluous from this year be burned to the ground.

When there is room for something new, it comes immediately!

The Symbol of the Year will also like the fact that she will see her image in the house. She will understand that they are waiting for her here and that she is welcome here. Therefore, various figures and decorations in the form of the Mistress of the coming year are welcome. And if they are also made by hand, this will increase their value many times over.

So get together with the kids one weekend and make something original and beautiful. You can also make your own holiday decorations. Currently, there are quite a few master classes on this topic on the Internet. Therefore, finding them will not be difficult. And how happy the children will be when you all spend several unforgettable hours together.

Don't forget to clean up and collect everything unnecessary before the holiday. Some things can be given away, and others can be thrown away without pity. Remember that the Mistress of the Year will bring you something new and useful in return. And if all the places in the house are occupied, then where will she leave it for you?

What color of clothes to choose for New Year's Eve

The choice of clothing is always a special theme for the holiday. Every woman strives to buy a new dress for New Year's Eve. And lately, men have been trying to keep up. At least they will buy a new shirt. And many try to choose it according to the color of their companion’s outfit.

Therefore, today we will leave the choice of dress style to your taste, because this is a purely personal matter. Depends on taste, body proportions and preferences. But let’s take a closer look at color.

And so we remember that the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog is coming. This means that the main element will be Earth. And the yellow color of an animal is its characteristic feature and affects its character and behavior. Therefore, we start from this.

Element Earth

The main colors of the coming year will be all the natural colors inherent in the Earth. As we remember, the past two years required bright and provocative outfits from us. The Rooster and the Monkey in front of him have demonstrative, bright personalities. They always need to be visible. But what about it? What if they don’t notice...

But the Yellow Dog is a completely different matter. Its primary colors are exactly in the same color scheme as the colors of the Earth. This promises that the year promises to be very harmonious in all respects. In addition, all natural colors promise to bring prosperity and prosperity into our lives. We will not hinder this, but on the contrary, we will help. And we will choose clothes for ourselves in the right color scheme.

And so, for the element Earth, the following colors will be preferable:

  • cream
  • lactic
  • yellow
  • grey
  • beige

And of course, all shades of these colors.

You can also choose clothes in white and black colors. These two colors are the basis, so they are always a priority.

But as we know, the Earth is not a bare desert. It is full of other natural colors that color it and make it simply incredibly beautiful.

These are the colors of delicate foliage and grass; colors of rivers, seas and oceans; colors of the sky at different times of the day; the colors of fruits and vegetables that the earth gives us. That is, almost all the greatest variety of shades that we love and appreciate so much while living on our wonderful and beautiful planet.

Therefore, choose any color and any outfit. The only thing you don’t need to do is choose flashy shades and flashy models. Nature is modest and that’s what’s wonderful about it. Therefore, we will follow it this year.

Yellow Dog is a zodiac sign according to the eastern calendar.

As I noted above, this year the element does not conflict with the zodiac sign. And what is good for the element is also good for the sign, in our case for the Dog.

She will like colors such as:

  • yellow
  • brown
  • gold
  • silver
  • pale orange
  • soft amber

All their many shades, and again black and white.

That is, as far as one can understand, this list contains all the colors inherent in the color of a dog, in their fullest variety. And don’t forget that modesty in this case will not be superfluous.

However, this should not be taken literally either. No one encourages you to sit at the festive table in a dressing gown of the appropriate color. But choose models that are sophisticated and calm.

As for the style, it is better to choose comfortable clothes and equally comfortable shoes. The dog is an active animal that loves freedom of movement. How can you move quickly in a tight short dress and shoes with 15 cm heels?

What jewelry and accessories to choose for a festive outfit

This year, avoid choosing flashy jewelry and accessories. Modest jewelry made of gold and silver will do. Products with gilding and jewelry in the same theme will also be appropriate.

If we talk about stones, then the priority is natural jewelry in appropriate colors - amber, yellow agate, sphalerite, apatite, beryl, zircon, tourmaline, topaz. And if you are the owner of yellow diamonds, then you are absolutely lucky!

You can choose stones of other colors and shades, which were discussed above. You can also choose jewelry in the same colors.

This year, jewelry resembling a collar will be at the height of fashion. It's called a "choker".

Festive table setting

It is also worth considering how you will set the table. What tablecloth will you choose, what napkins will you lay out. What will you put on the table as decorations, and how will you serve it.

This is a whole separate topic. After all, the general mood of everyone gathered at it depends on the skill of setting the table beautifully.

Last year, the Rooster set the tone for us, and we had the same requirements for table decoration. The coming year dictates completely different rules, and we will try to follow them.

Let's start with the tablecloth. In the previous chapter, we specifically looked at the colors that will be in demand both on the holiday and throughout the next year. Therefore, we will follow these rules here. That is, the table should be set not flashily, naturally, but at the same time with taste.

It is better to choose a tablecloth in soothing colors. Milky, light beige, light salad, champagne colors are perfect. These are all very “cozy” colors that will set the appropriate tone. If we talk about the texture of the fabric, then all natural ones will be a priority. And the main ones are, of course, linen and cotton. It was not in vain that Mother Earth raised them in her fields. And this year such materials will be in great demand.

It is better to choose contrasting napkins, but not flashy ones. For example, if you chose a tablecloth in champagne color, then you can choose napkins in a pleasant light brown color. These two colors are both non-provocative and will contrast beautifully with each other.

It is better to choose devices in a light, or preferably white, color scheme, preferably with a minimal printed pattern. Or even without anything at all.

As decorations, you can put candles and a bowl of fruit on the table. These earthly gifts will be a symbol of prosperity for the next year. So that the table is always full and rich. And nothing more is needed. No bright elements or pretentiousness.

It is also not worth placing dog souvenirs on the table. They have no place on the table. We'd better prepare a tasty treat for them.

What to cook for the New Year

If we talked a lot today about modesty in home decoration, choice of clothing and table setting, this in no way applies to the menu.

The dog loves to eat, and the food is delicious! Therefore, we will try to please her in this. Let's see what the hostess of the year loves.

  • First of all, these are, of course, all meat dishes. Moreover, meat will be welcomed in absolutely all changes. These include appetizers, salads, and main courses.

Bake it in the oven, either as a whole piece or with potatoes, make dumplings, cook jellied meat. All these are purely New Year's dishes that will please everyone.

  • Also, the Dog will not mind chicken. She loves such tender and juicy meat. Duck and turkey will also work. There are a lot of dishes to go with them. And finding a suitable recipe for yourself will not be difficult. Even if you just put a whole chicken baked in the oven on the table, all the nearby dogs can come running to the smell.
  • Although fish and seafood are not a priority for the Symbol of the Year, she is also not averse to enjoying delicacies. Especially if you prepare delicious, beautiful dishes from these products.
  • becoming more and more popular every year. And we are already prepared. Just yesterday an article with 5 original recipes was published.

  • as already mentioned, you need to put appetizers with meat and chicken on the table. And also canapés and sandwiches will not be superfluous.
  • Don't forget to put cold cuts on the table. The more different types of meat products it contains, the better. Imagine how happy the Dog will be when he sees such beauty. Yes, she will not go anywhere from you until next year and will attract good luck and prosperity to your home day and night.

  • Also, the Mistress of the Year is not against vegetables and fruits. She also needs to maintain a healthy physical shape. And it wouldn’t hurt to treat yourself to some vitamins. Therefore, fresh cut vegetables and a bowl of fruit are a must.

And also in the corresponding sections you can find many other salads and hot dishes that will decorate your holiday table.

And of course, you can’t ignore alcohol. For many, without it, a holiday is not a holiday. Choose light alcoholic drinks for your feast, and in small quantities. Remember that the Dog cannot tolerate drunk and inappropriate people.

These are not tricky rules. In general, bringing good luck, prosperity and happiness into your home is not at all difficult. If you adhere to these rules every day, then all this will be in every home every day and every hour.

After all, if we don’t try for ourselves, then someone else won’t even start. But if We ourselves are kind, reliable, loyal, honest and loving, then not only the Dog will help us, but we will help it too. Like good old friends who happily help each other.

Happy New Year everyone! Good luck, happiness and prosperity to everyone!

Everyone has their own favorite holidays, but it’s hard to argue with the fact that New Year is the most magical and fabulous holiday of the year. Every person has high hopes for the New Year.

It is quite understandable why many people think about how to celebrate the New Year 2017. After all, this holiday is associated with something magical and even mystical. We believe in changes for the better, and this makes us do everything possible to help the good and kind not bypass our homes and our holiday table.

It is very important to spend the old year with dignity before the start of the magnificent New Year celebrations. Thank him for all the good things he brought you. Sitting at the festive table with your loved ones and friends, try to remember the brightest events of 2017. Don’t hold a grudge and don’t remember bad events: only good and kind ones. By celebrating the New Year with a pure soul, you make room for new bright impressions. How to say goodbye to the old year is now clear, but how should you celebrate the New Year?

Possible formats for the 2017 meeting

New Year is traditionally a family holiday in our territories. He must be met in the family circle, but this rule does not exclude noisy and emotional companies. The main thing is that you feel free, comfortable and cozy with those people with whom you decide to celebrate. Bright and positive emotions should become the pillars that support the holiday and take it to a new level.

As for the symbol of next year - the Rooster - we are lucky here. He is a very cheerful and good-natured bird. The Rooster loves entertainment and space. Therefore, try to celebrate the holiday brightly, noisily, with emotions and fun.

What to give for the New Year

Often, in order for a gift to be not only pleasant, but also useful and bring joy in the coming year, many choose souvenirs that are identified with the symbol of the year. What should you give for the New Year of the Rooster? Take a look at the beautiful figurines. They can be made of straw, fabric, felt. You can find a lot of such cute souvenirs offered by folk craftsmen at the New Year's fair. In addition, such gifts will be affordable.

If you give a souvenir with a rooster on it, then you will give good luck and prosperity to the person.

What to put on the New Year's table

The rooster loves to eat, and according to our traditions, the New Year's table must be bursting with all kinds of treats. No one will limit you in your choice of dishes. The only thing is to pay the necessary attention to fresh vegetables and fruits (the rooster loves them very much). For New Year's dessert, choose apples, pears or berries.

Also try to put as many salads with herbs on the table as possible. Let there even be several vases with fresh, uncut herbs on the table. As for the decor of the New Year's table, you should choose red or even green shades.

As for the alcoholic components, it all depends on the taste of your company. The rooster relates best to cocktails, wines and champagnes. This bird, which loves movement and sports, does not welcome strong alcoholic drinks. Now it’s clear what needs to be prepared for the New Year 2017, let’s move on in the mystical traditions of the holiday.

You can also read more about it in our article.

What colors are typical for New Year's Eve 2017

Very often, many people wonder what color they should wear to celebrate the New Year 2017. As for the color scheme, to maximize the attraction of positivity and goodness, you need to select not only clothes in colors suitable for 2017, but also the entire decor of your home and holiday table. Since this will be the year of the red fire rooster, the colors of New Year's Eve are considered to be red and orange, as well as all their possible shades. It is not so important what you need to wear for the New Year 2017, the main thing is to maintain the specified color scheme.

Red and orange are colors that characterize well-being, happiness, luck, and life. They also help avoid overthinking or fanaticism. If you decide to celebrate the holiday in clothes of a different color, then be sure to complement the look with red or gold accessories.

This is important! The rooster does not like the color black. Therefore, it is better to leave clothes and accessories of this color on New Year's Eve 2017 deep on the shelf.
When it comes to fabrics, clothes made of velvet or silk will look best. Try to choose accessories from gold. After all, this is the second material that characterizes the symbol of next year. Clothing styles should be very graceful - the rooster will definitely appreciate this approach. Choose long evening dresses and skirts.

For girls, the advice that macchiah should be natural and discreet will be relevant. Floral and herbal notes are suitable as aromas. After all, the symbol of the year loves freedom and space. The ideal hairstyle is a ponytail or curls. Loose hair will also look relevant.

Home decoration for New Year 2017

To decorate the room where you will celebrate the holiday, try to use wooden things. Vases, souvenirs and figurines made of golden material will look great. Dishes with a golden border, paintings and photographs with a cockerel will add a special piquancy to the New Year's table. To encourage happiness and good luck, hang its symbol in your interior. Creating a rustic style will be a great addition to the decor of the space where you plan to celebrate the New Year.

Before you start decorating your home, it is important to clean it thoroughly. The Rooster loves order and cleanliness. But don't start cleaning on the eve of the holiday. It is best to do this a few days before December 31st. There are various signs associated with home for the New Year. For example, if water drips from a tap on a holiday night, this means that prosperity will leave the house.

The time for traditional pre-holiday chores and pleasant preparations will soon come! And many representatives of the fair sex are already beginning to think, what outfit to wear to celebrate the new year 2018.

Many people know that on a festive night you need to not only look beautiful, but also pay tribute to traditions, namely: dress up in the colors of the symbol of the coming year. The patroness of 2018 will be the Yellow Earth Dog, so the owner herself tells us her favorite colors.

However, this does not mean that on New Year's Eve there cannot be variety in clothing and all ladies should wear the same yellow and brown outfits.

What should you wear to celebrate the new year 2018?

The symbol of the year gravitates towards natural shades, and this is the main thing to be guided by when choosing a holiday outfit.

Editorial “So Simple!” I have prepared for you 8 fashionable colors and shades, as well as styles that you should pay attention to when choosing an image for New Year celebrations. Be the queen this New Year's Eve!

  1. Yellow
    Those who want to please the Yellow Dog should choose a New Year's outfit in shades of yellow. One of the great options would be a long yellow chiffon dress. It is also worth paying attention to canary or lemon shades, or the delicate color of narcissus. And for those who prefer something bright, a formal yellow satin dress is the perfect solution!

    When choosing yellow, you should remember that there should be no pretentiousness or pomp. The Earth Dog will appreciate elegance and some restraint more. Decisive accents will be accessories and the right shoes.

  2. Brown
    Brown - refers to the three colors that will become the basis (yellow, brown, green) of the 2018 palette.

    Eastern predictors vied with each other to say that velvet clothes in chocolate shades attract financial well-being, that is, from the very beginning of the year you will be blessed with money luck.

    There are many shades of brown, which means that you can easily choose the right one for your holiday outfit: cream, beige, chocolate, caramel, sand, terracotta.

  3. Gold and silver
    Precious metal colors are very popular in 2018. So, if you choose an outfit in golden or silver shades, you definitely won’t go wrong! With an outfit in a bright, fiery color, sparkling like a splash of champagne, you will create an attractive image and a festive mood.

    Of course, any properly chosen evening outfit will look great, but a gold floor-length dress with a fitted silhouette will create a real sensation.

    Silver will be very popular in the coming year. You can also wear a light gray trouser suit on New Year's Eve and add silver and pearl jewelry. This will be an ideal option for fans of the classics!

  4. Wine shades
    Red lovers should take a closer look at wine shades, such as burgundy or marsala, as well as cognac shades. The ideal fabric for such shades is velvet, lace, chiffon.

    To complete the look, you should take care of the right shoes and accessories. Golden and silver tints of jewelry are best suited to these shades of clothing.

  5. Black
    Black is undeniably a classic and still a go-to for a New Year's Eve party.

    A sophisticated black dress, complemented with the right accessories and shoes, can make you the queen of the ball.

  6. Prints
    It is worth paying special attention to prints. It is best to give preference to outfits with a light plant or floral print. In this dress you will look elegant and very feminine.

    Please note that under no circumstances should you choose things with images (even comic ones) of cats, because cats are the enemies of dogs. It is also not recommended to wear clothes with fur elements.

  7. Pastel shades
    Pastel colors that are trendy in the coming year are perfect for a special night. Take a closer look at the powdery shade of pink and orange, the delicate tones of coral, yellow, lilac and beige.

    But white outfits should be put aside. If you want to wear the lightest possible dress, choose the lightest shades of coffee or cream, the yellowish tone of baked milk or cool berry shades - light pink and diluted blueberry.

  8. Blue and green
    Choosing New Year's party outfit, do not ignore the noble blue color. And to make your image look even brighter, take care of the shine of accessories, delicate makeup and stylish hairstyle.

    In such an evening dress you have no chance of going unnoticed!

    Green color belongs to the element of earth. This means that the mistress of the year, the Earth Dog, will be favorable to any shades that are associated with plants.

    Silk and satin dresses in green look especially good. For a festive night, an emerald-colored trouser suit is best suited.

Quite recently, eminent astrologers revealed the secret of what exactly each zodiac sign needs to wear so that the symbol of the coming year will help in the fulfillment of their cherished desires. I suggest you familiarize yourself with this useful one. Personally, I'm very happy with what's in store for Virgos.

Speaking about women's outfits, we should not forget about men, who are no less scrupulous in choosing their New Year's look. But perhaps some men will be confused by the favorite shades of the patroness of the new 2018. You shouldn’t be upset about this, you can still please the Yellow Dog. An excellent solution would be a suit in a familiar gray or black color, especially if you complement it with a bright shirt and tie.

Winter came to our country with a light snowy tread, covering the streets, alleys and boulevards with a white fluffy blanket. Frosty and sunny days bring us closer to the most anticipated event - New Year 2018. On the eve of this amazing holiday, everyone is busy with pleasant chores: choosing gifts and outfits, purchasing groceries, decorating the home and, of course, the main beauty of the New Year tree. But what does the year of the yellow earthen Dog have in store for us? What to expect from a four-legged patroness, what are her habits, morals and habits? Many people are probably asking similar questions. In order for fortune to always be on your side in 2018, your health to only get stronger, your relationship with your partner to only improve, and financial issues to be resolved easily and without delay, you need to tame and appease the mistress of the year.

What will 2018 bring?

The New Year 2018 is good for establishing relationships, creating a family, and having children. Changes in your personal life can be felt in February, since according to the eastern horoscope, the year of the yellow earthen Dog starts exactly on the 16th of the indicated month. The influence of the elements of the year will be so powerful that many people will display qualities that are unusual for them. For example, avid bachelors will want to formalize their relationship with their significant other, and those who have not sought to have children will certainly want to become parents.

For lonely people who have not found a life partner, the Dog will give a wonderful opportunity to find true love and plunge headlong into the abyss of passionate emotions. This year is also unique in that relationships with a new candidate for the role of spouse can be deliberately rushed. The patroness of the year will do her best to smooth out “acute” situations and help accelerate events leading to the creation of a family.

The element of earth symbolizes fertility, so farmers, agronomists and everyone who is in any way connected with working on the land will feel the favor of the Year of the Dog. Hardworking people will be able to reap a rich harvest in due time. The four-legged patroness, on the contrary, will punish slackers with a lack of financial stability, perhaps even depriving them of sources of income that were previously available. The Dog will bestow eloquence and the gift of persuasion on anyone who wants to reconcile with someone. This year you can regain the favor of people with whom you had a major quarrel in the past. Old grievances will quickly be forgotten, and not a trace will remain of mental wounds.

In some cultures, the Year of the Dog is called the “year of forgiveness,” and the element of Earth and the color yellow enhance this property a hundredfold. People endowed with power will feel the special influence of the elements of the Earth. These are business leaders, politicians, owners of various companies, etc. If they behave appropriately: show justice, provide assistance to the best of their ability, fight for a just cause and defend reasonable ideas, the Dog will bring unprecedented luck to them and their families.

Characteristics of 2018

Due to the fact that the ruling element in the coming year will be the Earth, the Dog calls for following established stereotypes, established rules and canons, as well as honoring any traditions, including family ones. The year will be extremely stable, balanced, and calm. Such influence of the elements and color of the year will affect literally everything: politics, economics, behavior and character of people, personal life and even natural phenomena.

Despite the fact that the dog's disposition is characterized by friendliness, sincerity and fairness, the owner of the year can behave unpredictably and even capriciously. Because of this, many people may feel low energy and laziness from time to time. You shouldn’t give in to such moods; they will be short-lived. At the same time, these qualities will manifest themselves only in those who do not have clear life goals and are extremely pessimistic.

Generally speaking, 2018 promises to please humanity with important discoveries on a global scale that will affect the spheres of medicine, politics, and economics. According to statistics, no major wars, uprisings, revolutions, or coups d'etat have ever started in the year of the Dog. Such events, on the contrary, ended in the years when the four-legged mistress was the patron. In addition, during the reign of the Dog, the birth rate and the number of registered marriages always increased sharply.

Astrologers confidently associate this with the fact that the element of Earth is a symbol of motherhood, fertility, and abundance. Those who manage to win over the Dog on New Year's Eve 2018 and throughout the year will receive from her not only support in all areas of life, but will also be able to change their character for the better, as well as discover new talents in themselves.

How and where to celebrate the New Year 2018?

It is best to celebrate the New Year holiday with close people. It’s good if the whole family gathers at the New Year’s table. You can invite your closest friends. You need to celebrate the Year of the Dog without much pomp; it is better if the atmosphere is not solemn, but more homely and cozy. Reckless and frivolous behavior, loud chants, dancing until you drop, and being heavily intoxicated are strictly prohibited. Try to drink low-alcohol drinks. If you prefer strong alcoholic drinks, follow your “own” limit, controlling the degree of hopping.

It is recommended to celebrate the New Year 2018 at home. If your home does not have enough rooms to comfortably accommodate all invited guests, you can rent a cozy banquet hall, the interior of which is decorated in yellow, brown and white colors. Traditional restaurants, cafeterias, saunas, ships, noisy nightclubs and other entertainment venues are not suitable for celebrating the Year of the Dog.

Choosing an outfit for 2018

First you need to decide on a color scheme, which must be strictly adhered to. It is best to choose an outfit from one or two primary colors, as well as one auxiliary shade. Mixing colors is also acceptable, the main thing is that the outfit is not tacky and tasteless.

The traditional colors of 2018 are: yellow; sand; olive; golden; brown; coffee; ocher; khaki. White, cream, champagne and milky - these colors are neutral for the Dog. You can also keep them in mind when choosing a New Year's outfit. But it is better, of course, to give preference to traditional colors and shades close to them. Another feature of the color scheme for clothes for the New Year 2018 is that the colors of the chosen clothes should not be too bright, but soft, muted, pastel. New Year's outfit should not be vulgar. The Dog does not tolerate any deep necklines, high slits or translucent “revealing” fabrics. After all, one of her main qualities is restraint and chastity.

This does not mean that the four-legged mistress of the year does not like beautiful things. He loves it so much! Only this is more manifested in sophistication, grace and sophistication of style. You can choose a “savory” outfit with a twist, but not frank, vulgar or hinting at intimacy. Jewelry for your outfit should also be modest. No diamond jewelry! The Dog does not accept pomp and outright pretentiousness. You can opt for elegant jewelry that is well matched to your clothing style. This unspoken rule does not apply only to heirlooms. If you have similar jewelry, be sure to wear it on New Year's Eve.

It’s great if your outfit is decorated with various fur elements. For example, the cuffs, collar and hem of clothing can be edged with fur strips. As additional accessories that will emphasize the sophistication of the style, you can choose: a muff; gloves; cape; shawl; handkerchief; belt (belt).

What dishes to cook for New Year 2018?

Considering that the Dog is unpretentious in food, in any case, he is not a gourmet and is not interested in delicacies, New Year's dishes should be the most ordinary. Of course, it is possible and even necessary to decorate them with herbs, vegetables and fruits, but the presence of any expensive gastronomic delights will be unnecessary. Another tip that applies to all dishes except desserts: cook as many meat dishes as possible. After all, dogs are crazy about this product.

First courses

A great option is to make soup with meatballs and chicken hearts, shurpa or rassolnik with pork. A hodgepodge with various types of sausages and meat is also suitable. Borscht with veal will look no less successful on the holiday table.

Hot snacks

The most acceptable main courses made from meat are meatballs with rice, beef liver, cutlets, chops and goulash. You can serve boiled potatoes, buckwheat, wheat porridge or pasta as a side dish. Here, be guided by your taste.

Cold appetizers

Firstly, there must be various cuts of meat and sausage on the table. Don't forget about lard with layers of meat, beef heart and tongue. Secondly, prepare simple salads, for example, Olivier salad, mimosa or herring under a fur coat. An excellent option for a cold appetizer would be jellied meat. You can also prepare meat or fish rolls, canapés with pieces of ham and olives.


This category of dishes is also not particularly sophisticated. Feel free to display traditional desserts on your holiday table - gingerbread cookies, candies, cookies, cakes, pastries and fruit salads. If you have free time, make your own gingerbread cookies, cookies or other sweets in the form of dog figurines. This will help establish contact with the patroness of the year.


As for alcohol, there are no restrictions, but the only rule that must be strictly followed is vigilance. In other words, know when to limit when consuming alcohol-containing products. It is unacceptable to be in a state of extreme intoxication during the celebration. The mistress of the year may be offended by only all sorts of benefits - stable profits, health, strong relationships between partners and relatives, success in the professional field. From sweet drinks, you can put compotes, fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices, jelly, and mousses on the table. It’s better to prepare them yourself, garnishing them with cinnamon, powdered sugar, pomegranate seeds and citrus zest.

Decorating the table for New Year 2018

Treats for the hostess of the year. The main decoration of the New Year's table should, of course, be a delicacy for the patroness. What do dogs like? That's right, bones, meat, offal. These products should be placed in a beautiful bowl, which has the traditional color of the year, and placed in the place of honor - in the center of the table. By doing this you will tame your mistress and thereby win her over. As a result, the whole year will be successful.

Creative decorations. Figurines of dogs and puppies made with your own hands will look very stylish. For this you can use fabric, wood, polystyrene foam, cardboard, colored paper, plasticine. Show your imagination, the Dog encourages resourcefulness and ingenuity. Place the prepared figures between the plates. You can also make a miniature booth house with your own hands for your four-legged patroness and place it next to a bowl of treats.

Kitchen utensils and cutlery. Since the Dog loves simplicity and does not accept chic, you can use wooden or clay dishes. If this is not possible, use regular dishes. Of course, it is desirable that it be yellow or brown, but classic white will also work. Tie each fork and spoon with a ribbon of the appropriate color. Also select a tablecloth for the table based on the color scheme of the year. Napkins for guests can be decorated with images of a dog. And to make it doubly pleasant for your guests, surprise them with the presence of personal napkins. Prepare a personalized napkin for each guest. The inscription can be made using floss threads.

What would New Year be without candles?! Be sure to decorate your New Year's table with them. In the center of the table, near the dog treats and the booth, you can place three tall candles of white, yellow or golden color. Place the remaining candles (small size) among the dishes. Don't forget about stylish candlesticks.

How to decorate an apartment or house for New Year 2018?

In the first place among home decorations are, of course, things and objects that are valuable to the family. This could be: old portraits and photographs; letters and greeting cards from relatives; little things dear to the heart, for example, photo frames, boxes, amulets, amulets; jewelry; household items. The indicated things must be used to decorate the interior of the house. Unfortunately, some families did not have many such relics left, or none at all. Therefore, objects from the past can act as attributes symbolizing family traditions. Every family probably has old things lying around in the pantry, on the balcony or at the dacha: a samovar with a set; felt boots and other shoes; buckets and jars of preserves; cast iron pots, plates, teapots; spoons, ladles, forks; sleds, skis, skates; blankets, scarves, scarves. As decorative elements designed to decorate the house for the New Year 2018, items made during the existence of the USSR are of particular value. These are various household items and kitchen utensils. Also useful are October, pioneer, Komsomol and party paraphernalia: badges; forges; party cards; certificates; ties, banners.

Things coming from the USSR can be of any color, because they themselves carry a meaning. But as for other decorations, they must have the classic colors for the year of the yellow earthen Dog. Another significant distinguishing feature of interior decor elements for the coming year is that traditional decorations (garlands, streamers, confetti, etc.) are auxiliary and are designed to complement the main artistic concept. The main decor remains things from the past.

When preparing for the New Year 2018, for example, by decorating your home and holiday table, as well as choosing a New Year's outfit, do not be afraid to show your imagination. After all, the Dog loves creative and creatively developed people, favors them and helps them in every possible way. Despite some quarrelsomeness and capriciousness of character, the Dog is kind, generous and fair. She will never offend those who treated her kindly. The patroness of the year will definitely reward you for your efforts!

Spectacularly decorated, the brilliant green beauty immediately creates an uplifting atmosphere in the house and gives a feeling of celebration long before the chimes strike. Knowing the simple secrets of how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year in a creative and special way, bright and beautiful, you can create a pre-holiday high mood in advance, get rid of sadness and spleen, and add fabulous comfort and warmth to your home, which is so often lacking in the winter .


Each New Year has its own bright patron, according to the Eastern (Chinese) calendar. If you believe traditions, the totem animal gives the coming year a special character, so it doesn’t hurt to appease the patron of the year and start choosing an outfit now. This article will tell you what to wear to celebrate the New Year 2018.


New Year's gifts will always delight anyone. And it doesn’t matter what status and age he is. However, it is necessary to choose gifts taking into account the characteristics inherent in the animal ruler of the year. It is important to take into account his character, habits and habits. A friendly, chaste and peace-loving Dog will take charge in 2018.


New Year is a holiday of miracles, a time of gifts, colorful fireworks and fireworks. In the middle of winter comes a magical time of fulfillment of desires and general fun. Both adults and children look forward to the holiday, because everyone has the belief that the next year will definitely be better than the previous one, and all adversity will remain in the past. Having found out in advance how we will relax for the New Year 2018, you can carefully prepare, plan a trip, or simply spend time with family and friends.


On the eve of New Year's Eve, every housewife dreams of one thing: to have a self-assembled tablecloth that will quickly and skillfully set the festive table. Unfortunately or fortunately, everyone’s tablecloths are very ordinary, not magical. Therefore, first on the agenda is the eternal question: what to cook for the New Year 2018?


Despite the fact that childhood has long passed, we never stop believing in miracles. As once upon a time, as children, we again and again plunge into the sweet memories of the magic that the main night of the year can give. Undoubtedly, every person has many happy moments in life associated with the meeting of this long-awaited holiday. And we strive to celebrate the next New Year's Eve not only fun, but also somehow special. Where to go for the New Year 2018 to make the winter holidays memorable for a long time? We will talk about this in this article.


The patroness of 2018 is the Dog, and it is not for nothing that it is considered a symbol of friendship and fidelity. She values ​​​​reliability and comfort, and, without a doubt, will happily take care of a clean and beautiful house, where a friendly family lives, sincerity and mutual understanding reign. Therefore, before the New Year holidays, first of all, it is important to get rid of long-standing conflicts, reconcile with household members, and restore order in your thoughts and home. The dog will appreciate the atmosphere of love and warmth, which will be emphasized by thematic decorative elements and New Year's symbols.


The ancient New Year's custom of appeasing forest spirits with various gifts still lives in our homes. True, now many people are trying for symbolic animals from Eastern mythology. To please the Yellow Earth Dog, the mistress of 2018, you should decorate the main holiday attribute in accordance with the characteristics and character of the patroness who is preparing to take the reins of government.

The Yellow Earth Dog is already looking forward to the Rooster handing over his powers to her. The new symbol of the year represents friendliness, kindness and consistency. This gives us hope that the coming year will bring many good things. Calmness, peace of mind. Strengthening friendships and family ties. Loyalty in love. And for this to happen, you need to know how to celebrate the New Year 2018 so that it is happy. So, first things first.

  • Where to celebrate New Year 2018
  • New Year's dress code

Where to celebrate New Year 2018

A dog is a pack creature. Of course, you need to celebrate the holiday in a cheerful company. If you are young, go to a party, New Year's disco, out of town or to your favorite club. Yes, anywhere! For those who are older, it is better to invite old friends to your place for the New Year. Or go visit yourself. The most important thing is not to be alone.

If you are used to spending New Year's Eve only with your family, do not stay within four walls all night. You can drink champagne as the chimes strike, appreciate the festive dishes, and then all go out into the street together. Take a walk, admire the festive illumination, fireworks, and the decorated Christmas tree on the square. Recharge yourself with positivity, meet your neighbors and acquaintances. And please the Dog, who loves to walk.

New Year's Eve is long, and here no one limits your imagination. Once you meet her, you’ll spend the whole year like that. Even miracles happen at this time. Still, no one will lose if you celebrate the New Year cheerfully and sparklingly.

Come up with an interesting holiday scenario so you don’t get bored. Arrange fun quizzes, games, competitions. Don't sit at the table for a long time - dance, have fun. The new owner of the year likes this.

How to decorate your house for the New Year

To create a festive atmosphere, you need to make the interior bright. But here it is important not to overdo it. To make your home look elegant and stylish, it is enough to use two or three colors that combine with each other. For example, red, silver and the main color of the year is yellow, with any of its shades.

Hang garlands, silver snowflakes. Lay a beautiful tablecloth on the festive table. The room will be transformed if you decorate the windows with festive curtains.

The main attribute of the New Year is the Christmas tree. It can be dressed up with creativity and imagination. In any style. Let the electric garlands glow and shimmer, let beautifully wrapped gifts lie under the tree, and the whole house will be filled with magical light.

New Year's dress code

To appease the Yellow Dog, dress up in her favorite colors. And these are yellow, black and gold.

Just remember that the shining color of gold does not need additional decorations. It itself is very bright. Don't overdo it!

And a classic black dress, appropriate for any occasion, just needs to be enlivened with bright accessories - a brooch, a fabric flower, a necklace, a belt. It is better if they are yellow or golden.

Yellow color has many shades. Apricot, bronze, orange, red, copper. All the fall colors that suit many women. The choice is huge.

Avoid clothes in tiger and leopard colors. The dog does not treat the cat family very well, and it will be unpleasant for her.

High lace collars and long sleeves are in fashion. Ultra-short minis are already being replaced by elegant dresses and mid-knee skirts. And in long evening dresses, simplicity of cut is important. To prevent your outfit from looking boring, give preference to fabrics with an interesting texture.

It’s easier for men - classic suits never go out of fashion, they are perfect for a New Year’s banquet. A jacket or cardigan can be matched to the color of the symbol of the year. Not canary yellow, of course, but beige, light brown.

You can add small details that will enliven the image and add zest. This could be a tie with a pattern in the form of Christmas trees or New Year's balls, or golden cufflinks.

And for an informal friendly party in a country house, it is best to wear a cozy sweater with winter patterns and fashionable felt boots - UGG boots.

What to put on the New Year's table

Meat is the most desirable food for Dogs. Therefore, it must be on the New Year's table. Fried, boiled, stewed or baked. And as much as possible.

It is not necessary to cook fish for the New Year's table. A dog is not a cat; it is indifferent to fish. But she is ready to give everything for a sugar seed! Don’t be lazy, prepare a ceremonial dish - meat on the bone. And place it in the center of the table. Maybe it will be a ring of ribs. Or some kind of leg of lamb. Doesn't matter. And the guests will be delighted, and the Dog will be simply happy.

Have a belly celebration, let there be a lot of everything on the New Year's table. After all, the Dog is not a gourmet. For her, the main thing is that it is tasty and satisfying. The housewife will act wisely if she prepares a rich holiday table - by doing this she will attract happiness, health and prosperity to her home in the coming year.

As you can see, nothing complicated. Happy New Year!