How to use a glucometer - instructions for use, rules of use, types and times for measurement. Using test strips and modern gadgets, or how to check blood sugar at home without a glucometer

Blood sugar. This phrase itself scares many people, since it is somehow connected with obesity and the occurrence of diabetes. In fact, the relationship between glucose, the level of which in the blood is called sugar, and human body much more difficult. Let's try to make sense of all this.

What is glucose

So why do we need glucose? To maintain the vital functions of the body. It is the main and universal source of energy for metabolic processes the body and its vital functions as a whole. How does this happen? When carbohydrate food or pure sugar enters the body, it starts complex process, which can be summarized as follows. Splitting into digestive tract, food releases sugar into the blood when consumed complex carbohydrates or starchy foods, the increase in blood glucose levels occurs quite slowly; when eating pure sugar, glucose or too sweet high-calorie foods, it occurs sharp jump blood sugar. The pancreas reacts to this process by releasing insulin, which, in turn, reduces blood sugar levels, increases the permeability of cell membranes, into which energy is supplied in the form of glucose, and its excess glucose is utilized in the form of “sugar reserves” - glycogen - in liver and muscles.

Analysis indicators

A blood test for glucose levels must be taken strictly in the morning on an empty stomach, this is the only way they will be correct.

For a healthy person, the norm is 4.5−5.5 mmol/l; if the blood sugar level drops below 3.5 mmol/l, the process is called hypoglycemia.

U healthy people who do not suffer from diabetes, this happens extremely rarely, because, without receiving sugars from food, the body begins to feed on glycogen reserves, first of all from the liver, then from muscles and lastly from fat deposits. Blood sugar can drop below a certain level in a healthy person only during exhaustion and prolonged fasting. Symptoms of low glucose levels are hunger, weakness, lethargy and inhibition nervous system.

  • If your fasting blood sugar level exceeds 7 mmol/l, then we're talking about about hyperglycemia, prescribed reanalysis, and if the indicators exceed this mark twice in different days, then this is a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus.
  • If the fasting glucose level is higher than 5.6, but lower than 7 mmol/l, prescribe additional analysis for glucose tolerance: you need to take 75 g of glucose on an empty stomach and repeat the test two hours later.
  • If in this case the readings are above 11.1 mmol/l, this is a diagnosis of “diabetes mellitus”; if it fluctuates between 7.8 and 11.1 mmol/l, then this is impaired glucose tolerance.

Proper nutrition

Eating the “right” foods will help you easily control your blood sugar levels and always maintain them at a normal level. So, if you add ½ spoon of cinnamon to your food every day, your cells will become more sensitive to insulin and will be able to convert sugar into energy.

  • Cold sea fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines thanks to high content it contains omega-3 fatty acids also has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.
  • Apples, onions, tomatoes, green vegetables and berries, rich in quercetin, part of the P vitamin group, reduce the risk of developing diabetes by 20% when consumed regularly.
  • Dark chocolate also improves insulin sensitivity and prevents the development of diabetes mellitus.
  • Daily use 25-40 grams of fiber will help keep your sugar levels at a normal level, avoiding spikes.
  • Beef, in addition to proteins, iron and vitamin B, is also rich in linoleic acid, which corrects blood sugar metabolism.

And finally, two tablespoons of vinegar before meals will easily lower blood sugar levels, which will certainly jump after eating.

And also, of course, sports, which helps to use up glycogen reserves so that the sugar that comes from next step food was deposited in the form of regular reserves, and not on the waist and hips.

As you can see, everything is simple, tasty and healthy.

Do you suppose that you have high sugar in the blood? In this article you will learn the norms of sugar (glucose) in the blood, learn how to do a home blood test for sugar using a glucometer. We will also give real advice how to lower blood sugar. This is important for the prevention of diabetes and for its treatment (compensation) if the disease has already occurred.

Find out what your blood sugar standards are and learn how to measure it with a glucometer PAINLESSLY

It is not food sugar that circulates in the human blood, but one of the products of its digestion - glucose. Glucose is a simpler carbohydrate than sugar. Glucose, not sugar, is used as an energy source by our body's cells, including our muscles and brain. In the body, sugar is quickly converted into glucose with the help of enzymes.

Further, when we say “blood sugar level,” we mean the concentration of glucose in the blood plasma. The level of glucose in blood plasma is professionally called “glycemia”. There is hyperglycemia - high blood sugar, hypoglycemia - low sugar in the blood, as well as normoglycemia - the normal blood sugar level that we strive for.

High blood sugar: symptoms

What symptoms indicate high blood sugar? Here is their list:

Read the article “Symptoms of diabetes mellitus” for more information. If you observe these signs in yourself, consult a doctor as soon as possible, do not waste time. If high blood sugar is not treated, a person with high probability will die early from cardiovascular diseases. It’s good if before that he doesn’t have to suffer from problems with his kidneys, eyesight or legs, even to the point of amputation.

At the same time, normalizing high blood sugar may be easier than you think. If, after testing, you are diagnosed with impaired glucose tolerance, metabolic syndrome or even type 2 diabetes (read how to treat it effectively and safely) - it's not so scary. A low-carbohydrate diet helps with these problems. It is nourishing, tasty and healthy.

Remember the main thing: you cannot determine your blood sugar by how you feel. Therefore, it is necessary to do blood tests using a glucometer. Otherwise, you will have to get “closely acquainted” with the complications of diabetes, which is not what you want and worst enemy. Most people feel no difference between their blood sugar levels between 4 and 13 mmol/L. They feel well, even when blood glucose is very high, and the development of diabetes complications is in full swing.

How often should you measure your blood sugar?

For type 1 diabetes, it is recommended to measure your blood sugar 3-4 times a day: before each meal and additionally at night. For type 2 diabetes, blood glucose levels should be measured twice a day: before breakfast and before lunch.

Really sick people everyday life don't take measurements that often. Because the analysis procedure is not very pleasant, and disposable test strips for a glucometer are not cheap, from $0.5 per piece or more. Patients are lazy to measure blood sugar as often as needed. This is the main reason why they later suffer from complications of diabetes. Below you will learn how to measure blood sugar with a glucometer painlessly. This is still a unique technique; it will not be taught to you in any “diabetes school.” But the cost of test strips isn't going away. They can be up to $120 per month for type 1 diabetes. This is a significant amount. But if you have to experience diabetic foot syndrome or... renal failure, then this money will seem like “little things in life.”

Until you are able to more or less normalize your blood sugar, measure it as best you can. Use the glucometer 4-8 times a day, as needed, before meals and 2-5 hours after meals. It is important to measure your blood sugar at night, in the morning on an empty stomach, and sometimes even at 2-3 am. Only by frequent measuring can you choose optimal dosages means that lower sugar, i.e. insulin and/or tablets.

Then, when your blood sugar is stable at levels more or less close to normal, try to carry out total self-monitoring of blood sugar only 1-2 times a week. On other days, measure blood glucose once a day on an empty stomach and additionally “as appropriate.” This is the regimen by which most diabetics live.

It is advisable to always have a “laboratory” with you so that special cases measure your blood sugar immediately. Special situations include:

  • you feel symptoms of hypoglycemia;
  • any concomitant diseases, especially infectious;
  • physical activity;
  • trips.

It is also important to measure your blood glucose at night. Make sure you go to bed with normal level blood sugar. In this case, there is minimal risk that you will be overtaken by dangerous nocturnal hypoglycemia during your sleep. Measuring blood sugar can be almost painless, and now we will discuss how to do it correctly.

How to prick your finger to get a drop of blood

Remove one test strip from the case and close it immediately to prevent remaining test strips from deteriorating due to exposure to air. Wash your fingers with soap and dry. It is not recommended to wipe the skin with alcohol. It is almost impossible to get an infection during a home blood sugar test.

There are a few other things you need to do beforehand to make sure you get a drop of blood when you prick your finger with the lancet. Namely, it is recommended to warm your fingers under the stream hot water. Shake your hand vigorously several times. If you do this, then you probably won’t have to forcefully squeeze the blood out of the wound.

Most important question: Which finger should I pierce and in what place? Use your fingers to collect blood. Traditionally, it is recommended to pierce from the side of the palm - not the fingertip, but from the side of it, at a distance of 3-5 mm. But we usually touch surrounding objects with our fingertips, and wounds on them heal worse.

We recommend that you prick your fingers on the back of your hand to measure your blood sugar - it is almost painless. With this method, it is much easier to obtain a drop of blood than if you pierce your finger from the palm side. Just don’t use areas that are close to the joints.

Advantages of this method:

  • it is practically painless;
  • you will not have calluses, which are usually formed in diabetics from frequent piercing of fingers in the same places;
  • getting a drop of blood to measure is much easier.

Important! First of all, make sure you have a truly accurate glucose meter (how to do this).

If you use a glucometer that is very “lying,” then all measures to treat diabetes will be useless. You need to get an accurate glucometer at any cost! Read what problems there are with legs in diabetes and, for example, what diabetic damage to the nervous system leads to. The cost of a glucometer and test strips for it are “little things in life” compared to the troubles that diabetes complications cause.

First, measure your blood sugar by pricking your finger in the “traditional” area, i.e., on the palm side. Immediately after this, take another measurement using a puncture on back side hands as shown in the picture. If the results are the same ±5-10%, then everything is in order.

Normal blood sugar

If you have taken a blood test for fasting sugar, the result is the “fasting plasma glucose” (FPG) indicator, measured in mmol/l or mg/dl. What are the norms for fasting blood sugar:

  • GPN< 6,1 ммоль/л (110 мг/дл) — все замечательно, это норма сахара в крови натощак здорового человека с нормальным обменом углеводов;
  • FPG from 6.1 mmol/l to 7 mmol/l - high fasting blood sugar (prediabetes), you still need to be examined and consult a doctor;
  • FPG >= 7 mmol/l is a preliminary diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, but it still needs to be confirmed. Read how this happens in the article “Diagnosis of diabetes”.

A blood sugar test 2 hours after a meal gives the value “plasma glucose after 2 hours” (2hPG). Blood sugar levels 2 hours after eating:

  • 2hGP< 7,8 ммоль/л (140 мг/дл) — хорошая толерантность к глюкозе, организм нормально усваивает углеводы, риск диабета незначительный
  • 7.8 mmol/l (140 mg/dl)<= 2чГП < 11,1 ммоль/л (200 мг/дл) — нарушенная толерантность к глюкозе. Если у вас избыточный вес — пора переходить на низко-углеводную диету , пока не развился диабет и его осложнения.
  • 2hGP >= 11.1 mmol/l (200 mg/dl) - preliminary diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. If the patient does not have pronounced symptoms of diabetes, then it needs to be confirmed by repeating next days the same analysis 1-2 more times.

If you are scheduled to take a blood sugar test 2 hours after eating, then learn in detail what an oral glucose tolerance test is. Because that is what you will be taking. It is advisable that you understand what the results mean in terms of diagnosing diabetes and the effectiveness of its treatment.

Since 2010, it has been officially permitted and recommended to take a glycated hemoglobin test for diagnosis higher level blood sugar and diabetes. This test is very good and convenient for diagnosing diabetes and then monitoring its treatment. It does not have to be taken on an empty stomach.

What is total blood sugar control?

To have good diabetes control, it is imperative to know how your blood sugar behaves throughout the day. For most diabetics, the main problem is increased sugar in the morning on an empty stomach and after breakfast. But in many patients, blood sugar also increases significantly in the afternoon or evening. This means that you need to make individual adjustments to your diet, pill intake and insulin injections. What this means is that to control your diabetes, you follow a low-carbohydrate diet. If you eat a traditional “balanced” diet, your blood sugar will jump wildly every time you eat. And you will not be able to maintain it stably at normal levels, as in healthy people without diabetes.

The only way collect vital important information to treat diabetes, check your sugar with a glucometer many times throughout the day. Total blood sugar control is when you measure it:

  • In the morning - as soon as you wake up;
  • Then again - before starting breakfast;
  • 5 hours after each injection of fast-acting insulin, if you injected it before meals or “unscheduled” to suppress high blood sugar;
  • Before every meal or snack;
  • After each meal or snack - two hours;
  • Before going to bed;
  • Before and after physical exercise, busy work or shopping;
  • As soon as you feel hungry or suspect that your blood sugar is currently too low or too high.
  • Before you get behind the wheel of a car or start performing dangerous work, and then again every hour until you finish.

Each time after measuring blood sugar with a glucometer, the results must be written down, also indicating the time and accompanying circumstances:

  • What and how much did you eat?
  • What kind of insulin was injected and what dose.
  • What diabetes pills did you take?
  • What were you doing?
  • Are you nervous?
  • Infection?

Write it all down, it will come in handy. Since the memory cells of the glucometer do not allow you to record accompanying circumstances, you need to use a paper notepad or a program for diabetics in your mobile phone to do this.

Records of the results of self-monitoring of blood sugar can be analyzed independently, and also need to be shown to a doctor. The goal is to find out at what times of the day and for what reasons your sugar goes beyond the normal range for healthy people, that is, it rises above 5.2 mmol/L after eating. And then take action accordingly. Keeping your blood sugar below 5.2 mmol/L after meals all the time is possible if you control diabetes with a low-carbohydrate diet, exercise with pleasure, effective medications for type 2 diabetes and small, precisely calculated doses of insulin.

How often should it be done?

No doctor can write for you effective program diabetes treatment until he looks at the records of the results of total blood sugar control. This applies to all diabetics, no matter what kind of diabetes you have, even in its mildest form. Self-monitoring of blood sugar allows you to assess the effect of diet, medications, exercise and insulin. Without careful control, diabetes is “treated” only by charlatans, from whom there is a direct route to a surgeon for foot amputation and/or to a nephrologist for dialysis.

If you have to inject “short” insulin every time before meals, then, alas, you will have to live in a regime of total blood sugar control every day for the rest of your life. Because your diabetes is severe. This applies to patients with type 1 diabetes, as well as patients with advanced type 2 diabetes, whose beta cells produce virtually no insulin. In such people, sugar levels fluctuate greatly under the influence of even small changes in diet, physical activity and other life circumstances. To avoid complications of diabetes, you need to quickly bring your sugar back to normal if it has increased.

If your blood sugar often changes by 0.6 mmol/L or more during the day, then you need to measure it at least 5 times a day every day to quickly bring it back to normal before diabetes complications have time to develop. When blood sugar rises, your body cannot bring it back to normal on its own, as happens in healthy people and in patients with soft shape diabetes Therefore, we have to do unscheduled injections fast insulin or take glucose tablets, depending on what is happening with blood sugar at the moment.

For diabetics who manage to control their disease well with a low-carbohydrate diet and exercise, without insulin, or only with the help of “long-acting” insulin injections, everything is much simpler. Such patients need total blood sugar control:

  • Continuously for the first 3-4 weeks after any changes in your diabetes treatment regimen;
  • 1-2 weeks before a scheduled doctor’s visit;
  • For 1 day every week to make sure everything is going according to plan.

The principle is simple - spend money on test strips for a glucometer, but you will save on the treatment of diabetes complications and enjoy good health.

If you have impaired glucose tolerance (metabolic syndrome, prediabetes), we recommend switching to a low-carbohydrate diet. The less carbohydrates you eat (primarily sweets and starchy foods), the better. But instead of them you can eat delicious and healthy products, rich in proteins and natural fats, practically without restrictions.

On a low-carbohydrate diet, you will feel better within a few days, and test results will confirm that your blood sugar is decreasing and normalizing. You can also learn to exercise with pleasure (read physical therapy for diabetes), preferably at fresh air. But still, the main thing is to stop eating carbohydrates, especially refined ones.

Type 2 diabetes is the next stage in the development of impaired glucose tolerance. If you have been diagnosed with this, it means that you are too late to take care of yourself. Therefore, you need to act even more vigorously to lower your blood sugar. It is advisable to do this before diabetes complications develop.

Today, when the incidence of diabetes mellitus is becoming almost pandemic, having a portable device that allows you to quickly determine your glucose level at home is vital.

Even if there are no diabetics in the family, it is recommended to check your blood sugar levels at least once a year. If the attending physician has diagnosed a pre-diabetic condition, then it is better not to delay and purchase a glucometer as soon as possible. The costs of its purchase and consumables They will more than pay for themselves in the health they preserve.

After purchasing a glucometer, it is important to follow the testing procedures correctly. It is possible that the first times will not be very successful, but there is nothing particularly difficult in these actions. First, take your time to study the instructions for the glucometer, and then re-read the instructions several times on how to correctly fill the test strips with blood.

Step by step instructions

In order for the sugar numbers to be as reliable as possible, the following sequence of actions should be followed:

  1. Prepare the device for work, prepare all the necessary consumables - a lancet and several (just in case) test strips. Make sure the expiration date on the strips is correct. Once again, make sure that the meter is coded for the current batch of strips. If some kind of failure occurs, repeat the encoding procedure with a special chip. Take out your diary and pen. Don't wash your hands first and then get ready!
  2. "Like a surgeon before an operation" treat well soap solution hands. After this, it is important to thoroughly wash your hands of soap under running warm water. Never wash your hands under cold or strong conditions hot water! Use exactly warm water will increase blood circulation exactly to the extent that will ensure the necessary influx of capillary blood.
  3. Do not wipe your hands with alcohol or alcohol-containing liquids(cologne). Residues of alcohol and/or essential oils and fats will greatly distort the analysis picture.
  4. It is very important that when your hands are washed, you need to dry them well. It is advisable not to wipe, namely dry your skin naturally.
  5. Don't rush to pierce! Insert the test strip into the device and wait for the confirmation message on the meter screen.
  6. Before injecting the lancet, make sure the skin at the puncture site is dry. Don't be afraid of pain - modern lancets for puncturing the skin have an incredibly thin sting, and their injection is almost indistinguishable from a mosquito bite. Do not use lancets for punctures several times without special sterilization!
  7. After the puncture, do not rush to fill the strip immediately! Make several smooth massaging (pressing) movements in the direction from the periphery to the puncture site. Do not press roughly on your finger - strong pressure leads to the collection of “fat and lymph” for analysis instead of capillary plasma. And don’t be afraid to “lose” the first drop of blood - using a 2nd drop for analysis significantly increases the accuracy of the measurement result.
  8. Remove the first drop with a dry cotton pad, swab or dry unscented cloth.
  9. Squeeze out the second drop, fill the test strip and place it in the device.
  10. Do not rely only on the device’s memory program and always record the result in a special diary in which you write down: the digital value of sugar, the date and time of measurement; what foods did you eat; which ones were taken medicines; what insulin injection was given and in what volume. It would also be useful to describe the level of physical and psycho-emotional stress incurred during the day.
  11. Turn off and place the meter out of the reach of children and away from sunlight place. Screw the test strip bottle tightly, do not store them in the refrigerator– strips, even in tightly closed packaging, need room temperature and dry air. Remember that your life may depend on the accuracy of your plasma glucose reading.

It is absolutely not shameful and natural to want to take a glucometer with you during a visit to an endocrinologist - the doctor will always be understanding and point out possible mistakes.


If for some reason it is decided to take blood not from a finger, but from the forearm or hand, then the rules for preparing the skin for a puncture will remain the same. However, in this case, for accurate sugar readings, you should increase the measurement time after eating by 20 minutes - from 2 hours to 2 hours 20 minutes.

At home, blood sampling should be carried out on an empty stomach or 2 hours after a meal, using a certified glucometer, and only using test strips that correspond to it. Measuring sugar levels immediately after eating is only possible to create a table of individual glycemic responses to certain products. Diabetics should undergo such tests in consultation with their doctor.

For diabetics, the results obtained from measuring plasma glucose levels are vitally important, so attention should be paid to special attention choosing a device and test strips for it. Cheap test strips, an old and “lying” meter can greatly distort the results and cause the death of the patient.

How to choose a glucometer

For advice, it is better to contact your treating endocrinologist, who will help you choose the right model. For diabetics provided government benefits on the devices themselves and on the test strips, so the attending physician is always aware of what range is available in the nearest pharmacies.

Today, electrochemical models are considered the most popular. If the device is purchased for home use V for preventive purposes and for the first time, you first need to understand the following nuances:

  • Assess the availability of test strips and their cost. Find out if there is an expiration date after opening the package. Make sure there is constant availability for the selected model – the device and tests must be of the same brand.
  • Familiarize yourself with the guarantee of accuracy and the permissible error stated by the manufacturer for the level of indicators of the analyzed sugar level. It is also very important to make sure that the device does not react to “all sugars” in the blood, but only evaluates the presence of glucose in the plasma.
  • Decide on the right size screen and the size of the numbers on the display, the need for backlighting, as well as the presence of a Russian menu.
  • Find out what the coding mechanism is for a new batch of strips. For older people, it is better to choose the automatic encoding version.
  • Remember about minimum volume plasma that will be needed to perform the study - the most common figures are 0.6 to 2 µl. If the device will be used for children's testing, you should choose the device with the lowest value.
  • Very important - in what metric unit is the result shown? In the CIS countries, mol/l is accepted, in the rest - mg/dl. Therefore, to convert units, remember that 1 mol/l = 18 mg/dl. For older people, such calculations are problematic.
  • Is the proposed amount of memory significant (options from 30 to 1500 measurements) and is a program for calculating average results for a week, 2 weeks, or a month needed?
  • Determine the need for additional functions, including the ability to transfer data to a computer.

One of the best devices that are used at home, according to the price-quality assessment, today is the Japanese “Contour TS” - it does not require coding, is easy to operate, the shelf life of the test strips does not depend on opening the package and only requires 0.6 µl of blood.

For blind and visually impaired people, an excellent device would be the Clever Chek TD-4227A model, which can “talk” and read out the results in Russian.

It is important to keep an eye on promotions - exchanging old modifications for modern ones is carried out in pharmacies all the time!

Many people who suffer from diabetes are interested in the question of how to correctly measure blood sugar. This is due to the fact that any patient who learns that he has a “sugar” disease should measure his blood glucose levels on a regular basis. Otherwise, he may develop hypo- or hyperglycemia. Also, violation of this rule can lead to other negative consequences related to health.

In order for the measurement process to be carried out correctly, you need to know which device is most optimal for a particular person.

It is important to note that today there are a huge number of devices that differ from each other in additional functions, and are also suitable for a specific type of diabetes. It is very important to take into account all these differences, because measuring blood sugar at home is carried out without the supervision of a specialist, therefore, the simpler and more convenient the glucometer, the more convenient it will be for the patient to measure sugar.

It should also be noted that there is a special table that indicates the most optimal performance glucose for each group of patients depending on the age and gender of the person.

What is a glucometer?

A glucometer is used to determine sugar at home. This is a small device that most often runs on batteries. It has a display that displays information about the results of the study. It should be noted that many modern devices allow you to measure not only glucose levels, but also many other indicators.

On the front of the device there are buttons that control the device. There are some models that can remember the results of recent studies, so a person can analyze how blood sugar levels have changed over a specific reporting period.

The glucometer comes with a pen and a lancet, which is used to puncture the finger (exclusively sterile). It should be noted that this kit can be used repeatedly, so it should only be stored under sterile conditions.

But in addition to the device itself, the patient will also need special test strips. A special reagent is applied to the surface of this consumable, which shows the result of the study. These test strips can be purchased separately at any pharmacy or purchased together with a glucometer. But, of course, in the future you will have to buy them again, because they are consumed depending on the regularity of the analysis.

Many patients wonder whether it is possible to independently purchase such a device or consumables for it.

It should be noted that this is quite possible, the main thing is to know what types of glucometers there are and what the difference is between them.

Types of devices for measuring sugar

Sugar level

The blood sugar level is determined by the color intensity of the above strip. This analysis conducts a special optical system, which, by the way, analyzes the indicator, and after that it appears on the screen in digital terms. Thus, blood sugar levels are measured using a photometric glucometer.

But the electrochemical glucometer, which is considered more modern, works a little differently. This happens this way when blood gets on the strip, resulting in chemical reaction certain weak electric currents occur, and it is these that are detected by the device. It should be noted that this type of device allows for more accurate measurements. These are third-generation glucometers, and they are the ones most often recommended by experts.

But scientists do not stop there, and are developing new technologies to quickly and efficiently measure blood sugar. These are so-called invasive devices; they do not require finger pricking. However, they are not available yet.

As mentioned above, there is a special table that contains information about which glucose indicators are considered the most optimal for a particular category of patients. The data in it is indicated in mmol/l.

Usually blood sugar is measured on an empty stomach. Namely, after eight or even ten hours after the last meal, this figure should be in the range from 3.9 to 5.5. But if you do the calculation within two hours after eating, the result can increase to 8.1.

Talking about how the patient is very high performance glucose is needed when the result on an empty stomach shows 6.1, and within two hours after a meal – 11.1. Well, hypoglycemia is diagnosed when a blood sugar measurement shows that glucose is below 3.9.

Of course, these are average figures; we must not lose sight of the fact that for each individual patient the results may vary significantly.

Therefore, before you panic and say that a person has obvious disorders, you need to consult an endocrinologist.

How to carry out the analysis correctly?

When performing a blood sugar test, certain requirements and rules should be observed.

Before testing your blood sugar yourself, you should consult your doctor.

These rules are as follows:

  1. You need to properly prepare the device itself and all consumables.
  2. Be sure to wash your hands and dry them with a clean towel.
  3. The hand from which the blood will be taken should be shaken thoroughly, then there will be a flow of blood into the limb.
  4. Next, you need to insert the test strip into the device; if it is inserted correctly, a characteristic click will appear, after which the device will turn on automatically.
  5. If the device model requires the introduction of a code plate, then the glucometer will turn on only after the person enters it.
  6. Then he punctures his finger using a special pen.
  7. The blood that is released as a result of this action ends up on the plate;
  8. And after fifteen, maximum forty seconds, the result of the study will appear; the time during which the determination is carried out depends on the type of glucometer.

To obtain more accurate indicators, you need to remember that the puncture is done only on three fingers, namely on all except the index and thumb. It is also forbidden to put too much pressure on your finger; such manipulation of the hand can affect the effectiveness of the analysis.

As for when exactly is the best time to conduct the test, it is important for diabetics to do it with some regularity. If this is possible, then this procedure should be done before bed, as well as immediately after waking up and after each meal.

But, if we are talking about patients who suffer from type 2 diabetes, then they can be diagnosed only several times a week, but not less than once a month.

Sometimes patients panic, they say, they measured or measured their sugar several times during one day and the result was always too high, or, conversely, very low. There is no need to immediately panic in such a situation; it is better to seek additional advice from an endocrinologist.

The reason may lie in a violation of the research procedure or in a malfunction of the device itself.

Which glucometer should you choose?

As mentioned above, a device for measuring blood sugar at home is selected individually depending on the characteristics of a particular patient.

It is important to consider who will be conducting this research. For example, if we are talking about older patients, then it is better for them to take a photometric device or an electrochemical one, but definitely without coding; it is much easier and faster for them to measure blood sugar.

For example, it allows you to evaluate the result already five, maximum seven seconds after the start of the procedure. In this case, material for research can be taken from any alternative places.

Tracking glucose concentrations is important for people with diabetes mellitus. Measuring sugar is recommended to prevent diabetes. Normal indicators Figures from 3.9 to 6.9 mmol/l are considered, and they depend on certain conditions, due to which the figure will change. It is possible to measure glucose levels in a clinic where special tests are performed. A special device - a glucometer - will allow you to determine the amount of a substance at home. In order for it to show results with minimal errors, the rules of procedure must be followed.

How are glucose levels measured?

Clinical methods of determination

Violation carbohydrate process can be dangerous to human health, which is why, for preventive purposes, you should visit a clinic to check your blood sugar. Medical institutions resort to help laboratory methods, they provide a clearer description of the state of the body. Methods for determining sugar include the following tests:

  • Biochemical blood test. A common method for determining glycemia in diabetes is carried out for the purpose of examination and prevention. The material for testing is taken from a finger or vein.
  • Testing for tolerance. It also helps measure the amount of glucose in plasma.
  • Determination of hemoglobin. Allows you to measure the level of glycemia that was recorded over a period of up to 3 months.

IN laboratory conditions A rapid test is also performed to measure blood glucose levels, which is based on the same principle as the glucose tolerance test. The express test takes less time, and you can take the measurement at home.

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How to measure sugar at home?

You can use it at home standard set for measurements - a glucometer, a syringe pen, a set of test strips.

If you are diagnosed with diabetes, you need to measure your glycemic index daily, with the clarification that in type 1 it is indicated to control your blood sugar throughout the day. It's better to use a special one electrical appliance- glucometer. With its help, you can test your blood for sugar almost painlessly. Standard equipment of the device:

  • electronic part with display;
  • syringe pen (lancet);
  • set of test strips.

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Measurements using a glucometer

Preparation rules

To get true results with minimal error, you need to measure your sugar correctly with a glucometer. The device displays correctly if the following rules are observed:

  • It is important to remain calm before the procedure, as when a person is nervous, sugar levels rise.
  • A decrease in the indicator may be caused by strong physical activity, diet or fasting on the eve of the test.
  • It is recommended to measure blood sugar levels on an empty stomach before brushing your teeth.
  • You need to take the material directly from a vein or finger. Moreover, it is advisable to change the location periodically to avoid skin irritation.

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When is the best time to measure?

It is necessary to agree with your doctor on the daily number of blood tests performed for glucose.

It is best to discuss the appropriate time for the procedure with your doctor. To prevent prediabetes or diabetes, sugar control is carried out once a month. There are no hard and fast rules for type 2 diabetes. If you take diabetic medications and follow a diet, there is no need to control your sugar after meals or before bed. Enough 2 times a day. In type 1 diabetes, it is necessary to check your sugar about 7 times during the day, namely:

  • in the morning, after waking up and before the first meal;
  • before a meal or snack;
  • a couple of hours after eating;
  • before going to bed;
  • as soon as you feel that there is a need, since high sugar makes itself felt by feeling unwell;
  • To prevent nocturnal hypoglycemia, measurements are often taken in the middle of the night.

To measure your blood sugar yourself, you need to buy a glucometer. This can be done in the catalog of our online store. Our glucometer is a simple, high-quality and absolutely painless device for measuring glucose levels. Below you will find useful tips by measuring sugar.

How to measure blood sugar correctly?

Proper blood sampling is one of the most important conditions obtaining an accurate result when determining blood sugar levels.
Observe the following basic rules:

  • It is best to use blood from a finger for measurements, because blood circulation there is higher than at alternative measurement points, such as the shoulder, forearm, thigh or calf.
  • If you have problems with blood circulation in your hands, massage your fingers before washing them. The same applies to measurements in alternative places on the body.
  • Before testing, make sure that the code on the test strip bottle matches the code on the meter display. If this is not the case, then recode the device.
  • If possible, wash your hands before drawing blood. warm water. This not only serves hygiene, but also increases blood circulation. If there is insufficient blood circulation, taking blood is difficult, because to obtain a drop of blood, the puncture must be deeper.
  • Dry your hands thoroughly. The puncture site should not be wet, as liquid dilutes the blood sample, which also leads to incorrect measurement results.
  • Change blood sampling sites regularly. If you repeatedly pierce the same area, the skin will irritate and thicken, making it more painful to obtain blood. It is recommended to use 3 fingers on each hand (usually the thumb and index finger are not pierced).
  • Needling is least painful if you take blood not directly from the center of the fingertip, but slightly to the side.
    Do not pierce your finger deeply. The deeper the puncture, the greater the tissue damage; select the optimal puncture depth on the piercing handle. For an adult this is level 2-3
  • Never use a lancet that someone else has used! Because one small drop of blood left on this device, if it is infected, can cause infection.
  • Squeeze out the first drop of blood and remove it with a dry cotton swab. Make sure that the blood remains drop-shaped and does not smear. A smeared drop cannot be absorbed by the test strip.
  • Do not squeeze your finger to get a large drop of blood. When compressed, blood mixes with tissue fluid, which can lead to incorrect measurement results.
  • Please note: the holes for drawing blood are located at the edges of the test strip, and not on the plane. Therefore, move your finger to the edge of the test strip on the left or right, they are marked in black. Under the influence of capillary forces, required quantity blood is drawn in automatically.
  • Remove the test strip from its packaging immediately before measuring. Test strips are moisture sensitive.
  • Test strips can be taken anywhere with dry and clean fingers.
  • The test strip container should always be tightly closed. It has a coating that keeps test strips dry. Therefore, never transfer test strips to another container.
  • Store test strips at normal room temperature. Storage temperature is +4 - +30 °C.
    Do not use test strips after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Glucose concentration (WHO norm)

  • If within a week, when measuring on an empty stomach, your sugar level is above 6.3 mmol/l, ALWAYS consult an endocrinologist!!!

    How often should you measure your blood sugar?

    Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, especially at a young age, are recommended to undergo blood sugar self-monitoring daily several times a day (at least before main meals and before bed, and also periodically after meals). For elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who are receiving diet and glucose-lowering medications, several determinations per week may be sufficient, but be sure to different times days. Additional measurements will be required if your usual lifestyle changes (sports, travel, concomitant diseases). Be sure to talk to your doctor about how often you need to test your blood sugar.

    To prevent diabetes, it is enough to monitor your sugar levels once a month, preferably at different times of the day.

    How to prepare for measurement to get an accurate result?

    To obtain a correct fasting blood sugar result, you need the following:

    1. The last meal should be no later than 6 pm the day before
    2. In the morning, before eating, drinking water (or any other liquid) and brushing your teeth, you must carry out the procedure for measuring blood sugar, following the measurement rules.

    Why might sugar results obtained in a health care facility differ from those obtained on a home glucometer?

    The amount of sugar in your blood varies constantly. This happens because, under the influence of many factors, the body with at different speeds converts broken down food into sugar and absorbs it at different rates
    Remember: spicy and chronic diseases or changes in your medications may affect your blood sugar levels. When you are sick, you should check your blood sugar levels more often

    Factors affecting the accuracy of blood sugar measurements.

  • The code entered into the glucometer does not match the test strip code
  • Unwashed, dirty hands
  • If you squeeze your finger too hard to squeeze out a large drop of blood
  • Wet piercing site