Black currant. Healing currants, beneficial properties and contraindications

Hello, my dear readers!

The currant bush got its name due to the intense aroma it produces.

The pronounced smell of black berries and leaves was called “currant” by the Slavs.

Our ancestors noted the valuable properties of the shrub, storing its fruits for cold and long winters.

But why is black currant useful, and what is its use? Let’s figure it out together.

From this article you will learn:

Brief botanical description of the berry

Botanists classify the plant as a member of the gooseberry family. Growing in favorable conditions, bushes of some varieties can reach two meters in height. The flowering phase occurs in late spring and early summer.

The fruits reach full maturity at the end of June-July, and in general it is customary to distinguish early, mid-ripening and late varieties.
The fruits of the bush are aromatic berries of a blue-black color.

To get it all beneficial properties, harvesting should be done immediately after ripening. After a few weeks the berry will lose most of its ascorbic acid while on a bush.

Chemical composition of currant leaves and berries

  • The leaves of the plant have a high concentration of magnesium, copper, lead, silver and ascorbic acid.
  • In addition, they contain phytoncides, which are extremely beneficial for health in the off-season, when the spread of viral infections reaches its peak.
  • The berries are rich in provitamin A, PP and B-group vitamins. They contain pectins, complex sugars, potassium salts, sugars, iron, phosphorus and tannins. This composition makes both the leaves and fruits of the bush healing.
  • Currant is one of the leaders in concentration.

The healing effect of black currant on the body

Currant berries are used as a therapeutic and prophylactic remedy in traditional and official medicine.

Plant raw materials are effective for humans in the prevention of these diseases:

  • Prevention of cancer pathologies. Active components black currants block the activity of free radicals, which reduces the likelihood of the formation of cancerous tumors.
  • Prevention of vascular and heart diseases.
  • The active components prevent memory loss and the development of sclerosis in the elderly.
  • Reducing the risk of developing diabetes, glaucoma, and age-related blindness.

The healing properties for the body are especially needed in the presence of the following ailments:

  1. stones located in gallbladder and kidneys;
  2. liver failure;
  3. respiratory system disorders;
  4. acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, including with elevated temperature;
  5. anemia;
  6. gastritis;
  7. hypertension;
  8. peptic ulcers of the intestines and stomach;
  9. dermatological diseases;
  10. metabolic disorders;
  11. weak immunity

Plant raw materials exhibit stable antioxidant properties, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, antitussive, laxative and diaphoretic activity. It is useful in restoring the body after serious illnesses, in the postoperative period.

Recipes for using black currant berries

Below are the most effective recipes, when using which it is important to take into account not only indications, but also contraindications.

  • With the development of nervous disorders

Fresh fruits of the bush are ground, and a sweet syrup is brewed from the resulting mass. For 2 kg of berries, take 4 kg of sugar. The drug is used for nervous overstrain three times a day, 20-30 ml. In addition, it will be useful for sore throat, whooping cough, stomatitis, and anemia. Consumption rates for all diseases are identical.

  • For all types of ARVI and influenza

Frozen or fresh berries, taken in an amount of 50 g, are brewed in a thermos with 500 ml of boiling water. The drink is infused for two hours, after which it is taken exclusively warm, as healing drink 200 ml three times a day.

  • For diseases of the gums and oral cavity

Rinse with a strong decoction of currant leaves. For preparation, 5-7 leaves are placed in 200 ml warm water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. The procedures are carried out twice a day.

  • For rheumatism and gout

Finely chopped leaves (30 g) are poured with 250 ml of boiling water and infused for three hours. The strained composition is taken 100 ml at least five times daily.

Juice from fresh berries take 30-40 ml twice a day. In addition, the squeeze is extremely useful for liver damage, metabolic disorders, inflammation internal organs.

  • For hypertension

A fruit drink is prepared using honey and ground fruits. The quantity of components is selected to taste.

Before use, the product is diluted mineral water without gas 1:1 and consumed in doses, in small portions.

  • To preserve youthful skin

The ground berries are applied as a mask to the face for 30 minutes, after which they are removed using a sponge and warm water.

What are the benefits of black currant - video

Harvesting blackcurrant leaves and berries for the winter

The maximum amount of nutrients can be preserved by freezing fresh berries in the freezer. In winter, they can be consumed ground with sugar.

The leaves can also be frozen or dried and subsequently added to teas and warm herbal decoctions and infusions.

Is blackcurrant jam healthy?

Alas, vitamins are not preserved at all when cooking berries. Read more. It’s better to freeze the berries and you can use them to prepare fruit drinks and compound berry drinks.

To get all the benefits from the leaves, it is enough to use them when salting and pickling fruits and vegetables.

Contraindications to the use of black currant berries

The only clear and categorical contraindication to consuming blackcurrant fruits is a persistent allergic response.

However, caution and prior medical consultation are indicated for people with chronic gastritis, cholecystitis and peptic ulcer in the acute stage.

Excessive consumption of berries can cause negative consequences.

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Dear readers, the berry season is in full swing. As usual, in the summer we try to “vitaminize” as much as possible, stock up on useful substances for future seasons and enjoy the gifts of nature to the fullest. And if autumn is usually considered the “vegetable” season, then the summer months can rightfully be called “berry.” We have already talked to you about the benefits of strawberries in the article and found out that this delicious berry in addition to “tasty”, it carries a whole range of all kinds of “usefulness”. Today we’ll talk about the beneficial properties of black currant. Now it is in full swing, so you can enjoy and improve your health without delay.

Like most of our other seasonal berries, black currants are familiar to us from childhood. I think we all remember that fragrant bowl of small dark berries and grandma’s recommendation to “get your fill while you can.” Indeed, currants are a fairly common berry in our country, growing in many people’s gardens and vegetable gardens.

I also remembered how together the whole family collected it, sitting under a bush on a stool with a bucket for the harvest. And all those grandmother’s instructions that eating currants are very healthy - they are absolutely accurate and truthful. And now we love collecting just as much. And picking berries, and talking over everything - everything makes me happy.

Our ancestors knew about currants as a healthy berry. And today we use it not only in culinary, but also in medical purposes. Let's find out why black currant is so useful and why its use in season and not only is so important for our health. By the way, not only the berries of currants are useful, but also the leaves. But first things first.

Black currant. Compound. Calorie content

The word “storehouse” best describes the composition of black currants. It is the leader in “healthiness” among other berries. By the way, this fact is recognized even by doctors and scientists. So, currants have no competitors in terms of composition. What is the berry rich in? It contains:

  • Vitamins – A, B1, B2, B6, B9, P, K, C, E, D
  • Microelements – iron, copper, potassium, manganese, phosphorus and others
  • Acids – ascorbic, malic, oxalic, phosphoric, citric
  • Essential oils
  • Tannins
  • Phytoncides

As for the chemical composition, 100 g of black currant contains 1 g of protein, 0.4 g of fat, 7.3 g of carbohydrates.

Calorie content of 100 g of berries is 63 kcal.

Black currant. Useful properties

  1. Increases immunity, strengthens the body, fights colds thanks to the phytoncides it contains and its composition rich in vitamin C. By the way, only rose hips contain more of this vitamin C. In order to replenish the daily requirement of vitamin C, it is enough to eat about 20 currants every day.
  2. Black currant contains antioxidants. In terms of their content, it ranks fourth after lingonberries, blackberries and cranberries.
  3. Blackcurrant is rich in microelements such as potassium, manganese, calcium, magnesium. And we need microelements for cellular metabolism.
  4. Blackcurrant contains anthocyanins - substances that protect us from various damages.
  5. Disinfects, relieves inflammation, which also helps in the treatment of seasonal colds. In addition, doctors advise those who have recently undergone surgery or are recovering from a long or serious illness to consume currants.
  6. Helps in the prevention of cancer. This quality is recognized, among other things, by doctors who strongly recommend consuming this berry in all possible variations.
  7. Reduces the risk of developing diabetes, so black currant fruits should definitely be present on the menu for diabetics and not only.
  8. 8. Good for blood. Thanks to the consumption of currants, a person is less likely to develop cardiovascular diseases, the cardiovascular system itself is strengthened, blood pressure returns to normal, it becomes better composition blood. We all know that currants are usually recommended to be consumed to improve immunity.
  9. It is also useful for those who have vision problems, problems with the liver and kidneys.
  10. Positively affects the functioning of the digestive tract.
  11. Reduces rate of attenuation mental abilities in people old age. And it is even used as a preventive measure for diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.
  12. Black currant has a very beneficial effect on the condition of our skin. It helps fight wrinkles.

Black currant leaves. Useful properties

But it turns out that not only the berries, but also the leaves are useful for currants. Moreover, to some extent, the leaves are even healthier. For example, they contain more vitamin C than berries. Due to this, they are used as a tonic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Blackcurrant leaves have a bactericidal effect.

A decoction of currant leaves is used as a remedy to combat anemia, and tea from currant leaves will greatly help in the fall to cope with colds, and in the spring - to replenish the supply of vitamins. For this reason, currant pouring is often used to make medical fees. But that's not all.

Blackcurrant leaves, or rather decoctions and infusions from them, are used not only internally, but also externally. Baths with a decoction usually treat skin diseases, fight diathesis, rashes, irritation and prickly heat. Usually for such purposes we use a decoction of the string, but, as it turns out, currant leaves are no less effective for external use. Although not everyone knows about this property. But as you can see, the beneficial properties of black currant leaves can and should be used, at a minimum, to strengthen our body. Affordable, simple and inexpensive, but very effective.

Interestingly, blackcurrant leaves are also used in cooking. Berries are undoubtedly used in all kinds of baked goods, jams, jams, fruit drinks, and so on. But what about the leaves? But housewives use them for canning - for pickling and pickling vegetables.

For preservation they take only fresh leaves, but dried raw materials can also be used for decoctions or tea. But it’s better to harvest young leaves, they contain the most vitamins and nutrients.

How to choose blackcurrant?

If you buy black currants on the market, then pay attention that the berries are ripe, whole, not crushed, without any foreign inclusions, the smell should be aromatic, and in no case musty.

If you buy frozen blackcurrants in a store, make sure there are no sticky pieces inside the package. If they are present, it means that the currants have been thawed and re-frozen. The berry must match the berry, as they say.

If you buy dried currants, which are also very healthy, choose the same. Berry to berry, without foreign impurities, pay attention to it appearance and aroma.

How to store blackcurrants? What is the best way to eat it?

It is best to eat plenty of black currants at fresh. You can also freeze it, we’ll talk about this a little later, and dry it. All jams and compotes no longer retain their beneficial properties. But, of course, without at least “5 minutes” of our beloved, we cannot imagine our tea party.

Fresh blackcurrants (washed and dried) can be stored in a sealed jar in the refrigerator.

How to dry blackcurrants?

You can also dry blackcurrants. Wash the berries, let them dry, spread them in one layer on a baking sheet and dry in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees. This is necessary in order to fully preserve vitamin C. The optimal temperature for drying berries: 45-50 degrees with intensive air supply.

Frozen black currants. Useful properties

We always try not only to enjoy this or that product during the season, but also to prepare it for future use. Previously, berries, including currants, were mainly used to make jam or preserve compotes. Sometimes the berries were dried, but this is extremely rare. But with development technical progress and with the advent of large freezers in our kitchens, housewives now also freeze this berry. It is worth noting that currants do not lose their qualities either in jam or frozen. So black currant berries retain their beneficial properties even when frozen.

How to freeze blackcurrants?

To prepare blackcurrants in this way, you need to sort, peel and wash the berries, and let them dry well in an open space. It is better to spread it on a cloth in one layer and stir a little from time to time, turning it over. If the day is sunny, it will dry quite quickly.

The dried berries need to be carefully (since they wrinkle quite easily) onto a small baking sheet, plate or something else so that they fit in one layer and put in the freezer. Then pack the frozen berries into bags or containers for freezing. Today, special trays and bags are sold that are specifically designed to store vegetables and fruits in the freezer.

Well, then in the fall and winter, use the berries for your pleasure and for your benefit - in compotes, baked goods, fruit drinks, add to desserts and cereals, and in general - as you want. Right now I'm in the process of freezing blackcurrants. It is best to freeze in small portions so that you never defrost and refreeze.

Black currant. Application for health.

  1. Black currant leaf tea . Take a tablespoon of dry leaves or two tablespoons of fresh crushed leaves, mix with a teaspoon (less if you don’t like it strong) of traditional black or green tea without artificial flavors or additives. Pour this entire mixture with a liter of boiling water and let it brew for twenty minutes. Afterwards we enjoy the fragrant, and most importantly - healthy drink. A liter of the resulting tea is just enough for the day. Here it is delicious strengthening immunity.
  2. Infusion of black currant berries . You will need one tablespoon of black currant berries and one glass of boiling water. Pour in the berries and cover the container, leaving it for a couple of hours. Then we filter and take half a glass twice a day. Helps with colds, coughs, and is also used as a diaphoretic and antipyretic.
  3. Blackcurrant juice with honey . Another recipe for treating cough is to mix blackcurrant juice and honey in a 3:1 ratio. Take a tablespoon three times a day.
  4. Blackcurrant juice to relieve sore throat, for gargling . And if you are tired of a sore throat or just have a sore throat, use diluted currant juice as a gargle.
  5. For hypertension Mix blackcurrant berries and sugar (or better yet, honey if you are not allergic) in a 2:1 ratio. It is better to rub the berries through a sieve - this way the resulting product will become a homogeneous consistency.
  6. For pyelonephritis, cystitis and urolithiasis An infusion of blackcurrant leaves will help. Pour six tablespoons of chopped currant leaves into a liter of boiling water and let it brew for an hour in a warm place. Strain and drink a glass five times a day.

For anyone who still has questions, I suggest watching the video Blackcurrant. Useful properties.

Black currant. Contraindications for use.

Despite the fact that the berry is healthy, it is undoubtedly worth observing some caution when consuming it. So, under no circumstances should you eat currants if you have thrombophlebitis. It is also forbidden to consume currants uncontrollably and for an excessively long time in large portions - this can lead to increased blood clotting. As they say, “everything is good in moderation.” And there should be common sense even in the desire to improve your health.

Blackcurrant and its products should be used with caution when increased acidity stomach, worsening ulcer or inflammation duodenum. Fresh berries are good for the liver, however, if you have hepatitis, eating black currants is prohibited.

Pregnant women should not get carried away with currants. A few berries, if you really want them - yes, but uncontrolled consumption - definitely no. Check with your doctor.

Care must also be taken when introducing currants into children's menu. The berry can cause allergies, so give it to your children little by little, literally a few berries at a time to begin with, and watch the reaction.

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Incomparable taste qualities black currants are combined with beneficial medicinal properties and rich chemical composition. If you want to learn more about black currants and add them to your treasure chest healthy recipes a couple more, read this article and the medical college website ( will try to tell you about this wonderful plant.

Composition of black currant

Black currants contain a record amount of vitamin C, quite a lot of B vitamins, vitamin P (essential for blood vessels), vitamin K, as well as vitamin A, which is beneficial for vision. In addition, black currant berries contain fruit sugars and pectins, which remove from our body all accumulated harmful substances. Black currants also contain microelements such as iron, potassium and phosphorus. But not only currant berries contain useful substances. Blackcurrant leaves contain a storehouse of magnesium, silver, sulfur, copper and phytoncides that protect us from harmful microbes. The leaves also contain vitamin C, but less of it than the berries. The leaves also contain quite a lot of essential oil. Blackcurrant buds are also very useful. They contain tannins, many fruit acids, succinic acid, flavonoids, amino acids and trace elements.

The benefits of black currant for various diseases. Recipes

If you consume only twenty black currants per day, then your body receives enough vitamin C. Black currant is a panacea for preventing many heart and vascular diseases. If you have an old grandmother or grandfather, be sure to let them eat blackcurrants. Scientists have proven that the substances contained in black currants help maintain mental clarity for a long time. If you have diabetics among your relatives and you are also at risk of this serious illness, eat black currants. It will help you avoid this terrible disease like diabetes.

There are studies proving the effectiveness of blackcurrant in preventing cancer. Blackcurrant is also good for the eyes.
Various preparations from black currant are used to remove stones from the kidneys and bladder.

If you suffer from gout, you need to do the following remedy: pour one tablespoon of finely chopped black currant leaves with 250 milliliters of boiling water. It's better to do this in a thermos. After a couple of hours, you should pass the infusion through a sieve and drink 125 milliliters four to five times a day.

If you suffer from hypertension or atherosclerosis, mash blackcurrant berries with sugar. For a kilogram of berries, take two kilograms of sugar. This tasty medicine should be taken one tablespoon in the morning at lunch and in the evening, first diluted with water.

Black currant is remarkably helpful against coughs and other manifestations of colds, acute respiratory and viral diseases. Take one tablespoon of black currant fruit, pour into a thermos and brew with 250 milliliters of boiling water. After two hours, you can take the medicine 250 milliliters in the morning, lunch and evening. The phytoncides contained in currants will destroy harmful pathogenic microbes, and vitamin C will help support

Almost every dacha can grow blackcurrant bushes. Various jams, teas, compotes, mousses, wines, jelly, and sauces are prepared from the fruits of this wonderful plant. All this has beneficial properties for the body, pleasant aroma and unusual taste. But this is not the only advantage of the berries. Due to their valuable composition, they are actively used in folk medicine. How exactly blackcurrant is used, its benefits and harms, as well as some cooking options - we will consider further.

Details about the composition of the plant

Blackcurrant is famous for its valuable composition. The fruits of the plant contain the following beneficial substances:

  • vitamin C in huge quantities;
  • vitamins B, P, K, E;
  • essential oils, carotene;
  • tannins, salts P, K, Fe;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • phosphoric acid.

Important! To provide the body with the necessary daily norm Ascorbic acid requires consuming 20 berries every day. This is due high content vitamin C in the plant.

The benefits of the leaves of the plant are also considerable. They contain the following beneficial substances:

  • vitamin C;
  • phytoncides;
  • essential oils;
  • Pb, S, Ag, Cu, Mn, Mg.

The advantage of black currant berries over any other berry is their high vitamin content, useful minerals and other substances necessary for the human body.

Medicinal properties of the plant

First of all, it is worth mentioning the benefits of currants for children. It has long been proven that in weakened, anemic children, after including berries in their diet, things improve at a rapid rate.

Not only berries, but also other parts of the bush have beneficial properties. The benefits of tea made from leaves and branches are used in the treatment of anemia and various diseases respiratory tract. In addition, black currant leaves have a tonic effect on the body and strengthen it as a whole.

It is worth noting such a quality of the plant as the ability to enhance the effect of antibiotics taken. Especially when it comes to colds and viruses respiratory infections, in which both currant teas and fresh berries will benefit.

With regular consumption of fresh fruits of the plant, the work normalizes gastrointestinal tract. As preventive measures, they are used for blood vessels and their strengthening, as well as for diabetes.

Pay attention! It has been proven by many studies that the benefits for human health in old age are also invaluable. It has a strengthening effect on memory and the entire body as a whole.

Insomnia, headache and others neurological problems- this is a reason to prepare a decoction or infusion based on black currants.

The special effect of black currant on human vision has long been known. This is due to the high content of vitamin A in the product. The benefit for the eyes is to protect against retinal damage, which can lead to complete loss vision.

Important! During the harvesting process, currants do not lose their beneficial properties. Even if it is jam or frozen currants, all useful components are retained in the product.

Benefits for women and men

The product is used as in treatment women's diseases, and men's. Especially when it comes to increased amount insulin in the blood.

Let's take a closer look at the health benefits for women:

  1. For treatment painful symptoms premenstrual cycle, menopause, menstruation.
  2. During menopause, it has a beneficial effect on the body, due to the removal of toxins, waste and cholesterol from the body, and increases blood circulation.
  3. During pregnancy, inclusion in daily diet black berries, which will not only help cope with some diseases without medical supplies, but will also significantly increase immunity.
  4. The berry is also very effective for weight loss. Not only are their caloric content low (only 44 kcal), but also, thanks to their diuretic effect, they help get rid of congestion. excess liquid in the body.

Beauty plays an important role for the fair sex, therefore black currant is actively used in cosmetology, and deserves the most close attention. Berries bring not only benefits for internal use, but also externally. They will help get rid of hated freckles, acne marks, as well as age spots. The beauty and shine of your hair can be achieved by rinsing it with an infusion from the leaves of the bush.

Important! Blackcurrant can also be beneficial for men's health. It not only seriously increases potency, but also helps maintain sexual activity for a long time.

How to use it correctly

The most common preparation option healthy berries is jam. As mentioned earlier, the benefits of jam will not differ much from the benefits of fresh berries, since all components are retained in the product, regardless of processing. A simpler method of preparation is currants with sugar, which can be prepared both without cooking and with it.

It is generally accepted that greatest benefit brings blackcurrant juice, which undergoes a slight heat treatment. There are many recipes for its preparation that are not too complicated and any housewife can handle them.

Important to know! When preparing preparations (fruit juice, jam or compote), you should not use kitchen utensils made of metal, since vitamin C can be destroyed upon contact with them.

Blackcurrant wine has long been known, the preparation technology of which requires a lot of effort. But the result is worth the effort, since the aroma and taste of the drink is difficult to compare with anything. The benefits of wine manifest themselves in increased vitality, and therefore the drink is often called a “natural energy drink.”

Most simple blank berries are dried currants. It is used for preparing tinctures, decoctions and compotes. The benefits of such drinks are not very different from fresh juices.

Contraindications for use

Before using blackcurrant in any form, you should remember the contraindications.

It is prohibited to consume berries for the following diseases:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • peptic ulcers;
  • increased stomach acidity.

It is also worth noting that the essential oils present in the product can provoke allergic reactions.

Black currant is rightfully considered the most sought after and popular berry. summer season. It is cultivated everywhere due to its ease of care and other aspects. For example, the beneficial properties of currants. It is dominated by ascorbic acid, the volume of which exceeds that of vitamin C in citrus fruits. But if consumed incorrectly, the berry will not seem so harmless. Therefore, it is worth considering its value and potential harm.

Composition and properties of black currant

Fruits of this variety are considered unique for the reason that valuable substances in their composition are grouped as efficiently as possible. That is, the action of one element is reinforced by the influence of another. From here a person gets berries that are useful for daily consumption.

The berries contain a lot of vitamin C, which we mentioned earlier. Ascorbic acid is required to maintain immune function and increase resistance infectious diseases and fungus. Currants contain more ascorbic acid than cherries, apples, citrus fruits, and rose hips. Only 0.1 kg. fruit contains 5 daily norms in vitamin C.

Currants are an antioxidant berry natural type. The thing is that it contains a lot of vitamin E, otherwise known as tocopherol. There is more of this compound in the fruit than in chokeberry.

It is also worth highlighting the group of vitamins B. They are required by the central nervous system a person to stabilize the psyche and combat emotional discomfort.

Vitamin P is isolated, which accumulates in a handful of currants in the amount of three daily norms. This vitamin is important for integrity blood channels, cleansing them of cholesterol, preventing cardiovascular diseases and improving hematopoietic processes.

When combined with vitamin P, vitamin C has positive influence on the health of people with hypertension. Thanks to normalization blood pressure is improving general condition person.

The presented berry is considered a record holder for the accumulation of mineral elements. It contains iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, copper. Moreover, in terms of the amount of potassium, currants are superior to gooseberries and chokeberries.

A plus to all of the above can be considered the content of pectin, tannins, dietary fiber, phytoncides, ash, water in large quantities. The fruit contains valuable acids organic type, such as apple, wine, salicylic, lemon and others.

Anthocyanins give the fruits an interesting color; they are famous for their bactericidal and regenerating properties. Currants are not deprived of phenolic compounds, essential oils. Taken together, all of these substances have the best possible effect on human immunity.

The benefits of black currant

  1. The berry is often included in basic nutrition citizens who have a penchant for education pathological diseases hearts and circulatory system. Currants are also indicated for use if there is a risk of developing Alzheimer’s and manifestations of oncology.
  2. Proven healing power fruits for the health of people who are sick diabetes mellitus. Currants are among the sour berries; their main task is to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood.
  3. The presented raw materials have a good effect on the eyes, improving the quality of vision. Currants are consumed to prevent glaucoma, cataracts, and other problems of this kind. The berry is valuable for older people because it prevents the development of senile dementia.
  4. Let us once again highlight the benefits of raw materials for the circulatory system. Special substances from the berry cleanse the blood channels from the accumulation of cholesterol plaques. Therefore, it is carried out effective treatment progressive atherosclerosis and its prevention.
  5. Juices and various decoctions with the use of the presented product they help get rid of mucus in the respiratory tract. Currants reduce dependence on nicotine, drugs and alcohol. Therefore, it is included in the menu when fighting addictions.
  6. It contains a lot of ascorbic acid, which is also a stimulant. immune system and antioxidant. Vitamin C prevents the penetration and development of bacteria, increases protective functions. Currant juice has gained recognition in the treatment of purulent sore throat.
  7. The regenerating properties encourage people to use currants, or rather compresses and lotions based on it, to treat dermatological diseases. For any skin problems, apply gauze soaked in juice or a paste made from fresh raw materials.
  8. Decoctions are prepared using fresh fruits and alcohol tinctures, which are subsequently taken for treatment iron deficiency anemia(anemia), peptic ulcer, gastritis, problems with the oral cavity. At severe cough take grated berries with honey.
  9. Black currant, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, whitens the skin. Its use affects the fight against excess pigmentation, freckles, and purple spots left over from acne. The fruits make the skin smooth and also restore natural beauty to the face.
  10. It contains a lot of iron, which is required by women during menopause and girls during menstruation. This mineral increases hemoglobin, removes outbursts of anger and general depression. Currants also cleanse the esophagus of stale substances and toxic compounds.

Currants for children

  1. Many modern mothers make the mistake of excluding all allergy-causing foods from their child’s diet. Of course, currants can cause a negative reaction, but if you adhere to the norm, the baby’s health will only improve.
  2. Children should be given the berry in the form of juice, diluted with water in an equal ratio. This drink will raise hemoglobin levels, which is extremely important for young patients with anemia.
  3. The berry also enhances brain activity, therefore it will benefit schoolchildren and preschoolers. When your baby learns to chew food, you can offer him whole fruits.
  4. The presented product contains a lot of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is important for a child’s immunity and increasing resistance to seasonal colds. This substance prevents rickets and increases food cravings.

Currants for the elderly

  1. Again, the berry should be considered from the point of view of the substances present in the composition. For people old age The fruits will be an excellent source of vitamin C and minerals.
  2. It was previously mentioned that raw materials are consumed to increase the tone of blood vessels and the heart muscle. Currants improve brain activity by stimulating neurons. It prevents the development of dementia.
  3. For older people, it is extremely important that the digestive system works smoothly. Currants can provide this. It improves intestinal motor functions and stabilizes its microflora.
  4. A water-based infusion normalizes arterial and intracranial pressure. This is important for hypertensive patients and those who suffer from constant headaches.
  5. Experts recommend their patients with diabetes to eat this berry to reduce glucose levels in the bloodstream. Currant decoctions remove excess urea and salts from the body.
  6. To free the tissues of internal organs from lead, mercury, tin and radionuclides, drink a decoction prepared from dried raw materials. It binds and deactivates poisons.

Benefits of currant seed oil

  1. Often such a product is taken orally to regulate the level bad cholesterol in the blood. Systematic consumption of oil has a positive effect on liver activity. The oil also helps the fairer sex experience menopause more easily. The body's protective functions are significantly increased.
  2. The active components of the presented raw materials exhibit positive impact on cellular level. As a result, the body better resists the formation of cancer pathologies, the development of arthritis and premature aging. Oil fights viral bacteria, inflammatory processes in tissues and organs, hormonal imbalances.
  3. If you regularly use the composition as an external remedy, you can get rid of many common ailments. The active components stimulate the synthesis of cell regeneration well. The normal activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands is restored. Redness of allergic origin disappears.
  4. In addition, regular use of oil restores the water balance in the epidermal tissues. The protective barrier is increased skin and its elasticity. Cells begin to renew themselves more often. As a result, natural rejuvenation occurs. If you decide to take the oil internally, consult your doctor in advance.
  5. The use of oil in the cosmetology industry can increase skin elasticity and provide proper nutrition to tissues. The raw material is also valued in medicine. With its help you can cure skin pathologies, arthritis, ailments oncological nature, as well as restore hormonal levels.

Benefits of currant leaves

  1. You should not assume that there is no benefit in such raw materials. The leaves of the plant contain ascorbic acid in high concentrations. There is more vitamin C than in ripe fruits. The leaves are actively used in alternative medicine thanks to its tonic, antiseptic and disinfectant effect.
  2. Also various means based on such a product they have excellent cleansing, diuretic and antirheumatic properties. To do this, it is enough to regularly take a decoction based on the leaves. The drink is also actively used to combat diathesis, gastritis, dermatitis, gout and cardiovascular pathologies.
  3. Experts confirm the positive impact of raw materials on human body. The decoction improves the condition of the circulatory system and blood vessels. The drink counts an excellent remedy in the fight against anemia and atherosclerosis. Regular intake of the composition will help avoid infectious and colds.
  4. Keep in mind that the leaves of the presented plant can be harmful only if you have high stomach acidity or individual intolerance. You can also improve your health by regularly drinking currant tea. It is recommended to consult a doctor in advance.

Contraindications for black currant

  1. Present in currants high concentration phenolic compounds and vitamin K. Taken together, such enzymes negatively affect health if thrombophlebitis is diagnosed. It is also worth knowing the norm; if the fruits are abused, blood clotting increases significantly.
  2. As mentioned earlier, the product is contraindicated in case of increased stomach acidity. It is prohibited to include raw materials in the diet if you have ulcers and gastritis. Freshly squeezed currant juice is harmful for liver-related pathologies. The drink is contraindicated for hepatitis.
  3. It is prohibited to include juice in the diet after a heart attack or stroke. In this case, the risk of developing thrombosis increases significantly. Undiluted fresh causes allergic reaction in children, be careful.
  4. Give your child diluted juice in moderation. Natural composition will significantly increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Keep in mind that when it comes to pregnancy, experts do not recommend taking fruits during a crucial period.

Currants can be called the most valuable berry with mass useful qualities. It helps eliminate serious pathological processes, as well as normalize activities cardiovascular system. The composition contains a lot of ascorbic acid, which stimulates and improves immunity. But everything has prohibitions, so consider the contraindications.

Video: which currant is healthier - black, red or white?