Why does my lower abdomen hurt only in the evening? Circumstances accompanying the occurrence or intensification of pain in the lower abdomen. Stomach ulcer and severe abdominal pain on the right, left, lower or center of the abdomen

You can also accept symptoms of diseases of other organs, including irritable bowel syndrome, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, inflammatory diseases intestines.

Types of pain

There are several types of abdominal pain, each of which has various reasons origin and characteristics.

Visceral pain

It is the result of activation of pain receptors in the internal organs themselves. The abdominal organs, including the stomach and intestines, are very sensitive to distension, inflammation, and ischemia, but are poorly sensitive to other stimuli such as dissection.

Visceral pain is diffuse and difficult to localize. It may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and emotional manifestations. Typically, visceral pain is dull and aching in nature.

Parietal pain

Many organs of the abdominal cavity, including the stomach, are covered with a mucous membrane (peritoneum), which has large number sensory nerve fibers, making it extremely sensitive to pain. This pain is called parietal.

It is very intense and easy to localize. A patient with this type of pain syndrome usually takes a forced position and tries to breathe shallowly, as this minimizes the movement of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm, which reduces friction of the peritoneum and helps relieve pain.

Psychogenic pain

Psychogenic pain (psychalgia) is physical pain caused by emotional or behavioral factors. One of the most common types of psychalgia is stomach pain.

Psychogenic pain sometimes develops in people with mental illness, but most often it occurs after emotional events - dismissal from work, unrequited love, sadness. It can be of a very varied nature and be accompanied by many other symptoms. Signs of psychalgia organic damage there are no organs.

Neurogenic pain

This is a severe, chronic pain syndrome that is usually associated with tissue and nerve damage. This nerve damage causes the wrong impulses to be sent to the pain centers. Neurogenic pain can be caused by alcoholism, chemotherapy, multiple sclerosis, diabetes mellitus, HIV. As a rule, it is manifested by a feeling of burning, tingling and numbness.


Stomach pain is located in the left hypochondrium or epigastric region. Changing the position of the organ and stretching it with food or drinks can slightly shift the location. However, other abdominal organs are also located in this area, including left kidney, spleen, pancreas and intestines. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to understand whether the source of pain is the stomach or another organ.

The nature of stomach pain at night depends on the reason for which it is caused. It can be sharp or dull, burning or aching, constant or periodic, pulling, spastic.

Nighttime abdominal pain must be correlated with other symptoms to identify a possible cause. Related clinical manifestations may include nausea, vomiting, belching, decreased appetite, heartburn, and hiccups.


There are many reasons that cause stomach pain to occur or worsen at night. In some cases, this behavior of the pain syndrome may be associated with the time of day, in others - with body position, lifestyle and dietary factors. Regardless of the location and time of pain, it is a symptom of some underlying disease. It is this cause that needs to be identified and treated.

Most causes of nighttime stomach pain are related to the digestive system. The abdominal cavity contains many organs, the position and functioning of which can change with different body positions and in different times days. This feature underlies the occurrence or intensification of pain at night. Understanding the relationship between these factors is important for diagnosis possible reason and taking steps to reduce pain.

The occurrence of night pain in the stomach contributes to:

  • Increased acidity of gastric contents. The amount of stomach acid increases in the early morning, so diseases that are caused by high acidity may cause more intense symptoms at night.
  • Lying position. During sleep, it can help change the position of abdominal organs, including the stomach, which, under the influence of gravity, daytime were lowered down. Diseases that worsen as organs move upward may cause night pain.
  • Slow intestinal motility. At night motor activity intestines is slowed down, since at this time it is reduced nerve stimulation his muscles. It may also cause symptoms of some diseases to worsen digestive tract during sleep.

The three most common causes of stomach pain that gets worse at night are:

  • Gastritis. This is a very common disease of the stomach, in which its walls become inflamed. Most often, its occurrence is associated with the presence of bacteria Helicobacter pylori or excessive use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. With gastritis there is a typical It's a dull pain in the abdomen, which is combined with other signs of indigestion. Symptoms of the disease worsen on an empty stomach and at night.
  • Stomach ulcer. Another common disease in which a wound forms in the wall of the stomach. This disease can be a complication of long-term and severe inflammation of the mucous membrane; it has the same causes as gastritis. The symptoms of ulcers are very similar to those of gastritis.
  • Gastroesophageal gastric disease (GERD). This is a disease of the esophagus, which is caused by inflammation of its mucous membrane, resulting from the entry of stomach acid into it. Cause of GERD Most often, it is a weakening of the lower esophageal sphincter, a muscle that normally prevents stomach contents from entering the esophagus. Typical symptoms are heartburn, nausea and belching. Conditions worsen at night supine position and decreased sphincter tone during sleep.

Other diseases in which the stomach in the stomach area may also begin to hurt at night:

  • Diaphragmatic hernia. A disease in which part of the stomach or intestines penetrates hiatus in the diaphragm inward chest cavity. Symptoms diaphragmatic hernia worse when lying down.
  • Abdominal migraine. A disease that is most often observed in children. Abdominal pain occurs without apparent reason and worsens at night. The occurrence of this disease is associated with hereditary causes.


To identify the cause of stomach pain at night, you need to see a doctor.

He will most likely appoint additional examination, which can be entered following methods:

  • Tests for the detection of Helicobacter pylori– bacteria that cause most cases of gastritis and peptic ulcer.
  • Endoscopy– examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum using a flexible instrument (endoscope). During the procedure, the doctor can detect signs of an inflammatory process and take a piece of tissue from the pathological focus for further laboratory study.
  • X-ray of the esophagus and stomach with barium contrast. The patient swallows a liquid containing barium, which coats the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract from the inside. An X-ray examination is then performed, which allows doctors to evaluate the condition of the esophagus and stomach.


Therapy for stomach pain at night depends entirely on what is causing it.

For example:

  • At GERD treatment includes lifestyle changes, taking antacids and medications that reduce stomach acid production.
  • For gastritis and ulcers, treatment is aimed at eliminating etiological factor. If these diseases are caused by Helicobacter pylori, its eradication is carried out. If inflammatory process developed during treatment with NSAIDs, it is necessary to stop taking them.

Night pain in the stomach is a common complaint of patients suffering from diseases of the digestive tract. For successful treatment it is necessary to identify and eliminate their cause.

Useful video about accompanying symptoms of stomach diseases

U abdominal pain there are several dozen reasons. The most common of them include diseases of the stomach, gall bladder, pancreas, intestines, and in women - diseases of the genital area.

Stomach hurts at night

Aching pain in the abdomen at night is characteristic of gastritis and peptic ulcers. Pain in the pit of the stomach usually occurs on an empty stomach and may subside after eating or taking antacids, for example, Maalox or Almagel. People with an exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease often complain that their stomach hurts at night. There may also be a feeling of fullness in the stomach after eating and rapid satiety.

For accurate diagnosis gastritis and peptic ulcers, consult a doctor. He will appoint endoscopic examination. But if, in addition to pain, you are worried about a lack of appetite and you are losing weight quickly, visit a doctor immediately.

If you feel such pain, it is advisable to follow a certain diet. It should be based on semi-liquid porridges and soups. You need to give up smoking, alcohol, black coffee, hot spices.

Medicines should be recommended by a doctor taking into account examination data. The fact is that in many cases the cause of gastritis and peptic ulcers is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Accordingly, it is recommended to include antibiotics in the treatment regimen.

Stomach hurts after eating

If you have pain in the right hypochondrium, you should consult a gastroenterologist. He will prescribe an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, check the condition of the liver and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Without a doctor’s examination, it is strictly forbidden to carry out treatment with “traditional” methods, including the so-called liver cleansing. If a patient with gallstones begins the “cleaning”, the stones can come out of the bladder, get stuck in the ducts and cause severe jaundice.

Pain in the left hypochondrium

Pain in the left hypochondrium usually occurs with pancreatitis. The pain is usually dull or aching. They are noted in the upper and middle parts of the abdomen, as well as in the left hypochondrium. At the time of exacerbation, the intensity of pain increases significantly. Quite often during an exacerbation chronic pancreatitis There are girdling abdominal pains that spread from the left hypochondrium to the back. Deterioration of chronic pancreatitis usually occurs after drinking alcohol, fatty or spicy foods.

In case of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, it is necessary to create rest for the pancreas as quickly as possible. If the pain is very severe, you need to refuse food, call a doctor and apply ice to the upper abdomen in epigastric region. It should be remembered that the ice should not come into direct contact with skin, and the duration of the procedure should not exceed 15-20 minutes of each subsequent hour. If the pain is of moderate intensity, you should visit a gastroenterologist as soon as possible.

Pain in the lower abdomen

With “female” ailments, the pain is usually localized in the lower abdomen. The most common unpleasant sensations are accompanied by menstruation. However, the cause of pain in the lower abdomen may be inflammation of the uterine appendages - adnexitis, ovarian cyst and others gynecological diseases. Sometimes pain accompanies the ovulation process. To find out the causes of pain, consult a gynecologist. Treatment should only be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor.

Acute abdominal pain

Acute unbearable abdominal pain may be a sign of very serious illnesses, requiring surgery: appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, perforation of stomach ulcers, thrombosis of blood vessels in the abdominal cavity and others.

Therefore, in some cases you need to call “ Ambulance"and as quickly as possible. This must be done if you can answer affirmatively to any of the two questions listed:

  • Is the pain severe and unbearable?
  • Did the pain occur for the first time and is gradually increasing?

In such a situation, you cannot hesitate. In this case, it is forbidden to place a warm heating pad on your stomach and take painkillers before being examined by a doctor. You should also not take laxatives or give enemas. If you have severe abdominal pain, you should refrain from eating and drinking.

Keep in mind that in addition to the reasons listed, abdominal pain can be caused by kidney disease, cystitis, angina pectoris and a number of more rare diseases. Therefore, in case of unclear pain, it is best to immediately see a gastroenterologist to clarify the diagnosis.

Why does my stomach hurt every night? There are many causes of night pain, but in order to determine them, one should characterize the intensity of the sensations, their location and nature. This will allow the medical professional to put accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. To prevent night pain in the stomach from becoming chronic, you should pay attention to them in a timely manner and not self-medicate.


Pain at night has the following types:

  • Visceral. This type painful sensations is the result of irritation of the nerve endings that are located on the wall of the abdominal cavity. The pain is similar to liver pain, intestinal colic, has different intensities.
  • Parietal. Occurs when the peritoneum is irritated and has a clear location. Parietal pain is acute and is accompanied by pain that intensifies with breathing or movement.
  • Psychogenic. A painful syndrome occurs as a result increased anxiety, suspiciousness. It represents a reaction to stressful situations.
  • Neurogenic. The appearance of this type of pain is a consequence of neurological diseases. The painful sensations are shooting in nature and can suddenly go away or reappear.

Stomach pain depends on the nature of the damage and duration.

The intensity of pain depends on the nature of the injury and is of the following types:

  • "dagger";
  • cramping;
  • intolerable;
  • pulsating;
  • permanent;
  • aching;
  • burning;
  • moderate intensity;
  • stupid;
  • shooting;
  • twitching;
  • reflected.

Painful sensations can increase and progress or have a monotonous, decreasing character. Based on their duration, they are divided into acute and chronic.


When your stomach hurts at night, a person may be bothered by the following accompanying symptoms:

  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • mild nausea;
  • belching;
  • heartburn;
  • paroxysmal pain;
  • stool disorders;
  • flatulence;
  • decreased appetite;
  • increased sweating;
  • sleep problems.

If symptoms occur when an infection enters the intestines, the patient is worried about fever and chills. The color of stool becomes lighter, and urine, on the contrary, becomes darker. If the stool turns dark bloody, this indicates internal bleeding.


Increased acidity and inflammatory processes can cause stomach pain at night

Why does my stomach hurt at night? This question worries many who have at least once encountered this problem. Severe pain can occur for a number of reasons:

  • disruption of the functioning of the intestines and stomach;
  • increased acidity;
  • inflammatory reactions;
  • spastic contractions;
  • thrombosis.

Convulsive pain of varying intensity occurs as a result of severe flatulence, nervous overstrain and stress, as well as peristalsis disorders. Painful sensations in the abdomen of a constant nature owe their appearance to peptic ulcer disease, gallstone diseases, abscesses and acute pancreatitis. Another reason that provokes nighttime stomach pain is endocrine disorders. You may encounter complaints of abdominal pain from pregnant women. In this situation, this is a common occurrence, explained by a sudden failure hormonal levels and the presence of toxicosis.

Features of pain manifestations

If your stomach hurts for less than one minute, then there is no reason to worry. However, if painful manifestations last more than an hour, this may indicate serious illness. In this case, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor. Pain has its own characteristics, thanks to which the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes the necessary treatment.

If stomach pain is an isolated case that can be associated with food intake, then a visit to the clinic is not necessary; it will be enough to adjust your diet. However, if your stomach hurts at different times of the day and regardless of food intake and bowel movements, you should consult a doctor who, taking these signs into account, will make a preliminary diagnosis and write a referral for a thorough examination.

Night pain due to stomach diseases

Stomach pain may occur at night if there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Approximately a quarter of patients with ulcerative lesions of this organ of the digestive system experience significant pain of an intense nature. Decreases pain can be achieved by finding a comfortable position while sleeping. A certain position will temporarily make you feel better and minimize pain in the abdomen.

There are two most common types of pain.

Spasmodic or convulsive pain, also called colic, makes itself felt in wave-like attacks of varying intensity. Its causes are compression or stretching in, which occur as a result of hyperactive peristalsis, for example, excess gas formation in the intestines, infectious inflammation or stress.

Constant abdominal pain is characterized by a relatively stable and constant manifestation. Patients may complain of a “fire in the stomach” and describe cutting, sharp, or “hungry” pain. This type of pain can occur due to ulcerative lesions, abscesses and others dangerous inflammations abdominal organs, attacks of cholelithiasis or acute pancreatitis.

Accompanying symptoms

Abdominal pain at night may be accompanied by rumbling, which becomes more pronounced when changing position or taking a horizontal position. These symptoms must be taken into account, since they indicate disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, intestines, biliary tract, or the occurrence of inflammatory processes in. Chills and fever usually accompany dangerous intestinal infections or blockage of the bile ducts. Changes in the color of urine and feces are also a sign of blockage of the bile ducts. In this case, the urine predominantly darkens, and the feces become lighter, up to white.

Moreover, if intense and convulsive pain is additionally accompanied by black or bloody stools, one should suspect internal bleeding and carry out immediate hospitalization.

Duration and causes of nighttime abdominal pain

Pain lasting anywhere from a couple of seconds to a minute should not be a cause for concern in most cases. If the pain lasts for hours or even days, then this is already serious sign and a signal for speedy medical examination.

Abdominal pain can occur suddenly at any time. A common symptom of abdominal pain syndrome is severe abdominal pain that causes you to wake up at night. However, it can occur before or after meals, before bowel movements, or immediately after bowel movements.

Frequent causes of abdominal pain may be irritable bowel syndrome, as well as biliary dyskinesia. However, with irritable bowel syndrome, pain at night is practically not bothersome. They occur immediately after eating, against the background of diarrhea, bloating, increased peristalsis, rumbling and loss of stool. After defecation and passage of gases, such pain goes away. There is no fever, weight loss or anemia.

Most common cause pain is caused by food consumed. Irritation of the esophagus is caused by salty, excessively hot or cold foods. Fatty foods, rich in cholesterol, provokes the occurrence or movement of gallstones which ends in biliary colic. In addition, some people are generally intolerant to a number of products, in particular to milk, lactose, and milk, and their consumption causes cramping abdominal pain, diarrhea and bloating.

Localization of pain

The location where the pain is felt is one of the main factors in diagnosis. If pain manifests itself in the upper abdominal cavity, it is often provoked by disorders in the esophagus, biliary tract, intestines, pancreas, and liver.

With inflammatory processes in the liver, painful sensations are concentrated in the upper right part of the peritoneum. Sometimes they radiate under the right shoulder blade.

With ulcers and pancreatitis, shingles occurs. Slim department intestines signals pathologies with pain localized around the navel, and large intestine- in the center of the peritoneum and below the navel.

Abdominal pain should not be eliminated with painkillers. When the cause of the pain is unknown, a heating pad can also cause harm. If you experience pain in the abdomen, you should at least go to a general practitioner.

During the daytime, patients often feel normal, without complaining of discomfort in the abdomen. However, as soon as the person relaxes and tries to fall asleep, the discomfort returns.

Most often, pain is the most common and a clear symptom possible diseases in the abdominal cavity, as well as nearby organs.

The stomach hurts or hurts in the stomach area because the pain receptors of the mucous membrane of this area of ​​the digestive system are irritated - due to spasm or stretching of the smooth muscles of the stomach, inflammation of its tissues, and also due to impaired blood supply.

Pain signals from the stomach receptors enter the sensory nuclei of the thalamus - the area of ​​our brain in which all information from the sensory organs and receptors is “sorted out.” Pain signals are then sent to the cortex cerebral hemispheres brain

There a motivational-affective assessment of these signals occurs, and then.

In general, as a result of complex biochemical metamorphoses, we are faced with gastralgia - pain in the stomach.

This type of pain often occurs in those who have problems such as insufficient quantity gastric juice produced by stomach cells. In this case, the stomach pain is not severe, the pain is not clearly localized and is not associated with food intake.

The feeling of discomfort in the hypochondrium is accompanied not only by heaviness in the stomach, but also by loss of appetite and deterioration general well-being. This happens in pathologies thyroid gland, and also how side effect some medicines, for example, the same insulin.

By the way, my stomach hurts after taking medications - common problem those who are inclined to take medications “without fear or reproach” at the slightest provocation. A classic example of severe drug irritation of the gastric mucosa is aspirin, cardiac glycosides and drugs containing hormones.

After eating, does your stomach hurt and you feel pressure in its area that turns into severe pain? Also, stomach pain and diarrhea, as well as stomach pain and bloating? These symptoms may suggest that you have acute gastritis, that is acute form inflammation of the gastric mucosa. As experts note, such pain subsides after a few hours or within two to three days.

Stomach hurts after eating and when chronic gastritis. Gastritis can be hypoacid - with reduced secretory function stomach, and hyperacid - with increased.

In the first case, the stomach simply cannot cope with digesting food, and the person complains that his stomach hurts and belches (rotten), and that his stomach hurts and feels nauseous, and often has diarrhea. But the pain is widespread, and the patient cannot accurately determine and indicate to the doctor “ pain point».

With hyperacid chronic gastritis, the stomach hurts severely during or immediately after eating. The pain may continue for 24 hours. Other symptoms of this disease include belching (but not rotten), nausea, vomiting, and constipation.

Stomach pain caused by stress and neurotic state, is accompanied by symptoms such as a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the hypochondrium, belching, gagging and intestinal disorders. At the same time, my stomach hurts nervous soil regardless of meals, and the pain can become burning and quite severe when sharp increase emotional and mental stress.

It's all about enhancing stomach production hydrochloric acid in stressful situations and a high degree of innervation (that is, the supply of tissues with nerves) of this organ. As a result, this can lead to erosions and ulcers of the gastric mucosa and trigger the development of gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis and ulcers.

Pain in the epigastric region is also possible with a heart attack. IN clinical practice this is called the gastralgic form of myocardial infarction. As doctors say, upon admission to medical institution in such situations, an incorrect diagnosis may be made: not a heart attack, but food intoxication or exacerbation of gastritis.

Spasmodic pain in the area of ​​the stomach of neurotic etiology are directly related to premenstrual syndrome(PMS). So if a woman has a stomach ache before menstruation or a stomach ache during menstruation, then the main reason for this is various disorders of her neuropsychic state, as well as cyclical vegetative-vascular and endocrine “shifts”.

Why does my stomach hurt during pregnancy? Because during the period of restructuring of the entire body, an exacerbation of all chronic diseases of a woman, especially inflammatory ones, is possible.

Causes of night pain

There are several factors that can cause night pain in the stomach. Precise localization will help determine what disease triggered the attack. discomfort, their nature, duration, frequency, and other features of the clinical picture.

Common causes of pain are the following:

  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Decreased peristalsis.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Diseases genitourinary system.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Frequent stress.

There are other reasons for pain during the night. Some of them need to be used drug treatment or hospitalization in intensive care unit hospitals.

For example, stomach pain in the upper part in people old age may be a symptom of myocardial infarction.

Pain lasting anywhere from a couple of seconds to a minute should not be a cause for concern in most cases. If the pain lasts for hours or even days, then this is already a serious sign and a signal for an early medical examination.

Basic causal factors consist in a sharp compression of the organs of the digestive system or, conversely, stretching of their elastic walls.

Pain in the stomach can be caused by diseases of the stomach itself, as well as pathologies of other organs and systems human body. The main question at the same time, violations of which organ caused pain in the epigastric region. Qualified

can only carry out professional doctor. Therefore, if you experience abdominal pain, it would be unwise, and sometimes even dangerous, to diagnose yourself and begin self-medication.

If the pain begins to bother you regularly at night, there is a high probability of exacerbation chronic disease.

Acute attacks often accompanied additional symptoms, by which the main violation is determined.

Pain due to ulcers and GERD

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, the patient experiences severe pain, approximately 3-4 hours after the meal.

Acute or aching pain in the lower abdomen in a person develops due to problems with the organs of the digestive tract, against the background of gynecological and urological pathologies, venereal, infectious diseases.

Causes of pain from different sides

Main types

There are several types of abdominal pain, each with different causes and characteristics.

Visceral pain

To make it easier to establish a diagnosis and further organize the process therapeutic effects to the focus of the pathology, gastroenterologists divide stomach pains that bother the patient at night into following types.


A tummy tug means you're pregnant

In women up to critical days Possible pain in the lower abdomen, more often abdominal cavity pulls, but if there are delays and nagging pain, fatigue and breast tenderness appear, then pregnancy may be the cause.

The stomach feels tight at this time for a simple reason - the uterus begins to constantly change its size, which is why women experience some discomfort.

Throughout pregnancy, nagging pain may appear from time to time.

In this case, you need to listen to the body, because early stages It is considered normal when the lower abdomen pulls, but for more later, there may be other reasons.

The reasons for tightness in the lower abdomen during pregnancy are very different. Some of them are safe for the health of mother and child, and some may signal terrible pathologies.

Instability and sudden changes in hormonal levels in a woman’s body during pregnancy always carry the danger of exacerbation of any chronic pathologies. Among them are gastritis, stomach ulcers, and any other diseases that manifest as pain in the stomach.


Stomach pain can occur regardless of the time of day. If the pain suddenly started and stopped after a couple of minutes, then there is no reason to worry.

If your stomach hurts for more than an hour, then during the day it is better to consult a gastroenterologist or call an ambulance.

Often, pain at night is not the only symptom of a malfunction in the body.

You should pay attention to other signs:

  • Changing the position of the body, the pain intensifies.
  • There is a urge to vomit.
  • Sweating increases.
  • There is intense rumbling in the stomach.

Intestinal infections or problems with the biliary tract are manifested not only by pain and spasms.

In addition to the main symptoms, you need to monitor for other signs of disease. They may indicate the following:

  1. With an increase in temperature and chills, there may be pelvic diseases: gonorrhea, chlamydia, and other diseases.
  2. If you lose your appetite, feel nauseous, vomit, that is, gastrointestinal pathologies.
  3. Fainting and state of shock, with a sharp change in pressure, indicates bleeding inside the abdomen.
  4. Painful urination, cloudy urine, and temperature indicate kidney and urinary tract problems.

Additionally, you need to know the nature of the pain that occurs in the lower abdomen. This will allow you to correctly describe your condition to the doctor to establish an accurate and correct diagnosis.

So if discomfort appears suddenly, then the cause may be exacerbations or acute diseases.

There is no need to joke with such symptoms, otherwise a perforation may appear, bleeding will occur, or a certain organ will rupture.

Why do you feel soreness in the stomach area in the morning? There are various reasons abdominal pain. However, you should not self-medicate; you should visit a doctor for advice.

The following symptoms in the morning require immediate consultation with a medical specialist:

  • vomit;
  • increased body temperature;
  • flatulence;
  • bloody diarrhea;
  • swelling of the limbs.

Correct treatment of night stomach pain involves the use of antispasmodics. They are aimed at effective disposal from muscle spasms and act locally.

Other principles of correct treatment include the pathogenetic approach. This item is part of the project urgent assistance and implying the use antibacterial agents. Similar drugs effective against night pain in the stomach due to the fact that Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that causes many stomach problems, is susceptible to them.

The main symptom is pain, which can have different characteristics: intensity, frequency, localization. It may be accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • Heartburn;
  • Gorky or sour belching;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Possible flatulence and bowel dysfunction;
  • Insomnia;
  • Weakness and sweating;
  • Fever, chills;
  • Loose stools, mixed with blood or modified (black, or, conversely, light).

Of course, these signs are not observed all at once, but according to the disorder that occurs in the stomach or in gastrointestinal tract.


When patients contact a therapist or gastroenterologist with complaints of nighttime stomach pain, the doctor first conducts a survey of the patient and collects an anamnesis. Then he carries out external inspection and palpation to identify the exact location of pain. Then he prescribes urine and blood tests, ultrasound. In some cases, MRI, FGDS, manometry and pH measurements may be necessary.

To identify the cause of stomach pain at night, you need to see a doctor.

He will most likely prescribe an additional examination, which may include the following methods:

  • Tests for the detection of Helicobacter pylori- bacteria that cause most cases of gastritis and peptic ulcers.
  • Endoscopy is an examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum using a flexible instrument (endoscope). During the procedure, the doctor can detect signs of an inflammatory process and take a piece of tissue from the pathological focus for further laboratory study. Read more about endoscopy→
  • X-ray of the esophagus and stomach with barium contrast. The patient swallows a liquid containing barium, which coats the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract from the inside. An X-ray examination is then performed, which allows doctors to evaluate the condition of the esophagus and stomach. Read more about fluoroscopy→

The diagnosis of night pain cannot be based solely on the patient's complaints. It is necessary to conduct a series of studies to establish the real reason pain:

  • Careful history taking;
  • Ultrasound of the stomach and other gastrointestinal organs helps to identify pathological changes in the structure of the stomach, detect neoplasms;
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS), effective technique, allowing detailed examination of the mucous membrane upper section Gastrointestinal tract, assess the degree of their damage. Including detecting an ulcerative defect. Along with the study, material is taken from the area affected by the ulcer for a biopsy. The purpose of the study is to identify oncological pathology;
  • Magnetic resonance or computed tomography - detects all pathological changes in the organ and differentiates them;
  • Tests for bacterial gastric infection Helicobacter pylori ( breath test, gastropanel);
  • X-ray of the stomach and esophagus if it is impossible for any reason to perform an FGDS
  • Blood test.
  • Fecal occult blood test.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of the painful syndrome at night. For this purpose, diagnostic measures are carried out. The specialist listens to the patient’s complaints, palpates the abdomen, examines the tongue, and examines clinical picture pathology and makes up the primary anamnesis. To obtain more accurate data about the condition of the body, the patient must undergo a full examination.

Additionally, the doctor prescribes:

  • fluoroscopy of the esophagus and stomach using contrast agents;
  • Ultrasound internal organs;
  • gastroendoscopy or fibrogastroduodenoscopy;
  • computed tomography or MRI of the digestive system;
  • passing the necessary tests.

Based on the results obtained from laboratory research and carried out instrumental diagnostics, the gastroenterologist makes a diagnosis and prescribes appropriate treatment.

Night pain in the stomach and the causes of this pathology - serious problem, so it needs to be solved without delay. Usually, during an examination, the doctor collects an anamnesis (asks about lifestyle, nutrition, whether there have been any lately severe stress etc.), palpates the abdomen and prescribes fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS).


During therapy, it is important to eliminate the underlying disease that causes unpleasant symptom. Correct treatment involves preventing the development of pathological mechanisms that lead to nocturnal gastralgia. The treatment regimen involves the use of the following:

  1. To restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of prokinetics (Motilium, Trimedat) is indicated. They allow you to normalize motor skills. For this purpose, you can use the antiemetic drug Metoproclamide (Cerucal).
  2. Antispasmodics (No-shpa, Drotaverine, Spazmolgon) are used to relieve pain.
  3. To reduce the production of hydrochloric acid. These drugs help normalize stomach acidity. Blockers are considered the most effective proton pump(Pantoprazole, Lansoprazole, Omeprazole).

At pain syndrome low intensity, experts recommend:

  • Refuse to eat for several hours, even if you are very hungry. Instead of food, you can drink tea or mint decoction;
  • Lie down on a bed or sofa. In this case, the legs should be slightly higher than the rest of the body;
  • Try to relax, stop being nervous;
  • Drink some ice water. First you need to take a few sips to find out whether the recipe helps or not. If there is no improvement, you should stop drinking.

However, with prolonged gastralgia, you need to consult a specialist. He will carry out diagnostic measures, prescribe effective therapy. Often, for treatment it is enough to adjust the diet, but for intense gastralgia, medications are used.

Why do most people now try to use traditional methods? They have a very large number of positive nuances. For example, minimal side effects.

Therapy for stomach pain at night depends entirely on what is causing it.

For example:

  • For GERD, treatment includes lifestyle changes, antacids and medications that reduce stomach acid production.
  • For gastritis and ulcers, treatment is aimed at eliminating the etiological factor. If these diseases are caused by Helicobacter pylori, its eradication is carried out. If the inflammatory process develops during treatment with NSAIDs, it is necessary to stop taking them.

Night pain in the stomach is a common complaint of patients suffering from diseases of the digestive tract. For successful treatment, it is necessary to identify and eliminate their cause.

To treat the digestive system, consult a gastroenterologist. Night pain in the stomach area is extremely serious symptom requiring a hospital visit.

The doctor collects a history of the disease: when it got sick, where, what your diet is, your habits, the presence or absence of stress. What follows physical examination(palpation of the patient's abdomen).

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy is prescribed. This examination involves inserting a special device with a video camera through the throat to examine the gastrointestinal tract.

Today it is the only way obtaining information about the state of internal organs. A biopsy is prescribed if there is a suspicion of malignant tumor.

The gastroenterologist prescribes medications to relieve pain and spasms, to normalize stomach functions, and antibiotics. Medicines are taken as prescribed by the doctor; you should not self-medicate.

Each patient has the right to consult several doctors. The treatment plan and drug regimen depend on the period of the disease, the intensity of symptoms, general condition human health. For more effective application medications the patient must follow a diet. Eliminate spicy, sour, fried, fatty, smoking and alcoholic drinks.

What does effective treatment of this type of disease mean? First of all, professionals try to eliminate the causes of the problem. The principles of correct treatment are based on preventing in advance the formation and development of pathological mechanisms leading to night pain in the stomach.

Full treatment is possible only after diagnosing the cause that caused them. Such treatment can be prescribed by a specialist doctor. To relieve spastic pain syndrome, you can take antispasmodic. But this is not a treatment, but only a way of providing first aid.

Effective treatment night stomach pain is based, first of all, on eliminating the causes that cause them. This is the so-called correct treatment, the principle of which is to prevent pathological mechanisms leading to night pain.

During treatment, antisecretory drugs are prescribed. They reduce the activity of secretory cells and block the increase in acidity levels in the stomach. These drugs include proton pump inhibitors (PPIs):

  • Lansoprazole;
  • Pantoprazole;
  • Rabeprazole;
  • Omeprazole and their analogs.

For heartburn, Maalox, Rennie, Gastal tablets are used.

To restore gastric motility, metoclopramide, motilium, itopride or cerucal are prescribed.

If a peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is detected, treatment is carried out in a hospital setting or on an outpatient basis. Apply antibacterial drugs aimed at destroying Helicobacter pylori - bacteria, causing problems in the stomach.

Additional treatment consists of prescribing enzymes that improve digestive function stomach and gastrointestinal tract as a whole. To activate the immune function of the digestive system, immunomodulators are prescribed.

IN complex treatment epigastric pain mandatory component is correct therapeutic nutrition. Dietitians recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Consume low-fat dairy products;
  • Eliminate from diet fatty varieties meat - pork, lamb;
  • Do not under any circumstances consume canned and pickled foods, spicy, sour and salty foods;
  • Don't overeat during the day. Eat food in fractional portions - 6 times a day;
  • The last meal should be a light meal and at least 2 hours before bedtime;
  • Strictly exclude late-night snacking, alcohol and smoking. All these bad habits contribute to the development various pathologies Gastrointestinal tract and night pain.

You can use folk remedies only if a diagnosis has been established and after consultation with your doctor. They are not the main ones in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, but are used as additional treatment.

There are quite a few folk remedies used to relieve stomach pain. The group stands out against their background vegetable oils. For example, a good analgesic and wound-healing effect gives sea ​​buckthorn oil. It contains vitamins B and E, and also creates a protective film on the mucous membrane of the diseased stomach, which is manifested in its analgesic effect.

Treatment of stomach pain must begin with a thorough diagnosis and identification of the exact cause of the pain syndrome. The best option– contact a gastroenterologist. After all, what seems to you to be a pathology of the stomach may actually turn out to be a completely different disease. And self-medication in similar situation may turn out to be not only useless, but sometimes even dangerous to your health.

Remember - only a qualified doctor can give you correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment!

Therapy for night pain should be comprehensive.

To relieve the syndrome at home, use the following tips.

Emergency assistance

A person can help himself the first time he experiences a pain attack. In such cases, you need to act carefully and focus on the intensity and duration negative manifestations.

To reduce nighttime stomach pain, you should avoid late dinner, drink a glass ice water, take a horizontal position and try to fall asleep.

If the pain does not subside at night and nothing helps, then you can resort to painkillers. The main thing is not to wait until it becomes unbearable, but to call an ambulance.

Traditional medicine

Traditional methods are an addition to the main treatment. Herbal medicine has many positive points. It eliminates the symptoms of the disease well, has an analgesic effect, and enriches the body valuable substances, removes inflammation of the mucous membrane, accelerates the healing of erosions.

Treatment of pain in the digestive organs

If your stomach hurts, you should find out the reasons leading to this situation. To do this, you should consult a gastroenterologist. After a thorough history taking, additional methods examinations.

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy is the most effective method identifying pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. This study provides an opportunity to view in detail ulcerative formations and size of lesions.

If you suspect the development malignant tumors, perform a biopsy. To do this, affected tissues and cells are taken.

They are carefully examined to confirm or refute the assumption of oncological pathology.

After all examinations, the patient is prescribed effective therapy.

Main principle treatment consists in timely prevention and prevention of the development pathological processes which lead to pain at night.

All therapy is aimed at restoring the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

If there is severe, regular pain, the patient is prescribed painkillers. They quickly and effectively help cope with pain.

To reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, antisecretory drugs are prescribed. When consumed, the increase in acidity levels is blocked.

First aid

For stomach pain, self-medication is dangerous. A consultation with a doctor, examination, and tests are required.

Called general rules providing first aid to a patient without accepting strong drugs, capable of relieving pain in order to avoid negative effects on other organs.

The first thing to remember: if you have pain in the stomach, you should not eat. Fasting for several hours will significantly improve the condition. If necessary, it is permissible to drink warm tea. Lie down, calm down, don’t be nervous, raise your legs above your head. Sometimes there is a case when ice water helps, but the patient only needs to take one or two sips and understand whether it will help or not.

Doctors advise drinking mint tea and chicken broth, but in small doses. The intake of any medications and liquids should be accompanied by self-monitoring of the stomach condition on the part of the patient. If tea, water or broth increases pain, it is recommended to immediately stop drinking these liquids.

On the day the pain develops or the next day, you need to contact a gastroenterologist, who will examine, feel, refer you for examination, and make a diagnosis. The main thing is to prescribe treatment that is suitable for a particular patient, taking into account the characteristics of his body.


Basic measures to prevent night pain include:

Stomach pain at night may be accompanied by different symptoms. Such a negative state indicates the development of pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract. The exact cause of the pain is determined by the doctor after diagnostic measures. He chooses an effective treatment regimen, which can be independently supplemented with non-hazardous folk remedies.

To prevent stomach pain from appearing day or night, first of all you need to eat right. Even healthy person Fast food, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, canned food, fatty and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet.

Dry snacks are not advisable; you should try to arrange full meals for yourself. You also need to maintain a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, eat more healthy food: vegetables, fruits, honey and bee products.

Need to visit more fresh air and move so that what you eat is better absorbed.

Serious illness The gastrointestinal tract may begin with pain at night. To recover faster, you must immediately consult a doctor, undergo conscientious treatment and change your diet in favor of natural products.