Is it possible to do blepharoplasty and rhinoplasty at the same time? Combined plastic surgery: one anesthesia and quick rehabilitation. What is combined plastic surgery

1 Nikolay, 48: I have ptosis of the upper eyelid of the right eye (congenital). Is it possible to eliminate this defect in your clinic?

We deal with the elimination of congenital and acquired eyelid ptosis. Come for a consultation.

Blepharoplasty: postoperative (rehabilitation) period

3 Galina, 50: I would like to do blepharoplasty upper eyelids. 1. I have myopia -3 and -5 diopters, I wear glasses. Are there any contraindications to such an operation? 2. In general, how long does it take to stay in your clinic - taking into account preliminary tests, the surgical and postoperative period? When will it be possible to “go out in public”?

Blepharoplasty can and should be done under local anesthesia. Therefore, if you wish, you don’t have to stay in the hospital at all. Myopia is not a contraindication to eyelid surgery. You can go out in public after 7 days.

4 Vladimir, 55: Please tell me how much blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids will cost me in your clinic? What is the adaptation period?

Plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids (blepharoplasty) costs 37 thousand rubles. The rehabilitation period is 2 weeks until the bruises and primary edema resolve, + 2 weeks for the secondary edema to resolve.

5 Tatyana, 0: Please tell me, how high is the probability of unsuccessful lower eyelid blepharoplasty? And will I be able to have eyelid surgery in a short two-week vacation, come to my senses and go to work looking normal? Or does this require a longer period? And one more thing. Is it possible to have blepharoplasty and rhinoplasty at the same time?

The probability of unsuccessful blepharoplasty is no more than 1% (in our clinic). Two weeks of rehabilitation is enough to return to work.

6 Emil, 21: I want to have blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids. Write the full cost of the operation along with tests and postoperative care? I live in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan). how long will the preoperative period and postoperative period last? after the operation where will I be kept (in a clinic or hotel)

The cost of upper blepharoplasty, including local anesthesia, one day of hospital stay is 2 thousand rubles. If you come with tests, the operation can be done on the same day. After the operation, it is enough to spend one day in the hospital. If you wish, you can extend your stay for any period of time (single or double rooms with five meals a day, the cost of one day is from 1500 to 2500 rubles.

Blepharoplasty: indications and contraindications

8 Irina, 40: Is diabetes a contraindication for lower eyelid surgery? I have had diabetes for 20 years, my sugar is mostly compensated, I think it will not be very difficult to control the sugar level after the operation, there are no special complications. Are you interested in the issue of scar healing after surgery and possible complications from poor healing after surgery?

The presence of compensated diabetes mellitus is not a contraindication to plastic surgery, especially to such small ones as eyelid surgery. Wound healing is impaired only in the case of an uncontrolled increase in sugar levels.

Blepharoplasty and bags under the eyes

10 Elena, 40: I have “bags” on my lower eyelids - fatty hernias, not swelling, and have been since childhood. And veins and capillaries are located close. There are no wrinkles, not even facial wrinkles - no crow's feet. The leather is in excellent condition. Therefore, the “bags” worry me very much, because... ruin the whole image. In one clinic I was recommended plastic surgery of the lower eyelids, but not an incision, but a puncture. They explained that the hernia was minor, and the skin was in very good condition, so excess fat could be removed with a needle. After this, the skin will recover, because... there is no surplus. And after removing the hernia, the condition of the veins and capillaries may improve and the skin color will improve (the blue discoloration will decrease). And in another clinic they recommended removing the veins on the lower eyelids. But I have never heard or read anywhere about such operations. Please tell me what this really is? Are such operations performed in your clinic and how much can it cost? What unpleasant consequences are possible and how long does the recovery period take? And what did you recommend (I understand that it is difficult to do this in absentia, but at least in general terms - after all, you probably have practical experience in working with similar cases).

We actually have such experience (our specialist has been working in plastic maxillofacial surgery for 18 years). Everything you described can be offered to you. The main thing is to be able to choose exactly what is shown to you. Come for a consultation.

Blepharoplasty: the optimal season for surgery

12 Oksana, 23: Good afternoon! Today I had a consultation with you about removing bags under my eyes. I would like to know when I can come for a list of tests that need to be taken and when is it better to do such an operation (at what time of year), can it be done under general anesthesia rather than local? Thanks in advance!

We can dictate the list of tests to you over the phone. The operation can be done at any time of the year when you are not going to be in the sun. Removal of bags under the eyes by transconjunctival blepharoplasty is best done under local anesthesia, but if you wish, we can provide anesthesia.

Blepharoplasty: correcting complications

14 Margarita Nikolaevna, 40: Uv. Tair Rafikovich, I have experience, unfortunately not very successful, after two operations on the lower eyelid. The first one was 6 years ago, in France. A very neat stitch, a very attentive surgeon, Jean Ferro, the shape of the eyes did not change, remained native, oriental. BUT, a parchment network of wrinkles appeared under the eyes, like very old people. Why is this, either from natural features, or from my special luck, but the result is not satisfactory. The second time I tried my luck in Moscow, with Dr. Korczak, 3 years ago. I couldn’t imagine that I would dream of returning the situation back and consider that before the second operation there was an excellent result. Maybe at an outside glance there’s nothing terrible, but besides the same mesh, other people’s rounded eyes., because who always look upset. Maybe I should have agreed to the doctor’s insistence and done a full lift, but then I was 37 and I wasn’t ready for it. I’m not looking for someone to blame, but I’m looking for an opportunity to restore, if it’s real, my eye shape, yes and it’s time for a lift, too, but I would like to minimize the risk, after all, this is the 3rd operation under the eyes. Financially, I can afford the operation in any country, I work successfully, but I would like to know where to go, they work in my area mainly , men, and they are not advisers on this matter. Please advise where to turn and what the chances are. Thank you in advance.

Dear Margarita Nikolaevna! The situation you describe is too complex to try to answer in absentia. After two operations, even the normal anatomical relationships of tissues change, which significantly complicates the prognosis. But the surgeon at our clinic has 20 years of experience in this field and will be able to understand any situation. However, you will have to come for a preliminary consultation.

Deciding on plastic surgery is a serious step, which requires not only the patient’s moral and psychological readiness to “go under the knife,” but also physical: before the operation, it is necessary to undergo a number of preparatory procedures in order to reduce the risk of complications and prepare the body for a fairly significant intervention .

It's logical that deciding on two or three plastic surgeries is an even more serious step, because this is two or three times more load on the body. This is true if we are talking about several operations performed one after another... Fortunately, today we are freed from the need to wait until the rehabilitation period after one operation is over before starting preparations for the next one.

What is combined plastic surgery?

In many developed countries for a long time, and recently this practice has taken root in Russia, fortunately, no one has complained about the lack of specialists here. And many surgeons work in a winning tandem.

The essence of double and triple operations (by the way, they have their own “smart” name - simultaneous) is that several operations are performed at once, performed by one or different specialists. For example, very often mammoplasty and breast surgery are performed simultaneously... It is not possible to combine tummy tuck with liposuction of the sides. Since after the first operation you cannot sit and lie on your back for some time, and after the second - on your stomach and sides. And standing for a week after surgery is unrealistic.

A special point: (especially for recovery after childbirth) in addition to which very often there is breast surgery or abdominoplasty. Or even all three operations together...

Of course not all operations can be combined with each other. No strict criteria have been developed, however, there are certain trends. Thus, it is believed that intimate plastic surgery is compatible with any type of surgery, but many patients are not advised to perform complex rhinoplasty at the same time - it is too traumatic.

“The compatibility of operations with each other is determined individually for each specific patient,” explains the specialist in facial plastic surgery and intimate surgery, co-owner. - Here it is important to calculate both anesthesia and the degree of trauma, taking into account all the characteristics of the human body. In each individual case, we issue recommendations based on the results of analyzes and data obtained during the inspection. We also decide how best to perform the operations - by one or several specialists.”

How are combined plastic surgeries performed?

It is worth explaining that Simultaneous operations are performed, as a rule, not by one doctor, but by several, each of whom is an expert in his or her field. Due to this, firstly, the operation time is reduced, and secondly, efficiency does not suffer, because each doctor works in his own narrow specialization, where he has already accumulated many years of experience and practice.

In addition, both doctors do not have to switch their attention every now and then, each can fully concentrate on one task. There is also no fatigue factor: after all, after performing several operations in a row, one doctor gets a little tired after 2 - 3 hours, his attention is no longer so sharp, and his movements are clear.

Usually, doctors performing simultaneous operations work in pairs for a long time, so they have time to adapt to each other’s style and pace.

Rehabilitation after combined operations

The rehabilitation period is calculated based on the operation from which the body needs more time to recover. But in any case, it is shorter than if recovery after each operation performed separately was taken into account. So, if complete rehabilitation after takes about two and a half months, and after - one and a half, then the total duration of rehabilitation will be only two and a half months. Not four.

There will only be some additional recommendations from the doctor: in this case, a restriction on a sitting position for two weeks, that is, the same as with a single intimate plastic surgery.

, specializing in, expressing his opinion on the advantages of simultaneous operations, explains: “Of course, one anesthesia and one rehabilitation period are easier to tolerate than several successive ones. In this regard, combined operations are an ideal option; they save both time and the body’s resources. Compare: either do rhinoplasty, wearing a plaster splint for a week and waiting for two and a half weeks for the main bruises and swelling to disappear, and then the same amount of time for the initial recovery after mammoplasty, or combine these operations, and after a month return to your normal lifestyle , in all its glory."

Today, combined or simultaneous operations are included in the list of leading services in Russia. In Moscow, for example, the multidisciplinary aesthetic medicine clinic "" offers fairly flexible and acceptable conditions provided for patients who decide to improve themselves in several directions at the same time.

Blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery on the eyelids, the purpose of which is to change the shape of the eyelids and the shape of the eyes.

The operation can be performed both on older women to correct age-related changes, and on young women in cases where the folds of the eyelid do not allow the application of makeup or lead to the development of vision problems. A separate category of patients are people with consequences of eyelid injuries or with congenital eyelid defects.

Types of surgery

Classic blepharoplasty

  1. Upper eyelid blepharoplasty;
  2. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty;
  3. Circular blepharoplasty (the lower eyelid and lower eyelid are operated on at the same time);
  4. Transconjunctival blepharoplasty (the incision goes along the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid);
  5. Singaporei (ethnic blepharoplasty);
  6. Laser transconjunctival blepharoplasty;
  7. Canthopexy (an operation aimed at raising the outer corners of the eyes);
  8. Fat-saving blepharoplasty is a way not only to tighten and smooth the skin around the eyes, but to restore youth to it, preserving the individual characteristics of the appearance of the eyelids.

Indications for surgery

  1. Sagging skin of the upper eyelid;
  2. Excess skin in the lower eyelid area;
  3. Correction of unsuccessful eye shape, changing the natural shape of the eyes;
  4. The presence of deep wrinkles in the lower eyelids;
  5. Drooping of the outer corners of the eyes;
  6. Fat bags in the lower and upper eyelids, which create the illusion of a “heavy look”;
  7. The presence of congenital or acquired eyelid defects.


  1. Infectious diseases, chronic diseases of internal organs in the acute stage;
  2. Thyroid diseases;
  3. Increased intraocular pressure;
  4. Severe and complicated forms of diabetes mellitus;
  5. Oncology;
  6. Blood diseases;
  7. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, severe arterial hypertension;
  8. Skin diseases;
  9. Frequent relapses of conjunctivitis;
  10. Constant dry eyes.


  1. General blood test;
  2. General urine test;
  3. Biochemical blood test: ALT, AST, glucose, bilirubin, creatinine, amylase, urea;
  4. Blood type, Rh factor;
  5. Blood test for HIV, viral hepatitis, syphilis;
  6. ECG with interpretation;
  7. Fluorography;
  8. Coagulogram.

Video: Description of blepharoplasty

Preparation for the procedure

  1. Last meal and fluid intake no later than 8 hours before surgery;
  2. The operation is not performed during menstruation, it must be planned at least 4 days before the start of menstruation or after its end;
  3. It is necessary to accompany the patient after the operation, so you need to agree in advance with one of your relatives or friends;
  4. Smoking is prohibited before surgery;
  5. A few days before surgery, you must stop taking medications that reduce blood clotting;
  6. Buy ointment after blepharoplasty or Traumeel-S gel, Visin eye drops.

Rehabilitation and recovery

After blepharoplasty surgery, the patient remains in the hospital for 2 to 12 hours. Then he can go home and visit a doctor, who monitors the progress of healing and tissue restoration, first every other day, and then according to indications. In cases where the operation was performed under general anesthesia, the patient spends a day in the clinic.

Immediately after surgery, cold compresses, ice, or chilled gel pads are applied to the eye area. You can open your eyes immediately after blepharoplasty.

The first visit to the doctor is two days after surgery to remove the sutures, unless self-absorbable suture material was used. The doctor may prescribe special eye washes and will definitely show you how to use them. Care after blepharoplasty must be carried out in such a way as not to disturb the postoperative wound. Two weeks after surgery you need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. Use antiseptic eye drops for 3 days;
  2. Spend the first three days at home and limit physical activity as much as possible;
  3. Be sure to wear sunglasses;
  4. Sleep with your head elevated, do not lie face down on the pillow;
  5. Perform exercises to accelerate tissue recovery from the second day after surgery;
  6. Before removing the sutures, take a shower and wash your face in such a way as not to touch the operated eyelids;
  7. Do not wear contact lenses;
  8. Do not work in an inclined position;
  9. Stop using decorative cosmetics for 7-10 days;
  10. Do not watch TV, do not work at the computer, do not read.
Photo: lymphatic drainage facial massage

Cosmetic procedures such as lymphatic drainage facial massage, soft peelings, and procedures aimed at moisturizing and lifting the skin can speed up recovery and ease the rehabilitation period. Injections of hyaluronic acid preparations are allowed no earlier than three weeks after surgery. The tissue around the eyes is completely restored in 3-6 weeks. Repeated blepharoplasty is usually needed no earlier than after 10-12 years.

Few resort to repeated surgery, since even several years after the intervention they look younger and better than their peers. Basically, repeated operations are performed only for medical reasons.

Exercises and gymnastics for the eyes after surgery

A special set of exercises, which plastic surgeons advise all clients to perform without exception, allows you to activate the work of the eye muscles, and through the work of the muscles, accelerate blood flow and eliminate lymph stagnation. Performing eye exercises regularly for 2 weeks will eliminate swelling much faster and create optimal conditions for rapid resolution of hematomas.

Do you know that Asian eye surgery (Mongoloid or Oriental incision) is performed under local anesthesia with light sedation? Read more in the article. Find out how laser can eliminate the presence of fatty hernias in the eyelid area, and how laser blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids is performed at this link.

Complications and side effects

  1. Swelling of the eyelids, which causes a feeling of discomfort, heavy eyelids;
  2. Dry eyes;
  3. Hematomas in the area of ​​the operated eyelids;
  4. Increased sensitivity to light, blurred vision, which goes away within a month;
  5. Scars at the site of skin incisions, which usually resolve within 2-3 months;
  6. Bruising on the whites of the eyes may appear during or after surgery; they usually go away on their own;
  7. Bleeding from the wound can occur both during surgery and for several days after it;
  8. Suture dehiscence after surgery;
  9. Infection of a postoperative wound with the development of purulent-inflammatory processes in the skin and subcutaneous tissue;
  10. Impaired healing of a postoperative wound with the formation of a rough scar;
  11. Unsuccessful blepharoplasty with the development of drooping eyelid (blepharoptosis);
  12. Development of glaucoma and blindness in the late postoperative period;
  13. Violation of eye symmetry.

It is worth noting that bruises, swelling and hematomas after blepharoplasty are the lot of all patients. You should be prepared for this. These complications go away on their own if you follow the restrictions required in the postoperative period.

Video: Eyelid surgery

Reasons for possible dissatisfaction with the result of the operation


  1. Inflated patient expectations from blepharoplasty without taking into account the possibilities and limitations of this type of surgical intervention. Sometimes, in order to get the result desired by the patient, blepharoplasty is not enough; it needs to be supplemented with either frontal temporal lift or liposuction of the chin area, or other types of plastic surgery on the face.
  2. The patient underestimates the contribution of other age-related changes to the creation of an unaesthetic appearance of the face, such as skin color, the presence of a double chin, “bulldog” cheeks, pronounced wrinkles in the nasolabial area, etc.


Unpredictable tissue reaction in the form of delayed healing or, conversely, excessive development of connective tissue with the formation of a dense whitish scar.


  1. Sunken eye effect;
  2. Eye asymmetry;
  3. Ectropion of the lower eyelid;
  4. Blepharoptosis.

Unsuccessful blepharoplasty is the result of improper surgical technique or an abnormal tissue response to damage.

Defects can be corrected:
  • Cosmetic procedures aimed at increasing skin tone and elasticity or accelerating the resorption of excess connective tissue at the healing site;
  • Repeated corrective surgery, which is performed no earlier than 6 months after blepharoplasty and is performed under local anesthesia.

Care for eyelids after surgery

  • It is better to entrust the selection of care procedures to a cosmetologist;
  • Cheap cosmetics for the eye area are not recommended;
  • It is necessary to cleanse the skin and remove makeup daily, preferably with a special cosmetic milk selected according to the skin type;
  • It is mandatory to use special serums for the skin of the eyelids under the cream for the skin around the eyes;
  • Apply the products to the skin around the eyes along the lower eyelid from the outer edge to the inner, along the upper eyelid from the inner to the outer with gentle movements, trying not to move the skin;
  • You should avoid drinking alcohol and rich salty foods, as swelling in the area around the eyes quickly stretches the skin.

Prices in Moscow for surgery

The cost of blepharoplasty is determined by the qualifications of the surgeon and the complexity of the method of operation he uses, the quality of anesthesia, the number of dressings, and the number of days the patient spent in the hospital.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many times can blepharoplasty be done? Eye blepharoplasty done once does not mean that you will have to repeat it. Repeated surgery may be required 10-12 years after the first.

How long does it take to heal? The recovery period after surgery usually takes 3-6 weeks. Usually during this time the swelling subsides, the hematomas disappear, and scars may remain at the site of the healed incisions, which disappear over time.

Is the operation painful? What method of pain relief is used? Depending on the patient’s mood and what kind of blepharoplasty will be performed, anesthesia can be used at the discretion of the anesthesiologist. In most cases, cosmetic surgery is performed under local anesthesia and is absolutely painless.

Will scars or welts be visible? Sutures and scars after blepharoplasty completely resolve approximately 2-3 months after the operation.

At what age can surgery be performed? For blepharoplasty, age is not important; the presence of indications and contraindications for eyelid surgery is important.

Is there an alternative? Eat. This is a non-surgical laser blepharoplasty, in which excess fatty tissue is removed under the influence of laser radiation without damaging the skin. I developed a lump after blepharoplasty in the area of ​​the postoperative scar. What to do? The surgeon who performed your operation can determine the cause of the lump after an examination. The most common cause of compaction is the excessive development of connective tissue at the site of the former incision. Typically, the scar becomes softer over time and gradually dissolves. In such cases, physiotherapy helps to speed up the removal of the compaction.

How often does surgery cause vision complications? Extremely rare. Some patients may experience a short-term decrease in visual acuity and photophobia, which goes away without treatment within a few weeks.

How soon can I start working after surgery? It depends on what your job is, since blepharoplasty imposes restrictions on the rehabilitation period. Based on how you feel, you can start working within 2-3 days after the operation, but heavy physical labor, bending work or computer work will be available to you at least 2 weeks after the intervention.

How is the operation performed and how long does it take? General anesthesia, local anesthesia, or intravenous sedation may be used for pain relief. After the anesthesia has taken effect, incisions are made in the skin of the eyelids so that they are then located in the natural folds of the skin around the eyes. The operation on the upper eyelid lasts about half an hour, on the lower eyelids 40-60 minutes. Circular blepharoplasty usually takes one and a half to two hours. Skin incisions can be closed with non-absorbable or absorbable sutures, special medical-grade skin adhesive, or surgical tape. Some clinics leave the patient in the hospital for a day after surgery in order to monitor the course of the early postoperative period. Most often, such observation is indicated after the operation is performed under general anesthesia. What clinical examination should be completed before surgery?

  1. Consultation with a doctor who:
    • will collect a complete medical history (what diseases, injuries, surgeries you had in the past, what chronic diseases you currently have, visual acuity, allergic reactions, drug intolerance);
    • determine the condition of the skin of the eyelids, the presence of fat, indications and contraindications for surgery;
    • will explain the possible outcomes of the operation and what results can be expected after blepharoplasty.
  2. Blood tests, urine tests, ECG, fluorography.

Wrinkles under the eyes give women a lot of annoying sensations. Read more about what exists. I wonder what is the difference between Threadlifting with 3D mesothreads and the well-known rejuvenation technique with gold threads? Follow this link. Did you know that when using decorative cosmetics, allergic swelling under the eyes can occur, which can cause serious harm? .

Photos before and after eyelid blepharoplasty

Made by Osin Maxim

Made by Osin Maxim

Made by Osin Maxim
Made by Osin Maxim

Which celebrities have had blepharoplasty?