Procedure for servicing passengers with limited ability to move independently in passenger cars with compartments for the disabled. The procedure for servicing passengers with limited ability to move independently in passenger cars with

Appendix 17

provision of municipal

approval services

reconstruction and (or)

residential redevelopment

to ensure accessibility of Services for disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities

1. Persons with I and II disability groups are provided with the opportunity to receive Municipal services at the place of their stay with a preliminary appointment by telephone at the MFC, as well as through the RPGU.

2. When providing a Municipal service to an Applicant - a disabled person or a person with disabilities with impaired hearing function and disabled people with impaired functions of both hearing and vision, sign language interpretation or typhlo sign language translation of the process of providing the Municipal service must be provided, or the work of an automated sign language interpretation or sign language translation system must be organized, and counseling provided on issues of interest to him in the specified way.

3. In the premises intended for receiving Applicants, a separate window (reception place) must be organized, adapted for receiving disabled people with persistent visual and hearing impairments, as well as musculoskeletal function.

4. In the premises intended for receiving Applicants, duplication of audio and visual information necessary for disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities is ensured, as well as inscriptions, signs and other textual and graphic information with signs made in embossed dot Braille, admission of a sign language interpreter, sign language interpreter and a guide dog.

5. At the request of the Applicant, the application is prepared by an employee of the MFC; the text of the application is read to the Applicant if it is difficult for him to do this on his own.

6. Disabled persons and persons with disabilities who have limitations in motor activity that prevent them from signing documents independently are invited to contact a notary to certify the signature of another person (hand signer) for the disabled person.

7. The MFC is equipped with an information plate (sign) containing the full name of the MFC, as well as information about its operating mode.

8. The entrance to and exit from the MFC building is equipped with appropriate signs with autonomous uninterruptible power supplies, as well as stairs with handrails and ramps for the movement of children's and wheelchairs in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations" on the safety of buildings and structures."

9. The premises of the MFC, intended for work with Applicants, are located on the lower floors of the building and have a separate entrance. If the Administration _____________ and the MFC are located on the second floor or above, the building is equipped with an elevator, escalator or other automatic lifting devices, including for disabled people and persons with disabilities.

10. The MFC organizes a free toilet for visitors, including a toilet intended for people with disabilities and people with limited health capabilities.

11. Specialists and MFCs organize work to accompany disabled people and persons with disabilities who have persistent visual impairments and independent movement, and provide them with assistance when applying for Municipal services and obtaining the results of the provision of Municipal services; helping people with disabilities overcome barriers that prevent them from receiving services on an equal basis with others.

    The policy regarding services for persons with disabilities should be clearly stated in internal documents and in the presentation materials of the tourist information center.

    When serving persons with disabilities, employees of the tourist information center must:

    A) Be attentive to non-verbal elements of communication (gestures, facial expressions, appearance, posture, etc.), be aware of the risk of possible misunderstanding due to cultural and ideological differences, take into account possible limitations of intuitive (sensory) understanding due to the visitor’s problems with health.

    B) Treat visitors with disabilities with respect and dignity (paternalism and pity should be excluded).

    C) Address the visitor with disabilities directly, not through an accompanying person.

    D) Have information about the existing transport infrastructure in the destination in terms of serving people with disabilities, recreational opportunities of the destination for people with disabilities, services and facilities of the destination accessible to people with disabilities (for example, cultural events, sports, shops, restaurants, etc.), about the possibilities of planning a trip taking into account all the needs of persons with disabilities, about possible dangers for tourists with disabilities.

    For visitors with disabilities, it is recommended to create an accessibility prospectus (a document that contains information that allows a tourist with disabilities to make a decision about visiting a tourist site, as well as to compare tourist sites in terms of their accessibility for persons with disabilities). It is recommended that the accessibility prospectus be posted on the website of the tourist information center. Tourist Information Center staff should be prepared to send an accessibility circular by email or fax. The accessibility flyer must be kept at the information desk.

    • standard printed information presented in simple words, without ambiguity or special terms;

      printing in large font (size - from 16 to 22, font type - san serif);

      sound recording - for people with vision problems and those for whom reading is difficult (information should be conveyed slowly, with repetitions).

    When developing a website for a tourist information center, it is recommended to be guided by the GOST Standard R 52872-2007 “Internet resources. Accessibility requirements for the visually impaired."

    The premises and surrounding area of ​​the tourist information center must be designed and equipped taking into account the needs of visitors with disabilities.

    A) Requirements for parking spaces for special vehicles of persons with disabilities:

    • Parking spaces for special vehicles for persons with disabilities must be larger in size than standard spaces to provide sufficient space for wheelchair users.

      Parking spaces for special vehicles of persons with disabilities must be marked with a special symbol.

      The width of parking spaces for special vehicles of persons with disabilities must be at least 3.3 meters (recommended width - 3.6 meters).

      The surface of the car park and the path leading to the entrance to the tourist information center must have a durable surface, be level and flat. Rocks in parking lots can pose a hazard to people with disabilities.

    B) Requirements for ensuring access to the tourist information center for persons with disabilities:

      Walkways should be wide enough and free of obstructions to allow people to move freely.

      Steps and ramps must be equipped with handrails. The beginning and end of stairs and ramps, as well as the edges of individual steps, should be clearly marked in a contrasting color. Some people who have difficulty walking are unable to use a ramp, so having both a ramp and stairs should be available whenever possible.

      Ramps should not have an inclination angle greater than 8% (recommended inclination angle is 5%). 5% ramps without a rest area should not be longer than 10 meters (recommended length is 6 meters, especially for steeper ramps (e.g. 8%)).

      Revolving doors and turnstiles are not recommended at the entrance to the Tourist Information Centre. Otherwise, another access option must be provided for people with disabilities.

      Doors must be at least 750 mm wide (recommended width is 900 mm or more).

      The height of the steps should not exceed 180 mm (recommended height - 150 mm).

    C) Requirements for the premises of the tourist information center for servicing persons with disabilities:

      Paths and passages in the premises of the tourist information center must have a width of at least 900 mm (the recommended width is more than 1200 mm).

      The information desk may have a lower part to accommodate visitors in a wheelchair.

      The sanitary unit must be equipped with horizontal and vertical handrails. There should be free space for a stroller under the washbasin. Faucets should be of the lever type to make them easier for people with limited hand dexterity to use. The height of the seats in the sanitary unit must be at least 450 mm (recommended height is 500 mm).

This technology determines the policy in the field of social protection of disabled people and is aimed at fully satisfying the needs of passengers with limited ability to move independently (mainly with technical means of rehabilitation: strollers, stretchers, etc.) in transportation in passenger cars with compartments for disabled people (specialized compartments) .

It is prohibited to exclude from a train a passenger carriage with a compartment for disabled people or to replace the carriage if seats in this compartment have already been sold.

If a carriage with a compartment for disabled people is excluded from the train for technical reasons, the train crew employees take measures to accommodate passengers in other carriages.

2. Organization of services for passengers with limited ability to move independently in carriages with compartments for the disabled

When boarding and disembarking disabled passengers at railway stations (stations), the conductor is obliged to provide assistance to a disabled person with limited mobility, with technical means of medical rehabilitation (in wheelchairs, stretchers), regardless of the presence of an accompanying person.

To lift a disabled person in a wheelchair into a carriage from a low platform, there is a special lift in the vestibule of the non-braked end of the carriage. The lift is installed in metal cabinets adjacent to the vestibule wall.

2.1. Accessibility zone in the carriage for a disabled passenger

The accessibility zone in the car includes a vestibule, a corridor and a toilet at the non-braked end of the car, and a compartment for the disabled (Fig. 1 page ____). The area for accommodating a disabled person allows a disabled person to move around in his own wheelchair (Fig. 2, page ____). Each door of a room intended for access by a disabled person has pictograms made in accordance with GOST 50956-96. On the side of the car, in the area of ​​the side external doors intended for the entry and exit of a disabled person, there are two buttons to call the conductor. At the outer door there is a lamp to illuminate the low platform when boarding and disembarking a disabled person and an audible signal to orient a visually disabled passenger to the carriage. They are turned on by toggle switches on the control panel in the conductor's service compartment.

When a passenger in a wheelchair travels, the carpeting in the corridor of the non-brake end of the car must be removed.

2.2. Coupe for disabled people

The compartment is equipped with two berths: a lower one for a disabled person and an upper bunk and a chair for the person accompanying him, handrails to facilitate the movement of a disabled person around the compartment, and a window sill table. The sofa and shelf are equipped with safety devices. The compartment is equipped with buttons to call the conductor. The compartment provides space for placing and securing a wheelchair with attachment points painted red. An information board is installed in the compartment to display sound and light information about the current time, the air temperature inside the car, an indication of whether the toilet is occupied, and an “emergency” signal in the event of an emergency, which is activated by a conductor on the control panel.

The sofa for a disabled person is a structure of three parts, the shortest of which rise to an angle of 75 0, providing the ability for a disabled person to sit with his back resting on the raised part, regardless of the position in which he lies. To bring the side of the sofa into an inclined position, pull the handle of the left (right) part of the sofa from the center to the left (right). Holding the side of the sofa with your hand, set it in the selected position and release the handle. In the middle part of the sofa, in the area where the handles are located, there is an information sign on using the sofa.

The conductor is obliged Explain to the disabled passenger and the person accompanying him the rules for using the carriage premises, provide them with tea and cold boiled water. Allow the use of an iron located in a household area.

If it is necessary to provide first aid, you should use the first aid kit located in the service compartment.

In the absence of a person accompanying a disabled person, the conductor is obliged to provide assistance to the disabled person while on the road (fold or unfold the stroller, help move from the stroller to the sofa and from the sofa to the stroller), when the disabled person visits the toilet - open or close the door, etc.

In the event of an emergency, evacuation of a disabled passenger is carried out through an emergency exit window located in the disabled person's compartment.

When evacuating through an emergency exit window, you must first throw bedding, mattresses, pillows and other available items under the window that can soften the impact of a fall, then go down, if possible, then secure it below. The dimensions of the emergency exit window allow the evacuation of a stroller.

Services for persons with disabilities are a special segment of hospitality services.

Today, the word disabled everywhere in society is usually replaced by the word people with disabilities. The realization has come that people with disabilities are not only disabled people, but also people with disabilities (allergies, metabolism, loss of vision, hearing, etc.)

And today, a significant part of the clients of the hotel and tour industry are people from the island. And those who receive such tourists declare the social sustainability of their establishment.

Today there is a barrier-free environment (the entire set of funds aimed at ensuring free access to all socially significant objects and infrastructure, the environment is additionally equipped taking into account the needs arising from disability)

Initially, conditions for accommodation and recreation for people began to offer honey. institutions. (sanatoriums...) The first sanatorium in the USSR for people with mobility disabilities was opened in 1947 at Sergievsky Min. Vodakh., then in Saki in 1974, the sanatorium named after. Burdenko.

In hotel services, interaction with people has several names: “tourism for all” = “accessible tourism” = “inclusive tourism”. This is all the organization of services within the hotel and tourism industry for people of the owls. And the importance of this concept is related to the concept of social inclusion.

The reasons for today's low demand for travel among owl tourists: * fear of movement, as a barrier-free environment is not yet a broad concept, and the term “tourism for all” has not yet been enshrined in international regulations. The demand for affordable tourism is growing all over the world, and is emerging in Russia. For Western hotels, having rooms for the disabled has long been a good form, and even an indispensable rule of the chain. The availability of rooms for guests with disabilities and the ability to move around the most significant areas of the hotel - restaurant, business, entertainment and especially medical - are far from the only conditions for such a guest’s comfortable stay at the hotel.

Among the operating hotels in St. Petersburg there are specially equipped rooms (Rocco Forte Astoria Hotel, W St. Petersburg, Corinthia Hotel St. Petersburg, Cronwell Inn Stremyannaya). In the future, the number of such hotels will increase.

Society is obliged to pay special attention to this category of citizens: *if necessary, provide wheelchairs, organize a meeting and departure at the airport. As a rule, in any restaurant of any hotel they are ready to fulfill the guest’s request and take into account when preparing dishes what component he is allergic to. The service staff should always be instructed about the need for especially attentive service for guests with disabilities.

Despite the active propaganda of the government regarding the social inclusion of people with disabilities, a special pricing policy (implying significant discounts) is not provided in most hotels. Managers of many hotels in Russia say that their “pricing policy is democratic, we offer the same prices to all guests. Thus, we try to ensure that guests with disabilities feel the same attentive treatment as all other guests.” A good hotel tries to anticipate all the nuances so that such guests feel more cared for and comfortable.

Arranging a room for individuals:

According to GOSTs and SNiPs, “Institutions intended for temporary residence, recreation and treatment - hotels, motels, campsites - must ensure accessibility for people with limited mobility, including people with disabilities, as well as safe and comfortable accommodation. In staircase-elevator units, have increased cabin dimensions

expanded space for parking cars for wheelchair users, unimpeded exit for wheelchairs: no thresholds, curbs along the route, complete absence of thresholds. doorways must be at least 0.9 m wide. The doors are equipped with a magnetic stopper, which allows them to be locked open. The door peephole and chain should be located at a level of 1.2 m. It is very important to pay attention to the safety of the rooms: equip the corners of the room with protective panels (removable and replaceable) so that the stroller does not tear them off. The desk should be curved, sockets and switches at a height of 1-1.2 m. handrails. The phone is portable.

In the bathroom there must be special handrails. The toilet should be higher than usual. The sink is lower than usual. The shower is mounted at a level of 0.9-1 m from the bottom of the bath. Mirrors, hair dryers, soap and shampoo dispensers are placed at the level of a seated person, with a maid call button.

9. Activities of famous hotel business organizers .

Anyone, even the most common truth, has ever been expressed for the first time by someone. The phrase “The customer is always right” is already a whole principle, and the American Ellsworth Milton Statler built his success on it.

Caesar Ritz became the first hotel owner in the world who personally paid attention to various little things that no one had particularly noticed before (an orchestra appeared, experimented with light, creating the most romantic and harmonious atmosphere, bathrooms with hot water in every hotel room, telephone in all residential apartments).

Anyone, even the most common truth, has ever been expressed for the first time by someone. The phrase “The customer is always right” is already a whole principle, and the American Ellsworth Milton Statler built his success on it. By the end of the 19th century, a stratification of the hotel product took place: on the one hand, these are first-class hotels, and on the other, small hotels in cities where people stayed in case of emergency.

In 1908, the Statler Hotel opened in Buffalo, with a bathroom in every room, light at the entrance to the room, uniforms for staff, where quality service was offered for a reasonable fee, became the beginning of modern hotels. Hotels for business travelers are being formed. A school for hoteliers is opening. Authors: Statler and Camel Wilson.

Now everyone knows that there are hotel chains with the same name and the same level of service all over the world. But the first hotel chain was created by the American Conrad Hilton, who gave all the hotels he owned his own name and offered them a standard set of services. It was he who first came up with the idea of ​​assigning “stars” to hotels (by analogy with cognac) and was the first to begin selling in the lobbies of his hotels everything that clients might need.

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