How is bioresonance diagnostics performed? What is bioresonance computer diagnostics of the body. Computer software for Oberon diagnostic devices

I want to be clear:

Bioresonance diagnostics ( computer diagnostics) and ART (vegetative resonance testing) are different methods diagnostics, although they have the same operating principle.

Bioresonance diagnostics is carried out using equipment different manufacturers, the principle of which is to automatically scan your health status, i.e. Before the session begins, you fill out a form or questionnaire, then they put on headphones, give you electrode tubes or other electrode options, after which the device scans your body, and the doctor “monitors the process.”

Cons of bio resonance diagnostics:

Automatic scanning (the doctor does not control the process)

Low reliability (at one time I tried to work on Oberon - the reliability was very poor)

The result depends on the doctor’s interpretation of the data obtained, i.e. on his qualifications, knowledge, your survey, “maybe there, maybe not”

A doctor does not have to obtain a state certificate to operate the device.

Sanitary doctors, cosmetologists, nursing staff, nutritionists, and other “doctors and doctors” can work on the device, sometimes even people without medical education (there have been cases, no one asks!!!)

Bioresonance diagnostics is carried out to promote and “pump” dietary supplements or other products, i.e. network companies

Diagnostics are carried out in “offices”, “cellars”, etc.

Advantages of bioresonance diagnostics:

Indicative (when they show all these black squares, triangles or graphs, it makes a big impression on people!!!)

VRT (vegetative resonance testing) originates from the Voll method, electropuncture diagnostics, invented in Germany in the middle of the last century. The main manufacturer of equipment in our country is the IMEDIS company, which also provides training to doctors. ART can only be performed in medical centers that have a license " traditional methods treatment" or "reflexotherapy", ART can only be carried out by doctors, doctors undergo training for 144 hours and receive a certificate (a certificate in the form of a crust, not an A4 piece of paper with supposedly attended course) of a state standard from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. You have the right to request them for review. My certificates are presented in the VKontakte group. The essence of the technique is to diagnose the body through the vegetative nervous system through a cluster of nerve endings on the fingers (biologically active point). You sit, hold the cylinder-electrode in one hand, and with the other hand the doctor conducts a diagnosis, using a special probe electrode, pressing it on the BAP and so on for the entire diagnosis.

Confidence from 80 to 95%, depending on the problem being diagnosed (manufacturer’s data)

Identification of those problems that are difficult to diagnose using laboratory and other diagnostic methods

You can build causal chains during diagnosis to find out the causes of the disease

Bloodless, age restrictions No

There are no absolute contraindications

There is no automatic scanning; during the diagnostic process, the doctor must constantly think about what he is doing and what he is looking at

Long-term (from 2 to 3-4 hours)

Relatively high cost

I want to say that the ART method is also used by unscrupulous doctors, which is why there are attacks on the method and negative reviews. Diagnostics is a doctor’s assistant, not his replacement. It all depends on the qualifications of the doctor. Not all doctors are able to explain and interpret the data obtained to patients, which causes mistrust.

Therefore, I understand when they write negative reviews.

Combining these two types of diagnostics gives a more accurate result

Bioresonance diagnostics is a hardware-computer examination of the body as a whole, so the cause of the condition is identified without tests. And combination with hemoscanning increases the accuracy of the diagnosis to 100%

Testing the body using the bioresonance method with computer analysis is more informative than other types of diagnostics. This method gives the doctor such valuable information about the functioning of organs that the cause of diseases becomes obvious. In just 1.5-2 hours you will receive answers to questions that would take 2-3 weeks to answer in any clinic:

  • what diseases do you have and at what stage;
  • all pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi, helminths) in organs and the degree of infection);
  • presence of toxins and allergens;
  • level of immunity and what depresses it;
  • tumors and cysts in organs and their nature;
  • on early stage Oncology is detected (2-3 years before the appearance of tumor markers).

This became possible thanks to practical application discoveries made in the 20th century.

History of the bioresonance diagnostic method

2 types of bioresonance devices

Today there are 2 types of devices using the bioresonance method.

  1. Diagnostics according to Voll

The method was developed by German doctor Reinold Voll in 1958. Pabout acupuncture points Chinese medicine AndThe electrical resistance of the meridians is measured and the condition of the organs is judged based on the results.

Voll's method also has disadvantages:
- the measurement results depend on the accuracy of the measuring probe hitting the point - on the qualifications of the doctor and his condition in at the moment;
- Duration of the examination - it takes up to 3.5 hours to complete.

2. NLS - diagnostics

This is a non-contact method of testing the body, based on analysis of the spectrum of vortex magnetic fields inherent in all biological objects. Apparatus deciphers measurement datausing a computer program and displays the result on the monitor. For the first time, the method was implemented on Oberon devices.

A strange coincidence in the predictions of psychics and mathematicians

You have probably come across the concept of “biofield”. It is often used by healers and psychics, explaining their vision of human illnesses and their healing. But there must be some kind of physical field between their hands and the patient!

The physical nature of the biofield - the torsion field of Academician Akimov

For the first time the presence of a torsion field(English torsion - torsion) predicted in 1922 mathematician Elie Cartan. It is created by the torsion of elementary particles. And by the 70s, the Einstein-Cartan theory was created, which described the effects of spin (torsion) of material fields.This is the biofield that psychics use.

This examination of a live drop of blood on a microscope is carried out simultaneously with computer testing of the body, which increases the accuracy of the doctor’s final conclusion. Read more about hemoscanning here - diagnozblood >>

Do you need to get tested now?

In half of the cases, the cause of the condition is clearly identified by this, well-established in medicine test >>

Based on the test results, you can prescribe a well-founded course of herbal medicine and only then decide about the need for examination. Usually, cleansing of the body is required, after which any examination gives more accurate results. Save your time and money!.

The principle of the bioresonance diagnostic method and its authors

Thanks to the use of the properties of torsion fields inOmsk Institute of Applied Psychophysics under the guidance of scientists V.I. Nesterov (director of the institute) and associate professor of Omsk medical academy Yu. Buta developed the Oberon apparatus (RF Patent for invention No. 2119806, priority dated 08.21.96).The device allowsdetermine the conditionhuman body according to wave characteristics its elements: organ tissues, individual cells, chromosomes, enzymes and hormones.

To analyze the state of body systems, a new information technology— nonlinear resonance diagnostic system (NLS). It is important that this method allows one to study processes both in the intercellular space and inside cells. In this case, there is no effect on the body, unlike X-rays, ultrasound and others, because the torsion field has no energy.

Computer software for Oberon diagnostic devices

Streams of information captured by the Oberon apparatus in the process of testing the body huge. Therefore, to help the diagnostician, the computer program “METAPATHY” was created.

The program processes the information obtained during the examination and displays it in a convenient and understandable form on the monitor screen. That is, “Oberon” is a hardware-software complex (HSC).

Later, based on this invention, other complexes appeared: IMAGO, Valeo, VRT and others. They differ insignificantly - in the placement of sensors (on the palms, wrists), graphics for displaying information on the monitor, and computer programs.

Capabilities of the bioresonance computer complex Oberon

APK "Oberon" and similar systems record the state of organs and their parts - groups of cells. They determine this information from the frequency and amplitude characteristics of their physical fields - conventional electronics technologies.

What is especially important is that this method of testing the body allows you to accurately and quickly identify foreign micro and macroorganisms in the body: viruses, microbes, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, worms - the main causative agents of most diseases.

Their radiation is removed contactlessly. Here you see sensors in the form of headphones that are placed on the patients' heads. The signal is amplified many times using the resonance effect.

How APC Oberon determines diseases and their severity

The point is that each organ or cell has its own vibrations.

  1. The oscillation frequencies of healthy and diseased cells differ and there are a number of intermediate states.
  2. Each disease has its own frequency spectrum.
  3. The frequencies of most diseases are stored in the computer's memory.
  4. The computer checks the received data against the library in the database and identifies diseases.
  5. The stage of the disease is determined by the signal level.

So APK Oberon (device + Metapathy program) itself establishes all diagnoses at the moment. The data is displayed on the monitor screen, the doctor analyzes it and makes a final diagnosis.

When computer testing the body, the APK Oberon reveals very small deviations from the norm, which is inaccessible to other diagnostic methods. Various blood tests, ultrasound, x-ray, computed tomography, NMR, already register obvious violations.

You can find out how a drug or medicine will work in advance - at a diagnostic session

Many systems computer examination body using the bioresonance method allows you to determine how the drug will act on a person even before taking it! How did this become possible?

The Oberon device has a remote container (see photo) where the drug is placed. The frequency-resonance characteristic is also taken from it and the computer compares this data with your characteristics. The screen displays a compatibility result and by what percentage your performance will improve after taking it. You can bring your own medicine to the session (one tablet of each) and the doctor will measure their possible effectiveness.

This makes it possible to select individual treatment and prescribing any medications or herbal preparations and food products. As a result, treatment time is significantly reduced and its effectiveness increases.

Study of tumors, cysts and fibroids using the Oberon device

Using the Oberon computer complex, the root cause of the disease is determined. Not only is a diagnosis made, for example, of an allergy, but the allergen is also identified. Complete laboratory biochemical research it does not replace blood, but with its help, an increase in blood sugar levels, disturbances in the absorption of calcium, etc. are detected.

The Oberon complex and some of its analogues examine the following body systems:

  1. Cardiovascular system.
  2. Gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Genitourinary system.
  4. Musculoskeletal system.
  5. Bronchopulmonary system.
  6. Endocrine system.
  7. Visual and auditory apparatus.
  8. Nervous system.
  9. Clinical biochemical blood test without blood sampling.
  10. Detection of infections in all organs and systems - viruses, microbes, fungi, protozoa, helminthic infestations etc. (staphylococci, streptococci, lamblia, trichomanas, chlamydia, ureoplasma, etc.).
  11. Endocrine system - assessment of hormone levels of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, pancreas, thyroid, and sex glands.
  12. Immunity assessment.
  13. Chromosome set.

Cell condition markers - visual representation of bioresonance diagnostic results

The results of testing the body on the Oberon APK are displayed in the form of markers distributed on a virtual image of the organ (see figure). So Oberon determines not only the state of the organ as a whole, but also its individual parts.

The mechanism of intracellular self-regulation easily copes with external influences. There are no diseases.

Weakening of cell self-regulation resources against the background of increased influence external factors. Initial stage of the disease.

Self-regulation at its limit.
The last line before the onset of the disease.

Failure of self-regulation, all the body’s capabilities are exhausted.
Acute stage of the disease.

Examples of bioresonance testing of organs using the Oberon apparatus

Here you see computer images of organs. But markers of the state of their individual sections are individual indicators a specific person.


Normal condition healthy liver. An extremely rare occurrence.

Common liver condition of a city dweller

Black markers indicate a violation of the cleansing processes in the liver caused by stagnation of bile in gallbladder and spasm of the biliary tract.


Red markers indicate a tense state of tissues - spasm of the biliary tract. Black markers indicate inflammation and obstruction of bile passage. Dyskinesia and possibly stones are evident.

Large intestine

The initial stage of cellular nutrition deficiency associated with malabsorption. In the lower part, markers show inflammation of the mucous membrane sigmoid colon or the presence of an ulcer

Vessels of the anterior wall of the heart

Black markers show deterioration of blood supply to the anterior wall of the heart - an early stage of atherosclerosis coronary arteries and aorta.


Red markers indicate poor blood supply and vascular atherosclerosis in initial stage.

And so on for each organ.

How does a session of computer testing of the human body work?

Before the examination, the doctor asks you what is bothering you. This is necessary to configure the program for a more thorough examination of the disturbing organs. You don’t have to tell anything about your sores, the device will determine everything. It's just that it will take longer.

Then the doctor will connect you to sensors such as headphones on your head and run a program to scan your body. On the computer screen you will see how organs replace each other, labels are placed on them and graphs are drawn. This is how information is collected and a computer analysis of the body is performed.

In this case, the doctor can comment on something, but he will tell you the main information after completing the examination and processing the data by computer. As a result, you will learn:

The method is completely safe for both children and pregnant women, because is based on torsion fields, which have no energy and do not affect the organs in any way. This is similar to how a good psychic sees problems.

How to prepare before visiting a doctor - can you eat and drink?

Before the examination, you can eat everything as usual. Just before hemoscanning, you need to drink a glass of still water half an hour to an hour.

After identifying all abnormalities, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment for you. Usually based on herbal preparations, as the safest. Although, sometimes it will recommend dosage forms. To determine the degree of recovery of the disorders, the doctor usually invites you for a re-examination in 1-2 months. The most scrupulous patients about their health do this, and after eliminating the main problems, they come back once every six months to a year. This is the best insurance against any disease.

How long does a computer testing session together with hemoscanning last? How long does it cost?

The cost of double diagnostics in Moscow is 4,000 rubles. This combination of two methods is quite rare and significantly increases the reliability of the result. A separate examination using the Oberon device now costs 3,000 rubles. The examination takes 1.5 - 2 hours.

What to watch out for when choosing a computer examination

1. Counterfeit devices and pirated copies of programs

You've probably come across counterfeit drugs, vitamins, and dietary supplements. The same thing is happening in medical instrumentation. These devices are very compact and it is not difficult to make a similar fake, and there have always been enough “Kulibins” in Russia.

Copying Oberon devices comes in two types:

1. Direct - using trademark. In these cases, they try to convince that they are official representatives of the developer.

2. Indirect copying - when they release a device under their own name, such as: PHAETON, MIRANDA, ICEBERG, etc.

Well, the craftsmen can hack and copy computer program enough too. But the problem is where to get updates? In all cases, this leads either to low reliability of diagnostic results or to a complete distortion of the diagnosis..

2. Unqualified specialists

The fact is that the program itself displays all the patient’s diseases and all pathogens on the screen without the participation of a doctor. That is, any plumber can buy a device with a program, put on a white coat and start seeing patients. Which is what sometimes happens.

Since such devices can be freely purchased on the market, this examination in Russia today is carried out by anyone: nurses, paramedics, massage therapists, healers and simply amateurs. And an erroneous conclusion can lead the patient to the wrong way treatment and he will lose precious time. Such “experts” discredit the computer testing method.

Still, this is “hardware” and our body is too complex to completely trust the machine. This huge amount of information must be analyzed by a doctor. But not an ordinary one - here we need a doctor who thinks at the level of the body, as a whole. And these are our honeys. Universities don't prepare.

Doctors with extensive experience come to bioresonance examination methods. After seeing enough of the nonsense of our medicine, they experience an internal breakdown and re-evaluation of their entire practice. Such doctors are able to use the capabilities of the bioresonance method and understand the information that this computer complex produces.

Bioresonance diagnostics in Moscow and other cities

In Moscow, bioresonance examinations are carried out by two doctors whom I trust and have been cooperating with for a long time.

Lyudmila Nikolaevna Kulakova has medical experience about 40 years old. She has long been disillusioned with the approach to treatment official medicine and came to herbal medicine and the bioresonance method. Collaborates with the developer of the Oberon device V.I. Nesterov and is aware of all his latest developments.

Lyudmila Nikolaevna trains delegations of doctors from Western and Eastern Europe and Japan who come to purchase Russian diagnostic systems.
And of course she trains doctors from Russia. Helps them select the Oberon device, or its equivalent, inexpensive, working version and install the program. Purchasing a device with the help of a medical practitioner is a guarantee to avoid counterfeiting.

For experienced doctors, training takes 2-3 days and subsequent support via Skype.

Now, Lyudmila Nikolaevna is accepting M. Belyaevo

The cost of bioresonance diagnostics is 3500 rubles.
Hemoscanning - 3000 rub.

Double examination: bioresonance + hemoscanning 4000 rub.

You can decide the need for double diagnosis on the spot, when communicating with your doctor.

Session duration 1.5 hours

To register for diagnostics in Moscow call tel. 8-926-764-4266 (Vladimir Timofeevich) I will determine which doctor is best for you and make an appointment.

Sign up for bioresonance diagnostics in other cities

A similar bioresonance examination is carried out in the cities of Petrozavodsk, Yelets, Kursk. The cost there may vary. Tell us which of these cities you are in feedback form .>>

Works in Kursk good specialist Natalya Yuryevna on the IMEDIS device. Except accurate diagnosis and the causes of health problems, this device allows you to effectively carry out bioresonance therapy. Relief is obtained immediately during the session. A particularly rapid and obvious effect occurs for problems with joints and the spine. You can make an appointment by phone. 8-960-696-2351 - inform that you are from Vladimir Zuev and give Natalya Yuryevna my greetings from Moscow.

Unfortunately, various tests And modern views examinations do not always allow us to accurately determine the cause of the disease. Diagnosis of modifications down to the atomic structure is possible only through a computer examination. Similar method The research is called bioresonance diagnostics of the body.

The vegetative resonance test is an electropuncture diagnostic that checks the state of all systems and individual organs person. It is based on the diagnosis of R. Voll, expanded by the German doctor Schimmel in 1978. Testing is carried out according to one biological active point. To date this is the most informative diagnostics. Its duration is about 2 hours.

Prices for bioresonance diagnostics

Diagnostics and treatment using company equipment « IMEDIS »

This is a special diagnostic that has an undoubted advantage over all others. It lies in the fact that ART makes it possible to detect not only existing ones, but also developing diseases, which are not yet detected with standard medical examinations in clinics and hospitals.

The vegetative resonance test ART allows you to identify:

  • disorders in systems and organs;
  • malignant and benign tumors in the early stages;
  • fungi, helminths, viruses, bacteria that lead to the development of severe chronic diseases;
  • level of intoxication human body
  • level of physical overload;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements;
  • allergic reactions(carry out detailed test to food and chemical allergens food additives, allergens of plants, animals, fish, dust, products, chemicals that a person uses in everyday life, and also);
  • level of lymphatic congestion, endocrine and immune system;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • human exposure to electromagnetic, environmental, radioactive, geopathological, chemical, toxic, alcoholic and drug factors.
  • mental stress;
  • the presence of diseases of organs and systems; formation of stones, tumors;
  • state of the immune system;
  • You can also carry out early research various violations at the stage of the onset of the disease (in the absence or invisibility of symptoms), nutritional disorders (individual selection of diet: which foods the patient should consume and which ones should be excluded from the diet).

In addition, the tolerability and effectiveness of the action are determined. medicines, homeopathy, dietary supplements, cosmetic products, see the effect of jewelry on the human body. In the future, the necessary medicine and its dosage.

The method is characterized by high diagnostic accuracy, non-invasiveness and safety.

Having diagnosed ART, the doctor selects a treatment that allows for the correction of these processes, slowing down the development of the disease, curing it and preventing the emergence of new pathologies. You will be offered bioresonance therapy, homeopathic treatment and color therapy.

Diagnosis of ART can be performed on almost everyone, without restrictions on age or health status, since it does not cause harm to health. The exception is people with

  • pacemaker (there is a possibility of disruption of its operation);
  • pathological changes skin at measurement points;
  • states of exhaustion;

In our center, diagnostics using the ART method is carried out by an experienced homeopath at modern equipment"IMEDIS test". At the end of the examination, the patient is given a detailed report with the results of the examination, the doctor’s recommendations, and the prescribed homeopathic treatment.

The essence of computer diagnostics of the human body

Diagnosis of the body according to Voll is computer method examinations that allow you to measure the energetic functionality of active points. Their work has significant differences from the work of the systems of the whole organism due to anatomical features the structure of our body. At such points there is large number nerve endings that transmit signals to the spinal cord. From segments spinal cord in turn, data is transferred to each internal organ. As a rule, this connection is considered two-way and any disturbance in the functionality of the organ can lead to a displacement of the active point. In addition, with increased energy consumption by the organ, a decrease in electrical resistance at the active point occurs. In particular, a similar picture can be diagnosed during the development inflammatory process. At oncological diseases On the contrary, resistance increases. Thanks to the sensitivity of computer technology, electropuncture diagnostics using the Voll method makes it possible to identify the development of the disease at the initial stage. For further receipt Additional examinations are used to obtain more accurate data about the problem.

Diagnostic stages using the Voll method

When diagnosing the body using the Voll method, a specialist uses special sensors to take data on the functionality of acupuncture points located on the fingers. The whole procedure takes place in three stages:

  • first – sensors are put on the patient’s fingers, after which the data obtained is recorded for 20 minutes;
  • second - simultaneously with data collection, the program analyzes the results;
  • third - based on the results obtained and the diagnosis made after bioresonance diagnostics, the doctor prescribes individual plan treatment.

Since the data obtained is not always enough to identify the localization of the inflammatory process, a specialist may prescribe additional studies.

What can you learn from computer diagnostics?

Diagnosis of the body according to Voll is used today by a large number of doctors all over the world; the capabilities of this research method are quite extensive:

  • a comprehensive study of the functionality of the whole organism, which makes it possible to identify a disease, including cancer, at an early stage, when the development of the disease occurs latently;
  • making a diagnosis in complicated cases;
  • determine the quality of the patient’s diet;
  • identification of accumulations of substances harmful to the human body;
  • monitoring the body's response to the treatment.


Treatment and diagnosis using the Voll method has a number of unique features that distinguish it from other methods:

  • computer diagnostics of the human body does not cause harm, including in the case of diagnostics in children;
  • diagnosis is carried out without internal intervention in the body;
  • the ability to quickly make a diagnosis;
  • the procedure does not require any preparation, which is very convenient for many patients;
  • a comprehensive assessment of the functionality of the whole organism is carried out;
  • absence of any side effects.

Contraindications for carrying out

Conducting a bioresonance study can significantly shorten the process of making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment. More detailed information You can learn about this type of examination during initial appointment in our clinic.

The portal contains information about where you can undergo bioresonance examination and treatment with bioresonance therapy in private clinics in Moscow: addresses and telephone numbers of institutions that use this technique. Searching by districts and metro stations will allow you to choose the geographically optimal option. The prices collected in the tables will help you find a clinic that uses the bioresonance diagnostic method, based on the most suitable cost of services.

Bioresonance diagnostics and therapy are methods offered by many modern medical centers. They are based on the use of a special apparatus, the use of which is possible for people of any age, regardless of their gender and health status. The absence of contraindications allows the use of bioresonance treatment for both children and pregnant women. As a result of the examination, the doctor can obtain a complete picture of the state of the human body and identify various pathologies if available.

How does bioresonance testing of the body work?

This method uses a theory based on the fact that each cell has its own characteristic vibrations. Healthy and diseased cells have different frequency characteristics, which make it possible to detect the presence of abnormalities. Each disease has its own frequency spectrum, identified experimentally using medical methods. A special device for bioresonance therapy contains the characteristics of most diseases. During diagnostics, the computer compares the received data about the condition of the patient’s body with the information stored in memory. The signal level allows you to identify the stage of the disease.

This is a fairly sensitive complex that allows you to determine even very small deviations from the norm that other diagnostic methods cannot offer. Doctors specializing in this method claim that bioresonance diagnostics of the body can be more effective than X-rays, ultrasound and computed tomography, which can only register already pronounced physiological disorders. Specialists in bioresonance therapy and diagnostics are confident that the method makes it possible to detect oncological diseases 2 and even 3 years before methods detected by conventional medical means.

Official medicine and bioresonance therapy in Moscow

It should be noted that officially conducted studies have not been able to truly confirm the effectiveness of this method, which is why it is classified as non-traditional or alternative medicine. Certain conclusions were also made about the inappropriateness of using bioresonance therapy in the treatment of a number of diseases.

However, it is impossible to completely say that the method does not work, since the influence of electromagnetic fields and their generation by the human body is in the early stages of study. Modern devices cover only a small part spectrum, offering a low power signal.