I downloaded the game and it won't open. The game does not start: common problems and their solutions. The game is not compatible with this operating system

Among existing computer games, two main groups can be distinguished. The first includes those that are located directly on the computer; they can be used without connection to the Internet. And the second type, which is extremely popular, is multiplayer online games. If in the first case the user interacts exclusively with the algorithm of the gaming program installed on the computer, then in online games he is confronted with other real users.

Regular gaming applications are usually distributed on CDs; many distributions can be downloaded on the Internet. Installation is carried out directly from the disk, with all the necessary files installed on the computer. As for the online versions, there are two options: in the first case, the entire game process is implemented using flash technologies, that is, it takes place directly on the site page. In the second, a client part is installed on the computer, facilitating the implementation of high-quality graphics and giving the user additional convenience.

Thanks to the development of the Internet, online games are now the most popular. Unfortunately, it is not always possible for a user to start playing immediately after registration; connection problems often arise. Usually you can solve them yourself, but it’s easier to seek help from a specialist who will quickly complete the setup.

Problems loading computer games

As a rule, when installing a game program, you must enter a license code or the original disk must always be in the drive - without it, the application will not work. When installing regular gaming applications, problems may arise even if the PC is very old and does not support new ones modern technologies. In addition, an outdated computer may not have enough RAM; a weak video card is not always able to support dynamic graphics. There is only one way out of this situation - to upgrade the system. To do this, it is best to contact a specialized service center, whose specialists will competently and for the lowest possible fee carry out system modernization.

In the case of online games, there may be a lack of communication with the server; the main reasons for this are traffic blocking by the firewall, as well as incorrect configuration of game ports.

What to do if the game does not load on your computer? You can try to deal with the problem on your own, but it is much easier to call our specialist. When he comes to you, he will professionally set up your computer, you will certainly be satisfied with the result. We guarantee high quality and low prices. Call now!

After reinstalling Windows 7, a rather strange problem occurs: games stop starting. Many Windows users found themselves in this situation, and they had to find a way out through trial and error. This is not the best or most practical option available. We decided to find out why games do not launch after reinstalling Windows 7 and offer reliable recipes for fixing the problem.

Firstly, you need to understand that there is not just one reason for this behavior in games, but many. Accordingly, there are several solutions to the problem. Game lovers are discovering more and more such reasons, and if everything we have suggested does not help, then it is worth looking for other information on the same topic on the Internet. All reasons can be classified into reasons general and problems specific to games. The fact that some, not necessarily gaming, programs do not start after reinstalling Windows is not news - this happens quite often. Therefore, it can be difficult to determine the source of the error at first glance. Let's look at all the options in order.

Lack of drivers in the system

Games often don't work because not all device drivers are registered with Windows. Even if the drivers seem to be installed, they either do not work initially or fail later. After reinstalling Windows, driver problems occur very often. To find out which drivers need to be installed, you need to go to "Device Manager" along this route: “Start” -> "Control Panel" -> "Device Manager". As a result, the following window will open:

That part of the modules whose drivers need to be reinstalled will be marked with a yellow icon with an exclamation mark. Try reinstalling the drivers of all such devices and find out if the games start after that.

If this does not happen and games still do not launch, then pay attention to the Windows graphics library called DirectX.

Almost all modern and not so modern games require its presence in the system. Moreover, if it is absent, they are not even installed. If this is not the first time DirectX is being installed, then carefully remove traces of its past use from the system. To support the library current state You can use the DXUpdate utility for Windows. After its installation, the program will closely monitor the integrity of DirectX and, if necessary, download and install any of its updates. All such “patches” are installed completely automatically without any participation from you.

Registration in the register

The vast majority of games are installed by entering some information about themselves in the Windows registry. After reinstalling the system, all these entries disappear along with the registry itself. Windows simply stops remembering such programs. Some people wonder why the program suddenly reports missing files - this is just such a case. After such a message appears, it is wise to reinstall the game program.

For many people, the computer is a means of entertainment where they can download a variety of games and enjoy them for hours.

But sometimes problems appear, games simply do not work, which can be due to various reasons. Some of them can be easily fixed, as discussed in this article.

Why won't games launch on Windows 7? If you have this operating system installed, first look.

As a rule, the required version of this utility is distributed along with the game, but if it is not there, you will have to download it from the official website. But this is not the only thing that can interfere with playing.

Reasons why the game does not start

In fact, there are hundreds of different reasons why games don't work. We will look at the most popular ones, and also tell you how to fix it:

1. Compatibility. Many users encountered this problem when Windows 7 first came out. Now almost all games are optimized for this OS, but they still have to face problems.

The easiest way to solve it is just start the game in special regime . To do this, you must first open the properties of the icon that launches it:

In properties there is a tab " Compatibility", where you can select one of the modes and try to launch the game:

Try it different variants, if the game is old, then it is better to choose Windows XP. The method is simple but effective.

2. Run as administrator. It also happens that the game does not want to start due to lack of rights to use it. Usually, this problem appears when using multiple accounts on a PC. It's even easier to solve:

Just right-click on the icon and select run as administrator. If this doesn't help, look for other reasons.

3. Prohibition on editing system folders and the registry. Each game creates additional folders and makes changes to the registry. If it was not installed using an administrator account, editing system files may be prohibited.

To solve this problem, you will have to reinstall the game, but when starting the installer, also select “As administrator”:

Open the game disc or downloaded folder, find Setup.exe, and as shown in the image, run the file correctly.

4. Additional software. Perhaps the game does not start because you have not installed various utilities necessary for its operation on a PC. It could be anything, including drivers.

Outdated software often causes not only a failure to launch, but also slowdowns in the game. The simplest solution is to use

A huge number of users love to play computer games, but unfortunately, some of them are faced with a situation where their favorite entertainment does not want to run on the PC. Let's find out what could be causing this similar phenomenon and how this problem is solved.

There are many reasons why games won't launch on your computer. But all of them can be divided into two main groups: the inability to launch individual games and the refusal to launch absolutely all gaming applications. In the latter case, most often, no programs are activated at all. Let's figure it out certain reasons problem under study and try to find algorithms for their elimination.

Reason 1: Weak hardware component

If you have a problem with launching not all games, but only resource-intensive applications, then there is a high probability that the cause of the problem is a lack of hardware power. The weak link may be the processor, video card, RAM or other important component PC. Generally, the minimum system requirements for normal operation game application are listed on the disc box if you purchased the game on physical media, or they can be found online.

Now we’ll find out how you can view the main characteristics of your computer.

  1. Click "Start" and in the menu that opens, right-click ( RMB) by name "Computer". Select from the list that appears "Properties".
  2. A window will open with the main characteristics of the system. Here you can find out the size of the PC's RAM, the frequency and model of the processor, the OS bit depth, as well as such an interesting indicator as the performance index. It is a comprehensive assessment of the main elements of the system, which is graded according to the weakest link. Initially, this indicator was planned to be introduced specifically to evaluate a computer for compatibility with specific games and programs. But unfortunately, this innovation did not find mass support among software manufacturers. However, some of them still indicate this index. If your PC is lower than what is indicated on the game, then most likely it will not start for you or will function with problems.
  3. To find out the weakest link in the system you need to click on the name Windows Experience Index.
  4. A window will open in which the following OS components are rated:
    • Random access memory;
    • Processor;
    • Graphics;
    • Graphics for games;
    • Winchester.

    The component with the lowest score will be the weakest link, on the basis of which the general index. Now you will know what needs to be improved in order for it to run large quantity game programs.

    If the information presented in the Windows system properties window is not enough for you, and you, say, want to know the power of the video card, then in this case you can use specialized third-party ones, for example, or.

What to do if some component or several elements do not meet the system requirements of the game? The answer to this question is simple, but to solve it you will need financial expenses: You need to purchase and install more powerful analogues those devices that, according to their performance, are not suitable for running a gaming application.

Reason 2: EXE file association violation

One of the reasons why games do not launch may be a violation of the EXE file association. In this case, the system simply does not understand what to do with the objects. having the specified extension. The main sign that the cause of the problem is precisely the named factor is that not only individual game applications are not activated, but absolutely all objects with the EXE extension are not activated. Fortunately, there is a way to fix this problem.

  1. You need to go to "Registry Editor". To do this, call the window "Run", applying Win+R. In the area that opens, enter:

    After entering, press "OK".

  2. A tool called "Windows Registry Editor". Go to the section called "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT".
  3. In the list of folders that opens, find a directory with the name ".exe". On the right side of the window, click on the parameter name "Default".
  4. A window for editing the value will open. In its only field you need to enter the following expression if there is other data there or if it is not filled in at all:

    After that click "OK".

  5. Next, return to section navigation and move to the directory called "exefile". It is located in the same directory "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT". Go to again right side window and click on the parameter name "Default".
  6. This time, enter the following expression into the properties window that opens, if it is not already entered in the field:

    To save the entered data, click "OK".

  7. Finally, go to the directory "shell", which is located inside the folder "exefile". Here again in right area look for the parameter "Default" and go to its properties, as you did in previous cases.
  8. And this time in the field "Meaning" enter the expression:

    Click "OK".

  9. After this you can close the window "Registry Editor" and restart your computer. After restarting the system, the standard associations of files with the EXE extension will be restored, which means you will be able to run your favorite games and other programs again.

Reason 3: Insufficient startup rights

Some games may not start because to activate them you need to have elevated rights, that is, administrator rights. But even if you log into the system under administrative account, then you will still need to perform additional manipulations to launch the game application.

In addition, the problem under study sometimes occurs when, when installing a game, it was necessary to run the installer as an administrator, but the user activated it in normal mode. In this case, the application may be installed, but have restrictions on access to system folders, which does not allow the executable file to run correctly, even with administrative rights. In this case, you need to completely uninstall the gaming application, and then install it by running the installer with administrator rights.

Reason 4: Compatibility issues

If you can't run some old game, then it is likely that it is simply not compatible with Windows 7. In this case, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for activating it in compatibility mode with XP.

Reason 5: Outdated or incorrect video card drivers

The reason that you cannot launch the game may well be outdated graphics adapter drivers. It also often happens that standard Windows drivers are installed on the computer instead of an analogue one from the video card developer. This can also negatively affect the activation of applications that require large quantity graphic resources. To correct the situation, you need to replace existing video drivers with current versions or update them.

Of course, it is best to install drivers on your PC from the installation disk that came with the video card. If this is not possible, then you can download updated drivers from the manufacturer’s official website. But if you do not have physical media or do not know the corresponding web resource, then there is still a way out of this situation.

  1. Click "Start" and go to "Control Panel".
  2. Open section "System and safety".
  3. In the settings group "System" find a position "Device Manager" and click on it.
  4. Window opens "Device Manager". Click on the section name "Video adapters".
  5. A list of video cards connected to the computer will open. There may be several of them, but there may also be one. In any case, click on the name of the active device, that is, the one through which the display is currently being performed graphic information on PC.
  6. The video card properties window opens. Move to section "Intelligence".
  7. In the window that opens, in the drop-down list "Property" select an option "Equipment ID". Information about the video card ID will open. You must write or copy the longest value.
  8. Now launch your browser. You will need to go to a website to search for drivers by video card ID, which is called DevID DriverPack. The link to it is given in a separate lesson below.
  9. On the web resource page that opens, enter the previously copied video card ID in the field. In the block « Windows version» select the cell with the number "7". This means that you are looking for components for Windows 7. To the right of this block, indicate the bitness of your OS by checking the checkbox "x64"(for 64-bit OS) or "x86"(for 32-bit OS). Next click "Find drivers".
  10. The search results will open. Look for the most late version by date. As a rule, it is in first place in the list, but the required information can be specified in the column "Driver version". Having found the desired object, click on the button "Download" opposite him.
  11. The driver will be downloaded to your computer. Once the download is complete, you need to click on its executable file to begin installation on your PC.
  12. After installation is complete, restart your computer. If the problem of the inability to launch the game was due to an incorrect or outdated driver, then it will be solved.

If you don’t want to bother with manual installation, then in this case you can resort to services that scan the PC and look for Latest updates drivers and install them. The most popular application of this class is .

Reason 6: Lack of required system components

One of the reasons why games do not launch may be the absence of certain system components or the presence of an outdated version. The fact is that not all the necessary elements are from Microsoft included in the installation kit. Therefore, they have to be additionally downloaded and installed in order to be able to perform tasks of increased complexity. But even if the component is present in the initial assembly, its updates must be regularly monitored. The most important such elements for running gaming applications are , .

Some games are especially demanding and run with various “exotic” components that are not available on every computer. In this case, you need to carefully re-read the installation requirements for this game application and install all the necessary objects. Therefore, specific recommendations cannot be given here, since different applications require different elements.

Reason 7: Missing required OS updates

Some modern games may not start simply because the operating system has not been updated on the computer for a long time. To solve this problem, you need to activate automatic OS updates or install all the necessary updates manually.

Reason 8: Cyrillic characters in the folder path

The game may not start because its executable file is located in a folder that contains Cyrillic characters in its name, or the path to this directory contains Cyrillic letters. Some applications only allow Latin characters in the file location directory address.

In this case, simply renaming will not help. You need to completely uninstall the game and install it again in the folder whose path contains only Latin characters.

Reason 9: Viruses

You should not discount the cause of many computer problems as virus infection. Viruses can block EXE files from running or even rename them. If you suspect your PC has been infected, you should immediately scan it with an antivirus utility. For example, one of the best such applications is .

Ideally, it is recommended to check from another PC or by starting the computer from LiveCD/USB. But if you do not have such capabilities, then you can run this utility simply from a flash drive. If viruses are detected, follow the recommendations that are displayed in the antivirus window. But sometimes malware manages to damage the system. In this case, after removing it, restore them if damage is detected.

There are many reasons why games or a certain gaming application does not want to run on a computer running Windows 7. We did not dwell on such trivial situations as poor assembly of the game itself, but described the main problems that may arise during its activation related to the functioning systems. Define specific reason and eliminating it is the main task that falls on the user, and this manual will help in solving this problem.

It is not uncommon for users to encounter problems with launching computer games. I don't play games myself and encounter these problems when communicating with users. I will only tell you about the problems that I personally encountered, and I managed to solve them. IN general case Games may not work for the following reasons known to me:

1. The computer configuration does not meet the system requirements of the game.

2. The necessary drivers or necessary additional software are not installed on the computer software for a video card.

You can see which driver and whether it is in order by going to the “Start” menu, right-clicking on “My Computer” and selecting “Properties” from the list. In the window that opens, go to the “Hardware” tab, where you click the “Device Manager” button and select “Video adapters” in the tree. If you have a driver from Microsoft, then definitely change it. If there is an exclamation mark, the driver must be replaced or reinstalled. If there is no “Video adapters” item at all, but there is a question mark, then this means that the native video card driver is not installed at all and the system works with the standard VGA driver.

An example from recent practice: the Windows 7 operating system, the game “Metro 2033” freezes and a message appears about the absence of the necessary PhysXLoader.dll file. Reason: The NVIDIA Physx graphics acceleration program is not installed. I did not install this program separately, but downloaded the latest driver for the video card from the NVIDIA website, which includes this program, and installed the latest driver.

3. The game requires a DirectX module update.

Usually in this case, messages appear about the need to update the module or about the absence of some file, for example d3dx9_42.dll or something similar, which should be part of DirectX. In this case, you can find the missing file on the Internet, download it and copy it to the System or System32 folders, which are located in the Windows folder, or completely install more new version DirectX.

4. There is not enough space on the disk where the game is installed.

In this case, the game may not even be installed, and, as a rule, no messages are issued, but the installation of the game simply stops (freezes). In this case, you need to check if there is enough disk space and clean it up if necessary. When cleaning the disk, you should also take into account that system requirements the required space for the installed game is indicated, and game files on CDs are often in archived form and during installation, disk space is required to unpack the archive. In such a situation, you need to prepare free disk space to install a game approximately twice the size of the game itself.

5. There is not enough space on the system disk.

The fact is that for Windows to work correctly, it needs so-called virtual memory, that is, a reserved area on the system disk or disks of the required size to accommodate paging files on it. The Windows operating system, by default, places paging files on the system disk. If free space If there is not enough space on the disk to accommodate paging files, programs may not start or may not work correctly. Typically, in such a situation, the system issues appropriate warnings on the display screen. To restore functionality, you need to clean the disks and remove unnecessary programs. You can read about cleaning the system disk.

6. Insufficient virtual memory.

Some programs, especially games, require big size virtual memory, and you need to set it explicitly. This can be found out from the messages displayed on the screen, from the system requirements of the program or from the description of the game. To change the virtual memory size in Windows XP, you need to open the Start menu, right-click on “My Computer” and select “Properties” from the list. In the “System Properties” window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab, and then click the “Settings” button in the “Performance” section. In the “Performance Options” window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab and in the “Virtual Memory” section click “Change”. In the “Virtual memory” window that opens, you need to put a dot on “Special size” and enter in the fields required dimensions. In field " Original size"usually enter a size equal to the size of the computer's RAM, and in the field" Maximum size"either the size required by the program, or the size of RAM multiplied by 1.5-2. After entering the size values, you must remember to click the “Set” button and then the “OK” button in all windows in order. The settings will be accepted after the system reboot.

7. Damaged or dirty CD.

The reason for freezing or copying errors when installing a game may be a CD with a damaged or dirty surface. If the surface is dirty, you can wash the working surface of the disk warm water with soap, then shake off any remaining water and let dry, or carefully wipe with clean soft cloth. Scratched discs are difficult to restore, but you need to keep in mind that different drives read damaged discs differently. Therefore, you can try to read the disk on another computer and make a copy from it, unless, of course, it is copy protected.

8. The game is not compatible with this operating system.

You need to see if the system requirements of the game include the operating system you have installed. In addition, in the operating room Windows system There is a tool for enabling compatibility with previous versions. To use compatibility mode in Windows XP, you need to right-click on the program shortcut and in the window that opens, go to the “Compatibility” tab and check the box next to “Run the program in compatibility mode for:”. Then select the desired operating system from the list and click “OK”. You can also try some of the other options offered in the Compatibility tab.

9. Damage to the operating system and the effects of viruses.

Everything is clear with viruses, and if they directly interfere with the launch and operation of the program, then they need to be found and destroyed using anti-virus programs and utilities. To restore the system, you can try to clean the registry with cleaning programs, for example, after cleaning the registry, which once the game suddenly started for me. You can use the system recovery tools of the AVZ4 utility. There are other means and methods of system recovery, but they are complex and time-consuming. System damage may be different reasons and character, it can be difficult to identify and correct them. In this case, a clean reinstallation of Windows is easier and faster.