What foods contain lactulose? Lactulose is... Physiological properties of lactulose. Hydrogen breath test with Lactulose

Gross formula


Pharmacological group of the substance Lactulose

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

CAS Code


Characteristics of the substance Lactulose

White powder, highly soluble in water, molecular weight - 322.3.


Pharmacological action- laxative, stimulating intestinal motility, hypoazotemic.


Lactulose is a disaccharide consisting of galactose and fructose, not hydrolyzed by mucosal disaccharidases small intestine. It has a hyperosmotic laxative effect, stimulates intestinal motility, improves the absorption of phosphates and calcium salts, and promotes the excretion of ammonium ions.

Lactulose is broken down by the intestinal flora of the colon into low molecular weight organic acids, which leads to a decrease in pH and an increase osmotic pressure and, as a result, an increase in the volume of intestinal contents. These effects stimulate intestinal motility and affect stool consistency. The physiological rhythm of colon emptying is restored.

In hepatic encephalopathy, the effect is explained by the suppression of proteolytic bacteria by increasing the number of acidophilic bacteria (for example, lactobacilli), the transition of ammonia to the ionic form due to acidification of the contents of the colon, bowel emptying due to a decrease in pH in the colon and the osmotic effect, as well as a decrease in the content of nitrogen-containing substances. toxic substances by stimulating bacteria that utilize ammonia for bacterial protein synthesis.

Lactulose as a prebiotic drug enhances growth beneficial bacteria, such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, contributes to potential growth inhibition pathogenic bacteria such as Clostridium spp. And Escherichia coli, which provides a more favorable balance of intestinal flora.


Absorption is low. Lactulose is absorbed from small intestine only 0.4-2%, then reaches the large intestine, where it is broken down by intestinal microflora.

Completely metabolized when used in doses up to 45-70 ml (as syrup, 667 mg/ml). When used in more high doses partially excreted unchanged.

Application of the substance Lactulose

Constipation (including chronic); need to soften stool medical purposes(for hemorrhoids, necessary surgery on the colon and/or anus, pain syndrome after removal hemorrhoids, V postoperative period); hepatic encephalopathy, including coma and precoma (treatment and prevention); hyperammonemia; intestinal dysbiosis; enteritis caused by Salmonella, Shigella, Salmonella carriage; putrefactive dyspepsia syndrome (in children early age as a result of acute food poisoning).


Hypersensitivity to lactulose; intestinal obstruction; intolerance to fructose, galactose; lactase deficiency; glucose-galactose malabsorption; galactosemia; rectal bleeding (not caused by hemorrhoids); colo- or ileostomy; suspected appendicitis, acute inflammatory diseases abdominal organs.

Restrictions on use

Diabetes mellitus.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Used during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus and child.

Side effects of the substance Lactulose

Frequency side effects classified according to WHO recommendations: very common - ≥10%; often - ≥1-<10%; нечасто — ≥0,1-<1%; редко — ≥0,01-<0,1%; очень редко (включая единичные случаи) — <0,01%; частота неизвестна — недостаточно данных для оценки частоты явления в популяции.

From the side of nutrition and metabolism: very rarely - hypernatremia; frequency unknown - disturbances of water and electrolyte metabolism.

From the gastrointestinal tract: very often - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, flatulence, bloating, diarrhea.


When used simultaneously with diuretics, corticosteroids, amphotericin B, an increase in potassium loss is possible.

Antacids and antibiotics active against lactobacilli and bifidobacteria (including neomycin, clindamycin, rifaximin) reduce the effect of lactulose.


Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypokalemia, hypernatremia.

Treatment: symptomatic.

Routes of administration


Precautions for the substance Lactulose

Lactulose should not be used for inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage, as well as for disorders of water and electrolyte metabolism.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery. The use of lactulose does not affect the performance of actions that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Interactions with other active ingredients

Trade names

Name The value of the Vyshkowski Index ®

Lactulose – what is it and in what cases should drugs containing it be used. You will find the answer to this question by reading the article. This substance is a monosaccharide obtained from lactose; in fact, it is a product of deep processing of milk necessary for the nutrition of bifidobacteria (beneficial intestinal flora).

General characteristics

Lactulose is a prebiotic consisting of fructose and galactose molecules. The monosaccharide reaches the large intestine unchanged, where it is broken down into lactic, acetic and butyric acids, providing a breeding ground for lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.

When lactose (disaccharide) is processed in the body, lactulose is formed

If the body does not have enzymes that break down lactose, milk intolerance occurs. Lactulose is well tolerated by everyone and has no negative effects on the body.

Lactulose drug and release form

In medicine, lactulose occupies the niche of laxatives with a mild effect.

Available in the form of tablets or syrup. Suitable for use by newborns, pregnant women and the elderly. It has the appearance of a white crystalline substance, soluble in water without a distinct odor, obtained through deep processing of milk.

Properties of the monosaccharide

Lactulose has a wide range of beneficial properties suitable for treatment:

  1. activates the development of lacto- and bifidobacteria;
  2. promotes the absorption of minerals in the body;
  3. stimulates liver function;
  4. has a beneficial effect on the process of removing carcinogens and toxins from the body;
  5. stimulates stool during constipation;
  6. reduces the production of secondary bile acids.

Use of lactulose in medicine

In the pharmacy chain you can find many drugs containing lactulose. Its use, like any medicine, must be justified by the needs of the body. Use for prevention by a healthy person is also permissible to improve immunity, but in courses, preferably in consultation with a doctor.


The drug is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • constipation;
  • disorder of the central nervous system due to liver failure (encephalopathy);
  • food poisoning accompanied by putrefactive indigestion syndrome in children;
  • any etiology;
  • for the purpose of preventing dysbiosis and accelerating the restoration of normal flora after intestinal surgery, radiation or chemotherapy;
  • for hemorrhoids and anal fissures to prevent constipation.

The drug is well tolerated by patients, but there are limitations to its use.


You should not take a drug containing lactulose if you have hereditary intolerance (galactosemia). Also not prescribed for the following conditions:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • appendicitis.

Use the drug with caution if adverse reactions occur:

  • flatulence;
  • bloating;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea.

If these symptoms appear, further use of the prebiotic should be discontinued and replaced with other groups of drugs of similar effect.

Treatment and dosage of lactulose

Important. The dosage of the drug is selected by the doctor for each patient depending on the state of health, concomitant pathologies and taking into account the use of other drugs. The dosages given below cannot be considered as a guide for use because have average values ​​and are given for informational purposes.

  • For constipation, 15 to 60 ml per day is prescribed; after the effect occurs, it is reduced to 10 ml per day according to a special regimen (no more than 3 times a week);
  • for hepatic encephalopathy, the daily dose can be 190 ml of syrup;
  • treatment of salmonellosis is carried out in two courses of 10 days with a break of 1 week. Take the drug 15 ml three times a day;
  • treatment of salmonellosis carriage is a course of taking the drug 20 ml per day for up to 3 weeks.

Use in pediatrics

Taking the drug in childhood should be agreed with the pediatrician and depends on the age of the baby:

  • from 0 to 12 months, treatment begins with 10 ml per day, followed by a decrease to 5;
  • from 1 year to 6 years therapeutic dose 15 ml – maintenance 10;
  • from 7 to 14 start with 25-30 ml and transfer to 20.

Important. The therapeutic effect occurs within 2-3 days from the start of treatment, provided the dose is correctly selected.

Use during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the dosage of the drug is selected by the doctor. It is not permissible to use products containing lactulose on your own.

Use for weight loss

The use of laxatives for the purpose of losing weight is not permissible. The drug has a cleansing effect when used correctly (however, this does not affect the reduction of fat deposits). Long-term use of laxatives leads to dehydration of the body and the removal of useful substances, including vitamins and minerals, which negatively affects the overall level of health.

Use for the purpose of losing weight can only be as an adjuvant for constipation caused by decreased food intake, for no more than 10-15 days.

Foods rich in lactulose

The following products can be used as a source of lactulose: dairy products, bananas, rye bran, cauliflower and broccoli, corn, beans, asparagus, garlic, onions, dried apricots and black currants.

Lactose and lactulose

Lactose and lactulose - what are the differences and similarities between these substances? Lactose, like lactulose, is a milk product, but it is a larger molecule that contains lactulose.

Lactose and lactulose are found in large quantities in milk

Lactose is milk sugar that is broken down in the body under the action of enzymes. With a lack of this enzyme and a large amount of milk entering the body, milk intolerance develops, resulting in diarrhea, bloating and pain in the intestines. In some diseases, an allergic reaction to lactose occurs, but lactulose is well tolerated by such patients.

Lactose gives energy to the body, stimulates the nervous system, and has a beneficial effect on the development of human intestinal microflora. Thanks to lactose, the body absorbs calcium well, improves the functioning of the heart muscle and the elasticity of the vascular wall. It also affects the production of vitamins B and C.

Lactose and lactulose are related substances that guard the human immune system and ensure the normal development of lactobacilli.

The lack of these substances leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the formation of pathogenic microflora, and causes constipation. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the balance of incoming food, and in case of failures, resort to the help of pharmacological drugs containing these substances.

Why the body needs lactulose can be found out in the video.

Currently, the windows of pharmacy kiosks are replete with a wide variety of names of medicines. How not to make a mistake and choose exactly the product you need? To receive proper and correct treatment, you should consult a doctor before using any drug. After all, it is the specialist who, if necessary, will conduct a series of studies and be able to recommend the appropriate medication. In this article we will talk about the drug “Lactulose”. What this is, you can find out further. After reading, you will understand the features of using the drug.

Type of medication and possible analogues

"Lactulose": what is it? This drug contains the active substance of the same name. In addition to it, there are other medications that contain the component. The most popular trade names of such products are “Duphalac”, “Poslabin”, “Livolyuk”, “Normese” and “Lactusan”.

Most medications have additional components. The composition of the drug "Lactulose" is as follows: lactulose, purified water and citric acid. The medicine is also available in powder form for preparing a solution.

Indications for use

Medicine "Lactulose": what is it? This medicine is intended to normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Indications for use will be the following situations:

  • dysbacteriosis of various etiologies;
  • constipation, including chronic;
  • condition after surgical manipulations in the intestinal area;
  • hemorrhoids and anal fissures (in complex therapy);
  • and encephalopathy.

The medicine can be used in conjunction with other medications (antibiotics, sorbents, immunomodulators, anticoagulants, etc.). Often the drug is prescribed simultaneously with a complex of beneficial bacteria.

Contraindications for use

The medicine is usually well tolerated by patients and does not cause any adverse reactions. The composition is not recommended for use in case of hypersensitivity to the components. Also, when treating patients with, deterioration in well-being may occur. The medication should not be used if internal bleeding is suspected. The medicine should not be used for intestinal obstruction and appendicitis.

The medicine “Lactulose” is prescribed with extreme caution for newborns. Also, patients with diabetes need to monitor their well-being during treatment.

Use during pregnancy: can I take Lactulose?

The drug is absolutely safe. It is not absorbed into the bloodstream and acts exclusively in the intestinal area. The medication has no effect on the fetus. That is why the composition is often prescribed to expectant mothers and nursing women.

However, it is worth remembering that self-medication during pregnancy is unacceptable. The medicine must be prescribed by a specialist. In this case, all the characteristics of the expectant mother are taken into account and an individual dosage of the composition is selected.

Method of use of the medication

Laxatives (Lactulose and others) can be used as needed or regularly. The undoubted advantage of the described substance is that it is not addictive. The composition is assigned taking into account complaints in each age group individually.

For adults with acute constipation, 15 to 45 ml is prescribed. In order to maintain normal stool - from 10 to 25 ml. For children over 7 years old, the drug is indicated in 10-15 ml. Children under 6 years old should take 5-10 ml of medicine.

It is worth mentioning separately how Lactulose is used for infants. The medication is indicated from one and a half months from birth at a dose of 5 ml per day. However, the first time you use it, you should give your baby only 1 ml. If this amount of the drug helps, then you should not increase the portion. The medication is taken for the period specified by the doctor or as needed. For newborn babies, the composition can first be diluted with water or milk.

Effect of the drug

In most cases, the medicine is well tolerated by patients. The drug penetrates the intestines, where it creates a nutrient environment for the growth and reproduction of beneficial bacteria. Lactulose is not digested in the stomach, it is not absorbed by the human body. However, microorganisms living in the intestines feed on it. The drug creates a swelling effect, it softens stool and increases the urge to defecate.

Sometimes, at the very beginning of treatment, the patient may experience an increase in flatulence. Moreover, after a few days all symptoms disappear. When used in large doses, the composition can cause a disturbance in the water-salt balance in the body. This is why it is important to drink enough fluid at the same time. Rarely, adverse reactions such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and headache occur.

Opinions about the drug: reviews from doctors and patients

What do parents say about the drug "Lactulose" for newborns? Consumer reviews are mostly good. Patients note that the effect of the drug begins the next day. Don't expect an immediate effect, like an enema. The medicine accumulates in the intestines, enhancing its work. Parents of children say that their children really like the medicine. After all, it has a sweetish taste. Children take the medication without difficulty. One of the main advantages of the substance is that it is not addictive. Thus, many other laxatives cannot be used regularly. The same medicine can be used for a long time.

Patients also note the attractive cost of the drug. Lactulose syrup costs about 200 rubles. While its analogues (for example, Duphalac) will cost you 400-500 rubles. The final cost of the medicine should be found out in pharmacy chains. After all, that’s where all the prices are set.

Doctors report that the active ingredient lactulose is one of the safest. The advantage of therapy will be that the consumer will not only receive normalization of stool, but will also be able to regulate the intestinal microflora. The medicine promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria, which, in turn, destroy pathogenic microorganisms. The safety of the drug has been confirmed by many studies and experiments. Therefore, it can be used to treat pregnant women and newborn babies. The medicine is used by women during lactation. Also, the composition does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and is not contraindicated when drinking alcoholic beverages.

Brief conclusion: summary of the article

The drug "Lactulose": what is it? You could get the answer to this question from the presented article. Also presented to your attention are some products that contain the same component. The medicine can be purchased at almost every pharmacy chain. You will never be required to have a doctor's prescription for this. It is worth noting that when combining the product with some medications, you must take a short break. Thus, when using sorbents simultaneously, the interval between the compositions should be at least two hours. Otherwise, the effect of the described remedy will be reduced. Feel good, don't get sick!

Lactulose. What is it? The first thing that comes to mind when you hear this name is milk. So what does lactulose have to do with dairy products and does this connection exist at all? In fact, the name of the product does not deceive and directly points to the original source.

Lactulose is a product of deep processing of milk. More precisely, the raw material for this substance is lactose (milk).

According to physical characteristics, lactulose is a white powder in crystals, without a pronounced odor, which easily dissolves in water.

A person needs it as a component that activates the digestive tract. All the substances without which it is difficult for modern man to imagine life were once unknown to anyone. Lactulose entered our lives relatively recently - in 1929.

More precisely, then it entered the lives of researchers who developed and described a new substance obtained after exposing milk to heat and alkali.

How did it appear?

Two decades later, scientists found a substance in human milk that caused bifidobacteria to grow at an incredible rate. It was lactulose. But the first use of the drug in medical practice dates back to 1951. Then the milk remedy was used as a medicine against enteritis. But all these years, lactulose lived without a name. Only in 1957 did the substance receive its official name.

General characteristics

Lactulose is a prebiotic substance. Its chemical formula consists of molecules connected to each other, and.

It is not broken down by enzymes in the upper segment of the gastrointestinal tract and enters the large intestine unchanged. In the intestines it promotes the growth of beneficial microflora, in particular lacto- and bifidobacteria. In the colon it is broken down into butyric and other organic acids.

Properties of lactulose

As a result of almost a century of research, scientists have discovered that lactulose has a range of beneficial properties for humans:

  1. Activates bifidobacteria.

Japanese researchers have determined that 3 grams of lactulose consumed daily for 14 days can increase the number of bifidobacteria several times. During two weeks of the experiment, Eastern scientists recorded an increase from 8.3 percent (of the total number of bacteria) to 47.4%. Along with the growth of beneficial microflora, the number of harmful bacteria has decreased.

  1. Improves the absorption of minerals.

Taking lactulose promotes more active calcium absorption. Scientists made these conclusions after observing rats with osteoporosis. By consuming lactulose, they recovered faster from bone fractures.

  1. Activates liver function.

Improper functioning of the intestines is fraught with the accumulation of ammonia in the body, and it, in fact, “paralyzes” the liver, which loses its ability to eliminate toxins. Lactulose neutralizes part of the ammonia (from 25 to 50 percent) and makes the liver feel better. As a result, it again performs the functions of cleansing the body.

  1. Fights carcinogens and toxins.

Experiments with animals have proven the antibacterial and immunological properties of lactulose. The substance helps eliminate carcinogens and toxic metabolites from the body, improves the general condition of the body in case of liver cirrhosis by strengthening the immune system. This effect is achieved due to the activation of bifidobacteria, which require lactulose for growth. There is speculation that this prebiotic may serve as an effective preventative against colon cancer.

  1. Treats constipation.

Lactulose has many properties that result in the prevention of constipation. By binding, reducing intestinal acidity and stimulating peristalsis, lactulose plays the role of a gentle laxative (effective for 1-2 days). These abilities of the substance have allowed pharmacists to actively use it in many medications for constipation.

  1. Affects the formation of bile acids.

In healthy people consuming lactulose, there is a decrease in the production of secondary bile acids in the intestines.

Pediatricians in Austria realized that lactulose could be beneficial for children back in the late 1940s. One of the doctors observed bottle-fed babies. He noticed that in such babies, dysbacteriosis occurs several times more often than in children on mother's milk. After a series of experiments, it turned out that human milk contains lactulose, and this, in turn, provides healthy intestinal microflora.

Chemists have learned to produce this substance from lactose. And pharmacists introduce it into syrups that improve the microflora of children's intestines. This syrup can be given to children of all ages. The instructions for use describe in detail the dosages for each age group.

For adults, lactulose is presented in the form of laxative tablets, as well as in other pharmaceutical forms. At the same time, the effect on the body is the same.

Food sources

The list of foods rich in lactulose does not only include dairy products. Although, of course, there are more substances in this category. So, to enrich the body with a useful prebiotic, it is important to pay attention to breast milk, natural yoghurts, cottage cheese, bananas and rye bran. Cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, corn, beans and even onions or garlic can be used as sources of this beneficial substance. Sweet lovers can replenish their prebiotic reserves from dried apricots and black currants.

Prebiotic requirement

Lactulose can increase the concentration of beneficial bifidobacteria in the body by more than 10 times, and reduce the number of harmful microorganisms by almost a hundred times. But for this you need to consume foods or dietary supplements containing a prebiotic every day. As a result of the experiments, it was determined that 3-4 g of the substance is enough for adults to achieve the effect.

People with:

  • chronic constipation;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathogenic intestinal microflora;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • high cholesterol;
  • improper metabolism.

Diabetes, high acidity in the stomach and low acidity in the intestines are good reasons not to abuse fermented milk products and other foods containing lactulose in high concentrations.

How does it affect other nutrients?

Lactulose belongs to substances that combine optimally with most minerals. In particular, absorption, and in combination with a prebiotic, proceeds faster and more efficiently. This substance can also reduce the level and optimize the production of bile acids in the body.

You can understand that the body does not have enough lactulose by looking at several of the most common symptoms. The most common and most important symptom is regular constipation. It is enough to treat the body with a prebiotic for a few days and the problem will go away. Other symptoms of dysbiosis (which is most often a consequence of lactulose deficiency) may include:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • weight loss;
  • stomach ache.

Well, in total, all these disorders lead to disruption of metabolic processes and improper functioning of the digestive organs.

Symptoms of excess

Although the consequences of excessive consumption of lactulose are not so sad for the body, they are also not pleasant. Excessive consumption of milk or dietary supplements enriched with prebiotics leads to chronic diarrhea, bloating and rapid weight gain. In addition, infections in the organs of the urinary system are possible.

What determines the level of lactulose in the body?

Lactulose is not a substance that the body can synthesize on its own. Therefore, the only source of prebiotics for humans is food and bioactive supplements. If we are not talking about the treatment of advanced chronic diseases, then to maintain a stable level of lactulose, a balanced, proper diet, with the consumption of foods rich in microelements, vitamins and other beneficial substances, is sufficient. In more complex cases, medications containing high concentrations of lactulose come to the rescue. But you shouldn't be afraid of these drugs. They cause virtually no side effects and are allowed even for infants.

Lactulose for weight loss

Perhaps half of overweight people dream of a miracle diet that will help them lose 5 or even 10 extra pounds in a week. Nutritionists, hearing this, say: “Nonsense! This cannot be! But advertising promises something else. Most drugs that quickly get rid of excess weight work on the principle of a laxative. For this reason, lactulose is sometimes also used inappropriately. By consuming drugs based on this substance, obese people want to achieve a laxative effect and then see weight loss.

But a laxative, even the strongest one, has no effect on fat deposits. And false weight loss occurs only due to loss of moisture. Continuing this “weight loss” for several days, the only result that can be achieved for sure is dehydration and total leaching of nutrients from the body. And even the beneficial properties of lactulose will not save the situation.

But there are options when lactulose can actually be taken for weight loss. More precisely, as an auxiliary tool. When following a diet, especially if there are few foods rich in fiber in the diet, constipation often occurs. This is where lactulose comes to the rescue - it will help quickly remove waste products from the body, cleanse the intestines and take care of the correct microflora. As a result, this will affect your overall well-being, increase your tone and strengthen your immune system. This means you will have the strength to play sports, without which there will definitely be no effective weight loss.

Use of lactulose

Modern food and pharmaceutical industries actively use the beneficial properties of lactulose.

In medicine, for example, this substance is used as a treatment for:

  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • chronic constipation;
  • encephalopathy;
  • enteritis;
  • putrefactive dispersion syndrome;
  • heperammonemia;
  • salmonellosis.

On supermarket shelves you can increasingly see dairy products fortified with lactulose. In the CIS, this is still a new practice, but in Japan, for example, they have been consuming improved milk for more than 30 years. Typically, the prebiotic is added to milk, sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk and other dairy products.

Other uses of lactulose:

  • in cosmetology (a component of products against skin dysbacteriosis);
  • as a feed additive.

Humanity has been using the beneficial properties of lactulose for almost half a century. It has found its use in the food industry and in medicines to improve digestion. Dysbacteriosis, liver dysfunction, constipation or salmonellosis... Today it is difficult to imagine treating these disorders without lactulose.

Do you know what lactulose is and why microflora “loves” it? Let's figure out why lactulose is contained in Prebiosweet and how it will help you be slimmer and more active.

In the 30s last century, in the process of searching for a remedy for the treatment of digestive diseases, scientists discovered a substance that received the name “bifidus factor” for its bifidogenic properties. This is the name given to lactulose, a prebiotic that stimulates the growth and development of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

The microflora of the large intestine is diverse, but it is bifidobacteria and lactobacilli that produce enzymes that activate the body's protective functions. The enzymatic activity of microflora is comparable to the work of the liver, therefore the activity of intestinal bacteria is no less important for the body than the functions of other vital organs.

Lactulose has the highest level of prebioticity among bifidogenic substances and has a pronounced positive effect on the state of microflora.

Lactulose is obtained from milk. But, unlike the milk sugar lactose, which is broken down in the stomach and processed by the body into energy, lactulose is fermented not in the stomach, but in the intestines. Simply put, lactulose is food for the good bacteria in your colon. Thanks to good nutrition, the quality and quantity of lacto- and bifidobacteria increases, which is very important for our body.

Healthy microflora is:

  • normal digestion;
  • proper bowel function;
  • synthesis of vitamins by the body;
  • effective absorption of calcium, magnesium and other minerals by the body.

The properties of lactulose are due to its ability to heal the intestinal microflora. To combat the destructive effects of negative factors, such as poor nutrition, stress and unfavorable ecology, it is important that the intestines properly perform their functions and help the body remove waste and harmful substances. Lactulose helps to cope with this task.

Large dosages of lactulose syrup are used as a mild laxative. During the diet, it helps fight constipation, which can occur due to a reduction in the amount of food consumed and dietary fiber. Lactulose can be used by people of any age, including pregnant women and infants.

In small dosages, lactulose is added to products to give them prebiotic properties. Children's dairy products, dietary cereals, bran, and muesli with lactulose are produced.
Lactulose in preventive dosage is contained in Prebiosweet sugar substitutes. They help control the amount of sugar and simple carbohydrates in the diet and promote proper digestion.