Diet menu after removal of an inguinal hernia. Diet after inguinal hernia surgery in women

The time after hernia repair is very important period. In order to prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Proper diet with an inguinal hernia and after its removal - required component recovery period. You can start doing physical therapy only after a certain amount of time has passed after the operation.

Features of the postoperative period

Course and duration recovery period after removal of the hernia depends on how the operation was performed. For example, if hernia repair was performed using the laparoscopy method, then the rehabilitation period will pass more quickly. When using traditional access during surgery, recovery takes longer.

But in both cases it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations. It is important to know that:

When using local anesthesia the patient can get up after two or three hours;
- If general anesthesia or epidural anesthesia was used, the person is allowed to get up only the next day;
- Sutures are usually removed a week after surgical intervention;
- After surgery, you need to avoid constipation and increased gas formation, so it is important to follow a certain diet;
- Heavy physical activity should be avoided for three months. If surgery was performed for a recurrent hernia, then excessive loads should be avoided for nine months;
- After surgery, you should not drink alcohol or smoke. Smokers often have a cough, which leads to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. And this can provoke a recurrence of the hernia;
- It is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the dressing to prevent infection from entering the wound after surgery.

Therapeutic exercise

Immediately after the operation, physical activity should be avoided. In this case, it is necessary to limit the load on the anterior abdominal wall. You can use a special bandage for some time. The time of wearing it is determined individually by the doctor. If a cough occurs, it is advisable to hold the wound with your hand.

It is allowed to engage in physical therapy only after three months have passed after the operation. In this case, it is very important to follow a certain sequence of exercises: first they are performed only in a lying position, then sitting, and lastly, standing.

It is advisable to use a support bandage during such exercises, which is removed in a lying position after completion. physical activity. Dynamic breathing exercises will also be useful during the recovery period.

To create the right set of exercises, it is best to consult a specialist doctor. The latter necessarily takes into account the patient’s height, weight and physical capabilities.

Diet for inguinal hernia on the first day after surgery

Energy value daily ration should not exceed thousands of kilocalories. The amount of liquid consumed during the day should not be less than two liters. The content of table salt is also limited.

Food should be semi-liquid or liquid and rich in vitamins. Meals should be small and frequent (up to eight times a day).
Allowed to eat and drink:

Berry and fruit juices with added sugar;
- Jelly;
- Kiseli;
- Weak meat broth;
- Soft-boiled eggs;
- Butter;
- Tea with sugar, rose hip decoction.

Diet after inguinal hernia surgery: second day

Diet after removal inguinal hernia should be aimed at preventing increased gas formation. Food should be taken six times a day in fractional portions. At the same time, the calorie intake is slightly increased (by five hundred or six hundred kilocalories compared to the previous day).

Only a number of foods are allowed. This:

Fruit and berry jelly and juices;
- Low-fat weak meat broth;
- Fruit jelly;
- Slimy soups based on vegetable broth with the addition of cereals;
- Tea or rosehip decoction with sugar;
- Soft-boiled eggs;
- Puree or steam soufflé from lean fish or meat;
- Protein steam omelette;
- Mashed liquid porridge made from rice, oatmeal or buckwheat;
- Fruit drinks (but only from non-acidic berries).

Nutrition after removal of an inguinal hernia: days three and four

At this time, nutrition for inguinal hernia is aimed at making the transition to a physiologically complete diet. The energy value of the diet also increases. You need to eat food six times a day.

All dishes and products that could be consumed on the first and second days after herniotomy are allowed. Also additionally added to the diet:

Cream soups and puree soups;
- Steamed dishes made from pureed fish or meat;
- Steamed cottage cheese dishes;
- Mashed cottage cheese with added cream;
- Baked apples;
- Fermented milk drinks;
- Mashed vegetable or fruit puree;
- White crackers in small quantities.

Further nutrition after inguinal hernia surgery

Proper nutrition will help to avoid complications that may develop after hernia surgery. The diet must include a sufficient amount of protein.

You should not eat:

Bread and bakery products;
- Milk;
- Legumes: beans, beans and peas;
- Some vegetables: potatoes, any cabbage, asparagus, onions, corn and artichoke;
- Some fruits and berries: pears, apples, figs, prunes, peaches, grapes, cherries;
- Chewing caramel and gum;
- Carbonated drinks;
- Sweets.

In order to postoperative period passed without complications, it is important to follow the recommendations given by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. This will help speed up recovery after hernia repair. You should consult a specialist about diet, physical therapy and lifestyle after surgery. Source -

It can be almost painless, but it is necessary to listen to the doctor’s recommendations and follow all instructions for rehabilitation period.

Depending on several factors, the time frame for the recovery period is determined. This may be influenced age characteristics the patient, body constitution, lifestyle and many other related factors.

It is worth noting that a person who leads a healthy and active image will be able to easily adapt to life after surgical intervention. He will not experience severe pain or discomfort. The same applies to young people, for whom the recovery period is several times faster and easier. For elderly people and in a sedentary manner life, with many bad habits and related chronic diseases This period can be very difficult.

Consequences after surgery

All possible surgical penetration is a violation of the integrity of tissues and interference in the human body. All people's reactions to such intervention may be completely different, and it is unknown how the body will behave after this. The postoperative period after an inguinal hernia can pass quite quickly and the person will soon return to normal life.

But there are situations when, after surgery, recovery processes are slow and the reasons for this may be an infection that entered the body during the operation due to the fault of the surgeon or during the healing period of the suture. Therefore, it is extremely important to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, since this situation can provoke pain after surgery.

Also common complications include suppuration of the suture, which is accompanied by severe pain And high temperature operated area.

In the case where there is suppuration in the scar area, the period of postoperative rehabilitation increases. In addition, the risk of a recurrent hernia increases. Therefore, the patient needs to visit the doctor more often for dressing changes to eliminate possible problems.

Pain during the postoperative period

Despite following all the doctor’s recommendations, making adjustments to the diet and complete rest, some patients experience pain in the area of ​​the operated area. This may be a consequence of the seam overgrowing, restoration muscle tissue or other reasons.

There are situations when unprofessional performance of the operation increases the risk of discomfort in the suture area. This occurs due to injury to the nerve endings in soft tissues. Emergence sharp pain in the postoperative period may indicate re-formation of a hernia, which is fraught with a similar operation.

If the patient lifts weights during recovery, this can also cause pain or suture dehiscence, which is a serious postoperative complication. Damage to blood vessels and hematomas can also be the cause painful sensations during the recovery period. They can be eliminated by using tight bandages and cold compresses. In order to cope with large hematomas, puncture is used.

Duration of the rehabilitation period

The postoperative period of an inguinal hernia directly depends on which method of anesthesia was chosen for the operation. If surgery was performed under local anesthesia, then the chances of fast recovery of the body are quite high and the rehabilitation period will, of course, be shorter. In most cases, the patient leaves the hospital the next day. But a visit to the doctor for dressing and examination is mandatory.

In case of an operation under general anesthesia recovery takes 1-2 days. For 7-10 days after surgery, it is advisable for the patient to follow bed rest and a certain diet.

Any loads in the postoperative period are strictly contraindicated, but physical exercises to strengthen the abs and muscle corset should not be postponed until long period. After all, it is these exercises that will help avoid the occurrence of repeated inguinal hernias. If all medical instructions are followed, the postoperative period will pass without complications, and full recovery noted after 30-35 days.

Important measures during the postoperative period

Some time after the operation, it is advisable for the patient to follow certain recommendations and adhere to a special regime. In addition, you need to pay attention to the following important nuances:

  • performing exercises to maintain abdominal muscle tone;
  • objective assessment of physical activity;
  • preventive measures to eliminate problems that cause constipation;
  • weight normalization, getting rid of extra pounds;
  • giving up bad habits, especially smoking, which has a very detrimental effect on muscle tissue and causes severe attacks cough, and this, in turn, can cause a postoperative inguinal hernia.

Drug therapy in the postoperative period

An inguinal hernia requires special attention from doctors and the patient himself. After all, how the patient behaves in relation to his own health will determine how successful the outcome of the operation will be.

If complications occur, doctors often prescribe drug therapy, thanks to which it is possible to cope with pain and inflammatory symptoms in the postoperative period. Treatment is with antibiotics, vitamin complexes and drugs that enhance immunity. It is also important to use products that improve nutrition and tissue restoration.

Exercise and physical activity

In the first 2-3 weeks after surgery to remove an inguinal hernia, the patient should remain at rest and completely avoid physical activity. After this period, you need to start doing light abdominal exercises. The maximum weight that such patients are allowed to lift is no more than 5 kg.

Before starting classes, you need to consult and recommend a doctor regarding certain physical exercise. The set of exercises that will be recommended must be performed daily, but carefully monitor your condition, do not do it through force or pain, listen to your feelings. And in case of discomfort or pain It’s better to stop exercising.

The load should increase gradually, and if you feel weak or unwell, then the exercises should be postponed for a while. It is also worth noting that you must abstain from sexual relations for 14-20 days after surgery to eliminate an inguinal hernia. If you start at more early dates, then this is fraught with complications and undesirable consequences, of which the following should be noted:

  • development of edema and hematomas;
  • the appearance of pain;
  • suture tears and bleeding;
  • the occurrence of infection;
  • displacement of the mesh implant, if any.

Exercises to strengthen muscle tone

  • Position – lying on the floor, arms free along the body. Raise your straightened legs up, keeping an angle of 45 degrees from the floor and perform the “scissors” exercise, which involves a kind of alternating crossing. Do 5-6 repetitions for each leg. You can add 1 time daily.
  • The “bicycle” exercise is performed using the same principle. To begin with, 6 revolutions will be enough.
  • Stand on all fours, with emphasis on your knees and elbows. Slowly raise your leg, bent at the knee, up. Do 5 reps. Then with the other foot.
  • Squats. In this exercise, it is important to listen to how you feel. Don't squat too deeply. 4-6 squats will be enough.
  • Push-ups. On initial stage You can perform the exercise while lying down, standing on your knees, to lighten the load a little.
  • Lying on your left side, arm in front, legs straight. rise right leg up. Perform 5-6 times. Roll over onto your right side. Repeat for the left leg.

Should I use a bandage?

There are special devices that are used in for preventive purposes against the development of inguinal hernias, and these are bandages. In the postoperative period, this device will help to avoid excessive muscle stretching and reduce the load on the abdominal muscles, which serves as a guarantee against relapse or complications.

With constant use of the bandage, the load and pressure are uniformly placed on the area after surgery, due to which fast healing. The period of use of the bandage is chosen by the doctor, referring to the complexity of the operation, the size of the hernia and the patient’s condition.

But with all this, there is no urgent need to use a bandage, since modern surgical methods allow you to reliably fix areas damaged by hernia using mesh implants. Wearing a bandage is useful for the first time after surgery when there is pain or when doing physical exercise.

Those patients who have undergone surgery to repair an inguinal hernia need special nutrition and a certain diet. The menu should be designed taking into account the occurrence of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Balanced diet, avoiding certain foods will help prevent complications and reduce the risk of recurrent hernia.

So, during the rehabilitation period it is necessary to give preference to liquid food. The diet should be frequent, in small portions. Special attention during this period, foods rich in protein are deserved. Thanks to them, muscle tissue recovery will be faster. The menu requires the presence of such products as chicken fillet, cottage cheese, fish, eggs, milk.

You should also include foods containing fiber in your diet. Porridges must be well pureed. It is very useful to eat one a day chicken egg, soft-boiled.

It is advisable to exclude sweets, chocolate, coffee, legumes and baked goods. It is necessary to monitor the compatibility of products, as an unsuccessful combination can cause increased gas formation, which will increase intra-abdominal pressure.

Where possible it is necessary to comply separate meals. Equally important is adequate fluid intake, which will help avoid constipation and remove waste products and toxins. You need to drink at least 7 glasses of clean water per day. Will be useful herbal infusions, jelly and fruit drinks.

Hernia surgery price

There is no need to sit idly by and wait for the moment when the problem disappears or worsens. The hernia may be strangulated, which will require emergency surgery. Read more about strangulated inguinal hernias.

At the slightest symptoms If a hernia develops, you should contact the clinic as soon as possible for professional help. The cost of hernia surgery may depend on several factors:

  • neglect of the disease;
  • the complexity of the upcoming operation;
  • materials used;
  • type of anesthesia.

It is worth remembering that each specific case is the price of normal and healthy life. There is no need to pay with your health, you just need to contact an experienced plastic surgeon.

Cost of surgery using incision method abdominal wall using a mesh costs about 25 thousand rubles. The operation, during which the laparoscopic hernia removal method is used, when small punctures are used, will cost an average of 35 thousand rubles.

But the price range can vary from 18,000 to 50,000. After all, the quality of services provided and the complexity of the operation are difficult to predict, so you can find out the exact cost only after consulting a doctor.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the use of anesthesia for hernia groin surgery, the price may increase slightly. And in private clinics you need to pay for hospital stay, as well as possible additional measures to eliminate complications.

It is worth noting that a separate item expenses will be necessary tests and research before surgery. These may include blood and urine tests, fluorography, blood biochemistry, tests for hepatitis, HIV and syphilis. But in any case, remember that only timely contact with specialists will allow you to maintain your health and avoid big problems in the future. Be healthy!

Inguinal hernia – serious illness requiring surgical intervention. But the manipulations performed are not the main thing for a successful recovery and return to normal life. It should be understood that any surgical intervention is a serious stress for the entire body.

To minimize it, the patient needs to be especially careful, and most importantly, follow important recommendations:

  1. Regular wearing of a bandage, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Usually the period of wearing it is determined by the doctor.
  2. Complete absence of stress, the patient should be in a positive mood.
  3. Refusal of physical activity.
  4. Monitoring the cleanliness of dressings.
  5. Give up all bad habits.
  6. Special diet after inguinal hernia surgery.

By carefully following the prescribed rules, you can hope for quick rehabilitation. If the patient ignores them, the sad consequences will not be long in coming.

and its features

After the operation, the doctor must give strict recommendations. An important place here occupiesdiet after inguinal hernia surgery. The diet is seriously changing, new products are included in it, strict restrictions and even bans are introduced. For example, it is necessary to avoid products that cause strong gas formation, this will help avoid painful sensations, and most importantly, serious consequences.

According to its compositiondiet after inguinal hernia surgery in men quite similar to the one prescribed when removing formations in the abdomen. You cannot self-medicate. Only the attending physician can tell you in detail about the necessary manipulations. He also makes up the diet based on the patient’s condition and his individual characteristics.

Standard diet after inguinal hernia surgerylasts two weeks, during which the patient needs to switch to six meals a day. The patient should eat small portions, their total daily calorie content should not exceed 2400 Kcal.

As after any operation, you should not overload your stomach in the first days.Nutrition after inguinal hernia surgeryon the first day consists of consuming liquid broths. If there are no complications, new foods can be introduced gradually. After 14 days, the body returns to normal, which means it can safely return to its usual diet.

Menu creation

What can you eat after inguinal hernia surgery?- a question that worries many. This surgery is a standard procedure. It is usually recommended to refrain from eating a large meal the day before; it should be replaced with pureed food with a large number vitamins This will help empty your stomach as much as possible. But as for the postoperative time, you should adhere to special rules, especially in the first days:

  • drink as much water as possible;
  • monitor the calorie content of foods;
  • eat small portions;
  • exclude prohibited products.

It should be understood -nutrition after inguinal hernia removal has strict restrictions in order to reduce the load on the intestines. The body needs support, as the organs have begun to function incompletely. It is necessary to ensure maximum comfortable conditions for recovery. This is the only way to hope for recovery.

Nutrition after inguinal hernia surgery in men

The operation takes place under general anesthesia, so when he comes to his senses, the patient feels unwell. You can’t eat right away, the same goes for any liquid. You are allowed to drink some clean water, but only after a few hours.

The very next day the man needs food, the body begins to recover, and this requires strength. The attending physician will tell you in detailwhat can you eat after inguinal hernia surgery. To begin with, you should stop at warm broth. Patients are often offered food from the hospital cafeteria; they should not refuse it if they want to recover quickly.

But for the next onesday, nutrition after surgery for inguinal herniabecomes more diverse. The patient is allowed:

  • juices, compotes, tea, jelly;
  • fruit jelly;
  • puree soups;
  • porridge with milk;
  • soft-boiled eggs.

In order for the body to recover faster, it is recommended to eat more foods of natural origin with vitamins.

What can you eat after surgery for inguinal hernia? in the next days

Discharge home does not mean stopping the diet. Of course, rehabilitation requires additional strength, which means the number of calories should increase significantly. The main thing is not to overload your stomach. For rehabilitation to be successful, you can eat the following foods:

  • cottage cheese casseroles, possibly with pieces of fruit;
  • fermented milk products - yoghurts, kefir, curdled milk;
  • poultry and beef, stewed or boiled;
  • crackers;
  • fruits, vegetables, but only those that do not cause gas formation.

It is better to exclude the following products from the menu:

  • fatty meat;
  • candies;
  • canned food;
  • fried eggs;
  • dried fruits;
  • coffee.

What can you eat after inguinal hernia surgery?Now it’s clear to everyone, all that remains is to understand the prohibited products. They should not be eaten before surgery, and throughout the entire rehabilitation:

  • smoked meats;
  • roast;
  • yeast baked goods;
  • mushrooms in any form;
  • legumes;
  • sauces;
  • hot spices.

We must not forget about some prohibited drinks:

  • alcohol in any doses;
  • energy;
  • even non-alcoholic beer;
  • fresh milk;
  • kvass.

They are capable of increasing gas formation, which at this time poses a serious danger. In addition, they increase blood pressure, and this can become a serious problem for the patient’s health.

Nutrition after inguinal hernia surgeryvery diverse. There will definitely be no starvation. And if you learn to combine permitted products, you can prepare quite tasty dishes. Proper nutrition will help normalize intestinal function, and this is the first step to recovery. Very soon the body will recover, and you can introduce your favorite treats into your diet.

After surgery to remove an inguinal hernia, the main focus is on eliminating causative factor diseases - weak muscles through which organs penetrate abdominal cavity into the inguinal canal of a woman or man. The duration of rehabilitation directly depends on the chosen technique radical treatment and characteristics of the patient’s body. Some patients do not feel pain after treatment and recover quickly without negative consequences, but most patients require long-term observation and prevention of complications over several months.

IN outpatient setting the patient stays up to 10 days after the operation, during which time the doctor conducts an examination of the abdominal cavity and inguinal canal, prescribes medications, and selects optimal nutrition and therapeutic exercises.

The patient remains in bed for 5-10 days, avoids even light physical activity and eats mainly liquid food.

Rules for rehabilitation after treatment of inguinal hernia

The postoperative period in the case of laparoscopy is shortened, since a small suture is applied. The wound heals quickly and the patient is immediately discharged home. This takes no more than a week, on the 7th day the suture is removed, for some time the person may still experience pain and discomfort, but this normal conditions in the period after hernia repair.

Late recovery period

Rehabilitation upon discharge home includes the following activities:

  1. In the first days, do not lift more than 2 kg, increase the load gradually, start gymnastics only after being prescribed by a doctor;
  2. Purchase and wear a support bandage while doing housework, walking, or if pain occurs;
  3. Drink plenty of fluids, but do not indulge in coffee and energy drinks;
  4. Change the bandage daily, if necessary, twice a day, so that it is always clean;
  5. Eat at least 4 times a day in small portions, excluding heavy foods that cause constipation and gas formation.

Sick leave lasts up to 2 months, but after 30 days the doctor may prescribe physical therapy.

Pain syndrome and its treatment

The first time after surgery for an inguinal hernia, you may experience pain and discomfort after eating and when coughing. Pain appears for the first time after the first attempt independent movement and are localized in the suture area.

Causes of pain and heaviness after hernia repair:

  1. As a consequence of wound healing and increased tissue sensitivity after the incision;
  2. Postoperative swelling, problematic healing;
  3. Inflammation, excessive tissue trauma during surgery;
  4. Seams coming apart;
  5. Recurrence of a hernia.

During the postoperative period, the patient takes painkillers, but they do not guarantee exclusion. pain syndrome. If the patient’s rehabilitation takes longer, specific symptoms, including pain, indicating the development of complications. In this case, antibiotics, vitamins, immunomodulators, anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that improve regeneration are prescribed.

Postoperative complications

Common complications of inguinal hernia during the rehabilitation period:

  1. Wound suppuration: accompanied by pain, fever, discharge of purulent contents;
  2. Recurrence of the disease: recovery in late period includes following a diet and wearing a bandage, but ignoring the rules often ends in re-protrusion of organs after inguinal hernia surgery;
  3. Hematoma and vascular damage: appear in case of improper application of a bandage, when squeezing the wound and using cold compresses. Such complications are eliminated by puncture;
  4. Hydrocele of the testicle is common when choosing hernioplasty. The disease is characterized by an enlargement of one or two testicles, the appearance of pain, heaviness when walking;
  5. Vein thrombosis and nerve damage: Complications affect sensation in the thighs and scrotal area and are more common in older patients. Treatment includes the use of anticoagulants, fibrinolytics, thrombolytic and antiplatelet agents;
  6. Intestinal dysfunction is associated with incomplete treatment of the hernial sac. Digestive complications occur mainly when removing a sliding hernia;
  7. Infection and inflammation in wounds: recovery after treatment can be complicated by improper wound treatment, which leads to serious consequences. In this case, antibiotics are prescribed.

After surgery to remove an inguinal hernia, it is prescribed therapeutic nutrition. A strict diet is important only in the early rehabilitation period, after which you can gradually return to a gentle, but usual diet. Diet menu Men's diet is no different from women's diet; the rules are the same, as are the basic restrictions. The diet after inguinal hernia surgery is based on two basic principles: eat often, but not in large portions, and prevent problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Fullness of the stomach, constipation, bloating are factors that increase intra-abdominal pressure, which negatively affects the condition postoperative scar. The latter may diverge, which will cause the development of a ventral hernia as a complication.

A gentle diet after removal of an inguinal hernia excludes the use of consolidating foods and those that provoke gas formation. The list of prohibited foods after hernia repair is small, but there are a number of nutritional rules that will speed up recovery and prevent complications.

Diet rules

Nutrition after inguinal hernia surgery in the first few days (3-7) should be exclusively liquid. A man can eat soups, broths without meat and vegetables, drink clean water and tea. It is important to eat in small portions, but often. It would be optimal to eat 150-200 mg 5-6 times, and the total calorie content should be up to 1100 kcal. 400-500 kcal is added daily to normal need body - 2500-3000 kcal, depending on the man’s physique and type of activity.

The diet after an inguinal hernia is based on the following principles:

  • fractional meals, from 5 times;
  • eating soft food at normal temperature;
  • avoiding overeating, last dose 2.5-3 hours before bedtime.

On the first day after the operation, the man eats liquid (broths, soups, jelly) and semi-liquid (mashed soups, porridges with water) food. It is acceptable to eat jellies, broths, vegetable and fruit juices, decoctions, and jelly. Eating soft-boiled eggs is also allowed. On the second day, the menu is diluted with puree soups, vegetables and soft fruits. A man can eat steamed fish, cottage cheese, and grated apple.

For the next week, the diet remains gentle, but is diluted with meat dishes, dairy products, fish, eggs, and cereals. From the second week a man can eat anything, except certain products, which may violate normal function Gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications in the menu

The following products should be completely eliminated or limited as much as possible:

  • legumes, peas, cabbage;
  • spicy, sweet;
  • fried and raw meat;
  • marinades, spices, sauces;
  • carbonated drinks, coffee.

The diet after removal of any inguinal hernia in men excludes the consumption of alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks. Besides their common negative influence, some representatives provoke intestinal disorders. It is not recommended to eat foods that are too salty, as this leads to fluid retention in the body, which causes edema.

After surgery, men can eat boiled, baked, and steamed foods, but it is better to avoid fried and smoked foods.

Healthy dishes

What can you eat during the recovery period after hernia removal in men:

  • oatmeal with milk and water, buckwheat, pearl barley and rice porridge;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • milk, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese;
  • black bread, crackers;
  • unrefined oil;
  • grated vegetables and fruits;
  • white meat, fish, steamed cutlets;
  • decoctions, jelly, compotes, weak teas.

Particular attention should be paid to water balance.

You need to drink at least 2 liters per day, including liquid in meals. At the same time, it is important to limit your coffee consumption, strong tea and sour juices. It is strictly forbidden to drink sweet carbonated drinks and alcohol.

Proper nutrition after removal of an inguinal hernia is a mandatory preventive measure. If the patient immediately returns to his usual diet, the weakened body will poorly cope with the load on the gastrointestinal tract, spending a lot of energy on digesting and eliminating products, and not on restoring damaged tissues.

After removing an inguinal hernia, the surgeon may prescribe strict therapeutic diet No. 1. It excludes the consumption of meat and fish dishes, mushrooms, fresh bread and baking. Also, dairy products, smoked meats, canned food, spicy dishes, sauces, and seasonings are removed from the diet. Diet No. 1 after surgery allows the consumption of boiled or steamed food in a well-chopped form.

Having removed the inguinal hernia, the man must continue to take care of the condition of the abdominal and pelvic organs. After surgery, the patient is prescribed the same diet as after surgery on the intestines and stomach. This diet excludes the consumption of coarse fiber, as well as foods that take a long time and are difficult to digest.

The principle remains unchanged in every diet fractional meals, that is, the patient eats at least 5 times a day.

The therapeutic diet consists only of soft and well-chopped food. Strictly contraindicated in early period After hernia repair, eat raw fruits and vegetables. They need to be grated or passed through a meat grinder.

A few weeks after the operation, a man may be prescribed diet No. 4, which completely excludes the consumption of vegetables and fruits in any form. This table allows pureed porridge, eggs, jelly, black bread, and decoctions.

Diet after hernia removal

Sample menu for the first week:

1 day.

For breakfast, the patient eats one, maximum two “Maria” cookies with unsweetened tea. It is acceptable to eat a small amount of marshmallows. For second breakfast, drink juice or warm tea. For lunch, prepare meat broth with rice porridge without oil and in water. The afternoon snack consists of tea or compote. For dinner, the patient eats tea and Maria cookies. Before going to bed, you can drink kefir or low-fat yogurt.

Day 2.

For breakfast you can eat porridge with water. It would be better if it was buckwheat or oatmeal. For second breakfast, freshly squeezed juice is prepared. Lunch includes soup with a few pieces of onions, carrots, potatoes and soft meat, crushed to a puree. Can be eaten stewed cabbage and drink tea. For the patient's afternoon snack, a piece of chopped chicken meat and jelly are prepared. Dinner consists of rice porridge with water and yogurt.

Day 3.

For tomorrow, salted oatmeal porridge without butter, a sandwich with cheese and sweet tea are being prepared. Second breakfast - cookies without filling and juice. For lunch you can already eat puree soup and steamed chicken cutlets. Afternoon snack - jelly or yogurt. For dinner, the patient eats a small piece of boiled chicken fillet with tea.

Day 4

Breakfast consists of buckwheat porridge with water, tea with crackers. Second breakfast - hard-boiled egg, cookies and tea without sugar. Lunch will already be filling; it includes chopped vegetables with chicken meat and white crackers. You can drink compote or tea. Light afternoon snack - jelly or yogurt. Dinner - boiled fish with black bread.

Day 5

Preparing for a man's breakfast wheat porridge with a little butter, tea and crackers. Second breakfast - freshly squeezed juice with oatmeal cookies. Lunch - fish broth, rice porridge, cutlets, compote or sweet tea. Afternoon snack - yogurt or jelly. Dinner includes buckwheat porridge with butter, Maria cookies, fish cutlets for a couple. Before going to bed, a man can always drink tea or kefir with a few white crackers.