Low-allergenic products for children under one year old. How does an allergy manifest itself? Laboratory study of allergens

Food allergies are a very common phenomenon among modern people. Manifestations of an inadequate reaction of the body to the consumption of certain food products occur in almost 30% of the population of various age groups.

Numerous foods can be allergens, including berries, which are considered quite strong allergens. It is not the product itself that causes an allergic reaction, but the proteins contained in it. Berries must be consumed with great caution.

Food allergy is a pathology in which the body responds to contact with a particular irritant contained in food.

Normally, during the digestion of food, all proteins - antigens - that enter the body with food are transformed into non-allergenic forms, and the intestinal immune system causes the body's immunity to their content.

However, if there are certain negative factors, this process is violated. As a result, upon initial contact with the allergen, sensitization develops (increased sensitivity to the irritant). If repeated, characteristic symptoms of an allergic reaction occur.

Immune system begins to produce a special substance - histamine, which is toxic to the body. Increased content histamine leads to the appearance of signs of allergies.

The main predisposing factors contributing to the formation of a tendency to allergies are hereditary predisposition (in this case, the reaction appears from the first months of the child’s life), or disruption of the immune system (in particular, long-term infectious diseases, leading to a persistent decrease in immunity). This is where the question arises: could there be an allergy to berries?

Features of the disease

Despite the fact that berries are very valuable product food containing large number vital elements, they should be consumed in limited quantities.

The fact is that berries are considered a fairly strong allergen that contributes to allergies in both children and adults. Especially severe allergies Berries such as strawberries and wild strawberries can cause this, so they are not recommended for children. younger age, even if the child does not have any signs of food allergies.

Reasons for the development of pathology

Allergy to berries occurs at any age in the presence of certain negative factors:

  1. Increased sensitization of the body. In this case, eating even a small amount of the product (not only berries, but also other highly allergenic foods) can trigger the appearance of dangerous symptoms.
  2. Hereditary predisposition (if the person’s immediate relatives also encountered a similar problem).
  3. Disturbances in the functioning of the immune system (for example, in autoimmune, infectious diseases).
  4. Organ diseases digestive tract, in which the process of digestion of food and absorption of nutrients is disrupted.
  5. Hormonal disorders (in particular, during pregnancy, menopause, taking hormonal medications, endocrine diseases).

Often characteristic features Allergic reactions occur with excessive consumption of berries. This condition It is commonly called pseudo-allergy.

Important! In this case, it is necessary to limit the amount of the product, but not completely eliminate it from the diet.

Characteristic symptoms

The clinical picture of an allergic reaction may vary. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the human body, as well as on the amount of allergen. In some cases, only some symptoms develop, in others, all symptoms appear at once.

To the number characteristic symptoms allergies to berries include:

  1. Skin manifestations in the form of irritations, rashes, severe itching. The rash is localized on any part of the body, but most often it is the face, limbs, chest and back. Danger this symptom is increased risk secondary infection of affected skin areas.
  2. Respiratory symptoms (sneezing, runny nose, bad taste in the mouth, sore throat). At severe course very dangerous consequences occur, such as angioedema, when the patient experiences significant difficulty breathing, and anaphylactic shock, accompanied by convulsions, hypothermia, a significant decrease in blood pressure, loss of consciousness, and asphyxia.
  3. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, bloating and heaviness in the abdomen, changes in stool. In severe cases, the patient experiences severe vomiting and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration.

Many patients also experience other symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as watery eyes, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes ( allergic conjunctivitis), deterioration general well-being, weakness, drowsiness.

You can see the features of allergies to berries in the photo:

Treatment methods

A patient suffering from an allergy to berries needs competent and timely treatment, which should be prescribed by a doctor. Therapy is carried out using special medicines. With a mild degree of development, time-tested products help well folk recipes, which can be used at home with the approval of your doctor.


To eliminate allergy symptoms, the patient is prescribed antihistamines such as Cetrin, Loratadine, Claritin.

Also, depending on the manifestations, symptomatic therapy is prescribed. For example, with severe skin manifestations, gels and ointments for external use (Fenistil, Protopic) help well. These products relieve itching and promote rapid regeneration of affected skin. If the rash covers large areas of the body, it is necessary course use hormonal ointments.

In case of disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor prescribes medications that improve intestinal microflora (products containing prebiotics and probiotics, for example, Helinorm, Bifidumbacterin). If there is a threat of dehydration, it is necessary to use drugs that normalize the water-salt balance (Regidron).

Traditional medicine

For mild allergies, traditional methods of treatment can be used. Decoctions of yarrow, oak bark, celandine, dandelion, chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, and string are best suited.

These decoctions can be used in the form of compresses or added to the bath for bathing. The products help eliminate skin manifestations of allergies, relieve itching, and have a calming effect.

Urgent help

Quite often, an allergic reaction develops very intensely, and a person experiences symptoms that are dangerous to life and health.
First of all, this is Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock. In this case, the patient must receive emergency assistance.

First of all, you need to lay him on his side, raising his head slightly. After this, an appointment is required antihistamine. It is important to ensure an influx fresh air, facilitate a person’s breathing (ventilate the room, free the patient from tight clothing).

Important! You need to call an ambulance immediately.

Preventative treatment

If we are talking about a true allergy, it is necessary to exclude the use dangerous products food (berries and other foods that are highly allergenic). In addition, it is important to regularly take care of your health and strengthen your immune system. Healthy lifestyle and moderate physical activity necessary for a person suffering from allergies.


Berries are a strong allergen that can cause reactions in representatives of various age groups. At the same time, there are many contributing factors that contribute to the occurrence of allergies. This is, first of all, individual intolerance allergen protein, hereditary predisposition, persistent decrease in immunity.

Allergies manifest themselves in different ways; the main symptoms are an itchy rash, sneezing and runny nose, difficulty breathing, and disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Allergies can lead to dangerous consequences, such as angioedema and anaphylactic shock, so the patient requires timely treatment. Therapy consists of taking the medications prescribed by your doctor. medications, use of funds traditional medicine, maintaining a special lifestyle.

Berries are a source of not only many vitamins and microelements, but also fiber and antioxidants. However, some people have an allergy to berries - a reaction of the immune system, accompanied by skin, respiratory symptoms and malfunctions gastrointestinal tract.

Reasons for developing allergies to berries

A significant factor in the occurrence of pathology is heredity: if one or both parents are susceptible to it, then there is a high risk that it will also manifest itself in the child. Allergies to berries in children are possible even in cases where parents suffer from reactions to other foods or substances.

There is also such a thing as . The body reacts not to the product, but to a certain substance included in its composition. Thus, the reaction can be caused by foods, pollen, medications, mites, etc. Many berries share the coloring pigment lycopene, which is an allergen. Therefore, if you are allergic to, say, strawberries, then it is quite possible that symptoms will appear when consuming.

It is also worth noting that with allergies to cherries, cherries, strawberries and raspberries, there is a cross-reaction to birch pollen, which is considered strong. The main manifestations are cough, lacrimation, and respiratory distress.

Since allergy is an immune reaction, its occurrence is also associated with environmental degradation and the influence of other factors that negatively affect the functioning of the immune system.

In children

Children under 3 years of age are most susceptible to allergies. This occurs due to a lack of enzymes and high permeability of the gastrointestinal mucosa. As children grow older, they begin to digest food better and allergies go away in most cases.

Early introduction of berries as complementary foods or in quantities exceeding the norm is highly likely to provoke a rash or other manifestations.

In breastfed infants, symptoms may occur due to poor dietary intake by the mother. Infants whose mothers ate a lot of berries during pregnancy, especially in the last months, also face this problem.

In adults

As mentioned earlier, adults are less susceptible to berries, but a reaction is possible if:

  • other food or non-food allergies;
  • chronic diseases digestive system And endocrine diseases(often in elderly people);
  • hereditary factor;
  • hormonal changes in women during pregnancy and menopause.

Allergy is often called the result of elementary overeating of berries. The symptoms may be similar, but here we are talking about the so-called pseudo-allergy. In this case, you should not overuse highly allergenic products, but you also should not refuse them at all.

Contact and oral allergies also occur. The first appears upon contact with berries or even trees and bushes on which they sprout. For example, some people experience typical symptoms of currant leaves. The second type involves a reaction to plant pollen.

It should be noted that it is not the berries themselves that can act as allergens, but chemicals, which were used to process bushes or trees. It is necessary to wash food well before use.

If berries in their raw form do not cause any negative reaction in you, but it occurs when you eat jams, yoghurts and other products with the addition of berries, we are talking about an allergy to additives: preservatives, flavorings, flavor enhancers, etc. .

Characteristic symptoms

An allergy to berries is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • skin rash and itching;
  • disruptions in the digestive system;
  • piercing painful sensations V abdominal cavity;
  • nausea, gag reflex;
  • nasal congestion and runny nose;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth and larynx.

In some cases, Quincke's edema is possible: the eyelids, lips, tongue, and airways increase in volume. Most dangerous sign is anaphylactic shock, which is accompanied by a slow heartbeat, a drop in blood pressure, an attack of suffocation, which is fraught fatal, if you do not provide first aid to the person and call an ambulance.


If any of the listed signs appear, you should contact a specialist. A pediatrician or therapist, after collecting a history and examining the patient, will refer him for a consultation with an allergist, and, if necessary, with a gastroenterologist and nutritionist.

The most common and in a simple way diagnosis remains an elimination diet, which involves excluding the intended product from the diet. If a reaction does not occur for a week or two, the doctor can talk about the allergenicity of the excluded product for the patient.

To identify a group allergenic products A blood test is performed for specific Ig E.

In order to identify specific allergens, allergy tests are carried out: scratches (scarification test) or injections (prick testing) are made in the forearm area, after which allergens are applied or injected. Swelling and redness of the skin in a certain place indicates a reaction to a certain product.

In severe cases, when it is difficult to determine the allergen, provocative tests may be prescribed. In a hospital setting, under the strict supervision of specialists, an allergen is injected into the patient’s nose or under the tongue.

Diagnostic procedures should only be performed as prescribed by a doctor. To the attention of parents: not all methods are suitable for children!


Treatment of the pathology is impossible without eliminating allergenic foods from the diet. Appointed hypoallergenic diet, which also excludes cross-allergens.


If allergies occur, antihistamines are prescribed: cetrin, zyrtec, cetirizine, fexadine, loratadine, claritin, etc.

In case of malfunctions of the digestive system or skin rashes, appropriate symptomatic pharmacotherapy is prescribed. In particular, drugs are prescribed that improve intestinal microflora, bifidoyogurts, kefir, for external use - fenistil, nezulin, epidel, protopic and others.

Anaphylactic shock requires immediate call ambulance, and Quincke's edema - hospitalization.

Traditional methods

You can also relieve symptoms with folk remedies. For such purposes, rosehip, cocklebur, speedwell, burdock, dandelion, yarrow, chamomile, horsetail, centaury, St. John's wort, celandine, calendula, ephedra, bark, nettle, peony, string. Infusions, ointments, lotions are made from these plants, and baths are taken with the addition of the listed herbs. However, traditional methods can only be used in consultation with your doctor!


During lactation, mothers need to strictly follow the diet of a nursing mother, keep a food diary, recording everything eaten and the child’s reaction to a particular product.

Berries are introduced to a child as complementary food at the age of no earlier than 8 months. You should not give your baby several berries at once; even one can be harmful. Therefore, you should limit yourself to half the berries in softened form, or better yet, in the form of compote. Freshly squeezed juice should be diluted halfway with water so as not to cause discomfort in the stomach or intestines. The fruits can then be added to cottage cheese or yogurt. You can feed your baby separately with berries after one year.

Child allergies are a disease that many mothers face. Seeing your beloved baby suffer from harmless milk porridge is very difficult. It is necessary to figure out what to feed a child with a food allergy so as not to cause harm.

Allergies occur as a response of the body to certain products. Most often it occurs in infants, as they try foods for the first time in their lives. A young body can perceive everything new as an invasion that is dangerous for the body. It is important to receive competent and timely treatment so that the child can endure this illness as comfortably as possible and “grow” out of it. One of the treatment methods is to create a menu suitable for children with allergies.

Causes and symptoms of food allergies

The causes of allergies can be different:

  • parental heredity;
  • diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • improper feeding.

The primary diagnosis can be made by the occurrence of symptoms. Usually the body reacts within 2 hours, but sometimes the effects appear within several days.

The main symptoms are:

  • various skin rashes;
  • stool disorder;
  • colic;
  • increased gas formation;
  • respiratory tract congestion;
  • cough;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • swelling.

Regardless of the cause of the allergic reaction, all mothers have the same question: what should they feed their allergic child? Is it possible to make its menu safe, varied and tasty? Of course you can! There are many recipes that allow you to pamper your beloved child with delicious and useful menus every day. But it’s not enough to just “Google” a recipe and calm down, deciding: “well, now I’ll definitely feed you.”

If your child has allergies, it is important to identify which foods are irritating to your baby. To do this, temporarily remove from your child’s menu all foods that can cause an allergic reaction. Visit an allergist to prescribe and undergo special tests outside the period of exacerbation. And after that, together with a specialist, you can create a diet that is suitable specifically for your case.

Allergenic products

Products that can serve as irritants are divided into 3 groups.

Group 1 - highly allergenic products

  • eggs;
  • fish;
  • meat broths;
  • seafood;
  • caviar;
  • cereals (wheat and rye);
  • berries with bright colors (strawberries and wild strawberries);
  • vegetables with bright colors (peppers, carrots and tomatoes);
  • citrus;
  • exotic fruits(pineapple, kiwi, melon, persimmon, pomegranate);
  • cocoa;
  • nuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • chocolate;
  • coffee.

Group 2 - moderately allergenic products

  • whole milk;
  • dairy products;
  • chicken meat;
  • beef;
  • oats;
  • buckwheat;
  • legumes (soybeans, peas, beans);
  • root vegetables (beets and potatoes);
  • sugar;
  • fruits with a dull color (bananas, apricots, peaches);
  • berries with a dull color (rose hips, lingonberries, cranberries, black currants).

Group 3 low-allergenic products

  • fermented milk products;
  • rabbit meat;
  • turkey;
  • horse meat;
  • lean pork;
  • lean lamb;
  • colored and white cabbage;
  • broccoli;
  • zucchini;
  • squash;
  • cucumbers;
  • corn;
  • millet;
  • pearl barley;
  • green varieties of pears and apples;
  • garden greens;
  • red and white currants.

You need to understand that the division into groups is quite arbitrary, and allergic reactions are a purely individual matter. A child may have no problems with food groups 1 and 2, and yet have a strong reaction to turkey meat from the 3 “safe” group.

Popular allergens

Let's look separately at the most popular allergenic products.


Casein allergies in children are very common. Moreover, this applies not only to cow’s milk, but also to goat’s milk. Most often children encounter it artificial nutrition. Breastfed babies are often susceptible to it if the mother eats too many dairy products during the lactation period.

Quite often, a child with a food allergy to milk can safely eat sour milk. When making fermented milk products, hydrolysis occurs and casein is partially broken down into simpler amino acids. However, you should be careful.


Some cereal crops contain the plant protein gluten, which ranks second on our list of popular allergens. These include rye and wheat from the first food group.

Accordingly, an allergy to wheat automatically excludes the use flour products, baked goods, pasta dishes and some cereals. An alternative to wheat bread is usually baked goods made from oatmeal and corn flour.

Egg white

It is the protein that causes the high allergenicity of chicken eggs. The eggs of other birds are also at risk, but to a lesser extent.

It is better for a little allergy sufferer to start getting acquainted with quail eggs - they are less dangerous.


Sea and river fish, any seafood (including caviar) are also strong irritants of food allergies.

It is the allergy to fish that has the highest percentage of “survival” and often remains with a person for life.

Nutritional supplements

All kinds of dyes, preservatives, flavors and flavoring additives. They are included in most products. Speaking of children, it is worth paying attention special attention for yoghurts, juices, carbonated drinks, sauces, instant cereals.

Food additives are known to be harmful, and it is easier to exclude them from a child’s diet than the natural products listed above. It would be helpful if you limit food additives and in your diet.

Cross allergy

Separately, it is worth highlighting the concept “ cross allergies». Important nuance when drawing up a menu for a child with allergies, which should not be overlooked. Products with a similar protein structure can cause allergies, although they themselves are not allergens.

Yes, with a protein allergy cow's milk an aggressive reaction may occur to beef. A wheat allergy causes intolerance to all grains. An allergy to milk can also cause intolerance to cottage cheese, sour cream, cream and butter.

By eliminating direct irritants and cross-reactions from the menu, you can speed up the onset of remission. Be sure to study and remember the “twin” allergens for your case.

Food diary

Food allergies are treated primarily with diet therapy. To properly maintain and control it, you need to keep a food diary in which you will record the date, time and quantity of a new product introduced into the menu. And also the presence or absence of an allergic reaction to it (what kind, at what time). A diary will help you not to lose sight of anything, pay attention to little things, and not forget or lose valuable information.

Menu for 1 year of life

Diet varies not only depending on the allergen. Age decides a lot. Infants on mother's milk the most protected. But a nursing mother needs to be careful and follow a diet. After all, everything she eats goes into the baby’s stomach along with the milk. You should try a new product in the morning and a little at a time to see possible appearance reactions. If there is no reaction, then you can include a new product in your diet.

It’s another matter if, for some reason, feeding the baby is based on an artificial formula. The difficult task here is to choose the mixture that best suits you. Study the composition of the porridge and customer reviews. But the most important thing is how the baby reacts. If signs of allergy appear, change immediately.

  • The first complementary foods for infants with allergies are introduced a little later than for healthy children. The recommended age for the first complementary feeding is 7 months. Try giving vegetable puree first. The puree should be from one vegetable: broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower. The puree can be homemade (especially good if you use your own vegetables from the garden), or special canned food for children. Start with one or two spoons. It is advisable to do this also in the morning to monitor the food reaction. Don't forget to note what's new in your food diary. If there is no reaction, then gradually increase the dose, bringing it to the full portion.
  • The second complementary food in the menu of an allergic child is introduced at 8 months. Add dairy-free porridge, if you are allergic to milk, or gluten-free cereals if you are allergic to wheat. They are made with water or a special mixture. At home cooking Add a small amount of vegetable oil to the porridge. When choosing ready-made porridge, pay attention to the composition and content of vitamins and minerals.
  • After 8-9 months, canned meat is introduced into the diet. You can also make them yourself or purchase ready-made ones. As a rule, they start with rabbit meat, as the least allergenic type of meat. Proceed in the same proven way: introducing the supplement gradually, little by little and under close supervision.
  • You should try fruit purees no earlier than 10 months. It is better to give preference to green apple or pear puree. In general, try to choose fruits that have a dull color. If the apple and pear are well digested without consequences, at 10 months you can try banana and plum puree. Still try to introduce new foods in the first half of the day and a little at a time.
  • The nutrition of a baby up to one year is based on complementary foods that have already been introduced. A new product can be introduced into an allergy sufferer's menu at 1 year of age. You should abstain from fish products and chicken eggs until you are one year old. The menu for a one-year-old child with allergies can be expanded by introducing fermented milk products. Start with kefir, then you can try cottage cheese and other fermented milk. Try milk porridges, which are acceptable for allergy sufferers aged 1 year.

Diet for children from 1 to 3 years old

  • After a year, we eat only what did not give any aggressive reactions. Proven fruits and vegetables, gluten-free cereals, non-allergenic meat dishes, dairy products with which the body has managed to make friends.
  • Age 2-3 years Allergists call it a turning point. It is by this age that, by adhering to competent diet therapy, it is possible to get rid of most food reactions. Therefore, all that remains is to try and hold on.
  • Crossing the border 3 years old, carefully introduce into the diet of an allergic person foods that previously caused a negative immune response. When comparing the results with your food diary, first choose foods from groups 2 and 3. To be on the safe side, try thermally processed food options, they are less aggressive. For example, not a fresh red apple, but a baked one. Monitor your reaction and remember to consult an allergist. Food allergies are not a death sentence. The result will definitely pay off your efforts.

Menu options

Below are a few examples of dishes for children with allergies, from which you can easily create a menu for the week.


  • crumbly buckwheat porridge with sugar;
  • oatmeal porridge with sweet apple;
  • rice porridge with soy milk;
  • corn porridge with prunes;
  • salad of cottage cheese, cucumbers and herbs;
  • baked sweet apple.

First courses (in vegetable broth)

  • vegetable soup;
  • zucchini soup;
  • potato soup;
  • meatball soup;
  • lentil soup;
  • vegetarian borscht

Meat dishes

  • turkey meatballs with zucchini;
  • beef balls;
  • lean pork meatballs with cabbage and rice;
  • steam cutlets;
  • minced meat gravy;
  • meat with vegetables in the oven.

Side dishes

  • unsweetened cereals;
  • salads from permitted vegetables (dressing - oil);
  • vegetable and cereal casseroles;
  • boiled or stewed potatoes;
  • vegetable stew.


  • sweet casseroles;
  • fresh and baked fruits;
  • oatmeal cookies;
  • chickpea pancakes;
  • oat muffins;
  • oatmeal cookies.


  • green tea;
  • weak black tea;
  • berry jelly;
  • compote;
  • fruit drink;
  • still mineral water.

To begin with, use special recipes for children with allergies. Baking without eggs, milk and wheat flour if you have a gluten allergy and a milk protein allergy. Soups without meat broths if you are allergic to meat. Meat dishes prepared for children with allergies should be boiled, stewed or steamed. Before cooking, do not forget to check the composition of the dishes, taking into account the individual needs of the baby.

Recipes for children with allergies

Knowing allergens and cross-reactions well, it is difficult, but possible, to create a complete, delicious menu without allergenic products. Experienced mothers can immediately transform any recipes and replace unwanted products with acceptable ones.

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • excessive consumption of berries;
  • decreased immunity;
  • individual intolerance.

It is worth noting that the symptoms of an allergic reaction, regardless of the provocateur, can manifest themselves quite seriously, so you should not hesitate to contact an allergist, especially if the allergy occurs in a child.

Berries such as mulberries, cherries, blueberries, and raspberries can be eaten in small quantities by pregnant women, but breastfeeding mothers should avoid them. Substances contained in berries pass into breast milk, and their concentration may be quite sufficient to cause allergies.

Goji berries

It is interesting to know that recently goji berries have become especially popular. Sellers claim that these fruits have a beneficial effect on human body, strengthen the immune system, and can be given to children. This information should be taken with extreme caution. There are a sufficient number of contraindications to their use, and with their “ healing power“You can argue, but an allergy to goji berries is not rare and even adults experience it.

Goji berries

Clinical picture

In most cases, food allergies manifest themselves in the digestive system and skin. With increased sensitivity you may notice:

Among the dangerous manifestations, anaphylactic shock is particularly distinguished. This condition is very dangerous, it leads to a decrease in heart rate, respiratory failure, and a decrease in blood pressure. An allergy to berries in children can cause Quincke's edema.

It is worth noting that if you are allergic to cherries, cherries, strawberries and raspberries, you may experience a cross-reaction to birch pollen, which in turn is the strongest allergen. Adults often experience an allergy to birch pollen; its main manifestations are coughing attacks, lacrimation, and breathing problems.

Treatment of an allergic reaction to berries

To determine the allergen, the doctor will perform an analysis that involves applying a microdose special solutions on an area of ​​skin. The reaction appears after some time.

Treatment of allergies first of all consists of eliminating the cause, in this case it is the berry. Depending on the characteristics of the reaction, the doctor selects what is necessary to eliminate it. medicinal product. Children often experience digestive system disorders, to eliminate which it is recommended to take medications that normalize intestinal function. Fermented milk products help speed up the healing process. Injection therapy to eliminate allergy symptoms in children is used only in emergency cases.

To eliminate allergy symptoms in the form of skin rash Experts recommend using antiallergic ointments. Products such as Fenistil-gel are allowed to be used to eliminate skin rashes in children in the first days of life. Drugs with a similar effect quickly eliminate itching and burning in the affected areas.

You can prevent your child from developing an allergic reaction in the future by:

  1. Control the consumption of bright berries, avoiding overeating.
  2. When introducing complementary foods for the first time, you can give your baby just a few berries. At this moment, you need to monitor the body’s reaction; if it is absent throughout the day, the amount of berries consumed can be increased.
  3. If a reaction to fresh berries occurs, their intake should be postponed. It is worth offering the baby fruits after heat treatment. Of course, this method kills a lot useful elements, but such berries are less likely to provoke allergies.

It is worth remembering that berries can be given to a child only after making sure of their quality.

Allergy prevention

For children who are predisposed to developing an allergic reaction, it is better to offer fruits and berries after heat treatment. This involves preparing jellies, compotes and jelly from ripe fruits. Boiling partially destroys allergen proteins and the product is more easily absorbed by the child’s body.

It is forbidden to give berries to babies under one year old. At this age, drinking juice in limited quantities is allowed. At the first dose, you can give your child no more than ½ teaspoon of juice; the portion should be increased gradually. You should not offer children under three years of age juice from blueberries, mulberries, cranberries and black currants, because berry allergies to these components appear very often.

Mothers must remember that greatest benefit For infant contained exclusively in breast milk, and the baby’s body is simply not able to perceive and properly process the substances contained in the berries during this period.

If an allergic reaction occurs, berries should be removed from the baby’s diet. It is important to remember that treatment must be started immediately, otherwise it will be quite difficult to cope with the allergy.

Cross reactions

If children and adults are allergic to berries, a cross-reaction to the following products cannot be ruled out:

  • peaches;
  • apricots;
  • plums;
  • nectarine;
  • raw potatoes;
  • celery.

Consumption can also cause allergies, but this reaction is very rare.

It is worth noting that intolerance to certain components can be quite dangerous. If the child comes into close enough contact with the irritant, a threatening state may develop - anaphylactic shock. There is no need to try to provide first aid to the baby or choose treatment on your own. The main task of parents is to contact an experienced doctor in a timely manner.

It's hard to imagine complete diet child, which would not include vegetables and fruits. Rich in microelements and vitamins, they supply the body with many useful substances necessary for normal growth and development. But it often happens that a child cannot consume one or another type of plant food due to allergies. What should parents do in this case?

Causes of allergies to vegetables and fruits

Very often parents observe the following picture: the child for a long time ate a product without consequences, and suddenly he is allergic to it. What happened, why does the body react so strangely to a product that is already familiar to it? The thing is that one of the causes of allergies can be a simple oversaturation of the body a certain type fruits or vegetables. The immune system is sensitive to balance various substances in the body. If there is an excess of any element, an allergy will be a reaction to an imbalance.

Another common cause of allergies is genetic predisposition. Heredity cannot be changed. If the allergy is congenital, then it is almost impossible to completely cure it, but do not forget about prevention methods that will help avoid exacerbations. The cause of congenital food allergies can also be the consumption of allergenic foods by a woman during pregnancy.

There are often cases when allergies appear at the stage of accustoming the baby to regular food. In order to minimize the risk of its occurrence, you should adhere to the rules and scheme for introducing complementary foods. You should not start it with exotic fruits and highly allergenic vegetables. It is better to postpone this acquaintance until a later period, when the child turns 2 years old.

In addition, it is necessary to note what exactly the body reacts to when an allergic reaction to fruits and vegetables develops. These are two types of substances:

  • proteins contained in products;
  • chemicals used to fertilize or treat these products.


The list of vegetables to which you may be allergic is quite wide. However, parents need to know that:

  • vegetables that have passed heat treatment, are much less likely to cause allergic reactions than fresh ones;
  • vegetables green are considered hypoallergenic, and red - vice versa;
  • Often an allergy occurs not to the vegetable itself, but to the nitrates, nitrites and pesticides it contains.

Let's consider vegetables in order of increasing risk of allergies to them, but taking into account the fact that due to the individual characteristics of the body, a negative reaction can develop in a baby even when consuming hypoallergenic foods.

  1. Potato. This vegetable contains starch and protein. These components are the cause negative reaction body. If an allergy appears after introducing mashed potatoes into complementary foods, then there is no need to panic. Consult a pediatrician, he will give qualified advice and recommendations.

    It is worth noting that potatoes themselves rarely act as an allergen; usually the culprits in this case are the chemicals with which they were fertilized during growth. To reduce their amount, soak peeled potatoes in water for about 12 hours before cooking.

  2. Zucchini. Most pediatricians recommend this vegetable as a first complementary food. This is explained simply: zucchini very rarely causes allergies. Factors that will contribute to the development of a negative reaction of the body include individual sensitivity and non-compliance with the rules for introducing complementary foods. In the second case, excluding the vegetable from the diet will be a temporary measure.
  3. cucumbers. It is extremely rare to provoke allergy symptoms, but the reaction manifests itself with the most serious symptoms: cough, bronchospasm, as well as swelling of the lips, larynx and tongue.

    If you are allergic to this vegetable, you should expect the same reaction to watermelons and pumpkin.

  4. Cauliflower. Allergic reactions to it are diagnosed in children extremely rarely, mainly under the age of 3 years. This product is classified as hypoallergenic.
    If a negative reaction to cauliflower is detected, then other types of this vegetable, as a rule, have to be excluded from the diet. This does not apply only to seaweed, since it differs significantly in composition.
  5. Pumpkin. It is one of the leaders in the content of nutrients, vitamins and microelements. Kids really like pumpkin dishes. An allergy to this product can develop due to the content of carotenoids and a special protein. Since pumpkin has a low allergenic ability, the symptoms of the disease appear in a mild form.

    Light-fleshed pumpkins are believed to be hypoallergenic.

  6. Beet. Allergies to this vegetable are quite common and manifest in the form of skin rashes and runny nose.
  7. Carrot. Although the symptoms of a carrot allergy are similar to those of a food allergy, it is of a different nature and relates to a pollen allergy. Of course, carrots do not contain any pollen. But their protein structure is very similar. The immune system is unable to distinguish such nuances and reacts to the vegetable as if it were pollen. If a child has liver problems, the risk of an allergy to carrots increases significantly.

    Carrots have a similar cellular structure to wheat. Therefore, if you are allergic to one of these products, you should not abuse the second.

  8. Radish. The pigment that colors radishes bright red can cause allergies in children. If you have a negative reaction to radishes, then you should be careful with other red fruits and vegetables.
  9. Eggplant. Children who are allergic to pollen from wormwood, quinoa and ragweed should not eat eggplant. In this case, the allergy is of a cross nature (the reaction manifests itself to similar cellular composition plants).
  10. Red and yellow bell pepper. An allergic reaction can occur not only when consumed, but also when pepper juice gets on the skin. Children are the most susceptible to this reaction. Therefore, parents need to be extremely careful when introducing this vegetable into the diet. If the baby is prone to allergic reactions or his immunity is weakened, it is better to postpone introducing pepper to a later time.
  11. Tomatoes. Allergies to tomatoes occur frequently, both in children and adults. This is one of the most powerful allergens. Main symptoms: nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, conjunctivitis, swelling of the skin and mucous membranes.

Corn, which is often considered a vegetable, is actually a grain.

Table: vegetables of varying degrees of allergenicity

Photo gallery: vegetables that often cause allergies

Pumpkin with bright orange pulp Beet Carrot Swede Red and yellow peppers Eggplant Fresh radish Tomatoes and tomato paste

Fruits, berries and dried fruits

Sweet fruits and berries are a favorite treat for many children. Unfortunately, these are also the most common triggers of food allergies. Useful information:

  • as in the case of vegetables, the red color is a stop signal for parents, prohibiting the introduction of the product into the child’s diet;
  • compote of red fruits and berries also causes allergies;
  • “imported” fruits and berries are treated with chemicals that can cause allergies;
  • It is safest to eat fruits and berries when they are in season;
  • You should give preference to country products grown without the use of artificial fertilizers;
  • Dried fruits are in no way inferior in allergenicity to the fresh fruits from which they are made.

Let's look at a number of fruits in more detail.

  1. Bananas. Most often, the cause of allergies is not the product itself, but its chemical processing. Bananas are supplied to our country green. Upon arrival, they are treated with a chemical gas that speeds up ripening. Although it is applied to the peel, which is not eaten, the chemicals penetrate into the fruit itself.
  2. Persimmon. An allergic reaction to this product may develop in children due to the high content of tannin and carotenes in it. It most often manifests itself as urticaria.
  3. Tangerines and other citrus fruits. Redness and rashes on the cheeks of children are a symptom that many mothers face. Citrus fruits very often cause allergies. It can be congenital or appear completely unexpectedly.
  4. Apples. The cause of an allergy to apples is usually not their protein, but the coloring pigment contained in the peel and pulp.

    Allergies to green apples practically never occur.

  5. Grapes and raisins. This is a very strong allergen. The child’s immune system reacts to specific fungi and their spores located on the surface of the grapes (they are the ones involved in the fermentation process). If a child has a reaction to grapes, then eating raisins will most likely have similar consequences.

    The darker the grape variety, the greater the risk of allergic reactions to it.

  6. Pomegranate. The reaction to this fruit usually develops very quickly. But there are cases when allergies appear only after long-term use eat pomegranate or its juice.
  7. Pear. About one child in twenty is allergic to pears. However, if treatment is not carried out and the fruit is not excluded from the diet, this allergy can cause angioedema and cause the development of bronchial asthma.
  8. Kiwi. The child is usually introduced to it much later than other fruits, and this is justified. Allergies can even occur to the smell of kiwi. Therefore, you should be extremely careful.
  9. Apricots and dried apricots. Apricots, both fresh and dried, may well cause allergies. Its symptoms develop quickly, usually immediately after consumption, and are similar to pollen allergies.
  10. Melon. Children whose parents are allergic to melons are primarily at risk. If a child has problems with digestion or stool, the consumption of melon should also be limited.
  11. Pineapple. This tropical fruit It is not typical for our latitudes, so absolutely any baby can develop an allergy to it. In addition, very often pineapple is consumed in canned form. In this case, the cause of the allergy may be the preservatives that were used in production.

Table: fruits and berries of varying degrees of allergenicity

Photo gallery: the most allergenic fruits and berries

Red apples Citrus fruits: oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits, pomelo, lime Kiwi Pomegranate Fresh and dried grapes Raspberry Melon Red currant Strawberry Blackberry black currant Mango Pineapple

Symptoms: how food allergies manifest themselves

Allergies to vegetables and fruits in most cases manifest themselves with symptoms typical for this disease. In children this may be:

  • nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain;
  • difficulty breathing, bronchospasm;
  • nasal congestion, runny nose, cough;
  • conjunctivitis and swelling in the eye area;
  • redness skin, urticaria, itching, rash;
  • in severe cases - anaphylactic shock.

Similar symptoms occur when allergies to various types vegetables and fruits significantly complicates diagnosis. If a child has eaten several types of fruit, it is very difficult to determine which one caused a negative reaction. But some fruits and vegetables still have certain specifics. The reaction to them is atypical for food allergies:

  • An allergy to citrus fruits often manifests itself in the form of swelling of the ears and hearing impairment.
  • Carrots can change blood pressure if you are allergic to it.
  • Apples can cause the appearance of painful lumps and peeling of the skin.

In children under one year of age, allergies often manifest themselves in the form of intestinal colic, constipation and seborrhea (crusts on hairy skin heads). If the baby is breastfed, then the mother should carefully monitor her diet, because allergens from fruits and vegetables pass into breast milk.

Diagnostics: identification of allergen

It is quite easy to identify an allergy in a child, since the disease has a clear severe symptoms. Their manifestation does not take long to appear. Still, a visit to a specialist in this case is mandatory. Only an allergist can determine specific reason diseases and select the appropriate treatment regimen.

Diagnosis of food allergies includes:

  1. Parent survey. This is how the doctor identifies a family history of allergies, as well as the nature of the symptoms and features of the development of the allergic reaction. This allows you to determine the range of potential allergens with which the child has been in contact.
  2. Blood test. The main indicator here is immunoglobulin. In the presence of allergies, it is increased.
  3. Examination of the child. External inspection of the skin, mouth, and throat will allow the specialist to confirm or refute the assumption of the presence of the disease.
  4. Skin allergy tests. This test is only performed on children over 3 years of age. This is explained by the fact that the introduction of an allergen can give an unexpected reaction, that is, endanger the child’s health. This procedure is carried out as follows: a small scratch is made on an area of ​​skin using a scarifier, the allergen is applied to it and the reaction is waited for. Redness and swelling indicate that the patient is allergic to this substance.
  5. Allergy discs. It's modern and safe way carrying out diagnostics. The disk (carrier) contains immobilized allergens. Their quantity and composition can be changed as necessary. To identify the disease, blood taken from the child’s vein is applied to these allergy disks and the result is assessed in a special way. This test most accurately determines the presence of allergies to certain substances.
  6. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs. This study carried out within differential diagnosis in order to exclude other diseases.


It is impossible to get rid of a predisposition to allergies. The treatment regimen in most cases boils down to eliminating symptoms. The first stage of therapy is the complete exclusion of contact with the allergen product. One of the effective measures to quickly remove the allergen from the body is the use of an enema or ingestion of sorbents. This should be done immediately after detecting the first symptoms of a food allergy.

A mandatory component of treatment is a hypoallergenic diet.

Drug therapy

Complex treatment of allergies in children includes taking antihistamines and sorbents, as well as the use of cosmetic and hormonal external agents. Only a specialist can select the optimal therapy. When diagnosing, it takes into account age and individual characteristics child, correlates possible negative consequences with the benefits of using a particular drug.

Table: popular allergy medications for children, including infants up to one year old


Active ingredient

At what age is use allowed?


Side effects

Main contraindications


Tavegil (syrup)

Clemastine fumarate

  • Antiallergic,
  • antipruritic,
  • Fatigue,
  • anxiety,
  • increased excitability,
  • nausea,
  • pain and a feeling of constriction in the chest.
  • Diseases of the lower respiratory tract,
  • individual intolerance.

Suprastin (tablets)

Chloropyramine hydrochloride

Not prescribed for newborns and premature babies.


They occur rarely and disappear after stopping the use of the drug.

  • Dizziness,
  • drowsiness,
  • dry mouth,
  • vomit,
  • nausea,
  • diarrhea,
  • constipation,
  • decrease in blood pressure,
  • difficulty urinating,
  • muscle weakness.
  • Acute attack of bronchial asthma,

Fenistil (drops)

Dimetindene maleate

  • Antiallergic,
  • antipruritic,
  • reduces capillary permeability.
  • Nausea,
  • drowsiness,
  • headache,
  • dry mouth,
  • swelling,
  • skin rash,
  • muscle spasm.
  • Angle-closure glaucoma,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.

Cetrin (drops)

Cetirizine dihydrochloride

Antiallergic. Affects both early and late stage allergic reaction.

Usually well tolerated. Possible:

  • gastrointestinal disorders,
  • drowsiness,
  • weakness.

Preparations for external use

Desitin (ointment)

Zinc oxide

From the first days of life

  • Anti-inflammatory,
  • antipruritic,
  • drying,
  • protects the skin from irritating substances.

Not described

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug

Sulfargin (ointment)

Silver sulfadiazine

  • Antimicrobial,
  • bactericidal.

Rarely - pain and burning at the site of application.

  • Severe deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase,
  • hypersensitivity to sulfonamides.

Skin-Cap (cream)

Zinc pyrithione activated

Not specified

  • Anti-inflammatory,
  • antibacterial,
  • antifungal.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug

Elidel (cream)



Rarely - allergic reactions.

Advantan (cream and ointment)

Methylprednisolone aceponate

  • Anti-inflammatory,
  • antipruritic.

Very rarely - itching and burning of the skin, erythema, vesicular rash.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug


Activated carbon (tablets)

Activated carbon

No data available. Pediatricians allow the use of the drug for infants.

  • Detoxification,
  • adsorbent,
  • antidiarrheal.
  • Constipation,
  • diarrhea.
  • Ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract,
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.

Enterosgel (paste)

Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate

No restrictions

  • Detoxification,
  • adsorbent.
  • Nausea,
  • constipation,
  • skin itching,
  • hives.
  • Individual intolerance to the drug,
  • intestinal atony.

Photo gallery: allergy medications used in children

Enterosgel quickly and safely removes allergens from the body Elidel cream relieves skin inflammation Cetrin is one of the most popular antihistamines Fenistil drops have antiallergic and antipruritic effects The dosage of activated carbon is calculated based on the child’s weight Tavegil has antiallergic and antipruritic effects Suprastin tablets have a lot side effects
Sulfargin protects inflamed skin from infection
Skin-Cap has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal activity Desitin protects skin and relieves itching Advantan - safe hormonal drug for children over 4 months

Folk remedies

For manifestations of food allergies in children, traditional medicine recipes can also be used.

Ground eggshells. Even a slight deficiency of calcium in the body can intensify allergic reactions. Eggshells are rich in this element. They are produced biologically on its basis. active additives to food, for example, Calcid. Boil chicken egg, peel it, grind the shells in a blender or crush thoroughly in a mortar. The resulting powder should be taken half a teaspoon during meals. This remedy helps relieve allergy symptoms. Due to the natural origin of the resulting drug, it can be given to children older than 6 months.

Powder from eggshells helps relieve a child from symptoms of allergies to fruits and vegetables

If the child is older three years and he is not allergic to lemon, then it is worth adding 3-4 drops of lemon juice to the powder, so calcium will be absorbed much better.

Series. This medicinal plant has many useful properties. Among them is the ability to reduce skin manifestations allergic reactions in children. Take 2 tbsp. l. dry grass, pour 200 ml of boiling water over it. Leave for at least 30 minutes, preferably in a thermos. Strain the resulting infusion and use it to wipe the affected areas on the child’s skin 3-5 times a day. Such procedures will help get rid of itching, rashes and redness.

Infusion of succession - natural and safe remedy allergy treatment

An infusion of string (400 ml) can also be added to the bath when bathing the baby daily.

Rose hip. It normalizes digestion and has anti-inflammatory properties. Important property Rosehip is the ability to regulate the production of histamine, which is involved in allergic reactions. To prepare the infusion, take 100 g of rose hips, rinse them, pour 1 liter of boiling water into a thermos and leave for 12 hours. Give this to the child healthy drink half an hour before meals, 100 ml.

Rosehip infusion not only relieves allergy symptoms, but also improves immunity

Chamomile. Brew 4 tsp. dried chamomile flowers in 400 ml of boiling water. Leave for 30–60 minutes, then strain. With this infusion you can make lotions, rubdowns and baths. The antibacterial and soothing properties of chamomile will help relieve itching and inflammation.

Rubbing and bathing with chamomile infusion will help get rid of itching and irritation of the skin.

Do not forget that medicinal plants can also cause an allergic reaction; consult your doctor before use.


One of key points in the treatment and prevention of allergies is the complete exclusion of the allergen product from the diet. Most often, only one or a few products cause a nonspecific reaction in the body. Replacing them will not be difficult. Vitamins and microelements necessary for normal development child's body, can also be obtained from other fruits and vegetables to which the baby is not allergic.

In order to determine which product caused the allergy and should be removed from the diet, it is advisable to keep a food diary. By comparing the entries in it with the current condition of the child, it is possible to calculate after taking which product alarming symptoms occur.

It is worth considering that in some cases, symptoms may appear several hours after eating the allergen.

Replacement of products in the diet and individual diet correction is carried out by an allergist based on the results of analyzes and tests for sensitivity to various food allergens.

If a child is allergic to citrus fruits, then provide the body required quantity White cabbage and broccoli, black currants, rose hips, and bell peppers will help you get vitamin C.
If you are allergic to red and yellow vegetables and fruits, so that your child’s body receives enough beta-carotene and vitamin A, you should include more dishes with egg yolks, dairy products, liver (especially beef), fish, green leafy vegetables, legumes, and vegetable oils cold pressed.

Even if a product causes an allergy in your baby, this does not mean that you will have to give it up forever. By the age of 3 years, the immune system is strengthened and the allergy may go away; the baby will “outgrow” it. But there are a number of products, a nonspecific reaction to which persists throughout life.

For infants one of the main preventive measures becomes strict adherence rules for introducing complementary foods. For the first time, a new product is offered to the child in a small amount (half a teaspoon). You should not introduce several new vegetables or fruits at once. This will facilitate diagnosis and help you easily identify the allergen.

Reduces the risk of allergies in children and long-term breast-feeding. In this case, the mother must follow a hypoallergenic diet.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about food allergies in children

Allergies to certain berries, fruits and vegetables are very common in children. The cause of this problem may be either the child’s hereditary tendency to allergic reactions or many other factors, including violation of complementary feeding rules and the treatment of fruits during cultivation and storage with various chemicals. Completely cure food allergies This is rarely possible, but following a gentle diet, timely removal of allergens from the body and relief of symptoms can maintain the child’s condition at a normal level.