Slow intestinal motility. Increased intestinal peristalsis. Why does intestinal motility slow down?

- This is motor activity associated with the work of its smooth muscles. Regular contraction and relaxation of muscles promotes digestion and movement of contents through the digestive tract. If motor function is impaired, the bowel movement pattern changes and health worsens.

The muscular lining of the intestine consists of two layers, which differ in the arrangement of the fibers: longitudinal outer and circular inner. Coordinated muscle contractions produce bowel movements.

Types of physiological contractions


Intestinal motility is the result of the coordinated work of hormones, autonomic and central nervous system.

  • cells of the neuromuscular plexus of the intestinal wall provide background rhythmic activity;
  • motility is enhanced by the influence of food breakdown products;
  • irritation of rectal zone receptors inhibits upper motor skills;
  • food intake first reflexively inhibits, then stimulates motor activity intestines;
  • hormones that enhance motility: gastrin, histamine, vasopressin;
  • hormones that reduce motility: secretin, vasoactive intestinal peptide.

With normal intestinal motor function, the digestion process lasts from 1 to 3 days.

Weak motor skills

Decreased motility leads to infrequent and insufficient bowel movements. Chronic constipation appears.



Enhanced motor skills

With high intestinal motility, food remains in the body for less than a day. During this time, it does not have time to be completely digested and absorbed. Arises.



Improving intestinal motility


If you have intestinal atony, eat regularly, at least 4 times a day. Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. Include foods with a laxative effect in your diet.

Product List

Set of exercises

Do morning exercises, do exercises to stimulate intestinal function:


Reducing intestinal motility


Nutrition during accelerated peristalsis should be gentle. Eliminate fatty, fried, spicy, rough foods. Eat small portions up to 6 times a day. For diarrhea, prepare pureed dishes: casseroles, puddings, soufflés, purees. The basis of the diet should be foods with a fixing effect.

Intestinal peristalsis is a wave-forming contraction of the contraction walls that moves food along the digestive tract to the anus. Inhibition of peristalsis - dangerous symptom, which may indicate paralytic intestinal obstruction. In this article we will look at how to improve intestinal motility.

Rhythmic contractions of the intestines

Attention! IN international classification diseases of the 10th revision, paralytic ileus is designated by code K56.

What is intestinal peristalsis?

The movements of hollow organs resulting from the synchronous activity of smooth muscle cells are called peristalsis. Typical movements are wavy, with alternating phases of muscle contraction and relaxation. Intestinal peristalsis is based on contraction and relaxation of the longitudinal and circular muscles of the intestine. Contraction occurs throughout the intestine, that is, in both the small intestine and the large intestine. For this function, the intestine has a special wall structure.

The inner layer of the intestinal wall is the mucous membrane. On this mucosa lies a muscular layer, consisting of a circular and longitudinal one. The outermost intestinal layer is called Tunica adventitia. Only through the longitudinal and circular muscles is intestinal peristalsis possible.


In the intestine, there are propulsive and non-propulsive peristalsis. Non-propulsive peristalsis arises from circular, locally occurring waves of muscle contractions. Non-propulsive peristalsis helps mix food in the intestines.

In the case of propulsive peristalsis, the circular muscles also contract, but the movement continues with the involvement of the longitudinal muscles. This is called a tonic constant contraction of the intestinal muscles. Propulsive peristalsis is needed to transport food to the anus. In addition to these two forms of intestinal peristalsis, retrograde and orthogonal peristalsis are distinguished.

With orthogonal peristalsis, the intestinal contents are transported in the correct direction, that is, to the rectum. With retrograde peristalsis, the direction of movement is reversed.

The main function of peristalsis is to stir and transport food to the anus. Peristalsis is controlled by special pacemaker cells. They establish the rhythm of peristalsis.

Smooth muscle cells gastrointestinal tract also called interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC). These are spindle-shaped cells located in the longitudinal muscle layer of the intestine. They act as an intermediary between muscle cells and intestinal excitatory and inhibitory nerve cells.

There is another group of Cajal cells in the intestinal muscle. They form a branched connection between the longitudinal and circular muscles and create real arrows. The cells are in close connection with the so-called Auerbach Plexus. Auerbach's plexus is a network of nerves in the intestinal wall and is responsible for peristalsis. Pacemaker cells, in turn, are controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

The peristaltic reflex is responsible for accelerating intestinal peristalsis after eating. Inside the wall of the stomach and intestines there are mechanoreceptors that respond to stretching. Mechanical stretch causes cells in the enteric nervous system to release serotonin. He stimulates others nerve cells in the intestinal wall, including pacemaker cells. This, in turn, causes muscle contractions of the intestinal muscle cells.

Reasons for violation

Abnormal intestinal contractions occur when various diseases. In paralytic ileus, peristalsis stops completely due to a functional disorder, which ultimately causes intestinal paralysis. As a result, feces and food debris accumulate in the intestines. The most common cause of paralytic ileus is inflammation in the abdomen (appendicitis or pancreatitis).

Vascular occlusions, pregnancy, or various medications such as opiates, antidepressants, and medications for Parkinson's disease can also cause paralytic ileus.

In the case of mechanical obstruction, the intestinal passage is blocked by a mechanical obstruction. Mechanical obstruction occurs due to foreign bodies, gallstones And congenital pathologies intestines. Mechanical obstruction can also develop as a complication inguinal hernia. With mechanical ileus, the intestines try to transport food. Therefore, intestinal motility increases.


Typical symptoms intestinal obstruction: vomiting feces, bloating, flatulence. If the intestines are severely damaged, bacteria can enter the abdominal cavity. The result is life-threatening inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis).

With irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal contractions are almost always disrupted. IBS is considered the most common bowel disease. IBS – chronic functional disorder. Its symptoms are very varied. Weak intestinal motility leads to diarrhea (diarrhea), alternating with constipation, stomach pain and bloating. Defecation is often painful. The condition of patients worsens, especially in stressful situations. IBS makes the bowels less mobile.

A sedentary lifestyle is bad for the intestines and reduces contractions. It can disrupt the human gastrointestinal tract. Physical activity in this case helps to enhance intestinal motility. Some high-carbohydrate foods also reduce peristalsis.

Walk, fractional meals, timely hydration - a list of preventive measures that will make the intestines work stronger at home in both men and women.

Characteristic symptoms

Symptoms and signs of weakened peristalsis in a child and an adult patient:

  • Constipation;
  • Abdominal pain (especially in old age);
  • Increased gas formation;
  • Increased intra-abdominal pressure;
  • Feeling of incomplete bowel movement.


Medicines for relief and recovery

Many people wonder how to completely restore peristalsis? Research has shown that combinations medications(prescription drugs) containing bupivacaine alone or in combination with opioids relieve postoperative ileus. Continuous intravenous administration lidocaine after abdominal surgery reduces the duration of postoperative obstruction.

A randomized trial compared systemic lidocaine infusion with placebo infusion in postoperative patients. Patients in the lidocaine group appeared to have fewer symptoms obstruction. Systemic lidocaine reduced postoperative painful sensation. However, the scientists recommend further studies to evaluate systemic lidocaine infusion in postoperative patients.

Peripherally selective opioid antagonists are an option for the treatment of decreased peristalsis. Methylnaltrexone and alvimopan tablets are approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of paralytic ileus. These agents inhibit peripheral mu-opioid receptors and reverse the adverse gastrointestinal effects of opioids.

They do not cross the blood-brain barrier and therefore do not impair the analgesic effects of opioids. They also do not slow down the functioning of other organs.

Methylnaltrexone is indicated for opioid-induced constipation in patients with advanced disease receiving palliative care. In a study of 14 healthy volunteers evaluating the use of morphine plus oral methylnaltrexone in escalating doses, methylnaltrexone significantly reduced morphine-induced constipation. Another study reported that subcutaneous methylnaltrexone was effective in inducing diarrhea in patients with opioid-induced constipation. Because methylnaltrexone received relatively recent FDA approval, more rigorous testing is needed.


Another phase III, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that methylnaltrexone 12 mg and 24 mg did not reduce the duration of obstruction. Although the usefulness of intravenous methylnaltrexone has not been demonstrated, it is well tolerated in patients undergoing colectomy.

Alvimopan helps restore intestinal function and reduce the consequences of surgical intervention V postoperative period. It has a longer duration of action than methylnaltrexone. The researchers studied 78 postoperative patients randomized to receive placebo or alvimopan. Fifteen patients underwent partial colectomy and the remaining 27 underwent radical hysterectomy. All patients were on morphine.

Compared with patients on placebo, patients with this drug had their first bowel movement 2 days earlier and returned home 2 days earlier. Other completed studies include a meta-analysis comparing alvimopan with placebo. A study was conducted in which researchers found that alvimopan accelerated gastrointestinal recovery after bowel resection, regardless of age, gender, race, or concomitant medications.

The use of prokinetic agents has shown mixed results. Randomized trials have noted some benefit of the colonic laxative bisacodyl for the treatment of intestinal ileus.

Erythromycin, a motilin receptor agonist, has been used to treat functional intestinal obstruction. Metoclopramide, a dopaminergic antagonist, has antiemetic and prokinetic activity, but evidence has shown that the drugs may actually worsen ileus.

In a randomized controlled study 210 patients who had a major abdominal surgery, it was shown that perioperative low dose celecoxib markedly reduced the development of paralytic ileus compared with diclofenac. The effect did not depend on narcotic use and was not associated with an increase in postoperative complications.


Review of meta-analyses and randomized controlled trials medicines, used for postoperative ileus, was published by British scientists. The researchers examined three meta-analyses and 18 clinical trials. Only alvimopan has been shown to be effective in preventing obstruction.

Other methods to improve peristalsis

A peripheral mu-opioid receptor blocker helps increase peristalsis. The drug binds mu-opioid receptors in the intestine, selectively inhibiting the negative opioid effects on gastrointestinal function. Five clinical trials involving >2500 patients demonstrated accelerated recovery functions of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract when taking alvimopan compared with placebo. Duration reduction sick days observed in the drug group compared with placebo.

Well-functioning gastrointestinal tract is the basis wellness. Absorption occurs in the gastrointestinal tract useful substances from food. A person receives most of the nutrients and elements necessary for the body through the work of the intestines. It is important to ensure that it works correctly. At modern look he is most susceptible to life negative influence, the action of stimuli. The incidence of gastroenterological diseases in the Russian population is more than 10%. Common diseases are dyspepsia and poor intestinal motility.

The cause of intestinal motility disorders is various factors, starting from poor nutrition, ending with stress. We will look at them in more detail below. This disease entails a number of consequences that are detrimental to the human body. You should pay close attention to the functioning of the digestive system and go to the hospital if you notice the first symptoms of the disorder.

Important! Abdominal pain cannot be ignored. It indicates serious violations.

How the intestines work

In order to recognize the symptoms of dyskinesia and get rid of the disease in a timely manner, we will analyze the specifics of the work of this organ, possible diseases, their reasons.

The intestine is a hollow tube covered with muscle fibers; the total length of the intestine reaches 6 meters. It is divided into two sections: thick and thin. The length of the large intestine is 2 meters, the small intestine is 4 meters. Muscle fibers are lined in two layers. One is longitudinal, the other is circular. Thanks to this structure, the intestines are able to contract in waves. The phenomenon of peristalsis is observed.

Peristalsis plays important role For digestive process. When food enters the esophagus, then into the stomach and intestines, due to intestinal contractions, it moves towards lower sections, then - to the anus, then brought out. Good motor skills ensure complete absorption of nutrients.

As the digested food passes along its path, it “gives up” everything necessary for the body substances. Certain zones are responsible for the absorption of nutrients, others for the removal of toxins. IN different parts In the digestive system, the food bolus is retained for an unequal amount of time. This is due to the fact that each department contracts with different strength and frequency.

So, for the small intestine up to 12 contractions per minute are typical, for the large intestine - 3-4, for the duodenum - up to 12, for the rectum the norm is up to 3 contractions per minute. These indicators are typical for organs healthy condition. In case of failure, increased intestinal motility is observed. This leads to various diseases.

Motor impairment

With poor peristalsis, food enters the organs abdominal cavity, progresses poorly, lingering there. This leads to the retention of toxins, the inability to absorb useful substances, as a result of which waste products accumulate and create an environment for the development of pathogens that provoke inflammatory processes, the formation of polyps, ulcers, and stool disorders.

95% of people have suffered from a bowel disorder at least once in their life. The most common consequence is a change in bowel habits (diarrhea or constipation).

Causes of pathology

To control the functioning of the intestines, you need to know the reasons that disrupt its functioning.

The causes of poor gastrointestinal motility are divided into two categories. The first includes pathological processes occurring in the abdominal cavity. This includes growths and ulcers on inside intestines, previous operations in this area, pressure from outside. Experts consider genetic predisposition as pathological processes, weak tone muscle tissue internal organs.

The second category includes a violation of the regulation of the digestive system, nervous and endocrine systems Ouch. The causes of the disorder are constant stress, nervous tension, overwork, lack of sleep, hormone imbalance. These factors affect the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems that regulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main causes of intestinal motility disorders:

  • lack of diet, consumption of junk food;
  • physical inactivity;
  • predisposition due to genetic factors;
  • weak muscles of internal organs, atony;
  • previous operations on the abdominal organs;
  • taking antibiotics that affect digestion;
  • tumors on the internal walls of the organ;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, permanent stressful situations.

Poor nutrition is the most main reason, disrupting the functioning of the digestive system. Fatty, salty, fried foods irritate the intestinal walls, which leads to deterioration of motility. Quick snacks, lack good nutrition have a negative effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of dyskinesia

The following signs usually indicate a violation of intestinal motility:

  • pain in different parts of the abdomen;
  • change in stool;
  • bloating;
  • weakness, irritability;
  • weight gain;
  • skin rashes.

Here are the main symptoms indicating impaired intestinal motility. You shouldn't ignore them. It is not a fact that skin rashes can be a consequence of this disorder (a hormone imbalance is possible), but this cause cannot be ruled out, and it is necessary to check for disruptions in the digestive system. 60% of cases show that acne is the result of intestinal dysfunction.

The most common symptom is a change in bowel habits. No need to panic. The intestines react to minor changes in external and internal factors, which may result in diarrhea. You can get rid of it yourself, just buy over-the-counter medications for diarrhea: such as Linex (available in a form for children), Imodium, Smecta, Bifiform.

For constipation, medications that increase peristalsis will help. Constipation occurs due to poor muscle contraction, which prevents food from moving through the digestive tract. These symptoms are not difficult for a person to diagnose and eliminate on their own. If diarrhea or constipation continues after taking the drug, you should go to the hospital immediately. When the phenomena are protracted, they may indicate serious disorders and develop into a chronic form.

Important! If diarrhea or constipation continues for more than a day, consult a doctor immediately!

Constant pain of various locations in the abdomen clearly indicates dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. They can be caused by various reasons, including weak peristalsis. The pain can bother the patient either constantly or in waves, disappearing periodically. They may become smaller in the evening, after the release of gas or feces. Unpleasant belching and heartburn may indicate dyskinesia. Frequent repetitions of these symptoms should alert the person and prompt them to go to the hospital.

If your general condition worsens, weakness, insomnia, or unexpected weight gain appear, it is worth checking the state of the digestive system, as it reacts sharply to stressful situations. Sudden changes in body temperature, heavy sweating may indicate peristaltic disturbances.

Poor functioning of the digestive organs leads to a painful state of the entire body. The symptoms listed above may be a signal that you need to check the functioning of your digestive system. By ignoring symptoms, there is a risk of developing acute and chronic diseases.

What are the dangers of intestinal dysfunction?

Good peristalsis ensures the coordinated functioning of the whole organism. In case of failure, changes occur. They can become inevitable and lead to long-term illnesses If you ignore the symptoms, you will not start treatment on time.

Increased intestinal peristalsis contributes to the frequency of stools up to 8-10 times a day. This leads to water-electrolyte imbalance. Beneficial substances from digested food do not have time to be absorbed into small intestine and are removed along with waste. Thus, the person does not receive vital necessary elements, which leads to a general weakening of the body and a painful state. During frequent bowel movements dehydration occurs, resulting in exhaustion of the body. If measures are not taken in time, this can even lead to death.

Reduced peristalsis is no less dangerous. At proper operation The intestines remove waste products and waste from the body. If motility is weakened, reabsorption occurs harmful substances from feces. This leads to intoxication of the body. Retention of feces in the intestines causes the formation of polyps, ulcers, papillomas, and tumors. Weak peristalsis causes the development of hemorrhoids due to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs. Observed inflammatory process, causing internal bleeding.

The main function of the intestines is the absorption of nutrients from incoming food and the removal of toxins. If peristalsis is impaired, this function is not performed. The intestinal microflora is disrupted, the immune system is weakened, resulting in an increased risk of developing not only diseases of the digestive system, but also other organs in general. Violation can cause either mild illness or death.

Important! Be alert to changes in bowel conditions. Timely treatment may prevent death.

Treatment of dyskinesia

Before starting treatment, the patient needs to undergo a series of studies to determine the cause, localization of the disorder to determine treatment methods and appropriate medicinal drugs. The doctor should refer the patient for the following studies:

  • scatology;
  • endoscopy;
  • irrigoscopy;
  • colonoscopy;
  • checking discharge for dysbacteriosis and occult blood.

These studies are necessary to exclude other gastrointestinal diseases. According to the general complaints of the patient, it is difficult to diagnose poor intestinal motility.

Treatment should be comprehensive, it will consist of taking medicines, performing appropriate gymnastics, following a diet. For constipation, the doctor prescribes medications that increase peristalsis. For diarrhea - lowering.

Nutrition adjustments are being made. With increased peristalsis, the diet should contain fresh baked goods, hot drinks, chocolate, warm cereals, eggs, meat dishes, pears, quinces, chokeberries, preferably drinking red wine. When low - fermented milk products, juices and other cold drinks, vegetables, sour apples, apricots, gooseberries, dried fruits, herbs, seafood, bran bread.

Moderate physical activity for this condition is used for treatment. Running, yoga, and swimming are recommended. Long daily stays are required fresh air. A set of therapeutic exercises and abdominal massage are also prescribed.

How to cope with the disease at home

If the symptoms of the disorders are minor, you can cope with them at home on your own. Folk remedies are used to provide first emergency aid.

For constipation, laxative mixtures are used.

Recipe 1

You will need:

  • sprouted wheat grains (1 tablespoon);
  • apples (2 pieces);
  • honey (1 tablespoon);
  • crushed walnuts(1 tablespoon);
  • oatmeal (2 tablespoons);
  • Half a lemon.

Grate the apples and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Add 2 tablespoons warm boiled water, stir. Take 3-4 times a day.

Recipe 2


  • prunes (400 grams);
  • dried apricots (400 grams);
  • propolis tincture (2 tablespoons);
  • liquid honey (200 grams).

Grind the dried fruits in a blender, add the remaining ingredients, let it brew for half an hour. Take 2 teaspoons orally at night to normalize peristalsis and improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

For weak intestinal motility, herbal decoctions are used to stop diarrhea.

A decoction of consolid flowers (popularly known as sokyrka) helps to normalize stool. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of herb and let it brew. Take as tea after meals.

Helps reduce peristalsis wheat bran- take 1-2 tablespoons half an hour before meals. Wash down a large number water. A good remedy is plantain seeds. You can buy them at a pharmacy without a prescription. They need to be crushed using a coffee grinder, take 1 teaspoon of bran before meals.

To prevent disturbances in intestinal motility, it is enough to follow simple rules. Adjust food:

  • eat more fiber-rich foods;
  • use first courses;
  • observe drinking regime;
  • Reduce fast food snacks to a minimum.

Try not to drink alcohol.

Walks in the fresh air are required. Experts recommend spending at least a third of the day outdoors. Don't forget about exercise and moderate physical activity. Yoga, swimming, running, and tennis are recommended. Enter these simple rules into your life, and your intestines will be healthy.

You can hear about intestinal motility disorders from your doctor when making many diagnoses related to this disease. This term is commonly used to describe malfunctions in the functioning of various departments intestines.

Peristalsis refers to reflex actions.

The normal functioning of the intestine occurs as a systematic contraction of the muscles lining the walls of this organ. The contractions are wavy in nature.

They become possible due to the peculiar structure of muscle fibers in this area. Firstly, they have a double layer.

Secondly, the direction of the muscle fibers of the upper and lower layers does not coincide, but runs perpendicular to each other. The intensity of contractions varies depending on the section of the intestine.

The contractions occur either quite slowly or very rapidly, depending on the situation. But in the large intestine, contractions can only be slow, because a large bolus of food moves there. However, they are also systematic. Otherwise, the chyme would not have been able to reach anus. These contractions are commonly called peristalsis.

Peristalsis refers to reflex actions. It occurs immediately after the appearance of food in. Average contraction frequency in different departments intestines is as follows:

  • duodenum - approximately 10 per minute;
  • small intestine – 9 – 10 / min;
  • large intestine – 3 – 4 / min;
  • rectum - up to 3.

If any reasons affect the slowdown of peristalsis, the entire body is exposed to the negative effects of the consequences. Minerals and other beneficial substances are less easily absorbed, causing problems with bowel movements.

As a result, elements of chyme that are not removed in time decompose, leading to the spread of toxins throughout the body, contributing to the development of symptoms characteristic of intestinal dyskinesia.

Signs of peristalsis failure

Abdominal pain is a sign of intestinal motility failure.

The following signs indicate disruptions in intestinal motility:

  • Painful sensations in the abdomen, found in different places below the level of the navel. The pain may be slightly aching, or it may be cramping in nature. If they make themselves felt at night, the person will be completely deprived of the opportunity to get enough sleep. If you manage to empty your intestines and free them from accumulated bowels, then the pain subsides. However, in the morning after eating discomfort They'll start bothering you again. Drinks that contain caffeine can provoke pain. Anxiety, anxiety, and overwork have a detrimental effect on the condition.
  • Bloating caused by accumulated gases is another unpleasant symptom. Delays in the movement of chyme provoke increased gas formation.
  • Problems with . The most common symptom is constipation. Only in some patients constipation is replaced by diarrhea. Most are forced to resort to enemas and laxatives. Over time, the situation only worsens and the person is completely unable to empty his bowels on his own.
  • Digestive problems lead to weight gain, which causes frustration among patients. Against the background of the above symptoms, it worsens general condition. Many experience weakness and apathy caused by insomnia. Some suffer from irritability.
  • Intoxication affects appearance. These include acne, deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair, and excessive oiliness. Intensifying allergic manifestations. If disruptions in intestinal motility begin to produce unwanted “fruits,” you should make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible, who will be able to select the right treatment.

ABOUT best food for intestinal motility, watch the video:

Reasons for slower peristalsis

If bowel dysfunction occurs, surgery may be required.

Malfunctions in the intestines have their own causes. In order to completely normalize the situation, the doctor will first of all identify the reason that provoked the deterioration in well-being. In most cases there are several reasons:

  1. eating large amounts of high-calorie foods;
  2. chronic intestinal diseases;
  3. (malignant, benign);
  4. surgical intervention;
  5. taking drugs that inhibit bowel function;
  6. old age;
  7. genetic predisposition.

Even with proper treatment of the underlying disease, it is impossible to regulate the functioning of the intestines without balanced nutrition. Flour products, dishes containing a lot of starch, and fats have a negative effect. Sugar is a product that enhances putrefactive processes in the digestive tract.

When peristalsis slows down, toxins are formed in large quantities and through intestinal walls reach other organs. In the intestine itself, the chyme that has not been released hardens over time, and “” is obtained. For them to come out naturally, it is necessary to fully restore the functionality of this organ.

It's quite difficult to push them out. After all, they are very dense and heavy. If they go along the intestinal passages, then destruction of the walls occurs, as a result of which they develop dangerous diseases. Among them are cracks. Stagnation of blood in this organ leads to the appearance of polyps and hemorrhoids. Elderly patients have their own sequence of pathology development. They are changing hormonal background, muscle fibers become weaker and lethargic. And all existing chronic diseases progress.

Acceleration of peristalsis

Sometimes the functioning of the intestines follows an accelerated pattern. Wave-like contractions occur at a faster speed than normal. This condition can be caused by oncological pathology, disorder, or the development of chronic diseases. Externally, increased peristalsis is expressed in attacks of diarrhea. Diarrhea is accompanied by pain, foamy discharge, and the stool is watery.

To normalize the situation, it is necessary to be examined to accurately determine the cause of this condition. After this, you can take action. Incompetent treatment can completely destabilize the condition. If serious problems cannot be identified, then the cause is poor nutrition. After following the diet, the condition should improve. To speed up recovery. You can take medications that slow down peristalsis. This is diara, and its analogue is loperamide.

Ways to improve peristalsis

If you have diarrhea, you should not eat jelly.

If peristalsis is insufficient, a number of steps can be taken simple steps which will help restore normal bowel function.

  • Mandatory consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Among drinks, juices are preferable, especially freshly squeezed ones, not only from fruits, but also from vegetables. Carrot and beetroot are especially useful.
  • Cabbage. You also need to drink mineral water without gas.
  • Sprouted grains, nuts, and flax seeds are included in the diet.
  • When eating meat, add vegetables.
  • Cook porridge from buckwheat, millet, oatmeal. Forget about rice and semolina for now.
  • should be in the diet constantly, including raisins, figs, prunes, dried apricots.
  • Proper drinking regimen should be observed. Every morning drink a glass of water. The volume of water per day should be increased to 2 liters.
  • You should not eat foods that have a reputation for treating diarrhea. This is black tea boiled eggs, grenades. It is also better to avoid hot foods.
  • Kefir and others fermented milk products Drinking before going to bed will help you empty your bowels naturally in the morning.
  • You need to eat in small portions.
  • Potatoes and baked goods should be excluded.
  • Drinks are best taken cool.
  • Spicy and hot seasonings stimulate the intestines.
  • Food is swallowed only if it is well chewed.
  • Laxatives should not be abused.
  • The first urge to defecate should not be ignored. It can't be tolerated at all.
  • Sugar, carbonated drinks, smoked foods, coffee should be excluded.
  • Need to think about increasing physical activity, if it is missing.

Medications that improve peristalsis

Guttalax is addictive.

To improve the functioning of the intestines, medications are prescribed that help increase motility and muscle tone.

It could be vasopressin, proserin. But self-medication is dangerous, so you can take these drugs only after they have been prescribed by a doctor.

To improve intestinal contractions, laxatives can be used. They are divided into groups depending on which part of the intestine they affect.

  1. Laxatives general action. This group includes drugs that have a beneficial effect on all intestinal sections at once. For example. Epsom salt increases osmotic pressure, as a result, the intestines empty within an hour and a half.
  2. Remedies for the small intestine. Classic drug - castor oil. It facilitates the movement of the food bolus and improves motor skills. Defecation occurs after 2–5 hours. Among the unpleasant side effects– possible pain.
  3. Remedies for the large intestine. These are mainly drugs plant origin, for example, buckthorn bark. The action lies in the ability to enhance the tone of the walls.
  4. Synthetic products. and others like it are effective. However, they are dangerous because they can become addictive.

Therapeutic gymnastics

Peristalsis can be restored by increasing physical activity. There are also special exercises, stimulating intestinal function. They will help improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Among useful exercises– “Bicycle”, “Cat”, leg lifts in a lying position.

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When contractions of the intestinal walls become insufficient, they speak of decreased intestinal motility, and if they are increased, they speak of increased ones. Both of these conditions require correction. Often it is enough to change the diet and increase physical activity, but in some cases medication is needed.

Physiological basis of intestinal motility

Intestinal peristalsis: what is it? Consecutive wave-like contractions of the muscles of the walls of the organ, necessary to move the contents.

Intestinal motility is controlled vegetative department nervous system. The muscles in the walls are located in two layers: in one - longitudinally, in the other - circularly (ring-shaped). Information about their contraction or relaxation comes from the brain along nerve fibers.

Consecutive changes in these states ensure the movement of food, and then feces to the anus. The process of evacuation (defecation) also requires peristaltic movements of the intestinal walls.

Peristalsis ensures delivery to digestive system liquids necessary for the absorption of useful substances and processing of the remaining ones: outflow occurs from into the small intestine, from -. Therefore, motor skills are important not only for transportation, but also for digestion of food.

Intestinal peristalsis in each department digestive tract has its own specifics. First the content goes to duodenum. Muscle contractions in it occur in response to stimulation of the walls with food; they can be slow, increased or rapid. Usually several types of peristaltic waves move at the same time.

In skinny and ileum motor skills are less intense. In the thick section, food takes a long time to digest. Contractions occur only a few times a day and move contents to the anal sphincter.

Reasons for violation

Enhanced, active intestinal motility is one of the types of intestinal peristalsis, in which contractions occur frequently and food moves very quickly, without having time to be absorbed.

The reasons for this dysfunction may be:

  • substances that excessively irritate the intestinal walls - medications, sour or spicy foods;
  • large amount of food;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines - enterocolitis;
  • psycho-emotional overload, stress, .

Inhibition or absence of peristalsis, when contractions of the walls are rare, slow or absent at all, occurs for the following reasons:

  • frequent and uncontrolled consumption of high-calorie foods;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - colitis, gastritis;
  • tumors - polyps, cancer;
  • abdominal surgery;
  • age-related changes - muscle atrophy, hormonal imbalance, chronic pathologies;
  • hypodynamic lifestyle;
  • influence of drugs.


Symptoms of intestinal motility disorders depend on its type.

With increased, frequent contraction of the muscle walls,:

  • Spasmodic pain. Irritation of the intestinal walls and increased peristalsis lead to a sharp and intense contraction of its walls. The symptom increases after eating, taking medications, and decreases during sleep.
  • Frequent stools, sometimes loose (diarrhea).
  • Increased gas formation, bloating.
  • Changes in the nature of stool: it becomes liquid, mucus appears, and sometimes streaks of blood.
  • After visiting the toilet, there is a feeling that the intestines are not completely emptied.
Weak intestinal motility has the following symptoms:
  • Stomach ache various localizations and intensity. During the day, they can manifest themselves either as barely noticeable discomfort or as severe cramps. Often this symptom subsides after defecation, release of gas, during sleep, and intensifies after eating.
  • Excessive gas formation, bloating.
  • Constipation. Abnormalities of this type of stool are persistent, but in in rare cases alternate with diarrhea and, if left untreated, become chronic.
  • Weight gain occurs due to disturbances in digestion and metabolic processes in the body.
  • Signs of intoxication: worsening general well-being, weakness, headaches, Bad mood, allergic reactions, skin rashes. Long stay in the intestines of processed foods leads to the absorption of toxins from them.


To know how to restore and normalize intestinal motility, it is necessary to find out the nature of the disorder and its causes.

Minimum set diagnostic methods includes:

  • Finger examination.
  • Coprogram - analysis of stool to identify other digestive disorders.
  • Endoscopy – instrumental examination intestines.
  • Irrigoscopy is an X-ray examination with the introduction of a contrast agent into the intestines.

IN difficult cases An ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and pelvis may be prescribed, computed tomography. Based on the results of the data obtained, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

What do intestinal motility disorders lead to?

Poor intestinal motility contributes to fecal stagnation. As a result, bacteria actively multiply there and rotting processes begin. The resulting toxins are absorbed into the blood and travel to various organs, disrupting their functioning.

The liver is the first to suffer. Receiving increased load, it does not cope with the filtering function. Signs of intoxication of the body are increasing: headaches, lethargy, drowsiness, decreased mood, deterioration of the skin and hair, the appearance of acne and other rashes.

Reverse peristalsis of the small intestine and stomach can lead to belching and vomiting. Intensified and frequent contractions of the walls provoke diarrhea, which is dangerous due to dehydration.

With a large loss of fluid, chills, tachycardia, and dizziness develop. If not provided medical care, these conditions develop into shortness of breath, convulsions, vomiting, and increased heart rate.

Another complication of increased intestinal motility is insufficient absorption of nutrients, which can lead to disruption of metabolic processes in the body.


Impaired intestinal motility requires treatment, as it makes you feel worse and can lead to complications. The therapy is carried out comprehensively and involves correcting nutrition, performing special physical exercises and taking medications. The doctor makes all prescriptions after establishing the cause of the violations and determining their nature.

Treatment sluggish peristalsis intestines and stomach is aimed at its stimulation. It is necessary to exclude high-calorie foods from the diet: sweets, fatty foods. Also prohibited are foods that increase gas formation and fermentation: legumes, boiled eggs, fresh baked goods, fresh milk.

The basis of the daily menu should be vegetables, fruits, cereals, bran - sources of fiber. You need to eat food often and in small portions. Drink about 2 liters of water during the day.

When dietary changes are not enough, the doctor prescribes medications to enhance intestinal motility:

  • increasing muscle tone of the walls (Vasopressin, Proserin);
  • laxatives ( Epsom salt, castor oil, Senade, Regulax, magnesia).
Medicines are not always prescribed by a doctor, since intestinal motility can be increased by correcting nutrition and physical exercises aimed at stimulating blood flow and strengthening the abdominal muscles.

An approximate complex of morning exercises could be like this:

  1. Exercise "bicycle" lying on your back. Perform 25 times.
  2. Lying on your back, bend your legs and pull them to your chest, hold for 5 seconds, return to starting position. Perform 10-12 times.
  3. Lying on your back, raise your legs straight and behind your head, slowly lower them. Perform 10-12 times.
  4. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, twist your body left and right. Perform 10-12 times in each direction.
  5. Walk in place for 3-5 minutes.

With increased and frequent contractions of the intestinal walls, another treatment is prescribed, since in this case it is necessary to reduce peristalsis. The diet is compiled individually, based on the patient’s observations.

It is necessary to determine which foods cause irritation and the development of spasms. Most often these are spicy, smoked, fatty foods, carbonated drinks and alcohol, and milk. Products to reduce intestinal motility - stewed and boiled vegetables, rice, oats, jelly.

To eliminate increased intestinal motility, drugs are prescribed that slow it down: Imodium, Loperamide, Lopedium, Diara. Therapeutic gymnastics aimed at relaxing muscles, physical exercise combined with respiratory ones. When selecting them, the main thing is to avoid stress on the abdominal muscles.

Starting position: standing on all fours or lying on your back. Exercises from yoga, Pilates ("cat", stretching the oblique muscles) are suitable.


Since it is often not easy to establish peristalsis in an adult, it is worth paying attention to the prevention of its violations:

  • visit a gastroenterologist at least once a year to promptly identify and eliminate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • maintain moderate physical activity - walking and cycling, visiting the pool, etc.;
  • follow a diet and adhere to healthy diet- a diet for normal intestinal motility includes eating foods with high content fiber, avoidance of sweets, legumes, baked goods, spicy and seasoned foods.

Intestinal peristalsis is its ability to rhythmically contract the walls. It is necessary for moving food from the stomach to the anus, as well as for its digestion.

If peristalsis is disturbed, it weakens or strengthens. Both conditions bring discomfort, complications and require treatment. For recovery normal operation intestines requires nutritional correction, taking medications, and doing physical exercises.

Useful video about normalizing bowel function