Swelling in the abdominal cavity. Ascites - causes, symptoms, treatment. Symptoms of fluid accumulation in the abdomen

Water in the abdomen is an alarming symptom that a doctor diagnoses on an ultrasound. It is recommended to undergo such an examination if the patient notices an enlargement of the abdominal cavity. Such a complaint should not be ignored by a specialist, since the oncological disease can progress with a fatal outcome.

What is ascites

This is a dangerous disease in which a large amount of fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity. Other organs can also suffer from this: heart, lungs. The pathology is not inflammatory. In the abdominal area, with this disease, which is popularly called “frog belly,” up to 20 liters of fluid can accumulate.

In more than 75% of cases, this problem is a consequence of progressive cirrhosis. The main task of the doctor is to remove symptoms and prolong the period of remission.

Let's figure out what the problem is and why liquid accumulates. The peritoneum, which lines the walls of the organ, secretes a small amount of fluid - its composition is similar to blood plasma and is necessary for the normal functioning of the organs, otherwise they will simply stick together.

Liquid is secreted and absorbed throughout the day, however, when exposed to pathological factors, this process can be disrupted. Due to the imbalance, intra-abdominal pressure begins to increase, the stomach increases in size, and fluid appears.

Why can fluid accumulate in the abdominal cavity?

One of the reasons is liver cirrhosis, but this is not the only provoking factor. So, it should be remembered that the pathology develops slowly and may not manifest itself in any way for the first few months. Moreover, the problem is that this disease is quite difficult to treat; the main thing is to eliminate the factor that causes this disease.

The most common causes of fluid in the abdominal cavity are:

  • heart diseases;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • abdominal tuberculosis;
  • problems in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • gynecological diseases.

It is important to note that not only adults, but also children suffer from ascites.

Moreover, pathological processes can occur while the fetus is in the womb, which is associated with congenital liver defects. Most often this happens when the mother has infectious diseases: rubella, herpes, measles, etc. Also at risk are those children whose mothers smoke or abuse drugs or strong medications during pregnancy.

Ascites can appear in diabetes mellitus as a result of blood transfusion. To avoid such a problem in infants, it is advisable for pregnant women to avoid going to tattoo artists.

Manifestation and symptoms

The main symptom that you should pay attention to is the appearance of free fluid that is not excreted from the body naturally. As a result, the stomach increases in size, and over time this problem only gets worse.

From the very beginning, you may not notice this, but as the disease progresses, the ability to tense your stomach or relax it disappears.

Additional symptoms include:

  • stomach ache;
  • weight gain;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • heartburn;
  • general discomfort;
  • swelling of the legs.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is quite difficult to determine this disease only by examining the patient. A description of the symptoms is required by the doctor to collect information, but this is not enough to make a final analysis. You need to undergo an examination that will help determine the nature and stage of the disease.

Diagnostics includes the following:

Treatment of ascites using traditional medicine methods

After the diagnosis, doctors can make a preliminary prognosis and determine a suitable treatment regimen. The approach to this disease should be comprehensive, and in advanced cases, surgery cannot be ruled out. It all depends on the symptoms and stage of the disease.

At first, doctors try to remove the fluid conservatively, but if it continues to accumulate and previous methods have not helped, they will have to prepare for surgery. But let's talk in more detail.

The main goal of drug treatment is to remove fluid non-invasively. Treatment will be effective only at an early stage, when the cavity is partially filled. In this case, diuretics (Diacarb or Torsemide) and drugs with a high calcium content (Asparkam) are usually prescribed. Additionally, they may prescribe taking multivitamin complexes.

If treatment with pills does not help, surgery is prescribed.

It should be noted that the operation performed will remove the fluid, but not the cause itself, so it will be necessary to eliminate the provoking factor.

Surgical intervention involves:

  1. Laparocentesis. In this case, a puncture is performed in the abdominal cavity to drain the fluid. The procedure may take 2-3 days and hospitalization is not necessary.
  2. Shunting. In this case, doctors form a duct to ensure fluid exchange and stabilize pressure.
  3. Liver transplantation. This method is usually used in oncology or in the last stages of cirrhosis.

In addition, it is worth adhering to a therapeutic diet, which will reduce fluid accumulation, prolong the period of remission, and eliminate the main symptoms. During this period, you need to include raisins, dried apricots, and spinach in your diet.

Unconventional methods of treatment

Some try alternative medicine, but it can only be useful if the disease is at an early stage and there is little fluid in the cavity and there are no complications.

Pumpkin acts as an excellent preventive remedy, which improves liver function. That’s why it’s so important to include porridge and other dishes with this product in your diet.

A good diuretic is parsley decoction. Take 2 tbsp. herbs, soak in 200 ml of boiling water. Cover the container with the mixture and leave to infuse for two hours. Drink the drink 5 times a day, 100 ml. You can replace water with milk.

Diuretics can be prepared from beans: take 2 tbsp. beans, make a decoction, boil for 15-20 minutes in 2 liters of water. Drink 100 ml three times a day.

Finally, it must be said that timely treatment and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations will avoid serious health problems.

Water in the stomach is considered one of the alarming symptoms. Its diagnosis is carried out only using ultrasound examination. This type of examination is required for those who notice even a slight increase in the abdominal cavity. This phenomenon cannot be ignored, as serious illnesses can develop and result in death.

Fluid in the abdomen is considered the most dangerous diagnosis, which is accompanied by a strong accumulation of water in the abdominal cavity. Other organs can also suffer from this phenomenon: lungs, heart and stomach. Ascites is not an inflammatory disease.

The collected liquid can reach up to 20 liters in volume. In practice, this type of disease is usually called frog belly. In this case, the disease often acquires a malignant course.

Causes of water accumulation in the stomach

Why does fluid collect in the stomach? The peritoneum is a covering that lines the top of all organs located in the abdominal region. It releases a small amount of liquid, the composition of which is similar to plasma. This process is required for the normal functioning of internal organs. If there was no peritoneum and fluid, they would stick together.

The liquid is absorbed and released throughout the day. But if unfavorable factors influence, then this phenomenon may be disrupted. During an imbalance, intra-abdominal pressure rises. Against this background, a significant increase in the abdomen occurs.

So why does fluid accumulate in the stomach? If there is excess water in the stomach, the reasons may be the following:

  • heart failure;
  • the appearance of malignant tumors;
  • violation of the pressure of the portal zone of the liver;
  • tuberculosis of the abdominal area;
  • the occurrence of mesothelioma or pseudomyxoma;
  • disruption of the functionality of the endocrine system;
  • the presence of gynecological diseases.

Fluid accumulation in the abdomen can also occur in newborns. The pathological phenomenon begins to form at the intrauterine stage. In this case, a violation of liver functionality is observed. Most often, the decisive factor is an infectious disease at the gestation stage.

If a newborn has fluid in the abdominal cavity, the reasons may be hidden in:

  • transferred rubella in expectant mothers;
  • syphilis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • listeriosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • herpes infection;
  • measles

Children whose parents abused drugs, alcohol, chemicals and medications during pregnancy are at risk.

In addition to all this, ascites can progress with blood transfusions in pregnant women, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. To prevent the baby from getting this disease from the first days of life, the expectant mother should not have permanent makeup and tattoos.

Symptoms of fluid in the abdomen

The main symptom of the pathological process is the presence of free fluid in the abdominal area. It begins to accumulate in the stomach, but is not excreted naturally.

Excess water leads to unpleasant symptoms such as:

  • significant enlargement of the abdomen;
  • painful sensations in the abdomen;
  • symptoms of dyspepsia;
  • weight gain;
  • shortness of breath while walking;
  • big belly;
  • heartburn and belching;
  • fluctuations;
  • deterioration of general condition;
  • severe swelling of the limbs.

In addition to all this, there may be an increase in the veins in the abdomen in men and women. The patient may complain of lack of appetite. With thrombosis, excess fluid can accumulate for weeks, and with cirrhosis - for several months.

Diagnosis of water in the stomach

Why in the liquid, only a doctor can say. The diagnosis is made not only on the existing symptoms, but also with the help of an examination.

It consists of the following steps:

  • general blood test;
  • general urine examination;
  • blood chemistry. This will identify changes in kidney function;
  • performing a puncture of the ventral cavity of water. The water is clear, but in some cases there may be blood present;
  • performing the Rivolta test. Allows you to distinguish transudate from exudate;
  • cytological analysis of evacuated fluid from the abdominal area. It will help determine the cause and exclude the presence of a malignant formation;
  • carrying out bacteriological analysis of liquid. Helps to recognize peritonitis and the cause of its development.

The patient may also be prescribed:

  • ultrasound diagnostics. This technique helps to assess systemic blood flow in the portal vein, determine cirrhosis or tumor;
  • X-ray examination. This diagnostic method sees where ascites appears. You can also determine the volume of fluid and the boundaries of the abdominal zone. The picture shows cirrhosis, tuberculosis and heart failure;
  • laparocentesis. This technique is invasive and involves taking blood for testing;
  • computed and magnetic tomography. These techniques make it possible to determine fluid effusion. Moreover, it is possible to diagnose pathology even in the most inaccessible places;
  • angiography. This type of examination is a type of radiography. A contrast agent is injected into the choroid plexus. Using this, you can determine the presence of cirrhosis in the early stages.

One of the main diagnostic methods is a puncture in the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity. The piercing is performed below the navel. The taken liquid is poisoned for diagnosis and checked for the presence of albumin, glucose and protein.

Treatment of ascites is prescribed only after an accurate diagnosis has been made.

Treatment of ascites - accumulation of fluid in the abdomen

If there is water in the stomach, what should you do? After performing X-rays and angiography, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. The existing problem is approached in a comprehensive manner. If an advanced stage or complications are observed, then surgical intervention is performed.

The entire treatment process depends on the symptoms and diagnostics performed. At first, doctors try to eliminate the problem conservatively, but if the fluid continues to accumulate, then a surgical procedure cannot be avoided.

Therapeutic treatment

You don't need to do anything yourself. The main goal of drug therapy is to eliminate accumulated fluid in the abdominal cavity. Such treatment will be effective only in the initial stages, when the abdominal cavity is not yet completely filled with transudate.

Diuretics and calcium may also be prescribed for this disease. This method helps remove all the water from the peritoneum. As an additional method, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes.


If the disease is diagnosed in advanced stages, then surgical intervention is simply indispensable. This method will only help eliminate excess water, but it will definitely not get rid of the cause.

If the process has acquired an oncological form, then manipulations are carried out in several stages:

  1. Laparocentesis. The abdominal cavity is punctured to remove all excess fluid from the peritoneum. These manipulations may take several days, so the patient will need to be hospitalized.
  2. Transjugular intrahepatic shunting. The doctor creates an artificial duct between the hepatic and portal veins. This process makes it possible to improve water metabolism and stabilize intra-abdominal pressure.
  3. Liver transplantation. This type of surgery is performed when it degenerates into a malignant formation.

What type of operation to resort to is up to the doctor to decide based on the indications.


To avoid the development of serious health complications, you must adhere to a special therapeutic diet. A properly selected diet will reduce the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal area and prolong the period of remission.

Particular emphasis should be placed on foods that are rich in potassium, these are:

  • spinach;
  • grapefruit;
  • dried apricots;
  • baked potato;
  • asparagus;
  • raisins;
  • carrot;
  • green pea.

The following products must be removed from the menu:

  • smoked and salted dishes;
  • bread products;
  • sorrel;
  • chocolate;
  • turnip;
  • garlic;
  • cabbage;
  • mushrooms;
  • radish;
  • coffee drinks;

It is worth limiting your consumption of eggs and dairy products.

Traditional methods of treating ascites

Treatment of dropsy in the early stages can be carried out using traditional methods. There are several recipes.

  1. First way. Making a tea drink from cherry stems.

    To make it you will need a spoon of raw materials and half a liter of hot water. The broth is infused for two hours and then filtered. You should take the medicine up to three to four times a day, one glass.

  2. Second way. Use of flaxseeds.

    To make a decoction, take a spoonful of raw materials and pour a mug of boiled water into it. After thirty to forty minutes it is filtered. Taken in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. The result can be seen in a few weeks.

  3. Third way. Starvation.

    According to traditional healers. Patients with dropsy are advised to fast for seven days. This technique should be followed for two months. You can drink several mugs of tea with glucose per day.

    During fasting, you can cleanse your intestines with mineral water. Treatment in this way should be carried out gradually. A few days before this, the amount of food consumed is reduced.

    This technique is best used after consultation with a specialist. Improper fasting can lead to adverse consequences. At the same time, do not forget about maintaining a drinking regime. But the amount of fluid consumed should not exceed one liter per day.

Possible Adverse Effects

If ascites is left untreated for a long time, serious complications can develop. Free fluid in the abdominal area can lead to respiratory failure or cardiac congestion. The reason for this phenomenon is a raised diaphragm. It puts significant pressure on the lungs and large vessels.

When infection occurs, peritonitis may occur. In such cases, urgent surgical intervention is required, otherwise everything can end in death.

It is believed that ascites develops only in the last stages of the disease. This process is considered incurable, but there are different ways that help maintain the patient’s condition at a level and even lead to improvements. The danger of the disease is the development of terrible diseases in the form of cirrhosis or tumor. Therefore, you should not ignore the symptoms of the disease and promptly consult a doctor at the first suspicion.

Ascites (abdominal dropsy) is a condition characterized by the accumulation of free fluid in the abdominal cavity (more than 25 ml), which can be either inflammatory (exudate) or non-inflammatory (transudate). Ascites is manifested by an increase in abdominal circumference, difficulty breathing, pain in the peritoneum, a feeling of heaviness and distension.


Ascites in itself is not a disease, but is a complication of others: liver cirrhosis (75%), cancer (10%), cardiac dysfunction (5%), other urological, gynecological, gastroenterological diseases, including impaired lymph outflow - (10 %). The scenario for the development of ascites depends on the disease that caused it. The pathological condition usually progresses gradually over several months, however, there are cases of sudden and sharp enlargement of the abdominal cavity.

Most often, ascites develops due to improper functioning of the liver. Diseases of this organ, in particular cirrhosis, are primarily responsible for the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. In addition, cancers affecting various organs (colon, stomach, liver, breast, pancreas) are another of the main reasons that can lead to ascites. Other reasons include:

  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • blood clots in the veins of the liver and heart;
  • pancreatitis;
  • kidney problems.

Protein is an essential substance that attracts and retains water. With its deficiency, it begins to pass from the blood into the tissues. During difficult historical times of famine, the population’s limbs, faces, and stomachs “swelled.” This is called hypoproteinemic edema, or colloquially – “swelling from hunger.” The accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity is that very ascites, which arose as a result of the failure to receive important elements through food. Nowadays, for this reason, it is usually found only in poor countries in Africa.

General signs and symptoms

The accumulation of abdominal fluid leads to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, as a result of which the dome of the diaphragm is pushed into the chest cavity. First of all, this negatively affects the functioning of the pulmonary and cardiovascular systems: patients experience heart rhythm disturbances, and severe shortness of breath develops even at rest. In addition, ascites is accompanied by protein loss and water and electrolyte imbalance.

An increase in intra-abdominal pressure threatens the development of an umbilical hernia, dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord, the formation of hemorrhoids, prolapse of a segment of the colon, the development of severe lumbar pain and pinching in the spine (it is difficult for the patient to roll over on his side and rise from a lying position).

Initially, the patient observes a sharp and inexplicable weight gain. Along with this, there is an increase in waist volume, this becomes especially noticeable when it is necessary to fasten the belt on trousers. The patient also complains of frequent heartburn, belching, increased acidity in the mouth, heaviness in the stomach, nausea, and sometimes vomiting. Due to compression of the intestines, problems with stool in the form of prolonged constipation are possible.

As dropsy progresses, an increase in the area of ​​the peritoneum is observed: in the “standing” position, the stomach protrudes, but in the lying position, free fluid begins to distribute and protrude in the lateral sections.

Clinic based on the cause of development

Development, symptoms, strength of progression and prognosis completely depend on the severity of the disease that caused ascites (see table).

Initial pathology as the main cause of ascites Clinic Character of peritoneal fluid
Cirrhosis of the liver Initially, the patient feels weakness, decreased appetite, and rapid heartbeat. Over time, characteristic signs appear: pain in the right hypochondrium, jaundice of the skin and sclera, low-grade body temperature.

One of the complications of liver cirrhosis is portal hypertension (increased portal vein pressure), which is the main cause of ascites.

A laboratory study determines the presence of red blood cells, white blood cells, protein, bacteria and enzymes.
Peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum) resulting from tuberculosis of the genital organs or intestines The patient has a fever (temperature 38-39), sudden weight loss, and an increase in lymph nodes along the intestinal mesentery. Palpation of the peritoneum reveals multiple nodes ranging in size from millet grains to large tumor-like formations. The fluid removed from the abdomen has a density above 1016, protein relativity is 40-60 g/l. Rivalta's test (a biochemical test that proves the presence of exudate) is positive.

Also, in the sediment of the studied liquid, red blood cells, lymphocytes, and tubercle bacilli are found in large quantities.

Peritoneal carcinosis, peritoneal mesothelioma The initial period of the disease is asymptomatic. As the disease progresses, the patient experiences severe lymphadenitis.

The tumor, as a rule, is metastasis due to initial cancer of the stomach, ovaries, uterus, intestines, and mammary glands.

Microscopic examination reveals pronounced erythrocytosis. The presence of cancerous (atypical) cells proves the oncological nature of ascites.
Meigs syndrome The syndrome occurs exclusively in women. Patients complain of pain in the abdominal space, shortness of breath.

Ascites is usually combined with hydrothorax (fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity). Meigs syndrome occurs with benign or malignant lesions of the female genital organs (for example, fibroids).

Peritoneal effusion is examined for abnormal cells, and a biopsy of the primary tumor of the uterus or ovaries is also performed.
Right ventricular (heart) failure is a chronic form. Diseases: “pulmonary” heart, myocarditis, pericarditis, heart defects. The patient exhibits acrocyanosis (blue discoloration of the skin), swelling of the legs, feet and hands, enlargement of the liver and spleen. The released liquid is transparent, density not higher than 1015, protein concentration 2.5% or more. The cellular composition is dominated by endothelial cells.

Ascites in a child

Unfortunately, babies, including recently born ones, are sometimes diagnosed with dropsy of the abdomen, indicating the presence of a serious pathology. Sometimes ascites is detected in utero - with the help of an ultrasound examination performed during pregnancy.

Causes of abdominal dropsy in children:

  • impaired liver function due to genetic disorders (hemochromatosis, glycogenosis, Alagille syndrome), persistent deficiency of liver enzymes, hepatitis C virus transmitted from the mother, poisoning with toxic elements;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • the presence of a specific infection - tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.;
  • malignant oncological lesion of any organ.

Each child needs to be routinely observed by a pediatrician and undergo laboratory and clinical examinations in a clinic or child care institutions in order to identify the development of any pathology at an early stage. Timely diagnosis of the disease improves the prognosis for effective treatment!


The goal of therapeutic measures used for abdominal dropsy is to reduce the amount of free fluid in the abdominal cavity. To achieve the desired effect, the patient must necessarily receive treatment against the disease that caused the ascites. Therefore, treatment does not depend on the gender of the patient, but in both women and men it is carried out based on the severity of the course and the cause that caused it.

From the first day of detection of pathology, it is necessary to follow a strict diet consisting of minimal consumption of salty, sweet, smoked and spicy foods. You should also reduce the volume of liquid you drink to 1-1.5 liters. The patient's general regimen is bed and half-bed; restrictions on physical activity are recommended.

Correction of ascites is carried out with the help of medications and surgery. The treatment regimen is selected by the attending physician, taking into account diagnostic data and the complexity of the underlying disease.

Drug therapy includes:

  • diuretics – Furosemide, Veroshpiron, Lasix;
  • “donators” of potassium - Asparkam, Panangin;
  • for portal hypertension, angiotensin II receptor antagonists and ACE inhibitors are prescribed;
  • hepatoprotectors, “protecting” parenchyma cells from any damage (phospholipids, amino acids, vitamins and antioxidants);
  • intravenous drip administration of protein preparations - native (liquid) plasma, albumin solution 5%.

If drug therapy does not bring the desired result, then more radical correction methods are recommended to the patient. However, surgery is often the first choice if it is known that drug treatment will not be effective.

Types of surgical techniques used for ascites:

  • Abdominal puncture(abdominal puncture) - paracentesis or laparocentesis. During the procedure, about five liters of fluid are taken: this is the maximum threshold, since complete pumping can lead to collapse - a sharp drop in blood pressure and disruption of the blood supply to vital organs. If there is a need for frequent repeated punctures, then the patient is given a peritoneal catheter, which facilitates the performance of complex manipulations.
Drainage using an abdominal catheter
  • Peritoneovenous shunting(Levine shunt). Sometimes used to treat refractory ascites i.e. one that does not respond to drug therapy and quickly returns after puncture. The operation consists of increasing the volume of circulating blood through the constant flow of fluid from the abdominal cavity into the general bloodstream system. A Levine shunt is a long plastic tube that is inserted into the abdominal cavity, reaching the pelvic floor. Next, the shunt is connected to a valve and a silicone tube, which passes subcutaneously to the neck area for subsequent connection to the internal jugular and superior vena cava. The valve opens with the help of the resulting displacement force of the diaphragm and an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Thus, there is an unimpeded flow of fluid into the superior vena cava.

Peritoneovenous shunting is sometimes used for refractory (recurrent) ascites
  • Deperitonization of the abdominal walls. When performing the manipulation, resection of individual sections of the abdominal cavity is performed in order to create additional pathways for the outflow of accumulated fluid. The mini-operation gives a temporary effect.
  • Omentohepatophrenopexy. The operation is used for severe portal hypertension to reduce pressure in the venous system. During surgery, the visceral fold of the peritoneum is sutured to the liver diaphragm. The manipulation helps to reduce venous stagnation and, as a result, there is a decrease in the release of fluid from the lumen of the vessels into the abdominal cavity.
  • Reinfusion. It is used for frequent relapses of ascites and consists of the reverse infusion of pumped out filtered fluid. This is carried out in order to prevent complications that may arise due to the loss of blood cells important for the body. The technique allows you to pump out free fluid up to 15 liters per day without endangering the patient’s life.

What is ascites (edema) of the abdominal cavity?

Ascites is a complication of certain diseases, in which there is an accumulation of large amounts of fluid in the abdominal cavity. As a rule, such a negative process entails a significant increase in the abdomen, the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, and, as a result, disruption of the functioning of internal organs. In addition, this condition is extremely dangerous to health and therefore requires immediate medical intervention. Ascites can develop at any age, regardless of gender.

There are three main stages of the disease:

Causes of abdominal ascites

The main reason for the development of ascites is a pathological process that occurs in the body and provokes an increase in the synthesis of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Normally, only a small amount of secretion is produced, which is necessary to ensure that the intestinal loops do not stick together and glide normally. Over time, this produced fluid is absorbed. Disruption of the body’s functioning provokes an increase in secretion and disrupts the process of its absorption. This is what leads to the appearance of abdominal dropsy.

Most often, the following pathological processes contribute to the development of ascites:

If the cause of ascites is cancer, then most often the process of lymph outflow from the abdominal cavity is disrupted. Such a negative process is in most cases irreversible and, as a rule, leads to death.

Symptoms of ascites

The manifestation of ascites depends on the amount of fluid accumulated in the abdomen and the rate of its production. The main signs of abdominal dropsy include:

Diagnosis of the disease

To diagnose ascites, you should contact a doctor who will conduct an initial diagnosis and prescribe additional examinations. First of all, the doctor examines and palpates the abdomen.

But to obtain a complete picture and establish the cause of the development of ascites, a number of diagnostic procedures are prescribed:

Treatment of abdominal ascites

Depending on the cause of the development of ascites and its complexity, treatment may be carried out by a therapist, surgeon, or other specialists. Therapy must be comprehensive and include eliminating the cause of dropsy, removing excess fluid and preventing the development of various complications.

First of all, the patient is prescribed a strict diet, which consists of limiting the consumption of liquid and salt (this includes smoked meats, canned food and pickles). The patient is recommended to rest in bed and completely give up bad habits. It is also worth stopping taking medications that have a negative effect on the functioning of the liver.

In order to speed up the process of fluid removal, it is recommended to take diuretics - Veroshpiron, Lasix, Aldactone, but potassium-based drugs, for example, Asparkam, are also prescribed. The dosage is selected individually in each case, depending on the patient’s condition.

If ascites is provoked by hypertension, then administration of Albumin or plasma is prescribed, and hepaprotectors are also prescribed (for example, Essentiale).

If after conservative treatment the patient does not feel better, and the amount of fluid has decreased only slightly, then the abdominal cavity is punctured and excess fluid is removed. With paracentnesis, the use of general anesthesia is not required, but only local anesthesia is performed in the navel area, where a puncture is then made. This procedure is quite dangerous and can lead to internal bleeding or the development of kidney coma. If a lot of exudate has accumulated, it can be removed gradually, no more than 5 liters at a time.

Ascites is not only an unpleasant phenomenon, but also quite dangerous, since it leads to a number of complications, among which the most common are disruption of the spleen and liver (or complete cessation of functioning), the development of peritonitis or the opening of internal bleeding, as well as brain damage as a result swelling. The mortality rate of patients diagnosed with ascites is quite high and amounts to 50%.

Treatment of abdominal ascites with folk remedies.

Traditional medicine is often used to treat ascites. Most often these are diuretic preparations and recipes that normalize the functioning of the liver, heart and stomach. Below are some of the most popular folk remedies:

Prevention of disease

The main preventive measure for ascites is timely treatment of diseases that can provoke the development of abdominal dropsy. For this purpose, following a special diet can be used that will facilitate the work of the stomach, liver and kidneys; rejection of bad habits; strengthening the cardiovascular system, as well as preventing hepatitis and tuberculosis.

Water in the abdomen is an alarming symptom that a doctor diagnoses on an ultrasound. It is recommended to undergo such an examination if the patient notices an enlargement of the abdominal cavity. Such a complaint should not go unnoticed by a specialist, since with advanced clinical pictures the oncological disease progresses with a fatal outcome.

What is ascites

This is a dangerous diagnosis, which is characterized by increased accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Other important organs of the body, such as the lungs and heart, can be affected by ascites. The problem is not inflammatory in nature. The fluid accumulated in the peritoneal area can reach 15-20 liters in volume. This disease is popularly called “frog belly” and is prone to malignancy. For 75% of all clinical pictures, this is a complication of progressive cirrhosis, and the main goal of treatment is to suppress alarming symptoms and prolong the period of remission.

Why does fluid accumulate in the abdominal cavity?

The peritoneum, which lines the walls of the abdominal cavity, secretes a small amount of fluid, which is similar in chemical composition to blood plasma. It is necessary for the normal functioning of internal organs, otherwise they would stick together. The liquid is absorbed and released throughout the day, but under the influence of pathological factors this natural process can be disrupted. With imbalance, intra-abdominal pressure increases and the abdomen increases in size. Urgent diagnosis followed by complex therapy is necessary.


This disease is a complication of liver cirrhosis and more. It progresses gradually in the body; at first it does not manifest itself in any way. Abdominal ascites is difficult to treat successfully. However, healing occurs if the main pathogenic factor is eliminated. The causes of ascitic disease are unexpected, the most common among them are presented below. This:

  • heart failure;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • impaired pressure of the portal vein of the liver;
  • abdominal tuberculosis;
  • development of mesothelioma, pseudomyxoma;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • diseases in women (from the field of gynecology).

Why does hydrocele occur in newborns?

Abdominal ascites can progress at any age, and infants with this characteristic disease are no exception. The pathological process worsens during the prenatal period and is characterized by a congenital disorder of liver function. This disease is caused at such a young age by infectious diseases of a pregnant woman. These include the following diagnoses:

  • rubella in pregnancy;
  • syphilis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • listeriosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • herpes;
  • measles.

The risk group includes newborns whose mothers abused narcotic substances, medications, alcoholic beverages, and chemical reagents during pregnancy. In addition, ascites progresses in the case of blood transfusion during pregnancy, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. To prevent a child from developing abdominal ascites from the first days of life, a pregnant woman is not recommended to have permanent makeup or tattoos.

How does fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity manifest?

The main symptom of peritoneal ascites is free fluid in the abdominal cavity that collects and is not excreted naturally. This sign of the disease provokes an increase in the abdominal cavity in size, and over time this process only progresses. At first, the patient does not notice characteristic changes in appearance, but then he cannot tense and relax his stomach. Additional symptoms of ascites are as follows:

  • abdominal pain;
  • signs of dyspepsia;
  • weight gain;
  • shortness of breath when walking;
  • big belly;
  • heartburn, belching;
  • fluctuation;
  • state of general discomfort;
  • increased swelling of the limbs.


Determining ascites using visual examination and palpation of the abdominal cavity is very problematic. A description of symptoms is necessary to collect medical history data, but such actions by a specialist are not enough to make a final diagnosis. It is necessary to undergo a clinical examination, visualize foci of transudate, determine the nature and stage of the pathological process. Diagnostics involves the following methods:

  1. Ultrasound. Helps evaluate the systemic blood flow of the portal vein, the presence of liver cirrhosis, and peritoneal tumors. The method is non-invasive, painless, but at an early stage of ascites it is not very informative.
  2. Radiography. This diagnostic method visualizes foci of ascites, determines the volume of fluid, and the boundaries of the abdominal cavity. On the screen you can see cirrhosis of the liver and tuberculosis, suggesting heart failure.
  3. Laparocentesis. An invasive method that involves the collection and further study of ascitic fluid in the laboratory. Additionally, a liver biopsy (puncture) is performed to identify the etiology of the pathological process.
  4. CT and MRI. Both methods accurately determine abnormal fluid effusion, and diagnose pathology in hard-to-reach parts of the abdominal cavity. Laparocentesis complements complex diagnostics.
  5. Angiography. This is a type of radiography where a contrast agent is injected into the vessels to determine the etiology of the pathological process. This method can detect cirrhosis even at an early stage.

How to treat ascites

After performing radiography and angiography, the doctor can make a prognosis and determine an effective treatment regimen. The approach to the problem is comprehensive, and for advanced clinical situations does not exclude surgery to remove oncology, laparocentesis. It all depends on the signs and symptoms, the diagnosis performed, and the recommendations of a specialist. At first, doctors try to remove the source of pathology conservatively, but if fluid continues to accumulate in the abdominal cavity, surgery is definitely not possible. Otherwise, oncology will only progress.

How is abdominal dropsy treated therapeutically?

The main goal of drug therapy for ascites is to remove fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity using a non-invasive method. Treatment is appropriate at an early stage, when the peritoneum is not yet completely filled with transudate. For ascites, the doctor prescribes diuretics and calcium supplements. In the first case, we are talking about medications such as Veroshpiron, Diacarb, Lasix, Torasemide, after taking which the water in the abdominal cavity disappears. In the second - calcium tablets, Panangin and Asparkam. Additionally, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes.

How to remove fluid in the abdomen using surgical methods

If ascites is diagnosed in an advanced stage, surgery to pump out the transudate cannot be avoided. In this way, you can temporarily remove a large belly, but if you do not eliminate the cause of the disease, its symptoms will very soon remind you of themselves again. It is important to understand that we are talking about oncology, and surgery cannot be avoided. Surgical intervention for ascites involves the following steps.