"Tamiflu": instructions for use, reviews. "Tamiflu": analogues are cheaper and better. Release form, price, composition, storage. Domestic substitutes for children

During the cold season, acute viral infections affect children and adults, often reaching epidemic proportions. One of dangerous diseases highly contagious is influenza, which has a pronounced and acute symptoms, often provokes complications.

Antiviral drugs are used to treat it. The representative of this group is Tamiflu, which has clinically proven effectiveness according to WHO and has high activity against influenza strains type A and B.

Reviews about the drug are positive; patients experience relief within the first day. Moreover, doctors note that taking it significantly reduces the risk of complications that can occur against the background of influenza or ARVI.

However, Tamiflu is not an antibiotic, so it is not prescribed for bacterial infections, but only in acute viral diseases.

The medicine is a product of the Swiss pharmaceutical company F.Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd and belongs to expensive medicines- its price is more than 1200 rubles per package.

Due to this disadvantage, patients try to replace Tamiflu with cheaper ones, but no less effective analogues. Before we look at them, you need to familiarize yourself with the drug itself, its properties, indications and contraindications.

The active component of Tamiflu is oseltamivir phosphate, as well as excipients.

On the pharmacological market, the drug is provided in two forms - capsules for oral administration and powder for preparing a suspension.

One capsule of the drug contains 75 mg of the active ingredient. Externally, the capsules have a light yellow body with the inscription trading company"Roche". The package contains 1 blister with 10 capsules.

The powder for preparing the suspension is provided in the form of granules with a light yellow fruity odor. Before use, the powder is diluted with water to form an opaque suspension.

The medicine is available in 30 g bottles; the cardboard packaging also contains a measuring spoon or cup for convenient dosing of the medicine.

The drug in powder form is used in pediatrics, capsules - for adults.

Pharmacological action

Tamiflu antiviral drug direct action, recognized as one of the most effective means for the prevention and treatment of influenza caused by strains A and B. Its use allows for a pronounced antiviral effect, slows down the growth and replication of pathogenic microorganisms.

Tamiflu can be used by adults and children. According to clinical trials, it is known that taking the medicine in 92% of cases allows you to avoid illness during an epidemic or reduce the intensity of symptoms, and minimize complications.

After taking the drug, the active substances are absorbed in the intestines. In blood plasma, the concentration is observed after 30 minutes, but the peak is observed after 2-3 hours.

Unlike analogue medications that can be used for various viral diseases, Tamiflu is recommended to be taken only for therapeutic or for preventive purposes during an influenza epidemic.

Indications for use and dosage

Tamiflu, as well as some of its analogues, are recommended to be taken during epidemics and increased incidence of viral infections.

The instructions for use say that the effect of taking the drug can be obtained for the following diseases and conditions:

  • treatment and prevention of influenza A and B;
  • acute viral infection;
  • complications after past illness(in complex therapy).

Tamiflu can be used for adults and children over 1 year of age. Before taking the medicine, it is important to study the instructions and consult with your doctor.

For adults and children over 12 years of age, the drug is prescribed in the form of capsules, 1 piece (75 mg) twice a day.

Children weighing less than 15 kg are prescribed a 30 mg suspension. The dose is calculated by the doctor individually and depends on body weight and characteristics of the body. The duration of taking the antiviral agent is 5 days.

Contraindications and side effects

The medicine is not prescribed to patients with the following diseases and conditions:

  • intolerance to the composition of the drug;
  • severe renal failure;
  • children under 1 year.

The medicine is prescribed with extreme caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Tamiflu is well tolerated, but in some cases the following side effects may occur after taking it:

  • pain, discomfort in the epigastric region (solar plexus area);
  • nausea, urge to vomit;
  • dizziness, migraine;
  • muscle pain;
  • violations menstrual cycle in women;
  • allergic reactions.

The development of the above symptoms is a reason to discontinue the drug. If a person shows signs side effects, you need to consult a doctor who can adjust the dose or prescribe another medicine.

Analogues are cheaper than Tamiflu for adults

All analogues are divided into two categories - drugs that are synonymous in composition (generics, structural analogues) and substitutes with a similar therapeutic effect.

The drug Tamiflu has only one structural analogue - “Nomides”, it is produced in Russia in capsules at a price of 75 mg No. 10 – 635 rubles, 45 mg No. 10 – 360 rubles and 30 mg No. 10 – 275 rubles, which is two times cheaper than the original.

However, there is no suspension form, so it is prescribed only from 12 years of age. Otherwise the drugs are the same.

Cheaper analogues of Tamiflu with another active ingredient include: the following drugs, which have proven clinical effectiveness:

  • Relenza is an antiviral drug based on zanamivir, in the form of an inhaler. Used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in viral infections and influenza strains A,B, including avian (H5N1) and H1N1/09. The cost of the medicine is about 1,100 rubles per package and can be taken from 5 years of age.
  • "Rimantadine" is an inexpensive Belarusian analogue cheaper than Tamiflu based on amantadine, with clinically proven effectiveness. Available in tablet form. Active against the influenza A virus, used both during epidemics and for prevention. Prescribed from the age of 7, the cost varies from 80 to 180 rubles. per pack of 20 tablets. An identical drug is “Mediatan” from 66 rubles. for 50 tablets.

Inexpensive analogs with similar therapeutic effects, but their effectiveness has not been proven by WHO:

  • "Ingavirin" - tablets used for ARVI, influenza, are available in different doses, used for adults and children after 6 years. The price of the drug for 7 capsules is about 350 rubles, which is 3 times lower than Tamiflu.
  • "Arbidol" is a common domestically produced antiviral drug. Available in two doses - for adults and children. More often used in the treatment of ARVI. The price for 10 capsules is about 250 rubles.
  • "Kagocel" (12 mg) is a domestically produced medicine, used in the first days of illness or as a prophylactic agent. Price for 12 tablets – 280 rubles.

Substitutes for children

Drugs with antiviral activity are especially popular in pediatrics. Taking them allows you not only to reduce the risk of infection, but also to reduce the intensity of clinical signs illness and prevent complications.

Most antiviral drugs Particularly effective in the first days of the disease. On the 4th day their effect tends to zero. In practice, the following medications are most often used for children:

  • "Grippferon" is a drug in the form of drops or spray. Contains alpha-2b interferon. It has pronounced antiviral activity and also a moderate anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect. Can be used from birth. The price is about 270 rubles.
  • "Orvirem" is a drug that contains remantadine. For children it is available in the form of sweet syrup. Prescribed after 1 year for therapeutic and preventive purposes. The cost of syrup is 320 rubles.
  • "Arbidol" is an effective and widespread remedy in pediatrics for the treatment of viral infections. Contains umifenovir. Children are prescribed the drug in capsules (from 3 years old) and syrup (from 1 year old). The price is about 280 rubles.
  • "Anaferon" - homeopathic medicine with anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect. Taking the medicine helps increase immunity and suppress the growth and reproduction of viruses. Can be used for children from the 1st month of life. The price of the medicine does not exceed 350 rubles.
  • "Amiksin" is an antiviral agent, the active component of which is "tilorone". The drug stimulates the synthesis of interferons and immunoglobulins, inhibits viral activity in the body's cells. It can be given to children from 6 years of age. Cost - 450 rubles.
  • "Viferon" - rectal suppositories, which are used for children from birth. The list of indications is quite extensive, including not only common ARVI, but also herpes infections, viral pneumonia, candidiasis and other pathologies. The price of the medicine is 350 rubles.

Ingavirin or Tamiflu

Ingavirin is a Russian analogue of Tamiflu, which has a more affordable price. The drug contains the active ingredient - vitaglutam or imidazolylethanamide of pentanedioic acid, as well as excipients.

Ingavirin has not only antiviral, but also anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects.

The drug suppresses the aggressiveness of viruses, relieves inflammation, eliminates toxins, and improves immunity.

The disadvantage of Ingavirin is that the drug is rarely used in pediatrics, and can be prescribed from 18 years of age at a dose of 90 mg and from 7 years of age - 60 mg. The advantage of the medicine is its low cost, and his inexpensive substitutes You will find it in .

Tamiflu or Amiksin

Common antiviral drugs include Amiksin, which is a synthetic interferon inducer.

The drug has the ability to stimulate the synthesis of interferons and is effective against viral infections, including influenza and ARVI.

Its basis is Amixin, which has the ability to provide immunomodulatory and antiviral effects.

Unlike Tamiflu, Amiksin can only be used from 7 years of age. The list of indications for the analogue is wider: it is used not only for influenza, but also for other infections - herpes, cytomegalovirus, hepatitis and other pathologies of viral origin.

Compared to Tamiflu, Amiksin has less toxic effect and is less likely to cause side effects. Scroll inexpensive drugs, which can be used to replace Amiksin.

Tamiflu or Relenza - which is better?

The most similar substitute for Tamiflu (after Nomides) is the antiviral drug Relenza, which is also used for influenza, but is very rarely used for other viral infections.

Both drugs have different composition, but a similar mechanism of action.

Relenza's active ingredient is zanamivir, while Tamiflu's is oseltamivir. However, both drugs effectively fight viruses, suppress their aggressiveness and reproduction.

A distinctive feature of the two drugs is the release form. Thus, Relenza is available in the form of a 5 mg powder for inhalation, and Tamiflu is available in capsules and suspensions for oral use.

The advantage of the analogue is its local action- in the very center of the respiratory tract, but inhalations can only be carried out in children from 5 years of age, in order to avoid the development of bronchospasm.

The price of the two drugs differs slightly. So Relenza costs 100 rubles less than Tamiflu.

Tamiflu or Arbidol

Arbidol has both antiviral and immunostimulating effects.

Taking the drug allows you to stimulate the production of interferon, activate humoral and cellular immunity, enhance the phagocytic activity of macrophages (the body's protective cells responsible for capturing and redirecting pathogenic structures and particles toxic to humans).

Taking the drug allows you to reduce the intensity of symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, increase the period of remission when frequent exacerbations chronic infections bacterial nature.

Unlike Tamiflu, Arbidol is more weak drug, acts more gently, and is recommended for use in the first 2 days from the onset of signs of the disease.

At the same time, it is well tolerated, rarely causes adverse reactions in the body and can be prescribed to children from 2 years of age. Medicines with properties similar to Arbidol have been described.

Rimantadine or Tamiflu

Rimantadine is a synthetic antiviral drug with a pronounced antitoxic effect that can be used as a replacement for Tamiflu.

Instructions for use indicate that Rimantandin is effective against influenza type A, tick-borne encephalitis viral etiology and can be prescribed to children from 7 years of age. Like its analogues, it further increases immune defense.

The greatest effectiveness of its use is observed within 24 hours from the moment the first symptoms of the disease appear. Unlike Tamiflu, Rimantadine is less effective against acute respiratory viral infections and influenza B, but is also less toxic.

You can take one of the two drugs only after a doctor’s prescription. Rimantadine is a cheap medicine, its price does not exceed 150 rubles.

In conclusion

The list of antiviral drugs is extensive, and most of them have similar properties.

However, if a person is looking for cheaper drugs, it is worth paying attention to domestic products pharmaceutical companies in particular Nomides, and also in mandatory consult your doctor.

It is important to note that the effectiveness of using Tamiflu for influenza has been proven clinical trials, therefore, if the doctor has prescribed this particular drug, you should not look for a substitute. After all, the analogue may not have the desired effect, which is fraught with dangerous complications.

The terrible truth about the flu from Dr. Myasnikov

Tamiflu: list of analogues cheaper than the original, instructions for use and comparison of their effectiveness

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Tamiflu is a medicine against influenza viruses that is often used for preventive purposes. There are also analogues of Tamiflu, equally effective in their action.

The capsules have a yellowish tint and high density. There is powder inside white. The active ingredient is oseltamivir phosphate. Auxiliary ingredients: povidone, sodium, starch and talc. The shell consists of gelatin and dye.

The drug is used to treat influenza and is also excellent for prevention. Eliminates virus particles that have entered the body again, preventing their absorption into the epithelium of the nasal mucosa. In addition, it blocks the spread of bacteria throughout the body, especially in the respiratory tract, thereby relieving cough.

Pharmacological action and indications for use

The antiviral drug Tamiflu fights influenza B and A viruses.

The active substance oseltamivir is synthesized in the human body to its carboxylate. Contains neuraminidases viral in nature, with the help of which new viral cells are formed from infected particles. They subsequently spread throughout the body. The drug is quite easily absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, being synthesized into metabolites under the influence of intestinal esterases. The active properties of the drug apply to all foci of infections. Excreted by the kidneys (about 90% of total number) due to filtration and secretion.

The medication is prescribed in the following cases:

  • influenza in the initial or severe stages;
  • ARVI;
  • reduced immunity;
  • cold symptoms: runny nose, fever or malaise;
  • prevention of influenza after contact with an infected person.

The medicine is approved for use by adults and children over 1 year of age. For preventive purposes, it can be used after 13 years of age. In educational or work environments where there is a risk of infection, it is often recommended to take a course of prophylaxis with this drug.

Cheap Russian analogues for adults

Most Tamiflu analogues are cheaper than the original.

Their list is quite long. There are two types of substitutes - identical in composition, that is, generics, and having a similar therapeutic effect.

Based on its structure, only one drug can be distinguished - Nomides. It is much cheaper in price than the original product. However, it can only be taken after 12 years. All other characteristics are absolutely the same. There are other medicines with different active substances, but they are cheaper and no less effective.

These include:

  1. Relenza is based on zanamivir. Available in the form of an inhaler. Treats influenza and is used in prevention colds. Effective against bird flu.
  2. Ingavirin tablets can be used by children over 6 years of age. Much more effective in the prevention of ARVI and influenza, and weaker in treatment than the original.
  3. Arbidol is good domestic drug, used against the influenza virus. It is an interferon inducer. Fights the symptoms of ARVI, quickly eliminating the feeling of malaise. There are doses calculated for both adults and children.
  4. Kagocel has a similar effect structure.
  5. Remantadine is an inexpensive drug with the main active ingredient amantadine. His high efficiency clinically proven. But it only fights influenza type A.

Domestic substitutes for children

Medicines with antiviral effects are popular in pediatrics. Their timely use reduces the risks of complications and helps alleviate symptoms. If you have time to start the course of treatment for the first 3 days, you can avoid the occurrence of influenza.

Children's analogues of Tamiflu in Russia:

  1. Grippferon - available in the form of a spray and drops. Struggling with viral bacteria, relieves inflammation and improves immunity. It is used from birth.
  2. Orvirem - the active substance is remantadine. Created with the taste of sweet syrup, not disgusting to children.
  3. Anaferon is a homeopathic substance that is effective against inflammation and viruses. The growth and reproduction of bacteria is stopped. Does not have any pronounced chemicals and is used to treat children from 1 year of age.
  4. Viferon - produced in the form of suppositories for more convenient use for children from 1 month. Fights herpes, ARVI, candidiasis and other pathological fungi.
  5. Amiksin is the active substance of Tiloron. The drug makes immunoglobulins work to prevent the proliferation of bacteria in the cells of the human body. Allowed in childhood from 6 years old.

How to use Tamiflu correctly

The antiviral drug is used after meals with a glass of water. Thus, the tolerability of the substances in the composition is significantly improved. For more convenient use, there are suspensions.

If it is not possible to purchase the powder, or the capsule looks spoiled, you should open it and pour the contents into a teaspoon. It is better to drink the contents with sweet water or honey, as the taste is very bitter. After opening, no more than 5 minutes should pass.

If you start treatment on day 3, the result will not be as fast. In the first 2 days, when malaise and other symptoms occur, Tamiflu has the most powerful effect on influenza viruses.

From the age of 12 years, the dosage is 75 mg, that is, one capsule twice a day for a week. An increased dose will not provide greater effect. A similar appointment is made for children over 8 years old.

From one year onwards it is worth consuming only 30 mg suspensions daily for 5 days. Children who weigh more than 15 kg should be given the medicine 2 times a day. A special dosing syringe is included in the package.

For prevention, the instructions for use remain the same, with the exception of some factors. The drug is used for no more than 3 days, 1 time daily.

Tamiflu relieves the symptoms of the disease, speeding up the healing process. Timely therapy will help eliminate the risk of complications. Analogs this tool They cope equally effectively with colds.

Latin name: Tamiflu
ATX code: J05AH02
Active ingredient: Oseltamivir
Manufacturer: Hoffmann-La Roche, Switzerland
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: By prescription

Indications for use

Tamiflu can be used for the following purposes:

  • Treatment light form influenza in children and adults
  • Prevention of influenza in people who are at risk (work in large teams, have weakened immune systems)
  • Treatment of severe influenza groups A and B
  • Treatment of fever caused by viruses or bacteria.

A sore throat does not always indicate the flu, it is better to know possible reasons such deviations in order to eliminate them in time. Read about this in the article:

Medicinal properties

Tamiflu is antiviral medicine, which effectively suppresses the replication and pathogenicity of influenza viruses of groups B and A.

After taking Tamiflu, it makes the flu easier. Already on the fifth day of therapy, the patient’s manifestations of the disease decrease (decreases high temperature, cough and fever go away). General condition the patient also gets better.
Oseltamivir is rapidly absorbed into the blood. It reaches its maximum concentration within half an hour after administration.

The drug is excreted by the kidneys and urine.

Tamiflu capsules

Price: from 956 rub.

1 capsule contains:

  • Oseltamivir.

Additional components:

  • Furamat
  • Gelatin
  • Starch
  • Artificial colors
  • Talc.

This drug is available in the following dosage forms:

  • Hard gelatin capsules gray with the distinctive inscription "ROCHE 75 mg". Without taste and smell.

The capsules contain white granular powder. Odorless. 1 blister pack of 10 pcs.

Directions for use and doses

The tablets can be taken regardless of meals.
The permissible dose for adults and children weighing more than forty kg is 1 tablet. twice a day.
The duration of treatment is five days.
For patients with severe kidney disease, reduce the dose to 1 tablet every two days. The duration of therapy in this case is determined by the observing doctor.

Tamiflu powder

Cost: 1302 rub.

1 mg ready suspension contains:

  • Oseltamivir (active ingredient).

Additional substances:

  • Saccharin
  • Benzonate
  • Permasil.

Available as a white granular powder for the preparation of a suspension in dark sunscreen bottles. It has a sweetish fruity taste and smell. After mixing with water, the powder forms a white, opaque liquid.

Dosage: 30 g in 1 bottle.

Directions for use and doses

To prepare the suspension, you can use the following procedure:

  • Take the bottle and shake it several times
  • Open and add 50 ml of clean water to it
  • Close the bottle and shake it for half a minute until the dry granules are completely dissolved
  • Carefully remove the protective cap of the bottle
  • Using the measuring syringe included in the kit, dial required quantity suspensions.

The prepared solution can be taken both before and after meals. It is not at all necessary to use any special devices, since you can take the solution directly from a dosing syringe.

The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician for each patient individually.

Acceptable daily dose for adults is 150 mg.

For children weighing more than forty kg and adults (for the prevention of influenza), 70 mg of the drug is usually prescribed for ten days.

  • A child older than one year and weighing less than 15 kg drinks 30 mg of the drug
  • A child from two to five years old and weighing from 15 to 25 kg drinks 40 mg of the drug
  • A child over 6 years old and weighing from 25 to 40 kg drinks 60 mg of the drug.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Tamiflu should be prescribed with extreme caution during pregnancy. It can only be taken in the third trimester of pregnancy when the influenza virus strain is rapidly progressing and can cause serious harm health of mother and fetus. In this case, the attending physician must understand possible risks from taking medication.

Why it should not be taken during lactation: due to the fact that the active substance of the drug can be excreted along with breast milk, it is contraindicated to drink during lactation so as not to endanger the baby’s health.


Tamiflu is not prescribed for the following indications:

  • Individual intolerance to the substance oseltamivir
  • Pregnancy (especially the first and second trimester)
  • Lactation period
  • Patient age up to one year
  • The patient's weight is up to fifteen kg.


Should be taken with caution this drug for the following health problems:

  • Chronic heart disease
  • Severe vascular diseases.

Due to the fact that oseltamivir can affect the nervous system, it is better for patients to refrain from driving or driving during treatment. complex mechanisms that require increased concentration attention.

For the purpose of prevention (during therapy), the behavior of children and adolescents should be carefully monitored for the presence of abnormalities. nervous system. This is explained by the fact that some adolescents experienced seizures and neuropsychiatric pathologies after taking these capsules.

Interaction with other drugs

Concomitant use of oseltamivir with amoxicillin and paracetamol does not have any effect negative influence on the concentration of the latter in the blood.

Laboratory studies have not revealed any negative reactions of the substance oseltamivir with the following medications:

  • Azithromycin
  • Beta blockers
  • Xanthine
  • Penicillin
  • Captopril
  • Cephalosporin
  • Ranitidine
  • Cemetidine
  • Thiazide diuretics
  • Ibuprofen, Nurofen and other non-narcotic analgesics
  • Bronchodilators.

Side effects

This medicine may cause the following side effects in the patient:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomit
  • Stomach ulcer
  • Colitis
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Dysbacteriosis
  • Deterioration of liver function
  • Hepatitis
  • Jaundice
  • Pancreatitis

Nervous system

  • Sleep disturbance
  • Neurosis
  • Headache
  • Agitation
  • Convulsions
  • Nervous excitement
  • Depression
  • Hallucinations

Additional effects

  • Tracheitis
  • Dermatitis
  • Internal or nosebleed
  • Arrhythmia
  • Eczema
  • Cough
  • Rhinorrhea
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Asthma
  • Excessive sweating
  • Pneumonia
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Erytherma
  • Anaphylactic shock


There were no recorded cases of overdose with Tamiflu. Since the substance oseltavimir does not have any special antidote, in case of an overdose the patient (for the purpose of prevention) can rinse the stomach so as not to endanger his health. Further treatment carried out based on the observed symptoms.

Conditions and shelf life

The medicine in both forms of release should be stored in a dry place at a temperature of up to 20 degrees Celsius.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of capsules: 4 years from the date of manufacture indicated on the package.

Shelf life of undissolved powder: 2 years from the date of manufacture.

The finished suspension (shelf life) is stored for up to ten days. It is better to store it at temperatures up to twenty degrees Celsius.



Glaxo Wellcome Production, France.
Price: from 2410 rub.

Main action: antiviral, antimicrobial. Ingredients: zanamivir (active substance). Release form: powder for inhalation.


  • Can be used for both treatment and prevention of viruses
  • It has a powerful inhibitory effect, due to which it quickly frees infected cells from the virus.


  • Contraindicated in children under five years of age
  • May cause facial swelling
  • Not compatible with inhaled drugs.

Medica Holding, Russia.
Price: from 148 rub.

Main action: antipyretic, antiviral, immunomodulatory. Composition: antibodies to human interferon gamma (active substance). Release form: capsules in blisters, tablets of 10 pcs. in 1 blister.


  • Facilitates the overall course of the disease
  • Reduces the risk of contracting the flu by 96%
  • Promotes the production of antibodies to the virus.


  • May impair kidney function and is therefore contraindicated in patients with acute or chronic renal failure
  • Prohibited for use by children under one year of age
  • May cause nosebleeds, hallucinations and headaches.

Valenta Pharmaceuticals, Russia.
Price: Ingavirin costs 456 rubles.

Main action: anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antiviral. Ingredients: imidazolylethanamide. Release form: Ingavirin is available in the form of blue and red tablets, 7 pcs. in 1 blister.


  • Ingavirin can cure severe ARVI in just a week
  • Effectively helps relieve symptoms of the disease (weakness, fever)
  • Can be purchased without a prescription.


  • Ingavirin is contraindicated in children and adolescents under eighteen years of age (prohibited for use in pediatrics)
  • Do not use together with antibiotics, as this may cause unwanted reactions.

Dalkhimfarm, Pharmstandard-Tomskkhimpharm, Russia.
Price: Amiksin costs from 740 rubles.

Main action: Amiksin has a strong immunomodulatory and antiviral effect.

Composition: tilorone (active substance).

Release form: Amiksin is available in the form of convex tablets of pink or orange color (depending on the dosage) of 5 or 10 pcs. packaging.


  • Amiksin stimulates the production of interferons in the body, due to which a person’s resistance to certain strains of viruses increases
  • Reduces immunosuppression (when the immune system is weakened all the time)
  • Has high bioavailability (almost 85%).


  • May cause dyspepsia
  • May cause chills.

Pharmstandard-Tomskkhimpharm, Russia.
Price: 378 rub.

Main action: Arbidol has a strong antiviral effect. Ingredients: umifenovir (active substance). Release form: yellow capsules with white powder, 10 pcs. in packaging.


  • Arbidol helps to quickly suppress the activity of viruses
  • Arbidol increases the body's overall resistance to viral infections (increases immunity)
  • Can be purchased without a prescription.


  • Cannot be used on infants
  • Strictly contraindicated during pregnancy.

Tamiflu ® is an antiviral drug that has high specific activity exclusively against influenza A or B viruses, therefore, before starting treatment with it, the patient is recommended to undergo tests to identify the type of pathogen.

The drug can also be taken to prevent the development of seasonal infections in adults and adolescents, but according to the decision of the attending physician, it is also prescribed to children from 12 months.

Basics active substance the drug Tamiflu ® – oseltamivir.

Pharmacological group of the drug – antivirals, used to treat influenza.

The main component of the pharmacological product slows down or completely suppresses the activity of certain viral enzymes - neurominidases, which are responsible for damaging healthy cells human body, as a result of which the spread of viral agents throughout the body stops. Losing the opportunity to further spread, the virus dies under the influence of immunoglobulins, which are produced by the patient’s defense system.

Tamiflu ® - an antibiotic or not?

Antibiotics are active substances, destroying all representatives of microflora living in the human body. They are effective only against bacterial flora.

Tamiflu ® is an antiviral drug, not an antibiotic: its active component acts exclusively on influenza A or B viruses and is weak biological activity against other microorganisms.

Pharmacological group

The medicine is part of a group of antiviral drugs prescribed to treat influenza.

Composition of Tamiflu ®

The active ingredient of Tamiflu ® is oseltamivir phosphate.

Excipients of the capsules are:

  • pregelatinized starch;
  • povidone K30;
  • croscarmellose sodium;
  • sodium stearyl fumarate;
  • gelatin;
  • dye E172 and others.

Auxiliary composition of the powder:

  • sorbitol;
  • sodium dihydrogen citrate;
  • sodium saccharinate;
  • flavoring and others.

Release form Tamiflu ®

The drug is produced in the form:

  • hard gelatin capsules of 30.45 or 75 milligrams;
  • powder for making a suspension for oral use - 30 milligrams.

The color of the capsules can be pure yellow or yellow (lid) with gray (cap). The manufacturer's company is engraved on the surface of the pill in blue ink, and the dosage is printed on the cap. Inside there is a powder that is pure white or with a slight yellow tint.

Photo of Tamiflu ® (oseltamivir) in the form of capsules 75 mg

The same substance, placed in glass jars, is used for subsequent dilution. At the same time, it allows the formation of lumps that easily dissolve in liquid. The prepared liquid has a fruity taste and has a shade corresponding to the color of the granules themselves.

Capsules are packaged in 10 pieces in plastic bags, the box contains 1 blister. The powder, weighing 30 grams, is packaged in a glass jar with sun protection coating, includes an adapter, a dispenser syringe and a measuring cup.

Tamiflu ® prescription in Latin

The medicine is dispensed from pharmacies upon provision of a doctor's prescription. The form must be filled out as follows:

Rp: Cups. Tamiflu 75 mg

D.t.d: No10 in cups.

S: 1 capsule 2 times a day for 5 days.

What does Tamiflu ® help with?

The drug is effective against influenza A and B viruses.

Taking the medicine makes it possible to quickly weaken the main manifestations of the pathology - relieve intoxication, headaches, aching joints, and cough.

Does Tamiflu ® reduce fever?

Tamiflu ® does not have an antipyretic effect and is not used to reduce fever.

However, the drug reduces the effect on the cause of fever - influenza viruses. Therefore, during treatment with Tamiflu ® there is a rapid improvement in the patient’s well-being.

According to clinical research, taking medication as prophylactic helps reduce the risk of infection and disease development by 92%. Early start therapy can speed up recovery by almost 2 times and reduce the risk of complications by 40%.

But taking Tamiflu ® for ARVI, rotavirus, enterovirus, etc. infection does not give the desired result. This is due to the fact that microorganisms causing development acute respiratory diseases, do not contain neurominidase, against which oseltamivir is effective. And taking Tamiflu ® for, adenovirus and other types of acute respiratory infections viruses should be replaced with other pharmacological products or supplemented with already prescribed therapy.

Indications for use of Tamiflu ®

The drug is indicated for:

  • combating influenza and preventing its development in persons over 1 year of age;
  • prevention of the formation of complex epidemic situations in working and educational institutions.

During an influenza pandemic, the drug can be prescribed to children older than six months.

Contraindications to the use of Tamiflu ®

Medicines for influenza viruses should not be prescribed to persons of any age:

  • With individual intolerance any of the components of the drug;
  • those suffering from severe renal failure or terminal stage this pathology;
  • children during the first 12 months of life (except for influenza pandemics).
  • capsules are contraindicated under 12 years of age.

Dosage – how to take Tamiflu ®

Capsules are drunk whole, without chewing, with a large volume of liquid. This can be done at any time of the day, but the bioavailability of the medicine will be higher if you take it with food. If for some reason the patient is unable to take the pill, he is prescribed Tamiflu ® in liquid form. The suspension is prepared from capsule powder at the age-appropriate dosage, but in this case, for dilution, it is recommended to choose sweet drinks that will hide its unpleasant taste.

Tamiflu ® as the basis of therapy is taken 1 capsule 2 times a day, preferably with an equal time interval of 12 hours, duration – 5 days. To prevent the development of seasonal viral pathologies, it is enough to drink 1 capsule. Once every 24 hours for six weeks.

Tamiflu ® for children of the second year of life is usually prescribed in the form liquid solution, solid form Recommended from 2 years of age to 8 years of age at a dosage of 45 milligrams. For patients over 8 years of age, a dose of 75 milligrams is indicated.

Children over one year old and weighing less than 15 kg are prescribed a single dose of 30 mg of the drug.

Patients weighing from 15 to 23 kg - 45 mg. With a total weight of 23-40 kg single dose is 60 mg.

Patients weighing more than forty kilograms are prescribed adult dosages.

Patients from six to 12 months can be prescribed 3 mg per kg of body weight twice a day (strictly under the supervision of a doctor).

It is advisable to start therapy in the first 2 days after detecting signs of illness or contact with a sick person. The medication does not have a cumulative effect, so the protective effect lasts only for the period while taking the medication. It is also worth considering that it does not protect against other acute respiratory viral infections.

Side effects of Tamiflu ®

During treatment with the drug, patients experienced the following adverse events:

  • Gastrointestinal tract - pain in the epigastric region, diarrhea, dyspeptic disorders;
  • addition of secondary infections - diseases of the upper and lower sections respiratory organs, herpes simplex;
  • general – dizziness, fatigue, increased sweating, aches in the arms and legs, sleep disorders;
  • respiratory system – classic manifestations of seasonal infections;
  • musculoskeletal system - muscles and joints;
  • reproductive organs – painful menstruation.

Tamiflu ® during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Clinical studies examining the effect of the main component on developing fetus, were not carried out. But post-marketing observations show that the drug is well tolerated by women expecting a child. Therefore, it is possible to prescribe Tamiflu ® during pregnancy in a situation where the expected benefit to the health of the expectant mother is higher than the possible threat to the health and development of the fetus.

Also, when taking Tamiflu ® during pregnancy, one should take into account its general course, the severity of the disease, and the presence of chronic pathologies in the woman.

It is known that oseltamivir passes into mother's milk and slightly accumulates in the blood of the newborn, therefore, during treatment with Tamiflu ® natural feeding it is advisable to interrupt.

Tamiflu ® and alcohol – compatibility

Tests examining the reaction of combining ethyl alcohol and oseltamivir have not been conducted, and the abstract does not contain information about the prohibition of the combined use of Tamiflu ® and alcohol.

But doctors do not advise drinking Tamiflu ® and alcohol together, since ethanol reduces the effectiveness of most medicines and increases the risk of complications. The result of such treatment may be the appearance serious complications health and a decrease in the activity of the main component, the possibility of the appearance of adverse reactions, not previously registered.

Foreign and Russian analogues of Tamiflu ®

The domestic generic analogue of Tamiflu ® is. They also isolate it, which includes another neuraminidase inhibitor – zanamivir.

To the most popular analogues of Tamiflu ® by therapeutic effect include:

Which is better, Ingavirin ® or Tamiflu ®

– domestic cheap analogue Tamiflu ® , which has an expanded range of indications. It is recommended for various viral infections, including colds, and is capable of stopping inflammatory processes, output toxic substances and stimulate the synthesis of your own immunoglobulins.

Disadvantages include the age of the patient - it is approved no earlier than 7 years of age, and high toxicity.

It should also be noted that Tamiflu ® is more effective for influenza.

Average price for a package of Ingavirin ® - about 370 rubles versus 1200 rubles for Tamiflu ®.

Which is better, Tamiflu ® or Amiksin ®

– one more Russian substitute Tamiflu ®, the cost of which is almost 2 times less foreign analogue. It is prescribed from the age of 7, but at the same time it is effective against ARVI, herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus and other infections.

The advantage of the drug is its immunomodulatory effect and practically complete absence contraindications, except intolerance reactions. From side effects manifestations of allergies, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and mild symptoms fevers caused by active work protective system body.

For influenza it is less effective than Tamiflu ® .

Comparison with Relenza ®

Both drugs contain similar active substances - inhibitors of specific viral enzymes, so their indications for use are identical. A special feature of Relenza ® is its release form, which is a solution for a nebulizer. Inhalation allows active component quickly reach the virus cells that have infected respiratory tract, which means that the bioavailability of the drug increases, and the load on the liver, gastrointestinal tract and parts of the central nervous system becomes minimal.

But this method of administering the medication expands the list of side effects - the risk of developing laryngeal edema and bronchospasm increases, especially in humans. Those suffering from chemical intolerance.

The cost of medications is almost the same: you can buy Relenza ® cheaper by an average of 100 rubles.

Tamiflu ® – reviews for children and adults

Almost 85% of reviews about the medicine are quite positive. Those who took the pills noted quick effect if therapy is started in the first hours of the development of the disease: the manifestations of influenza are smoothed out and disappear within 1-2 days. Prophylactic use in 90% of cases it helped to completely avoid seasonal infection, in other cases the pathology was mild.

But many complain about the appearance of dyspeptic disorders, which go away on their own, while unwanted effects occur more often in children, as they internal organs are still under development. According to doctors, this phenomenon is a physiological norm and disappears as the body gets used to the drug.