Papillomas in the anal canal. Anal papillomas: what they look like, symptoms Papillomas in the anus treatment

Papillomas on the anus can cause a lot of trouble. The culprit of their spread is the papillomavirus. The danger of such neoplasms is the high risk of malignancy in the absence of proper therapy.

According to statistics, about eighty percent of the world's inhabitants are carriers of HPV (human papillomavirus). Most of them may not be aware that they are infected. This is due to the “dormant” phase of the papillomavirus. During this period, HPV does not manifest itself in any way. The activation of papillomavirus and the development of papillomatosis is promoted by:

  • Decreased immunity due to acute viral or bacterial infection;
  • Physical or emotional stress;
  • Hormonal changes in teenagers, pregnant women or nursing mothers;
  • undergoing chemotherapy;
  • Long-term use of antibiotics or steroids;
  • Using hormonal contraceptives or IUDs;
  • Exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

Classification of papillomas on the butt

Genital warts or papillomas that form around the anus are classified into the following subtypes:

  1. Single large ones;
  2. Multiple, merging into one formation;
  3. Single ones are small in size.

Very often, during a superficial examination, a papilloma and a wart are confused. A distinctive feature of papillomas is the “leg”. Thin or, in isolated cases, wide. The surface of the papilloma is scaly. The color of the formation ranges from whitish to dark brown. Localization of condylomas is the skin around the anus or the rectal mucosa. The second type often causes problems with timely bowel movements (constipation). Diagnosing such internal formations is much more difficult.

Routes of infection

Penetrating into the human body, the papillomavirus settles on the lower layer of the dermis. The incubation or “dormant” period of the disease can last several months and sometimes years. At this time, HPV is located exclusively in the layers of the skin or mucous membranes. After the disease enters the active stage, a sharp growth of viral cells begins; they penetrate the DNA of dermal cells, provoking their growth and the appearance of growths. At this moment, the sick person becomes dangerous to others, as the possibility of transmitting the papillomavirus opens up.

Why is perianal papilloma transmitted?

Infection with the human papillomavirus occurs through sexual contact with an infected partner. The use of contraceptives does not provide a 100% guarantee of protection against infection.

The risk of infection is directly proportional to the duration of sexual contact with an infected partner.

HPV can enter the bloodstream through microtraumas of the skin or mucous membranes. The skin in the genital area is much thinner, so the risk of injury is much higher. Blood from a damaged tumor increases the possibility of infection spreading.

Symptoms of anal papillomatosis

The initial stage of development of the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Feeling of itching or burning around the anus;
  • The occurrence of painful sensations during bowel movements, occasionally with minor bleeding;
  • A feeling of swelling in the anus or a foreign body being in it;
  • Constant feeling of moisture on the butt;
  • Copious discharge of mucus from the anus;
  • Slight increase in body temperature up to 37 degrees.

Contact a specialist

Many people are interested in the question of which doctor to go to if papillomas grow on the buttocks or around the anus, and whether it is worth seeking help from a specialist at all. A proctologist deals with growths near the anus or in the rectum.

The risk of malignancy of benign formations in the anal area is very high.

This is due to constant injury to condylomas in the rectum. You can avoid the growth of a tumor into cancer only by promptly seeking qualified medical help and starting therapy.

Diagnosis of anal papillomatosis in most cases consists of examination, interviewing the patient and, if necessary, sigmoidoscopy. Such a study allows the proctologist to assess the full picture of the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

Therapy of anal tumors

Genital warts can be treated using various methods, the effectiveness of each of them depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, a history of chronic diseases, and the course of papillomatosis. The decision on the choice of therapy technique is made by the attending physician.

Removal of genital warts

The condition for the effectiveness of therapy for anal papillomatosis is the complete removal of growths. You can get rid of the tumor using:

  • Laser destruction. Under the influence of a laser beam, the formation cells are evaporated layer by layer. The advantage of laser exposure is minimal blood loss. The complete healing process takes several weeks;
  • Radio knife. The non-contact method allows you to remove papilloma, eliminating the possibility of developing a secondary infection. Complete healing takes seven to twelve days;
  • Cryodestruction. Freezing the tumor with liquid nitrogen. A small scar may appear at the site of the removed lesion. Healing of the wound takes from ten to fourteen days;
  • Electrocoagulation. Using a high-frequency current, the build-up is burned out. Healing takes three to four weeks;
  • Surgical operation. The doctor uses a scalpel to excise the papilloma along with the root. It is recommended to use surgical excision for overgrown papillomas with deep roots.

The risk of relapse of papillomatosis is due to the viral nature of the disease. Therefore, you should remain under the supervision of a specialist even after the rash has completely disappeared.

Pharmacy products

Pharmaceutical drugs against human papillomavirus are aimed at strengthening the body's immune defense. These include:

  1. Viferon. Immunomodulatory agent, release form - gel or rectal suppositories;
  2. Genferon. An interferon substitute produced by the body in response to a viral attack. Genferon in the form of anal suppositories is recommended for complex therapy of papillomatosis;
  3. Allokin-alpha is available in the form of ampoules and is used to treat papillomas with an increased risk of malignancy;
  4. Likopid - tablets with an immunostimulating effect;
  5. Immunomax is a solution for injections that activates the body’s defenses;
  6. Epigen. Release form - spray, relieves unpleasant symptoms (swelling, burning), increases the body's immune response, promotes healing of wounds after surgical excision of condylomas.

Local preparations

To remove papillomas around the anus at home, use local antiviral ointments or an adhesive plaster impregnated with a special composition. The main thing during home therapy is to prevent damage to healthy areas of the skin. Given the location of the papillomas, the patient will need outside help.

Solcoderm and Polophyllotoxin in the form of an ointment are used for the local treatment of papillomatosis on the anus. It is necessary to apply the ointment carefully to avoid contact with healthy skin. May lead to scarring of healthy tissue.

Using an adhesive plaster with a special composition, you can remove the growths in a few hours. The procedure is quite painful due to strong compression of the growths. To relieve pain, wet the damaged area with water.

Traditional recipes for anal papillomas

Traditional medicine offers its own ways to combat anal papillomatosis:

  • Moisten the defects with potato juice, decoction of rosehip, horsetail, tincture of nettle or plantain two to three times a day. Continue treatment until the problem is completely eliminated;
  • The juice from the stem of freshly picked celandine is carefully treated exclusively with the growth itself. To protect healthy skin around the growth, you should lubricate it with thick cream or Vaseline;
  • Chaga can increase the effectiveness of using celandine. After preparing the decoction from these two components, it is cooled, poured into molds and sent to the freezer. Ice cubes are applied to the growths for two to three minutes twice a day;
  • Iodine solution is used to get rid of anal papillomas. The neoplasm should be spot-treated with iodine, avoiding contact with healthy skin, two to three times a day.

When making your choice in favor of one or another method of getting rid of tumors, remember that traditional methods of treatment require a lot of time and are not always effective. It is better to consult a specialist in the initial stages of the disease.

Video on topic

  • Classification of pathology
  • Reasons for education
  • Symptoms of the disease
  • Diagnostic measures
  • Treatment of pathology

Initially, papillomas on the anus appear as small dark spots or growths. Over time they increase in size. Such formations cannot be ignored; it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

Human papillomavirus is a common disease; 70 to 90% of people on the planet are carriers of it. But most often, HPV “sleeps” in the human body and awakens with a decrease in immunity. Then papillomas appear on the butt and other parts of the body.

Genital warts or papillomas may appear on the anus and genitals. Due to constant friction in this area, they can become injured and bleed. It is such formations that are most dangerous, since the buttock can become inflamed with the blood of a damaged condyloma.

Classification of pathology

There are several types of papillomas. Here are the main ones:

  1. Simple - vulgar or ordinary.
  2. Plantar - formed on the soles of the feet.
  3. Flat - protrude only 2 mm above the surface of the skin.
  4. Thread-like - grow on a thin stalk, elongated.
  5. Condylomas acuminata are papillary formations that grow both individually and in groups.

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Reasons for education

All papillomas that appear on the human body, including in the anal area, are caused by the papilloma virus. The HPV virus has the following characteristics:

  1. You can become infected through contact.
  2. Infection can occur through damaged skin, scratches, abrasions, wounds, etc.
  3. Infection occurs in childhood.
  4. The virus can remain dormant in the body for a long time; when immunity decreases, it becomes more active.
  5. It is extremely difficult, sometimes impossible, to completely get rid of HPV. But if a person’s immune system does not malfunction, then papilloma never manifests itself.

The following factors can trigger the onset of the disease:

  1. Significant weakening of the immune system.
  2. Exposure to negative environmental factors and bad habits such as smoking and alcohol.
  3. Taking certain medications.
  4. Exacerbation of intestinal or stomach diseases, colds.
  5. Long-term use of oral contraceptives.

Wart is the popular name for such formations. The modes of transmission of HPV are as follows: sexual; children become infected at birth, passing through the birth canal; contact. In the latter case, direct exposure of the virus through contact of one person with another is not provided. These can be general and personal items, such as a towel, bed linen, razor, washcloth, toothbrush, etc.

There have been cases where people became infected with the virus in hairdressers, beauty salons, and in the dentist's office. All this indicated insufficient disinfection of instruments. As a result, the person subsequently had to be treated for the papilloma virus. Once in the human body, the virus does not always manifest itself immediately. If the infected person has a strong immune system, then perhaps papilloma will never manifest itself.

However, once they appear in the anus, warts tend to grow rapidly. The following circumstances contribute to this:

  1. The anal area is warm and moist.
  2. Due to friction, anal papillomas spread.
  3. This is a favorable environment for microorganisms.
  4. It is not always possible to keep the area clean all the time.

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Symptoms of the disease

Papillomas on the anus are often called polyps or condylomas. Their danger lies in the fact that they can transform into cancerous tumors. This probability increases if the site of formation is constantly injured, and the anus area is most often subject to such influences.

In the initial stage of the disease, papillomas in the anus are almost invisible and do not cause discomfort to the person; sometimes they can only be detected through endoscopy.

Later, the following symptoms appear that you should pay attention to:

  • presence of abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • the appearance of blood from the anus.

Over time, a person develops the following signs of the disease:

  1. Feeling that there is a foreign body in the anus.
  2. False urge to have a bowel movement.
  3. Itching and burning in the anus, which is felt constantly.
  4. The area around the anus hurts.
  5. Near the anus one feels dampness and constant wetting.
  6. Defecation is carried out with pain.
  7. Mucous formations in the anus.

Papillomas on the anus indicate a long process of intestinal papillomatosis. They can be constantly injured, and this is a direct path for infection, especially if feces get on the growths around the anus. Such formations can eventually develop into cancer.

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Diagnostic measures

The disease is dealt with by a proctologist. He is not able to make a conclusion based on a visual examination of the patient and his complaints. Only diagnostic measures, especially sigmoidoscopy, will make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis. Thanks to sigmoidoscopy, the doctor will be able to completely examine the patient’s intestines and detect the presence of papillomas.

In addition, the doctor may conduct other examinations:

  1. A piece of tissue or scraping of the papilloma is taken for examination.
  2. Sometimes the patient is asked to take a general blood test.

If symptoms appear that indicate the presence of HPV, you must immediately consult a doctor, otherwise the warts will grow, causing more and more trouble.

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Treatment of pathology

Even treatment will not save you from the possibility of recurrence of papillomas. This is due to the viral nature of the formations. After a course of therapy and the complete disappearance of growths, the patient should undergo regular examinations in order to promptly identify areas of warts and neutralize them. An effective method of treating papillomas is their complete excision. It is carried out differently depending on the chosen technique.

Removal of anal warts can be done in several ways:

  1. Using a laser.
  2. Use of an electric knife.
  3. Using a traditional scalpel.
  4. Radioactive treatment.

Papillomas often appear throughout the body, so not only formations inside or around the anus must be removed, but also those located in other places. After the procedure for excision of papilloma, a histological examination is carried out to determine possible degeneration into oncology.

Most often, after treatment, condylomas in the anus do not bother a person for a long time. In rare cases they appear again. If this happens, then complex therapy is carried out, aimed primarily at restoring the immune system:

  1. Taking antiviral drugs.
  2. Prescription of immunomodulators.
  3. Taking vitamins.
  4. Food enriched with vitamins.

Reasons that often lead to the reappearance of papillomas:

  1. Low immunity.
  2. Smoking and alcoholism.
  3. Lack of personal hygiene.
  4. Promiscuous sexual intercourse.
  5. Lack of treatment at the initial stage, when the disease was already advanced.
  6. Failure to follow doctor's recommendations.

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How to prevent warts

In order not to subsequently treat HPV, it is more advisable to prevent it. If you follow a number of simple rules, then papilloma will manifest itself as minor formations or remain in the body in a dormant state.

The following actions will help minimize the risk of papillomas:

  1. Carry out hygiene procedures for the genitals and anus every day.
  2. Avoid casual sex; your partner must be permanent. If you are unsure about a person, use a condom.
  3. Give up bad habits.
  4. Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  5. Avoid stressful situations.
  6. Monitor your health and, if it worsens, promptly treat it.
  7. Treatment is carried out by a doctor, try to follow all his recommendations.
  8. Perform routines that strengthen your immune system.
  9. If growths appear, do not try to remove them yourself.

Since the disease is common to both adults and children, you should watch your child more closely and listen to his complaints. Papilloma in a child should be detected as early as possible and treated. Only vigilance and timely diagnosis of the disease can guarantee success in treatment. If the disease was detected in one of the sexual partners, then both should undergo treatment.


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to get rid of papillomas in their armpits? They really bother me, especially when you sweat.

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I’ve already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to get rid of papillomas in my armpits (and on a very budget).

    P.S. Only I’m from the city and couldn’t find it on sale here, so I ordered it online.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of papillomavirus infection is indeed not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried traditional methods to get rid of warts and papillomas?

    Andrey A week ago

    I tried to burn off a wart on my head with vinegar. The wart really went away, only in its place there was such a burn that my finger hurt for another month. And the most annoying thing is that after a month and a half, two more warts popped up nearby ((

    Ekaterina A week ago

    I tried to burn out the papilloma with celandine - it didn’t help, it just turned black and became so scary (((

Papillomas in the anus are an intimate problem that is not usually discussed out loud. The presence of neoplasms in this area is not uncommon, both in the female and male half of humanity. Papillomas in the perianal area do not allow you to relieve yourself normally and create a lot of other problems.

Most people are embarrassed by their diagnosis and are in no hurry to see a doctor for qualified help. This behavior is extremely dangerous for the patient’s health, since papillomas can transform into malignant neoplasms. If there are papillomas on the anus, treatment must necessarily take place in a medical institution, otherwise serious problems may arise.

Causes and mechanism of disease development

The main reason for the development of the disease is the presence of papillomavirus (HPV) in the human body. Approximately 60-70% of the inhabitants of our planet are carriers of this virus. In modern medicine, there are more than 100 varieties of papillomavirus strains, and some of them are quite harmless and do not cause any harm to human health. Most often, the appearance of genital warts near the anus is associated with pathogenic types of papillomavirus types 6 and 11.

One of the most common routes of infection is sexual. Many people think that HPV infection occurs through anal sex. However, this is not an entirely correct opinion; infection can also occur through household contact. HPV is capable of maintaining vital activity outside the human body for several hours, so you can become infected even in public institutions (swimming pool, bathhouse, sauna, toilet).

In some cases, the infection can be transmitted by contact with the skin of a sick person, or by shaking hands. There have been cases of people becoming infected in beauty salons, hairdressers, and the dentist's office. All this indicates insufficient sterilization of instruments. Infants can become infected with HPV during childbirth.

Doctors identify a number of provoking factors that activate HPV in our body:

  • decreased immune resistance;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • systematic lack of sleep;
  • regular exposure to stress factors;
  • overwork;
  • long-term use of oral contraceptives;
  • consumption of synthetic and biological carcinogens;
  • infectious diseases;
  • poor nutrition;
  • long-term uncontrolled use of certain medications;
  • microelementoses;
  • a- and hypovitaminosis;
  • smoking;
  • presence of hemorrhoidal manifestations;
  • chronic diseases of the intestines and stomach;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • failure to comply with intimate hygiene rules;
  • injuries in the anal area.

The incubation period for HPV is about 3 months, but there have been cases where the virus did not manifest itself for several years.

After penetration into the blood, the virus is transported directly to the epithelial cells of the perineum, genitals and anus. For a long time, the disease does not manifest itself in any way, but when the body’s immune resistance decreases, the papillomavirus is activated, as a result of which papillomas begin to appear.

In addition to the perianal zone, such neoplasms can also appear on the eyelids, under the mammary glands, in the oral or nasal cavities, in the intestines, bladder, and even on the vocal cords.

Clinical features and treatment

Anal papillomas are often called condylomas or polyps. These are benign tumors that can transform into malignant neoplasms. The risk of developing carcinogenic cells increases significantly when the growths are injured. Your doctor will tell you how to treat condylomas in the intimate area.

Often, papillomas in the rectum and perianal area are detected in men who prefer homosexual relations.

In the early stages of the development of the disease, papillomas do not cause any discomfort to the patient. At later stages of pathogenesis, signs appear that you should pay attention to:

If you have the above symptoms, you should seek qualified help at a clinic. By postponing treatment until later, many patients risk their health.

Feedback from our reader - Marina Evstratieva

I recently read an article that talks about the NATURAL effective remedy Papilight for warts and papillomas. With the help of this drug you can PERMANENTLY get rid of papillomas and warts both INSIDE and OUTSIDE

I’m not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered a package. I noticed changes within a month: my papillomas disappeared. My husband got rid of warts on his hands in two weeks. Try it too, and if anyone is interested, below is the link to the article.


You can diagnose the presence of tumors near the anus yourself, but it is best to entrust this mission to specialists. There is no point in hoping that condylomas will resolve or disappear on their own. All that is required is highly effective and professional treatment. To clarify the nature of the infection and prescribe adequate treatment, the proctologist will perform a number of manipulations:

Considering the current epidemiological situation in the country, doctors recommend that all men and women periodically donate blood to check for the presence of papillomavirus in the body.


If neoplasms are detected, it is necessary to undergo immediate treatment. Modern medicine offers a huge selection of safe and virtually painless therapy methods. The treatment regimen depends on many factors: etiology, course of the underlying disease, localization of tumors, individual characteristics of the patient, etc. If doctors diagnose HPV in one sexual partner, both patients should undergo treatment.

Removal of benign tumors in the anal area can be carried out using several methods:

After removal of papillomas, symptomatic and immunostimulating therapy is prescribed.

To treat and get rid of PAPILLOMAS and WARTS, many of our readers actively use the well-known method based on natural ingredients, discovered by Elena Malysheva. We recommend that you check it out.

In the treatment of human papillomavirus infection, the following drugs are used: Viferon, Immunomax, Wartner, Genferon, Allokin-alpha, Solcoderm, Epigen intimate, Dermavit, Lykopid, Ferezol, Collomak.


Human papillomavirus infection is easier to prevent than to treat. In order to prevent the disease, doctors recommend adhering to several simple rules:

Based on the information presented above, we can conclude that the presence of papillomas in the anogenital area is a serious problem for many men and women. Early diagnosis and timely therapy increase the cure rate.

Are you sure that you are not infected with the PAPILLOMA virus?

According to the latest WHO data, 7 out of 10 people are infected with the papilloma virus. Many live and suffer for years, not even suspecting diseases that destroy internal organs.

  • fatigue, drowsiness...
  • lack of interest in life, depression...
  • headaches, as well as various pains and spasms in the internal organs...
  • frequent rashes of WARTS and PAPILLOMAS...

These are all possible signs of the presence of the papilloma virus in your body. Many people live for years and do not know that there are time bombs on their bodies. If measures are not taken in time, then in the future this may result in cancer, an increase in the number of papillomas and other problems.

Perhaps it is worth starting treatment now? We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the new method of Elena Malysheva, which has already helped many people cleanse their bodies of the papilloma virus and get rid of warts and papillomas...

Anal papillomas They are a small formation, the appearance of which is provoked by the presence of papillomavirus in the human body. Papillomas can be distributed throughout the body, or localized to a specific area.

Reasons and description

Papillomas located in the anal area can be divided into several types:

    single and quite large

    multiple, interconnected

    single and practically unnoticeable.

Papillomas can cause not only inconvenience and pain. In the absence of timely treatment, papillomas can transform into malignant tumors. The human papillomavirus is transmitted during sexual intercourse with an infected partner. It should be noted that the use of standard methods of contraception does not provide a 100% guarantee, since the virus can be transmitted through any mucous membranes and even through the skin.

Externally, a papilloma is similar to a wart, only it is located on a thin stalk. In more rare cases, the papilloma may have a rather wide base, capable of reaching two centimeters in diameter. The surface of the papilloma is not smooth, and its color can vary from almost white to dark brown.

It should be noted that the virus may not appear in the cut after it enters the body. As a rule, papillomas begin to actively appear when the body’s protective functions are weakened, caused by poor nutrition or an exacerbation of the disease.


The main symptoms that accompany the appearance anal papillomas, are:

    feeling of constant humidity

    burning or itching

    pain during defecation, which may even be accompanied by the release of a small amount of blood.

Diagnosis and treatment

Proctologist is not able to make an accurate diagnosis based solely on a survey and visual examination of the patient. If there are symptoms characteristic of papilloma, a diagnostic procedure called sigmoidoscopy is performed. Carrying out such a study gives the doctor complete information about the condition of the patient’s intestines and allows him to prescribe the most effective treatment.

If such symptoms appear, calling a proctologist to your home or going to the clinic is mandatory, since if left untreated for a long time, papilloma can transform into a tumor, malignant formation.

It should be noted that the cause of the disease is a virus and it is for this reason that papillomas can reappear. Patients who have undergone treatment and are completely free of anal papillomas must regularly visit a doctor and undergo examination.

As the most effective method of treating papillomas, only their complete excision is considered. Excision can be carried out in several ways, including:

    laser removal of papillomas

    using an electric knife

    using a standard scalpel

    radioactive therapy.

Not only papillomas located around or inside the anus must be removed, but also all others located on the patient’s body.

As a rule, after removing all papillomas, the patient forgets about their existence for a long time. In more rare cases, papillomas appear again and again. In such a situation, the patient is prescribed antiviral drugs, as well as immunomodulators aimed at activating the body’s protective functions.

Papilloma is a benign neoplasm that occurs on a person’s skin either throughout the body, or in one specific area. Most often it is a small bumpy growth that rises above the surface of the skin, ranging in color from dark pink to brown.

Such growths, which medical specialists sometimes call “papillary”, can be of different sizes: from 1-2 millimeters to several centimeters.

The main reason for the appearance of neoplasms is the penetration of the human papillomavirus into the body, the activity of which affects cellular activity and regulation and provokes pathological tissue proliferation.

There are a large number of types of this virus, they are classified according to the nature of their oncogenicity:

  • not related to oncogenic nature;
  • papillomaviruses of oncogenic nature, characterized by a low risk of developing cancer cells;
  • related to oncogenic nature with a high risk of developing cancer.

Anal papillomas are benign growths in the anus. Sometimes they merge into multiple bumpy growths called “islands.”

Types of anal formations

Medical specialists classify papillomas in the anus not only according to the degree of their carcinogenic danger, but also according to their appearance:

Papillomas can be either single or located randomly, surrounding the anus with a ring or growing into large tubercles.

Causes of growths in the anus

The human papillomavirus enters the body due to a sharp weakening of the immune system. An infected person can be a carrier for a very long time without even knowing it. According to statistics, according to various sources, about 60-80% of the population are carriers of the virus.

A weakening of the body’s defense systems and activation of a pathogenic virus can occur for the following reasons:

Most often, the occurrence of papilloma and condylomas is influenced not by one specific cause, but by a complex attack on the body’s defense systems.

Manifestations and signs

If anal papillomas are small in size, then the disease can proceed without showing any symptoms. Very often, anal papillomas are detected in those patients who do not have pronounced symptoms, but have homosexual relationships in their lives.

In cases where the growth is noticeable, large and causes discomfort, the following symptoms appear:

  • due to injury to growths;
  • slight bleeding when condylomas rub against underwear;
  • constant ;
  • feeling of a foreign object in or near the anus;
  • pain when walking;
  • unpleasant odor from wet spots on underwear, which always appear in the acute stage of condylomatosis;
  • feeling of “wetness” in the anus.

Most often, constant touching of condylomas is fraught with rapid infection, the occurrence of an inflammatory process and subsequent suppuration.

Papillomas swell, turn red, and hurt very much. The patient's health may seriously deteriorate and the body temperature may rise.

In cases where a growth has formed in the rectum, in addition to the symptoms listed above, the patient may experience a feeling of a foreign body along the intestine, like a pimple.

Diagnosis by a proctologist

In order to determine the disease and prescribe the most effective and rational methods of treatment, a coloproctologist performs the following types of diagnostics:

  1. Visual inspection patient in the anus () for the presence of papillomas. Collecting information about symptoms that bother the patient, lifestyle, chronic concomitant diseases.
  2. Coloproctological instrumental examination– anoscopy using a high-resolution microscope. This type of diagnosis helps to determine whether deformation of the rectal epithelium has occurred.

If any symptom appears, consultation with a doctor and treatment are mandatory, since the neoplasm can develop into an oncological form.

How to get rid of growths in the anus

The treatment method for papillomas in the anal area is selected by several medical specialists: a dermatologist, an immunologist and a coloproctologist surgeon, depending on the stage of the disease, the clinical picture and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Complete removal of all condylomas will be required using destruction or excision methods. There are a large number of methods for ridding a patient of condylomas in the anus:

How does electrocoagulation of papilloma, warts and other formations take place:

Regardless of the chosen treatment method, after therapy it will be necessary to carry out a mandatory tissue biopsy for subsequent morphological examination. As a rule, the surgeon tries to minimize trauma to healthy areas of the anus.

Since very often treatment is complicated by bleeding, many specialists insist on mandatory electrocoagulation for each of the bases of excised condylomas.

Consequences and preventive measures

Since the disease is caused by a virus, simple removal of papillomas only solves the problem of appearance and discomfort. The virus remains for a long time, sometimes without clinically manifesting itself for a long time.

Lack of treatment or dishonest attitude towards it can provoke a relapse of the disease. Patients who successfully get rid of the problem will need to undergo regular examination by a specialist.

In order to prevent reactivation of the virus, the patient is prescribed immediately after treatment and in preventive courses several times a year, antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs that activate the body’s natural defenses.

Prevention methods also include normalization of daily routines and nutrition, adherence to a diet that includes the nutritional vitamins and microelements necessary for the body. You will need to give up bad habits and unhealthy eating habits. Be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene and thoroughly clean the skin around the anus.

After removal of anal warts, women are also recommended to undergo regular additional examination by a gynecologist to prevent the appearance of tumors on the mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix. Men are additionally prescribed smears from the urethra for analysis.