Stomach pain and loose stools: causes and what to do. Loose stools in various diseases

All the reasons causing pain in the abdomen and diarrhea, can be divided into three large groups: poisoning, inflammatory processes and diseases infectious nature. A separate group includes diseases that are not directly related to gastrointestinal problems, but only have certain symptoms in the form of diarrhea and abdominal pain.


This reason is the most common. Caused by eating expired or low-quality food. There are poisonings varying degrees gravity. Diarrhea, sharp abdominal pain and fever lasting more than 2 days are a reason for immediate appeal to the hospital, because signals about inflammatory processes or acute intestinal infection. If diarrhea occurs without an increase in body temperature, then this indicates ordinary poisoning, which, as a rule, goes away on its own after the body gets rid of unnecessary waste and toxins. It is important to follow a diet. Eliminate foods that cause diarrhea and drink more liquids, because... During loose stools, the body loses a lot of water, which in turn can lead to dehydration.

Attention! During diarrhea, you need to drink at least 3 liters of fluid per day to avoid dehydration.

Inflammatory processes

One of the most dangerous diseases is inflammatory in nature appendicitis. Many people mistakenly think that with appendicitis the body temperature necessarily rises. In fact, appendicitis very often occurs without fever. This disease is characterized by dull or sharp pain in the abdomen, usually concentrated around the umbilical region. Diarrhea or vomiting may occur. The pain does not go away when changing body position and can only increase over time. After a few hours, the pain may shift either down the abdomen or to the right side. There is a dry mouth and increased heart rate. It is important to provide the patient with timely medical care.

Colitis and enterocolitis. These diseases are associated with inflammatory processes occurring in the colon and small intestine. They manifest themselves in the form of acute abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, false urges, and flatulence. The stool is liquid, sometimes streaked with blood. After bowel movement, slight relief is felt. Most often, the cause of these diseases is improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, errors in nutrition, abuse of heavy and fatty foods, hereditary nature, climate change. The basis of treatment is the timely intake of sorbents: ““, ““, “ Enterosgel«, « Phosphalugel"or regular activated carbon. They also take medications to eliminate increased gas formation in the intestines, which is one of the causes of severe pain when gas bubbles press on the intestinal walls. The group of drugs that eliminate flatulence includes: “ Espumisan«, « Passazhiks". To relieve pain you can take medicines, belonging to the group of antispasmodics: ““, “ Duspatalin«, « Neobutin«, « Iberogast«.

Cholecystitis, pancreatitis, JVP. These diseases can be both acute and chronic. But in both cases they are accompanied by severe abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea. With cholecystitis, the pain is localized on the right, with pancreatitis in the upper abdomen. Belching is characteristic of cholecystitis, pancreatitis and diarrhea, constant feeling nausea, stool upset, lack of appetite. For inflammation of the gallbladder and pancreas, take medications containing enzymes: “ Mezim«, « Festal«, « Pancreatin«.

For women, abdominal pain and upset bowel movements may indicate ectopic pregnancy , inflammation of the ovaries and appendages. These diseases require immediate attention to specialists. Also, the above symptoms may indicate the approach of menstruation. Due to hormonal changes in the body, the uterus increases in size and puts pressure on the intestinal walls, which causes pain and diarrhea. This is the state before starting critical days does not require medical care and goes away on its own 1-2 days after the onset of menstruation. If stool disorder and abdominal pain do not go away on their own or after taking medications belonging to the group of sorbents and antispasmodics, then it is worth visiting a gynecologist and gastroenterologist.

Infectious diseases

The first place among infectious diseases accompanied by abdominal pain and diarrhea comes intestinal or rotavirus infection , also called stomach flu. Most often, infectious diseases are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. But they can also occur when normal temperature. In addition to acute pain and frequent bowel movements (sometimes up to 10-15 times a day), there is a lack of appetite, intolerance to certain odors, and severe weakness.

Dysentery. A very dangerous infectious disease caused by Shigella bacteria. Dysentery is characterized by the same symptoms as rotavirus infection. But distinctive features still there is. With rotavirus, frequent stools are profuse, while with dysentery, stools are observed much less frequently. With dysentery, stool with mucus and streaks of blood.

Like any infectious disease, dysentery and rotavirus infection are treated with antiviral drugs: “ Cycloferon«, « Kagocel". Sorbents are also prescribed: “ Enterofuril«, ««, « Enterol". Antibiotics are not prescribed for viral infections.

Attention! At intestinal infections It is important to start treatment on time and seek help from a specialist.

Video - Causes of vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain

Other causes of diarrhea and abdominal pain

  1. IBS or irritable bowel syndrome. In recent years, this disease has been classified as mental disorders, which manifest themselves in the body in response to stress, anxiety, and excitement. The key to successful treatment of IBS is constant monitoring with a psychotherapist and taking sedatives. If discomfort occurs, you can take sorbents and antispasmodics.

  2. Heart attack. Very often, during a heart attack, patients experience severe abdominal pain and diarrhea.

  3. Intestinal obstruction. Intestinal obstruction is characterized by cramping and cramping pain in the lower abdomen and in the navel area.

  4. Crohn's disease, various ulcers and ulcerative colitis. With these diseases, stool upset and severe abdominal pain may occur. The stool is usually mixed with blood and mucus. Sometimes your body temperature may rise.

  5. Oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In the early stages, diarrhea and severe pain can serve as the first signals of malfunctions in the body.

  6. Pregnancy. Due to the hormonal changes that occur in a woman’s body, abdominal pain and diarrhea (due to delayed menstruation) may be present in the first trimester of pregnancy. At various pathologies this condition can also occur in the third trimester.

Attention! This group of diseases has completely different causes of diarrhea and abdominal pain, and therefore should be treated by other specialists.

Treatment regimen

  1. Drink plenty of fluids, at least 3 liters clean water per day.
  2. Timely intake of necessary medications.
  3. Bed rest.
  4. Exclusion from the diet of unhealthy and heavy foods.
  5. Strict health monitoring.
  6. If the condition worsens, a mandatory consultation with a specialist is required to find out the cause of the disease, diagnose and take the necessary tests ( general analysis blood, which shows the presence or absence of an inflammatory process in the body, stool and urine analysis, ultrasound abdominal cavity) to exclude various pathologies.

Drug treatment

PoisoningInflammatory processesInfectious diseases
Sorbents: “Smecta”, “Polysorb”, “Neosmectin”, “Enterosgel”, “Phosphalugel”, activated carbonSorbents: “Smecta”, “Neosmectin”, “Polysorb”, “Enterosgel”, “Phosphalugel”, activated carbon.
To eliminate flatulence: Espumisan, Passazhiks.
To relieve spasms and pain: Trimedat, Duspatalin, Neobutin, Iberogast.

To improve digestion and normalize stool: “Mezim”, “Festal”, “Pancreatin”

Antiviral drugs: Cycloferon, Kagocel.
Sorbents: “Smecta”, “Polysorb”, “Neosmectin”, “Phosphalugel”, “Enterosgel”, activated carbon for removing toxins and waste accumulated in the body

Traditional medicine

  1. 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over the dill seeds and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Drink instead of tea. The decoction relieves spasms, regulates intestinal motility, and improves digestion.
  2. Pour a handful of dry pomegranate peels with water and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then insist and take 2/3 cup after meals. Pomegranate peels are a known remedy against diarrhea.
  3. Dry crust rye bread soak in water for 15-20 minutes. Take the decoction 4-5 times a day, 2/3 cup.
  4. Rice water left after cooking rice is taken 1/2 cup during the day.
  5. Strong black tea. Brew regular black tea, add sugar (but not honey) and drink 3-4 times a day. Excellent product from diarrhea and dehydration.

Video - Causes and consequences of constant diarrhea


  1. Don't forget about basic hygiene rules. After going outside, be sure to wash your hands with soap.
  2. Always carry wet antibacterial wipes and antiseptic liquid with you.
  3. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating.
  4. Buy meat, fish and dairy products only from trusted suppliers.
  5. Do not eat food that has expired.
  6. Store cooked food in the refrigerator.

Rumbling in the stomach may not always be a consequence of any intestinal disease. Sometimes this is related to the digestive process and can occur during times of hunger or after eating too much food.

When accompanied by symptoms of other intestinal and stomach diseases, then it is worth undergoing an examination, as there is a possibility of a serious illness.

Most often, rumbling in the stomach can be accompanied by loose stools, which is a very common symptom of intestinal disorders and other diseases. Therefore, it is important to start treatment for diarrhea on time to eliminate the risks of complications.

  1. Dysbacteriosis – due to disruption of the natural microflora, problems arise in the functioning of the intestines, which are accompanied by loose stools and rumbling in the stomach;
  2. Infection – loose stools often appear due to the presence of some kind of infection in the body. At the same time, the stomach may also growl, and the temperature may rise. In addition, diarrhea is sometimes accompanied by vomiting;
  3. Dyspepsia - this disease can be caused by poor diet or unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits. Digestive problems that arise as a result of this manifest themselves in the form of loose stools, and the stomach may also growl.

Oncological diseases are not always accompanied by such symptoms. But there are cases when loose stools can become one of the manifestations of such diseases. Therefore, you need to be careful about such symptoms and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

With increased peristalsis of the large intestine, as well as with symptoms such as belching, flatulence and abdominal pain, diarrhea, intestinal disorders occur.

In addition, the disorder is a consequence of the following reasons:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • disruption of absorption processes;
  • a large amount of fluid in the intestines;
  • formation of gas in the intestines.

Also, rumbling in the stomach and diarrhea can be accompanied by painful sensations - this occurs not only due to indigestion, but also if there are problems with duodenum, as well as with the gallbladder. If rumbling in the stomach is accompanied by severe pain, then this indicates irritable bowel syndrome.

How to cure loose stools and rumbling in the stomach?

To choose the right treatment for loose stools, you need to consider many factors. Depending on the duration of the disease and individual characteristics treatment methods for diarrhea may vary.

In case of loose stools, it is very important to observe proper diet so as not to provoke the appearance of intestinal irritations and inflammatory processes. A patient with diarrhea should not overeat; he should eat in small portions so as not to cause vomiting.

If present severe diarrhea and growls in the stomach, should be excluded from the diet following products power supply:

  • spicy, fatty, salty foods;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • coffee.

You can eat fruits and vegetables, excluding their consumption in raw form. You can also eat cereals and broths. To get rid of a rumbling stomach and diarrhea, you need to reduce your consumption of dairy products, or you can stop taking them altogether for a while. It is also worth limiting the amount you consume fresh bread and flour products, you should not eat dry food.

Food that is too cold is also excluded from the diet. During this period, it is better for the body if it is warm. You will also have to avoid foods that cause fermentation in the stomach, as they can aggravate the patient’s condition. These include various sweets, beer, yogurt.

When there is rumbling in the stomach and loose stools have overcome, you can forget about any trips to visit, the theater, exhibition openings, etc. This painful condition not only disrupts upcoming plans, but also reduces performance (physical tone) to a minimum level. This “action” is the result of an upset stomach due to certain reasons.

Taking quick measures to restore the normal functionality of the gastrointestinal tract is the main task when ailments are detected. Having identified the signs of a particular source stomach upset, you can quickly solve the problem of diarrhea and rumbling in the stomach by taking the appropriate medications.

If the disorder does not subside, then you cannot do without qualified medical help. In this case, you should visit the nearest clinic.

Causes of the condition

Periodic rumbling in the abdomen and diarrhea are explained by a number of common causes, non-infectious and infectious in nature.

Non-infectious causes of gastric distress include the following:

  • Consumption of medications. At long-term use antibiotics, the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. In addition, excessive use of laxatives is a predetermining cause of temporary gastrointestinal upset.
  • Physical inactivity. Sedentary work, minimal activity at home creates certain problems not only for the general physical tone, but also for the stomach. There is a gradual disruption of the digestive system, which leads to rumbling in the stomach and loose stools.
  • Irritable gastrointestinal tract syndrome. The nature of this problem can be explained by stressful situations. Numerous constant “shocks” at work lead to stomach upset.
  • Allergic reactions to food. When consuming foods such as milk, cucumbers, fish, a certain number of people experience bloating and diarrhea. This is due to the banal lack of absorption of products by the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Incompatible combination of products. Consumed in one meal certain products, when they are digested, corresponding reactions occur, causing irritation of the walls of the stomach. Vivid examples of negative food combinations are “herring-milk”, “cucumbers-soda”, “borscht-bananas”, etc.

TO infectious causes Gastrointestinal disorders include the following common points:

  • Dysentery. This reason caused by poor personal hygiene before eating. The spreader of the disease is the dysentery bacillus, which can enter the body through poorly treated water and food. Feeling unwell occurs within 24 hours and can lead to severe consequences. In this regard, highly qualified medical intervention and appropriate treatment are needed. Not infrequently, the disease leads to a hospital stay, where the gastrointestinal system can be completely returned to normal.
  • Botulism. A most dangerous infectious disease caused by the ingestion of spore-forming bacilli "Clostridium botulinum". When actively multiplying, these rods produce the most toxic poison, botulinum toxin. Sources of disease can be food that does not have normal conditions storage, for example fresh fish, processed meats, mushrooms, various vegetables home canning. The disease has serious consequences: in addition to diarrhea and vomiting, a person can get paralysis and loss of vision. Without prompt medical intervention, there is a high probability of death.
  • Salmonellosis. Infectious disease of acute zooanthroponotic origin. The source of this infection is bacteria from the Salmonella group. The risk of acquiring salmonellosis may be due to the consumption of food purchased from dubious sellers who do not check their products at the appropriate veterinary station. Basically, these products include chicken egg, meat without heat treatment, milk.

In addition, rumbling and diarrhea may manifest themselves due to indulgence in own image life: addiction to alcohol, smoking; inconsistent, inadequate nutrition.

Associated symptoms

Inactivity. Poor health is expressed not only in low physical tone, but also in disturbances in the digestive system.

At first there is seething, and if measures are not taken, diarrhea may occur.

  • Long course of antibiotics. In view of side effect drugs of this group, bloating, increased flatulence, and stomach rumbling are possible.
  • Irritable stomach syndrome. The main symptom is diarrhea. In addition, my stomach constantly “twists”, especially at some important moments at work or in certain life situations.
  • Reactions to food products. Without fail, there is a wandering “rumbling”, acute flatulence, and loose stools.
  • Incompatibility of certain products. In such cases, significant gas formation and “seething” is observed, and diarrhea cannot be ruled out.
  • Salmonellosis. The first “bells” are signs such as bloating and nausea. As the infection develops, loose stools, vomiting, and fever occur. Physical tone is reduced to a minimum.
  • Dysentery. Symptoms are expressed in frequent diarrhea. Feces have characteristic mucus. The disease is accompanied by low-grade fever.
  • Botulism. In a person with this infection, in addition to acute loose stools (up to water), the skin becomes pale, and the body temperature fluctuates around low-grade fever. The disease develops in the form of a violation of orientation in space. There is a general physical decline.

In what cases is a doctor needed?

If the source of gastric discomfort is a non-infectious problem, then you can do without the help of a qualified physician. However, in order to avoid such cases in the future, a trip to a nutritionist would be most appropriate. A specialist will tell you which foods need to be removed from your daily diet.

In case of infectious lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, a visit to a therapist, and then to highly specialized specialists (infectious disease specialist, gastroenterologist), is strictly necessary. The following possible circumstances should serve as a signal to contact the clinic:

  • periodic cramps;
  • nausea for several days;
  • deterioration of general condition against the background of incessant diarrhea;
  • stable elevated temperature for 3-4 days;
  • the stomach does not stop gurgling, increased gas emissions;
  • gross masses have a greenish tint, mucus;
  • urine is cloudy or pink in color;
  • The whites of the eyes acquired a yellowish tint.

If the clinical picture has at least one of the listed points, you should not rely on “maybe”, but immediately go to the doctor.

Diagnostic methods

For prolonged stomach problems (2-3 days), you should consult a therapist who will initial examination. In case of serious symptoms, a thorough examination is mandatory.

The faster the appropriate measures are taken, the sooner the development of the disease will be stopped. There are three diagnostic examination methods:

  • Palpation. Diagnosis involves a manual examination, during which the doctor feels the entire area of ​​the patient’s abdomen by applying pressure. The physical method is not fundamental in deciding to detect a particular ailment, but only identifies painful foci in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Laboratory tests. Research from this group provides a more detailed understanding of the origin of the malaise, i.e. why the stomach growls and diarrhea is constant. IN laboratory conditions Both blood, urine and feces. This helps determine the degree of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the degree of development of infections.
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS). An endoscopic research technique that uses a special probe that allows not only a visual examination of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, but also analysis of samples.

The combination of these methods for examining a patient makes it possible with a high degree of probability to establish the source of gastric ailment and determine the most effective course treatment.

How to treat?

Depending on the degree of neglect of the painful condition of the gastrointestinal tract, when the stomach is seething and diarrhea occurs for a long time, the patient is prescribed outpatient or inpatient treatment.

To effectively treat a detected abdominal problem, you should approach this decision combinatorially, through special medications, diet and folk healing recipes.

Nutrition adjustments

At acute poisoning You should not consume food for the first 6-8 hours, until the “fermentation in the stomach” calms down. Otherwise, everything will repeat again (diarrhea will appear, rumbling and bloating will be restored). In the first days, it is necessary to exclude from the diet such foods as peas, herring, milk and its derivatives (kefir, yogurt, etc.), as well as dried fruits that give laxative effect(prunes, dried bananas).

Welcome Lenten dishes, porridge on the water. When eating, you should monitor the temperature of the food: it should be warm. Cold dishes cause spasms of the stomach walls, which will provoke a new wave of diarrhea.

The volume of dishes at one time should be minimal. This is necessary in order to relieve the work of the already weak stomach, which has received “damage” from the infection. The priority is to eat small portions, but often.

Frequent loose stools over a couple of hours lead to severe dehydration. In this regard, it is necessary to drink more fluids.

The best liquid options are filtered water (you can just boil it), tea without sugar. Eliminate soda and juices.

Specialized medications

After identifying problems with the intestines, a special course of medications is prescribed. There are plenty of medications in this profile, and each of them solves specific problems.

Activated carbon

It is used for mild ailments, when bloating and flatulence are caused by overeating, consumption of products incompatible with the gastrointestinal tract. Charcoal tablets absorb and remove accumulated toxins.

Not prescribed for peptic ulcers.

The price fluctuates within the price range of 10-20 rubles.


A striking example of the effectiveness of this group of drugs containing bifidobacteria is Bifikol. Contributes rapid recovery microflora of the gastrointestinal tract after an intensive course of strong antibiotics. It is allowed to be given to patients aged six months and older.

The price of the drug is 160-200 rubles.


Effectively kills infectious flora in case of poisoning. Prescribed for dysentery and salmonellosis.

Should not be consumed by patients with tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections, psoriasis, or pregnant women.

The average cost of one standard (10 tablets) is within 100 rubles.


The drug is an alternative to Levomycetin. Actively fights dysentery, salmonellosis and other serious poisonings.

Contraindicated for people predisposed to allergies.

The average price for tablet form is 30-50 rubles per standard, and for capsules (10 pieces per package) – 50-70 rubles.

"Ospen 750"

When diagnosed, botulism is the most powerful medication.

Should be consumed with caution by patients with diathesis and bronchial asthma.

The price for a 650 ml bottle is within 1000 rubles.

Traditional medicine recipes

Along with the drug course of treatment, some folk remedies, effectively restoring stool and eliminating discomfort in gastrointestinal tract. In particular:

  • Peppercorns. It is enough to swallow 4-5 black peppercorns, and in a couple of hours a person will forget about loose stools. The product should be used carefully by those who have prerequisites for heartburn or ulcers.
  • Pomegranate peels. The peels of one pomegranate fruit are placed in a half-liter jar of boiling water and infused for 40-60 minutes. Take the liquid in small sips (5-6 sips per hour). Provides an astringent effect that eliminates diarrhea.
  • Oak bark. A handful of bark is steamed in a three-liter jar of boiling water. Infuse for 1-1.5 hours. The decoction is taken up to 4 times a day, half a glass.

Further preventive measures

At the end of the recovery period from stomach problems, you should not be lukewarm about possible relapses. To do this, first of all, you should have in your home medicine cabinet specialized medications that can quickly help the body.

No one has canceled the simple rules of hygiene. After coming home, be sure to wash your hands twice with soap. If you plan to have a snack on the street, it is advisable to have an antibacterial agent or appropriate wipes with you to disinfect your hands from possible infection.

For those suffering from bloating and flatulence, it is worth going to a nutritionist in order to establish a list of products that exclude such negative effects on the gastric cavity.

About rumbling in the stomach, it will definitely be useful to watch the following video


“It is better to prevent than to valiantly overcome difficulties” - this should be the slogan in case of possible poisoning.

You shouldn’t rely on supposedly your own worldly wisdom and experience if your stomach bothers you for several days in a row, but it’s better to take a day off and visit a doctor.

This will give a high chance of detecting the infection in a timely manner and starting a course of treatment.

Pay attention!

The presence of symptoms such as:

  • rumbling in the stomach and loose stools
  • bad breath
  • heartburn
  • constipation
  • belching
  • heaviness after eating
  • bloating (flatulence)

If you have at least 2 of these symptoms, then this indicates a developing

gastritis or ulcer. These diseases are dangerous due to their development serious complications(penetration, stomach bleeding etc.), many of which can lead to


outcome. Treatment needs to start now.

Read the article about how a woman got rid of these symptoms by defeating their main cause using a natural method. Read the material…

Many people have encountered such a manifestation as a rumbling stomach. And often this symptom is inseparable from discomfort and diarrhea. Sounds coming from the stomach may be associated with hunger. This is a signal to the “master” about the need to reinforce his strength. However, conditions in which there is a seething in the stomach and diarrhea do not allow you to go outside and can ruin your mood for a long time. Such manifestations may be symptoms of various pathological abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract.

Rumbling stomach

The manifestation of such a symptom is possible in the absence of the habit of having a full breakfast. However, neither a cup of morning coffee nor a mug of tea can save you from such sounds. The rumbling is heard not from the intestines, but from the stomach, and it appears, as many believe, at the most inopportune moment.

In addition to this manifestation, there are other possible causes of rumbling in the stomach, unrelated to pathologies:

  1. Overeating. Sounds from the stomach are possible due to the abuse of food that is too fatty or difficult to digest. A formed lump of such food in the abdominal cavity can only move with the help of increased peristalsis esophagus, stomach, and then intestines. This leads to rumbling.
  2. Stressful situations. With severe anxiety, the stomach may growl. This manifestation quickly passes after bringing nervous system into a state of calm.
  3. Drinking carbonated drinks, alcohol, or certain foods (which may vary from person to person) can cause rumbling sounds.
  4. The period before the onset of menstruation. At this time in female body changes occur in metabolic processes. However, in the very first days after the onset of menstruation, such manifestations disappear. Some women experience discomfort, bloating and pain in the abdomen throughout the critical period.

It must be taken into account that the processes in the intestines are influenced by the position of the human body. Rumbling is more common when lying down.

Diseases that may cause rumbling in the stomach and diarrhea

This is a consequence pathological changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is popularly called diarrhea. In this case, frequent bowel movements are observed. The stool becomes watery, and the urge to stool sometimes becomes quite urgent. The amount of fluid in stool can approach 90%. If the absorption of nutrients is impaired, residues may appear undigested food in feces excreted by the body.

If the stomach is twisting and at the same time loose stools in an adult for up to 3 weeks, this pathological condition is an acute form of diarrhea. If it lasts more than 21 days, we are talking about the chronic development of the disease. Activation of the disease can be caused by:

  • bacterial toxins;
  • biologically active substances;
  • some medications;
  • pathogenic rods;
  • absorption dysfunction;
  • acute infections;
  • inflammation of the intestinal tract.

Diarrhea, in which you feel discomfort and your stomach turns quite violently, may be associated with food poisoning. If liquid stool appears with blood, then damage to the mucous membrane may occur in the intestines.


When species replacement of bacteria existing in the intestine occurs, dysbacteriosis appears. At the same time, pathogenic flora grows, and the performance of the organ is impaired.

Factors causing disease, there are quite a lot. The treatment process can take a long time.

This disease is one of the most common pathologies of the digestive system. Manifests inflammatory reaction gastric mucosa to aggressive irritants. At the same time, abdominal discomfort, nausea, sharp pain and diarrhea are typical symptoms of the disease.

Acute gastritis occurs due to poisoning different drugs, medicines or products. It may be the result of stress and poor nutrition. With timely initiation of treatment, the symptoms are relieved quite quickly, and the mucous membrane is restored.

Chronic gastritis is characterized by alternating remission and exacerbation. Symptoms may appear different people vary. The disease can last for years. Diarrhea that occurs with gastritis is often the result of a violation of the nutritional rules recommended for the disease.


The literal translation of the word from Greek means “not digestion.” Dyspepsia is a set of symptoms that occur when the processes of normal functioning of the stomach are disrupted:

  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • the rapid appearance of a feeling of satiety can occur not only during initial stage food intake, but also regardless of it;
  • “bloating” in the epigastric region may be accompanied by both nausea and vomiting;
  • burning sensation (feeling of heat) in the epigastric region.

This disorder of the digestive system is accompanied by the process of breaking down food not being completed. This releases a large amount of toxins, and pathogenic microorganisms find themselves in an environment favorable for reproduction.

Nutritional dyspepsia develops with poor nutrition. This is possible if you take the same products for a long time. This dyspepsia can be divided into several subtypes:

  1. Fermentation. Occurs when you drink too much, causing fermentation, or foods rich in carbohydrates. The result of this pathology is discomfort in the stomach, diarrhea and rumbling in the abdomen.
  2. Putrid. This subtype of dyspepsia can be observed with long-term use large amounts of protein-rich foods, such as lamb or pork. This pathology is accompanied loose diarrhea having a characteristic dark color.
  3. Fat. The cause of such dyspepsia is food, which is dominated by fats that are slowly absorbed by the body.


Flatulence is increased gas formation in the intestines. With such a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, bloating is possible, which is determined visually. At the same time, the gases do not pass away, since the spasm in the colon, twisting the stomach, does not allow them to do this.

The causes of flatulence can be: a violation of the ratio of microorganisms in the colon, poor nutrition, diseases of the esophagus, disorder motor activity intestines, as well as a number of other factors.

What to do?

Factors that cause stomach rumbling accompanied by diarrhea may be infectious diseases, pancreatitis, or emerging tumors. Eliminating the problem is possible only after determining the root cause that caused the turmoil in the stomach and diarrhea.

If dysbiosis is detected, medications containing beneficial microorganisms. The diet should include fermented milk products.

You should not postpone a visit to the doctor if there are complications in the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Timely contact with specialists will shorten the healing period.

Indigestion is a problem that almost every person has encountered. Loose stool and rumbling in the stomach can be a symptom of a disease, a reaction to the quality or quantity of food eaten, and even biological norm. To understand the cause of discomfort and how to get rid of it, you need to consider the mechanism of formation of this somatic problem.

Standard options

Loose stools and rumbling in the stomach are not always a reason to see a doctor or self-medicate. There are a number of reasons when these phenomena are completely justified and safe.

For example, overeating may be the cause. When a person consumes a large amount of varied, mostly heavy food, for example festive table, the body may not be able to digest this volume.

It is important to understand that even one-time severe overeating is a colossal load not only on the stomach, but also on the pancreas, liver, spleen, gallbladder. Therefore, the body strives to get rid of food mass faster naturally. This causes rumbling in the stomach and loose stools.

It also makes sense to pay attention to what kind of food was consumed. There are products that have a pronounced laxative effect. For example, after eating a considerable amount of prunes or fresh berries, you should not be surprised that loose stools and rumbling in the stomach will occur.

Sometimes these two signs may not be related. For example, noise in the stomach may be due to hunger, and diarrhea may be triggered by a woman’s upcoming menstruation.

  • are not systemic in nature;
  • pass quickly;
  • do not significantly worsen general health;
  • not supplemented by other signs of pathology.

Otherwise, any signs of illness that arise should be promptly interpreted as potentially hazardous to health and consult a doctor.

Causes of symptoms

Sometimes loose stools, abdominal pain, and rumbling are signs of the disease.

  1. Pancreatitis is a disease manifested by an inflammatory process in the pancreas. In this case, the main symptom is pain in the hypochondrium, and loose stools and rumbling in the abdomen are secondary symptoms.
  2. A stomach ulcer is a pathology in which defects and changes in tissues form on the gastric mucosa. The disease affects all digestive processes, including the digestion of food by the intestines.
  3. Gastrointestinal tract infection is often detected by diarrhea and abdominal noise. Can be caused by a virus, bacteria, protozoa.
  4. Intestinal dysbiosis is a pathology that causes constant rumbling in the stomach and loose stools. Dysbacteriosis is not officially recognized as a disease, but nevertheless it can cause significant discomfort.
  5. Food poisoning is the most popular cause of intestinal discomfort. Occurs when eating low-quality or expired food or getting into digestive tract chemicals, causing intoxication.

Causes of symptoms in pregnant women

During pregnancy, any somatic pathology has a high risk of exacerbation. For example, a woman may not be aware that she is sick chronic pancreatitis, gastritis or gastroduodenitis, but in the process of bearing a child, the existing pathology will reveal itself in all its symptoms.

That is why, if belching, rumbling in the stomach, or loose stools occur during pregnancy, you must inform your doctor about this.

Talking about specific reasons disorders of the intestines characteristic of pregnant women, it is necessary to note polyhydramnios. As the name suggests, this pathology occurs when the amount of amniotic fluid exceeds the norm. In this case, the uterus begins to put pressure on the digestive organs, which is why its disorder occurs.

Causes of symptoms in infants

After birth, the baby may experience minor disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. In the womb, the baby's intestines do not perform their function, since nutrition penetrates through the blood. Then, when the baby is born, many microbes enter his digestive tract, forming his own microflora. This process may well be accompanied by abdominal discomfort and rumbling.

If the problem is long-term or significantly affects the overall well-being of the baby, you should immediately visit a pediatrician. As a rule, there can be two reasons: intestinal dysbiosis or lack of enzymes for digestion mother's milk– lactase deficiency.


Sometimes even the most thorough examination does not reveal any abnormalities in a person, despite the presence of symptoms. In this case, it makes sense to suspect a phenomenon such as psychosomatics.

All processes in our body are regulated by the nervous system, or more precisely, by its two sections - sympathetic and parasympathetic. When these systems work harmoniously, a person feels healthy. But if a stressful situation arises, an imbalance occurs between them. And if the activity of the sympathetic nervous system becomes overactive, symptoms may appear. functional disorders digestion.

Stress itself may not be felt or regarded as such by a person. But nevertheless, the body’s reaction triggers the corresponding processes.


If you have these symptoms that do not go away on their own, you should consult a doctor - therapist or gastroenterologist. If the discomfort is extremely severe, you can choose an ambulance service. And while waiting for her arrival, drink enough fluid to replenish the water balance in the body during an attack of diarrhea.

The main examination methods are:

  • oral interview, collection of anamnesis about chronic diseases;
  • palpation of the abdomen, examination of the patient;
  • laboratory blood test to examine indicators of inflammation (fibrinogen, ESR, blood leukocytes), and assess the functioning of systems and organs (ALT, ALS, bilirubin, alpha-amylase);
  • laboratory testing of stool for occult blood;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs.


Based on the examination and diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a treatment plan. Rumbling in the abdomen and loose stools, the treatment of which is necessary in this case, disappear as the underlying disease is relieved or eliminated. However, in parallel, the doctor can prescribe symptomatic treatment to improve digestion and normalize stool.

If during the examination it was not revealed somatic diseases systems as a cause of rumbling in the stomach, both loose stools and discomfort in the intestinal area can be eliminated by taking enzymes, absorbents, probiotics, and prebiotics.

Of enormous importance correct mode and diet. You need to eat small meals every 3-4 hours. It is important to ensure that the balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates remains correct. It is necessary to completely exclude all foods that can cause gas and diarrhea: prunes, legumes, fresh baked goods, chocolate. During exacerbations, you can slightly shift the balance of proteins and carbohydrates in favor of the former.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes can be used as a supplement to the prescribed treatment regimen. You can stop diarrhea with:

  • decoction of oak bark;
  • tea with chamomile;
  • boiled rice;
  • dill seed tinctures;
  • mint tea;
  • strong brew.

When choosing a particular traditional medicine recipe, it is extremely important to ask the opinion of your doctor. Firstly, the drugs may not have the required effectiveness, secondly, they may not combine well with the medications they are taking and, finally, they may simply be dangerous to the health of a particular person.


In order not to encounter such unpleasant phenomena, like diarrhea and abdominal noise, prevention methods must be followed.

The basic set of rules includes food hygiene measures. Products for consumption must be fresh, clean, and have undergone the necessary heat treatment. You cannot eat in unfamiliar dubious establishments or buy fast food on the street. Before eating food, wash your hands thoroughly, especially if your skin may have come into contact with chemicals.

The second reliable tool for prevention is regular and timely medical examination. At least once a year it is necessary to donate blood and urine for studies that reflect the functioning of the internal organs. So you can see the pathology on it early stage when there are no symptoms yet.

If for a long time an adult defecates more than twice a day and the stool has a liquid consistency, this may indicate that inflammatory process in the body.

Most likely, this may be due to a disease in the gastrointestinal tract. Every person has encountered unpleasant sensations during diarrhea.

Causes of loose stools

The appearance of loose stools may indicate the presence of a viral or bacterial infection. But sometimes this symptom can be a sign of other diseases.

The reasons why loose stools appeared must be determined. Self-treatment Prolonged diarrhea can lead to weakening of the body and impairment of its ability to work.

At improper treatment or its absence, loose stools can become a chronic type of disease. It will be more difficult to treat the disease.

Patients experience high fever with diarrhea. This symptom is characteristic of many types of diarrhea. The very first one is a disorder associated with viruses and bacteria.

It is known that when entering the body and encountering immune cells human microorganisms, the production of antibodies begins. This process is constantly accompanied by high temperature.

If there is no temperature in the body of an adult, this symptom may indicate an immunodeficiency state.

Why does diarrhea cause nausea and vomiting?

Attacks of nausea with loose stools are quite common. This is explained by the disruption of the movement of feces and food mass, which causes them to be thrown in the opposite direction.

When intoxication occurs, absorption then occurs harmful products into the bloodstream. Thus, the flow of toxins passes through all organs. The brain always reacts to this process with a vomiting reaction.

Causes of abdominal pain due to diarrhea?

Pain during an attack of diarrhea is a characteristic phenomenon. Most often it manifests itself in food and microbial poisoning. As a result, pain always increases motility in the intestines.

Painful sensations can be paroxysmal in nature, they can intensify and subside until they stop completely. During a painful attack, a signal is given to defecate, after which diarrhea occurs.

The appearance of loose stool in an adult for a long time can be due to many reasons.

In order to stop the disease, it is necessary to determine what its causes are and why this symptom appeared. Only after this will it be possible to stop the influence of factors causing diarrhea.

Why does unpleasant belching occur during diarrhea?

An unpleasant odor when burping is primary symptom against the background of diarrhea. It usually precedes the appearance of loose stools.

Its manifestation is the fact that enzymatic deficiency occurs in the pancreas, biliary system and stomach.

When food enters the body, it is not digested and the process of decay begins. Thus, gases are formed with unpleasant smell which comes out of the stomach by belching.

Undigested food, moving into the intestines, provokes irritation and the appearance of weak stools. Rotten smell against the background of diarrhea is the second sign of digestive disorders.

This indicates the disease and its further development. Don’t waste time, seek advice from a specialist.

Symptomatic manifestations of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract

The appearance of diarrhea is associated with symptomatic manifestation disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. With loose stools, a person has a stomach ache, vomiting, nausea, and high fever.

During the day, the patient may have bowel movements more than three times. Abundant stool, with frequent urges, observed general weakness. If no measures are taken, dehydration may occur.

In this situation, urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary, do not waste time, call ambulance, after examination by a specialist and tests, treatment will be prescribed. He will tell you what to do in this situation.

Almost seventy-five percent of human feces consists of ordinary water, the rest is a mass consisting of fiber enzymes, mucous compounds, some microorganisms, particles of intestinal epithelial cells, partially or completely digested food.

Diarrhea may be caused by allergic reaction for a specific product. It may also be a reaction after taking the drug.

Loose stools appear when there is damage to the mucous membrane in the large intestine.

Or gathered in it pathogenic bacteria. If the patient has eaten poor quality food. Or it was not suitable for his body, due to the complex process of digestion in the gastrointestinal tract.

Also, if a person has suffered a stressful situation or is suffering mental illness, this may lead to stool upset.

The main reasons for the appearance of loose stools:

  • oncological formations;
  • diseases associated with ulcerative colitis;
  • diseases associated with pancreatic disease;
  • disorders in processes associated with fluid absorption;
  • allergies to certain foods;
  • intolerance to fermented milk foods;
  • loose stools caused by infection, bacteria, fungus, worms;
  • in case of hemorrhoids;
  • diarrhea after drug treatment;
  • diarrhea after a stressful situation;
  • lack of enzymes;

The appearance of loose stools in irritable bowel syndrome occurs from excessive activity of the nervous system in an adult associated with a mental disorder.

If a person is in a stressful situation for a long time, then disturbances in the functioning of the intestines associated with his motility may be observed.

In this regard, severe pain appears in the abdomen, flatulence and an uncontrollable urge to defecate. Liquid stool (mushy-like) after the completion of the bowel movement temporarily stops.

Typically, activated charcoal is taken to get rid of loose stools. Activated carbon has the property of removing fluid, adsorbing toxins and other harmful substances formed in the body after diarrhea.

Since watery stools already remove fluid from the body and dehydration may occur, activated charcoal can complicate the situation. Treatment can be lengthy.

If you have diarrhea after poisoning, it is imperative to rinse your stomach. To do this, you need to boil water and add ordinary potassium permanganate to it.

The prepared solution should be light - pink color, you need to drink about 3 liters of water.

If you have celiac disease, you must exclude all foods containing gluten and follow a diet. A long therapy process is also followed.

This disease must be treated for many years. Preparations with enzymes are included, as well as medications for dysbiosis and to strengthen the body.

If diarrhea was caused after taking antibiotics, it is necessary to carry out treatment with the probiotic drug "Linex".

To relieve pain, “No-shpa” and “Papaverine” are used (all actions must be coordinated with the attending physician). "Regidron" helps restore the water-salt balance in the body after diarrhea.

When treating diarrhea, there is no need to waste time on self-medication; you should immediately seek advice from a specialist to determine the cause of the disease. Otherwise, treatment may be lengthy.

Useful video

Or is diarrhea general disorder digestion, which is characterized by loose stools and repeats more than twice a day. Diarrhea may be accompanied by high body temperature or be the result or symptom of another disease. At the first signs of illness, the patient should consult a doctor who will diagnose, determine the cause of the stomach upset and prescribe treatment.

Nature of pain

Painful sensations in the stomach can indicate various diseases or indicate possible complications in the body. The nature of the pain is different, this is what allows doctors to diagnose the disease and put accurate diagnosis. Thus, with gastritis, a burning sensation is felt, which may indicate the addition of solarium. Heaviness in the area under the urinary process is present with reduced secretion of gastritis chronic form. Pyloric stenosis causes pain in the form of distension in the epigastric region.

Observed with preserved secretion of chronic gastritis. With a gastric ulcer, although the pain is similar to that of chronic gastritis, there is still a difference; there are cramps and cramping pains. A duodenal ulcer has stabbing, cutting, cramping pain, this is also observed during exacerbation of chronic duodenitis. With through holes in the walls of the stomach, the patient feels a piercing severe pain or, as they say, “dagger-like.”

Causes of pain, nausea and diarrhea

Stomach pain may be caused by an ulcer

arise painful sensations in the stomach can various reasons, but the first thing you need to do is make a connection between pain and food intake. People with chronic gastritis experience severe painful discomfort in the stomach immediately after eating when sour and rough foods are consumed. The ulcer is accompanied by pain after eating, but not later than 1-1.5 hours after finishing the meal. And with pyloric ulcer, on the contrary, painful sensations are observed an hour and a half after eating. may bother a person after strong physical activity and on a psycho-emotional background. Stomach pain occurs due to the following diseases:

  • bacterial, viral, fungal gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis acute form, which arose after a stressful overexertion;
  • atrophic gastritis, eosinophilic;
  • malignant neoplasms of the stomach.

In addition to the above diseases, pain in the stomach can appear due to indigestion, overeating, overwork and constipation. happens as a result nervous stress, depression, anxiety. But main reason Indigestion is caused by poor nutrition and consumption of poor quality food. In addition, low immunity can cause indigestion.

Symptoms accompanying indigestion are heaviness, pain, bloating and discomfort in the abdomen, weakness, vomiting. The abdomen seems hard, the head hurts, there is a feeling of abdominal distension, severe gas formation, heartburn, belching, nausea and stool disorders appear. Indigestion is often accompanied by diarrhea. Diarrhea is an external sign that indicates a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract or some internal organ. Therefore, it is not diarrhea that needs to be treated, but its root cause. Loose stools due to indigestion can occur more than four times a day.

If the duration of diarrhea is one week or two, then the diagnosis is called “acute diarrhea.” If loose stool reaches three weeks – “ chronic diarrhea" A person should excrete about 2000 g of feces per week. Stomach pain and diarrhea may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, severe pain in the head, weakness, spasms that are caused by bacterial or viral infections. Diarrhea with painful stomach occurs due to food poisoning. Milk intolerance in people can also cause abdominal pain and loose stools.

If the illness is infectious, an increase in body temperature is observed

With diarrhea, people experience an increase in body temperature, which indicates infectious disease. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital. High temperature and diarrhea can be symptoms of the following ailments:

  • Stomach flu. The patient feels nauseous, has abdominal pain and pain, experiences heartburn, vomiting and severe weakness.
  • Dysentery. The patient complains of cramping abdominal pain, body temperature rises, the skin turns pale, and tachycardia may occur. Self-medication is strictly contraindicated, so at the first sign you should consult a doctor.

To prevent stomach upset associated with painful sensations, you should adhere to the following preventive measures:

  • do not drink raw water;
  • When purchasing products, look at the expiration date and storage conditions;
  • exclude fast food from the diet and ready meals, which are sold on the street;
  • do not eat food in places catering where there is no cleaning of premises;
  • washing hands upon arrival from the street and before eating;
  • washing vegetables, fruits, herbs.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of diarrhea will allow you to find out the cause of loose stools. It begins with a survey of the patient, as a result of which the doctor must collect information about the patient’s living conditions, his consumption of dirty or poor-quality food, his violation of personal hygiene, the signs of diarrhea and its duration. The doctor is interested in the medical history, acute and chronic diseases of the digestive system, and allergies.

Prescribed for diagnosis laboratory tests

The specialist palpates the abdomen and prescribes a test. laboratory tests blood, feces and, if necessary, examination of food debris, vomit and water.

After the diagnostic study, the patient is prescribed appropriate treatment, which is aimed at:

  • restoration of the proper functioning of the digestive system;
  • eliminating loose stools;
  • destruction of pathogens;
  • restoration of water balance in the body.

At the first signs of diarrhea, the patient should immediately refuse to eat or remove milk, fruits, vegetables, fried and fatty foods from the menu. The patient needs to drink as much as possible more water, tea, herbal infusions and compotes. The liquid should be warm and without sugar. The patient needs to rinse the intestines and stomach and take absorbents. If your head hurts, there is heartburn, or your stomach hurts, you need to take medications that can relieve the pain in your head, neutralize heartburn and ease the pain. These can be both medications and recipes from traditional medicine.

What to do on your own?

For diarrhea it is necessary drinking plenty of fluids

If the temperature is high, there is weakness, nausea, heaviness in the stomach, vomiting, heartburn and diarrhea, then the only thing you can do on your own is to take measures that will prevent dehydration. The patient should drink as much fluid as possible, even if this ends in vomiting. You need to drink regularly and in small portions. These can be decoctions of rose hips, the sourness of which will help relieve nausea, compotes, chamomile tea or tea with lemon and plain warm water.

In addition to liquids, you can restore the water balance in the body with special pharmaceutical solutions. Such medications should always be in the medicine cabinet and at hand. Regidron, Oralit, and Regidron Bio are considered good products.

If a patient has diarrhea, he first needs to strictly monitor his diet. The diet should consist of dietary products that are steamed, boiled or ground. It is not recommended to salt, pepper dishes or add coarse fiber to them. You need to eat food in small portions, but often, the number of meals can reach 6 times a day.

For diarrhea, prohibited flour products, mushrooms, fatty and fried foods, carbonated drinks, raw vegetables and ungrated fruits, legumes and rich meat, vegetable, and fish broths. When the patient’s condition gradually improves, you can include fermented milk products in the menu, bakery products, fresh fruit and dry biscuits.

Not only non-compliance with the principles of a healthy diet can provoke a situation where the stomach hurts and diarrhea begins very suddenly. Quite a lot serious illnesses, in the form of colitis, dysentery and appendicitis are accompanied by such symptoms. Of course, food poisoning is the most common reasons stomach pain and diarrhea. However, even in this case, if treated incorrectly, there is a serious threat to the patient’s health.

Quite rarely, diarrhea goes away painlessly, and this phenomenon is most often caused by eating food with a laxative effect. But if stomach pain and diarrhea appear together, then this condition is a direct signal of serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. And the nature of the pain, as well as the accompanying symptoms, will help to find out the causes of the disease.

The main causes of conditions in which the stomach hurts severely and diarrhea occurs include:

  • poisoning of various types;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • infectious diseases.

Sometimes abdominal pain and diarrhea occur even as a result of previous stressful situations. The reason for this is stomach cramps and improper functioning. In this case, the patient should visit a psychologist and neurologist. Also, in this case, taking sedatives for a short time will not hurt.

Abdominal pain and diarrhea in women often appear in the first days menstrual cycle. And in pregnant women, this condition in the later stages often indicates the onset of labor. Diarrhea and abdominal pain may begin if the mother drank milk or ate foods that increase gas formation.

Severe pain 30–90 minutes after eating, especially intense in men, most often indicates a peptic ulcer in the duodenum and stomach. In this case, discomfort is observed not only in the stomach area, but also in the liver.


Poisoning that causes diarrhea and abdominal pain can be not only food, but also bacterial and even chemical. And all these conditions are accompanied by various symptoms, by the nature of which the type of poisoning itself can be recognized.

Food poisoning occurs as a result of consuming low-quality foods. In this case, toxins and pathological microorganisms entering the stomach with food cause changes in the natural microflora and also inhibit the digestion process. As a result of this, in addition to pain in the intestines and diarrhea, the patient experiences vomiting, belching, and an increase in body temperature to 37–39°C. In addition, one of the first signs that stomach pain and diarrhea are a consequence food poisoning. These include a strong feeling of thirst, chills, increased blood pressure and severe weakness in the first few hours.