Loose stools in adults: causes and treatment. Constantly loose stools in an adult: what could be the cause

Almost every person has experienced discomfort associated with intestinal dysfunction. And one of the most common pathological conditions is . It manifests itself in an increase in the number of bowel movements and changes in the quality and color of stool.

Often serves as a sign of intestinal infections caused by harmful microorganisms (viruses, bacteria). Therefore, it is very important if loose stool promptly contact specialists who will identify the cause of this condition.

Diarrhea is also dangerous because this process contributes to dehydration of the body, which can lead to disturbances in water-electrolyte balance. Timely therapy will help not only get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but also to prevent unwanted and even dangerous consequences.

Loose stools appear due to damage to the digestive organs.

Common causes are microorganisms affecting organs digestion.

These are: salmonella, dysentery bacilli, entero- and rotaviruses and other pathogens. Babies are prone to infection with Giardia, which provokes.

Food poisoning that occurs as a result of eating low-quality food that has expired or has violated storage conditions is very common. Worm infestations which are characterized by pain in umbilical region, loss of interest in food or vomiting.

However, if blood, foam, mucus is visible in the baby's stool, or the discharge becomes watery, then this may be alarm signal. In these cases, you need to contact a specialist.

Normally, children under one year of age should have stool yellowish color and have sour smell, whitish lumps in stool are allowed. Emptying, as a rule, occurs 6-7 times a day. And upon reaching one year of age, the norm becomes emptying from 1 to 3 times a day. At the same time, ordinary soft stools should not be a cause for concern.

What symptoms are characteristic of pathological stool in children?

With dysbacteriosis, a specialist will best help.

First of all, it is watery. This sign may indicate the presence of a cold. Sometimes a similar reaction occurs when introducing complementary foods or taking certain medications.

In babies under 1 year of age, frequent bowel movements may indicate gastroenteritis, which is accompanied by fever, vomiting and nausea, especially in morning time. The stool is liquid, with unpleasant smell and sometimes streaked with blood.

For viral and bacterial infections in the intestines, hyperthermia joins diarrhea ( elevated temperature), may be flatulence and painful sensations in the abdominal area. Diarrhea in children appears as accompanying symptom for acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, otitis media and pneumonia.

This group of drugs restores the usual intestinal microflora.

Causes of diarrhea in adults

Regidron is also indicated for pregnant women.

They are not particularly different from those that provoke loose stools in babies. These include: intestinal infections and chronic diseases, poor nutrition and taking certain medications.

Often women during pregnancy are prone to intestinal disorders, including diarrhea. What causes this condition in pregnant women? This:

  1. excessive food consumption or intolerance to some;
  2. hormonal changes, promoting relaxation of muscle organs (including the intestines). This may include hormonal imbalances;
  3. due to the growth of the uterus, it puts pressure on surrounding organs, which can also cause loose stools;
  4. chronic, dysbacteriosis, poisoning.

If loose stools do not stop for more than a day, you should consult a doctor, since dehydration due to diarrhea in a pregnant woman can harm the unborn baby. Diarrhea is especially dangerous during the first trimester of pregnancy, since frequent intestinal tension can provoke tone in the uterus and lead to miscarriage.

In case of loose stools, a pregnant woman needs to take ““, which helps to normalize the water-salt balance in the body. To neutralize the “toxic attack” in the intestines, you can drink activated charcoal. The drug "" will help strengthen the intestinal mucosa.

Also, a pregnant woman with signs of diarrhea should follow a diet that excludes spicy, starchy and fatty foods. To replenish water resources body recommended drinking plenty of fluids.

If a woman notices mucus or streaks of blood in her stool, this may indicate a serious illness or disorder. In this case, you should urgently seek medical help.

To normalize the microflora in the intestines, pregnant women are allowed to take probiotics and bifidobacteria (“Bifidumbactrin”, “Mezim-Forte”, “”).

What rules do doctors advise to follow to avoid symptoms of diarrhea in children and adults?

  • Vegetables and fruits must be washed before consumption, or better yet, doused with hot boiled water;
  • Pay attention to the shelf life and sale periods of products. If they have already expired, then such products are not worth buying;
  • If there are doubts about the freshness of the products (even if the seller claims the opposite), then there is no need to take risks and purchase such food products;
  • , fish and meat products be sure to heat-treat before eating;
  • Do not drink tap water. Boiled or purified water, which is commercially available, is suitable for this;
  • You should not resort to self-medication, as it can only aggravate the situation;
  • If the disorder has been observed for a long time, you should seek help from specialists.

There are also traditional methods relief from diarrhea, but it is better to consult a doctor before using them.

  1. An infusion of chamomile flowers helps with loose stools. To prepare it you need to take 1 tbsp. l. chamomile and add boiling water to a glass. Then strain, let it brew and take 1/2 cup three times a day.
  2. Dried blackberries mixed with honey also help with loose stools. This mixture should be taken 3 times a day, 1 tsp.
  3. If blood streaks are noticed in the stool, it is useful to take 1 tsp. branches and pour a glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for half an hour. Drink 3 times a day, 1/3 cup.
  4. Oak bark is also effective in eliminating the symptoms of loose stools. You need to take 1 tsp. bark and pour two glasses of water. Let it brew for several hours, and then drink 100-120 ml 2-4 times a day.
  5. St. John's wort herb in the amount of 2 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Drink 1 tbsp three times a day. l.
  6. A decoction of dried fruits (apples and pears), as well as blueberries brewed as tea, will also help.
  7. helps well with loose stools of non-infectious origin. It is useful to drink it daily in the morning until signs of diarrhea disappear.

Chronic diarrhea is a pathological condition in which bowel movements for longer than 2–3 weeks occur more than 2 times a day. In this case, the consistency of the stool differs from normal. This condition indicates the presence of persistent disorders that the body’s compensation mechanisms could not cope with.

What are the causes of chronic diarrhea?

Loose stools in an adult, which is observed long time, may be a consequence of a number of factors and diseases. They determine the course, prognosis and treatment of diarrhea. The main reasons for frequent bowel movements:

Diagnosis of the reasons that led to chronic diarrhea, should be handled by a specialist. There is only one reason that the patient can easily detect and eliminate on his own - loose stools when changing his diet. It may occur when daily use provoking nutritional factor. These products include:

A feature of this type of stool disorder is a clear connection with a change in diet.

Symptoms of diarrhea

The main symptom is frequent loose stools. Depending on the causes that led to chronic diarrhea, inclusions of mucus, pus, blood, whole helminths (roundworms) or their fragments may be observed in the stool. In this case, flatulence, rumbling, seething, and abdominal pain may be observed.

Constantly loose stools may be accompanied by extraintestinal manifestations of diseases that cause diarrhea. With cholecystitis, patients complain of a bitter taste in the mouth, with chronic alcohol intoxication- for changes in skin color, for infectious diseases - for increased body temperature. With the allergic nature of the disease, skin rashes occur. External signs Chronic diarrhea can cause dry skin and decreased elasticity. Thirst bothers patients to a lesser extent than with an acute process.

Diagnosis of diarrhea

To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to know when and how the disease occurred, which preceded the increase in bowel movements. Information about the duration of the disease, the characteristics of its course, daily fluctuations (which complaints predominate in the morning, after meals, etc.) is also important. With palpation, it is possible to establish not only the localization of maximum pain, but also the presence of neoplasms.

Laboratory research methods are carried out on blood (general analysis, liver enzymes, antibodies, etc.), urine (OAM) and feces (coprogram, analysis for helminth eggs, occult blood). The results provide extensive information for differential diagnosis. This method allows you to identify functional state organs and systems, degree of development pathological changes, their cause and course in dynamics. It is especially important because the arsenal of instrumental diagnostic methods for diarrhea is scarce ( endoscopic methods, x-ray of the intestines). Ultrasound in this case will provide little information due to swelling of the intestinal loops.

What to do for chronic diarrhea?

If you notice frequent loose stools lasting more than 2 to 3 weeks, you need to start treatment. The only factor that the patient can independently exclude is food. When consuming foods that are not suitable for consumption even in minimal quantities, they must be completely eliminated. Such cases include allergic reactions on foods and enzyme deficiency (lactase, celiac disease, etc.). They must be avoided. When eaten large quantity foods that do not lead to diarrhea in normal amounts should be temporarily excluded from the diet. After a 2-3 day break and stool normalization, they can be eaten with a gradual increase in quantity. These dishes should not be overused.

To stop diarrhea, you must consult a doctor. He will conduct a diagnosis and find out why changes have occurred in the body. Frequent loose stools can be a sign of serious diseases. Timely initiation of adequate treatment increases the chances of recovery.

Diarrhea is just the tip of the iceberg floating on the surface. The problem lies much deeper. It is not only unpleasant, but also quite insidious and dangerous.

Long-term frequent loose stools in an adult can lead the body to a state of dehydration, when large volumes of water are lost along with liquid feces, mineral salts and nutrients necessary for normal metabolic processes and regulation of water-salt metabolism.

In this case, the result will be weakness, dry skin, weight loss, thirst, impaired urine output and much more.

Therefore, to ignore such a disorder of the body as prolonged diarrhea under no circumstances is it possible.

Why does diarrhea last for a long time, and what diseases should you think about first?

1) Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disease from the group of functional intestinal disorders, which can occur in two forms.

In the first case, it is characterized by spastic pain in the lower sections abdomen and prolonged frequent loose stools of an imperative nature - the urge to go to the toilet is very frequent and sudden, uncontrollable.

In the second case - bloating, impaired gas discharge and prolonged constipation. IBS can be a hereditary disease, but most often it is caused by psycho-emotional experiences.

2) The problem may lie in the food you eat.– this may be the regular consumption of stale, poor-quality food or water contaminated with microorganisms, or it may be due to intolerance to a particular product.

For example, intolerance to gluten, which is found in cereals, is called celiac disease, and intolerance to lactose, or milk sugar, is called hypolactasia. They are associated with a congenital deficiency of the enzyme responsible for the digestion of a particular food product.

In addition to loose stools, such diseases will occur with nausea, cramping pain and bloating in the abdomen, possibly vomiting.

3) Non-specific ulcerative colitis(NYAK)– a chronic disease characterized by ulcerative inflammation of the colon mucosa.

It is quite difficult and is accompanied by pain in the left abdomen, weight loss, lingering loose stools mixed with blood and mucus, alternating with constipation, and fever.

4) Similar in clinical picture with UC disease is Crohn's disease.

It is also typical for her prolonged diarrhea, weakness, weight loss, however, unlike nonspecific ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease affects all parts gastrointestinal tract, starting with the oral cavity and ending with the rectum, and the pain is localized mainly in the right lower abdomen.

These diseases can be based on a variety of factors - infectious agents, stress, hereditary predisposition, etc.

5) Dysbacteriosis– a decrease in the number of beneficial microorganisms – lactobacilli, which normally populate our intestines and help digestion processes.

Most often, the occurrence of dysbiosis is provoked by the irrational use of antibiotics, inconsistent with the doctor, which destroy not only pathogenic, “harmful” bacteria, but also the lactobacilli we need.

The result is long-term loose stools in adults and children.

6) Infectious diseases- such as salmonellosis, dysentery, or shigellosis - can also be the root cause of long-term diarrhea.

As a rule, diarrhea due to intestinal infections is often accompanied by elevated body temperature, nausea, vomiting and weakness.

An improperly treated disease can lead to the development of chronic carriage of an infectious agent, which results in dysbacteriosis, and hence all stool disorders.

That's not all possible reasons, which can contribute to the development of protracted loose stools in an adult. If available this symptom, then you need to take this problem seriously and immediately seek help from a specialist.

How is loose stool treated in an adult?

Of course, this will depend primarily on the underlying cause of loose stools. Only a doctor can tell you how to get rid of this unpleasant symptom after an examination.

Treatment will depend entirely on the diagnosis, for example:

  • Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome is complex and includes both drugs that regulate intestinal motility (for example, loperamide) and drugs that normalize a person’s psycho-emotional state. Only in this case can you achieve results.
  • If you have an intolerance to any product, you can get rid of the unpleasant symptom of diarrhea by eliminating this or that food product from your diet (for example, cereal crops for celiac disease and cow's milk with hypolactasia).
  • Nonspecific ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease require special attention, and treatment should only be carried out by a competent specialist in this field. The drugs of choice in this case are anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as hormonal drugs, the action of which will also be aimed at reducing the inflammatory response.
  • To reduce the symptoms of dysbiosis, probiotics - preparations containing living beneficial bacteria, which, settling in the large intestine, will contribute to a better digestion process and minimize diarrhea. These include products such as Bifiform, Linex, Primadophilus and much more.
  • If persistent diarrhea was caused by an infectious agent that persists in the body for a long time, then antibiotics will come to the rescue, which should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Regardless of the cause of diarrhea, mandatory component Treatment should include drugs that replace fluid loss by the body. These are Ringer's, Regidron, and Acesol saline solutions.

You can prepare your own saline solution from Regidron powder, which is sold at the pharmacy.

It must be taken without waiting for a doctor. Because the most expected complication of diarrhea is dehydration.

The body has a hard time withstanding the loss of fluid and electrolytes. Convulsions and cardiac arrest may develop from a lack of potassium in the blood plasma.

Replenishment of fluids and salts - priority task in the treatment of diarrhea of ​​any etiology (cause), which must be performed before contacting a specialist, while we are waiting for an examination!

How can a doctor help you?

Of course, a mandatory component of competently prescribed treatment is a correct diagnosis.

In turn, correct diagnosis cannot be diagnosed without a thorough examination.

It is necessary to carry out general analysis blood, urine, stool, stool examination for occult blood, biochemical analysis blood may require additional highly informative research methods, such as irrigoscopy or colonoscopy.

Also, the doctor, without waiting for the results of the examination, first prescribes intravenous infusions of special saline solutions, which ensures rapid replenishment of water and electrolytes in the blood plasma.

Only after a thorough diagnosis is the doctor prescribed specific treatment, which will be effective and efficient.

Be healthy!

Every person at least once in his life has experienced an uncomfortable sensation, the cause of which was loose stool. This phenomenon is the frequent release of stool in liquid form. This pathological condition is dangerous due to dehydration of the body, which causes an imbalance in water balance.

Loose stools in an adult and a child can occur with different accompanying symptoms. In most cases causative factor The appearance of diarrhea is a viral or bacterial infection. Incorrect and delayed treatment of this type of pathology can lead to severe consequences, therefore, doctors recommend treating a seemingly simple intestinal disorder with particular seriousness.


The causes of loose stools can be of different nature. It is often provoked by:

  1. Digestive infections, the causative agents of which can be salmonella, dysentery bacillus, viral infections- rotaviruses, enteroviruses.
  2. Worms, which are characterized by accompanying symptoms such as loss of appetite, vomiting, and pain in the navel.
  3. Giardiasis caused by microorganisms - Giardia. Quite common in children.
  4. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis, which is a disease of non-infectious nature. This is a severe intestinal pathology in which the mucous membrane is affected, ulcers form and diarrhea with blood appears.
  5. A hereditary disease - celiac disease, in which the human body is very sensitive to gluten (gluten), which leads to damage small intestine. It can only be cured after completely avoiding gluten-containing foods.
  6. Stressful situations leading to disruption of the psycho-emotional state.
  7. Dysbacteriosis is a disorder of the intestinal microflora that appears as a result of deterioration of immunity, nutrition, and the use of antibiotics.
  8. Irritable bowel syndrome is a common illness in children.
  9. Intolerance to certain types of medications. The disease is characterized by liquid stool as a result of taking antibiotics or iron supplements.
  10. Food poisoning, accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.
  11. Deficiency of certain enzymes necessary for the breakdown of individual food components.
  12. Congenital diseases.
  13. Inflammation of the appendix can cause intestinal upset for a while.
  14. Abnormal bowel conditions, which may demonstrate stool of unusual color and consistency.
  15. Operable diseases of the peritoneum.

The reasons that caused diarrhea may demonstrate intestinal upset, but with different frequency of bowel movements, different in color, smell. The stool may be mixed with blood or mucus.

Children's diarrhea

In children under one year of age it is observed permanent state loose stools, since the baby’s nutrition is special: mother’s milk, formula. Because of this, the baby’s stool is unsteady and not formed, like that of an adult. An alarming signal for the mother should be the presence of mucus, blood or foam in the stool. If your child's stool looks like water, this should also be a reason to consult a pediatrician. Normal condition baby chair - yellow, sour smell, white lumps in stool, bowel movements six times. By the age of one year - stool 1-2 times a day. If your baby has soft stools, this should not be a cause for concern.

Children's diarrhea is very dangerous, which can lead to dehydration. The causes of diarrhea in babies may be related to childhood digestive system. Babies may often have watery stools as a result of infection. intestinal infection th, as a symptom of a cold, the body’s reaction to certain types of medications, the introduction of a new diet. Most often in children under one year of age the disease causing diarrhea, is gastroenteritis, characterized by symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, especially in the morning, febrile state. In this disease, the stool is liquid, even watery, with blood and an unpleasant odor.

Causal factors can also be microbial and viral infections, the symptoms of which are not only diarrhea, but also abdominal pain, flatulence, high temperature. With diseases that often affect children, such as otitis media, pneumonia, influenza, ARVI, liquid stool is also observed. If a baby suffers from an allergy to protein, dysbacteriosis and lactose deficiency, he constantly has diarrhea, accompanied by a decrease in body weight and a skin rash.

Teething in a baby can also cause diarrhea, which occurs due to decreased immunity. Children put dirty hands into their mouths and, as a result, get intestinal upset due to infections that have entered them. Diseases of the digestive system - biliary dyskinesia, endocrine disorders- can cause a condition in which parents observe liquid stool in the baby.

There are a number of demonstrative features of intestinal disorder in children, which should be a signal for urgent medical examination child's condition:

  • frequent vomiting and loose stools;
  • increase in body temperature to critical levels - 38.5°C;
  • stomach ache;
  • loss of appetite, refusal to eat;
  • lethargic state;
  • feces with mucus, foam and gases;
  • stool streaked with blood.

How to help a child with diarrhea?

Under no circumstances should you treat your baby’s diarrhea on your own. It is necessary to call a doctor at home, who will give a professional assessment of his condition and prescribe the necessary treatment.

If your baby has diarrhea, you should not stop feeding him for more than two days. The baby must have the strength to fight the disease. It is worth excluding from his diet only foods that cause fermentation processes in the intestines: fermented baked milk, porridge full fat milk, yoghurts, legumes, sweets, rolls, carbonated drinks. Gentle treatment helps to get rid of non-infectious diarrhea dietary food with frequent and small portions, with meals 5-6 times a day.

If the reason why the baby has watery stool consistency is food poisoning, the child needs to have a cleansing enema and be given an enterosorbent to drink: Activated carbon, Enterosgel.

Frequent loose stools cause dehydration, so it is recommended to replenish fluid lost by the body.

To do this, the baby should be given a solution of Regidron or Glucosolan. One packet of the drug is diluted in 1 liter of water and given to the child after each bowel movement. You can prepare this enterosorbent at home: for 1 liter boiled water put 2 tsp. sugar, 1/3 tsp. baking soda and salt.

In a condition where the baby is still experiencing therapeutic therapy liquid stool, you can give the child a decoction of rice. Add 1 tsp to 7 cups of water. rice, boil the broth for several minutes and after cooling, give the baby 1/3 cup every two hours.

At the end of the therapy prescribed by the doctor after determining the reasons that caused the diarrhea, the child is prescribed medications that help restore the intestinal microflora. If diarrhea appears as one of the symptoms of an allergy, treatment is prescribed by an allergist.

Intestinal disorder

Loose stools in an adult appear as a result of intestinal damage due to infections, poor diet, medication, or how accompanying condition for a number of chronic diseases. One of the most common phenomena when frequent bowel movements are observed in an adult is considered to be a woman’s pregnancy. There are many reasons for diarrhea during pregnancy.

The most common of them are:

  • injection of hormones, during which the pregnant woman’s muscle organs, including the intestines, relax;
  • pressure of the uterus on the digestive organs, which contributes to diarrhea;
  • overeating;
  • intestinal infections, showing liquid stool sometimes mixed with greens and mucus;
  • poisoning;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • intolerance to certain types of foods;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • hormonal imbalances.

If an intestinal disorder does not go away for a long time, it can cause dangerous conditions for a pregnant woman, leading to dehydration, which is fraught with complications for the fetus. The difficulty of treating this condition during pregnancy makes the health of the woman and her baby even more vulnerable to this type of disturbance in the functioning of the body. Prolonged diarrhea can bring great danger to a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy, which can provoke tone in the uterus and lead to miscarriage.

Therapeutic therapy for a pregnant woman consists of replenishing the water-salt balance of the body with the help of Regidron. Activated carbon is suitable for neutralizing toxins; it will strengthen the mucous barrier in the intestines of the smecta. A big role in stabilizing the condition of a pregnant woman is played by drinking plenty of fluids and eating a diet that excludes aggressive foods. If a woman has stool with blood streaks or mucus, you should not expect improvement after taking sorbents. This symptom may indicate serious illness. In this case, it is not advisable to postpone a visit to the doctor. Only by examining analyzes can he characterize such manifestations.

To normalize the state of the intestinal microflora, doctors also allow pregnant women to take bifidobacteria and probiotics. Linex, Mezim Forte, Bifidumbacterin help well during the adaptation period.

To avoid the occurrence of such an unsafe condition as diarrhea, doctors recommend sticking to certain rules that children and adults need to observe throughout their lives:

  1. Before eating vegetables and fruits, they should be washed thoroughly.
  2. Meat, fish and dairy products must be cooked before eating.
  3. You should only drink clean and boiled water.
  4. Products should not be consumed after their expiration date.
  5. If you experience intestinal disorders for a long time, you should urgently consult a doctor.
  6. Under no circumstances should you purchase products of questionable quality.
  7. You cannot treat diarrhea on your own; this can complicate the course of the disease.

Traditional methods

Along with medications that help get rid of diarrhea, there are many traditional methods of treating it.

If liquid stool is observed during bowel movements, this condition can be normalized by taking an effective folk remedy - dried berries blackberries, which are mixed with honey and taken 1 tsp. three times a day.

Chamomile also helps get rid of diarrhea. Flowers of the plant in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water. They insist. After straining, take half a glass 3 times a day.

If the stool contains blood, the following recipe helps to cure: 1 tsp. chopped rosehip branches are poured with a glass of boiling water and simmered for 30 minutes in a water bath. Drink 1/3 glass three times a day.

An infusion of oak bark helps stop diarrhea at home. To prepare it, take 1 tsp. bark, pour 2 glasses of water. Leave for several hours and drink 125 ml 2-4 times a day.

good folk remedy St. John's wort is a herb that helps cope with diarrhea. You need to brew 10 g of herb in a glass of boiling water. Infuse and take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.

Blueberries, brewed as tea, when consumed 2-3 times a day, help normalize stool. A good remedy Treatment of diarrhea is a decoction of dried fruits - apples and pears. It is also an excellent remedy for dehydration.

A good remedy for holding the intestines together during diarrhea of ​​a non-infectious nature is a decoction of rice, which is consumed every morning until the condition returns to normal.

Provide beneficial influence Potato starch diluted in an amount of 1 tsp helps on the intestines. 500 ml of boiled water and drunk in one go.

Almost every person has experienced discomfort associated with intestinal dysfunction. And one of the most common pathological conditions is diarrhea. It manifests itself in an increase in the number of bowel movements and changes in the quality and color of stool.

Often serves as a sign of intestinal infections caused by harmful microorganisms (viruses, bacteria). Therefore, it is very important, if loose stools appear, to promptly contact specialists who will identify the cause of this condition.

Diarrhea is also dangerous because this process contributes to dehydration of the body, which can lead to disturbances in water-electrolyte balance. Timely therapy will help not only get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but also prevent unwanted and even dangerous consequences.

What can cause loose stools?

Loose stools appear due to damage to the digestive organs.

Common causes are microorganisms that attack the digestive organs.

These are: salmonella, dysentery bacilli, entero- and rotaviruses and other pathogens. Children are prone to infection with Giardia, which causes giardiasis.

Food poisoning that occurs as a result of eating low-quality food that has expired or has violated storage conditions is very common. Worm infestations, which are characterized by pain in the umbilical region, loss of interest in food or vomiting.

Ulcerative colitis may also be accompanied by blood-streaked diarrhea. This disease is non-infectious in nature and manifests itself in damage to the intestinal mucosa, as a result of which ulcers form on its walls.

Children sometimes experience symptoms of irritable bowel disease, which also leads to thinning of the stool. May affect bowel changes and stressful situations, as a result of which there is a change in both the psycho-emotional background and physical state.

Hereditary diseases, such as celiac disease, for example, can also cause loose stools. In the case of hereditary celiac disease, a person has an intolerance to the substance gluten, which is found in many foods.

Eating foods with gluten leads to damage thin section intestines. And the only way out is to follow a strict diet that excludes foods with the addition of this substance. This also includes some congenital pathologies or intestinal diseases.

Dysbacteriosis (violation intestinal microflora), caused for various reasons, among which are: changes in diet, taking antibiotics and reducing protective forces body. This can also include individual sensitivity to certain medicines, for example, to iron supplements.

Liquid stool also occurs when there is a lack of certain enzymes that are involved in the complete breakdown of food. Sometimes liquid stool can be a consequence of inflammation of the appendix (appendix). Some abnormal conditions that occur inside the intestines sometimes provoke loose stools of an uncharacteristic color.

Diseases of the peritoneum that require surgical interventions also sometimes manifest themselves in the form of diarrhea.

It is noteworthy that the frequency of bowel movements, as well as their smell and color characteristics, depend on the reasons that influenced the appearance of diarrhea.

Diarrhea in babies.

Diarrhea in babies is not always a dangerous symptom.

For children under 1 year of age, unformed and unsolid feces are normal. This is facilitated by specific nutrition ( mother's milk and mixtures), as well as the imperfection of the children's digestive system.

However, if blood, foam, mucus is visible in the baby's stool, or the discharge becomes watery, then this may be an alarming sign. In these cases, you need to contact a specialist.

Normally, the stool of children under one year of age should be yellowish in color and have a sour smell; whitish lumps are allowed in the stool. Emptying, as a rule, occurs 6-7 times a day. And upon reaching one year of age, the norm becomes emptying from 1 to 3 times a day. At the same time, ordinary soft stools should not be a cause for concern.

What symptoms are characteristic of pathological stool in children?

With dysbacteriosis, a specialist will best help.

First of all, it is watery. This sign may indicate the presence of an intestinal infection or a cold. Sometimes a similar reaction occurs when introducing complementary foods or taking certain medications.

In babies under 1 year of age, frequent bowel movements may indicate gastroenteritis, which is accompanied by fever, vomiting and nausea, especially in the morning. The stool is liquid, with an unpleasant odor and sometimes streaked with blood.

With viral and bacterial infections in the intestines, diarrhea is accompanied by hyperthermia (high temperature), and there may be flatulence and pain in the abdominal area. Diarrhea in children appears as a concomitant symptom of ARVI, influenza, otitis media and pneumonia.

Dysbacteriosis, lactose deficiency and protein allergies can also cause diarrhea in childhood. These symptoms are also accompanied by weight loss and skin rash.

It is noteworthy that loose stools in a baby can be caused not only by serious illnesses or disorders, but also normal teething. The reason for this is the body’s response to decreased immunity.

Children often put their hands in their mouths, which can also indicate impending teething: the gums become inflamed and disturb the baby, but due to his age, he cannot tell an adult about it. Infection from hands can get into oral cavity, and from there into the intestines, which can cause diarrhea of ​​infectious etiology.

Diarrhea also occurs with biliary dyskinesia or malfunctions endocrine system. Therefore, the baby needs full examination which will help identify the cause of loose stools. Characteristic for intestinal disorders different symptoms, namely:

  • loose stools, vomiting, epigastric pain;
  • weakness and refusal to eat;
  • hyperthermia up to 38-38.5 degrees;
  • stool mixed with blood, foam, mucus, or gas.

What should you do if your child has abnormal stool?

Smecta - excellent remedy from diarrhea.

The most important thing is to never resort to self-medication, as it can only worsen the situation.

It is urgently necessary to call a doctor to your home, who will make an initial diagnosis and give the necessary recommendations. Mothers need to know that if their baby has diarrhea, they should not stop feeding for more than two days.

A child, like an adult, needs nutrition even in this state. However, foods that cause fermentation processes in the intestines should be excluded from the diet.

These include: porridge with full-fat milk, yoghurt, fermented baked milk and sweets, legumes, rolls and carbonated drinks. If the diarrhea is of non-infectious etiology, then a diet with eating small portions 5-6 times a day will help to cope with it.

If the cause of watery stool is food poisoning, then the child needs to be given a cleansing enema and then given an energy sorbent. To do this, you can use activated carbon and Eneterosgel.

It is important to remember that diarrhea causes dehydration, so it is necessary to replenish fluid reserves. For these purposes, it will be useful for children to be given “Regidron” or “Glucosolan”. It is important to strictly follow the instructions.

The powder is diluted in 1 liter of water and given in small portions after each bowel movement. It is also possible to prepare enterosorbent at home; for this you need to take 1 liter of boiled water, dilute 1/3 tsp in it. salt and baking soda, 2 tsp. sugar, and serve in the same way as the above sorbents.

If after the main therapy the child still has loose stools, then rice water will be useful. It is very simple to prepare: take 1 tablespoon of rice for 1 liter of water and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook for an hour. Then cool to 37-35 degrees and serve to the child.

For instant cooking broth, you can take 1 liter of water and combine with 100 grams of rice flour, stir the mixture well and cook over the fire while stirring for 5 minutes. After cooling to a comfortable temperature, you can serve it to your baby. After treatment for diarrhea and the causes that caused it is completed, the doctor will usually prescribe probiotics.

This group of drugs restores the usual intestinal microflora.

Causes of diarrhea in adults

Regidron is also indicated for pregnant women.

They are not particularly different from those that provoke loose stools in babies. These include: intestinal infections and chronic diseases, unhealthy diet and taking certain medications.

Often, women during pregnancy are prone to intestinal disorders, including diarrhea. What causes this condition in pregnant women? This:

  1. excessive food consumption or intolerance to certain foods;
  2. hormonal changes that promote relaxation of muscle organs (including the intestines). This may include hormonal imbalances;
  3. due to the growth of the uterus, it puts pressure on surrounding organs, which can also cause loose stools;
  4. chronic gastrointestinal diseases, dysbacteriosis, poisoning.

If loose stools do not stop for more than a day, you should consult a doctor, since dehydration due to diarrhea in a pregnant woman can harm the unborn baby. Diarrhea is especially dangerous during the first trimester of pregnancy, since frequent intestinal tension can provoke tone in the uterus and lead to miscarriage.

If a pregnant woman develops loose stools, she must take Regidron, which helps normalize the water-salt balance in the body. To neutralize the “toxic attack” in the intestines, you can drink activated charcoal. The drug "Smecta" will help strengthen the intestinal mucosa.

Also, a pregnant woman with signs of diarrhea should follow a diet that excludes spicy, starchy and fatty foods. Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended to replenish the body's water resources.

If a woman notices mucus or streaks of blood in her stool, this may indicate a serious illness or disorder. In this case, you should urgently seek medical help.

To normalize the microflora in the intestines, pregnant women are allowed to take probiotics and bifidobacteria (Bifidumbactrin, Mezim-Forte, Linex).

What rules do doctors advise to follow to avoid symptoms of diarrhea in children and adults?

  • Vegetables and fruits must be washed before consumption, or better yet, doused with hot boiled water;
  • Pay attention to the shelf life and sale periods of products. If they have already expired, then such products are not worth buying;
  • If there are doubts about the freshness of the products (even if the seller claims the opposite), then there is no need to take risks and purchase such food products;
  • Dairy, fish and meat products must be heat treated before eating;
  • Do not drink tap water. Boiled or purified water, which is commercially available, is suitable for this;
  • You should not resort to self-medication, as it can only aggravate the situation;
  • If the disorder has been observed for a long time, you should seek help from specialists.

There are also traditional methods of getting rid of diarrhea, but it is better to consult a doctor before using them.

  1. An infusion of chamomile flowers helps with loose stools. To prepare it you need to take 1 tbsp. l. chamomile and add boiling water to a glass. Then strain, let it brew and take 1/2 cup three times a day.
  2. Dried blackberries mixed with honey also help with loose stools. This mixture should be taken 3 times a day, 1 tsp.
  3. If blood streaks are noticed in the stool, it is useful to take 1 tsp. rosehip branches and pour a glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for half an hour. Drink 3 times a day, 1/3 cup.
  4. Oak bark is also effective in eliminating the symptoms of loose stools. You need to take 1 tsp. bark and pour two glasses of water. Let it brew for several hours, and then drink 100-120 ml 2-4 times a day.
  5. St. John's wort herb in the amount of 2 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Drink 1 tbsp three times a day. l.
  6. A decoction of dried fruits (apples and pears), as well as blueberries brewed as tea, will also help.
  7. Rice water helps with loose stools of non-infectious origin. It is useful to drink it daily in the morning until signs of diarrhea disappear.
  8. Sometimes potato starch helps. It is necessary to dilute 1 teaspoon in 2 glasses of water and drink at one time.

This video will tell you what to do if your child has loose stools:

Loose stools cause a lot of inconvenience to a person, be it an adult or a child. The symptom is unpleasant and negatively affects well-being, health and lifestyle.

What is loose stool

During normal functioning of the stomach, bowel movements occur once or twice a day.

If disruption of the gastrointestinal tract occurs over a long period of time, they speak of chronic diarrhea (not diarrhea). How to determine the cause and begin treatment correctly is a question that requires a serious approach and attention.

Chronic loose stools in an adult indicate health problems. This is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous phenomenon, which can lead the body to dehydration. Together with feces, a large volume of water, useful microelements, minerals, and nutrients are released. They are necessary to maintain water-salt balance and normal operation Gastrointestinal tract. Signs of dehydration include:

  • Lethargy, drowsiness, constant feeling of weakness;
  • Dry skin;
  • Loss of body weight;
  • Feeling thirsty, dry mouth;
  • Reducing the number of urinations.

Remember! Long-lasting, loose, smelly stools in an adult should not be ignored. The symptom is dangerous for the body. If you ignore the symptoms, there is a risk of serious harm to your health and serious treatment will be required.

There is a noticeable difference between loose stools and diarrhea. Loose stools differ from diarrhea in that the stool acquires a liquid consistency; it can persist for a long period of time without other symptoms. It appears daily, every other day, or occurs periodically. Diarrhea is frequent and sudden bowel movements. Accompanied by a number of symptoms: sharp pains in the abdomen, high temperature, health quickly deteriorates.

Causes of prolonged loose stools in adults

If a person is bothered by loose stools at least once a day for a long time, this indicates pathological processes in the body. They can cause serious illness and lead to complications. Difficulties with stool vary in nature.

Factors contributing to indigestion:

The list of reasons is incomplete. The main factors that provoke loose stools are given.

When to see a doctor

If a symptom is observed, you should not ignore it, even if nothing hurts. It is recommended to call an ambulance immediately if:

  • Unformed feces, no odor observed for a long time, daily (month);
  • Severe weight loss has occurred;
  • Feeling constant nausea, bitter taste in the mouth;
  • After treatment, the symptom does not go away;
  • A foul odor appeared;
  • The man experiences severe shortness of breath and an increased heart rate;
  • The stool is very watery;
  • IN stool blood clots and mucus appeared. This means complications of the disease have begun.

If stomach difficulties persist for a long time, consult your doctor. An adult must pass medical examination, get tested and undergo a course of treatment.

How to cure loose stool for an adult

It is necessary to quickly find out the exact cause, determine the diagnosis and prescribe comprehensive treatment, which includes:

  • Reception medications(anti-inflammatory, probiotics, prebiotics, antibacterial, sorbents, etc.).
  • The second tip is compliance. diet menu(food products that may cause laxative effect or overload a sore stomach).

The treatment method directly depends on the cause of the stomach upset. The diagnosis may be different for each person with this symptom. How and with what to treat is determined by the attending physician. Self-medication is prohibited! At improper treatment there remains a risk of harm to health.

Enterosorbents will help provide first aid in this situation. The substances in the drug absorb and help remove toxic compounds from the body. Harmful substances together with sorbents naturally leave the body. The drug is used if there is a case food poisoning. Sorbents include: Polysorb, Activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel, etc.

Medicine offers a choice of drugs that restore the stomach. Taking probiotics helps normalize digestion (Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Bifiform).

It's important to take more water to restore lost fluid. You can make water with added salt. Rehydration medications are recommended to normalize the water-salt balance.

With the correct diagnosis and compliance with treatment, you can get rid of loose stools in a week.

Diet for loose stools

Proper nutrition will help quickly improve the functioning of the stomach. Strict compliance The doctor's recommendations regarding diet will shorten the treatment period.

The diet includes:

  • Eating low-fat foods;
  • Lenten broth;
  • Rusks, crackers;
  • Porridge with water (oatmeal, rice porridge);
  • Boiled potatoes;
  • Vegetables cooked in a steam bath;
  • Bananas.

If you have loose stools, you should avoid alcoholic drinks, coffee, dairy products, fatty and spicy foods, bakery products, carbonated water, fruit juices.


It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. Preventive measures:

  • Always wash your hands before eating;
  • Choose food carefully;
  • News healthy image life;
  • Undergo an annual preventive examination.

A single, rare loose stool is not dangerous, but if a person has it for no reason and is regular, the symptom requires surgical treatment.

A bowel disorder may be a sign of a serious illness. This cannot be treated indifferently. Timely treatment will help to avoid undesirable consequences. First of all, you need to go to the doctor and undergo the necessary examination.

Morning diarrhea: acute or chronic

Nowadays, diarrhea is common in adults every day.

Acute diarrhea:

  • Accompanied by frequent urges that can last throughout the day.
  • Most often, this phenomenon is caused by intestinal infections. They are the cause of poisoning. But not always.
  • It can occur when eating unwashed vegetables and fruits, expired and low-quality products.

You need to choose carefully:

  • Dairy products and check the terms and conditions of storage.
  • The same goes for eggs.

All these products can cause a serious disease called salmonellosis. Especially with the onset of warming and summer.

If diarrhea occurs once, and the person does not have increased blood poisoning, then it is not dangerous.

In this case, you can drink:

  • Sorbent – ​​white or black coal.
  • Atoxyl.
  • Smecta.

This phenomenon can occur due to strong feelings and stress. Often happens to students before taking exams.

Chronic form: diarrhea lasts more than a month. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a full examination to discover the cause of its appearance. It is worth noting that this is not as easy as it might seem. Various diseases are often hidden. Even those that are not related to the digestive system.

Herbal medicine that successfully relieves inflammatory process, cleanses the body, neutralizes pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Why does the disorder occur every day?

Many people do not take into account the factors that trigger diarrhea. Therefore, it is worth excluding them from everyday life.

These factors include:

  • Treatment or use of laxatives;
  • Eating large amounts of foods that are rich in fiber (as you know, it is very difficult to digest);
  • Treatment with medications that provoke digestive disorders. For example, antibiotics;
  • Moving to another city, country. Vacation in warm countries. Consumption of exotic fruits and dishes;
  • Severe stress nervous breakdown. In such cases, you should initially take a sedative.

Usually, daily stool upset occurs due to dysbiosis.

It can be restored:

  • Adhering to a healthy and dietary diet.
  • Additionally, you need to take probiotics. But to know which bacteria are missing, you need to wait for a stool test for dysbacteriosis.
  • After a course of treatment with the lack of bacteria, the stool returns to normal in a short time.

Causes of the disorder

The main cause of stool disorder is irritable bowel syndrome:

  • It is confirmed after a stool analysis, in which there are no deviations from the norm.
  • Accompanied functional disorder intestines.
  • This is not a disease, but rather a pathology.

At the same time, problems regularly arise in the performance of the digestive system:

  • They can last about a month, and then disappear and appear again.
  • The person suffers from diarrhea, and then constipation appears.
  • It is worth noting that such a manifestation greatly depletes the body. The patient feels unwell physically and mentally.

Other causes of bowel dysfunction include:

  • Intestinal infections (rotavirus, enterovirus);
  • Drinking unboiled water from natural sources (regions or while traveling);
  • Chronic gastrointestinal infections;
  • Worm infestations;
  • Intolerance to certain foods;
  • Surgical intervention in the organs of the digestive system;
  • Consumption of expired, low-quality, incompatible products;
  • Stress, nervous breakdowns;
  • Dysbacteriosis.

It is worth noting that long-term continuation of the disorder may occur due to certain medications:

  • long-term treatment with antibiotics;
  • drugs for the treatment of oncology and tumors;
  • medications for seizures;
  • tranquilizers;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • Antibiotics significantly destroy the intestinal microflora. This very often provokes diarrhea.

Why does an adult have loose stools in the morning?

Reasons may point to serious illnesses, For example:

  • intestinal tuberculosis;
  • the presence of polyps or oncology;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • Crohn's disease.

Treatment should be started immediately! Protect yourself and your loved ones!

Symptoms of the disorder

There are characteristic symptoms, by which it is easy to determine stool disorder.

These include:

  • Bloating and a feeling of fullness in this area;
  • Sharp abdominal pain regardless of time or meal;
  • Diarrhea and constipation that occur alternately;
  • Flatulence, ;
  • A feeling of heaviness in the intestinal area after defecation;
  • The presence of mucus in the stool;
  • Pain in the anal canal area;
  • Presence of blood in stool;
  • Severe weakness.

Each person exhibits these symptoms individually. They may be signs of other pathologies or diseases. Therefore, to determine the diagnosis, it is better to go to a specialist.

I didn't expect such an effect. The body was restored, even the skin became smooth and even, the stool returned to normal. I'm very happy with this result."

Why is there sporadic but intermittent diarrhea in the morning?

Morning diarrhea often occurs due to the use of laxatives. During the treatment process, the patient is prepared for the possibility of diarrhea occurring the day after tomorrow. In this case, this is completely normal.

It's a completely different matter if diarrhea appears unexpectedly. Then the person begins to wonder what caused the diarrhea. In this case, you need to think about what could provoke such a phenomenon.

These may be the following factors:

  • Severe stress, anxiety, nervous breakdown. All these disturbances in the emotional state can provoke a single diarrhea. In this case, there is no need for treatment. It is enough for a person to calm down. You can take a sedative.
  • Increased intestinal peristalsis. The reasons may also lie in digestive problems. In the morning a person suffers from nausea and diarrhea. This condition is also observed with dysbacteriosis. In this case, treatment is necessary and, most importantly, on time. Very quickly, such diarrhea can become chronic.

Diarrhea in the morning can be sporadic, and after a few days it can recur and occur every day. This phenomenon indicates disorders and diseases in the body. Therefore, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Consequences of morning diarrhea

dangerous for humans due to rapid dehydration of the body:

  • there is a strong feeling of thirst and dry mouth;
  • The patient’s skin color changes – it becomes pale.

In this case, emergency medical attention will be needed.

A person notes:

  • accelerated heartbeat;
  • he finds it difficult to breathe. This occurs due to the loss of large amounts of salt due to diarrhea.
  • significant reduction in the patient's body weight.

It is very important to see a doctor in time. Otherwise, heart failure may occur.


To determine the cause of stool disorder, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • Examination by a gynecologist and urologist;
  • Physical examination;
  • Stool analysis (worm eggs, coprogram, dysbacteriosis, occult blood);
  • Biopsy;
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of the digestive organs.

If during these examinations no deviation from the norm is found, the patient is recommended to consult a psychotherapist. Because diarrhea can be the cause of a person's emotional state.

How to treat?

To assign correct treatment we need to find the cause of diarrhea. Since it is known why loose stools occur in the morning in an adult, treatment can be traditional or folk.

Drug therapy

Among the medications for diarrhea are prescribed:

  • Sorbents (, Smecta, White clay, Atoxil);
  • Medicines for food poisoning (Nifuroxazide);
  • Enzymes (Pancreatin, Creon);
  • Probiotics (Lactiale, Subalin, Biosparin);
  • Saline solutions for dehydration (Regidron);
  • Medicines to start the functioning of the stomach (Mezim, Motorix);
  • Sedative.

Treatment is prescribed taking into account the disease. Before using the medicine, be sure to read the instructions for use. It is not recommended to self-medicate in such cases.

Alternative medicine

Loose stools in the morning in an adult can be cured using folk remedies.

The most effective include:

  • Tincture from walnuts on alcohol;
  • Wild sorrel decoction;
  • Tea from lemon balm, chamomile, St. John's wort;
  • 50 grams of vodka with a pinch of salt.

Treat with medications traditional medicine stands with extreme caution. Diarrhea may be a sign of an intestinal infection that needs to be treated in the traditional way.

How to eat if you have diarrhea?

Nutrition in this case plays a very important role. First of all, you need to make sure that all products are fresh and have passed heat treatment. If you have diarrhea, you should stick to a diet. If so, the reasons can be found here.

You can consume the following foods and drinks:

  • Boiled rice without salt and oil and rice water;
  • Boiled mashed potatoes, slightly salted;
  • Boiled carrots;
  • Homemade crackers;
  • Strong black tea without sugar;
  • Mineral water;
  • Compote of dried apples and raisins;
  • Baked apples.

If diarrhea occurs due to food poisoning or intestinal infection, then such a diet must be followed for at least a week. Then gradually expand the diet. For single diarrhea associated with emotional state person, these products should be consumed for 1-2 days.

It is important to understand that diarrhea does not occur on its own. There are certain reasons for this. A person must recognize them as quickly as possible in order to avoid serious consequences.