How to use an ovulation test correctly - detailed instructions. Ovulation test: choosing and learning to use

Modern gynecologists are puzzled by how many women come with one problem - they cannot get pregnant. Among these women, there are those who have never given birth, and there are also those who already have children, but would like to have more. Families, especially young ones, often fall apart because of this problem.

Why can't women get pregnant? It seems like they are looking after their health, from bad habits They refused, they follow the doctors’ recommendations, but pregnancy still does not occur. Sometimes, to help a woman and try to solve the problem of infertility, doctors resort to serious measures such as IVF, insemination or surgery. In some cases, gentle methods help: keeping a chart reflecting indicators or pharmacy ovulation tests.

How can an ovulation test help you get pregnant?

Using tests to determine is much more convenient than starting with a measurement every morning basal temperature. How do these tests work?

There are tests different types and react to various reagents: blood, urine, saliva. The most common of these is the urine test. The indicator strip is very sensitive to luteinizing hormone, which acts as an ovulation stimulator. 24-36 hours before the onset of ovulation, the amplitude of the hormone concentration in the urine reaches a maximum and the test reacts by coloring the stripes. Using this test, it will be easy for a woman to determine the most fertile time to conceive a baby. In order not to miss the peak concentration of the hormone, the test should be performed daily, twice a day, and try at one specific time.

Since it is not always possible to determine the time of ovulation at once, the kit contains 5 test strips. Before you begin testing, you should determine the day on which it will begin. To determine such a day, use simple formula: 17 is subtracted from the number of days in the cycle. For example, normal cycle contains 28 days: 28-17=11, already from the 11th day of the cycle and testing should begin.

If the duration is irregular, then you need to take into account the shortest of them for last six months and subtract 17 from this value. It is possible that you will have to repeat such calculations for several months in a row in order to see the coveted two identical stripes. Be patient and continue to analyze your cycles to understand when your body is likely to conceive.

What results can an ovulation test give?

Ovulation tests may show different results:

  • positive result: Both lines on the test strip are bright and the same color
  • negative result: the indicator line is colored more light color than the main one
  • erroneous result: the test strip did not appear at all.

If you reacted with two stripes, that is, the result was positive, the time of ovulation falls within the period of 24-36 hours. It is at this time that you should plan sexual intercourse (or two) with the aim of conceiving. But you should not be zealous and repeat several sexual acts: each time male sperm loses its qualities.

An ovulation test can be combined with other methods of determining ovulation, for example, measuring basal temperature. This way you can get more confidence in the results.

What needs to be done to ensure that the test result is not distorted

Often the test shows a false negative or false positive results. This fact is influenced various reasons. The concentration of luteinizing hormone may increase if a woman has not visited the toilet for a long time and may decrease if the kidneys had to work actively and remove a large amount of fluid in a short period of time. At the same time, an overestimated indicator only causes a slight error in the timing of ovulation, and an underestimated level of concentration will certainly give a false signal.

To bring the test result closer to the most accurate, you must follow the recommendations:

  • do not test on the initial morning urine
  • Do not drink large amounts of liquid on testing days
  • testing should be carried out during active times of the day, from approximately 10:00 to 19:00 hours

If you are alarmed by the fact that the test constantly gives only a positive result, you should find out the reasons. And they can be different:

  • cyst formation on the ovary
  • kidney disease
  • hormonal imbalance
  • recent use of contraceptives
  • a sharp change in diet, for example, going on a strict diet

An ovulation test can show a positive result even if conception has already occurred in the body, but the pregnancy test has not yet responded.

Everyone strives for a feeling of joy healthy woman, because this right is given by Nature itself. To bring this long-awaited moment closer, pay more attention to your health. Constantly monitor the condition endocrine system, your diet and psychological state.

A woman’s hormonal background changes throughout the month; it is influenced by a huge number of factors, including the day of the cycle, contraceptives, stress and much more. Therefore, it is difficult to determine without special tests whether your hormonal levels are in order. For rapid diagnosis, home tests have been developed that allow you to determine ovulation and pregnancy. Everything seems simple, but women began to be interested in the question of whether ovulation tests can show pregnancy, or how it will behave if the egg is already fertilized.

This is a natural, monthly process through which a woman becomes capable of procreation. That is, this is the process of releasing the egg itself. It is there that conception should occur if a sperm is encountered on its way. Women who are in harmony with their body are able to feel the approach of ovulation. During this period, sexual desire intensifies, nature knows when to look for a partner, and there may be a slight sensation of pain in the ovaries. All this suggests that it is coming right moment. To track this favorable period, you can use special tests. But the question is, can ovulation tests show pregnancy? Let's figure it out together.

How does an ovulation test work?

This is very important to determine the most favorable moment for conception. Many women who long time cannot get pregnant in large quantities purchase these tests, monitoring the approaching release of the egg every day. The principle of operation of this test is quite simple. The test strip determines the level in the urine. Shortly before the follicle ruptures, the level of this hormone reaches its maximum level. As soon as you see 2 lines on the test, it means that ovulation will occur in about 12-48 hours. However, do not forget that any test can fail. Make sure that the brightness of the test strip does not differ from the control strip, otherwise the result can be considered unreliable. However, if a woman is planning to conceive, she is always interested in whether ovulation tests can show pregnancy. Numerous examples show that this is possible. Let's talk about this in more detail.

If a pregnant woman uses an ovulation test

First of all, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that home tests are much less reliable than laboratory tests which are carried out by doctors in the hospital. That is why quite often they can pass off one thing as another, pregnancy as ovulation, and vice versa.

Both ovulation and pregnancy are determined by the level of the hormone in the urine. Despite the fact that the hormones are different, so simple tests can easily mistake one for the other. during ovulation and during conception it looks about the same for them. That is why we can answer affirmatively to the question of whether ovulation tests can show pregnancy, but the reliability of such a method will always be in question.

Different tests: what will we measure?

Theoretically, an ovulation test should only determine the maturation and release of the next egg. It is clear that if you are pregnant, this is impossible, but there is a huge amount of evidence that an ovulation test shows pregnancy much sooner than a specialized litmus test.

Sometimes women confuse these two types of tests; sometimes the pharmacy mistakenly sells them something that is not what they ask for. As a result, you can ask: can an ovulation test show pregnancy, and get an affirmative answer. While pregnant, many girls received Others out of curiosity, already knowing for sure about their pregnancy, they checked the result of the ovulation test, and it also most often turns out to be positive.

False indicators

Before you say whether an ovulation test can show pregnancy, you should warn that this is in any case the result of an imperfect diagnostic system, which means that such indicators cannot be trusted. If you are pregnant, the test result, once positive, will not turn negative. If this happens, you should immediately tell your doctor about it.

At the same time, an ovulation test can show pregnancy, but only because human chorionic gonadotropin and luteinizing hormone have similar formulas, and the test has not only high sensitivity, but also with a fairly large error.

It turns out that these tests are interchangeable?

Not really. If we talk about whether a pregnancy test after ovulation will show the coveted two stripes, then any doctor will say that it is unlikely, because it has much less sensitivity. For reliable result you must wait until the first day of the delay. It is for this reason that a pregnancy test is not used to determine the onset of ovulation; its sensitivity is clearly insufficient. They will not be able to detect a slight increase in lutein.

One instead of the other

However, the situation is different with the second test strip. Whether an ovulation test shows pregnancy has been discussed on all forums for many years. Yes, it really does. Therefore, it is possible to use it to diagnose conception, although it is not practical from an economic point of view. The cost of such a test is several times higher than the price of the most expensive pregnancy test.

However, it is the sensitivity of this strip that determines its popularity among women. We have already said that its sensitivity is much higher, therefore, answering the question of whether an ovulation test shows pregnancy, it should be noted that it can show the result long before the first day of the delay, which can be so difficult to wait for due to constant experience.

Hormone is different from hormone

Once we have determined that we can get an answer about our interesting situation using an ovulation test, the question arises about the accuracy of this method. That is, it is logical to ask, does an ovulation test always show pregnancy? No, this method does not provide 100% accuracy, because initially this litmus strip has other tasks. In order for you to be able to determine the onset of ovulation, a test is used that is impregnated with reagents to detect the LH hormone in the urine. Its maximum concentration occurs in the urine precisely during the release of the egg. If you get clear two stripes, it means that ovulation has already occurred and the optimal time for conception has arrived.

To determine interesting situation, it is necessary to use another test impregnated with reagents that react to the hCG hormone. From the first day of the delay, you can get clear two stripes, which indicates that you are really pregnant. Thus, it is clear that these two tests respond to different hormones, and therefore one will not replace the other. Ask any physiologist or doctor about whether ovulation occurs during pregnancy, and get ready to be very surprised. Of course not, the tasks of this mechanism have already been completed. The egg was released into the fallopian tube, was fertilized and implanted in the uterus. A new egg will not form until birth.

What results can you get?

You should not use an ovulation test during pregnancy. The accuracy of this method is zero. Bright two stripes that a pregnant woman receives on early stages, is nothing more than a mistake. Such diagnostics are of no value, and after 4 weeks this method stops working, that is, the test stops showing results.

However, the reliability of such studies should generally be questioned. If your body functions like a clock, then you yourself will perfectly understand when you are ovulating, and will also feel the first signs of pregnancy. If various malfunctions and irregularities occur, then you should not trust such test strips, you should consult a doctor.

Let's sum it up

An ovulation test is not designed to determine pregnancy, no matter how much you may be told otherwise. What many women have noted is nothing more than an accident, an error, a failure in diagnosis, which most often happens in the early stages of pregnancy. To be completely confident in the results, you need to wait until the first day of your delay and take a pregnancy test. Another way to reliably determine an interesting situation is to get tested at a clinic. Therefore, if you are asked whether an ovulation test shows pregnancy, feel free to answer no.

Ovulation is the main stage of the menstrual cycle. At this time, the egg, ready for conception, leaves the follicle. This is the most suitable period for fertilization: within two days a woman can become pregnant.

The process begins in the middle of the cycle: approximately on the 14th day. However, in girls, oocyte maturation occurs in different times and depends on individual characteristics body.

A family planning a child must know the date of the ovulatory phase. Future parents can purchase a special test at the pharmacy that will indicate the most favorable day for fertilization.

How does an ovulation test work?

During the growth and maturation of the follicle, female sex hormones - estrogens - are produced. How larger size follicle, the higher the concentration of the substance. 1–2 days before the ovulatory phase, estrogens are replaced by luteinizing hormone (LH). Under its influence it breaks dominant follicle and a mature egg is released.

The principle of ovulation tests is to detect the maximum concentration of LH in the urine. The hormone has high values short period – only 12–36 hours. If tested at this time, the device should show two bars, a smiley face or other signs.

Why is it needed?

Not all women can boast of a regular monthly cycle. The disorder often occurs with hormonal disorders and gynecological diseases. Due to cycle instability married couple experiencing problems conceiving.

By purchasing a test at a pharmacy, a woman hopes to accurately determine the day of ovulation. This is the most favorable time for pregnancy.

What are the devices used for:

  1. If a couple has been planning a pregnancy for more than 1 year, but conception has not yet occurred.
  2. When a family wants to have a child, but there are reasons why partners cannot have sex during the entire monthly cycle. Then they choose suitable date when intimacy occurs.
  3. The girl has an irregular menstrual cycle.
  4. The expectant mother was diagnosed concomitant pathology– polycystic ovary disease, diseases thyroid gland, disorder hormonal levels. They disrupt the duration of the cycle.

Is it possible to plan the gender of a child? Based on unproven pseudo-scientific methods, the couple determines the expected ovulation date for conceiving a boy or girl.

The principle of the method is based on the different mobility of the X and Y chromosomes. The first one moves slowly, but is considered more resilient. The Y chromosome is much more mobile, but its lifespan is shorter.

If intimacy was a few days before ovulation, sperm containing the X-structure will wait for the oocyte. The future parents will have a girl. When sexual contact happens on the “cherished” day, fast Y chromosomes reach the egg and fertilize it. A woman becomes pregnant with a boy.

What types of tests are there?

At the pharmacy you can buy various devices brands. How to select the appropriate analysis depends on the parameters of the devices.

It is quite difficult for a beginner to choose a test. When purchasing, consider the accuracy of the study and ease of use. Determine for yourself how much you are willing to spend on analysis.

Test strip

One-time test. It is a strip of special paper that is impregnated with a reagent. This test requires a urine container into which it will be immersed. The device is not highly sensitive. The risk of error is quite high.

The advantage of the test strip is its low cost. This is the cheapest device for determining the date of oocyte maturation.

The package contains 5 strips, since it is difficult to calculate the exact day of ovulation the first time. Repeated attempts determine the correct date.

The most popular test is Eviplan. Its kit includes 5 strips for determining LH, 1 strip for diagnosing pregnancy. Each Eviplan test is packaged in a separate bag. Other well-known test strips are Femiplan, I Was Born, Frautest, Answer, OvuPlan.


Such devices for detecting PH began to be widely used in 2012. Some of them detect the hormone in urine, while others detect it in saliva. The most famous of reusable tests– Ovucontrol.

Such devices are considered more accurate than disposable strips. Their work is not limited to one-time use. However, their price is significantly higher.

Reusable devices:

  • tablet;
  • electronic;
  • microscope tests.


The device has an elongated shape and a receiving end for urine. The test contains many microscopic tubules. According to them biological fluid falls into the reagent cassette.

No urine container is required during use. When doing research, a woman places the device under a stream of urine. You need to hold it for about 3-5 seconds, and after 5 minutes the device shows the result. The accuracy is an order of magnitude higher compared to strips. However, sometimes they make mistakes too. Incorrect reactions occur due to violation of testing rules.

The best inkjet tests for determining PH are considered to be Premium Diagnostics. This is a super sensitive device for detecting ovulation. If the oocyte leaves the follicle the day before, Premium Diagnostic shows two lines of the same color.

Other popular inkjet tests are Solo Mini, ICA LG factor.


These are modern highly sensitive devices. They more accurately detect luteinizing hormone compared to other pharmacy tests. The device has a display on which the research result is displayed. The kit includes several diagnostic strips.

To test, the woman dips the tip into the urine and lets it sit for 3 to 5 seconds. Then places the plastic case on a flat horizontal surface. After 3–5 minutes expectant mother evaluates the result that appears on the screen.

Price digital device significantly higher than other tests for diagnosing ovulation. ClearBlue Digital is considered the best electronic device for determining ovulation.


The test looks like a flat plastic box with small windows. Urine is introduced into one of them. Luteinizing hormone reacts with the reagent. After 5 minutes, another window will show the result of the study.

The most popular analysis is Frautest. The package contains the device itself, a container for collecting urine and a pipette with which the woman adds biological fluid.

Other well-known tablet tests are Femitest, Evitest.

In this video, the doctor talks in detail about tests to determine ovulation:

How to use an ovulation test correctly - detailed instructions

Carefully read the rules for using the analysis. The instructions must be included in the packaging. Proper testing increases the accuracy of the method.

Find out how many minutes it takes to evaluate the analysis. You cannot view the result earlier or later than the allotted time. There is a high risk of getting an incorrect response from the device.

To increase the reliability of testing, follow these rules:

  1. Do not drink water or other liquids for 4 hours before the test.
  2. Do not urinate 2 hours before the procedure.
  3. Do not use morning urine. Optimal time for urine collection - from 10 to 20 hours.
  4. Try to test at the same time of day every day.
  5. Do not expose the device to water or dirt to avoid distorting the results.

Remove the test from the package. See if there is any visible damage. Place the device in a container with collected urine, or place it under a stream of urine while urinating. Dry and store the assay.

Repeat the same steps for the next test. Continue testing until you get a clear second line on the device.

For the device to show an accurate result, you need to use the test in the morning and evening. This way you will not miss the moment when the concentration of luteinizing hormone reaches its maximum values.

Decoding the results

A few days before the onset of the ovulatory phase, LH concentration reaches its peak highest value. At this time, the egg is ready for fertilization.

After testing, you should get one or two stripes. The first line is a control line: it always appears. The strip is necessary to check the suitability of the device and the correctness of the procedure.

The second line is a test line. It is her appearance that you are waiting for during research.

Decoding the results

Result What does it mean Next steps
Only a control line appeared You are not ready for fertilization. Oocyte maturation will not occur in the near future Repeat the procedure after 1–2 days
Both lines appeared, but the test one was pale and weak compared to the control one Negative result. Ovulation is not expected anytime soon Do research the next day
2 stripes of the same color appeared Positive result. The egg will be released from the follicle within 24–36 hours Is this the right time for sexual intercourse?
Both stripes are missing This reaction makes it clear that the device for determining ovulation is faulty. Repeat the study with a new test

When is the best time to do it?

So, you bought the device. What time should the procedure be performed? Testing is performed on the day of expected ovulation.

The date depends on the regularity and duration of the cycle. If it is stable, subtract 17 from the duration. You will get the day on which to conduct the study. With a standard cycle, research can be done from the 11th day after the start of menstruation: 28 – 17 = 11.

Let's say your menstrual cycle is 30 days. 30 – 17 = 13. This means that from the 13th day after the start of your period you need to test.

For irregular menstruation, choose the most short cycle over the past six months. Subtract from the value 17.

For example, it is equal to 23 days. 24 – 17 =7. From now on, start the procedure.

Please note that anovulatory cycles sometimes occur. They take place without the maturation of the egg, so it will take a longer period of time to conceive a child.

Are there any contraindications for use?

There are times when using tests is not practical. The study is not carried out during pregnancy and after menopause.

If you are celebrating long delays, it is impossible to determine the days of probable ovulation. You will have to conduct research every day for many weeks or even months. Be sure to visit your gynecologist to identify the cause of the disorder.

Testing is not necessary if you are taking combination oral contraceptives for treatment gynecological diseases– polycystic ovary syndrome, dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Medicines distort the results of the procedure and have contraceptive effect, with which pregnancy is impossible.

Many women worry that taking gestagens will result in an erroneous result. Rest assured: Duphaston does not affect the study in any way.

The test should not be used to calculate “dangerous” days. Why? The calendar method of contraception is not reliable. It will not be able to protect you from unwanted pregnancy.


With the advent of pharmaceutical devices for determining ovulation, girls are successfully conducting tests to determine their readiness to conceive at home. All tests work on the same principle - they detect luteinizing hormone in urine or saliva.

Trademarks produce tests that differ in their design. They have different sensitivity. The devices are safe to use and highly effective in identifying the day a mature oocyte leaves the ovary.

Choose for yourself suitable type analysis and carry out testing. The method allows you to conceive a child at the most favorable time.

The ovulation strip test is the simplest and most exact way find out exactly those days when the probability of conceiving a child is maximum. Therefore, women who cannot get pregnant enough for a long time, or are carefully planning the birth of a baby, it is recommended to carry out special tests that make it possible to determine ovulation almost certainly. How to do such studies, how to choose the right time for testing, how to interpret the results, read below.

When the chance of pregnancy is high

Around the middle of the menstrual cycle, the body begins to actively synthesize a special hormone, LH (luteinizing hormone), which “triggers ovulation,” that is, leads to the rupture of the follicle with the egg. And if the egg meets the sperm within the next 1-2 days, fertilization will occur and pregnancy will occur. But since after leaving the ovary the cell lives only (approximately) a day, it is very important to determine the time of ovulation so that conception occurs for sure. This can be helped by special tests that are freely sold in pharmacies. Typically the package contains 5 ovulation test strips, 2 pregnancy test strips, and urine collection containers.

When to do an ovulation test

The basis of such a study is to check the content of the LH hormone in the body. The tests are simple: just collect a portion of urine, but not in the morning (as for a pregnancy test), but in the middle of the day or in the evening. Then you should immerse the test in it and wait for the result to appear: the likelihood of conception is greatest if you see two bright stripes of the ovulation test. If only one, continue research for a few more days. In order to accurately calculate the time for such studies, you need to subtract 17 from the number of days of the cycle. For example, if your menstrual cycle is 29 days, then testing should begin on the 12th (29-17 = 12). If your periods come irregularly, then it is recommended to take the minimum duration of your cycle as the number of days.

How to read results

So, having timed the research, you need to correctly interpret (read) its results. For example, if an ovulation test showed two stripes, then conception is possible - with sexual intercourse within 48 hours after receiving this result. In this case, the probability of pregnancy is very high. Modern tests very sensitive, their reliability is up to 99%. Therefore, one strip of the test shows that the egg has not yet left the ovaries, that is, the LH hormone accompanying the process is absent in the urine. Pale stripe an ovulation test indicates that a sufficient LH surge has not yet occurred; in this case, you need to continue testing until the second strip becomes as bright as the first control strip. Typically, the maximum concentration of the hormone in the urine is detected within 48 hours (it is during this time that the egg moves along fallopian tube and ready to meet the sperm), that is, the question of how many days the ovulation test shows 2 stripes can be answered - approximately 2 days. It is during these two days that the probability of conception is maximum.

Please note that the test does not always give the correct result. It may be affected by certain policies hormonal drugs, the presence of a number of diseases associated with ovarian dysfunction, as well as renal failure etc. Nutrition plays a significant role in this issue, for example, if your food is rich in phytoestrogens, or there has been a sharp transition to vegetarian diet or raw food diet, test results may be false positive. Take these factors into account when conducting research and, if necessary, consult with a gynecologist who may prescribe an ultrasound (folliculometry) for the most precise definition ovulation.